[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Alla |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Šogenova |
3. | Töökoht | Tallinna Tehnika Ülikooli Geoloogia Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 31.08.1959 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Kõrgem, Leningradi Mäeinstituudi geofüüsika teaduskond, 1981 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1986-1988 Eesti TA Geoloogia Instituudi statsionaarne aspirantuur Geoloogia Instituut: 1989-2000 – teadur, 2001- vanemteadur 1985-1991- Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut, rakendusgeoloogia lektor; 1994 - post-doktori uurimistöö, Insitut für Geologie, Geophysik und Geoinformatik, Freie Universität Berlin |
8. | Teaduskraad | Ph.D.(Geoloogia-mineraloogia) Väitekirja tema: Rakvere fosforiidimaardla struktuur geoloogilis-geofüüsikalistel andmetel (kasutades modelleerimist arvutil) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
St.Peterburi Mäeinstituut, 1992.a. |
10. | Tunnustused | Geoloogia Instituudi aasta parim artikkel 1991 a., Praha rahvusvahe- lisematemaatilise geoloogia konverentsil 1993 medal parima artikli eest. |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
EAGE, IAMG, EAGO liige; 26.09-30.09.2000 - rahvusvaheline konverents “Geophysics in the Baltic Region: Problems and Prospects for the New Millennium" Tallinn - korraldamine ja osalemine (13 maad ja 50 osalejad).Baltic-8 orgkomitee liige, Eesti esindaja GEOENeRG-is, EL CO2 kõrgtasemel geovõrk Teaduslik Nõustav Nõukogu (2005-2006). |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Petrofüüsika, kivimite füüsikalised omadused, matemaatiline geoloogia, mitmemõõtmeline statistiline analüüs, geoloogilised protsessid, settekivimite keemiline ja mineraloogiline koostis |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Teedumäe A., Shogenova A. and Kallaste T. 2006. Dolomitization and sedimentary cyclicity of the Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian in South Estonia. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia. Geol, 55, 1, xx-xx. Kleesment A., Shogenova A. 2005. Lithology and evolution of Devonian carbonate and carbonate-cemented rocks in Estonia. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia. Geol, 54, 3, 153-180. Shogenova A., Kleesment A., Joeleht A. and Shogenov V. 2005. EAGE. Prediction of thermal conductivity from magnetic susceptibility, porosity and gamma-ray data. Extended Abstracts & Exhibitors Catalogue, 67th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, 13-16 June 2005, Madrid, Spain, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P 048, 1-4 Shogenova, A., Kleesment, A., Shogenov V., 2005. Chemical composition and physical properties of rocks. In: Põldvere, A. (ed.). Estonian Geological Sections. Bulletin 6. Mehikoorma (241) drill core. Geological Survey of Estonia, Tallinn, 31-38, Appendixes 2, 14 and 32. Shogenova A. 2004. Geostatistic modeling of geological processes in the northern part of the Baltic Palaeozoic basin: case study from Ordovician. Extended abstracts, 66th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. Paris, France 7-10 June, P044, 1-4. Shogenova A. 2004. Geostatistic modelling of primary and diagenetic processes in the Ordovician sedimentary basin of Estonia. WOGOGOB-2004, Conference Materials, In: Hints O. and Ainsaar L. (eds.). Tartu University Press, Tartu. 92-93. Shogenova A., Kleesment A., Shogenov V, Jõeleht A. 2004. Magnetic properties of Devonian carbonate – siliciclastic rocks from Estonia. GEOPHYSICAL INSTITUTE, SLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, BRATISLAVA. Contributions to Geophysics & Geodesy, Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism, 9th Castle Meeting, Special Issue 34, 132-133. Shogenova A., Fabricius I.L., Korsbech U., Rasteniene V. and Sliaupa S. 2003. Gauconitic rocks in the Baltic Area - estimation of specific surface. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia. Geol, 52, 2, 69-86. Shogenova A., Jõeleht A., Einasto R., Kleesment A., Mens K. and Vaher R. 2003. Petrophysical model of sedimentary rocks from Ruhnu borehole, Estonia. International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition. Russia, Moscow, Sovincenter, September 1-4, 2003, Extended abstracts volume, 4pp. Shogenova, A., Jõeleht, A., Einasto, R., Kleesment, A., Mens, K., Vaher, R. 2003. Chemical composition and physical properties of rocks. In: Põldvere, A. (ed.). Estonian Geological Sections. Bulletin 5. Ruhnu (500) drill core. Geological Survey of Estonia, Tallinn. 34–39. Appendixes 4, 30 and 31on CD. Shogenova A., Jõeleht A., Kirsimäe K., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Zabele A.. 2003. Electric properties of siliciclastic rocks in the Baltic Cambrian basin. In: Knut Backe and Ton Loermans (Editors). Nordic Petroleum Techniligy Series VI, Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Symposium on Petrophysics, 15-16 May, 2001, Trondheim, Nordic Energy Research Programme, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, CD, 1-14, www.ipt.ntnu.no/nordic. Shogenova A., Kleesment A., Jõeleht A., Shogenov V., Vaher R. 2003. Physical properties and composition of Devonian carbonate and siliciclastic rocks from Estonia. EXTENDED ABSTRACTS VOLUME 2, 65th EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Stavanger, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P258, 4pp. Shogenova A., Kleesment A., Teedumäe A., Einasto R., Vaher R., Jõeleht A., Shogenov V. 2003. Petrophysical and geochemical variations within the Palaeozoic dolomites from South- Estonian boreholes. EXTENDED ABSTRACTS VOLUME 2, 65th EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Stavanger, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P171, 4pp. Šliaupa S., Hoth P., Shogenova A., Huenges E., Rasteniene V., Freimanis A., Bityukova L., Joeleht A., Kirsimäe K., Lashkova L., Zabele A. 2003. Characterization of Cambrian reservoir rocks and their fluids in the Baltic States (CAMBALTICA). In: Bujakowski W.(Ed.), Cleaner Energy Systems Through Utilization of Renewable Geothermal Energy Resources, Kajc, Krakow, 61-73. Šogenova A., Einasto R., Kleesment A., Teedumäe A. & Jõeleht A. 2003. Eesti Ordoviitsiumi, Siluri ja Devoni dolomiitsete kivimite koostise ja omaduste variatsioonid. Eesti geoloogide neljas ülemaailmne kokkutulek. EESTI GEOLOOGIA UUE SAJANDI KÜNNISEL. Konverentsi materjalid ja ekskursioonijuht. Tartu, 80-83. Jõeleht A., Kirsimäe K., Shogenova A., Šliaupa S., Kukkonen I.T., Rasteniene V., Zabele A. Thermal conductivity of Cambrian siliciclastic rocks from Baltic paleobasin. 2002. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia. Geol, 51, 1, 5-15. Plado J., Jõeleht A., Shogenova A. 2002. Physical properties. In: Põldvere A. (ed). Soovälja (K–1) core. Estonian Geological Sections. Bulletin 4, Tallinn, 21-24, 60-61. Shogenova A., Jõeleht A., Mens K., Kleesment A., Einasto R., Vaher R. Influence of sedimentary cyclicity and diagenetic changes on physical properties of Palaeozoic rocks (South Estonia). 7th Nordic symposium on Petrophysics, August 15-16th ,2002, Akureyri, Iceland, Abstract Volume, 59-62. Shogenova A, Mens K., Sliaupa S. , Rasteniene V., Jõeleht A., Kirsimäe K., Zabele A., Freimanis A. Factors influenced porosity of the siliciclastic rocks in the Baltic Cambrian basin. 2002. EXTENDED ABSTRACTS VOLUME 2, 64th EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Florence 26-30 May 2002, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P218, 4pp. Shogenova A., Vaher R, Einasto R., Mens K., Jõeleht A., Kirsimäe K. 2002. Petrophysical model of sedimentary rocks from Pärnu-6 borehole, Estonia. 3rd Balkan Geophysical Congress and Exhibition, 24-28 June, 2002, Abstract book, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3 pp. Shogenova A., Jõeleht A., Sliaupa S., Kirsimäe K., Rasteniene V., Bityukova L., Zabele A. 2001. Petrophysical Properties of Reservoir Rocks in the Baltic Cambrian Basin (Lithuania, Latvia And Estonia). 1st Nordic-Baltic Geo-Energy Seminar, 15-16 September 2001, Jagersborg-Genofte, Denmark, 15-16 September, 4pp. Shogenova A., Kirsimäe K, Bitjukova L, Jõeleht A, Mens K. 2001. Physical properties and composition of cemented siliciclastic Cambrian rocks, Estonia – In: I. Fabricius (Editor), Nordic Petroleum Technology Series: V, Research in Petroleum Technology, Nordisk Energi-Forskningsprogram Ås, 123-149. Shogenova A., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Jõeleht A, Kirsimäe K, Bitjukova L, Lashkova L., Zabele A, Freimanis., Hoth P., Huenges E. 2001. Elastic properties of siliciclastic rocks from Baltic Cambrian basin, EXTENDED ABSTRACTS VOLUME 1, 63rd EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Amsterdam, 11-15 June 2001, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, N-24, 4pp. Shogenova A., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Jõeleht A, Kirsimäe K, Bitjukova L, Lashkova L., Zabele A, Freimanis., Hoth P., Huenges E. 2001. Lithological-petrophysical discrimination of the Baltic Cambrian siliciclastics. EAGE/SEG Research Workshop on “Reservoir Rocks”, Pau, France, 30 Aprill - 3 May 2001, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 4pp. Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Lashkova L, Shogenova A. 2001. Factors controlling petrophysical properties of Cambrian siliciclastic deposits of central and western Lithuania - In: I. Fabricius (Editor), Nordic Petroleum Technology Series: V, Research in Petroleum Technology, Nordisk Energi-Forskningsprogram Ås, 157-180. Bityukova, L., Shogenova, A, Birke M., 2000. Urban geochemistry: a study of elements distribution in the top-soils of Tallinn (Estonia). Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 22, 2, 173-195 Jõeleht A, Shogenova A., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Zabele A., Kukkonen I.T., Bitjukova L, Kirsimäe K., Freimanis A., Eihmanis E., Huenges E., Hoth P. 2000. Thermal Conductivity of Cambrian Siliciclastic Rocks from the Baltic Basin. Geophysics in the Baltic Region: Problems and Prospects for the New Millennium, International Conference, Abstract & Excursion Guide, Tallinn, Estonia, 26-30 September, 25-27. Shogenova A., Bitjukova L., Einasto R., Jõeleht A., Puura V. 2000. An Approach towards the Petrophysical Model of Lower Paleozoic Sedimentary Sequence in Estonia. In: Shogenova A. Vaher R. (compilers). Geophysics in the Baltic Region: Problems and Prospects for the New Millennium, International Conference, Abstract & Excursion Guide, Tallinn, Estonia, 26-30 September, 60-62. Shogenova A., Bitjukova L, Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Kirsimäe K., Jõeleht A., Lashkova L., Zabele A, Freimanis A., Eihmanis E., Hoth P., Huenges E. 2000. Petrophysical properties of resevoir rocks of Baltic Cambrian sedimentary basin. St.Petersburg, International Geophysical Conference, 4.6, 218-221. Shogenova A., Bitjukova L., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Lashkova L., Zabele, A. 2000. Magnetic properties of siliciclastic rocks in the Baltic Cambrian sedimentary basin, Geologica Carpatica, 51, 3 Bratislava, June 2000, NEW TRENDS IN GEOMAGNETISM VII, Biennial Meeting, 190-191. Shogenova A. 1999. The influence of dolomitization on the magnetic properties of Lower Palaeozoic carbonate rocks in Estonia. In: Tarling D.H. &Turner, P.(eds), Palaeomagnetism and Diagenesis in Sediments. Geological Society Special Publication, London, 151, 167-180. Bityukova L., Shogenova A., Götze H.-J. 1998. Influence of chemical composition on Petrophysical Properties of Early Paleozoic carbonate rocks in Estonia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (and Solar System), Pergamon Press, Elsevier Science Ltd., 23, 3, 309-316. Shogenova, A. 1998. Electrical properties of lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks and their relationships with porosity in Estonia. In: M. Middleton (Editor), Nordic Petroleum Technology Series: IV, Research in petroleum Technology, Nordisk Energi-Forskningsprogram Ås, 17-45. Shogenova A., Bityukova L., Götze H.-J. 1998. Technique and results of Complex analysis to study processes in sedimentary basin (in Estonia). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (and Solar System), Pergamon Press, Elsevier Science Ltd., 23, 3, 327-337. Shogenova A, Puura V. 1998. Composition and Petrophysical Properties of Estonian Early Palaeozoic Carbonate Rocks In: M. Middleton (Editor), Nordic Petroleum Technology Series: IV, Research in petroleum Technology, Nordisk Energi-Forskningsprogram Ås, 1998, 183 - 202. Shogenova, A. 1996. Use of the computer for the structural analyses of the Ordovician sedimentary basin in Estonia. In: Förster A. and Merriam D. F.(Eds.), Geologic Modeling and Mapping, Plenum Press, New York and London, 199-214. |
viimati muudetud: 11.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Alla |
2. | Surname | Šogenova |
3. | Institution | Institute of Geology at Tallinn Technical University |
4. | Position | senior research scientist |
5. | Date of birth | 31.08.1959 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Higher, Leningrad Mining Institute, Geophysical faculty |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1986-1988 PhD student, Institute of Geology, Estonian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Geology: 1989-2000 - research scientist, 2001 - senior research scientist, 1985-1991- Tallinn Technical Institute, lecturer of applied geology, 1994 - postdoctoral study, Insitute of Geology, Geophysics und Geoinformatics, Free University of Berlin |
8. | Academic degree | Ph.D. in geology and mineralogy Theeme: Structure of the Rakvere phosphorite deposit by geological and geophysical data (using computer modelling) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
St.Petersburg Mining Institute, 1992 |
10. | Honours/awards | The best article of Institute of Geology in 1991, International conference on mathematical geology, Prague,1993: a medal for the best article |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
EAGE, IAMG, EAGO member; Organiser of the international conference Geophysics in the Baltic Region: Problems and Prospects for the New Millennium.26.09-30.09.2000, Tallinn, (13 countries and 50 participants); member of org. committee of Baltic-8,Tartu, 2004; representative of Estonia in GEOENERG network; EU CO2NET Geonetwork of Excellence - member of Scientific Advisory Board (2005-2006). |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | Petrophysics,physical properties of rocks, mathematical geology, statistical analysis of multivariate data, geological processes, chemical and mineral composition of sedimentary rocks |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Teedumäe A., Shogenova A. and Kallaste T. 2006. Dolomitization and sedimentary cyclicity of the Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian in South Estonia. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia. Geol, 55, 1, xx-xx. Kleesment A., Shogenova A. 2005. Lithology and evolution of Devonian carbonate and carbonate-cemented rocks in Estonia. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia. Geol, 54, 3, 153-180. Shogenova A., Kleesment A., Joeleht A. and Shogenov V. 2005. EAGE. Prediction of thermal conductivity from magnetic susceptibility, porosity and gamma-ray data. Extended Abstracts & Exhibitors Catalogue, 67th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, 13-16 June 2005, Madrid, Spain, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P 048, 1-4 Shogenova, A., Kleesment, A., Shogenov V., 2005. Chemical composition and physical properties of rocks. In: Põldvere, A. (ed.). Estonian Geological Sections. Bulletin 6. Mehikoorma (241) drill core. Geological Survey of Estonia, Tallinn, 31-38, Appendixes 2, 14 and 32. Shogenova A. 2004. Geostatistic modeling of geological processes in the northern part of the Baltic Palaeozoic basin: case study from Ordovician. Extended abstracts, 66th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. Paris, France 7-10 June, P044, 1-4. Shogenova A. 2004. Geostatistic modelling of primary and diagenetic processes in the Ordovician sedimentary basin of Estonia. WOGOGOB-2004, Conference Materials, In: Hints O. and Ainsaar L. (eds.). Tartu University Press, Tartu. 92-93. Shogenova A., Kleesment A., Shogenov V, Jõeleht A. 2004. Magnetic properties of Devonian carbonate – siliciclastic rocks from Estonia. GEOPHYSICAL INSTITUTE, SLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, BRATISLAVA. Contributions to Geophysics & Geodesy, Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism, 9th Castle Meeting, Special Issue 34, 132-133. Shogenova A., Fabricius I.L., Korsbech U., Rasteniene V. and Sliaupa S. 2003. Gauconitic rocks in the Baltic Area - estimation of specific surface. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia. Geol, 52, 2, 69-86. Shogenova A., Jõeleht A., Einasto R., Kleesment A., Mens K. and Vaher R. 2003. Petrophysical model of sedimentary rocks from Ruhnu borehole, Estonia. International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition. Russia, Moscow, Sovincenter, September 1-4, 2003, Extended abstracts volume, 4pp. Shogenova, A., Jõeleht, A., Einasto, R., Kleesment, A., Mens, K., Vaher, R. 2003. Chemical composition and physical properties of rocks. In: Põldvere, A. (ed.). Estonian Geological Sections. Bulletin 5. Ruhnu (500) drill core. Geological Survey of Estonia, Tallinn. 34–39. Appendixes 4, 30 and 31on CD. Shogenova A., Jõeleht A., Kirsimäe K., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Zabele A.. 2003. Electric properties of siliciclastic rocks in the Baltic Cambrian basin. In: Knut Backe and Ton Loermans (Editors). Nordic Petroleum Techniligy Series VI, Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Symposium on Petrophysics, 15-16 May, 2001, Trondheim, Nordic Energy Research Programme, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, CD, 1-14, www.ipt.ntnu.no/nordic. Shogenova A., Kleesment A., Jõeleht A., Shogenov V., Vaher R. 2003. Physical properties and composition of Devonian carbonate and siliciclastic rocks from Estonia. EXTENDED ABSTRACTS VOLUME 2, 65th EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Stavanger, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P258, 4pp. Shogenova A., Kleesment A., Teedumäe A., Einasto R., Vaher R., Jõeleht A., Shogenov V. 2003. Petrophysical and geochemical variations within the Palaeozoic dolomites from South- Estonian boreholes. EXTENDED ABSTRACTS VOLUME 2, 65th EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Stavanger, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P171, 4pp. Šliaupa S., Hoth P., Shogenova A., Huenges E., Rasteniene V., Freimanis A., Bityukova L., Joeleht A., Kirsimäe K., Lashkova L., Zabele A. 2003. Characterization of Cambrian reservoir rocks and their fluids in the Baltic States (CAMBALTICA). In: Bujakowski W.(Ed.), Cleaner Energy Systems Through Utilization of Renewable Geothermal Energy Resources, Kajc, Krakow, 61-73. Šogenova A., Einasto R., Kleesment A., Teedumäe A. & Jõeleht A. 2003. Eesti Ordoviitsiumi, Siluri ja Devoni dolomiitsete kivimite koostise ja omaduste variatsioonid. Eesti geoloogide neljas ülemaailmne kokkutulek. EESTI GEOLOOGIA UUE SAJANDI KÜNNISEL. Konverentsi materjalid ja ekskursioonijuht. Tartu, 80-83. Jõeleht A., Kirsimäe K., Shogenova A., Šliaupa S., Kukkonen I.T., Rasteniene V., Zabele A. Thermal conductivity of Cambrian siliciclastic rocks from Baltic paleobasin. 2002. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia. Geol, 51, 1, 5-15. Plado J., Jõeleht A., Shogenova A. 2002. Physical properties. In: Põldvere A. (ed). Soovälja (K–1) core. Estonian Geological Sections. Bulletin 4, Tallinn, 21-24, 60-61. Shogenova A., Jõeleht A., Mens K., Kleesment A., Einasto R., Vaher R. Influence of sedimentary cyclicity and diagenetic changes on physical properties of Palaeozoic rocks (South Estonia). 7th Nordic symposium on Petrophysics, August 15-16th ,2002, Akureyri, Iceland, Abstract Volume, 59-62. Shogenova A, Mens K., Sliaupa S. , Rasteniene V., Jõeleht A., Kirsimäe K., Zabele A., Freimanis A. Factors influenced porosity of the siliciclastic rocks in the Baltic Cambrian basin. 2002. EXTENDED ABSTRACTS VOLUME 2, 64th EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Florence 26-30 May 2002, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P218, 4pp. Shogenova A., Vaher R, Einasto R., Mens K., Jõeleht A., Kirsimäe K. 2002. Petrophysical model of sedimentary rocks from Pärnu-6 borehole, Estonia. 3rd Balkan Geophysical Congress and Exhibition, 24-28 June, 2002, Abstract book, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3 pp. Shogenova A., Jõeleht A., Sliaupa S., Kirsimäe K., Rasteniene V., Bityukova L., Zabele A. 2001. Petrophysical Properties of Reservoir Rocks in the Baltic Cambrian Basin (Lithuania, Latvia And Estonia). 1st Nordic-Baltic Geo-Energy Seminar, 15-16 September 2001, Jagersborg-Genofte, Denmark, 15-16 September, 4pp. Shogenova A., Kirsimäe K, Bitjukova L, Jõeleht A, Mens K. 2001. Physical properties and composition of cemented siliciclastic Cambrian rocks, Estonia – In: I. Fabricius (Editor), Nordic Petroleum Technology Series: V, Research in Petroleum Technology, Nordisk Energi-Forskningsprogram Ås, 123-149. Shogenova A., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Jõeleht A, Kirsimäe K, Bitjukova L, Lashkova L., Zabele A, Freimanis., Hoth P., Huenges E. 2001. Elastic properties of siliciclastic rocks from Baltic Cambrian basin, EXTENDED ABSTRACTS VOLUME 1, 63rd EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Amsterdam, 11-15 June 2001, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, N-24, 4pp. Shogenova A., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Jõeleht A, Kirsimäe K, Bitjukova L, Lashkova L., Zabele A, Freimanis., Hoth P., Huenges E. 2001. Lithological-petrophysical discrimination of the Baltic Cambrian siliciclastics. EAGE/SEG Research Workshop on “Reservoir Rocks”, Pau, France, 30 Aprill - 3 May 2001, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 4pp. Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Lashkova L, Shogenova A. 2001. Factors controlling petrophysical properties of Cambrian siliciclastic deposits of central and western Lithuania - In: I. Fabricius (Editor), Nordic Petroleum Technology Series: V, Research in Petroleum Technology, Nordisk Energi-Forskningsprogram Ås, 157-180. Bityukova, L., Shogenova, A, Birke M., 2000. Urban geochemistry: a study of elements distribution in the top-soils of Tallinn (Estonia). Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 22, 2, 173-195 Jõeleht A, Shogenova A., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Zabele A., Kukkonen I.T., Bitjukova L, Kirsimäe K., Freimanis A., Eihmanis E., Huenges E., Hoth P. 2000. Thermal Conductivity of Cambrian Siliciclastic Rocks from the Baltic Basin. Geophysics in the Baltic Region: Problems and Prospects for the New Millennium, International Conference, Abstract & Excursion Guide, Tallinn, Estonia, 26-30 September, 25-27. Shogenova A., Bitjukova L., Einasto R., Jõeleht A., Puura V. 2000. An Approach towards the Petrophysical Model of Lower Paleozoic Sedimentary Sequence in Estonia. In: Shogenova A. Vaher R. (compilers). Geophysics in the Baltic Region: Problems and Prospects for the New Millennium, International Conference, Abstract & Excursion Guide, Tallinn, Estonia, 26-30 September, 60-62. Shogenova A., Bitjukova L, Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Kirsimäe K., Jõeleht A., Lashkova L., Zabele A, Freimanis A., Eihmanis E., Hoth P., Huenges E. 2000. Petrophysical properties of resevoir rocks of Baltic Cambrian sedimentary basin. St.Petersburg, International Geophysical Conference, 4.6, 218-221. Shogenova A., Bitjukova L., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Lashkova L., Zabele, A. 2000. Magnetic properties of siliciclastic rocks in the Baltic Cambrian sedimentary basin, Geologica Carpatica, 51, 3 Bratislava, June 2000, NEW TRENDS IN GEOMAGNETISM VII, Biennial Meeting, 190-191. Shogenova A. 1999. The influence of dolomitization on the magnetic properties of Lower Palaeozoic carbonate rocks in Estonia. In: Tarling D.H. &Turner, P.(eds), Palaeomagnetism and Diagenesis in Sediments. Geological Society Special Publication, London, 151, 167-180. Bityukova L., Shogenova A., Götze H.-J. 1998. Influence of chemical composition on Petrophysical Properties of Early Paleozoic carbonate rocks in Estonia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (and Solar System), Pergamon Press, Elsevier Science Ltd., 23, 3, 309-316. Shogenova, A. 1998. Electrical properties of lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks and their relationships with porosity in Estonia. In: M. Middleton (Editor), Nordic Petroleum Technology Series: IV, Research in petroleum Technology, Nordisk Energi-Forskningsprogram Ås, 17-45. Shogenova A., Bityukova L., Götze H.-J. 1998. Technique and results of Complex analysis to study processes in sedimentary basin (in Estonia). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (and Solar System), Pergamon Press, Elsevier Science Ltd., 23, 3, 327-337. Shogenova A, Puura V. 1998. Composition and Petrophysical Properties of Estonian Early Palaeozoic Carbonate Rocks In: M. Middleton (Editor), Nordic Petroleum Technology Series: IV, Research in petroleum Technology, Nordisk Energi-Forskningsprogram Ås, 1998, 183 - 202. Shogenova, A. 1996. Use of the computer for the structural analyses of the Ordovician sedimentary basin in Estonia. In: Förster A. and Merriam D. F.(Eds.), Geologic Modeling and Mapping, Plenum Press, New York and London, 199-214. |
last updated: 11.10.2005
[ sulge aken ]