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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Olevi
2.Perekonnanimi Kull
3.Töökoht Botaanika ja ökoloogia instituut, Tartu Ülikool
4.Ametikoht professor, instituudi juhataja
5.Sünniaeg 22.06.1955 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgem, Eesti Põllumajandusakadeemia 1981
7.Teenistuskäik Alates 2005 TÜ Ökoloogia ja keskkonnateaduste doktorikooli juhataja
alates 2004 TÜ Botaanika ja ökoloogia instituudi juhataja
alates 2001 Alus- ja Rakendusökoloogia Keskuse juhataja
alates 1999 TÜ botaanika ja ökoloogia instituudi professor
alates 1990 Ökoloogia Instituudi Tartu osakonna juhataja
1990-1999 TÜ botaanika ja ökoloogia instituudi lektor (0,5)
1994-1995 EPMÜ Metsakasvatuse kateedri dotsent (0,2)
1983-1990 TÜ ökosüsteemide labor, nooremteadur, vanemteadur
1979-1983 ZBI süsteemökoloogia sektor, vaneminsener
1975-1979 Eesti Metsainstituut, looduskaitse labori insener
8.Teaduskraad Teaduste kandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
TRÜ, 1987
10.Tunnustused Eesti Vabariigi Teaduspreemia 1995, 2000
ja –administratiivne
4. Olen osalenud kahe rahvusvahelise konverentsi organiseerimisel (1992 T.Lippmaa mälestuskonverent; 1999 IUFRO konverents “Canopy processes and whole tree physiology”); Olen retsenseerinud artikleid ajakirjadele Trees, Tree Physiology, Functional Ecology, Plant, Cell and Environment, Annales of Botany, ETA Toimetised jt.. Olen ajakirja Tree Physiology toimetuse retsensentide kolleegiumi liige (editorial review board). Ajavahemikul 1994-1997 kuulusin ETF geo-bioteaduste ja põllumajandusteaduste ekspertkomisjonide koosseisu, 1999-2003 olin selle komisjoni esimees ja ETF nõukogu liige. Esindan ETF-i ja Eesti Teaduste Akadeemiat Euroopa Teadusfondi elu- ja keskkonnateaduste (LESC) komitees. Olen määratud Euroopa Ühenduse VI raamprogrammi alamprogrammi "Euroopa teadusruumi integreerimine ja tugevdamine" 6. eelisvaldkonna "Jätkusuutlik areng, globaalsed muutused ja ökosüsteemid" Eesti poolseks eksperdiks. Olen EPMÜ ja TPÜ doktorinõukogude liige. Olen Rahvusvahelise Eksperimentaalbioloogia Seltsi Liige.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Ivika Ostonen, PhD, 2003, juh. Krista Lõhmus, OLevi Kull. Fine root structure, dynamics and proportion in net primary production of Norway spruce forest ecosystem in relation to site conditions. Tartu

Marek Sammul, PhD, 2003, juh. Kalevi Kull, OLevi Kull. Competition and coexistence of clonal plants in relation to productivity. Tartu

Krõõt Aasamaa, PhD, 2002, juh. Anu Sõber, OLevi Kull. Shoot hydraulic conductance and stomatal conductance of six temperate deciduous tree species. Tartu

Ebe Sild, PhD, 1999, juh. Andres Koppel, OLevi Kull. Impact of increasing concentrations of O3 and CO2 on wheat, clover and pasture. Tartu

Ülo Niinemets, PhD, 1996, juh. OLevi Kull. Importance of structural features of leaves and canopy in determining species shade-tolerance in temperate deciduous woody taxa. Tartu

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad a. Metsa süsinikubilansi sõltuvus keskonnateguritest.
b. Õhusaaste mõju taimede fotosünteesiaparaadile.
c. Mitmekihilise taimekoosluse kujunemine.
d. Puude fotosünteesiaparaadi kohanemine valgusgradiendis lehestiku sees.
14.Jooksvad grandid Sihtfinantseering:
Taimede stressitaluvuse sõltuvus nende genotüüpsetest iseärasustest ja mõju koosluste struktuurile No 0280341s98 (1997-2000)
Süsinikuringe ökofüsioloogilised alused No 0281770As01 (2001-2005).

ETF grandid:
ETF Nr. 3775 Mitmekihilise taimekoosluse ruumilise heterogeensuse ja kooslusesisese kiirgusvälja kujunemine. (1999-2002) Hoidja Olevi Kull
ETF Nr. 5466 Süsiniku varud ja kogunemine seoses kuuse-kase segametsa vanusega. (2003-2006) Hoidja Olevi Kull

Rahvusvahelised projektid:
EC FP5 projekt VULCAN (EVK2-CT-2000-00094) (2002-2004)

EC FP5 projekt EUROFACE (EVR1-CT-2002-40027) (2003-2005).

Calfapietra, C., Tulva, I., Eensalu, E., Perez, M., De Angelis, P., Scarascia-Mugnozza, G. and Kull, O. 2005. Canopy profiles of photosynthetic parameters under elevated CO2 and N fertilization in a poplar plantation. Environmental Pollution, doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2005.01.038

Eichelmann, H., Oja, V., Rasulov, B., Padu, E., Bichele, I., Pettai, H., Mänd, P., Kull, O., & Laisk, A. (2005). Adjustment of leaf photosynthesis to shade in a natural canopy: reallocation of nitrogen. Plant Cell and Environment, 28(3), 389-401.

Kull, O., Tulva, I. and Vapaavuori, E. 2005. Consequences of elevated CO2 and O3 on birch canopy structure: Implementation of a canopy growth model. Forest Ecology and Management, 212, 1-13.

Laisk, A., Eichelmann, H., Oja, V., Rasulov, B., Padu, E., Bichele, I., Pettai, H., & Kull, O. (2005). Adjustment of leaf photosynthesis to shade in a natural canopy: rate parameters. Plant Cell and Environment, 28(3), 375-388.

Tricker, P.J., Trewin, H., Kull, O., Clarkson, G.J.J., Eensalu, E., Tallis, M.J., Colella, A., Doncaster, C.P., Sabatti, M. and Taylor, G. 2005. Stomatal conductance and not stomatal density determines the long-term reduction in leaf transpiration of poplar in elevated CO2. Oecologia, 143:652-660.

Niinemets, Ü., Kull, O., & Tenhunen, J. D. (2004). Within-Canopy Variation in the Rate of Development of Photosynthetic Capacity Is Proportional to Integrated Quantum Flux Density in Temperate Deciduous Trees. Plant Cell and Environment, 27(3), 293-313.

Kull, O., Tulva, I., & Vapaavuori, E. (2003). Influence of Elevated Co2 and O-3 on Betula Pendula Roth Crown Structure. Annals of Botany, 91(5), 559-569.

Kull, O. (2002). Acclimation of Photosynthesis in Canopies: Models and Limitations. Oecologia, 133(3), 267-279.

Kull, O., & Tulva, I. (2002). Shoot Structure and Growth Along a Vertical Profile Within a Populus-Tilia Canopy. Tree Physiology, 22(15-16), 1167-1175.

Meir, P., Kruijt, B., Broadmeadow, M., Barbosa, E., Kull, O., Carswell, F., Nobre, A., & Jarvis, P. G. (2002). Acclimation of Photosynthetic Capacity to Irradiance in Tree Canopies in Relation to Leaf Nitrogen Concentration and Leaf Mass Per Unit Area. Plant Cell and Environment, 25(3), 343-357.

Niinemets, Ü., & Kull, O. (2001). Sensitivity of Photosynthetic Electron Transport to Photoinhibition in a Temperate Deciduous Forest Canopy: Photosystem Ii Center Openness, Non-Radiative Energy Dissipation and Excess Irradiance Under Field Conditions. Tree Physiology, 21(12-13), 899-914.

Kull, O., & Tulva, I. (2000). Modelling Canopy Growth and Steady-State Leaf Area Index in an Aspen Stand. Annals of Forest Science, 57(5-6), 611-621.

viimati muudetud: 28.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Olevi
2.Surname Kull
3.Institution Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu
4.Position Professor, head of the institute
5.Date of birth 22.06.1955 (day.month.year)
6.Education diploma, Estonian Academy of Agriculture, 1981
7.Research and
professional experience
From 2005 head of Ph.D Scool of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Tartu
from 2004 head of Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu
from 2001 head of the Centre of Basic and Applied Ecology
from 1999 professor, Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu,
from 1990 head of department, Institute of Ecology, Tallinn University of Educational Sciences,
1990-1999 lecturer (0,5) Institute of Botany and Ecology, UT,
1994-1995 docent (0,2) Department of Silviculture, Estonian Agricultural University,
1983-1990 researcher, senior researcher, Laboratory of Ecosystems, UT
1979-1983 technician, Department of Systems Ecology, Institute of Zoology and Botany
1975-1979 technician, Department of Nature Conservation, Estonian Forestry Institute
8.Academic degree Candidate of sciences
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1987
10.Honours/awards State Award for Sciences 1995, 2000
Member of organisation committees of two international conferences (1992 T.Lippmaa memorial conference; 1999 IUFRO Conference “Canopy processes and whole tree physiology”); Reviewer for several journals (Trees, Tree Physiology, Functional Ecology, Plant, Cell and Environment, Annales of Botany, ETA Toimetised ect.). Member of editorial review board of Tree Physiology. In 1994-1997 I was a member of the expert commissions for bio-geo sciences and for agricultural sciences of Estonian Science Foundation, 1999-2003 I was head of the expert commission for bio-geo sciences and member of the council of Estonian Science Foundation. I am a member of the Life and Environmental Sciences Standing Committee (LESC) of European Science Foundation representing Estonian Science Foundation and Estonian Academy of Sciences I am an expert for Estonian government at European Commission VI Framework program "Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area" priority area "Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems" Programme Committee. I am member of doctoral committees of Estonian Agricultural University and Tallinn University of Educational Sciences. I am member of Society of Experimental Biology.
12.Supervised dissertations

Ivika Ostonen, PhD, 2003, superv. Krista Lõhmus, OLevi Kull. Fine root structure, dynamics and proportion in net primary production of Norway spruce forest ecosystem in relation to site conditions. Tartu

Marek Sammul, PhD, 2003, superv. Kalevi Kull, OLevi Kull. Competition and coexistence of clonal plants in relation to productivity. Tartu

Krõõt Aasamaa, PhD, 2002, superv. Anu Sõber, OLevi Kull. Shoot hydraulic conductance and stomatal conductance of six temperate deciduous tree species. Tartu

Ebe Sild, PhD, 1999, superv. Andres Koppel, OLevi Kull. Impact of increasing concentrations of O3 and CO2 on wheat, clover and pasture. Tartu

Ülo Niinemets, PhD, 1996, superv. OLevi Kull. Importance of structural features of leaves and canopy in determining species shade-tolerance in temperate deciduous woody taxa. Tartu

13.Current research program a. Forest carbon balance in relation to environmental factors.
b. Impact of air pollution on plant photosynthetic apparatus.
c. Formation and functioning of a multilayer plant community.
d. Acclimation of photosynthetic apparatus to canopy light gradient.
14.Current grant funding Targeted core funding:
Plant stress-tolerance: dependencs on genotype and influence on community structure No 0280341s98 (1997-2000)
Ecophysiology of carbon cycle No 0281770As01 (2001-2005).

Estonian Science Foundation grants:
ETF Nr. 3775 Formation of spatial heterogeneity of the radiation field and canopy structure in a multilayer plant community. (1999-2002) PI Olevi Kull
ETF Nr. 5466 Carbon pools and sequestration in a chronosequence of spruce-birch forest. (2003-2006) PI Olevi Kull

International projects:
EC FP5 project VULCAN (EVK2-CT-2000-00094) (2002-2004)

EC FP5 project EUROFACE (EVR1-CT-2002-40027) (2003-2005).
15.List of most important publications

Calfapietra, C., Tulva, I., Eensalu, E., Perez, M., De Angelis, P., Scarascia-Mugnozza, G. and Kull, O. 2005. Canopy profiles of photosynthetic parameters under elevated CO2 and N fertilization in a poplar plantation. Environmental Pollution, doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2005.01.038

Eichelmann, H., Oja, V., Rasulov, B., Padu, E., Bichele, I., Pettai, H., Mänd, P., Kull, O., & Laisk, A. (2005). Adjustment of leaf photosynthesis to shade in a natural canopy: reallocation of nitrogen. Plant Cell and Environment, 28(3), 389-401.

Kull, O., Tulva, I. and Vapaavuori, E. 2005. Consequences of elevated CO2 and O3 on birch canopy structure: Implementation of a canopy growth model. Forest Ecology and Management, 212, 1-13.

Laisk, A., Eichelmann, H., Oja, V., Rasulov, B., Padu, E., Bichele, I., Pettai, H., & Kull, O. (2005). Adjustment of leaf photosynthesis to shade in a natural canopy: rate parameters. Plant Cell and Environment, 28(3), 375-388.

Tricker, P.J., Trewin, H., Kull, O., Clarkson, G.J.J., Eensalu, E., Tallis, M.J., Colella, A., Doncaster, C.P., Sabatti, M. and Taylor, G. 2005. Stomatal conductance and not stomatal density determines the long-term reduction in leaf transpiration of poplar in elevated CO2. Oecologia, 143:652-660.

Niinemets, Ü., Kull, O., & Tenhunen, J. D. (2004). Within-Canopy Variation in the Rate of Development of Photosynthetic Capacity Is Proportional to Integrated Quantum Flux Density in Temperate Deciduous Trees. Plant Cell and Environment, 27(3), 293-313.

Kull, O., Tulva, I., & Vapaavuori, E. (2003). Influence of Elevated Co2 and O-3 on Betula Pendula Roth Crown Structure. Annals of Botany, 91(5), 559-569.

Kull, O. (2002). Acclimation of Photosynthesis in Canopies: Models and Limitations. Oecologia, 133(3), 267-279.

Kull, O., & Tulva, I. (2002). Shoot Structure and Growth Along a Vertical Profile Within a Populus-Tilia Canopy. Tree Physiology, 22(15-16), 1167-1175.

Meir, P., Kruijt, B., Broadmeadow, M., Barbosa, E., Kull, O., Carswell, F., Nobre, A., & Jarvis, P. G. (2002). Acclimation of Photosynthetic Capacity to Irradiance in Tree Canopies in Relation to Leaf Nitrogen Concentration and Leaf Mass Per Unit Area. Plant Cell and Environment, 25(3), 343-357.

Niinemets, Ü., & Kull, O. (2001). Sensitivity of Photosynthetic Electron Transport to Photoinhibition in a Temperate Deciduous Forest Canopy: Photosystem Ii Center Openness, Non-Radiative Energy Dissipation and Excess Irradiance Under Field Conditions. Tree Physiology, 21(12-13), 899-914.

Kull, O., & Tulva, I. (2000). Modelling Canopy Growth and Steady-State Leaf Area Index in an Aspen Stand. Annals of Forest Science, 57(5-6), 611-621.

last updated: 28.09.2005

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