[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Vladimir |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Hižnjakov |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 25.05.1938 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | 1972 füüsika-matemaatikateaduste doktor, Tartu Ülikool 1966 füüsika-matemaatikateaduste kandidaat, Tartu Ülikool 1960 lõpetanud (cum laude) Tartu Ülikooli teoreetilise füüsika erialal 1955 Tapa Keskkool |
7. | Teenistuskäik | TA Füüsika ja Astronoomia Instituudi (1973-st Füüsika Instituudi) 1960 nooremteadur 1960-1963 aspirant 1963-1966 nooremteadur 1966-1987 vanemteadur 1987-1991 peateadur 1976-1992 Tartu Ülikooli professor (kohakaaslus 1/4 koormusega) 1992-st Tartu Ülikooli korraline professor 1998-st Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituudi tahkiseteooria labori juhataja kt 2004-st vanemteadur |
8. | Teaduskraad | füüsika-matemaatikateaduste doktor |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 1972 |
10. | Tunnustused | 1965 Nõukogude Eesti Preemia 1977 valitud Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia korrespondentliikmeks 1981 Kuuma luminestsentsi avastuse riiklik registreerimine 1986 Eesti NSV teeneline teadlane 1987 valitud Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia tegevliikmeks,1995 Eesti Füüsika Seltsi aastapreemia 2001 Eesti Vabariigi Valgetähe teenetemärk (III kl) 2003 Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
INTASe Teadusnõukogu liige, Teaduskompetentsi Nõukogu ekspertgrupi liige, TÜFI teadusnõukogu liige, TÜ Füüsikaosakonna nõukogu liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Vadim Boltruško, MSc, 2004, juh. Vladimir Hižnjakov. Theory of vibronic transitions between states with hard and soft local phonon dynamics. Tartu Ülikool Helle Kaasik, PhD, 2002, juh. Vladimir Hižnjakov. Nonperturbative theory of multiphonon vibrational relaxation and nonradiative transitions. Tartu Ljudmila A. Bragina, cand, 1986, juh. Vladimir Hižnjakov. Триплетная люминесценция примесных центров с вибронным неполносимметричным искажением. Tartu Aleksei Šerman, cand, 1979, juh. Vladimir Hižnjakov. Теория резонансного вторичного свечения экситонов Френкеля. Tartu Mati Haas, PhD, 1977, juh. Vladimir Hižnjakov. Tuumade liikumise mõju neutronite ja gammakvantide resonantshajumisele kristallis. Tartu |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Tahkiste optiliste omaduste teooria, kaasa arvatud foononvabade joonte ja kvaasijoonspektrite teooria; Mössbaueri efekti teooria ning tuuma resonantshajumise teooria; sekundaarkiirguse ja resonantse Ramani hajumise teooria; eksitonide ja polaritonide teooria; energia ülekande teooria; luminestsentstsentrite teooria; kõrgtemperatuurse ülijuhtivuse teooria; paljukvandiliste kvantüleminekute mittehäirituslik teooria; mittelineaarne kvantoptika; mittelineaarne klassikaline ja kvantdünaamika tahkistes; klaaside teooria |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Eesti Teadusfondi grant nr. 6534 (2005-2007) |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
G. Benedek, V. Hizhnyakov, The role of defect-induced phonon localization in quantum diffusion, phys. stat. sol. (c), 2, 495-498 (2005). J. Kikas, A. Suisalu, An. Kuznetsov, A. Laisaar, J. Takahashi and V. Hizhnyakov, Pressure Effects on Relaxation in a Polymer Glass: A Persistent Spectral Hole Burning Study, Optics and Spectroscopy, 98, 675 (2005) [Opt. Spectrosc., 98, 738 (2005)]. V. Hizhnyakov and G. Benedek, Quantum diffusion: effect of defect-localized phonon dynamics, EPJ, B 43, 431 (2005). V. Hizhnyakov, H. Kaasik, Emission of dielectric with oscillating refractive index, J. Physics C, 21, 155 (2005). V. Hizhnyakov, V. Boltrushko, Anomalous optical spectra of centers with soft phonon dynamics in excited state, in: Optical Materials and Applications; Arnold Rosental; Ed., Proc. SPIE, 5946, 192-201 (2005). V. Hizhnyakov, V. Boltrushko, H. Kaasik, A. Shelkan, Multiphonon processes in impurity centres: nonperturbative theory, phys. stat. sol. (a) 202, 228-234 (2005). V.Hizhnyakov, V. Boltrushko, I. Tehver, Optical transitions in the centers with soft dynamics in the final state, J. Physics C, 21, 161 (2005). V. Hizhnyakov and G. Benedek, Quantum diffusion: effects of local distortion of phonons, phys. stat. sol. (c) 1, 3019-3022 (2004). V. Hizhnyakov, J. Kikas, J. Takahashi, A. Laisaar, A. Suisalu, and An. Kuznetsov, Two-level systems in glasses under high pressure: temperature cycling effect, phys. stat. sol. (c) 1, 2937-2940 (2004). V. Hizhnyakov, V. Boltrushko, H. Kaasik, I. Sildos, Phase relaxation in the vicinity of the dynamic instability: anomalous temperature dependence of zero-phonon line, J. Luminescence 107, 351-358 (2004). Hizhnyakov, V; Boltrushko, V; Kaasik, H; Sildos, I. 2003. Jahn-Teller effect in the excited state: Anomalous temperature dependence of the zero-phonon line. ADVANCES IN QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, VOL 44: 135-149. J.Kikas, V.Hizhnyakov, J.Takahashi, A.Suisalu, A.Laisaar and An.Kuznetsov. Temperature broadening of spectral holes in glass under high hydrostatic pressure: isothermal and cycling effects. Proc. 8th Intern. Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications "HBSM 2003", p.89. V. Hizhnyakov and H. Kaasik. Critical dependence of multiphonon transitions on interaction strength and temperature. Advances in Quantum Chemistry, 44, 151 (2003). V.Hizhnyakov, H.Kaasik and M.Selg, Nonperturbative theory of multiphonon transitions: critical dependence on the interaction strength, Proc. 8th Intern. Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications, "HBSM 2003", Bozeman, Montana USA , July 27-31, 2003, p. 88. V.Hizhnyakov, V.Boltrushko, H.Kaasik and I.Sildos, Phase relaxation in the vicinity of the dynamic instability: anomalous temperature dependence of the zero-phonon line. Proc. 8th Intern. Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications, "HBSM 2003", Bozeman, Montana USA, July 27-31, 2003, p. 41. V.Hizhnyakov, V.Boltrushko, H.Kaasik and I.Sildos, Strong Jahn-Teller effect in the excited state: Anomalous temperature dependence of the zero-phonon line. J. Chem. Phys. 119, 6290 (2003). A. Laisaar, V. Hizhnyakov, J. Kikas, An. Kuznetsov, A. Suisalu, Pressure-induced transformations of low-energy excitations in a polymer glass studied by spectral hole burning, In: High Pressure Effects in Chemistry, Biology and Materials Science, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 208-209, 129 (2002). I.Tehver, H.Kaasik and V.Hizhnyakov, Transform method in resonance Raman scattering: effect of mode mixing, J. Raman Spectroscopy, 33, 639 (2002). V.Hizhnyakov and Helle Kaasik, Temperature dependence of nonradiative transitions: A nonperturbative theory, J. Chem. Phys. 116, 9485 (2002). V. Hizhnyakov, D. Nevedrov, A.J. Sievers, Quantum properties of gap modes, Physica B, 316-317, 132 (2002). V.Hizhnyakov, H.Kaasik, and I. Sildos, Zero-Phonon Lines: The effect of Strong Softening of Elastic Springs in the Excited State, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 234, 644 (2002). V.Hizhnyakov, H.Kaasik, and I.Tehver, High-order vibrational relaxation: a nonperturbative theory, Eur. Phys. J., B 28, 271 (2002). V.Hizhnyakov, H.Kaasik, and I.Tehver, Mode mixing in Resonance Raman Scattering: Reorganization of Chemical Bonds, Proceedings of XIIIth Conference on Raman Spectroscopy; Ed. By J.Mink, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2002, pp.403-404. V. Hizhnyakov, J. Kikas, An. Kuznetsov, A. Laisaar, A. Suisalu, Localized low-energy excitations in glasses: Effect of pressure, In: New Kinds of Phase Transitions: Transformations in Disordered Substances (Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Volga River, Russia, 24-28 May 2001), Eds. V. V. Brazhkin, S. V. Buldyrev, V. N. Ryzhov, and H. E. Stanley, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002, p.491-503. V. Hizhnyakov, J. Kikas, An. Kuznetsov, A. Laisaar, A. Suisalu, Pressure-induced transformations of low-energy excitations in glasses, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 316-317, 527 (2002). V.Hizhnyakov, M.Rozman, Resonant Forward Scattering of Photons: Birefractivity of a Single Atom, Proceedings of XIIIth Conference on Raman Spectroscopy; Ed. By J.Mink, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2002, p. 105-106. D. Nevedrov, V. Hizhnyakov, A.J. Sievers, Anharmonic gap modes in alkali halides, Vibronic Interactions: Jahn-Teller Effect in Crystals and Molecules, NATO Science Series:II: Math., Phys., Chem., 39, 343-347 (2001). M. Selg, V. Hizhnyakov, R. Kink, M. Kink, J. Maksimov, Stationary and time-resolved hot luminescence of self-trapped excitons in rare gas crystals, J. Low Temp. Physics, 122, 241 (2001). Shelkan, V. Hizhnyakov, G. Seibold, E. Sigmund, Free and spin-polaron states in high Tc -superconductors, Vibronic Interactions: Jahn-Teller Effect in Crystals and Molecules, NATO Science Series:II: Math., Phys., Chem., 39, 349-356 (2001). V.Hizhnyakov and H.Kaasik, Nonperturbative theory of multiphonon anharmonic transitions, J. Chem. Phys., 114, 3127 (2001). V. Hizhnyakov, I.Tehver, Resonant light scattering and luminescence in multimode vibronic systems: time-dependent representation, J. Raman Spectroscopy, 32, 591 (2001). Hizhnyakov, M. Selg, R. Kink, M. Kink, J. Maksimov, H. Kaasik, Hyperhot luminescence in atomic cryocrystals, Proc. XVIIIth Intern. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy, Eds. Shu-Lin Zhang, Bang-fen Zhu, Peking University, Beijing, China, Wiley, 124, 2000. V. Hizhnyakov, A. Laisaar, An. Kuznetsov, V. Palm, A. Suisalu, Transformation of soft localized modes in glasses under pressure, Phys. Rev., B 62, 11296 (2000). V. Hizhnyakov, H. Kaasik, Ultrafast multiphonon vibrational relaxation, Proc. XVIIIth Intern. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy, Eds. Shu-Lin Zhang, Bang-fen Zhu, Peking University, Beijing, China, Wiley, 228, 2000. V.Hizhnyakov, M. Kink, R. Kink, A. Lõhmus, J. Maksimov, M. Selg, Hot luminescence of self-trapped excitons in atomic cryocrystals, Physica B 284-288, 1129 (2000). Α. Shelkan, V. Hizhnyakov, E. Sigmund, Self-trapping barrier for phonon polaron in anisotropic crystal, J. Supercond., 13, 21 (2000). A.Shelkan, V. Hizhnyakov, E. Sigmund, Self-consistent calculation of autolocalization barrier of holes in CuO2 plane, (in Russian) Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 41, 1145 - 1148, 1999. A.Shelkan, V. Hizhnyakov, E. Sigmund, Self-consistent calculation of autolocalization barrier of holes in CuO2 plane, Phys. Sol. State, 41, 1042 - 1045, 1999. R. Kink, V. Hizhnyakov, M. Kink, J. Maksimov, Hot luminescence of self-trapped excitons in Xe crystal under X-ray and two-photon laser excitation, J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 101-103,623 - 627, 1999. Shelkan, AK; Hizhnyakov, VV; Sigmund, E. 1999. Self-consistent calculation of the hole autolocalization barrier in the CuO2 plane. PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE 41 (7): 1042-1045. V.Hizhnyakov, D. Nevedrov, Nonlinear quantum dynamics of local modes: perfect and disordered alkali halide crystals, Physica B 263-264, 762 - 765,1999. V. Hizhnyakov, M. Selg, R. Kink, M. Kink, J. Maksimov, Step-wise decay of local modes: theory and experiment, In: Proc. of the XIV Intern. Symp. on Electron-Phonon Dynamics and Jahn-Teller Effect, July 7-13, 1998,Erice-Italy, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, Singapore, 186 - 193,1999. V.Hizhnyakov, M. Selg, R. Kink, M. Kink, J. Maksimov, Step-wise multiphonon anharmonic decay of local modes: theory and experiment, Physica B 263-264, 683 - 686, 1999. V.Hizhnyakov, Multiphonon anharmonic decay of a quantum mode, Europhys. Lett., 45, 508 - 513, 1999. V. Hizhnyakov, P. Reineker, Optical dephasing by fluctuations of long-range interactions in defect-rich crystals, J. Lumin., 83-84, 351-355, 1999. V. Hizhnyakov, P. Reineker, Optical dephasing in defect-rich crystals, J. Chem. Phys., 111, 8131 - 8135, 1999. A.Shelkan, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Self-consistent calculation of self-trapping barrier for a hole in CuO2 plane, J. Supercond., 11,677 - 682, 1998. G.Seibold, E. Sigmund, and V. Hizhnyakov, Unrestricted slave-boson mean-field approximation for the two-dimensional Hubbard model, Phys. Rev., B 57,6937 - 6942, 1998. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Selg and D.Nevedrov, Relaxation and Hot Luminescence in Solid Xe, Phys. Sol. State 40, 842 - 843, 1998; Fiz. Tverd. Tela (St. Petersburg) 40, 916 - 918, 1998. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Selg, M.Kink, R.Kink, and J.Maksimov, Relaxation jumps and hot luminescence of excitons in rare gas crystals, J.Low Temp. Phys. 111, 709 - 715, 1998. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Selg, Relaxation jumps and hot luminescence of self-trapped excitons, J.Lumin., 76-77, 636 - 640, 1998. A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, D.Nevedrov, G.Seibold, E.Sigmund, Influence of Electronic Inhomogeneities on Electron-Lattice and Pairing Interactions in High-Tc Superconductors, Z. Phys., B 104, 753-757, 1997. A.Shelkan, G.Zavt, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Effect of O-O transfer to a hole in CuO2 planes of HTS, Z. Physik, B 104, 433 - 438, 1997. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, A.Bill, “Gap anisotropy and phonon renormalization”, Z.Phys.Chem, 201, 245,1997, E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, D.Nevedrov, A.Bill, Unscreened Long Range Interactions, Gap Anisotropy and Phonon Renormalization in High Temperature Superconductors, Z.Phys.Chem., 201, 245 - 261, 1997. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, D.Nevedrov and A.Bill, Unscreened Long-Range Interactions, Gap Anisotropy and Phonon Renormalization in HTS, J. Superconductivity, 10, 441-446, 1997. V. Hizhnyakov and D. Nevedrov, Hawking Process in Solids: Quantum Generation of Phonon Bursts by a Strongly Excited Mode, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 69,1195 - 1202, 1997. V. Hizhnyakov and D. Nevedrov, Nonlinear Quantum Dynamics of Strong Vibration: Relaxation Jumps and Phonon Bursts, Z. Phys. Chem., 201, 301-315, 1997. V.Hizhnyakov and D.Nevedrov, Quantum Explosions of Localized Vibrations in Anharmonic Lattices, Annual Report of the Estonian Physical Society, edited by P. Kuusk, pp. 114 - 129, 1997. V. Hizhnyakov and D. Nevedrov, Stepwise Quantum Decay of Self-localized Solitons, Phys. Rev., B 56, R2908-2911, 1997. V. Hizhnyakov, I. Tehver, Spontaneous and coherent resonance Raman scattering by multimode systems: transform laws for excitation profiles, J.Raman Spectroscopy, 28, 403 - 410, 1997. V. Hizhnyakov, J. Kikas, An. Kuznetsov, A. Laisaar, V. Palm, P. Reineker, High pressure narrowing of zero-phonon lines in polymer glasses at different temperatures, J.Lumin., 72-74, 415 - 416, 1997. V.Hizhnyakov, Multiphonon decay of strong mode in quantum lattice, Z. Phys., B 104, 675 - 679, 1997. D.Nevedrov, V.Hizhnyakov, A Hawking mechanism in solids: relaxation jumps of a strongly excited mode, Proc. XXX Finnish Physics Days, Espoo, Finland, 1996. V.Hizhnyakov, D.Nevedrov, Hawking process in solids: quantum generation of phonon bursts by a strongly excited mode, Pure and Applied Chemistry (1996) [Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on 'Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter' (EXCON'96), 14-17 August 1996, Gorisch, Germany]. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Anisotropic pairing caused by unscreened long-range interactions, J.Superconductivity, 9,443-447, 1996. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Gap anisotropy caused by unscreened long-range interactions, Phys. Rev. B 57, 5163-5167, 1996. V.Hizhnyakov, Relaxation jumps of strong vibration, Phys.Rev. B, 53, 13981, 1996. A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Electron-lattice interaction, gap anisotropy and phonon renormalization. In:Anharmonic Properties of High-Tc Superconductors, Eds. D.Mihailoviz, G.Ruani, E.Kaldis, K.A.Müller, World Scientific, Singapore-London, 261-266, 1995. A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Phonon renormalization and symmetry of the superconducting order parameter, Phys. Rev. B, 52, 7637, 1995. E.Sigmund, A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, Pairing interactions and gap anisotropy. In: Anharmonic Properties of High-Tc Superconductors, Eds. D.Mihailoviz, G.Ruani, E.Kaldis, K.A.Müller, World Scientific, Singapore-London, 1995, 187-195. R.K.Kremer, A.Simon, E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, On the role of electronic and chemical phase separation in La2 CuO4+δ J.Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 140-144,1285-1286, 1995. A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Pairing interaction and phonon renormalization favored by phase separation. In: Phase Separation in Cuprate Superconductors, Eds. E.Sigmund,K.A.Müller, Springer, Berlin, 1994, p.290-303. A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Phonon renormalization and gap anisotropy, Physica C, 235-240, 2137-2138, 1994. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, G.Seibold, Phase separation in high-Tc superconductors, Physica C, 235-240, 253-256, 1994. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, G.Seibold, Polaron formation and percolative phase separation in HTSC. In: Phase Separation in Cuprate Superconductors, Eds. E.Sigmund, K.A.Müller, Springer, Berlin, 1994, p.50-65. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, R.K.Kremer, A.Simon, On the existence of percolative phase separation in high-Tc cuprates, Z.Phys. B, Condensed Matter, 94, 17, 1994. G.Seibold, M.Letz, E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Mean-field theories of spin-cluster states in CuO2 planes, Physica C, 235-240, 2241-2242, 1994. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, G.Seibold, Percolative phase separation and high-Tc superconductivity, In: Phase Separation in Cuprate Superconductors, Eds.K.A.Müller and G.Benedek, World Sci., Singapore, 1993, p.46-66. G.Seibold, E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Spin-cluster states in CuO2 planes, Phys. Rev. B, 48, 5, 7537-7544, 1993. R.K.Kremer, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, A.Simon, K.A.Müller, Electronic phase separation in La-cuprates, Z. Phys. B, 91, 2, 169-174, 1993. V.Hizhnyakov and I.Tehver, Resonance Raman Scattering of Multimode Systems: Fourier Amplitude Approach, J.Raman Spectroscopy, 24, 653-660,1993. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, A.Bill, Cooper pair formation by distortive electron-phonon coupling, In: Phase Separation in Cuprate Superconductors, Eds.K.A.Müller and G.Benedek, World Sci., Singapore, 1993, p.288-303. V.Hizhnyakov, K.Seranski, U.Shurath, Homogeneous line shape and shifts of the Σ→Σ transition in matrix-isolated NH: comparison with quadratic coupling theory, Chem. Phys., 163, 1, 249-256, 1992. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Hole-phonon coupling in high-Tc superconductors, Phil. Magazine B, 65, 4, 775-781,1992. R.K.Kremer, E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, F.Hentsch, A.Simon, K.A.Müller, M.Mehring, Percolative phase separation in La2 CuO4+δ and La2-x SrxCuO4 , Z. Physik B, 86, 319, 1992. V.Hizhnyakov and I.Tehver, Resonance Raman Scattering of Multimode Systems. Fourier Amplitude Approach, in: Proc. XIIIth Intern. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy, Würzburg, 1992. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, G.Zavt, On the existence of a barrier between free- and ferron-type (self-trapped) hole states in high- Tc cuprates, Phys. Rev. B, 44,22,12639, 1992. V.Hizhnyakov, Quantum emission of a medium with a time-dependent refractive index, Quantum Opt. 4, 277-280, 1992. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, M.Schneider, Magnetic interactions and dynamics of holes in CuO2 planes of high-Tc superconducting materials, Phys. Rev. B, 44, 795-800, 1991. V.Hizhnyakov, G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyj, T.Soovik, Zazubovich, Off-centre position of excited s ions in alkali halides, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 119-121, 951-956, 1991. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Electronic properties of high-Tc superconductors and related compounds, Springer-Verlag, Proc. of IWEPS, 1990, Kirschberg, Austria, p. 366. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Hole-phonon coupling in high-Tc superconductors, Phil. Magazine B, 65, 4, 775-781,1992. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Magnetic order and high- Tc superconductivity, Proc. of the XXth European Symp. on the Dynamical Properties of Solids, Chexbres, Switzerland, 1990, p. 32. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Ferromagnetic clustering and high- Tc superconductivity, "Phonons-89", Proc. of the Third Intern. Conf. on Phonon Physics and the Sixth Intern. Conf.on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, No. 1, 1990, p.259. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Ferromagnetic cluster percolation conductivity and phonon induced hole pairing in high- Tc superconductors, Proc. of the XIIth Intern. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy, Columbia, South Carolina, USA, 1990, p.378. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, G.Zavt, Ferron- and freeparticle-type hole excitations in AF-ordered CuO plane of high-Tc superconducting materials, Proc. of the XXth European Symp. of the Dynamical Properties of Solids,Chexberes, Switzerland, 1990, p. 60. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Phase diagram for magnetic order and conductivity in high-Tc materials, Materials Letters, 9, 425, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, I.Tehver, G.Zavt, Resonance Raman scattering in multi-mode Jahn-Teller system, J. Raman Spectroscopy, 21, 231, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Karklinya, V.Nagirnyj, L.Nagli,S.Zazubovich, On the reasons of the off-centre position of excited Ga and In ions in alkali halides, phys. stat. sol.(b),162, K91, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Karklinya,V.Nagirnyj, L.Nagli, S.Zazubovich, On the reasons of the off-centre position of excited Ga and In ions in alkali halides, phys. stat. sol.(b), 162, K91, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, N.Kristoffel, E.Sigmund, Percolation induced conductivity in high- Tc superconducting materials,"Phonons-89", Proc. of the Third Intern. Conf. on Phonon Physics and the Sixth Intern. Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, No. 1, 1990, p. 292. V.Hizhnyakov, Stimulated echo and vibrational dynamics,Phys. Stat. Sol.(b), 158, 725, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, Stimulated echo and vibrational dynamics, phys. stat. sol.(b), 158, 725, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, Stimulated echo, USA-USSR bilateral Symposium on light scattering and laser spectroscopy, California, Irine, 1990. V.V.Hizhnyakov, I.J.Tehver, G.S.Zavt, Raman excitation profiles of multimode Jahn-Teller systems, Proc. XIIth Intern. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy (Columbia, South Carolina, John Wiley and Sons), eds. J.R.Durig and J.F.Sullivan, 1990, p. 72. V.V.Hizhnyakov, Izv. AN Estonii, Fiz. Matem., 39, 113, 1990 V.Hizhnyakov, N.Kristoffel, E.Sigmund, On the percolation induced conductivity in high-Tc superconducting materials, Physica C, 160, 119, 1989. V.Hizhnyakov, N.Kristoffel, E.Sigmund, On the percolation induced conductivity in high-Tc superconducting materials, Physica C, 160, 119, 1989. V.Hizhnyakov, P.Reineker, Nonconventional phase relaxation in glasses caused by pseudolocal vibrations, Chem. Phys., 185, 203, 1989. V.Hizhnyakov, P.Reineker, Phase relaxation of electronic excitation of impurity molecule in glasses, Proc. Of Intern. Symp. on Spectroscopy of Rare-Earth Elements, Leningrad, 1989. M.Haas, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Realo, J.Jogi, Nuclear polaritons in the Mössbauer absorber, Phys. Stat. Sol.(b), 149, 283, 1988. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, High-Tc superconductivity induced by ferromagnetic clustering, Physica C (Superconductivity), 156, 655, 1988. V.Hizhnyakov, I.Tehver, Resonance Raman scattering; Fourier-amplitude formulation, 39th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, New Orleans, USA, 1988. V.Hizhnyakov, I.Tehver, Transform method in resonance Raman scattering with quadratic Franck-Condon and Herzberg-Teller interactions, J. Raman Spectroscopy, 19, 383, 1988. V.Hizhnyakov, Nonequilibrium statistical operator of a vibronic system; decay of the squeezed state, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 57, 140, 1988. V.V.Hizhnyakov, Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz., 52, 1757, 1988. V.V.Hizhnyakov, Izv. AN SSSR,ser. fiz., 52, 765, 1988. V.V.Hizhnyakov, On the theory of stationary and time dependent zero-phonon lines, in "Zero-Phonon Lines", ed. By O.Sild and K.Haller, Springer Verlag, 1988, p. 37. M.Haas, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Realo, Motion of nuclear excitation in the Mössbauer absorber, Phys. Lett., 124, 370, 1987. V.Hizhnyakov, Quadratic vibronic interaction; the operator transformation method, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys., 20, 6073, 1987. V.V.Hizhnyakov, Optical Manifestations of Energy and Phase Relaxation by Vibronic Systems, in: "Laser Optics of Condensed Matter", eds. J.L.Birman, H.Z.Cummins, and A.A.Kaplyanskii, Plenum Press, New York and London, 1987, pp.53-59. V.Hizhnyakov, Theory of Raman excitation profiles of multimode systems with Duschinsky rotation and Jahn-Teller effect, Proc. Intern. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy (Raman '86, Eugene, USA), eds. W.L.Peticolas and B.Hudson, 1986, p.17-1. V.V.Hizhnyakov, Retarded and advanced echo, FTT, 28, 2221, 1986. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Rozman, Effect of Two-Level Atom on Photon Packet Polarization, Phys. Lett. A, 109, 317, 1985. V.Hizhnyakov, O.Sild, M.Rozman, Spectra of a Linear Molecule in a Strong Light Field, Opt. Commun., 53, 173, 1985. V.V.Hizhnyakov, S.G.Zazubovich, Polarized luminescence and a new model of hydrogen-like centres in ionic crystals, Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz., 49, 1874, 1985 (in Russian). V.Hizhnyakov, G.Zavt, V.Plekhanov, V.Shepelev, Vibrational Relaxation and Hot Luminescence of Impurity Centres with a Strong Vibronic Coupling, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys., 17, 2839, 1984. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Rozman, Optical Spectra of a Two-Level Atom in a Quantized Biharmonic Field, Opt. Commun., 52, 183, 1984. V.V.Hizhnyakov, A.W.Sherman, On the causes of the formation of two-site self-trapped excitations, Fizika Nizkih Temperatur, 10, 318, 1984 (in Russian). |
viimati muudetud: 27.09.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Vladimir |
2. | Surname | Hižnjakov |
3. | Institution | Institute of Physics, University of Tartu |
4. | Position | senior scientist |
5. | Date of birth | 25.05.1938 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | 1972 Dr. Phys. Math. Sci., University of Tartu 1966 Candid. Phys. Math. Sci., University of Tartu 1960 graduated (cum laude) from University of Tartu, theoretical physics 1955 Tapa Secondary School |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1997 Head of Solid State Theory Department, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu 1992 Head of Chair of Statistical and Quantum Physics, University of Tartu 1987–1992 Chief Scientist, Institute of Physics, Estonian Acad. Sci. 1987–1992 Part-time Professor at the University of Tartu 1966–1987 Senior Scientist, Institute of Physics & Astronomy, Estonian Acad. Sci. 1963–1966 Junior Scientist, Institute of Physics & Astronomy, Estonian Acad. Sci. 1960–1963 Postgraduate student, Institute of Physics of Estonian Acad. Sci. |
8. | Academic degree | Dr. Sc. Phys.-Math. |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu, 1972 |
10. | Honours/awards | 1965 State Prize of the Estonian SSR in Science 1977 Correspondent Member of the Estonian Acad. Sci. 1981 Registration of scientific discovery of hot luminescence in crystals, Moscow, USSR State Committee of Scientific Discoveries 1986 Honoured Scientist of the Estonian SSR 1987 Full Member of the Estonian Acad. Sci. 1995 Annual Award of the Physical Society of Estonia for the research on quantum emission for time- dependent media 2001 Order of White Star of III Degree of the Republic of Estonia 2003 State Prize of the Republic of Estonia in Science |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of Scientific Council of INTAS, Member of Scientific Council of the Institute of Physics, Council of Phys.- Chem. Department |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Vadim Boltruško, MSc, 2004, superv. Vladimir Hižnjakov. Theory of vibronic transitions between states with hard and soft local phonon dynamics. Tartu Ülikool Helle Kaasik, PhD, 2002, superv. Vladimir Hižnjakov. Nonperturbative theory of multiphonon vibrational relaxation and nonradiative transitions. Tartu Ljudmila A. Bragina, cand, 1986, superv. Vladimir Hižnjakov. Триплетная люминесценция примесных центров с вибронным неполносимметричным искажением. Tartu Aleksei Šerman, cand, 1979, superv. Vladimir Hižnjakov. Теория резонансного вторичного свечения экситонов Френкеля. Tartu Mati Haas, PhD, 1977, superv. Vladimir Hižnjakov. Tuumade liikumise mõju neutronite ja gammakvantide resonantshajumisele kristallis. Tartu |
13. | Current research program | high-Tc superconductivity nonlinear dynamics of solids, vibrational solitons nonperturbative theory of quantum transitions theory of glasses energy transfer in condensed matter nonlinear and quantum optics spectroscopy of solid state theory of zero-phonon lines resonance secondary emission theory of resonance Raman effect theory of hot luminescence theory of Jahn-Teller effect theory of polaritons theory of optical centres, the Jahn-Teller effect theory of the Mössbauer effect |
14. | Current grant funding | Estonian Science Foundation grant No 6534 (2005-2007) |
15. | List of most important publications |
G. Benedek, V. Hizhnyakov, The role of defect-induced phonon localization in quantum diffusion, phys. stat. sol. (c), 2, 495-498 (2005). J. Kikas, A. Suisalu, An. Kuznetsov, A. Laisaar, J. Takahashi and V. Hizhnyakov, Pressure Effects on Relaxation in a Polymer Glass: A Persistent Spectral Hole Burning Study, Optics and Spectroscopy, 98, 675 (2005) [Opt. Spectrosc., 98, 738 (2005)]. V. Hizhnyakov and G. Benedek, Quantum diffusion: effect of defect-localized phonon dynamics, EPJ, B 43, 431 (2005). V. Hizhnyakov, H. Kaasik, Emission of dielectric with oscillating refractive index, J. Physics C, 21, 155 (2005). V. Hizhnyakov, V. Boltrushko, Anomalous optical spectra of centers with soft phonon dynamics in excited state, in: Optical Materials and Applications; Arnold Rosental; Ed., Proc. SPIE, 5946, 192-201 (2005). V. Hizhnyakov, V. Boltrushko, H. Kaasik, A. Shelkan, Multiphonon processes in impurity centres: nonperturbative theory, phys. stat. sol. (a) 202, 228-234 (2005). V.Hizhnyakov, V. Boltrushko, I. Tehver, Optical transitions in the centers with soft dynamics in the final state, J. Physics C, 21, 161 (2005). V. Hizhnyakov and G. Benedek, Quantum diffusion: effects of local distortion of phonons, phys. stat. sol. (c) 1, 3019-3022 (2004). V. Hizhnyakov, J. Kikas, J. Takahashi, A. Laisaar, A. Suisalu, and An. Kuznetsov, Two-level systems in glasses under high pressure: temperature cycling effect, phys. stat. sol. (c) 1, 2937-2940 (2004). V. Hizhnyakov, V. Boltrushko, H. Kaasik, I. Sildos, Phase relaxation in the vicinity of the dynamic instability: anomalous temperature dependence of zero-phonon line, J. Luminescence 107, 351-358 (2004). Hizhnyakov, V; Boltrushko, V; Kaasik, H; Sildos, I. 2003. Jahn-Teller effect in the excited state: Anomalous temperature dependence of the zero-phonon line. ADVANCES IN QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, VOL 44: 135-149. J.Kikas, V.Hizhnyakov, J.Takahashi, A.Suisalu, A.Laisaar and An.Kuznetsov. Temperature broadening of spectral holes in glass under high hydrostatic pressure: isothermal and cycling effects. Proc. 8th Intern. Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications "HBSM 2003", p.89. V. Hizhnyakov and H. Kaasik. Critical dependence of multiphonon transitions on interaction strength and temperature. Advances in Quantum Chemistry, 44, 151 (2003). V.Hizhnyakov, H.Kaasik and M.Selg, Nonperturbative theory of multiphonon transitions: critical dependence on the interaction strength, Proc. 8th Intern. Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications, "HBSM 2003", Bozeman, Montana USA , July 27-31, 2003, p. 88. V.Hizhnyakov, V.Boltrushko, H.Kaasik and I.Sildos, Phase relaxation in the vicinity of the dynamic instability: anomalous temperature dependence of the zero-phonon line. Proc. 8th Intern. Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications, "HBSM 2003", Bozeman, Montana USA, July 27-31, 2003, p. 41. V.Hizhnyakov, V.Boltrushko, H.Kaasik and I.Sildos, Strong Jahn-Teller effect in the excited state: Anomalous temperature dependence of the zero-phonon line. J. Chem. Phys. 119, 6290 (2003). A. Laisaar, V. Hizhnyakov, J. Kikas, An. Kuznetsov, A. Suisalu, Pressure-induced transformations of low-energy excitations in a polymer glass studied by spectral hole burning, In: High Pressure Effects in Chemistry, Biology and Materials Science, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 208-209, 129 (2002). I.Tehver, H.Kaasik and V.Hizhnyakov, Transform method in resonance Raman scattering: effect of mode mixing, J. Raman Spectroscopy, 33, 639 (2002). V.Hizhnyakov and Helle Kaasik, Temperature dependence of nonradiative transitions: A nonperturbative theory, J. Chem. Phys. 116, 9485 (2002). V. Hizhnyakov, D. Nevedrov, A.J. Sievers, Quantum properties of gap modes, Physica B, 316-317, 132 (2002). V.Hizhnyakov, H.Kaasik, and I. Sildos, Zero-Phonon Lines: The effect of Strong Softening of Elastic Springs in the Excited State, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 234, 644 (2002). V.Hizhnyakov, H.Kaasik, and I.Tehver, High-order vibrational relaxation: a nonperturbative theory, Eur. Phys. J., B 28, 271 (2002). V.Hizhnyakov, H.Kaasik, and I.Tehver, Mode mixing in Resonance Raman Scattering: Reorganization of Chemical Bonds, Proceedings of XIIIth Conference on Raman Spectroscopy; Ed. By J.Mink, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2002, pp.403-404. V. Hizhnyakov, J. Kikas, An. Kuznetsov, A. Laisaar, A. Suisalu, Localized low-energy excitations in glasses: Effect of pressure, In: New Kinds of Phase Transitions: Transformations in Disordered Substances (Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Volga River, Russia, 24-28 May 2001), Eds. V. V. Brazhkin, S. V. Buldyrev, V. N. Ryzhov, and H. E. Stanley, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002, p.491-503. V. Hizhnyakov, J. Kikas, An. Kuznetsov, A. Laisaar, A. Suisalu, Pressure-induced transformations of low-energy excitations in glasses, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 316-317, 527 (2002). V.Hizhnyakov, M.Rozman, Resonant Forward Scattering of Photons: Birefractivity of a Single Atom, Proceedings of XIIIth Conference on Raman Spectroscopy; Ed. By J.Mink, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2002, p. 105-106. D. Nevedrov, V. Hizhnyakov, A.J. Sievers, Anharmonic gap modes in alkali halides, Vibronic Interactions: Jahn-Teller Effect in Crystals and Molecules, NATO Science Series:II: Math., Phys., Chem., 39, 343-347 (2001). M. Selg, V. Hizhnyakov, R. Kink, M. Kink, J. Maksimov, Stationary and time-resolved hot luminescence of self-trapped excitons in rare gas crystals, J. Low Temp. Physics, 122, 241 (2001). Shelkan, V. Hizhnyakov, G. Seibold, E. Sigmund, Free and spin-polaron states in high Tc -superconductors, Vibronic Interactions: Jahn-Teller Effect in Crystals and Molecules, NATO Science Series:II: Math., Phys., Chem., 39, 349-356 (2001). V.Hizhnyakov and H.Kaasik, Nonperturbative theory of multiphonon anharmonic transitions, J. Chem. Phys., 114, 3127 (2001). V. Hizhnyakov, I.Tehver, Resonant light scattering and luminescence in multimode vibronic systems: time-dependent representation, J. Raman Spectroscopy, 32, 591 (2001). Hizhnyakov, M. Selg, R. Kink, M. Kink, J. Maksimov, H. Kaasik, Hyperhot luminescence in atomic cryocrystals, Proc. XVIIIth Intern. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy, Eds. Shu-Lin Zhang, Bang-fen Zhu, Peking University, Beijing, China, Wiley, 124, 2000. V. Hizhnyakov, A. Laisaar, An. Kuznetsov, V. Palm, A. Suisalu, Transformation of soft localized modes in glasses under pressure, Phys. Rev., B 62, 11296 (2000). V. Hizhnyakov, H. Kaasik, Ultrafast multiphonon vibrational relaxation, Proc. XVIIIth Intern. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy, Eds. Shu-Lin Zhang, Bang-fen Zhu, Peking University, Beijing, China, Wiley, 228, 2000. V.Hizhnyakov, M. Kink, R. Kink, A. Lõhmus, J. Maksimov, M. Selg, Hot luminescence of self-trapped excitons in atomic cryocrystals, Physica B 284-288, 1129 (2000). Α. Shelkan, V. Hizhnyakov, E. Sigmund, Self-trapping barrier for phonon polaron in anisotropic crystal, J. Supercond., 13, 21 (2000). A.Shelkan, V. Hizhnyakov, E. Sigmund, Self-consistent calculation of autolocalization barrier of holes in CuO2 plane, (in Russian) Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 41, 1145 - 1148, 1999. A.Shelkan, V. Hizhnyakov, E. Sigmund, Self-consistent calculation of autolocalization barrier of holes in CuO2 plane, Phys. Sol. State, 41, 1042 - 1045, 1999. R. Kink, V. Hizhnyakov, M. Kink, J. Maksimov, Hot luminescence of self-trapped excitons in Xe crystal under X-ray and two-photon laser excitation, J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 101-103,623 - 627, 1999. Shelkan, AK; Hizhnyakov, VV; Sigmund, E. 1999. Self-consistent calculation of the hole autolocalization barrier in the CuO2 plane. PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE 41 (7): 1042-1045. V.Hizhnyakov, D. Nevedrov, Nonlinear quantum dynamics of local modes: perfect and disordered alkali halide crystals, Physica B 263-264, 762 - 765,1999. V. Hizhnyakov, M. Selg, R. Kink, M. Kink, J. Maksimov, Step-wise decay of local modes: theory and experiment, In: Proc. of the XIV Intern. Symp. on Electron-Phonon Dynamics and Jahn-Teller Effect, July 7-13, 1998,Erice-Italy, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, Singapore, 186 - 193,1999. V.Hizhnyakov, M. Selg, R. Kink, M. Kink, J. Maksimov, Step-wise multiphonon anharmonic decay of local modes: theory and experiment, Physica B 263-264, 683 - 686, 1999. V.Hizhnyakov, Multiphonon anharmonic decay of a quantum mode, Europhys. Lett., 45, 508 - 513, 1999. V. Hizhnyakov, P. Reineker, Optical dephasing by fluctuations of long-range interactions in defect-rich crystals, J. Lumin., 83-84, 351-355, 1999. V. Hizhnyakov, P. Reineker, Optical dephasing in defect-rich crystals, J. Chem. Phys., 111, 8131 - 8135, 1999. A.Shelkan, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Self-consistent calculation of self-trapping barrier for a hole in CuO2 plane, J. Supercond., 11,677 - 682, 1998. G.Seibold, E. Sigmund, and V. Hizhnyakov, Unrestricted slave-boson mean-field approximation for the two-dimensional Hubbard model, Phys. Rev., B 57,6937 - 6942, 1998. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Selg and D.Nevedrov, Relaxation and Hot Luminescence in Solid Xe, Phys. Sol. State 40, 842 - 843, 1998; Fiz. Tverd. Tela (St. Petersburg) 40, 916 - 918, 1998. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Selg, M.Kink, R.Kink, and J.Maksimov, Relaxation jumps and hot luminescence of excitons in rare gas crystals, J.Low Temp. Phys. 111, 709 - 715, 1998. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Selg, Relaxation jumps and hot luminescence of self-trapped excitons, J.Lumin., 76-77, 636 - 640, 1998. A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, D.Nevedrov, G.Seibold, E.Sigmund, Influence of Electronic Inhomogeneities on Electron-Lattice and Pairing Interactions in High-Tc Superconductors, Z. Phys., B 104, 753-757, 1997. A.Shelkan, G.Zavt, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Effect of O-O transfer to a hole in CuO2 planes of HTS, Z. Physik, B 104, 433 - 438, 1997. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, A.Bill, “Gap anisotropy and phonon renormalization”, Z.Phys.Chem, 201, 245,1997, E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, D.Nevedrov, A.Bill, Unscreened Long Range Interactions, Gap Anisotropy and Phonon Renormalization in High Temperature Superconductors, Z.Phys.Chem., 201, 245 - 261, 1997. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, D.Nevedrov and A.Bill, Unscreened Long-Range Interactions, Gap Anisotropy and Phonon Renormalization in HTS, J. Superconductivity, 10, 441-446, 1997. V. Hizhnyakov and D. Nevedrov, Hawking Process in Solids: Quantum Generation of Phonon Bursts by a Strongly Excited Mode, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 69,1195 - 1202, 1997. V. Hizhnyakov and D. Nevedrov, Nonlinear Quantum Dynamics of Strong Vibration: Relaxation Jumps and Phonon Bursts, Z. Phys. Chem., 201, 301-315, 1997. V.Hizhnyakov and D.Nevedrov, Quantum Explosions of Localized Vibrations in Anharmonic Lattices, Annual Report of the Estonian Physical Society, edited by P. Kuusk, pp. 114 - 129, 1997. V. Hizhnyakov and D. Nevedrov, Stepwise Quantum Decay of Self-localized Solitons, Phys. Rev., B 56, R2908-2911, 1997. V. Hizhnyakov, I. Tehver, Spontaneous and coherent resonance Raman scattering by multimode systems: transform laws for excitation profiles, J.Raman Spectroscopy, 28, 403 - 410, 1997. V. Hizhnyakov, J. Kikas, An. Kuznetsov, A. Laisaar, V. Palm, P. Reineker, High pressure narrowing of zero-phonon lines in polymer glasses at different temperatures, J.Lumin., 72-74, 415 - 416, 1997. V.Hizhnyakov, Multiphonon decay of strong mode in quantum lattice, Z. Phys., B 104, 675 - 679, 1997. D.Nevedrov, V.Hizhnyakov, A Hawking mechanism in solids: relaxation jumps of a strongly excited mode, Proc. XXX Finnish Physics Days, Espoo, Finland, 1996. V.Hizhnyakov, D.Nevedrov, Hawking process in solids: quantum generation of phonon bursts by a strongly excited mode, Pure and Applied Chemistry (1996) [Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on 'Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter' (EXCON'96), 14-17 August 1996, Gorisch, Germany]. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Anisotropic pairing caused by unscreened long-range interactions, J.Superconductivity, 9,443-447, 1996. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Gap anisotropy caused by unscreened long-range interactions, Phys. Rev. B 57, 5163-5167, 1996. V.Hizhnyakov, Relaxation jumps of strong vibration, Phys.Rev. B, 53, 13981, 1996. A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Electron-lattice interaction, gap anisotropy and phonon renormalization. In:Anharmonic Properties of High-Tc Superconductors, Eds. D.Mihailoviz, G.Ruani, E.Kaldis, K.A.Müller, World Scientific, Singapore-London, 261-266, 1995. A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Phonon renormalization and symmetry of the superconducting order parameter, Phys. Rev. B, 52, 7637, 1995. E.Sigmund, A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, Pairing interactions and gap anisotropy. In: Anharmonic Properties of High-Tc Superconductors, Eds. D.Mihailoviz, G.Ruani, E.Kaldis, K.A.Müller, World Scientific, Singapore-London, 1995, 187-195. R.K.Kremer, A.Simon, E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, On the role of electronic and chemical phase separation in La2 CuO4+δ J.Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 140-144,1285-1286, 1995. A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Pairing interaction and phonon renormalization favored by phase separation. In: Phase Separation in Cuprate Superconductors, Eds. E.Sigmund,K.A.Müller, Springer, Berlin, 1994, p.290-303. A.Bill, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Phonon renormalization and gap anisotropy, Physica C, 235-240, 2137-2138, 1994. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, G.Seibold, Phase separation in high-Tc superconductors, Physica C, 235-240, 253-256, 1994. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, G.Seibold, Polaron formation and percolative phase separation in HTSC. In: Phase Separation in Cuprate Superconductors, Eds. E.Sigmund, K.A.Müller, Springer, Berlin, 1994, p.50-65. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, R.K.Kremer, A.Simon, On the existence of percolative phase separation in high-Tc cuprates, Z.Phys. B, Condensed Matter, 94, 17, 1994. G.Seibold, M.Letz, E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Mean-field theories of spin-cluster states in CuO2 planes, Physica C, 235-240, 2241-2242, 1994. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, G.Seibold, Percolative phase separation and high-Tc superconductivity, In: Phase Separation in Cuprate Superconductors, Eds.K.A.Müller and G.Benedek, World Sci., Singapore, 1993, p.46-66. G.Seibold, E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Spin-cluster states in CuO2 planes, Phys. Rev. B, 48, 5, 7537-7544, 1993. R.K.Kremer, V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, A.Simon, K.A.Müller, Electronic phase separation in La-cuprates, Z. Phys. B, 91, 2, 169-174, 1993. V.Hizhnyakov and I.Tehver, Resonance Raman Scattering of Multimode Systems: Fourier Amplitude Approach, J.Raman Spectroscopy, 24, 653-660,1993. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, A.Bill, Cooper pair formation by distortive electron-phonon coupling, In: Phase Separation in Cuprate Superconductors, Eds.K.A.Müller and G.Benedek, World Sci., Singapore, 1993, p.288-303. V.Hizhnyakov, K.Seranski, U.Shurath, Homogeneous line shape and shifts of the Σ→Σ transition in matrix-isolated NH: comparison with quadratic coupling theory, Chem. Phys., 163, 1, 249-256, 1992. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Hole-phonon coupling in high-Tc superconductors, Phil. Magazine B, 65, 4, 775-781,1992. R.K.Kremer, E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, F.Hentsch, A.Simon, K.A.Müller, M.Mehring, Percolative phase separation in La2 CuO4+δ and La2-x SrxCuO4 , Z. Physik B, 86, 319, 1992. V.Hizhnyakov and I.Tehver, Resonance Raman Scattering of Multimode Systems. Fourier Amplitude Approach, in: Proc. XIIIth Intern. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy, Würzburg, 1992. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, G.Zavt, On the existence of a barrier between free- and ferron-type (self-trapped) hole states in high- Tc cuprates, Phys. Rev. B, 44,22,12639, 1992. V.Hizhnyakov, Quantum emission of a medium with a time-dependent refractive index, Quantum Opt. 4, 277-280, 1992. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, M.Schneider, Magnetic interactions and dynamics of holes in CuO2 planes of high-Tc superconducting materials, Phys. Rev. B, 44, 795-800, 1991. V.Hizhnyakov, G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyj, T.Soovik, Zazubovich, Off-centre position of excited s ions in alkali halides, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 119-121, 951-956, 1991. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Electronic properties of high-Tc superconductors and related compounds, Springer-Verlag, Proc. of IWEPS, 1990, Kirschberg, Austria, p. 366. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Hole-phonon coupling in high-Tc superconductors, Phil. Magazine B, 65, 4, 775-781,1992. E.Sigmund, V.Hizhnyakov, Magnetic order and high- Tc superconductivity, Proc. of the XXth European Symp. on the Dynamical Properties of Solids, Chexbres, Switzerland, 1990, p. 32. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Ferromagnetic clustering and high- Tc superconductivity, "Phonons-89", Proc. of the Third Intern. Conf. on Phonon Physics and the Sixth Intern. Conf.on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, No. 1, 1990, p.259. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Ferromagnetic cluster percolation conductivity and phonon induced hole pairing in high- Tc superconductors, Proc. of the XIIth Intern. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy, Columbia, South Carolina, USA, 1990, p.378. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, G.Zavt, Ferron- and freeparticle-type hole excitations in AF-ordered CuO plane of high-Tc superconducting materials, Proc. of the XXth European Symp. of the Dynamical Properties of Solids,Chexberes, Switzerland, 1990, p. 60. V.Hizhnyakov, E.Sigmund, Phase diagram for magnetic order and conductivity in high-Tc materials, Materials Letters, 9, 425, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, I.Tehver, G.Zavt, Resonance Raman scattering in multi-mode Jahn-Teller system, J. Raman Spectroscopy, 21, 231, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Karklinya, V.Nagirnyj, L.Nagli,S.Zazubovich, On the reasons of the off-centre position of excited Ga and In ions in alkali halides, phys. stat. sol.(b),162, K91, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Karklinya,V.Nagirnyj, L.Nagli, S.Zazubovich, On the reasons of the off-centre position of excited Ga and In ions in alkali halides, phys. stat. sol.(b), 162, K91, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, N.Kristoffel, E.Sigmund, Percolation induced conductivity in high- Tc superconducting materials,"Phonons-89", Proc. of the Third Intern. Conf. on Phonon Physics and the Sixth Intern. Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, No. 1, 1990, p. 292. V.Hizhnyakov, Stimulated echo and vibrational dynamics,Phys. Stat. Sol.(b), 158, 725, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, Stimulated echo and vibrational dynamics, phys. stat. sol.(b), 158, 725, 1990. V.Hizhnyakov, Stimulated echo, USA-USSR bilateral Symposium on light scattering and laser spectroscopy, California, Irine, 1990. V.V.Hizhnyakov, I.J.Tehver, G.S.Zavt, Raman excitation profiles of multimode Jahn-Teller systems, Proc. XIIth Intern. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy (Columbia, South Carolina, John Wiley and Sons), eds. J.R.Durig and J.F.Sullivan, 1990, p. 72. V.V.Hizhnyakov, Izv. AN Estonii, Fiz. 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V.Hizhnyakov, G.Zavt, V.Plekhanov, V.Shepelev, Vibrational Relaxation and Hot Luminescence of Impurity Centres with a Strong Vibronic Coupling, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys., 17, 2839, 1984. V.Hizhnyakov, M.Rozman, Optical Spectra of a Two-Level Atom in a Quantized Biharmonic Field, Opt. Commun., 52, 183, 1984. V.V.Hizhnyakov, A.W.Sherman, On the causes of the formation of two-site self-trapped excitations, Fizika Nizkih Temperatur, 10, 318, 1984 (in Russian). |
last updated: 27.09.2005
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