[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Svetlana |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Zazubovitš |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur (grandi alusel) |
5. | Sünniaeg | 27.02.1939 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | lõpetasin cum laude Tartu Ülikooli füüsika osakonna 1960. a., kitsam eriala - optika ja spektroskoopia. |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Füüsika Instituudi nooremteadur 1960-1962, aspirant 1962-1965, nooremteadur 1965-1971, vanemteadur 1971- 1990, juhtteadur 1990-1995; 1995–2004 vanemteadur. 1994-1995 (12 kuud) - külalisprofessor Sonora Ülikoolis, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mehhiko; 1997 (4 kuud) NATO-CNR Guest Research Fellowship, Elektromagneetiliste Lainete Uurimise Instituut, Firenze, Itaalia; 2003/2004 (6 kuud) NATO-CNR Guest Research Fellowship, Rakendusfüüsika Instituut, Firenze, Itaalia. |
8. | Teaduskraad | f.-m. k. – 1967, f.-m. dr. – 1988, Läti Ülikooli dr. hab. - 1998; VAKi vanemteaduri kutse – 1976. |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 1967; Füüsika Instituut, Tartu 1988; Läti Ülikool, Riia, Läti Vabariik, 1998. |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
TÜFI teadusnõukogu liige (1990-2000), Eesti Füüsika Seltsi liige, mitme rahvusvahelise konverentsi orgkomitee liige, mitme ETF ning rahvusvaheliste projektide põhitäitja või grandihoidja. |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
A.Krasnikov, MSc, 2003, juh. S.Zazubovitš. "Haruldaste muldmetallide ioone sisaldavate fosfaatklaaside, kui perspektiivsite stsintillatsioonmaterjalide, spektroskoopia". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu, Eesti V.Babin, PhD, 2001, juh. S.Zazubovitš. "Eksitonseisundite spektroskoopia mõnedes halogeniidmakro- ja nanokristallides". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu, Eesti V.Tsepelin, MSc, 1996, juh. S.Zazubovitš. "Lisandi luminestsentsitsentri tripletse ergastatud seisundi struktuur ns2 ioonidega aktiveeritud tsesiumhalogeniidkristallides". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu, Eesti A.Usarov, cand, 1994, juh. S.Zazubovitš. "Lisandiioonide assotsiaatide sõlmedevaheliste osakestega ja vakantsidega luminestsents leelishalogeniidkristallides". Bishkeki Ülikool, Bishkek, Kõrgõzstan V.Nagirnõi, cand, 1984, juh. S.Zazubovitš. "Polariseeritud A luminestsents ja tripletse ergastatud seisundi struktuur elavhõbedasarnaste ioonidega aktiveeritud leelishalogeniidkristallides". Eesti TA Füüsika Instituut, Tartu, Eesti L.Lembra, cand, 1980, juh. S.Zazubovitš. "Luminestsenti spektraalsed ja polarisatsiooni karakteristikud talliumiga aktiveeritud leelishalogeniid ja ammooniumhalogeniid segukristallides". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu, Eesti Zh.Egemberdiev, cand, 1980, juh. S.Zazubovitš. "Anisotroopsed lisandvärvitsentrid ja rekombinatsioonluminestsents". Eesti TA Füüsika Instituut, Tartu, Eesti V.Osminin, cand, 1975, juh. S.Zazubovitš. "Luminestsents ja laengukandjate delokalisatsioon ühe s-elektroniga lisandite (Ag0, Cu0, Ga2+, In2+, Tl2+) optilisel ergastamisel kristallides KCl". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu, Eesti |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | tahkiste füüsika; tahkiste optiline spektroskoopia |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Eesti Teadusfondi grant nr. 6548 "Luminestsentsi ja defektide loomise protsessid stsintillatsioonimaterjalides" (2005-2007)- grandihoidja INTAS grant "Ce-doped aluminium perovskite and garnet single crystal and single crystalline film scintillators for high spatial resolution detectors" (2005-2007) Tartu gruppijuht |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, A.Stolovits, Y.Usuki, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence of the PbWO4:5% Cd crystal”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), vol. 2, 77-80 (2005). A.Krasnikov, T.Savikhina, S.Zazubovich, M.Nikl, J.A.Mares, K.Blazek, K.Nejezchleb, “Luminescence and defects creation in Ce3+-doped aluminium and lutetium perovskites and garnets”, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. A, vol. 537, 130-133 (2005). A.Voloshinovskii, S.Zazubovich, G.Stryganyuk, I.Pashuk, “Luminescence of CsBr:Tl crystals under synchrotron excitation”, J. Lumin., vol. 111, 9-15 (2005). K.Blazek, A.Krasnikov, K.Nejezchleb, M.Nikl, T.Savikhina, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence and defects creation in Ce3+-doped YAlO3 and LuYAlO3 crystals”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) vol. 242, 1315-1323 (2005). M. Nikl, H. Ogino, A.Krasnikov, A. Beitlerova, A.Yoshikawa and T. Fukuda “Photo- and radioluminescence of Pr-doped Lu3Al5O12 single crystal”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 202, R4-R6 (2005). P.Bohacek, P.Fabeni, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, C.Susini, S.Zazubovich, “Defects creation under UV irradiation of PbWO4 crystals”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted. P.Bohacek, P.Fabeni, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, C.Susini, S.Zazubovich, “Defects in UV-irradiated PbWO4:Mo crystals monitored by TSL measurements”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), vol. 2, 547-550 (2005). R.Aceves, T.M.Piters, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence of excitons and Eu2+vc centres in KI:Eu2+“, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 242, 2121-2128 (2005). S.Zazubovich (Guest Editor) Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM-2004), Riga, Latvia 11-16 July 2004; Physica Status Solidi (c) 15-724 (2005). V.Babin, K.Blazek, A.Krasnikov, K.Nejezchlebb, M.Nikl, T.Savikhina, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence of undoped LuAG and YAG crystals”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), vol. 2, 97-100 (2005) . D.Dimartino, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, A.Vedda, S.Zazubovich, “The 3.83 eV luminescence of Gd-enriched phosphate glasses”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), vol. 201, R38-R40 (2004). K.Blazek, A.Krasnikov, K.Nejezchleb, M.Nikl, T.Savikhina, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence and defects creation in Ce3+-doped Lu3Al5O12 crystal”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 241, 1134-1140 (2004). P.Bohacek, N.Senguttuvan, V.Kiisk, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, I.Sildos, Y.Usuki, S.Zazubovich, “Red emission of PbWO4 crystals”, Rad. Measur., vol. 38, 623-626 (2004). S.Zazubovich, “New scintillation materials for scientific, medical and industrial applications”, Proc. of Estonian Acad. Sci. vol. 53, 237-251 (2004). V.Babin, K.Blazek, A.Krasnikov, K.Nejezchleb, M.Nikl, T.Savikhina, S.Zazubovich, “Intrinsic luminescence of LuAG and YAG crystals”, HASYLAB 2004 Annual Report, HASYLAB at DESY, Hamburg, Germany. V.Babin P.Bohacek, E.Bender, A.Krasnikov, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, N.Senguttuvan, A.Stolovits, Y.Usuki, S.Zazubovich, “Decay kinetics of the green emission in tungstates and molybdates”, Rad. Measur. vol. 38, 533-537 (2004). E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, P.Bohacek, V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, A.Vedda, M.Martini, T.Grabowski, “Decay kinetics of the green emission in PbWO4:Mo”, J. Lumin., vol. 102-103, 618-622 (2003). M.Nikl, P.Bohacek, E.Mihokova, V.Babin, A.Stolovitš, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, G.P.Pazzi, P.Fabeni, A.Vedda, M.Martini, “Excited state dynamics of luminescence centres in PbWO4 single crystals”, Functional Materials, vol. 10, 105-110 (2003). P.Fabeni, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, “Stimulated self-trapped exciton emission in CsI:Pb”, Solid State Commun. vol. 126, 665-669 (2003). V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, J.A.Mares, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, N.Solovieva, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence spectroscopy of the Gd-rich Ce3+-, Tb3+- and Mn2+-doped phosphate glasses”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 196, 484-495 (2003). V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, A.Stolovitš, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence and relaxed excited state origin in CsI:Pb crystals", J. Lumin., vol. 101, 219-226 (2003). V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, “Charge-transfer processes in doped alkali halides”, Rad. Eff. & Def. Solids, vol. 158, 227-230 (2003). A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, A.Gloskovsky, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of CsPbCl3 microcrystals dispersed in PbCl2:Cs crystals studied under high-energy excitation", J. Lumin., vol. 97, 198-204 (2002). M.Nikl, J.A.Mareš, J.Chval, E.Mihokova, N.Solovieva, M.Martini, A.Vedda, K.Blazek, P.Maly, K.Nejezchleb, P.Fabeni, G.P.Pazzi, V.Babin, K.Kalder, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, C.D'Ambrosio, "An effect of Zr4+ co-doping of YAP:Ce scintillator", Nuclear Instr. & Meth. A, vol. 486, 250-253 (2002). S.Zazubovich, A.Voloshinovskii, G.Stryganyuk, "Luminescence of CsCl:Tl crystal under synchrotron excitation", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 233, 238-249 (2002). V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, H.Wieczorek, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of complicated thallium centres in CsI:Tl", Nuclear Instr. & Meth. A, vol. 486, 486-489 (2002). V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, A.Stolovits, S.Zazubovich, "On interpretation of luminescence of lead halide crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 229, 1295-1304 (2002). V.Babin, K.Kalder, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, S.Zazubovich, "Defects creation under UV irradiation of CsI:Pb crystals in Pb2+-induced absorption bands investigated by luminescence methods", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 234, 689-700 (2002). V.Babin, K.Kalder, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence and defects creation under photoexcitation of CsI:Tl crystal in Tl+-related absorption bands", J. Lumin., vol. 96, 75-85 (2002). A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, A.Gloskovsky, S.Zazubovich, G.Zimmerer, "Lumines-cence of CsPbCl3 nanocrystals dispersed in a CsCl crystal under high-energy excitation", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 225, 257-264 (2001). A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, A.Gloskovsky, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of CsPbCl3 microcrystals in CsCl:Pb and PbCl2:Cs under synchrotron excitation", Phys. Solid State, vol. 43, 1808-1814 (2001). J.A.Mares, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, N.Solovieva, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, "A role of Gd3+ in Tb-doped Na-Gd phosphate glasses", J. Lumin., vol. 94-95, 321-324 (2001). M.Nikl, J.A.Mares, E.Mihokova, K.Nitsch, N.Solovieva, V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, M.Martini, A.Vedda, P.Fabeni, G.P.Pazzi, S.Baccaro, "Radio- and thermoluminescence and energy transfer processes in Ce3+(Tb3+)-doped phosphate scintillating glasses", Rad. Meas., vol. 33, 593-596 (2001). R.Aceves, V.Babin, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, A.Maaroos, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, I.Sildos, N.Zazubovich, S.Zazubovich, "Spectroscopy of CsPbBr3 quantum dots in CsBr:Pb crystals", J. Lumin., vol. 93, 27-41 (2001). R.Aceves, V.Babin, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, N.Zazubovich, S.Zazubovich, "Relaxed excited states origin and structure in lead-doped caesium bromide", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 223, 745-756 (2001). R. Aceves, V.Babin, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of CsPbCl3-like quantum dots in CsCl:Pb crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 225, 247-255 (2001). S.Zazubovich, "Physics of halide scintillators", Rad. Meas., vol. 33, 699-704 (2001). V.Babin, P.Fabeni, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescent CsPbI3 and Cs4PbI6 aggregates in annealed CsI:Pb crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) vol. 226, 419-428 (2001). A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, A.Gloskovsky, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of CsPbCl3 nanocrystals dispersed in a CsCl crystal under high-energy excitation", HASYLAB Annual Report' 2000, 1013-1014. M.Nikl, P.Bohacek, E.Mihokova, M.Kobayashi, M.Ishii, Y.Usuki, V.Babin, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, M.Bacci, "Excitonic emission of scheelite tungstates AWO4 (A=Pb, Ca, Ba, Sr)", Proc. of the Fifth Int. Conf. on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, Ed. V.Mikhailin, Moscow University Press, 2000, p. 429-434. M.Nikl, P.Bohacek, E.Mihokova, M.Kobayashi, M.Ishii, Y.Usuki, V.Babin, A.Stolovitš, S.Zazubovich, M.Bacci, "Excitonic emission of scheelite tungstates AWO4 (A=Pb, Ca, Ba, Sr)", J. Luminescence, vol. 87-89, 1136-1139 (2000). V.Babin, P.Fabeni, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, A.Stolovich, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, "Time-resolved spectroscopy of exciton states in undoped and doped CsI crystals", Proceedings of the Fifth Int. Conf. on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT99), ed. V.Mikhailin, Moscow State University Press, 2000, p. 544-549. V.Babin, P.Fabeni, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, N.Zazubovich, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of Cs4PbBr6 aggregates in as-grown and in annealed CsBr:Pb single crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 219, 205-214 (2000). M.Nikl, E.Mihokova, K.Nitsch, F.Somma, G.P.Pazzi, P.Fabeni, S.Zazubovich, "Photo-luminescence of Cs4PbBr6 crystals and thin films", Chem. Phys. Letters, vol. 306, 280-284 (1999). V.Babin, A.Bekeshev, A.Elango, K.Kalder, A.Maaroos, K.Shunkeev, E.Vasil'chenko, and S.Zazubovich, "Effect of uniaxial stress on luminescence of undoped and thallium-doped KI and RbI crystals", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 11, 2303-2317 (1999). V.Babin, A.Elango, K.Kalder, A.Maaroos, K.Shunkeev, E.Vasil'chenko, and S.Zazubovich, "Luminescent defects created in alkali iodides by unelastic uniaxial deformation at 4.2 K", J. Lumin., vol. 81, 71-77 (1999). V.Babin, A.Elango, K.Kalder, and S.Zazubovich, "Effect of the uniaxial stress on exciton luminescence in CsI crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 212, 185-198 (1999). V.Babin, P.Fabeni, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, I.Sildos, N.Zazubovich, S.Zazubovich, "Polarized luminescence of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals (quantum dots) in CsBr:Pb single crystals", Chem. Phys. Letters, vol. 314, 31-36 (1999). V.Babin, P.Fabeni, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, K.Polak, A.R.Phani, S.Santucci, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of Pb2+-based aggregates in CsI matrix", Rad. Eff. & Def. Solids, vol. 149, 119-123 (1999). B.Macalik, M.Siu-Li, and S.Zazubovich, "ITC study of Ga+-, Ge2+-, and Sn2+-doped alkali halides", Rad. Eff. & Def. Solids, vol. 147, 11-16 (1998). M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, E.Mihokova, K.Polak, G.P.Pazzi, P.Fabeni, M.Gurioli, F.Somma, S.Zazubovich, V.Babin, A.Scacco, S.Santucci, R.Phani, R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, R.Perez Salas, "Excitonic luminescence of Cs-Pb-X aggregated phases in Pb2+-doped CsX (X=Cl, Br, I) crystals and thin films", in: "Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter", Eds. R.T.Williams and W.M.Yen; The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, Pennington, NY, vol. PV 98-25, 1998, p. 250-258. P.Fabeni, G.P.Pazzi, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, A.Scacco, F.Somma, S.Zazubovich, S.Santucci, and A.R.Phani, "Quantum confinement effects in the emission of thermally treated lead-doped caesium halides", Proceedings of Sixth Int. Conf. on Luminescent Materials, Eds. C.R.Ronda & T.Welker, vol. 97-29, The Electrochem. Soc. Inc., Pennington, N.J. 1998, p.186-193. R.Aceves, V.Babin, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, E.Mihokova, V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, and S.Zazubovich, "Coexistence of the impurity and perturbed exciton levels in the relaxed excited state of CsCl:Pb crystal", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 10, 5449-5461 (1998). V.Babin, A.Bekeshev, A.Elango, K.Kalder, K.Shunkeev, E.Vasil'chenko, and S.Zazubovich, "Effect of uniaxial stress on dynamics of electronic excitations in alkali halides", J. Lumin., vol. 76&77, 502-506 (1998). V.Babin, P.Fabeni, K.Kalder, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, and S.Zazubovich, "Photo- and thermally stimulated luminescence and defects in UV-irradiated CsI:Tl and CsI:Pb crystals", Radiation Measurements, vol. 29, 333-335 (1998). I.Jaek, G.Hütt, E.Vasil'chenko, V.Seeman, and S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence and micro-structure of Ga, In and Tl centres in the laboratory doped natural feldspars", J. Lumin., vol. 72/74, 681-683 (1997). K.Kalder, V.Korrovits, V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich and V.Babin, "Off-centre effects in the triplet relaxed excited state of Ga+ centres in CsBr:Ga crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 201, 429-436 (1997). M.Nikl, E.Mihokova, K.Polak, K.Nitsch, S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, V.Zepelin, A.Stolovich, G.P.Pazzi, P.Fabeni, and L.Salvini, "Luminescence and decay kinetics of relaxed bound excitons and impurity states in CsX:Tl (X=Cl, Br, I)", Materials Science Forum vol. 239-241, eds. G.E.Matthews & R.T.Williams, Trans. Tech. Publ., Switzerland, 1997, pp. 213-218. M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, K.Polak, E.Mihokova, S.Zazubovich, G.P.Pazzi, P.Fabeni, L.Salvini, R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, R.Perez Salas, M.Gurioli, and A.Scacco, "Quantum size effect in the excitonic luminescence of CsPbX3-like quantum dots in CsX (X=Cl, Br) single crystal host", J. Lumin., vol. 72/74, 377-379 (1997). S.Zazubovich, R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, T.Karner G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, and N.Jaanson, "Exciton 4.29 eV and 3.65 eV luminescence in CsI:Tl and CsI:Pb", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 9, 7249-7256 (1997). V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of thallium-perturbed on-centre self-trapped exciton in CsCl:Tl crystal", Chem. Phys. Letters, vol. 68, 280-284 (1997). E.Mihokova, V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, A.Stolovich, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, and V.Zepelin, "Relaxed excited state structure and luminescence of thallium-doped caesium chloride and bromide", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 8, 4301-4314 (1996). R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, A.Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, R.Perez Salas, T.Tsuboi, S.Zazubovich, and V.Zepelin, "RES strusture of Bi3+ centres in KCl:Bi and CaO:Bi crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 194, 619-631 (1996). R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, M.Gurioli, E.Mihokova, V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, S.Zazubovich, and V.Zepelin, "Luminescence of Pb2+-doped cesium halides as possible materials for scintillators", Proc. Int. Conf. "Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications", Delft Univ. Press, The Netherlands, eds. P.Dorenbos & C.W.E. van Eijk, 1996, p. 445-448. R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, R.Perez Salas, A.Usarov, and S.Zazubovich, "Luminescent associates of indium ions with interstitials and vacancies in X-irradiated KCl:In crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol.195, 439-450 (1996). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, G.P.Pazzi, "Effect of magnetic field on the decay kinetics of triplet luminescence of the self-trapped exciton perturbed by Tl+ ion in thallium-doped caesium halides", Solid State Commun. vol. 100, 621-624 (1996). V.Hizhnyakov, K.Kalder, V.Korrovits, V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich and S.Zazubovich, "Off-centre effects in the triplet relaxed excited state of impurity ns2 ions in alkali halides", Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, vol. 134, 375-378 (1995). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, and L.Salvini, "Peculiarities of triplet relaxed excited state structure and luminescence of CsI:Tl crystal", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 7, 3637-3653, (1995). V.Nagirnyi, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, M.Nikl, E.Mihokova, and G.P.Pazzi, "Peculiarities of the triplet relaxed excited state structure in thallium-doped cesium halide crystals", Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, vol. 135, 379-382 (1995). K.Kalder, V.Korrovits, V.Nagirnyi, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Off-centre effects in the triplet relaxed excited state of Ga+ centres in potassium halides", Journal of Luminescence, vol. 59, 71-79 (1994). S.Zazubovich, "Polarization spectroscopy of ns2 impurity ions in alkali halides", Int. Journal of Modern Physics B, vol. 8, 985-1031 (1994) (review). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, and S.Zazubovich, "Polarization spectroscopy of germanium-doped alkali halides", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 50, 3553-3563 (1994). V.Nagirnyi, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, M.Nikl, and G.P.Pazzi, "A new model for the visible emission of CsI:Tl crystal", Chem Phys. Letters, vol. 227, 533-538 (1994). K.Kalder, V.Korrovits, V.Nagirnyi, and S.Zazubovich, "Fine structure of the tripet relaxed excited state of Ga+ centres in alkali chlorides induced by the off-centre position of the excited Ga+ ion", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 178, 391-401 (1993). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, and S.Zazubovich, "Manifestations of vibronic, spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions in the relaxed excited states of Jahn-Teller systems", Proceedings of the XII Int. Conf. on "Defects in Insulating Materials", Eds. O.Kanert and J.-M.Spaeth, World Sci. Publ. Co, vol. I, 568-570 (1993). V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, K.Polak, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Luminescence of KI:Pb crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 178, 173-184 (1993). V.Nagirnyi, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Luminescence of CsCl:Tl single crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 175, 155-164 (1993). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Time-resolved polarization spectroscopy and off-centre position of excited Ga+ ions in NaCl:Ga crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 173, 743-753 (1992). V.Nagirnyi, P.Vaino, and S.Zazubovich, "Off-centre position of excited ns2 ions in alkali halides", Proceedings of II-nd International School on "Excited States of Transition Elements",Karpatz, Poland, Sept. 2-6, 1991. Ed. W.Strek et al. World Science Publ. Co. Singapore 1992, pp. 200-208. S.Zazubovich, "Polarization spectroscopy of ns2 impurity ions in alkali halides, Preprint F-59, Tartu, 1991. Zh.Egemberdiev, A.Usarov, and S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of the lead ions associated with interstitials and vacancies in alkali halides", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 164, 195-206 (1991). Zh.Egemberdiev, K.Ismailov, A.Usarov, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Luminescent associates of Pb2+vc- dipoles with interstitial iodine atoms in KI:Pb crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 163, 183-190 (1991). V.Hizhnyakov, G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, S.Zazubovich, "Off-centre position of the excited s2 ions in alkali halides", Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, vol. 119-121, 951-956 (1991). V.Nagirnyi, P.Vaino, and S.Zazubovich, "Polarized singlet and triplet luminescence and off-centre position of excited In+ ions in a CsBr:In crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol.167, 659-665 (1991). V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, P.Vaino, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Triplet relaxed excited state structure and luminescence of thallium-doped alkali halides", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 164, 493-502, (1991). S.Zazubovich, A.Usarov, and Zh.Egemberdiev, "Luminescent associates of lead ions with interstitials and vacancies in KCl:Pb", Trudy IF AN of Estonia, vol. 67, 121-146 (1990). S.Zazubovich, N.Jaanson, and V.Nagirnyi, "Polarized luminescence of Ge2+vc- centres in alkali halides. III. KI:Ge", Proceedings of the Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Mathem., vol. 39, 127-133 (1990). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, A.Usarov, and N.Jaanson, "Polarized luminescence of Ge2+vc- centres in alkali halides. II. KBr:Ge", Proceedings of the Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Mathem., vol. 39, 118-126 (1990). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, and A.Usarov, "Polarized luminescence of Ge2+vc- centres in alkali halide crystals. I. KCl:Ge", Proceedings of the Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Mathem., vol. 39, 56-68 (1990). V.Hizhnyakov, M.Karklinya, V.Nagirnyi, L.Nagli, and S.Zazubovich, "On the reasons of the off-centre position of excited Ga+ and In+ ions in alkali halides", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 162, K91-K94 (1990). G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, and S.Zazubovich, "New off-centre system: Jahn-Teller mercury-like impurities in alkali halides", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 152, 563-575 (1989). S.Zazubovich and A.Usarov, "Polarized luminescence of Sn+ ions associated with anion vacancy in KCl:Sn", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 67, 461-463 (1989). S.Zazubovich, G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "Off-centre position of Ga+ ions in alkali halides", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 66, 305-307 (1989). 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Mathem., vol. 36, 373-380 (1987). L.Bragina, S.Zazubovich, G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "Effect of magnetic field on the decay kinetics and polarization of AT emission of Sn2+vc- centres in KCl:Sn crystal at 0.5 K", Trudy IF AN Est.SSR, vol. 58, 169-180 (1986). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "Calculation of parameters of triplet relaxed excited state of mercury-like centers in alkali halides", Trudy IF AN Est.SSR, vol. 58, 181-190 (1986). S.Zazubovich and V.Hizhnyakov, "Polarized luminescence and the new model of mercury-like centres in ionic crystals", Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Ser. Phys., vol. 49, 1874-1879 (1985). S.Zazubovich and V.Nagirnyi, "On value of g-factor for triplet relaxed excited state of In+, Tl+, and Pb2+vc- centres", Trudy IF AN Est.SSR, vol. 57, 175-180 (1985). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "Polarized AX emission of Ga+ centres in KCl:Ga and KBr:Ga crystals", Solid State Physics (USSR), vol. 27, 700-704 (1985). 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Ch.Lushchik, N.Lushchik, S.Zazubovich, and I.Muuga, "Mercury-like luminescence centres in ionic crystals", in: "Physics of Alkali Halide Crystals", Riga, "Zinatne", 1962, pp.102-115. S.Zazubovich, N.Lushchik, and Ch.Lushchik, "Polarized luminescence of mercury-like centres in cubic crystals. I.", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 18, 3-22 (1962). Ch.Lushchik, R.Gindina, S.Zazubovich, and N.Lushchik, "Polarization characteristics of some alkali halide phosphors", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 17, 38-39 (1961). N.Lushchik and S.Zazubovich, "Spectroscopy of luminescence centres in ionic crystals doped with Cu+, Ag+, and Au+ ions", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol.14, 141-167 (1961). S.Zazubovich and N.Lushchik, "Alkali halide crystals doped with bismuth and antimony", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 17, 50-66 (1961). S.Zazubovich and N.Lushchik, "Spectra of luminescence centres of crystals doped with isoelectronic ions", Trudy IFA AN Est.SSR, vol. 14, 283-285 (1961). S.Zazubovich, N.Lushchik, and Ch.Lushchik, "Polarized luminescence of KCl:Bi phosphor", Trudy IFA AN Est.SSR, vol.14, 292-293 (1961). N.Lushchik and S.Zazubovich, "Spectroscopy of impurity centres in alkali halides doped with noble metal ions", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 12, 267-270 (1960). |
viimati muudetud: 05.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Svetlana |
2. | Surname | Zazubovitš |
3. | Institution | Institute of Physics, University of Tartu |
4. | Position | senior scientist |
5. | Date of birth | 27.02.1939 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | University of Tartu, Department of Physics; speciality: optics and spectroscopy (cum laude); Graduated at 1960. |
7. | Research and professional experience |
Organization: Institute of Physics, University of Tartu (before 1973 - Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Academy of Sciences, from 1973 to 1998 – Institute of Physics). Positions: junior scientist (1960-1962), postgraduate student (1962-1965), junior scientist (1965-1971), senior scientist (1971-1990), leading scientist (1990-1995), 1995-2004 senior scientist. Oct. 1994-Oct. 1995 Visiting professor of Sonora University, Mexico. Sept. 1997 - Dec. 1997 CNR-NATO Guest Fellowship, Institute of Research on Electromagnetic Waves, Firenze, Italy. Sept. 2003-March 2004 CNR-NATO Guest Outreach Fellowship, Institute of Applied Physics, Firenze, Italy. |
8. | Academic degree | Candidate of Sciences (phys. & mathem.) (Ph.D.) 1967; Scientific title: senior scientist, solid state physics 1976; Doctor of Sciences (phys. & mathem.) (D.Sc.) 1988; Doctor Habil. of Latvia 1998. |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
1967, University of Tartu; 1976 Institute of Physics, Tartu; 1988, Institute of Physics, Tartu; 1998, University of Latvia, Riga |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of the Estonian Physical Society; Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Physics (1990-2000), PI of several Estonian Science Foundation and NATO Linkage and “Science for Peace” grants and the American Physical Society Grant; the secretary of the annual seminar of Baltic States on Physics and Chemistry of Ionic Crystals (for 25 years); the secretary or the member of the organizing committee of the international conferences (Tallinn, 1987; Tartu, 1994, Prague 2003, Riga, 2004); co-leader of several scientific themes in the Laboratory of Physics of Ionic Crystals, Institute of Physics and of international joint projects (with the institutes and universities of Czech Republic, Poland, Italy and Mexico). |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
A.Krasnikov, MSc, 2003, superv. S.Zazubovitš. "Haruldaste muldmetallide ioone sisaldavate fosfaatklaaside, kui perspektiivsite stsintillatsioonmaterjalide, spektroskoopia". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu, Eesti V.Babin, PhD, 2001, superv. S.Zazubovitš. "Eksitonseisundite spektroskoopia mõnedes halogeniidmakro- ja nanokristallides". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu, Eesti V.Tsepelin, MSc, 1996, superv. S.Zazubovitš. "Lisandi luminestsentsitsentri tripletse ergastatud seisundi struktuur ns2 ioonidega aktiveeritud tsesiumhalogeniidkristallides". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu, Eesti A.Usarov, cand, 1994, superv. S.Zazubovitš. "Lisandiioonide assotsiaatide sõlmedevaheliste osakestega ja vakantsidega luminestsents leelishalogeniidkristallides". Bishkeki Ülikool, Bishkek, Kõrgõzstan V.Nagirnõi, cand, 1984, superv. S.Zazubovitš. "Polariseeritud A luminestsents ja tripletse ergastatud seisundi struktuur elavhõbedasarnaste ioonidega aktiveeritud leelishalogeniidkristallides". Eesti TA Füüsika Instituut, Tartu, Eesti L.Lembra, cand, 1980, superv. S.Zazubovitš. "Luminestsenti spektraalsed ja polarisatsiooni karakteristikud talliumiga aktiveeritud leelishalogeniid ja ammooniumhalogeniid segukristallides". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu, Eesti Zh.Egemberdiev, cand, 1980, superv. S.Zazubovitš. "Anisotroopsed lisandvärvitsentrid ja rekombinatsioonluminestsents". Eesti TA Füüsika Instituut, Tartu, Eesti V.Osminin, cand, 1975, superv. S.Zazubovitš. "Luminestsents ja laengukandjate delokalisatsioon ühe s-elektroniga lisandite (Ag0, Cu0, Ga2+, In2+, Tl2+) optilisel ergastamisel kristallides KCl". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu, Eesti |
13. | Current research program | Solid state physics; optical spectroscopy of solids; time-resolved polarization spectroscopy of excitons and defects in solids). |
14. | Current grant funding | 2005-2007: the Estonian Science Foundation Grant No. 6548 "Luminescence and defects creation processes in scintillation materials" (PI). 2005-2007: INTAS Grant "Ce-doped aluminium perovskite and garnet single crystal and single crystalline film "scintillators for high spatial resolution detectors" Tartu team leader |
15. | List of most important publications |
A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, A.Stolovits, Y.Usuki, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence of the PbWO4:5% Cd crystal”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), vol. 2, 77-80 (2005). A.Krasnikov, T.Savikhina, S.Zazubovich, M.Nikl, J.A.Mares, K.Blazek, K.Nejezchleb, “Luminescence and defects creation in Ce3+-doped aluminium and lutetium perovskites and garnets”, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. A, vol. 537, 130-133 (2005). A.Voloshinovskii, S.Zazubovich, G.Stryganyuk, I.Pashuk, “Luminescence of CsBr:Tl crystals under synchrotron excitation”, J. Lumin., vol. 111, 9-15 (2005). K.Blazek, A.Krasnikov, K.Nejezchleb, M.Nikl, T.Savikhina, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence and defects creation in Ce3+-doped YAlO3 and LuYAlO3 crystals”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) vol. 242, 1315-1323 (2005). M. Nikl, H. Ogino, A.Krasnikov, A. Beitlerova, A.Yoshikawa and T. Fukuda “Photo- and radioluminescence of Pr-doped Lu3Al5O12 single crystal”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 202, R4-R6 (2005). P.Bohacek, P.Fabeni, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, C.Susini, S.Zazubovich, “Defects creation under UV irradiation of PbWO4 crystals”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted. P.Bohacek, P.Fabeni, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, C.Susini, S.Zazubovich, “Defects in UV-irradiated PbWO4:Mo crystals monitored by TSL measurements”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), vol. 2, 547-550 (2005). R.Aceves, T.M.Piters, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence of excitons and Eu2+vc centres in KI:Eu2+“, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 242, 2121-2128 (2005). S.Zazubovich (Guest Editor) Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM-2004), Riga, Latvia 11-16 July 2004; Physica Status Solidi (c) 15-724 (2005). V.Babin, K.Blazek, A.Krasnikov, K.Nejezchlebb, M.Nikl, T.Savikhina, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence of undoped LuAG and YAG crystals”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), vol. 2, 97-100 (2005) . D.Dimartino, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, A.Vedda, S.Zazubovich, “The 3.83 eV luminescence of Gd-enriched phosphate glasses”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), vol. 201, R38-R40 (2004). K.Blazek, A.Krasnikov, K.Nejezchleb, M.Nikl, T.Savikhina, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence and defects creation in Ce3+-doped Lu3Al5O12 crystal”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 241, 1134-1140 (2004). P.Bohacek, N.Senguttuvan, V.Kiisk, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, I.Sildos, Y.Usuki, S.Zazubovich, “Red emission of PbWO4 crystals”, Rad. Measur., vol. 38, 623-626 (2004). S.Zazubovich, “New scintillation materials for scientific, medical and industrial applications”, Proc. of Estonian Acad. Sci. vol. 53, 237-251 (2004). V.Babin, K.Blazek, A.Krasnikov, K.Nejezchleb, M.Nikl, T.Savikhina, S.Zazubovich, “Intrinsic luminescence of LuAG and YAG crystals”, HASYLAB 2004 Annual Report, HASYLAB at DESY, Hamburg, Germany. V.Babin P.Bohacek, E.Bender, A.Krasnikov, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, N.Senguttuvan, A.Stolovits, Y.Usuki, S.Zazubovich, “Decay kinetics of the green emission in tungstates and molybdates”, Rad. Measur. vol. 38, 533-537 (2004). E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, P.Bohacek, V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, A.Vedda, M.Martini, T.Grabowski, “Decay kinetics of the green emission in PbWO4:Mo”, J. Lumin., vol. 102-103, 618-622 (2003). M.Nikl, P.Bohacek, E.Mihokova, V.Babin, A.Stolovitš, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, G.P.Pazzi, P.Fabeni, A.Vedda, M.Martini, “Excited state dynamics of luminescence centres in PbWO4 single crystals”, Functional Materials, vol. 10, 105-110 (2003). P.Fabeni, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, “Stimulated self-trapped exciton emission in CsI:Pb”, Solid State Commun. vol. 126, 665-669 (2003). V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, J.A.Mares, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, N.Solovieva, S.Zazubovich, “Luminescence spectroscopy of the Gd-rich Ce3+-, Tb3+- and Mn2+-doped phosphate glasses”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 196, 484-495 (2003). V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, A.Stolovitš, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence and relaxed excited state origin in CsI:Pb crystals", J. Lumin., vol. 101, 219-226 (2003). V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, “Charge-transfer processes in doped alkali halides”, Rad. Eff. & Def. Solids, vol. 158, 227-230 (2003). A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, A.Gloskovsky, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of CsPbCl3 microcrystals dispersed in PbCl2:Cs crystals studied under high-energy excitation", J. Lumin., vol. 97, 198-204 (2002). M.Nikl, J.A.Mareš, J.Chval, E.Mihokova, N.Solovieva, M.Martini, A.Vedda, K.Blazek, P.Maly, K.Nejezchleb, P.Fabeni, G.P.Pazzi, V.Babin, K.Kalder, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, C.D'Ambrosio, "An effect of Zr4+ co-doping of YAP:Ce scintillator", Nuclear Instr. & Meth. A, vol. 486, 250-253 (2002). S.Zazubovich, A.Voloshinovskii, G.Stryganyuk, "Luminescence of CsCl:Tl crystal under synchrotron excitation", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 233, 238-249 (2002). V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, H.Wieczorek, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of complicated thallium centres in CsI:Tl", Nuclear Instr. & Meth. A, vol. 486, 486-489 (2002). V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, A.Stolovits, S.Zazubovich, "On interpretation of luminescence of lead halide crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 229, 1295-1304 (2002). V.Babin, K.Kalder, A.Krasnikov, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, S.Zazubovich, "Defects creation under UV irradiation of CsI:Pb crystals in Pb2+-induced absorption bands investigated by luminescence methods", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 234, 689-700 (2002). V.Babin, K.Kalder, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence and defects creation under photoexcitation of CsI:Tl crystal in Tl+-related absorption bands", J. Lumin., vol. 96, 75-85 (2002). A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, A.Gloskovsky, S.Zazubovich, G.Zimmerer, "Lumines-cence of CsPbCl3 nanocrystals dispersed in a CsCl crystal under high-energy excitation", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 225, 257-264 (2001). A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, A.Gloskovsky, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of CsPbCl3 microcrystals in CsCl:Pb and PbCl2:Cs under synchrotron excitation", Phys. Solid State, vol. 43, 1808-1814 (2001). J.A.Mares, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, N.Solovieva, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, "A role of Gd3+ in Tb-doped Na-Gd phosphate glasses", J. Lumin., vol. 94-95, 321-324 (2001). M.Nikl, J.A.Mares, E.Mihokova, K.Nitsch, N.Solovieva, V.Babin, A.Krasnikov, S.Zazubovich, M.Martini, A.Vedda, P.Fabeni, G.P.Pazzi, S.Baccaro, "Radio- and thermoluminescence and energy transfer processes in Ce3+(Tb3+)-doped phosphate scintillating glasses", Rad. Meas., vol. 33, 593-596 (2001). R.Aceves, V.Babin, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, A.Maaroos, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, I.Sildos, N.Zazubovich, S.Zazubovich, "Spectroscopy of CsPbBr3 quantum dots in CsBr:Pb crystals", J. Lumin., vol. 93, 27-41 (2001). R.Aceves, V.Babin, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, N.Zazubovich, S.Zazubovich, "Relaxed excited states origin and structure in lead-doped caesium bromide", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 223, 745-756 (2001). R. Aceves, V.Babin, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of CsPbCl3-like quantum dots in CsCl:Pb crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 225, 247-255 (2001). S.Zazubovich, "Physics of halide scintillators", Rad. Meas., vol. 33, 699-704 (2001). V.Babin, P.Fabeni, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescent CsPbI3 and Cs4PbI6 aggregates in annealed CsI:Pb crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) vol. 226, 419-428 (2001). A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, A.Gloskovsky, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of CsPbCl3 nanocrystals dispersed in a CsCl crystal under high-energy excitation", HASYLAB Annual Report' 2000, 1013-1014. M.Nikl, P.Bohacek, E.Mihokova, M.Kobayashi, M.Ishii, Y.Usuki, V.Babin, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, M.Bacci, "Excitonic emission of scheelite tungstates AWO4 (A=Pb, Ca, Ba, Sr)", Proc. of the Fifth Int. Conf. on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, Ed. V.Mikhailin, Moscow University Press, 2000, p. 429-434. M.Nikl, P.Bohacek, E.Mihokova, M.Kobayashi, M.Ishii, Y.Usuki, V.Babin, A.Stolovitš, S.Zazubovich, M.Bacci, "Excitonic emission of scheelite tungstates AWO4 (A=Pb, Ca, Ba, Sr)", J. Luminescence, vol. 87-89, 1136-1139 (2000). V.Babin, P.Fabeni, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, A.Stolovich, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, "Time-resolved spectroscopy of exciton states in undoped and doped CsI crystals", Proceedings of the Fifth Int. Conf. on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT99), ed. V.Mikhailin, Moscow State University Press, 2000, p. 544-549. V.Babin, P.Fabeni, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, N.Zazubovich, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of Cs4PbBr6 aggregates in as-grown and in annealed CsBr:Pb single crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 219, 205-214 (2000). M.Nikl, E.Mihokova, K.Nitsch, F.Somma, G.P.Pazzi, P.Fabeni, S.Zazubovich, "Photo-luminescence of Cs4PbBr6 crystals and thin films", Chem. Phys. Letters, vol. 306, 280-284 (1999). V.Babin, A.Bekeshev, A.Elango, K.Kalder, A.Maaroos, K.Shunkeev, E.Vasil'chenko, and S.Zazubovich, "Effect of uniaxial stress on luminescence of undoped and thallium-doped KI and RbI crystals", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 11, 2303-2317 (1999). V.Babin, A.Elango, K.Kalder, A.Maaroos, K.Shunkeev, E.Vasil'chenko, and S.Zazubovich, "Luminescent defects created in alkali iodides by unelastic uniaxial deformation at 4.2 K", J. Lumin., vol. 81, 71-77 (1999). V.Babin, A.Elango, K.Kalder, and S.Zazubovich, "Effect of the uniaxial stress on exciton luminescence in CsI crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 212, 185-198 (1999). V.Babin, P.Fabeni, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, I.Sildos, N.Zazubovich, S.Zazubovich, "Polarized luminescence of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals (quantum dots) in CsBr:Pb single crystals", Chem. Phys. Letters, vol. 314, 31-36 (1999). V.Babin, P.Fabeni, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, K.Polak, A.R.Phani, S.Santucci, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of Pb2+-based aggregates in CsI matrix", Rad. Eff. & Def. Solids, vol. 149, 119-123 (1999). B.Macalik, M.Siu-Li, and S.Zazubovich, "ITC study of Ga+-, Ge2+-, and Sn2+-doped alkali halides", Rad. Eff. & Def. Solids, vol. 147, 11-16 (1998). M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, E.Mihokova, K.Polak, G.P.Pazzi, P.Fabeni, M.Gurioli, F.Somma, S.Zazubovich, V.Babin, A.Scacco, S.Santucci, R.Phani, R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, R.Perez Salas, "Excitonic luminescence of Cs-Pb-X aggregated phases in Pb2+-doped CsX (X=Cl, Br, I) crystals and thin films", in: "Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter", Eds. R.T.Williams and W.M.Yen; The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, Pennington, NY, vol. PV 98-25, 1998, p. 250-258. P.Fabeni, G.P.Pazzi, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, A.Scacco, F.Somma, S.Zazubovich, S.Santucci, and A.R.Phani, "Quantum confinement effects in the emission of thermally treated lead-doped caesium halides", Proceedings of Sixth Int. Conf. on Luminescent Materials, Eds. C.R.Ronda & T.Welker, vol. 97-29, The Electrochem. Soc. Inc., Pennington, N.J. 1998, p.186-193. R.Aceves, V.Babin, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, E.Mihokova, V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, and S.Zazubovich, "Coexistence of the impurity and perturbed exciton levels in the relaxed excited state of CsCl:Pb crystal", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 10, 5449-5461 (1998). V.Babin, A.Bekeshev, A.Elango, K.Kalder, K.Shunkeev, E.Vasil'chenko, and S.Zazubovich, "Effect of uniaxial stress on dynamics of electronic excitations in alkali halides", J. Lumin., vol. 76&77, 502-506 (1998). V.Babin, P.Fabeni, K.Kalder, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, and S.Zazubovich, "Photo- and thermally stimulated luminescence and defects in UV-irradiated CsI:Tl and CsI:Pb crystals", Radiation Measurements, vol. 29, 333-335 (1998). I.Jaek, G.Hütt, E.Vasil'chenko, V.Seeman, and S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence and micro-structure of Ga, In and Tl centres in the laboratory doped natural feldspars", J. Lumin., vol. 72/74, 681-683 (1997). K.Kalder, V.Korrovits, V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich and V.Babin, "Off-centre effects in the triplet relaxed excited state of Ga+ centres in CsBr:Ga crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 201, 429-436 (1997). M.Nikl, E.Mihokova, K.Polak, K.Nitsch, S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, V.Zepelin, A.Stolovich, G.P.Pazzi, P.Fabeni, and L.Salvini, "Luminescence and decay kinetics of relaxed bound excitons and impurity states in CsX:Tl (X=Cl, Br, I)", Materials Science Forum vol. 239-241, eds. G.E.Matthews & R.T.Williams, Trans. Tech. Publ., Switzerland, 1997, pp. 213-218. M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, K.Polak, E.Mihokova, S.Zazubovich, G.P.Pazzi, P.Fabeni, L.Salvini, R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, R.Perez Salas, M.Gurioli, and A.Scacco, "Quantum size effect in the excitonic luminescence of CsPbX3-like quantum dots in CsX (X=Cl, Br) single crystal host", J. Lumin., vol. 72/74, 377-379 (1997). S.Zazubovich, R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, T.Karner G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, and N.Jaanson, "Exciton 4.29 eV and 3.65 eV luminescence in CsI:Tl and CsI:Pb", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 9, 7249-7256 (1997). V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of thallium-perturbed on-centre self-trapped exciton in CsCl:Tl crystal", Chem. Phys. Letters, vol. 68, 280-284 (1997). E.Mihokova, V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, A.Stolovich, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, and V.Zepelin, "Relaxed excited state structure and luminescence of thallium-doped caesium chloride and bromide", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 8, 4301-4314 (1996). R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, A.Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, R.Perez Salas, T.Tsuboi, S.Zazubovich, and V.Zepelin, "RES strusture of Bi3+ centres in KCl:Bi and CaO:Bi crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 194, 619-631 (1996). R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, M.Gurioli, E.Mihokova, V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, S.Zazubovich, and V.Zepelin, "Luminescence of Pb2+-doped cesium halides as possible materials for scintillators", Proc. Int. Conf. "Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications", Delft Univ. Press, The Netherlands, eds. P.Dorenbos & C.W.E. van Eijk, 1996, p. 445-448. R.Aceves, M.Barboza Flores, R.Perez Salas, A.Usarov, and S.Zazubovich, "Luminescent associates of indium ions with interstitials and vacancies in X-irradiated KCl:In crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol.195, 439-450 (1996). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, G.P.Pazzi, "Effect of magnetic field on the decay kinetics of triplet luminescence of the self-trapped exciton perturbed by Tl+ ion in thallium-doped caesium halides", Solid State Commun. vol. 100, 621-624 (1996). V.Hizhnyakov, K.Kalder, V.Korrovits, V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich and S.Zazubovich, "Off-centre effects in the triplet relaxed excited state of impurity ns2 ions in alkali halides", Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, vol. 134, 375-378 (1995). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, and L.Salvini, "Peculiarities of triplet relaxed excited state structure and luminescence of CsI:Tl crystal", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 7, 3637-3653, (1995). V.Nagirnyi, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, M.Nikl, E.Mihokova, and G.P.Pazzi, "Peculiarities of the triplet relaxed excited state structure in thallium-doped cesium halide crystals", Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, vol. 135, 379-382 (1995). K.Kalder, V.Korrovits, V.Nagirnyi, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Off-centre effects in the triplet relaxed excited state of Ga+ centres in potassium halides", Journal of Luminescence, vol. 59, 71-79 (1994). S.Zazubovich, "Polarization spectroscopy of ns2 impurity ions in alkali halides", Int. Journal of Modern Physics B, vol. 8, 985-1031 (1994) (review). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, and S.Zazubovich, "Polarization spectroscopy of germanium-doped alkali halides", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 50, 3553-3563 (1994). V.Nagirnyi, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, M.Nikl, and G.P.Pazzi, "A new model for the visible emission of CsI:Tl crystal", Chem Phys. Letters, vol. 227, 533-538 (1994). K.Kalder, V.Korrovits, V.Nagirnyi, and S.Zazubovich, "Fine structure of the tripet relaxed excited state of Ga+ centres in alkali chlorides induced by the off-centre position of the excited Ga+ ion", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 178, 391-401 (1993). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, and S.Zazubovich, "Manifestations of vibronic, spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions in the relaxed excited states of Jahn-Teller systems", Proceedings of the XII Int. Conf. on "Defects in Insulating Materials", Eds. O.Kanert and J.-M.Spaeth, World Sci. Publ. Co, vol. I, 568-570 (1993). V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, K.Polak, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Luminescence of KI:Pb crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 178, 173-184 (1993). V.Nagirnyi, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Luminescence of CsCl:Tl single crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 175, 155-164 (1993). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Time-resolved polarization spectroscopy and off-centre position of excited Ga+ ions in NaCl:Ga crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 173, 743-753 (1992). V.Nagirnyi, P.Vaino, and S.Zazubovich, "Off-centre position of excited ns2 ions in alkali halides", Proceedings of II-nd International School on "Excited States of Transition Elements",Karpatz, Poland, Sept. 2-6, 1991. Ed. W.Strek et al. World Science Publ. Co. Singapore 1992, pp. 200-208. S.Zazubovich, "Polarization spectroscopy of ns2 impurity ions in alkali halides, Preprint F-59, Tartu, 1991. Zh.Egemberdiev, A.Usarov, and S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence of the lead ions associated with interstitials and vacancies in alkali halides", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 164, 195-206 (1991). Zh.Egemberdiev, K.Ismailov, A.Usarov, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Luminescent associates of Pb2+vc- dipoles with interstitial iodine atoms in KI:Pb crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 163, 183-190 (1991). V.Hizhnyakov, G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, S.Zazubovich, "Off-centre position of the excited s2 ions in alkali halides", Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, vol. 119-121, 951-956 (1991). V.Nagirnyi, P.Vaino, and S.Zazubovich, "Polarized singlet and triplet luminescence and off-centre position of excited In+ ions in a CsBr:In crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol.167, 659-665 (1991). V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, P.Vaino, S.Zazubovich, and N.Jaanson, "Triplet relaxed excited state structure and luminescence of thallium-doped alkali halides", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 164, 493-502, (1991). S.Zazubovich, A.Usarov, and Zh.Egemberdiev, "Luminescent associates of lead ions with interstitials and vacancies in KCl:Pb", Trudy IF AN of Estonia, vol. 67, 121-146 (1990). S.Zazubovich, N.Jaanson, and V.Nagirnyi, "Polarized luminescence of Ge2+vc- centres in alkali halides. III. KI:Ge", Proceedings of the Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Mathem., vol. 39, 127-133 (1990). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, A.Usarov, and N.Jaanson, "Polarized luminescence of Ge2+vc- centres in alkali halides. II. KBr:Ge", Proceedings of the Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Mathem., vol. 39, 118-126 (1990). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, and A.Usarov, "Polarized luminescence of Ge2+vc- centres in alkali halide crystals. I. KCl:Ge", Proceedings of the Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Mathem., vol. 39, 56-68 (1990). V.Hizhnyakov, M.Karklinya, V.Nagirnyi, L.Nagli, and S.Zazubovich, "On the reasons of the off-centre position of excited Ga+ and In+ ions in alkali halides", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 162, K91-K94 (1990). G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, and S.Zazubovich, "New off-centre system: Jahn-Teller mercury-like impurities in alkali halides", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 152, 563-575 (1989). S.Zazubovich and A.Usarov, "Polarized luminescence of Sn+ ions associated with anion vacancy in KCl:Sn", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 67, 461-463 (1989). S.Zazubovich, G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "Off-centre position of Ga+ ions in alkali halides", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 66, 305-307 (1989). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, Yu.Kolk, and A.Usarov, "Luminescence and processes of the creation of associates of indium ions with radiation-induced defects in KCl:In", in: "Physics of Dielectrics and Semiconductors", Osh, Kirgizia 1989, pp. 56-63. S.Zazubovich, "Polarized luminescence of impurity centres in crystals", Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Ser. Phys., vol. 52, 674-679 (1988). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "Decay kinetics and polarization of triplet lumines-cence of divalent tin centres in alkali halides", Proceedings of Acad. Sci. of Estonian SSR. Phys. Mathem., vol. 36, 146-157 (1987). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "Manifestations of off-centre position of In+ ion in low-temperature decay kinetics of AT emission of In+ centres in alkali halides", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 62, 1294-1299 (1987). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "New off-centre system - mercury-like ions in alkali halides", Proceedings of Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Phys. Mathem., vol. 36, 373-380 (1987). L.Bragina, S.Zazubovich, G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "Effect of magnetic field on the decay kinetics and polarization of AT emission of Sn2+vc- centres in KCl:Sn crystal at 0.5 K", Trudy IF AN Est.SSR, vol. 58, 169-180 (1986). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "Calculation of parameters of triplet relaxed excited state of mercury-like centers in alkali halides", Trudy IF AN Est.SSR, vol. 58, 181-190 (1986). S.Zazubovich and V.Hizhnyakov, "Polarized luminescence and the new model of mercury-like centres in ionic crystals", Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Ser. Phys., vol. 49, 1874-1879 (1985). S.Zazubovich and V.Nagirnyi, "On value of g-factor for triplet relaxed excited state of In+, Tl+, and Pb2+vc- centres", Trudy IF AN Est.SSR, vol. 57, 175-180 (1985). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "Polarized AX emission of Ga+ centres in KCl:Ga and KBr:Ga crystals", Solid State Physics (USSR), vol. 27, 700-704 (1985). S.Zazubovich, V.Nagirnyi, and T.Soovik, "Polarized AT emission of KCl:Ga and KBr:Ga at 0.4 to 20 K", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 57, 952-954 (1984). Zh.Egemberdiev, T.Soovik, V.Nagirnyi, and S.Zazubovich, "Decay kinetics and polarization of the AT emission of Pb2+ centres of different structures in KBr:Pb", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 126, 407-414 (1984). Zh.Egemberdiev, V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, and S.Zazubovich, "Slow decay component of the A emission in KBr:Pb crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 126, K63-K66 (1984). V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, and S.Zazubovich, "Decay kinetics and polarization of the AX emission of KI:In crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 126, 653-658 (1984). V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, and S.Zazubovich, "Photostimulated reorientation of Hz[100](Pb2+) centres in KCl:Pb crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 125, 139-145 (1984). L.Bragina, V.Hizhnyakov, G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyi, T. 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Zh.Egemberdiev, S.Zazubovich, and V.Nagirnyi, "Polarized luminescence of lead ions associated with interstitial radiation defects in KCl:Pb crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 109, 173-182 (1982). Zh.Egemberdiev, S.Zazubovich, V.Seeman, and V.Nagirnyi, "Luminescence accompanying the recombination of electrons with VF centres in KCl crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol.109, 473-482 (1982). V.Hizhnyakov, T.Soovik, and S.Zazubovich, "Origin of radiative transitions from metastable minima of excited state of Sn2+vc- centres in alkali halides", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 106, 581-586 (1981). I.Murin, S.Zazubovich, and A.Glumov, "On possibility of determination of dipole centres orientation in alkali halide crystals by the method of thermally stimulated depolarization", Trudy IF AN Est. SSR, vol. 51, 179-186 (1980). Zh.Egemberdiev, A.Elango, and S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence accompanying the recombination of VF and F centres in KCl and KBr crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. 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V.Osminin, G.Zavt, S.Zazubovich, and A.Niilisk, "Charge-transfer transitions in Tl2+, In2+, and Ga2+ centres in KCl", Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Ser. Phys., vol. 38, 1235-1237 (1974). E.Realo and S.Zazubovich, "Polarized luminescence and Moessbauer effect of tin impurity centres in NaCl crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), vol. 57, 69-75 (1973). S.Zazubovich, I.Jaek, M.Kink, and V.Osminin, "Cascade emission of two photons induced by interaction of one electron-hole pair with impurity centres in alkali halides", in: "Luminescence of Crystals, Molecules and Solutions", Ed. F.Williams, N.Y.-L. 1973, pp. 606-610. S.Zazubovich, M.Kink, I.Jaek, and V.Osminin, "Emission of two photons as a result of one electron-hole pair interaction with impurity centres in alkali halide crystals", Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Ser. Phys., vol. 37, 732-735 (1973). E.Vasil'chenko, S.Zazubovich, and N.Lushchik, "Polarized C emission of KCl:Sn crystal and definition of energy diagram of Sn2+ centres", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 32, 749-755 (1972). N.Lushchik and S.Zazubovich, "Electronic excitations of mercury-like centres in alkali halides", in: "Physics of Impurity Centres in Crystals", Ed. G.Zavt, "Valgus", Tallinn 1972, pp. 483-504. S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence accompanying the trapping of holes by impurity centres in crystals", Bull. Acad. Sci. Latvian SSR, Ser. Phys. Mathem. and Techn. Sci. vol. 2, 115-116 (1972). S.Zazubovich, "Luminescence due to the trapping of holes by In+ and In+vc- centres in KCl:In", Phys. Stat. Sol., vol. 50, 785-793 (1972). S.Zazubovich, N.Lukantsever, and V.Osminin, "Polarized luminescence of In2+ and In2+vc- centres in KCl:In crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol., vol. 50, 771-783 (1972). S.Zazubovich, M.Kondratko, O.Nikotin, V.Osminin, and O.Teodorovich, "Anisotropic impurity colour centres in spontaneously coloured CsBr:Ga and CsI:Ga crystals", in: "Physics and Chemistry of Alkali Halides", Leningrad, 1971, pp. 16-34. S.Zazubovich, N.Lukantsever, and V.Osminin, "Luminescence of In2+ and Tl2+ centres in KCl:In and KCl:Tl crystals", Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Ser. Phys., vol. 35, 1418-1421 (1971). Ch.Lushchik, R.Gindina, S.Zazubovich, and N.Lushchik, "Nature of the luminescence centres in ionic crystals", Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, vol. 20B, 585-604 (1970). G.Varenko, V.Avdonin, S.Zazubovich, and B.Plachenov, "Monovalent europium centres in KI", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 28, 284-288 (1970). I.Vitol, V.Grabovskis, S.Zazubovich, and Ch.Lushchik, "Ionization of In+ and Tl+ centres in KCl and KBr crystals by interstitial halogen atoms", Solid State Physics (USSR), vol. 14, 1044-1049 (1970). S.Zazubovich and A.Niilisk, "Luminescence depolarization of mercury-like centres in alkali halides under high hydrostatic pressure and high temperature", Trudy IFA AN Est.SSR, vol. 38, 163-173 (1970). S.Zazubovich and V.Shtanko, "Dimer impurity colour centres in CsBr:In crystal", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 28, 109-118 (1970). S.Zazubovich, "Jahn-Teller effect and partially covalent bond as causes of low symmetry of Ga+, In+, and Tl+ centres in CsCl-type alkali halides", Phys. Stat. Sol., vol. 38, 119-129 (1970). S.Zazubovich, "Jahn-Teller effect and polarized luminescence of alkali halide crystals doped with indium", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 38, 144-162 (1970). S.Zazubovich, "Polarized luminescence of dimer thallium centres in alkali halides", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 28, 728-736 (1970). V.Osminin and S.Zazubovich, "Polarized luminescence of dimer impurity centres in non-irradiated and X-irradiated CsBr:Ga and CsI:Ga crystals", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 29, 924-930 (1970). G.Mikhaltchenko, I.Karpov, V.Shtanko, and S.Zazubovich, "Energy relations on ionizing radiation interaction with crystals", Bull. Acad. Sci. Latvian SSR, Ser. Phys. Math. Techn. Sci., vol. 6, 122-123 (1969). S.Zazubovich and A.Niilisk, "Depolarization of luminescence of alkali halide crystals doped with mercury-like impurities under high hydrostatic pressure", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 35, 251-255 (1969). S.Zazubovich, "On the reasons of the low symmetry of luminescence centres in alkali halides doped with monovalent mercury-like ions", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol. 27, 235-243 (1969). S.Zazubovich, "Polarized luminescence of alkali halides doped with mercury-like ions" (review), Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 36, 109-153 (1969). S.Zazubovich and N.Lushchik, "Emission spectroscopy and luminescence centre micro-structure in doped ionic crystals", Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Ser. Phys., vol. 31, 798-804 (1967). S.Zazubovich and T.Kuketaev, "Polarized luminescence of mercury-like centres in cubic crystals. IV". Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 31, 190-209 (1966). S.Zazubovich, "Emission spectra of KCl:In and KCl:Sn crystals", Trudy IFA AN Est.SSR, vol. 31, 268-270 (1966). S.Zazubovich, "On orientation of elementary oscillators of mercury-like centres in alkali halides", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 34, 174-177 (1966). S.Zazubovich, Polarized luminescence of alkali halide crystals doped with monovalent mercury-like ions", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 34, 171-174 (1966). S.Zazubovich, G.Liidja, N.Lushchik, and Ch.Lushchik, "Optical structure of luminescence centres in doped ionic crystals", Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Ser. Phys., vol. 29, 373-379 (1965). S.Zazubovich and H.Soovik, "Polarized luminescence of impurity centres in KCl.KI:Tl and KBr.KI:Tl crystals", Trudy IFA AN Est.SSR, vol. 26, 38-50 (1964). S.Zazubovich and N.Lushchik, "Spectroscopy of luminescence centres in alkali halides doped with noble-metal ions", Trudy IFA AN Est.SSR, vol.30, 27-41 (1964). S.Zazubovich, "Polarized luminescence of mercury-like centres in cubic crystals. III.", Trudy IFA AN Est.SSR, vol. 28, 20-34 (1964). S.Zazubovich, N.Lushchik, and Ch.Lushchik, "Electron-phonon processes and polarized luminescence of mercury-like centres in cubic crystals", Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Ser. Phys., vol. 27, 656-660 (1963). S.Zazubovich, N.Lushchik, and Ch.Lushchik, "Optical structure of luminescence centres in ionic crystals doped with mercury-like ions", Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), vol.15, 381-388 (1963). S.Zazubovich, "Polarized luminescence of mercury-like centres in cubic crystals. II.", Trudy IFA AN Est.SSR, vol. 23, 38-60 (1963). Ch.Lushchik, N.Lushchik, S.Zazubovich, and I.Muuga, "Mercury-like luminescence centres in ionic crystals", in: "Physics of Alkali Halide Crystals", Riga, "Zinatne", 1962, pp.102-115. S.Zazubovich, N.Lushchik, and Ch.Lushchik, "Polarized luminescence of mercury-like centres in cubic crystals. I.", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 18, 3-22 (1962). Ch.Lushchik, R.Gindina, S.Zazubovich, and N.Lushchik, "Polarization characteristics of some alkali halide phosphors", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 17, 38-39 (1961). N.Lushchik and S.Zazubovich, "Spectroscopy of luminescence centres in ionic crystals doped with Cu+, Ag+, and Au+ ions", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol.14, 141-167 (1961). S.Zazubovich and N.Lushchik, "Alkali halide crystals doped with bismuth and antimony", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 17, 50-66 (1961). S.Zazubovich and N.Lushchik, "Spectra of luminescence centres of crystals doped with isoelectronic ions", Trudy IFA AN Est.SSR, vol. 14, 283-285 (1961). S.Zazubovich, N.Lushchik, and Ch.Lushchik, "Polarized luminescence of KCl:Bi phosphor", Trudy IFA AN Est.SSR, vol.14, 292-293 (1961). N.Lushchik and S.Zazubovich, "Spectroscopy of impurity centres in alkali halides doped with noble metal ions", Trudy IFA AN Est. SSR, vol. 12, 267-270 (1960). |
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