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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ivo
2.Perekonnanimi Kolts
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Anatoomia instituut
4.Ametikoht dotsent
5.Sünniaeg 07.02.1957 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kõrgem
Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskond 1981
Saksamaa LV, Kiel'i Ülikool Dr. med. 1993
7.Teenistuskäik TÜ Anatoomia instituudi: vanem-laborant 1981 - 1984 assistent 1984 - 1990Doktorantuur Kiel'i Ülikooli Anatoomia instituudis 1990 - 1992instituudi assistent 1993 - 1994vanem-assistent 1994 - 1998Anatoomia instituudi dotsent 1997 - 2005
2005 - kirurgilise ja topograafilise õppetooli hoidja
8.Teaduskraad Dr. med.
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Saksamaa LV Kiel'i Ülikooli Arstiteaduskond, Dr. med. 1993
10.Tunnustused puuduvad
ja –administratiivne
Eesti Morfoloogia Selts'i sekretär, Anatomische Gesellschaft'i liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Mati Merila, PhD, 2005, juh. Tiit Haviko, Ivo Kolts. Anatomy and clinical relevance of the glenohumeral joint capsule and ligaments. Tartu

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Liikumisaparaadi kliinilis-funktsionaalne anatoomia; urogenitaalsüsteemi kliiniline morfoloogia; kesknärvisüsteemi morfoloogia
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant 5991:Õlaliigese kapsli, kõõluste struktuuri, verevarustuse ja innervatsiooni kliiniline morfoloogia

Jurgel J, Rannama L, Gapeyeva H, Ereline J, Kolts I, Paasuke M. Shoulder function in patients with frozen shoulder before and after 4-week rehabilitation. Medicina (Kaunas). 2005;41(1):30-8.

Aunapuu M, Arend A, Kolts I, Egerbacher M, Ots M (2004) Decrease in laminin content and protein excretionANNALS OF ANATOMY-ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER 186 (2): 127-131 APR 2004 rate after five-sixths nephrectomy and low-dose irradiation in the rat

Aunapuu M, Pechter U, Gerskevits E, Marjamagi MM, Suuroja S, Arend A, Kolts I, Kuhnel W, Ots M(2004) Low-dose radiation modifies the progression of chronic renal failure ANNALS OF ANATOMY-ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER 186 (3): 277-282 JUN 2004

Merila M, Leibecke T, Gehl HB, Busch LC, Russlies M, Eller A, Haviko T, Kolts I (2004) The anterior glenohumeral joint capsule: macroscopic and MRI anatomy of the fasciculus obliquus or so-called ligamentum glenohumerale spirale EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 14 (8): 1421-1426 AUG 2004

Aunapuu M, Pekhter Iu, Roosaar P, Gershkevich E, Mar'iamiagi MM, Arend A, Kolts I, Ots M. (2003) Morphological changes in the kidney after 5/6 nephrectomy and low-dose radiation. Tsitologiia. 2003;45(6):555-63

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Djuško V., Buht N., Mäeots T., Haviko T., Maasalu K., Kolts I. (2003). Effect of endoprothesis on isokinetic strength of knee extensor muscles. In: H. Ring and N. Soroker (eds.) 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 281-284. ISBN: 88-323-3124-1 [ISI Proceedings]

Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Kolts I. (2003). High-load coordination dynamics in athletes, physiotherapists, gymnasts, musicians and patients with CNS injury. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Sep;43(6):353-65

Haidkind M, Kivastik T, Eller M, Kolts I, Oreland L, Harro J (2002) Denervation of the locus coeruleus projections by treatment with the selective neurotoxin DSPA [N(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylaminel reduces dopamine release potential in the nucleus accumbens shell in conscious rats. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 332 (2): 79-82 OCT 31 2002

Kolts I, Busch LC, Tomusk H, Raudheiding A, Eller A, Merila M, Russlies M, Paasuke M, Leibecke T, Kuhnel W (2002) Macroscopical anatomy of the so-called "rotator interval". A cadaver study on 19 shoulder joints. Ann Anat 184: 9-14

Arend A, Kolts I (2001) Carmine-picroindigocarmine - an alternative multiple staining method. Ann AnatCarmine-picroindigocarmine: an alternative multiple staining method. Ann Anat. 2002 Mar;184(2):149-52

Kolts I, Busch LC, Tomusk H, Rajavee E, Eller A, Russlies M, Kuhnel W (2001) Anatomical composition of the anterior shoulder joint capsule. A cadaver study on 12 glenohumeral joints. ANNALS OF ANATOMY-ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER 183 (1): 53-59 JAN 2001

Kolts I, Busch LC, Tomusk H, Arend A, Eller A, Merila M, Russlies M ( ) Anatomy of the coracohumeral and coracoglenoidal ligaments. ANNALS OF ANATOMY-ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER 182 (6): 563-566 NOV 2000

Kolts I, Busch LC, Tomusk H, Raudheiding A, Eller A (2000) Õlaliigese Hill-Sachs tüüpi ebastabiilsuse kliinilis-anatoomilised alused. Eesti Traumatoloogide-ortopeedide II Kongressi artiklite kogumik. Eesti Arst, lisa 1, lk. 20-22


KOLTS I (1992)A note on the anatomy of the supraspinatus muscle. ARCHIVES OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMA SURGERY 111 (5): 247-249 SEP 1992

viimati muudetud: 10.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ivo
2.Surname Kolts
3.Institution University of Tartu, Deptartment of anatomy
4.Position Associate professor
5.Date of birth 07.02.1957 (day.month.year)
6.Education Higher education
Medical Faculty of the University of Tartu 1981
Dr. med. degree at the Kiel University, Germany, 1993
7.Research and
professional experience
University of Tartu, Dept. of anatomy senior laboratory assistant 1981 - 1984assistant 1984 - 1990 PhD student at the Kiel University 1990 - 1992assistant 1993 - 1994senior assistant 1994 - 1998associate professor 1997 - 2005
2005 - chair of the surgical and topographical anatomy
8.Academic degree Dr. med
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Medical faculty of the Kiel University, Germany, Dr. med. 1993
10.Honours/awards no
Estonian Morphological Society, secretary; Anatomische Gesellschaft, member
12.Supervised dissertations

Mati Merila, PhD, 2005, superv. Tiit Haviko, Ivo Kolts. Anatomy and clinical relevance of the glenohumeral joint capsule and ligaments. Tartu

13.Current research program Clinical anatomy of the locomotor apparatus; clinical anatomy of the urogenital system; morhology of the CNS
14.Current grant funding ESF grant 5991:Clinical morphology of the shoulder joint tendons,capsule and ligaments blood supply and innervation.
15.List of most important publications

Jurgel J, Rannama L, Gapeyeva H, Ereline J, Kolts I, Paasuke M. Shoulder function in patients with frozen shoulder before and after 4-week rehabilitation. Medicina (Kaunas). 2005;41(1):30-8.

Aunapuu M, Arend A, Kolts I, Egerbacher M, Ots M (2004) Decrease in laminin content and protein excretionANNALS OF ANATOMY-ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER 186 (2): 127-131 APR 2004 rate after five-sixths nephrectomy and low-dose irradiation in the rat

Aunapuu M, Pechter U, Gerskevits E, Marjamagi MM, Suuroja S, Arend A, Kolts I, Kuhnel W, Ots M(2004) Low-dose radiation modifies the progression of chronic renal failure ANNALS OF ANATOMY-ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER 186 (3): 277-282 JUN 2004

Merila M, Leibecke T, Gehl HB, Busch LC, Russlies M, Eller A, Haviko T, Kolts I (2004) The anterior glenohumeral joint capsule: macroscopic and MRI anatomy of the fasciculus obliquus or so-called ligamentum glenohumerale spirale EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 14 (8): 1421-1426 AUG 2004

Aunapuu M, Pekhter Iu, Roosaar P, Gershkevich E, Mar'iamiagi MM, Arend A, Kolts I, Ots M. (2003) Morphological changes in the kidney after 5/6 nephrectomy and low-dose radiation. Tsitologiia. 2003;45(6):555-63

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Djuško V., Buht N., Mäeots T., Haviko T., Maasalu K., Kolts I. (2003). Effect of endoprothesis on isokinetic strength of knee extensor muscles. In: H. Ring and N. Soroker (eds.) 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 281-284. ISBN: 88-323-3124-1 [ISI Proceedings]

Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Kolts I. (2003). High-load coordination dynamics in athletes, physiotherapists, gymnasts, musicians and patients with CNS injury. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Sep;43(6):353-65

Haidkind M, Kivastik T, Eller M, Kolts I, Oreland L, Harro J (2002) Denervation of the locus coeruleus projections by treatment with the selective neurotoxin DSPA [N(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylaminel reduces dopamine release potential in the nucleus accumbens shell in conscious rats. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 332 (2): 79-82 OCT 31 2002

Kolts I, Busch LC, Tomusk H, Raudheiding A, Eller A, Merila M, Russlies M, Paasuke M, Leibecke T, Kuhnel W (2002) Macroscopical anatomy of the so-called "rotator interval". A cadaver study on 19 shoulder joints. Ann Anat 184: 9-14

Arend A, Kolts I (2001) Carmine-picroindigocarmine - an alternative multiple staining method. Ann AnatCarmine-picroindigocarmine: an alternative multiple staining method. Ann Anat. 2002 Mar;184(2):149-52

Kolts I, Busch LC, Tomusk H, Rajavee E, Eller A, Russlies M, Kuhnel W (2001) Anatomical composition of the anterior shoulder joint capsule. A cadaver study on 12 glenohumeral joints. ANNALS OF ANATOMY-ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER 183 (1): 53-59 JAN 2001

Kolts I, Busch LC, Tomusk H, Arend A, Eller A, Merila M, Russlies M ( ) Anatomy of the coracohumeral and coracoglenoidal ligaments. ANNALS OF ANATOMY-ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER 182 (6): 563-566 NOV 2000

Kolts I, Busch LC, Tomusk H, Raudheiding A, Eller A (2000) Õlaliigese Hill-Sachs tüüpi ebastabiilsuse kliinilis-anatoomilised alused. Eesti Traumatoloogide-ortopeedide II Kongressi artiklite kogumik. Eesti Arst, lisa 1, lk. 20-22


KOLTS I (1992)A note on the anatomy of the supraspinatus muscle. ARCHIVES OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMA SURGERY 111 (5): 247-249 SEP 1992

last updated: 10.10.2005

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