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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Mart |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Speek |
3. | Töökoht | Geenitehnoloogia Instituut, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur/dotsent |
5. | Sünniaeg | 27.07.1955 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | kõrgem |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1978-81 Tartu Ülikooli (TÜ) molekulaarbioloogia aspirant (juhendaja Prof A. Lind) 1982-83 TÜ Molekulaarbioloogia laboratooriumi nooremteadur 1984-86 TÜ Molekulaarbioloogia laboratooriumi vanemteadur 1986-87 Londoni Ülikooli Imperial Kolledzi Vähiuurimise Kampaania laboratooriumi postdoc (projekti juhendaja Prof. D.M. Glover) 1987-1991 TÜ Molekulaarbioloogia laboratooriumi vanemteadur 1992-93 Eesti Biokeskuse vanemteadur 1993-96 Kalifornia Ülikooli San Francisco Meditsiinikeskuse Pediaatria osakonna Molekulaarbioloogia laboratooriumi postdoc, töögrupi juht 1996-98 TÜ Molekulaar ja rakubioloogia instituudi, biokeemia õppetooli dotsent 1998- Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Geenitehnoloogia Instituut, vanemteadur, ¼ dotsent |
8. | Teaduskraad | PhD (keemiakandidaat) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Molekulaarbioloogia ja Geneetika Instituut (Kiiev), 1983 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Kaja Redik, MSc, 2005, juh. Mart Speek. L1 retrotransposooni roll inimese geenide transkriptsioonis. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Kert Mätlik, MSc, 2005, juh. Mart Speek. Inimese L1 retrotransposooni promootorite aktiivsuse regulatsioon. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | 1976-78 Ensümaatiliste reaktsioonide mehhanism. Koliinesteraasi aktiivse tsentri ehitus. 1979-85 Ribosomaalse 5S RNA, tema fragmentide ja valk-komplekside konformatsiooni analüüs. Dissertatsioon. 1986 DNA terminaator-sekveneerimise täiustamine. 1986-87 DNA vektorite ja pankade koostamine. Kromosoomil "jalutamine". 1988-92 Mammaalide LINE retrotransposoonide struktuur, funktsioon ja evolutsiooniline päritolu. 1993-96 RNA-RNA hübridisatsioon. Antisense RNA. Alternatiivsed promootorid ja alternatiivne RNA splaising normaalses ja vähkkasvaja rakkudes. 1996-99 Inimese L1 retrotransposoon indutseeritud transkriptsioooni regulatsioon ja interferents vähkkasvaja rakkudes. 2000- L1 antisens promootori poolt indutseeritud inimese geenide epigeneetiline regulatsioon |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF grant, Molekulaarbioloogia (1.8) 2002-2005 a, " Retroposoonide efekt inimese geenide epigeneetilisele regulatsioonile " |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Mätlik, K., K. Redik and M. Speek 2005. L1 antisense promoter drives tissue-specific transcription of human genes, manuscript submitted Speek, M., O. Njunkova, I. Pata, E. Valdre, and P. Kogerman 2005. Alternative splicing regulates repressor activity of the human GLI2, manuscript submitted Nigumann, P., K. Redik, K. Mätlik and M. Speek. 2002. Many human genes are transcribed from the antisense promoter of L1 retrotransposon. Genomics 79: 628-634. Speek, M. 2001. Antisense promoter of human L1 retrotransposon drives transcription of adjacent cellular genes. Molecular and Cellular Biology 21: 1973-1985. Speek, M., F. Barry and W. L. Miller. 1996. Alternate promoters and alternate splicing of human tenascin-X, a gene with 5' and 3' ends buried in other genes. Human Molecular Genetics 5: 1749-1758. Speek, M. and W. L. Miller. 1995. Hybridization of the complementary mRNAs for P450c21 (steroid 21-hydroxylase) and tenascin-X is prevented by sequence-specific binding of nuclear proteins. Molecular Endocrinology 9: 1655-1665. Tee, M-K., G. O. Babalola, P. Aza-Blanc, M. Speek, S. E. Gitelman and W. L. Miller. 1995. A promoter within intron 35 of the human C4A gene initiates abundant adrenal-specific transcription of a 1 kb RNA: location of a cryptic CYP21 promoter element? Human Molecular Genetics 4: 2109-2116. |
viimati muudetud: 10.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Mart |
2. | Surname | Speek |
3. | Institution | Department of Gene Technology, Tallinn University of Technology |
4. | Position | Senior Scientist/Assistant Professor |
5. | Date of birth | 27.07.1955 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | higher |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1978-81 Tartu University (TU), PhD student (supervisor Prof. A. Lind) 1982-83 TU Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Junior Scientist 1983-86 TU Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Senior Scientist 1986-87 Cancer Research Campaign Laboratories, Imperial College, London University, Postdoctoral Researcher (Project Supervisor Prof. D.M. Glover) 1988-92 TU Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Senior Scientist 1992-93 Estonian Biocenter Senior Scientist 1993-96 University of California San Francisco, Department of Pediatrics, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Postdoctoral Research Fellow (group leader),(Sponsor: Prof. W.L. Miller), 1996-98 TU, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Department of Biology and Geography, Assistant Professor in Biochemistry 1998-present Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Gene Technology, Senior Scientist, Assistant Professor (1/4) |
8. | Academic degree | PhD (candidate of sciences) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Institute of Molecular Biology nad Genetics (Kiiev), 1983 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Kaja Redik, MSc, 2005, superv. Mart Speek. L1 retrotransposooni roll inimese geenide transkriptsioonis. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Kert Mätlik, MSc, 2005, superv. Mart Speek. Inimese L1 retrotransposooni promootorite aktiivsuse regulatsioon. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |
13. | Current research program | 1976-78 Mechanism of enzymatic reactions. Structure of the active centre of cholinesterase. 1979-85 Conformational analysis of ribosomal 5S RNA and its complexes with ribosomal proteins L18/25. PhD Thesis. 1986 DNA terminator sequencing by synchronous primer extension. 1986-87 Construction of specialized vectors and libraries for chromosome walking in Drosophila. 1988-92 Structure, function and evolutionary origin of mammalian LINE retrotransposons. 1993-96 RNA-RNA interactions. In vitro and in vivo hybridization of complementary 3' termini of naturally occurring mRNAs. Structure and alternative splicing of the Tenascin X mRNA. 1996-99 L1 retrotransposon-induced transcriptional regulation and interference in human cancer cells. 2000-present Transcription and epigenetic regulation of human genes controlled by L1 antisense promoter |
14. | Current grant funding | ETF grant, Molcular Biology (1.8) 2002-2005, "Effect of retrotransposons to the epigenetic regulation of human genes" |
15. | List of most important publications |
Mätlik, K., K. Redik and M. Speek 2005. L1 antisense promoter drives tissue-specific transcription of human genes, manuscript submitted Speek, M., O. Njunkova, I. Pata, E. Valdre, and P. Kogerman 2005. Alternative splicing regulates repressor activity of the human GLI2, manuscript submitted Nigumann, P., K. Redik, K. Mätlik and M. Speek. 2002. Many human genes are transcribed from the antisense promoter of L1 retrotransposon. Genomics 79: 628-634. Speek, M. 2001. Antisense promoter of human L1 retrotransposon drives transcription of adjacent cellular genes. Molecular and Cellular Biology 21: 1973-1985. Speek, M., F. Barry and W. L. Miller. 1996. Alternate promoters and alternate splicing of human tenascin-X, a gene with 5' and 3' ends buried in other genes. Human Molecular Genetics 5: 1749-1758. Speek, M. and W. L. Miller. 1995. Hybridization of the complementary mRNAs for P450c21 (steroid 21-hydroxylase) and tenascin-X is prevented by sequence-specific binding of nuclear proteins. Molecular Endocrinology 9: 1655-1665. Tee, M-K., G. O. Babalola, P. Aza-Blanc, M. Speek, S. E. Gitelman and W. L. Miller. 1995. A promoter within intron 35 of the human C4A gene initiates abundant adrenal-specific transcription of a 1 kb RNA: location of a cryptic CYP21 promoter element? Human Molecular Genetics 4: 2109-2116. |
last updated: 10.08.2005
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