[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Talis |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Bachmann |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool, (1) Õigusinstituut, (2) psühholoogia osakond |
4. | Ametikoht | kognitiivse ja õiguspsühholoogia õppetooli korraline professor |
5. | Sünniaeg | 27.01.1951 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | kõrgem, TÜ, 1974, psühholoogia (5-a diplom = magister) |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1977-1981 – TÜ psühholoogia osakonna lektor; 1981-1984 – TÜ psühholoogiaosakonna vanemõpetaja; 1984-1990 – TÜ psühholoogiaosakonna dotsent; 1990-1992 –- TÜ psühholoogiaosakonna korraline professor (psühhofüsioloogia); 1992-1995 –- TPÜ rektor, professor; 1996 - 1999 –- Portsmouth’i ülikooli (UK) kognitiivpsühholoogia õppekava koordinaator, ECTS koordinaator, vanemõppejõud, valitud rahvusvahelise konkursi korras; 1999 - 2002 –- Õigusinstituudi psühholoogia õppetooli professor, ÕI rektori kt (aprill - detsember 2000); 2002 - ... -- TÜ Õigusinstutuudi kognitiivse ja õiguspsühholoogia õppetooli korraline professor, TÜ psühholoogiaosakonna professor. |
8. | Teaduskraad | teaduste kandidaat (PhD); VAK psühholoogiateaduste doktor |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Vene TA Psühholoogia Instituut, 1979; Moskva Ülikool, 1989 |
10. | Tunnustused | - IREX grant for visiting scientists (1980/1981); - Sloan small travel grant, Univ. Philadelpia (USA) (1980); - Max-Planck-Institute stipendium for scientific visit (1992); - Auliige: Psi Chi, the USA National Honor Society in Psychology /Honorary Member of the Southeast Missouri State University Chapter/ - ETF grandid: # 885, # 1624, (1995-1996); # 4062 (2000-2001); # 4967 (2002-2003); #5778 (2004-2006). - Sihtfinantseerimine “Ruumitähelepanu ja selle roll nägemisinformatsiooni töötluses” (2001-2004); - Open Estonia Foundation preemia rahvusvaheliste publikatsioonide eest (1995); - Riigi teaduspreemia sotsiaalteadustes (2001, 2006); - Teaduskompetentsi Nõukogu ekspert sotsiaalteadustes. |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
- Eesti Psühholoogide Liidu asutajaliige; - "Attention and Performance" /Stichting/, 1982-1992, 1996 –2002, rahvusvahelise nõuandva kogu liige; - Euroopa Kognitiivse Psühholoogia Ühingu täisliige, Eesti regionaaljuht; - Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness täisliige; - Association for Psychological Science (endine American Psychological Society) liige; - BBS Associate; - Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung (Springer Verlag): toimetuskolleegiumi liige 1989 - 1995; - The European Journal of Cognitive Psychology (Psychology Press / Taylor & Francis): toimetuskolleegiumi liige 1989 - 2005; - Acta Universitatis Scientiarum Socialium et Artis Educandi Tallinnensis: kaastoimetaja, 1993 - 1996; - Consciousness and Cognition (Elsevier/Academic Press): toimetuskolleegiumi liige alates 1995; - ad hoc tellitud retsensent: Psychological Review, Perception and Psychophysics, Perception, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Journal of General Psychology, Visual Cognition, Vision Research, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung, Acta Psychologica, Archives of General Psychiatry, etc; - TKN ekspert sotsiaalteadustes; - Euroopa Teadusfondi ekspert; - TÜ Õigusinstituudi ja Õigusteaduskonna nõukogu liige; - Eesti Käitumis- ja Terviseteaduste Keskuse nõukogu liige, taju ja teadvuse grupi juht. |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Karita Hommuk, MSc, 2005, juh. Talis Bachmann. Dynamics of in-stream object perception. TPÜ Merle Nurmoja, MSc, 2005, juh. Talis Bachmann. Interrogative suggestibility, trait-related, and morpho-featural characteristics of human phenotype. TÜ Pilleriin Sikka, MSc, 2005, juh. Talis Bachmann. Attentional blink asymmetry: psychophysical and psychophysiological findings. TPÜ Endel Põder, PhD, 2004, juh. Talis Bachmann. Role of attention in visual information processing. TPÜ Iiris Luiga, MSc, 2003, juh. Talis Bachmann. Higher-level processing in substitution and metacontrast masking: interaction between mask and target. TÜ Endel Põder, MSc, 2000, juh. Talis Bachmann. Infotöötluse mahuliste piirangute probleem nägemispsühholoogias. TPÜ Neeme Kahusk, MSc, 2000, juh. Talis Bachmann. Tähelepanu ja maskeerimise osa visuaalses tajus. TPÜ Eha Rüütel, MSc, 1997, juh. Talis Bachmann. Muusika ja vibroakustilise stimulatsiooni psühhofüsioloogiline toime. TPÜ |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Taju ja tähelepanuprotsesside eksperimentaalne uurimine; taju mikrogenees; visuaalne vormitaju; teadvuse psühhofüsioloogilised mehhanismid; kognitiivne neuroteadus; eksperimentaalesteetika; reklaamipsühholoogia; isikute tuvastamise psühholoogia ja psühhofüsioloogia ning nägude äratundmine. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF grant # 5778, "Jadas esitatud objektide teadvustamise dünaamika sõltuvus objektide tunnustest ja asukohast jadas" |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Bachmann, T. (2006). A single metatheoretical framework for a number of conscious-vision phenomena. In Q. Jing, M. Rosenzweig, G. d’Ydewalle, H. Zhang, H.-C. Chen, K. Zhang (Eds.), Progress in psychological science around the world: Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Psychology. Vol. 1. (Chapter 14, pp. 229-242.) New York / Hove: Psychology Press (Taylor & Francis). Bachmann, T. (2006). Microgenesis of perception: Conceptual, psychophysical, and neurobiological aspects. In H. Ögmen & B. Breitmeyer (Eds.), The first half second: The microgenesis and temporal dynamics of unconscious and conscious visual processes. (pp. 11-33). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. Bachmann, T., & Nurmoja, M. (2006). Are there affordances of suggestibility in facial appearance? Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 30(2), 87-92. Bachmann, T. (2005). Object substitution and its relation to other forms of visual masking: Reply to James Enns. Vision Research, 45(3), 381-385. Bachmann, T., & Hommuk, K. (2005). How backward masking becomes attentional blink: Perception of successive in-stream targets. Psychological Science, 16(9), 740-742. Bachmann, T., Luiga, I., & Põder, E. (2005). Variations in backward masking with different masking stimuli: II. The effects of spatially quantised masks in the light of local contour interaction, interchannel inhibition, perceptual retouch, and substitution theories. Perception, 34(2), 139-154. Bachmann, T., Luiga, I., & Põder, E. (2005). Variations in backward masking with different masking stimuli: I. Local interaction versus attentional switch. Perception, 34(2), 131-137. Bachmann, T., & Sikka, P. (2005). Perception of successive targets presented in invariant-item streams. Acta Psychologica, 120(1), 19-34. Rodina, A., Lass, J., Riipulk, J., Bachmann, T., & Hinrikus, H. (2005). Study of effects of low level microwave field by method of face masking. Bioelectromagnetics, 26(7), 571-577. Bachmann, T. (2004). A single meta-theoretical framework for a number of conscious vision phenomena. International Journal of Psychology, Supplement 39(5-6), 222-222. Bachmann, T. (2004). Inaptitude of the signal detection theory, useful vexation from the microgenetic view, and inevitability of neurobiological signatures in understanding perceptual (un)awareness. Consciousness and Cognition, 13(1), 101-106. Bachmann, T. (2004). Teaduspraktika tahud ja toed. (378 lk.). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Bachmann, T., Luiga, I., & Põder, E. (2004). Forward masking of faces by spatially quantized random and structured masks: On the roles of wholistic configuration, local features, and spatial-frequency spectra in perceptual identification. Psychological Research, 69(1-2), 11-21. Bachmann, T., Põder, E., & Luiga, I. (2004). Illusory reversal of temporal order: the bias to report a dimmer stimulus as the first. Vision Research, 44(3), 241-246. Bachmann, T., Luiga, I., Põder, E., & Kalev, K. (2003). Perceptual acceleration of objects in stream: evidence from flash-lag displays. Consciousness and Cognition, 12(2), 279-297. Bachmann, T., & Oja, A. (2003). Flash-lag without change in feature space is alive and well at late intervals after stream onset. Perception, 32, Supplement, 126-127. Rodina, A., Lass, J., Bachmann, T., & Hinrikus, H. (2003). Study of effects of modulated microwaves by method of face masking. In A new beginning for human health: EMBC 2003 (ISBN: 0-7803-7789-3; ISSN: 1094-687X), 3249-3252. Bachmann, T. (2002). Finding consciousness in the brain: A neurocognitive approach. (By P.G.Grossenbacher, ed.). European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 14(3), 410-414. Bachmann, T., & Leigh-Pemberton, L. (2002). Binocular rivalry as a function of spatial quantisation of the images of faces: precategorical level controls it. Trames, 6(4), 283-296. Bachmann, T., Põder, E. (2002). Forward masking of faces with three types of spatially quantised (pixelised) masks: evidence for configuration microgenesis. Perception, 31, Supplement, 22-22. Luiga, T., Bachmann T. Põder, E. (2002). Metacontrast masking of single letters in words and trigrams with varying loads on attention. Perception, 31, Supplement, 79-79. Bachmann, T. (2001). Covert attention and motion perception. In E. Sommerfeld, R. Kompass, T. Lachmann (Eds.), Fechner Day 2001. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Psychophysics. (pp. 212-217). Lengerich/Berlin: Pabst Science Publishers. Bachmann, T. (2001). Origins of substitution. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 5(2), 53-54. Bachmann, T., & Põder, E. (2001). Change in feature space is not necessary for the flash-lag effect. Vision Research, 41(9), 1103-1106. Bachmann, T., Põder, E. (2001). Flash-lag needs no change in feature space and its extent depends on the spatial proximity of single-flashed object and in-stream object. Perception, 30, Supplement, 31-31. Bachmann, T. (2000). Kui ei saa minna otse ega ümber, tuleks minna veelgi otsemini: Kommentaar Chalmers’i teadvuseotsinguile. Akadeemia, 12(7), 1528-1543. Bachmann, T. (2000) Microgenetic approach to the conscious mind. (Advances in Consciousness Research, # 25) (298 p.) Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. MacDonald, J., Andersen, S., & Bachmann, T. (2000). Hearing by eye: how much spatial degradation can be tolerated? Perception, 29(10), 1155-1168. Aschersleben, G., Bachmann, T., & Müsseler, J. (Eds.), (1999). Cognitive contributions to the perception of spatial and temporal events. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland. (Advances in Psychology, # 129). Bachmann, T. (1999). About neural implementation and microgenesis. Commentary on Tsal. In G. Aschersleben, T. Bachmann, J. Müsseler (Eds.), Cognitive Contributions to the Perception of Spatial and Temporal Events (pp. 167-172). Advances in Psychology, # 129. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland. Bachmann, T. (1999). Twelve spatiotemporal phenomena, and one explanation. In G. Aschersleben, T. Bachmann, & J. Müsseler (Eds.), Cognitive contributions to the perception of spatial and temporal events. (pp. 173-206). Amsterdam: Elsevier / North-Holland. (Advances in Psychology, # 129). Bachmann, T., Mäger, K., Sarv, M., Kahusk, N., & Turner, J. (1999). Time course of spatial-attentional focusing in the case of high processing demand on the peripheral precue. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 11(2), 167-198. Bachmann, T. (1998). Empirical tests of the predictions of the perceptual retouch theory. In C. Taddei-Ferretti, & C. Musio (Eds.), Downward processes in the perception representation mechanisms. Proceedings of the International School of Biocybernetics, Ischia, Naples, October 21-26, 1996. (pp. 37-55). London: World Scientific. Bachmann, T. (1998). Fast dynamics of visibility of brief images: The perceptual-retouch viewpoint. In S.R. Hameroff, A.W. Kaszniak, and A.C. Scott (Eds.), Toward a science of consciousness II. The second Tucson discussions and debates. (pp. 345-359; Chapter 31). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Bachmann, T. (1998). Filling-in as a within-level propagation may be an illusion. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 21(6), 749-750. Bachmann, T. (1998). Is conscious experience established instantaneously? Commentary on J.G. Taylor. Consciousness and Cognition, 7(2), 149-156. Bachmann, T. (1998). The theory of perceptual retouch in explaining the dynamics of visibility of brief visual images. In C. Taddei-Ferretti, & C. Musio (Eds.), Downward processes in the perception representation mechanisms. Proceedings of the International School of Biocybernetics, Ischia, Naples, October 21-26, 1996. (pp. 23-36). London: World Scientific. Bachmann, T., Asser, T., Sarv, M., Taba, P., Lausvee, E., Põder, E., Kahusk, N., & Reitsnik, T. (1998). Speed of elementary visual recognition operations in Parkinson’s disease as measured by the mutual masking method. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 20(1), 118-134. Bachmann, T. (1997). Visibility of brief images: The dual-process approach. Consciousness and Cognition, 6(4), 491-518. Bachmann, T., & Kahusk, N. (1997). The effects of coarseness of quantisation, exposure duration, and selective spatial attention on the perception of spatially quantised (“blocked”) visual images. Perception, 26(9), 1181-1196. Bachmann, T., & Kalev, K. (1997). Adjustment of collinearity of laterally moving, vertically separated lines reveals compression of subjective distance as a function of aperture size and speed of motion. Perception, 26, Supplement, 119-120. Bachmann, T., & Kahusk, N. (1996). The cost of spatial-attentional precuing for the perception of spatially quantised visual images. Perception, 25, Supplement, 1-2. Bachmann, T. (1995). More empirical cases to break the accord of phenomenal and access-consciousness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18(2), 249-251. Bachmann, T. (1994). Psychophysiology of visual masking. The fine structure of conscious experience. (298 p.) Commack, New York: Nova Science Publishers. Bachmann, T. (1993). Visual attention is visual, too. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16(3), 569-570. Bachmann T., Prinz W., & Stoffer T.H. (1993). Editorial. Even more space for visuospatial selective attention: Introductory remarks. Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung, 56(1), 1-4. /Special Issue: Visual selective attention; T.Bachmann, W.Prinz, & T.H.Stoffer (Eds.)/ Bachmann, T., Prinz, W., & Stoffer, T.H. (Eds.) (1993). Visual selective attention. Psychological Research (Springer-Verlag) [Special Issue, vol. 56(1)]. Bachmann, T., Prinz, W., & Stoffer, T.H. (Eds.) (1993). Visual selective attention. Psychological Research (Springer-Verlag) [Special Issue, vol. 56(1)]. Bachmann T. (1992). Relative modulation of cortical EPSPs as a model for visual masking. International Journal of Psychology, 27(3/4), 27-28. Bachmann T. (1992). Viron kognitiivinen psykologia. Psykologia, 27(6), 500-504. Bachmann, T., & Oit, M. (1992). Stroop-like interference in chess-players' imagery: An unexplored possibility to be revealed by the adapted moving spot task. Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung, 54(1), 27-31. Bachmann, T. (1991). Identification of spatially quantised tachistoscopic images of faces: How many pixels does it take to carry identity? European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 3(1), 87-103. Bachmann, T. (1991). Microgenesis in visual information processing: Some experimental results. In R.E. Hanlon (Ed.), Cognitive microgenesis. A neuropsychological perspective. (pp. 240-261; Chapter 12). New York: Springer-Verlag. Bachmann T. (1990). Issledovanije roli nespetsifitsheskih faktorov v protsesse postrojenija zritel’nogo sensorno-pertseptivnogo obraza na osnove metoda obojudnoi maskirovki. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #894. Poznanije i reguljatsija dejatel’nosti: Istoritsheskije, ontogenetitsheskije i prikladnõje problemõ, 111-132. Bachmann T. (1990). Mikrogenetitsheskij podhod v izutshenii poznavatel’nõh protsessov: I. Istoritsheskij obzor. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #894. Poznanije i reguljatsija dejatel’nosti: Istoritsheskije, ontogenetitsheskije i prikladnõje problemõ, 34-60. Pervik M., & Bachmann T. (1990). Logotüüpide psühholoogilisest aspektist. Tehnika ja Tootmine, #2, 18-21. Bachmann K., & Bachmann T. (1989). Uute sõnade omandamise sõltuvus sõnatüübist. Nõukogude Kool, #2, 34-36. Bachmann T. (1989). Handbook of perception and human performance. Vol-s 1 and 2 (by K.R.Boff, L.Kaufman, & J.P.Thomas, eds.). European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1(2), 181-187. Bachmann, T. (1989). Jeshcho raz o probleme obrazovanija psihologov. Voprosõ psihologii, #1, 185-187. Bachmann, T. (1989). Microgenesis as traced by the transient paired forms paradigm. Acta Psychologica, 70(1), 3-17. Bachmann T. (1989). NB! Tähelepanu. Haridus, #8, 25-27. Bachmann, T. (1989). Psihhofiziologija zritel’noi maskirovki. K voprosu o mikrostrukture soznanija. (399 lk.) Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Bachmann T. (1988). Mikrogenetitsheskij podhod v izutshenii poznavatel’nõh protsessov: III. Obzor sovremennõh metodov i nekotorõje obobshchenija. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #796. Problemõ razvitija poznavatel’nõh protsessov, 32-55. Bachmann T. (1988). Mikrogenetitsheskij podhod v izutshenii poznavatel’nõh protsessov: II. Sovremennoje sostojanije izutshenija problemõ klassitsheskimi metodami. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #796. Problemõ razvitija poznavatel’nõh protsessov, 3-31. Bachmann, T. (1988). Time course of the subjective contrast enhancement for a second stimulus in successively paired above-threshold transient forms: Perceptual retouch instead of forward masking. Vision Research, 28(11), 1255-1261. Bachmann, T. (1987). Different trends in perceptual pattern microgenesis as a function of the spatial range of local brightness averaging. Towards an empirical method for the differentiation between global and local levels of form as related to processing in real time. Psychological Research, 49(2/3), 107-111. Bachmann T. (1986). Modelirovanije nemonotonnoi zritel’noi maskirovki na osnove gipotezõ o vzaimodeistvii medlennogo i bõstrogo pertseptivnõh mehanizmov. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #753. Struktura poznavatel’nõh protsessov, 36-43. Bachmann T. (1985). Protsess pertseptivnogo retushirovanija. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #722. Problemõ psihologii vosprijatija i mõshlenija, 23-60. Bachmann, T. (1984). The process of perceptual retouch: nonspecific afferent activation dynamics in explaining visual masking. Perception & Psychophysics, 35(1), 69-84. Bachmann T., & Kõiv P. (1984). Vlijanije kofeina i aminazina na zritel’nuju maskirovku. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #691. Poznavatel’nõje protsessõ, 118-126. Allik, J., & Bachmann, T. (1983). How bad is the icon? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35(1), 12-13. Bachmann T. (1983). Tshetõre fazõ vzaimodeistvija zritel’nõh stimulov v situatsii obojudnoi maskirovki. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #638. Problemõ vosprijatija i sotsial’noi dejatel’nosti, 14-19. Bachmann T. (1983). Visual mutual masking in suppressed and non-suppressed eye. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #638. Problems of Perception and Social Interaction, 20-30. Bachmann T., & Vipper K. (1983). Perceptual rating of paintings from different artistic styles as a function of semantic differential scales and exposure time. Archiv für Psychologie (Archives of Psychology), 135(2), 149-161. [Reprinted as: Bachmann, T., & Vipper, K. (1984). Perceptual rating of paintings from different artistic styles as a function of semantic differential scales and exposure time. In G.J.W. Smith, W.D. Fröhlich, & U. Hentschel (Eds.), From private to public reality. Meaning and adaption in perceptual processing. (pp. 149-161). Bonn: Bouvier Verlag Herbert Grundmann.] Bachmann T. (1980). Genesis of a subjective image. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #522. Problems of Cognitive Psychology, 102-126. Bachmann T. (1980). Tachistoscopic search and quasiselective saccadic adaptation: Some steps toward a psychophysical test of sensorimotor interaction. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #522. Problems of Cognitive Psychology, 22-49. Kalmus M., & Bachmann T. (1980). Perceptual microgenesis of complex visual pattern: Comparison of methods and possible implications for future studies. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #529. Actual Problemsof Industrial Psychology, 135-159. Bachmann T. (1979). Issledovanije vosprijatija subjektivnõh konturov metodom opredelenija kontrastnoi tshuvstvitel’nosti. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Serija XIV--Psihologija, #1, 21-29. Bachmann T. (1978). Cognitive contours: Overview and a preliminary theory. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #474. Problems of Communication and Perception, 31-59. Bachmann T. (1978). Visual search and selective adaptation. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis, #474, Problems of Communication and Perception, 60-74. Bachmann T. (1977). Issledovanije izbiratel’nogo vosprijatija metodom maskirovki. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Serija XIV--Psihologiya, #4, 77-81. Bachmann T. (1977). Sovremennaja psihofizika, fenomenologija eksperimenta i pererabotka zritel’noi informatsii. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #429. Trudõ po psihhologii VI, 11-33. Bachmann T. (1977). Zavisimost’ izbiratel’nosti vosprijatija ot vremeni predjavlenija stimula. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Serija XIV--Psihologija, #2, 29-36. Bachmann T., & Allik J. (1976). Integration and interruption in the masking of form by form. Perception, 5(1), 79-97. |
viimati muudetud: 21.08.2006
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Talis |
2. | Surname | Bachmann |
3. | Institution | University of Tartu, Institute of Law and Department of Psychology |
4. | Position | professor, chair of cognitive and forensic psychology |
5. | Date of birth | 27.01.1951 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | graduated from University of Tartu, 1974, psychologist (MSc) |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1977-1981 -- Lecturer, Tartu State University, Dept. Psychology; 1981-1984 -- Senior Lecturer, Tartu State University; 1984-1990 -- Associate Professor/Dozent, Tartu State University; 1990-1992 -- Professor, University of Tartu; 1992-1995 -- Rector /Vice-Chancellor/, Professor, Tallinn Pedagogical University (Tallinn University of Educational Sciences); 1996 - 1999 –- Unit co-ordinator in Cognitive Psychology, ECTS co-ordinator, Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom). 1999 - 2002 -- Professor, Chair of Psychology, Acting Rector (April - December 2000), Tallinn Institute of Law; 2002 - ... -- Professor, Chair of Cognitive and Forensic Psychology, Institute of Law, University of Tartu and Department of Psychology. |
8. | Academic degree | candidate of psychological sciences (PhD); VAK doctor of psychological sciences |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Russian Academy of Sci-es, Institute of Psychology, 1979; Moscow University, 1989 |
10. | Honours/awards | - IREX grant for visiting scientists (1980/1981); - Sloan small travel grant, Univ. Philadelpia (USA) (1980); - Psi Chi, the USA National Honor Society in Psychology /Honorary Member of the Southeast Missouri State University Chapter/ - Max-Planck-Institute stipendium for scientific visit (1992); - Estonian Science Foundation grants: # 885, # 1624, (1995-1996); # 4062 (2000-2001); # 4967 (2002-2003); #5778 (2004-2006). - Estonian Ministry of Education, principal investigator, “Spatial attention and its role in visual information processing” (sihtfinantseerimine) (2001-2004); - Open Estonia Foundation award for scientific publication (1995); - National Science Prize in social sciences, Republic of Estonia (2001, 2006); - Teaduskompetentsi Nõukogu – expert in social sciences. |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
- Estonian Union of Psychologists /Founding Member/; - Union of Estonian Scientists /Founding Member/; - "Attention and Performance" /Stichting/, 1982-1992, 1996 -2002 /Member of the International Advisory Council/; - European Society for Cognitive Psychology /Full Member & regional officer for Estonia/; - Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness /Full Member/; - Association for Psychological Science (formerly American Psychological Society) /Member/; - BBS Associate. - Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung (Springer Verlag) -- Editorial Advisory Board, 1989 - 1995; - The European Journal of Cognitive Psychology (Lawrence Erlbaum/Psychology Press) -- Editorial Board, 1989 - 2005; - Acta Universitatis Scientiarum Socialium et Artis Educandi Tallinnensis -- Co-Editor, 1993 - 1996; - Consciousness and Cognition (Elsevier/Academic Press) -- Editorial Board, from 1995. - invited refereeing for leading international journals (Psychological Review, Perception and Psychophysics, Perception, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Journal of General Psychology, Visual Cognition, Vision Research, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung, Acta Psychologica, Archives of General Psychiatry, etc.); - Expert for social sciences (TKN); - ESF expert; - member of council, Institute of Law and Faculty of Law, TU; - member of council, ECBHS, head of group. |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Karita Hommuk, MSc, 2005, superv. Talis Bachmann. Dynamics of in-stream object perception. TPÜ Merle Nurmoja, MSc, 2005, superv. Talis Bachmann. Interrogative suggestibility, trait-related, and morpho-featural characteristics of human phenotype. TÜ Pilleriin Sikka, MSc, 2005, superv. Talis Bachmann. Attentional blink asymmetry: psychophysical and psychophysiological findings. TPÜ Endel Põder, PhD, 2004, superv. Talis Bachmann. Role of attention in visual information processing. TPÜ Iiris Luiga, MSc, 2003, superv. Talis Bachmann. Higher-level processing in substitution and metacontrast masking: interaction between mask and target. TÜ Endel Põder, MSc, 2000, superv. Talis Bachmann. Infotöötluse mahuliste piirangute probleem nägemispsühholoogias. TPÜ Neeme Kahusk, MSc, 2000, superv. Talis Bachmann. Tähelepanu ja maskeerimise osa visuaalses tajus. TPÜ Eha Rüütel, MSc, 1997, superv. Talis Bachmann. Muusika ja vibroakustilise stimulatsiooni psühhofüsioloogiline toime. TPÜ |
13. | Current research program | Experimental studies of perception and attention; microgenesis of perception; visual form perception; mechanisms of consciousness; cognitive neuroscience; experimental aesthetics; psychology of advertising; psychology and psychophysiology of person identification and face recognition. |
14. | Current grant funding | ETF grant # 5778, "Time course and rate of identification of the objects in stream as a function of features of objects and location within the stream". |
15. | List of most important publications |
Bachmann, T. (2006). A single metatheoretical framework for a number of conscious-vision phenomena. In Q. Jing, M. Rosenzweig, G. d’Ydewalle, H. Zhang, H.-C. Chen, K. Zhang (Eds.), Progress in psychological science around the world: Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Psychology. Vol. 1. (Chapter 14, pp. 229-242.) New York / Hove: Psychology Press (Taylor & Francis). Bachmann, T. (2006). Microgenesis of perception: Conceptual, psychophysical, and neurobiological aspects. In H. Ögmen & B. Breitmeyer (Eds.), The first half second: The microgenesis and temporal dynamics of unconscious and conscious visual processes. (pp. 11-33). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. Bachmann, T., & Nurmoja, M. (2006). Are there affordances of suggestibility in facial appearance? Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 30(2), 87-92. Bachmann, T. (2005). Object substitution and its relation to other forms of visual masking: Reply to James Enns. Vision Research, 45(3), 381-385. Bachmann, T., & Hommuk, K. (2005). How backward masking becomes attentional blink: Perception of successive in-stream targets. Psychological Science, 16(9), 740-742. Bachmann, T., Luiga, I., & Põder, E. (2005). Variations in backward masking with different masking stimuli: II. The effects of spatially quantised masks in the light of local contour interaction, interchannel inhibition, perceptual retouch, and substitution theories. Perception, 34(2), 139-154. Bachmann, T., Luiga, I., & Põder, E. (2005). Variations in backward masking with different masking stimuli: I. Local interaction versus attentional switch. Perception, 34(2), 131-137. Bachmann, T., & Sikka, P. (2005). Perception of successive targets presented in invariant-item streams. Acta Psychologica, 120(1), 19-34. Rodina, A., Lass, J., Riipulk, J., Bachmann, T., & Hinrikus, H. (2005). Study of effects of low level microwave field by method of face masking. Bioelectromagnetics, 26(7), 571-577. Bachmann, T. (2004). A single meta-theoretical framework for a number of conscious vision phenomena. International Journal of Psychology, Supplement 39(5-6), 222-222. Bachmann, T. (2004). Inaptitude of the signal detection theory, useful vexation from the microgenetic view, and inevitability of neurobiological signatures in understanding perceptual (un)awareness. Consciousness and Cognition, 13(1), 101-106. Bachmann, T. (2004). Teaduspraktika tahud ja toed. (378 lk.). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Bachmann, T., Luiga, I., & Põder, E. (2004). Forward masking of faces by spatially quantized random and structured masks: On the roles of wholistic configuration, local features, and spatial-frequency spectra in perceptual identification. Psychological Research, 69(1-2), 11-21. Bachmann, T., Põder, E., & Luiga, I. (2004). Illusory reversal of temporal order: the bias to report a dimmer stimulus as the first. Vision Research, 44(3), 241-246. Bachmann, T., Luiga, I., Põder, E., & Kalev, K. (2003). Perceptual acceleration of objects in stream: evidence from flash-lag displays. Consciousness and Cognition, 12(2), 279-297. Bachmann, T., & Oja, A. (2003). Flash-lag without change in feature space is alive and well at late intervals after stream onset. Perception, 32, Supplement, 126-127. Rodina, A., Lass, J., Bachmann, T., & Hinrikus, H. (2003). Study of effects of modulated microwaves by method of face masking. In A new beginning for human health: EMBC 2003 (ISBN: 0-7803-7789-3; ISSN: 1094-687X), 3249-3252. Bachmann, T. (2002). Finding consciousness in the brain: A neurocognitive approach. (By P.G.Grossenbacher, ed.). European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 14(3), 410-414. Bachmann, T., & Leigh-Pemberton, L. (2002). Binocular rivalry as a function of spatial quantisation of the images of faces: precategorical level controls it. Trames, 6(4), 283-296. Bachmann, T., Põder, E. (2002). Forward masking of faces with three types of spatially quantised (pixelised) masks: evidence for configuration microgenesis. Perception, 31, Supplement, 22-22. Luiga, T., Bachmann T. Põder, E. (2002). Metacontrast masking of single letters in words and trigrams with varying loads on attention. Perception, 31, Supplement, 79-79. Bachmann, T. (2001). Covert attention and motion perception. In E. Sommerfeld, R. Kompass, T. Lachmann (Eds.), Fechner Day 2001. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Psychophysics. (pp. 212-217). Lengerich/Berlin: Pabst Science Publishers. Bachmann, T. (2001). Origins of substitution. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 5(2), 53-54. Bachmann, T., & Põder, E. (2001). Change in feature space is not necessary for the flash-lag effect. Vision Research, 41(9), 1103-1106. Bachmann, T., Põder, E. (2001). Flash-lag needs no change in feature space and its extent depends on the spatial proximity of single-flashed object and in-stream object. Perception, 30, Supplement, 31-31. Bachmann, T. (2000). Kui ei saa minna otse ega ümber, tuleks minna veelgi otsemini: Kommentaar Chalmers’i teadvuseotsinguile. Akadeemia, 12(7), 1528-1543. Bachmann, T. (2000) Microgenetic approach to the conscious mind. (Advances in Consciousness Research, # 25) (298 p.) Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. MacDonald, J., Andersen, S., & Bachmann, T. (2000). Hearing by eye: how much spatial degradation can be tolerated? Perception, 29(10), 1155-1168. Aschersleben, G., Bachmann, T., & Müsseler, J. (Eds.), (1999). Cognitive contributions to the perception of spatial and temporal events. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland. (Advances in Psychology, # 129). Bachmann, T. (1999). About neural implementation and microgenesis. Commentary on Tsal. In G. Aschersleben, T. Bachmann, J. Müsseler (Eds.), Cognitive Contributions to the Perception of Spatial and Temporal Events (pp. 167-172). Advances in Psychology, # 129. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland. Bachmann, T. (1999). Twelve spatiotemporal phenomena, and one explanation. In G. Aschersleben, T. Bachmann, & J. Müsseler (Eds.), Cognitive contributions to the perception of spatial and temporal events. (pp. 173-206). Amsterdam: Elsevier / North-Holland. (Advances in Psychology, # 129). Bachmann, T., Mäger, K., Sarv, M., Kahusk, N., & Turner, J. (1999). Time course of spatial-attentional focusing in the case of high processing demand on the peripheral precue. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 11(2), 167-198. Bachmann, T. (1998). Empirical tests of the predictions of the perceptual retouch theory. In C. Taddei-Ferretti, & C. Musio (Eds.), Downward processes in the perception representation mechanisms. Proceedings of the International School of Biocybernetics, Ischia, Naples, October 21-26, 1996. (pp. 37-55). London: World Scientific. Bachmann, T. (1998). Fast dynamics of visibility of brief images: The perceptual-retouch viewpoint. In S.R. Hameroff, A.W. Kaszniak, and A.C. Scott (Eds.), Toward a science of consciousness II. The second Tucson discussions and debates. (pp. 345-359; Chapter 31). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Bachmann, T. (1998). Filling-in as a within-level propagation may be an illusion. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 21(6), 749-750. Bachmann, T. (1998). Is conscious experience established instantaneously? Commentary on J.G. Taylor. Consciousness and Cognition, 7(2), 149-156. Bachmann, T. (1998). The theory of perceptual retouch in explaining the dynamics of visibility of brief visual images. In C. Taddei-Ferretti, & C. Musio (Eds.), Downward processes in the perception representation mechanisms. Proceedings of the International School of Biocybernetics, Ischia, Naples, October 21-26, 1996. (pp. 23-36). London: World Scientific. Bachmann, T., Asser, T., Sarv, M., Taba, P., Lausvee, E., Põder, E., Kahusk, N., & Reitsnik, T. (1998). Speed of elementary visual recognition operations in Parkinson’s disease as measured by the mutual masking method. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 20(1), 118-134. Bachmann, T. (1997). Visibility of brief images: The dual-process approach. Consciousness and Cognition, 6(4), 491-518. Bachmann, T., & Kahusk, N. (1997). The effects of coarseness of quantisation, exposure duration, and selective spatial attention on the perception of spatially quantised (“blocked”) visual images. Perception, 26(9), 1181-1196. Bachmann, T., & Kalev, K. (1997). Adjustment of collinearity of laterally moving, vertically separated lines reveals compression of subjective distance as a function of aperture size and speed of motion. Perception, 26, Supplement, 119-120. Bachmann, T., & Kahusk, N. (1996). The cost of spatial-attentional precuing for the perception of spatially quantised visual images. Perception, 25, Supplement, 1-2. Bachmann, T. (1995). More empirical cases to break the accord of phenomenal and access-consciousness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18(2), 249-251. Bachmann, T. (1994). Psychophysiology of visual masking. The fine structure of conscious experience. (298 p.) Commack, New York: Nova Science Publishers. Bachmann, T. (1993). Visual attention is visual, too. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16(3), 569-570. Bachmann T., Prinz W., & Stoffer T.H. (1993). Editorial. Even more space for visuospatial selective attention: Introductory remarks. Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung, 56(1), 1-4. /Special Issue: Visual selective attention; T.Bachmann, W.Prinz, & T.H.Stoffer (Eds.)/ Bachmann, T., Prinz, W., & Stoffer, T.H. (Eds.) (1993). Visual selective attention. Psychological Research (Springer-Verlag) [Special Issue, vol. 56(1)]. Bachmann, T., Prinz, W., & Stoffer, T.H. (Eds.) (1993). Visual selective attention. Psychological Research (Springer-Verlag) [Special Issue, vol. 56(1)]. Bachmann T. (1992). Relative modulation of cortical EPSPs as a model for visual masking. International Journal of Psychology, 27(3/4), 27-28. Bachmann T. (1992). Viron kognitiivinen psykologia. Psykologia, 27(6), 500-504. Bachmann, T., & Oit, M. (1992). Stroop-like interference in chess-players' imagery: An unexplored possibility to be revealed by the adapted moving spot task. Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung, 54(1), 27-31. Bachmann, T. (1991). Identification of spatially quantised tachistoscopic images of faces: How many pixels does it take to carry identity? European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 3(1), 87-103. Bachmann, T. (1991). Microgenesis in visual information processing: Some experimental results. In R.E. Hanlon (Ed.), Cognitive microgenesis. A neuropsychological perspective. (pp. 240-261; Chapter 12). New York: Springer-Verlag. Bachmann T. (1990). Issledovanije roli nespetsifitsheskih faktorov v protsesse postrojenija zritel’nogo sensorno-pertseptivnogo obraza na osnove metoda obojudnoi maskirovki. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #894. Poznanije i reguljatsija dejatel’nosti: Istoritsheskije, ontogenetitsheskije i prikladnõje problemõ, 111-132. Bachmann T. (1990). Mikrogenetitsheskij podhod v izutshenii poznavatel’nõh protsessov: I. Istoritsheskij obzor. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #894. Poznanije i reguljatsija dejatel’nosti: Istoritsheskije, ontogenetitsheskije i prikladnõje problemõ, 34-60. Pervik M., & Bachmann T. (1990). Logotüüpide psühholoogilisest aspektist. Tehnika ja Tootmine, #2, 18-21. Bachmann K., & Bachmann T. (1989). Uute sõnade omandamise sõltuvus sõnatüübist. Nõukogude Kool, #2, 34-36. Bachmann T. (1989). Handbook of perception and human performance. Vol-s 1 and 2 (by K.R.Boff, L.Kaufman, & J.P.Thomas, eds.). European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1(2), 181-187. Bachmann, T. (1989). Jeshcho raz o probleme obrazovanija psihologov. Voprosõ psihologii, #1, 185-187. Bachmann, T. (1989). Microgenesis as traced by the transient paired forms paradigm. Acta Psychologica, 70(1), 3-17. Bachmann T. (1989). NB! Tähelepanu. Haridus, #8, 25-27. Bachmann, T. (1989). Psihhofiziologija zritel’noi maskirovki. K voprosu o mikrostrukture soznanija. (399 lk.) Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Bachmann T. (1988). Mikrogenetitsheskij podhod v izutshenii poznavatel’nõh protsessov: III. Obzor sovremennõh metodov i nekotorõje obobshchenija. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #796. Problemõ razvitija poznavatel’nõh protsessov, 32-55. Bachmann T. (1988). Mikrogenetitsheskij podhod v izutshenii poznavatel’nõh protsessov: II. Sovremennoje sostojanije izutshenija problemõ klassitsheskimi metodami. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #796. Problemõ razvitija poznavatel’nõh protsessov, 3-31. Bachmann, T. (1988). Time course of the subjective contrast enhancement for a second stimulus in successively paired above-threshold transient forms: Perceptual retouch instead of forward masking. Vision Research, 28(11), 1255-1261. Bachmann, T. (1987). Different trends in perceptual pattern microgenesis as a function of the spatial range of local brightness averaging. Towards an empirical method for the differentiation between global and local levels of form as related to processing in real time. Psychological Research, 49(2/3), 107-111. Bachmann T. (1986). Modelirovanije nemonotonnoi zritel’noi maskirovki na osnove gipotezõ o vzaimodeistvii medlennogo i bõstrogo pertseptivnõh mehanizmov. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #753. Struktura poznavatel’nõh protsessov, 36-43. Bachmann T. (1985). Protsess pertseptivnogo retushirovanija. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #722. Problemõ psihologii vosprijatija i mõshlenija, 23-60. Bachmann, T. (1984). The process of perceptual retouch: nonspecific afferent activation dynamics in explaining visual masking. Perception & Psychophysics, 35(1), 69-84. Bachmann T., & Kõiv P. (1984). Vlijanije kofeina i aminazina na zritel’nuju maskirovku. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #691. Poznavatel’nõje protsessõ, 118-126. Allik, J., & Bachmann, T. (1983). How bad is the icon? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35(1), 12-13. Bachmann T. (1983). Tshetõre fazõ vzaimodeistvija zritel’nõh stimulov v situatsii obojudnoi maskirovki. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #638. Problemõ vosprijatija i sotsial’noi dejatel’nosti, 14-19. Bachmann T. (1983). Visual mutual masking in suppressed and non-suppressed eye. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #638. Problems of Perception and Social Interaction, 20-30. Bachmann T., & Vipper K. (1983). Perceptual rating of paintings from different artistic styles as a function of semantic differential scales and exposure time. Archiv für Psychologie (Archives of Psychology), 135(2), 149-161. [Reprinted as: Bachmann, T., & Vipper, K. (1984). Perceptual rating of paintings from different artistic styles as a function of semantic differential scales and exposure time. In G.J.W. Smith, W.D. Fröhlich, & U. Hentschel (Eds.), From private to public reality. Meaning and adaption in perceptual processing. (pp. 149-161). Bonn: Bouvier Verlag Herbert Grundmann.] Bachmann T. (1980). Genesis of a subjective image. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #522. Problems of Cognitive Psychology, 102-126. Bachmann T. (1980). Tachistoscopic search and quasiselective saccadic adaptation: Some steps toward a psychophysical test of sensorimotor interaction. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #522. Problems of Cognitive Psychology, 22-49. Kalmus M., & Bachmann T. (1980). Perceptual microgenesis of complex visual pattern: Comparison of methods and possible implications for future studies. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #529. Actual Problemsof Industrial Psychology, 135-159. Bachmann T. (1979). Issledovanije vosprijatija subjektivnõh konturov metodom opredelenija kontrastnoi tshuvstvitel’nosti. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Serija XIV--Psihologija, #1, 21-29. Bachmann T. (1978). Cognitive contours: Overview and a preliminary theory. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #474. Problems of Communication and Perception, 31-59. Bachmann T. (1978). Visual search and selective adaptation. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis, #474, Problems of Communication and Perception, 60-74. Bachmann T. (1977). Issledovanije izbiratel’nogo vosprijatija metodom maskirovki. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Serija XIV--Psihologiya, #4, 77-81. Bachmann T. (1977). Sovremennaja psihofizika, fenomenologija eksperimenta i pererabotka zritel’noi informatsii. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. #429. Trudõ po psihhologii VI, 11-33. Bachmann T. (1977). Zavisimost’ izbiratel’nosti vosprijatija ot vremeni predjavlenija stimula. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Serija XIV--Psihologija, #2, 29-36. Bachmann T., & Allik J. (1976). Integration and interruption in the masking of form by form. Perception, 5(1), 79-97. |
last updated: 21.08.2006
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