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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Krista
2.Perekonnanimi Fischer
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Tervishoiu instituut
4.Ametikoht biostatistika dotsent
5.Sünniaeg 05.08.1970 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1988-1992 diplomiõpe Tartu Ülikooli matemaatikateaduskonnas rakendusmatemaatika erialal
1992-1994 magistriõpe Belgias Limburgi ülikoolis programmi "Master of Science in Biostatistics" raames
1994-1999 doktoriõpe TÜ matemaatikateaduskonnas, matemaatilise statistika instituudi juures, spetsialiseerumine matemaatilise statistika erialal
7.Teenistuskäik alates aastast 2001, biostatistika dotsent, Tartu Ülikool, Tervishoiu instituut
1999-2001, teadur (järeldoktorantuuris), Genti ülikool, Belgia
1994-2000, teadur, Tartu Ülikool, Matemaatilise statistika instituut
8.Teaduskraad filosoofiadoktor (Ph.D.) matemaatilise statistika erialal
teadusmagister (MSc) biostatistika erialal
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1999

Limburgi ülikool, Belgia, 1994
ja –administratiivne
Rahvusvahelise biomeetriaühingu "International Biometric Society" Balti grupi juhataja ja asutajaliige
Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskonna teadus- ja kraadinõukogu liige
Tartu Ülikooli Matemaatilise statistika instituudi nõukogu liige aastatel 1995/96, 1997/98 ja 1998/99.
Tartu Ülikooli matemaatikateaduskonna nõukogu liige aastatel 1997/98
Järgmiste rahvusvaheliste konverentside orgkomitee liige: "Tartu Conference on Computational Statistics and Statistical Education" (Tartu, 1996), "The 6th Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics"
(Satellite Meeting of ISI 52nd Session in Helsinki, Tartu, 1999),
workshop: "Causal Inference in Medical Statistics" (Tartu, January 12, 1998), “Symposium on Causal Inference” (Gent, 2001), “Workshop on Causal Inference” (Gent, 2001).
Järgmiste rahvusvaheliste konverentside teadusliku programmikomitee liige: "The 7th Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics (Tartu, 2003)", "26th Annual Conference of International Society for
Clinical Biostatistics (21-25th August, 2005, Szeged, Ungari)".
and international course “Statistical Practice in Epidemiology” (Tartu, May 8.-13, 2002).
Rahvusvahelise kursuse "Statistical Practice in Epidemiology using R" (Tartu, 2002, 2004, 2005 ja 2006) organiseerija.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Eleanor Avila Guzman, MSc, 2004, juh. Krista Fischer, Geert Molenberghs. Effects of nutrition on the body mass in the longitudinal study of Estonian schoolchildren. Limburgi ülikool, Belgia

Ülle Kirsimägi, MSc, 2003, juh. Krista Fischer, Ene Käärik. Neerusiirdamine Eestis: elulemusanalüüs. Tartu Ülikool

Heti Pisarev, MSc, 2001, juh. Krista Fischer. Structural nested mean models for repeated measures. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Meditsiinistatistika, põhjuslike mõjude analüüs, ravijärgimuse analüüs kliinilistes katsetes, üldistatud ja mitmetasandilised lineaarsed mudelid meditsiinistatistikas, longituudandmete analüüs, struktuurimudelid.
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF-5203 "Meditsiiniliste andmete analüüs mittetäieliku informatsiooni korral" (grandihoidja, 01.01.2002-31.12.2005)
ETF-5209 "Aterosklerootiliste südamehaiguste riskitegurite kujunemise longitudinaalne uuring lastel, noorukitel ja nende vanematel: Euroopa Noorte Südameuuringu II etapp" (põhtäitja)
SF0182648s04 "Eesti elanike tervise seisundit mõjutavad tegurid: mõõtmismetoodika ja sekkumiste tulemuslikkus"

Uuskula A, Heimer R, Dehovitz J, Fischer K, McNutt LA. Surveillance of HIV, Hepatitis B Virus, and Hepatitis C Virus in an Estonian Injection Drug-Using Population: Sensitivity and Specificity of Testing Syringes for Public Health Surveillance. J Infect Dis. 2006 Feb 1;193(3):455-7. Epub 2005 Dec 22.

Veerus P, Hovi SL, Fischer K, Rahu M, Hakama M, Hemminki E. Results from the Estonian postmenopausal hormone therapy trial [ISRCTN35338757]. Maturitas. 2006 Feb 25;

Kampus P, Muda P, Kals J, Ristimae T, Fischer K, Teesalu R, Zilmer M. The relationship between inflammation and arterial stiffness in patients with essential hypertension. Int J Cardiol. 2005 Nov 15;

Muda P, Kampus P, Zilmer M, Ristimae T, Fischer K, Zilmer K, Kairane C, Teesalu R., Effect of antihypertensive treatment with candesartan or amlodipine on glutathione and its redox status, homocysteine and vitamin concentrations in patients with essential hypertension. J Hypertens. 2005 Jan;23(1):105-12.

Toom A, Fischer K, Martson A, Rips L, Haviko T., Inter-observer reliability in the assessment of heterotopic ossification: proposal of a combined classification. Int Orthop. 2005 Jun;29(3):156-9.

Fischer, K., Goetghebeur, E., Structural Mean Effects of Noncompliance: Estimating Interaction With Baseline Prognosis and Selection Effects, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 99, No. 468, pp.918-928, 2004

Harro J, Fischer K, Vansteelandt S, Harro M. Both low and high activities of platelet monoamine oxidase increase the probability of becoming a smoker. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol., 14(1): 65-9, 2004

Kampus P, Kals J, Ristimae T, Fischer K, Zilmer M, Teesalu R., High-sensitivity C-reactive protein affects central haemodynamics and augmentation index in apparently healthy persons. J Hypertens. 2004 Jun;22(6):1133-9.

Liskmann S, Zilmer M, Vihalemm T, Salum O, Fischer K., Correlation of peri-implant health and myeloperoxidase levels: a cross-sectional clinical study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2004 Oct;15(5):546-52.

Muda P, Kampus P, Zilmer M, Zilmer K, Kairane C, Ristimae T, Fischer K, Teesalu R., Homocysteine and red blood cell glutathione as indices for middle-aged untreated essential hypertension patients, J Hypertens. 2003 Dec;21(12):2329-33.

Parna K, Rahu K, Fischer K, Mussalo-Rauhamaa H, Zhuravleva I, Umbleja T, Rahu M., Smoking and associated factors among adolescents in Tallinn, Helsinki and Moscow: a multilevel analysis. Scand J Public Health. 2003;31(5):350-8.

Fischer-Lapp, K., Goetghebeur, E., Practical properties of some structural mean analyses of the effect of compliance in randomized trials. Controlled Clinical Trials, 20(6), 531-546, 1999

Goetghebeur, E., Lapp, K., Estimating effectiveness and efficacy at different observed dosing levels with selective noncompliance in a placebo-controlled clinical trial, American Statistical Association 1998, Proceedings of the Biometrics Section, pp 61-70, 1999

Molenberghs, G., Lapp, K., Lesaffre, E., Models for the Association Between Ordinal Variables. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 28, 387-411, 1998

Goetghebeur, E., Lapp, K., The Effect of Treatment Compliance in a Placebo-controlled Trial: Regression with Unpaired Data. Applied Statistics, 46, 351-364, 1997

viimati muudetud: 08.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Krista
2.Surname Fischer
3.Institution University of Tartu, Department of Public Health
4.Position Associate Professor in Biostatistics
5.Date of birth 05.08.1970 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1988-1992 undergraduate studies in Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Tartu, specialization in mathematical statistics
1992-1994 completion of the programme "Master of Science in Biostatistics", Limburg University, Belgium
1994-1999 doctoral studies at the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Tartu, Estonia
7.Research and
professional experience
since 2001, associate professor in biostatistics, Department of Public Health, University of Tartu
1999-2001, post-doctoral researcher at the University of Ghent, Belgium
1994-2000, researcher at the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, University of Tartu.
8.Academic degree Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Statistics
Master of Science in Biostatistics
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1999

Limburg University, Belgium, 1994
National Secretary of the Baltic Group of the International Biometric Society
Member of the research and degree committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu
Belonging to the board of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, University of Tartu, in the academic years 1995/96, 1997/98 and 1998/99.
Belonging to the board of the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Tartu, in the academic year 1997/98.
Member of the organizing committee of “Tartu Conference on Computational Statistics and Statistical Education” (Tartu, June 2.-8., 1996), “The 6th Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics” (Satellite Meeting of ISI 52nd Session in Helsinki, Tartu, August 19.-23, 1999).
Member of the scientific programme committee in the following international conferences: "The 7th Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics (Tartu, 2003)", "26th Annual Conference of International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (21-25th August, 2005, Szeged, Hungary)".
Organization of the international workshop: Causal Inference in Medical Statistics" (Tartu, January 12, 1998), “Symposium on Causal Inference” (Ghent, June 18, 2001), “Workshop on Causal Inference” (Ghent, June 19, 2001).
Organizer of the international course "Statistical Practice in Epidemiology using R" (Tartu, 2002, 2004, 2005 ja 2006).
12.Supervised dissertations

Eleanor Avila Guzman, MSc, 2004, superv. Krista Fischer, Geert Molenberghs. Effects of nutrition on the body mass in the longitudinal study of Estonian schoolchildren. Limburgi ülikool, Belgia

Ülle Kirsimägi, MSc, 2003, superv. Krista Fischer, Ene Käärik. Neerusiirdamine Eestis: elulemusanalüüs. Tartu Ülikool

Heti Pisarev, MSc, 2001, superv. Krista Fischer. Structural nested mean models for repeated measures. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Medical statistics, causal inference, analysis of noncompliance in clinical trials, generalized and multilevel linear models in medical statistics, analysis of longitudinal data, structural modeling
14.Current grant funding ETF-5203 "Analysis of medical data in the presence of incomplete information" (01.01.2002-31.12.2005)
15.List of most important publications

Uuskula A, Heimer R, Dehovitz J, Fischer K, McNutt LA. Surveillance of HIV, Hepatitis B Virus, and Hepatitis C Virus in an Estonian Injection Drug-Using Population: Sensitivity and Specificity of Testing Syringes for Public Health Surveillance. J Infect Dis. 2006 Feb 1;193(3):455-7. Epub 2005 Dec 22.

Veerus P, Hovi SL, Fischer K, Rahu M, Hakama M, Hemminki E. Results from the Estonian postmenopausal hormone therapy trial [ISRCTN35338757]. Maturitas. 2006 Feb 25;

Kampus P, Muda P, Kals J, Ristimae T, Fischer K, Teesalu R, Zilmer M. The relationship between inflammation and arterial stiffness in patients with essential hypertension. Int J Cardiol. 2005 Nov 15;

Muda P, Kampus P, Zilmer M, Ristimae T, Fischer K, Zilmer K, Kairane C, Teesalu R., Effect of antihypertensive treatment with candesartan or amlodipine on glutathione and its redox status, homocysteine and vitamin concentrations in patients with essential hypertension. J Hypertens. 2005 Jan;23(1):105-12.

Toom A, Fischer K, Martson A, Rips L, Haviko T., Inter-observer reliability in the assessment of heterotopic ossification: proposal of a combined classification. Int Orthop. 2005 Jun;29(3):156-9.

Fischer, K., Goetghebeur, E., Structural Mean Effects of Noncompliance: Estimating Interaction With Baseline Prognosis and Selection Effects, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 99, No. 468, pp.918-928, 2004

Harro J, Fischer K, Vansteelandt S, Harro M. Both low and high activities of platelet monoamine oxidase increase the probability of becoming a smoker. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol., 14(1): 65-9, 2004

Kampus P, Kals J, Ristimae T, Fischer K, Zilmer M, Teesalu R., High-sensitivity C-reactive protein affects central haemodynamics and augmentation index in apparently healthy persons. J Hypertens. 2004 Jun;22(6):1133-9.

Liskmann S, Zilmer M, Vihalemm T, Salum O, Fischer K., Correlation of peri-implant health and myeloperoxidase levels: a cross-sectional clinical study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2004 Oct;15(5):546-52.

Muda P, Kampus P, Zilmer M, Zilmer K, Kairane C, Ristimae T, Fischer K, Teesalu R., Homocysteine and red blood cell glutathione as indices for middle-aged untreated essential hypertension patients, J Hypertens. 2003 Dec;21(12):2329-33.

Parna K, Rahu K, Fischer K, Mussalo-Rauhamaa H, Zhuravleva I, Umbleja T, Rahu M., Smoking and associated factors among adolescents in Tallinn, Helsinki and Moscow: a multilevel analysis. Scand J Public Health. 2003;31(5):350-8.

Fischer-Lapp, K., Goetghebeur, E., Practical properties of some structural mean analyses of the effect of compliance in randomized trials. Controlled Clinical Trials, 20(6), 531-546, 1999

Goetghebeur, E., Lapp, K., Estimating effectiveness and efficacy at different observed dosing levels with selective noncompliance in a placebo-controlled clinical trial, American Statistical Association 1998, Proceedings of the Biometrics Section, pp 61-70, 1999

Molenberghs, G., Lapp, K., Lesaffre, E., Models for the Association Between Ordinal Variables. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 28, 387-411, 1998

Goetghebeur, E., Lapp, K., The Effect of Treatment Compliance in a Placebo-controlled Trial: Regression with Unpaired Data. Applied Statistics, 46, 351-364, 1997

last updated: 08.08.2005

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