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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Ülo |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Lille |
3. | Töökoht | TTÜ, Keemiainstituut, bioorg. keemia õppetool |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 16.09.1931 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut(TPI), 1950-1955, insener-keemik-tehnoloog; aspirant 1957-1959 7 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Teenistuskäik: Kiviõli Põlevkivikeemia Kombinaat,insener,1955-1957, Põlevkivi Instituut, vanemteadur,1960 -1975, HM (TA ) Keemia Instituut, osakonna (labori) juh., 1975 –1997,TTÜ, org. keemia prof., 1992-1997, alates 1997 emeriitprofessor ja vanemteadur |
8. | Teaduskraad | tehnikakandidaat keemiadoktor |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
TPI, 1960 NSVL Kõrgem Attestatsiooni Komisjon |
10. | Tunnustused | Eesti TA liige, 1983; Eesti Teaduspreemia 1987 |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Eesti TA Toimetiste Keemia seeria Redkollegiumi esimees, Eesti TA Kirjastusnõukogu liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Ivar Järving, cand, 1991, juh. Ülo Lille, Nigulas Samel. Preparation of tromboxane A2 analogs and natural E-type prostaglandins. Tallinn Ivar Martin, cand, 1991, juh. Ülo Lille. Synthesis of oligomers of prostaglandin 16,16-dimethyl- 15-keto-B1 and their action on the oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. Tallinn Omar Parve, cand, 1990, juh. Ülo Lille, Margus Lopp. Synthesis of carba-analogs of prostacycline. Tallinn Tõnis Kanger, cand, 1990, juh. Ülo Lille, Margus Lopp. Synthesis of enantiomeric prostaglandin-intermediates using bicyclic oxiranes and Li-alkynid/BF3 reagent. Tallinn Madis Lõhmus, cand, 1989, juh. Ülo Lille. Separation of prostaglandins and their intermediates using liquid chromatography. Tallinn UNo Mäeorg, cand, 1985, juh. Ülo Lille. Selective hydrogenation of triple bond using Zn-Cu catalyst. Tartu Nigulas Samel, cand, 1983, juh. Ülo Lille. Preparative biochemical synthesis of prostaglandins. Tallinn Margus Lopp, cand, 1981, juh. Ülo Lille. Synthesis of 11-deoxyprostaglandins using cuprate method. Tallinn Luule Bitter, cand, 1976, juh. Ülo Lille. Composition of heavy shale oil phenols. Tallinn Tiit Purre, cand, 1974, juh. Ülo Lille. Composition of phenols of shale oil coking destillates. Tallinn H.Kundel, cand, 1969, juh. Ülo Lille. Composition of water-soluble shale oil phenols. Tallinn |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Geomakromolekulide ja elektronjuhtivate polümeeride molekulaarne modelleerimine ja simuleerimine, biokatalüüs |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Eesti kukersiidi kerogeeni ja ta komponentide molekulaarne modelleerimine ETF 5624 |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
T. Kaevand and Ü Lille. Atomistic molecular simulation of thermal volume expansion of Estonian kukersite kerogen. Oil shale 22, 291-304, 2005. 0. Ü Lille. Effect of water on the hydrogen bond formation in Estonian kukersite kerogen as revealed by molecular modelling. Fuel 83:1267-1268, 2004. Ü. Lille. Behavior of estonian kukersite kerogen in molecular mechanical force field. Oil shale 21 nr.99-114, 2004. 0. Ü. Lille. Current knowledge on the origin and structure of Estonian kukersite kerogen. Oil shale 20 (3):253-263, 2003. 0. Ü Lille, I. Heinmaa, and T. Pehk. Molecular model of Estonian kukersite kerogen as evaluated by 13C MAS NMR spectroscopy. Fuel 82:799-804, 2003. I.Vallikivi,Ü.Lille,A.Lõokene,A.Metsala,P.Sikk,V.Tõugu,H.Vija,L.Villo,O.Parve.Lipase action on some non-triglyceride substrates. J.of Molecular Catalysis B:Enzymatic 22,279-298, 2003. Ü.Lille,I.Heinmaa,T.Pehk. Investigation into kukersite strukture using NMR and oxidative cleavage methods: On the nature of phenolic precursors in the Estonan kukersite kerogen.Oil Shale 19,101-116,2002 R.Jäälaid,I.Järving,T.Pehk,O.Parve,Ü.Lille.Short synthesis of novel 9,11-secosterols. Natural products letters 15,221ˇ-228, 2001. |
viimati muudetud: 10.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Ülo |
2. | Surname | Lille |
3. | Institution | TUT ,Institute of Chemistry, chair of bio-organic chemistry |
4. | Position | senior researcher |
5. | Date of birth | 16.09.1931 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Tallinn Technical University(TTU) 1950-1955, engineer-chemist-technologist;TTU, graduate-student,1957-1959 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
Kivioli Oil Shale Works, engineer,1955-1957;; Oil Shale Research Institute, senior scientist,1960-1975;Institute of Chemistry(Estonian Academy), head of dep.,1975-1997;TTU, prof. of org. chem.,1992-1997;now prof. emeritus and senior researcher; as visiting scientist: Munich Technical University,1993(three months), Exeter University,1994(two months), University of Liverpool,1998 (two months |
8. | Academic degree | Cand of technical sci. Dr. of Sci. (chemistry) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Technical University,1960; Acad.Sci.USSR,1973 |
10. | Honours/awards | Member of Estonian Academy of Sci.1983, Estonian Award in Sci.1987. |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Research-administrative experience: Chairman of Editorial Board,Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sci.,Chemistry series, member of Publishihg Board of Estonian Academy of Sci., member of expert board on education of natural sciences (up to 2002), member of expert group on the US-Estonia science and technology co-operation on oil shale research and utilization (up to 2005). |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Ivar Järving, cand, 1991, superv. Ülo Lille, Nigulas Samel. Preparation of tromboxane A2 analogs and natural E-type prostaglandins. Tallinn Ivar Martin, cand, 1991, superv. Ülo Lille. Synthesis of oligomers of prostaglandin 16,16-dimethyl- 15-keto-B1 and their action on the oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. Tallinn Omar Parve, cand, 1990, superv. Ülo Lille, Margus Lopp. Synthesis of carba-analogs of prostacycline. Tallinn Tõnis Kanger, cand, 1990, superv. Ülo Lille, Margus Lopp. Synthesis of enantiomeric prostaglandin-intermediates using bicyclic oxiranes and Li-alkynid/BF3 reagent. Tallinn Madis Lõhmus, cand, 1989, superv. Ülo Lille. Separation of prostaglandins and their intermediates using liquid chromatography. Tallinn UNo Mäeorg, cand, 1985, superv. Ülo Lille. Selective hydrogenation of triple bond using Zn-Cu catalyst. Tartu Nigulas Samel, cand, 1983, superv. Ülo Lille. Preparative biochemical synthesis of prostaglandins. Tallinn Margus Lopp, cand, 1981, superv. Ülo Lille. Synthesis of 11-deoxyprostaglandins using cuprate method. Tallinn Luule Bitter, cand, 1976, superv. Ülo Lille. Composition of heavy shale oil phenols. Tallinn Tiit Purre, cand, 1974, superv. Ülo Lille. Composition of phenols of shale oil coking destillates. Tallinn H.Kundel, cand, 1969, superv. Ülo Lille. Composition of water-soluble shale oil phenols. Tallinn |
13. | Current research program | Molecular modeling and simulation of geomacromolecules and electronically conducting polymers, biocatalysis |
14. | Current grant funding | Molecular modeling of Estonian kukersite kerogen and its components |
15. | List of most important publications |
T. Kaevand and Ü Lille. Atomistic molecular simulation of thermal volume expansion of Estonian kukersite kerogen. Oil shale 22, 291-304, 2005. 0. Ü Lille. Effect of water on the hydrogen bond formation in Estonian kukersite kerogen as revealed by molecular modelling. Fuel 83:1267-1268, 2004. Ü. Lille. Behavior of estonian kukersite kerogen in molecular mechanical force field. Oil shale 21 nr.99-114, 2004. 0. Ü. Lille. Current knowledge on the origin and structure of Estonian kukersite kerogen. Oil shale 20 (3):253-263, 2003. 0. Ü Lille, I. Heinmaa, and T. Pehk. Molecular model of Estonian kukersite kerogen as evaluated by 13C MAS NMR spectroscopy. Fuel 82:799-804, 2003. I.Vallikivi,Ü.Lille,A.Lõokene,A.Metsala,P.Sikk,V.Tõugu,H.Vija,L.Villo,O.Parve.Lipase action on some non-triglyceride substrates. J.of Molecular Catalysis B:Enzymatic 22,279-298, 2003. Ü.Lille,I.Heinmaa,T.Pehk. Investigation into kukersite strukture using NMR and oxidative cleavage methods: On the nature of phenolic precursors in the Estonan kukersite kerogen.Oil Shale 19,101-116,2002 R.Jäälaid,I.Järving,T.Pehk,O.Parve,Ü.Lille.Short synthesis of novel 9,11-secosterols. Natural products letters 15,221ˇ-228, 2001. |
last updated: 10.08.2005
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