title: Estonian Population Continuity and Heterogeneity: Comparative and Synthetic Analysis
reg no: ETF3801
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 5.4. Demography
status: completed
institution: TPU Institute of Estonian Demography
head of project: Kalev Katus
duration: 01.01.1999 - 31.12.2002

project group
no name institution position  
1.Youssef CourbageInstitut national d'études démographicprof. 
2.Kalev KatusTPU Institute of Estonian Demographyprof. 
3.Dmitri MihhailovAlterateadur 
4.Allan PuurTPU Institute of Estonian Demographyv.tead. 
5.Asta PõldmaTPU Institute of Estonian Demographyteadur 
6.Luule SakkeusTPU Institute of Estonian Demographyv.tead. 
7.Jüri ViikbergInstitute of Estonian Languagev.tead.