[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Anu |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Reinart |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Observatoorium |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 01.09.1961 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Ülikool 1984, füüsik (optika ja spektroskoopia)- füüsika õpetaja Tartu Ülikool, MSc, füüsika magister (16. juuni 1995) |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1984-1988 Ülenurme Keskkool, füüsika õpetaja 1988-1990 Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut, Võrtsjärve Limnoloogiajaam, insener 1990-1993 Tartu Ülikool, Rakendusoptika labor, teadur 1993-2001 Eesti Mereinstituut, (teadur, kuni 1995 nooremteadur) 2002-2004 Uppsala Ülikool, Limnoloogia Instituut (järel-doktor, EL Marie Curie stipendium) 2004- Tartu Observatoorium (alates 01.04.2005 vanemteadur) |
8. | Teaduskraad | PhD, keskkonnafüüsika eriala |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool (28.06.2000) |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
1999 rahvusvahelise seminari Physical Processes in Natural Waters kaas-korraldaja, (Roosta, Eesti) 2000 Eesti-Soome koostööprojekti "Järve ja merejää ning jääaluse vee omadused" eestipoolne koordinaator 2002 - praeguseni; Marie Curie Fellowship Association liige 2003 - praeguseni; Eesti kaugseire nõukogu liige 2005 - Eesti kaugseire seminari korraldaja |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Markus Reinhold, MSc, 2005, juh. Prof. M. Buchroithner, A. Reinart. Mapping Sea Surface Temperature in Inland Waters by Means of MODIS Remote Sensing Data. Dresden University of Technology Birgot Paavel, MSc, 2004, juh. A.Reinart; H.Ohvril. Peipsi järve vee optilised omadused. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Rannikuvete ja järvede optilised omadused ja nende kaugeire. Kiirguslevi atmosfääris (atmosfääri korrektsioon satelliitpiltidele). Veealuse kiirgusvälja seosed bioloogiliste protsessidega. Jää optilised omadused ja kaugseire. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | EC Marie Curie Reintegratsiooni grant Tartu Observatooriumis, 2005 ETF5738 (T.Nõges) 2004-2007 |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Kutser T., D. Pierson, K. Kallio, A. Reinart, S.Sobek. 2005. Mapping lake CDOM by satellite remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment, 94 (4), 534-540 Kutser T., D. Pierson, L. Tranvik, A. Reinart, S.Sobek and K. Kallio. 2005. Estimating the colored dissolved organic matter absorption coefficient in lakes using satellite remote sensing. Ecosystems, 8, 709-720. Reinart,A. Arst, H. Pierson, D. 2005. Optical properties and light climate in Lake Verevi, Hydrobiologia. 547, 41-49 Reinart, A., D. Pierson. 2005, water quality monitoring of large European lakes using MERIS full resolution data, Proceedings of the 2004 Envisat & ERS Symposium, 6-10 September 2004, Salzburg, Austria (ESA SP-572, April 2005) (ID:225) Reinart A. Vee kaugseire. Eesti Loodus. 2005 Ehn, J. M. Granskog, A. Reinart and A. Erm. 2004. Optical properties of melting landfast sea ice and underlying seawater in Santala Bay, Gulf of Finland, J. Geophys. Res, Vol. 109, C09003, doi: 10.1029/2003JC002042. Kutser, T. Pierson D.C., Tranvik L., Reinart A., S. Sobek. 2004. Lahustunud orgaanilise aine määramisest järvedes kaugseire meetoditega Universitatis Tartuensis Publicationes Instituti Geographici 2004 (in press). Reinart A., B. Paavel and L. Tuvikene. 2004. Effect of coloured dissolved organic matter on the attenuation of photosynthetically active radiation in Lake Peipsi. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 2. 88-105. Reinart A., B.Paavel, D.Pierson and N.Strömbeck. 2004. Inherent and apparent optical properties of Lake Peipsi, Estonia. Boreal Environment Res. Vol. 9, 429-445. Reinart, A. E., Reinart, A. T., and Kikas. 2004. Estimation of aerosol optical properties used in the atmospheric correction of SeaWiFS images over Baltic Sea. J. Aerosol Science, Supplementary issue EAC 2004, S537-538. Reinart A.T, Reinart A.A, D.C Pierson. 2004. SeaWiFS ja MODIS sensorite atmsof rikorrektsiooni rakendatavusest suurte j rvede korral. Universitatis Tartuensis Publicationes Instituti Geographici 2004. Teral H., Ohvril H., Okuluv O. Russak V. ja A. Reinart. 2004, Atmosf ri aerosoolse optilise paksuse arvutamine p ikese integraalsesest otsekiirgusest. Universitatis Tartuensis Publicationes Instituti Geographici 2004. Arst, H., Leppäranta, M., Virta, J., Erm, A., Kutser, T., Reinart, A., Herlevi. 2003. A. SUVI 10 years of optical investigations of in Estonian and Finnish lakes. In Changing climate and boreal aquatic ecosystems, 25-27.09.2003, Lammi biological station. Abstract book, University of Helsinki, 2003, 1-8. Erm, A., A. Reinart, H. Arst, L. Sipelgas, M. Lepp ranta, 2003 Optical properties of lake and sea ice, in Report series in geophysics, No 46. Proceedings of the seminar "Sea ice climate and marine environments in the Okhotsk and Baltic Seas - The present status and prospects, 93-100. University of Helsinki, Department of Geophysics, Hokkaido University, Institute of low temperature science, Helsinki. Leppäranta, M. A. Reinart, A. Erm, H. Arst, M. Hussainov and L. Sipelgas. 2003. Investigation of ice and water properties and under-ice light fields in fresh and brackish water bodies, Nordic Hydrology Vol. 34(3) 245-266 Paavel, B., Reinart, A., Pierson, D., 2003, Comparison of optical properties of three large European lakes. In Changing climate and boreal aquatic ecosystems, 25-27.09. 2003, Lammi biological station. Abstract book, University of Helsinki, 2003, p. 28. Reinart, A. A. Herlevi, H. Arst, L. Sipelgas. 2003. Preliminary optical classification of lakes and coastal waters in Estonia and South-Finland, Journal of Sea Research, 49, 357-366 Reinart A. and O.Pärn, 2003, Ice season on lake Peipsi by the ice model and satellite images. Proceedings of the Northern Research Basins 14th International Symposium and workshop. Greenland, 25-29 Aug. 2003. Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Reinart, A, P. N ges, 2003. Light conditions in Lake V rtsj rve, Estonia. In: Võrtsjärv, (editors: A. Raukas, J. Haberman, E. Pihu), Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus (in Estonian). 171-180 Reinart A.T, Reinart A.E and D.C. Pierson. 2003. Effect of local aerosol optical properties to the atmospheric correction of SeaWiFS and MODIS images over the Baltic Sea region. Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. November 10-14, Honolulu, Havaii. (CD-ROM) (coauthors from University of Uppsala, Sweden and Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK) Arst H., Erm A., Reinart A., M. Hussainov. 2002. Calculating Irradiance Penetration into water bodies from the measured beam attenuation coefficient, II: application of the improved model to the different types of lakes. Nordic Hydrology, 33 (2/3), 227-240. Arst, H., K. Eerme, T. Lukk, A. Reinart, L. Sipelgas, 2002, Some results of optical measurements in the Gulf of Finland in 1981-2001, in: Symposium "The changing state of the Gulf of Finland Ecosystem" 28-30 October 2002, Tallinn. Abstracts, 3, Estonian Ministry of Environment, Tallinn, Erm, A., H. Arst, P. Nõges, T. Nõges, A. Reinart, L. Sipelgas. 2002. Temporal variation of the bio-optical properties of four North Estonian lakes in 1999-2000, Geophysica, 38, 1-2, 89-111, 2002. Rasmus, K., Ehn, J., Granskog, M., Kärkäs, E., Leppäranta, M., Lindfors, A., Pelkonen, A., Rasmus, S. and A. Reinart. 2002. Optical measurements of sea ice in the Gulf of Finland. Nordic Hydrology, 33(2/3), 207-226. Reinart, A, D. Pierson, P. Land, 2002, Large European Lakes in SeaWIFS and MODIS images. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XVI, 2002, CD-ROM Erm, A., H. Arst, T. Trei, A. Reinart and M. Hussainov. 2001. Biological and optical properties of Lake lemiste Optical and biological properties of Lake lemiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn I: Water transparency and optically active substances in the water. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 6: 63-74, Erm, A., M. Lepp ranta, A. Reinart, H. Arst, M. Hussainov, L. Sipelgas, Investigation of ice properties and under-ice light filed in fresh and brackish water bodies, in: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001, Abstract volume, 184, Stockholm, 2001. Reinart, A., A. Herlevi, H. Arst, A. Erm, L. Sipelgas, Classification of lakes by the amount of optically active substances and apparent optical properties for remote sensing applications, in: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001, Abstract volume, 280, Stockholm, 2001. Reinart, A. Arst, H., Erm A., T. Trei, Hussainov, M. Optical and biological properties of Lake lemiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn II: Light climate in Lake lemiste, Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 6: 75-84, 2001. Sipelgas, L., H. Arst, M. Hussainov, A. Erm, A. Reinart, Calculating irradiance penetration into water bodies from the measured beam attenuation coefficient, in: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001, Abstract volume, 301, Stockholm, 2001 Arst, H., Reinart, A., Erm, A., M. Hussainov. 2000. Influence of the depth- dependence of the PAR region diffuse attenuation coefficient on the computation results of the downward irradiance in different type of water bodies. Geophysica 36(1-2), 129-139. Reinart, A., Arst, H., Nõges, P., T. Nõges. 2000. Comparison of euphotic layer criteria in lakes. Geophysica 36(1-2), 141-159. Reinart, A., Light field characteristics in different types of Estonian and Finnish lakes. PhD Thesis, University of Tartu, 2000 Arst, H., Erm, A., Kallaste, K., Mäekivi, S., Reinart, A., Herlevi, A., Nöges, T., P. Nöges. 1999. Investigation of Estonian and Finnish lakes by optical measurements in 1992-1997. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 48( 1), 5-24. Erm, A., Arst, H., Hussainov, M., Kutser, T., A. Reinart. 1999. Optical measurements in lake lemiste. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 48(1), 63-74. Kutser, T., Veismann, U., Reinart, A., Erm, A., Herlevi, A., K. Kallio. 1999. Field performance of the ST 1000 spectrometer in passive optical remote sensing of water bodies. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 48(1), 37-45. Reinart, A. and A. Herlevi. 1999. Diffuse attenuation coefficient in some Estonian and Finnish lakes. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 48(4), 267-283. Reinart A. Photosynthetically available radiation at winter in Lake V rtsj rv. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Univesitatis Tartuensis. 84, 84-91, 1999. Arst, H., M ekivi, S., Reinart, A., Kutser, T., Kallaste, K., Blanco-Sequeiros, A., N ges, P., N ges, T. Water properties in some regions of the Baltic Sea and different type of lakes in Estonia and Finland. Report Series in Geophysics No 38, University of Helsinki, Department of Geophysics, Proceedings of the 4th Finnish-Estonian seminar on underwater optics with applications, Lammi, 22-24 April 1997, 7-22, 1998. N ges, P., N ges T. and Reinart A. The results of bio-optical measurements in estonain lakes in 1995 and 1996. Report Series in Geophysics No 38, University of Helsinki, Department of Geophysics, Proceedings of the 4th Finnish-Estonian seminar on underwater optics with applications, Lammi, 22-24 April 1997, 34-46, 1998. Reinart, A., Arst, H., Blanco-Sequeiros, A., A. Herlevi. 1998. Relation between underwater irradiance and quantum irradiance in dependence on water transparency at different depths in the water bodies. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 103, No. C4, p 7749-7752. Reinart, A., Arst, H., N ges, P., N ges, T. Underwater light field in the PAR region of spectrum in some Estonian and Finnish lakes in 1995-1996. Report Series in Geophysics No 38, University of Helsinki, Department of Geophysics, Proceedings of the 4th Finnish-Estonian seminar on underwater optics with applications, Lammi, 22-24 April 1997, 23-33, 1998. Reinart, A., N ges, P., N ges, T. 1998. Relationship between primary production and optical properties of eutrophic water bodies for remote sensing purposes. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Remote Sensing for marine and Coastal Environments. 5-7 October 1998 San Diego California USA Volume I p. I-377, 1998. Järvet, A., Reinart, A. Lumi- ja j katte m ju V rtsj rve talvisele hapnikureziimile. Kaasaegse koloogia probleemid. Ajalised muutused Eesti eluslooduses ja keskkonnas. Eesti VII koloogiakonverentsi l hiartilklid. Tartu, 08-09. Mai, 1997, lk. 66-70, 1997. Kutser, T., Arst, H., M ekivi, S., Reinart, A., Blanco-Sequeiros, A., Herlevi, A., N ges, T., N ges, P. On optical properties of Estonian and Finnish lakes. IAPSO-IAMAS 1997 Joint Assembly Abstracts, IP14-1, Melbourne, 1997. Reinart, A., Arst, H., Kutser, T., Dekker, A. G. Algorithms for estimating some optically active substances and apparent optical properties from subsurface irradiance reflectance measurements in lakes. Proceeding of 2nd Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, CEC Joint Research Centre, Ispra-Italy. 1997. Arst, H., Mäekivi, S., Kutser, T., Reinart, A., Blanco-Sequeiros, A., Virta, J., P. Nöges. 1996. Optical Investigations of Estonian and Finnish lakes. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 2, 187-198. Reinart, A., Arst, H., P. Nöges. 1995. On the light climate in some Estonian lakes. Annales Geophysicae, Supplement II to Volume 13, Part II Oceans, Atmosphere, Hydrology & Nonlinear Geophysics. p. C 330. |
viimati muudetud: 23.09.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Anu |
2. | Surname | Reinart |
3. | Institution | Tartu Observatory |
4. | Position | Senior research associate |
5. | Date of birth | 01.09.1961 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | 1984 Graduating from University of Tartu as physicist (optics and spectroscopy) 1995 Degree of Magister scientiarum, MSc in environmental physics, University of Tartu. |
7. | Research and professional experience |
2004-present Tartu Observatory (since 01.04.2005 senior research associate) 2002-2004 post-doctoral fellow (EU Marie Curie) in Uppsala University, Department of Limnology 1993- 2001 researcher in work group of marine optics, Estonian Marine Institute (until 1995 junior research fellow) 1990-1993 researcher, Tartu University, laboratory of applied optics 1988-1990 engineer, Võrtsjärv Limnological Station, Estonia. 1984-1988 teacher of physics, Secondary School of Ülenurme, Estonia. |
8. | Academic degree | Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, PhD in physics (in environmental physics) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu (28.06.2000) |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
1999 co-organizer of international workshop "Physical Processes in Natural Waters" 2000 local coordinator of Estonian-Finnish cooperation project about lake and sea ice investigations 2002- present; member of Marie Curie Fellowship Association 2003- present; member of Estonian Remote Sensing committee 2005 organizer of Estonian remote sening workshop |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Markus Reinhold, MSc, 2005, superv. Prof. M. Buchroithner, A. Reinart. Mapping Sea Surface Temperature in Inland Waters by Means of MODIS Remote Sensing Data. Dresden University of Technology Birgot Paavel, MSc, 2004, superv. A.Reinart; H.Ohvril. Peipsi järve vee optilised omadused. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | Using of the passive optical remote sensing method for estimation of the water properties in coastal waters and lakes. Extinction of solar radiation into the water- theory and experimentation. Relation between solar radiation and photosynthesis in water. Atmospheric correction of satellite images Effect of seasonal ice cover to underwater light field. |
14. | Current grant funding | EC Marie Curie Reintegration grant in Tartu Observatory, 2005 ETF5738 (T.Nõges) 2004-2007 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Kutser T., D. Pierson, K. Kallio, A. Reinart, S.Sobek. 2005. Mapping lake CDOM by satellite remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment, 94 (4), 534-540 Kutser T., D. Pierson, L. Tranvik, A. Reinart, S.Sobek and K. Kallio. 2005. Estimating the colored dissolved organic matter absorption coefficient in lakes using satellite remote sensing. Ecosystems, 8, 709-720. Reinart,A. Arst, H. Pierson, D. 2005. Optical properties and light climate in Lake Verevi, Hydrobiologia. 547, 41-49 Reinart, A., D. Pierson. 2005, water quality monitoring of large European lakes using MERIS full resolution data, Proceedings of the 2004 Envisat & ERS Symposium, 6-10 September 2004, Salzburg, Austria (ESA SP-572, April 2005) (ID:225) Reinart A. Vee kaugseire. Eesti Loodus. 2005 Ehn, J. M. Granskog, A. Reinart and A. Erm. 2004. Optical properties of melting landfast sea ice and underlying seawater in Santala Bay, Gulf of Finland, J. Geophys. Res, Vol. 109, C09003, doi: 10.1029/2003JC002042. Kutser, T. Pierson D.C., Tranvik L., Reinart A., S. Sobek. 2004. Lahustunud orgaanilise aine määramisest järvedes kaugseire meetoditega Universitatis Tartuensis Publicationes Instituti Geographici 2004 (in press). Reinart A., B. Paavel and L. Tuvikene. 2004. Effect of coloured dissolved organic matter on the attenuation of photosynthetically active radiation in Lake Peipsi. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 2. 88-105. Reinart A., B.Paavel, D.Pierson and N.Strömbeck. 2004. Inherent and apparent optical properties of Lake Peipsi, Estonia. Boreal Environment Res. Vol. 9, 429-445. Reinart, A. E., Reinart, A. T., and Kikas. 2004. Estimation of aerosol optical properties used in the atmospheric correction of SeaWiFS images over Baltic Sea. J. Aerosol Science, Supplementary issue EAC 2004, S537-538. Reinart A.T, Reinart A.A, D.C Pierson. 2004. SeaWiFS ja MODIS sensorite atmsof rikorrektsiooni rakendatavusest suurte j rvede korral. Universitatis Tartuensis Publicationes Instituti Geographici 2004. Teral H., Ohvril H., Okuluv O. Russak V. ja A. Reinart. 2004, Atmosf ri aerosoolse optilise paksuse arvutamine p ikese integraalsesest otsekiirgusest. Universitatis Tartuensis Publicationes Instituti Geographici 2004. Arst, H., Leppäranta, M., Virta, J., Erm, A., Kutser, T., Reinart, A., Herlevi. 2003. A. SUVI 10 years of optical investigations of in Estonian and Finnish lakes. In Changing climate and boreal aquatic ecosystems, 25-27.09.2003, Lammi biological station. Abstract book, University of Helsinki, 2003, 1-8. Erm, A., A. Reinart, H. Arst, L. Sipelgas, M. Lepp ranta, 2003 Optical properties of lake and sea ice, in Report series in geophysics, No 46. Proceedings of the seminar "Sea ice climate and marine environments in the Okhotsk and Baltic Seas - The present status and prospects, 93-100. University of Helsinki, Department of Geophysics, Hokkaido University, Institute of low temperature science, Helsinki. Leppäranta, M. A. Reinart, A. Erm, H. Arst, M. Hussainov and L. Sipelgas. 2003. Investigation of ice and water properties and under-ice light fields in fresh and brackish water bodies, Nordic Hydrology Vol. 34(3) 245-266 Paavel, B., Reinart, A., Pierson, D., 2003, Comparison of optical properties of three large European lakes. In Changing climate and boreal aquatic ecosystems, 25-27.09. 2003, Lammi biological station. Abstract book, University of Helsinki, 2003, p. 28. Reinart, A. A. Herlevi, H. Arst, L. Sipelgas. 2003. Preliminary optical classification of lakes and coastal waters in Estonia and South-Finland, Journal of Sea Research, 49, 357-366 Reinart A. and O.Pärn, 2003, Ice season on lake Peipsi by the ice model and satellite images. Proceedings of the Northern Research Basins 14th International Symposium and workshop. Greenland, 25-29 Aug. 2003. Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Reinart, A, P. N ges, 2003. Light conditions in Lake V rtsj rve, Estonia. In: Võrtsjärv, (editors: A. Raukas, J. Haberman, E. Pihu), Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus (in Estonian). 171-180 Reinart A.T, Reinart A.E and D.C. Pierson. 2003. Effect of local aerosol optical properties to the atmospheric correction of SeaWiFS and MODIS images over the Baltic Sea region. Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. November 10-14, Honolulu, Havaii. (CD-ROM) (coauthors from University of Uppsala, Sweden and Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK) Arst H., Erm A., Reinart A., M. Hussainov. 2002. Calculating Irradiance Penetration into water bodies from the measured beam attenuation coefficient, II: application of the improved model to the different types of lakes. Nordic Hydrology, 33 (2/3), 227-240. Arst, H., K. Eerme, T. Lukk, A. Reinart, L. Sipelgas, 2002, Some results of optical measurements in the Gulf of Finland in 1981-2001, in: Symposium "The changing state of the Gulf of Finland Ecosystem" 28-30 October 2002, Tallinn. Abstracts, 3, Estonian Ministry of Environment, Tallinn, Erm, A., H. Arst, P. Nõges, T. Nõges, A. Reinart, L. Sipelgas. 2002. Temporal variation of the bio-optical properties of four North Estonian lakes in 1999-2000, Geophysica, 38, 1-2, 89-111, 2002. Rasmus, K., Ehn, J., Granskog, M., Kärkäs, E., Leppäranta, M., Lindfors, A., Pelkonen, A., Rasmus, S. and A. Reinart. 2002. Optical measurements of sea ice in the Gulf of Finland. Nordic Hydrology, 33(2/3), 207-226. Reinart, A, D. Pierson, P. Land, 2002, Large European Lakes in SeaWIFS and MODIS images. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XVI, 2002, CD-ROM Erm, A., H. Arst, T. Trei, A. Reinart and M. Hussainov. 2001. Biological and optical properties of Lake lemiste Optical and biological properties of Lake lemiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn I: Water transparency and optically active substances in the water. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 6: 63-74, Erm, A., M. Lepp ranta, A. Reinart, H. Arst, M. Hussainov, L. Sipelgas, Investigation of ice properties and under-ice light filed in fresh and brackish water bodies, in: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001, Abstract volume, 184, Stockholm, 2001. Reinart, A., A. Herlevi, H. Arst, A. Erm, L. Sipelgas, Classification of lakes by the amount of optically active substances and apparent optical properties for remote sensing applications, in: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001, Abstract volume, 280, Stockholm, 2001. Reinart, A. Arst, H., Erm A., T. Trei, Hussainov, M. Optical and biological properties of Lake lemiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn II: Light climate in Lake lemiste, Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 6: 75-84, 2001. Sipelgas, L., H. Arst, M. Hussainov, A. Erm, A. Reinart, Calculating irradiance penetration into water bodies from the measured beam attenuation coefficient, in: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001, Abstract volume, 301, Stockholm, 2001 Arst, H., Reinart, A., Erm, A., M. Hussainov. 2000. Influence of the depth- dependence of the PAR region diffuse attenuation coefficient on the computation results of the downward irradiance in different type of water bodies. Geophysica 36(1-2), 129-139. Reinart, A., Arst, H., Nõges, P., T. Nõges. 2000. Comparison of euphotic layer criteria in lakes. Geophysica 36(1-2), 141-159. Reinart, A., Light field characteristics in different types of Estonian and Finnish lakes. PhD Thesis, University of Tartu, 2000 Arst, H., Erm, A., Kallaste, K., Mäekivi, S., Reinart, A., Herlevi, A., Nöges, T., P. Nöges. 1999. Investigation of Estonian and Finnish lakes by optical measurements in 1992-1997. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 48( 1), 5-24. Erm, A., Arst, H., Hussainov, M., Kutser, T., A. Reinart. 1999. Optical measurements in lake lemiste. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 48(1), 63-74. Kutser, T., Veismann, U., Reinart, A., Erm, A., Herlevi, A., K. Kallio. 1999. Field performance of the ST 1000 spectrometer in passive optical remote sensing of water bodies. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 48(1), 37-45. Reinart, A. and A. Herlevi. 1999. Diffuse attenuation coefficient in some Estonian and Finnish lakes. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 48(4), 267-283. Reinart A. Photosynthetically available radiation at winter in Lake V rtsj rv. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Univesitatis Tartuensis. 84, 84-91, 1999. Arst, H., M ekivi, S., Reinart, A., Kutser, T., Kallaste, K., Blanco-Sequeiros, A., N ges, P., N ges, T. Water properties in some regions of the Baltic Sea and different type of lakes in Estonia and Finland. Report Series in Geophysics No 38, University of Helsinki, Department of Geophysics, Proceedings of the 4th Finnish-Estonian seminar on underwater optics with applications, Lammi, 22-24 April 1997, 7-22, 1998. N ges, P., N ges T. and Reinart A. The results of bio-optical measurements in estonain lakes in 1995 and 1996. Report Series in Geophysics No 38, University of Helsinki, Department of Geophysics, Proceedings of the 4th Finnish-Estonian seminar on underwater optics with applications, Lammi, 22-24 April 1997, 34-46, 1998. Reinart, A., Arst, H., Blanco-Sequeiros, A., A. Herlevi. 1998. Relation between underwater irradiance and quantum irradiance in dependence on water transparency at different depths in the water bodies. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 103, No. C4, p 7749-7752. Reinart, A., Arst, H., N ges, P., N ges, T. Underwater light field in the PAR region of spectrum in some Estonian and Finnish lakes in 1995-1996. Report Series in Geophysics No 38, University of Helsinki, Department of Geophysics, Proceedings of the 4th Finnish-Estonian seminar on underwater optics with applications, Lammi, 22-24 April 1997, 23-33, 1998. Reinart, A., N ges, P., N ges, T. 1998. Relationship between primary production and optical properties of eutrophic water bodies for remote sensing purposes. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Remote Sensing for marine and Coastal Environments. 5-7 October 1998 San Diego California USA Volume I p. I-377, 1998. Järvet, A., Reinart, A. Lumi- ja j katte m ju V rtsj rve talvisele hapnikureziimile. Kaasaegse koloogia probleemid. Ajalised muutused Eesti eluslooduses ja keskkonnas. Eesti VII koloogiakonverentsi l hiartilklid. Tartu, 08-09. Mai, 1997, lk. 66-70, 1997. Kutser, T., Arst, H., M ekivi, S., Reinart, A., Blanco-Sequeiros, A., Herlevi, A., N ges, T., N ges, P. On optical properties of Estonian and Finnish lakes. IAPSO-IAMAS 1997 Joint Assembly Abstracts, IP14-1, Melbourne, 1997. Reinart, A., Arst, H., Kutser, T., Dekker, A. G. Algorithms for estimating some optically active substances and apparent optical properties from subsurface irradiance reflectance measurements in lakes. Proceeding of 2nd Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, CEC Joint Research Centre, Ispra-Italy. 1997. Arst, H., Mäekivi, S., Kutser, T., Reinart, A., Blanco-Sequeiros, A., Virta, J., P. Nöges. 1996. Optical Investigations of Estonian and Finnish lakes. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 2, 187-198. Reinart, A., Arst, H., P. Nöges. 1995. On the light climate in some Estonian lakes. Annales Geophysicae, Supplement II to Volume 13, Part II Oceans, Atmosphere, Hydrology & Nonlinear Geophysics. p. C 330. |
last updated: 23.09.2005
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