title: Groups of spatially correlated excitations or defects created by single VUV photons in wide-gap crystals
reg no: ETF5029
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.3. Physics
status: completed
institution: Institute of Physics at University of Tartu
head of project: Aleksandr Luštšik
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2004
description: Recently, we have revealed that, in contrast to narrow-gap semiconductors, the irradiation of a wide-gap crystal with low-mobile holes and excitons by VUV photons causes the creation of the groups of several electronic excitations or defects with intercomponent distances about 1-10 nm. Within the framework of the project we plan to carry out:

The investigation of the fundamental peculiarities of nano-scale groups of spatially correlated electronic excitations created by single photons, the energy of which is sufficient for the realisation of the process of multiplication of electronic excitations, in pure and doped wide-gap metal oxides with the structure of various complexity: Al2O3, Y2O3, Y3Al5O12, Ga2O3, MgGa2O4, ZnWo4, BaWO4, BaY2O8, BaMgAl10O17, Na6Al6Si6O24(NaBr)2x, etc.

Investigation of the processes of creation, multiplication as well as radiative and nonradiative decay channels of cation excitons in wide-gap crystals BaF2, SrF2, CsF, NaCl, CsBr, etc.

The investigation of the photocreation of thermally stable (T > 400 K) pairs of Frenkel defects with interdefect distances in pairs about 1 nm in optical ceramics of nearly stoichiometric halogen-containing aluminosilicates.

The analysis of the prospects for using the creation processes of the groups of spatially correlated defects by single VUV photons for compact information writing in sodalites at 300 K.

The search for radiation-resistant spectral transformers of VUV emission of xenon discharge into a visible luminescence with the quantum yield above unity for environmental-benign luminescent lamps and flat television displays.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Eduard FeldbachIPUTsen. scien. (0.5) 
2.Aleksandr LuštšikInstitute of Physics, University of TartuProfessor, Head of Laboratory 
3.Tšeslav LuštšikIPUTsenior scientist 
4.Vitali NagirnõiIPUTsenior scientist 
5.Jevgeni VassiltšenkoIPUTsenior scientist