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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Maris
2.Perekonnanimi Laan
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar- ja Rakubioloogia Instituut, Biotehnoloogia õppetool
4.Ametikoht erakorraline professor
5.Sünniaeg 21.02.1968 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1. Tallinna 7. Keskkool, 1975- 1986
2. Tartu Ülikool, 1987-1992, Bioloogia-Geograafia Teaduskond, Bioloogia (Geneetika) diplom cum laude
3. Helsingi Ülikool, Matemaatika-Loodusteaduskond, Geneetika õppetool, 1993-1997, doktorantuur (inimese geneetika).
7.Teenistuskäik 1. 1986 -1987 keemialaborant, Bioorgaanika sektor, KBFI, Tallinn (Juhendaja Dr. Hindrik Arukaevu)
2. 1989 -1992 diplomand, Onkogeneesi labor, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut, Tartu Ülikool (Juhendaja dots. Ann Kilk)
Uurimisteema: Inimese Cu/Zn Superoksiiddismutaasi (SOD) geeni kloneerimine ja alternatiivsete mRNA transkriptide analüüs
3. 1993-1996 doktorant, Meilahti Haigla (HYKS Meilahti Sairaala) Molekulaargneetika labor ja Kliinilise Keemia õppetool, Helsingi Ülikool, Soome (juhendaja prof. Aarno Palotie)
Uursimisteema: Visuaalsel kaardistamisel (FISH) põhinev strateegia 'Soome haiguspärandi' mutatsioone kandvate geenide identifitseerimiseks
4. 1996-1998 Järeldoktor (Postdoctoral scientist), Üldise Bioloogia õppetool (Department of General Biology), Müncheni Ülikool, Saksamaa (juhendaja prof. Svante Pääbo)
Uurimisteema: Aheldatuse tasakaalustamatus inimese genoomis: demograafilise ajaloo peegeldus ja roll geenide kaardistamisel
5. 1998 VI - XII Järeldoktor (erakorraline teadur) Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut, Tartu Ülikool
6. 1999 XI –2000 XI, külalisteadur-järeldoktor, Josephine Bay Paul Center in Comparative Molecular Biology and Evolution, Marine Biological Laboratories, Woods Hole, MA, USA (juhendaja dr. Robert K. Campbell, Serono Reproductive Biology Institute, MA)
Uurimisteema: (1) Sebrakala ovariaaltsüklit reguleeriate geenide kloneerimine ja analüüs; (2) Sebrakala kui potensiaalne selgroogne mudel uuurimaks inimese viljatust
7. 2002 IV-VIII teadur (0.5 kohta), 2002 IX –2003 XII vanemteadur,
8. alates 2004 I erakorraline professor, Biotehnoloogia õppetool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut, Tartu Ülikool
Uurimisteemad: (1) Vererõhu regulatsioonis osalevate geenide haplotüübi struktuur tavapopulatsioonis ja essentsiaalse hüpertensiooni patsientidel; (2) Reproduktsiooniga seotud geenide segmentaalsed duplikatsioonid primaatide liinil
8.Teaduskraad 1. Diplom (Bioloogia, Geneetika)
cum laude
2. PhLic (Geneetika)
magna cum laude approbatur
3. PhD (Geneetika)
eximia cum laude approbatur
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
1. Tartu Ülikool, 1992,
teesid: "Inimese Cu/Zn Superoksiid Dismutaasi geeni cDNA: järjestus ja ekspressioon eukaüootse koekultuuri rakkudes (juhendaja dots. Ann Kilk)
2.Helsingi Ülikool, 1995
Thesis: "Molecular Cytogenetics in Physical Mapping and Positional Cloning" (juhendaja prof. Aarno Palotie)
3. Helsingi Ülikool, 1997
Thesis: "Visual Physical Mapping: from Chromosomal Localization to High-Resolution Analysis" (Juhendaja prof. Aarno Palotie)
10.Tunnustused Personaalsed stipendiumid:
1) Savolais-Tarttolais Säätiö: jaanuar-mai 1993
2) Eesti TA ja Suomen Akatemia vahetusfond: juuni -detsember 1993
3) Center for International Mobility (CIMO): jaanuar-juuni 1994; jaanuar-mai 1995
4) Viro Säätiö (Eesti Sihtasutus): juuli - detsember 1994
5) Helsingi Ülikool: oktoober 1995-detsember 1995
6) HYKS-säätiö: detsember 1996-jaanuar 1997
7) Paulon-Säätiö ja Oskar Öflund Säätiö: toetus doktoritöö vormistamiseks ja trükkimiseks
8) Deutscher Akademishcer Austauschdienst (DAAD): jaanuar-oktoober 1996
9) Alexander-von-Humboldt Stiftung: mai 1997-aprill 1998
10) Eesti Biokeskuse Naisteadlaste reisistipendium konverentsidest/kursustest osavõtuks: veebruar 2002
11) Prantsuse Saatkonna stipendium oktoober 2002
12) Alexander von Humboldt Foundation partnerlusstipendium 2005 VIII - 2008 VII
ja –administratiivne
Eesti Inimesegeneetika Ühingu liige
Euroopa Inimese Geneetika Ühing
Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikaaia Sõprade Seltsi liige
Mitme eriala ajakirja (Human Genetics, European Journal of Human Genetics) eelretsensent.
Wellcome Trust’i ja Eesti Teadusfondi grantitaotluste eelretsensent
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Liina Nagirnaja, MSc, 2005, juh. Maris Laan. Inimese luteiniseeriva hormooni ja kooriongonadotropiini beeta-subühiku geeniperekond: struktuur ja potensiaalne seotus korduvate spontaanabortidega. Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut

Mari Nelis, MSc, 2004, juh. Maris Laan, Andres Metspalu. Hingamis- ja seedeelundkonna ülemise osa kasvajatega seotud kandidaatgeenide polümorfismide assotsiatsiooniuuring. Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut

Pille Hallast, MSc, 2004, juh. Maris Laan. Geenikonversiooni roll lokaalsete alleelse aheldatuse (LD) mustrite kujundamises inimese genoomis kooriongonadotropiini beta subühiku (CGB) geeniperekonna näitel. Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut

Tarmo Puurand, MSc, 2004, juh. Maris Laan. Rekombinatsioonipunktide jaotus inimese 19. ja 22. kromosoomis. Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut

Katrin Kepp, MSc, 2003, juh. Maris Laan, Andres Metspalu. Eestlaste ja Eesti venekeelse elanikkonna geneetiline võrdlus. Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Populatsiooni-, evolutsiooni- ja meditsiinigeneetika süntees:
(1) Reproduktiivsusgeenidega seotud segmentaalsed duplikatsioonid primaatide genoomis
(2) Südameveresoonkonna funktsioonis osalevate geenide normaalne ja patoloogiline varieeruvus, regulatsioon, evolutsioon ja interraktsioon
14.Jooksvad grandid 1. Wellcome Trust International Senior Research Fellowship in Biomedical Science in Central Europe (grant no. 070191/Z/03/Z) 2004-2009 X teemal: "Haplotype structure of human genome and its implications for mapping and understanding the evolution of common disease: using extensive Estonian population sample as a model".
2. Eesti Teadusfondi grant no. 5796 "Inimese lutropiini/koorionigonadotropiini beta-subühiku genoomiklaster (I): Genoomne varieeruvus, LD struktuur ning mittehomoloogilise ristsiirde ja geenikonversiooni roll nende kujujndamisel. (II) Alleelsete/haplotüüpsete mustrite seos hCG ekspressioonitasemega raseduse ajal ning korduvate spontaanabortidega patsientidel"
3. Howard Hughes Medical Institute International grant no. 55005617 aastateks 2006-2010 teemal “Tandem duplications in human genome associated with reproductive success”.

Hallast P, Nagirnaja L, Margus T, Laan M (2005) Segmental Duplications and Gene Conversion: Human Luteinizing Hormone/ Chorionic Gonadotropin Beta Gene Cluster. Genome Res 15:1535-1546.

Laan M, Wiebe V, Khusnutdinova E, Remm M, Pääbo S (2005) X-chromosome as a marker for population history: linkage disequilibrium and haplotype study in Eurasian populations. Eur J Hum Genet 13(4):452-62.

Rull K, Laan M (2005) Expression of β-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin genes during the normal and failed pregnancy. Hum Reprod 20(12), 3360-3368.

Kaessmann H, Zöllner S, Gustafsson A, Wiebe V, Laan M, Lundeberg J, Uhlen M, Pääbo S (2002) Extensive linkage disequilibrium in small human populations in Eurasia. Am J Hum Genet 70: 673-685.

Laan M, Richmond H, Chaomei He, Campbell R (2002) Zebrafish as a model for vertebrate reproduction: Characterization of the first functional zebrafish (Danio rerio) gonadotropin receptor. Gen Comp Endocrinol 125: 349-364.

Varilo T, Laan M, Hovatta I, Wiebe, V, Terwilliger JD, Peltonen L (2000) Linkage disequilibrium in isolated populations: Finland and a young subpopulation of Kuusamo. Eur J Hum Genet 8(8):604-612.

Laan M, Pääbo S (1998) Mapping genes by drift-generated linkage disequilibrium. Am J Hum Genet 63(2): 654-6.

Rebane A, Tamme R, Laan M, Pata I, Metspalu A (1998) A novel snoRNA (U73) is encoded within the introns of the human and mouse ribosomal protein S3a genes. Gene 210(2):255-63.

Terwilliger JD, Zöllner S, Laan M, Pääbo S (1998) Mapping genes through the use of linkage disequilibrium generated by genetic drift: 'drift mapping' in small populations with no demographic expansion. Hum Hered 48(3):138-54.

Klockars T, Isosomppi J, Laan M, Kakko N, Palotie A, Peltonen L (1997) The visual assignment of genes by fiber-fish: BTF3 protein homologue gene (BTF3) and a novel pseudogene of human RNA helicase A (DDX9P) on 13q22. Genomics 44(3): 355-7.

Laan M, Pääbo S (1997) Demographic history and linkage disequilibrium in human populations. Nat Genet 17(4):435-8.

Klockars T, Savukoski M, Isosomppi J, Laan M, Järvelä I, Petrokhin K, Palotie A, Peltonen L (1996) Efficient construction of a physical map by fiber-FISH of the CLN5 region: refined assignment and long-range contig covering the critical region on 13q22. Genomics 35(1): 71-8.

Laan M, Isosomppi J, Klockars T, Peltonen L, Palotie A (1996) Utilization of FISH in positional cloning: an example on 13q22. Genome Res 6(10):1002-12.

Palotie A,Heiskanen M, Laan M, Horelli-Kuitunen N (1996) High-resolution fluorescence in situ hybridization: a new approach in genome mapping. Ann Med 28(2): 101-6.

Annilo T, Laan M, Stahl J, Metspalu A (1995) The human ribosomal protein S7-encoding gene: isolation, structure and localization in 2p25. Gene 165(2):297-302.

Kilk A, Laan M, Torp A (1995) Human CuZn superoxide dismutase enzymatic activity in cells is regulated by the length of the mRNA. FEBS Lett 362(3):323-7.

Laan M, Grön-Virta K, Salo A, Aula P, Peltonen L, Palotie A, Syvänen AC (1995) Solid-phase minisequencing confirmed by FISH analysis in determination of gene copy number. Hum Genet 96(3):275-80.

Laan M, Kallioniemi OP, Hellsten E, Alitalo K, Peltonen L, Palotie A (1995) Mechanically stretched chromosomes as targets for high-resolution FISH mapping. Genome Res 5(1):13-20.

Rytkonen EM, Halila R, Laan M, Saksela M, Kallioniemi OP, Palotie A, Raivio KO (1995) The human gene for xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) is localized on chromosome band 2q22. Cytogenet Cell Genet 68(1-2):61-3.

Tenhunen K, Laan M, Manninen T, Palotie A, Peltonen L, Jalanko A (1995) Molecular cloning, chromosomal assignment, and expression of the mouse aspartylglucosaminidase gene. Genomics 30(2):244-50.

viimati muudetud: 05.01.2006

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Maris
2.Surname Laan
3.Institution University of Tartu, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Department of Biotechnology
4.Position research professor
5.Date of birth 21.02.1968 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1. Tallinn Secondary School no. 7, 1975-1968
2. University of Tartu, 1987-1992, Diploma cum laude
3. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Genetics, PhD studies (human genetics) 1993-1997
7.Research and
professional experience
1. 1986 -1987 laboratory technician, Institute of Chemical and Biological Physics, Department of Bioorganics, Tallinn, Estonia (Supervisor Dr. Hindrik Arukaevu)
2.1989 - 1992, Diploma student, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Estonia (Supervisor dr. Ann Kilk)
Research area: Cloning of human Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase gene and analysis of its alternative mRNA transcripts
3. 1993 –1996 PhD student, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Helsinki University Central Hospital; and Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland (Supervisor Prof. Aarno Palotie)
Research area: Developing strategies for applying visual physical mapping by using FISH-techniques to improve the identification and cloning of the genes responsible for the Finnish disease inheritage.
4. 1996 - 1998, Post-doctoral fellow, Department of General Biology, Institute of Zoology, University of Munich, Germany (Supervisor Prof. Svante Pääbo)
Research areas: Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) in human genome: reflection of demographic history and role in gene mapping
5. 1998 VI - XII post-doctoral scientist, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu
6. 1999 XI -2000 XI Visiting Scientist/post-doctoral fellow, Center in Comparative Molecular Biology and Evolution, Marine Biology Laboratory (MBL), Woods Hole, USA
(Supervisor Prof. Robert K. Campbell, Executive Director, Serono Reproductive Biology Institute, Randolph, MA, USA)
Research areas: (1) Cloning and analysis of the genes responsible for the ovarian cycle in zebrafish (Danio rerio); and (2) Validate zebrafish as a potential vertebrate model for studying human infertility problems
7. 2002 IV-VIII Scientist (0.5 kohta), 2002 IX –2003 XII Senior Scientist, Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Estonia
8. 2004 January Research Professor, Group Leader, Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow
Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Estonia
Current focus is to combine studies of human population, medical and evolutionary genetics to study genetics of complex diseases. Ongoing projects:
(i) Normal and disease-associated haplotype structure of hypertension related genes. (ii) Segmental duplications of reproduction related genes in primate lineage
8.Academic degree 1. Diploma (=MSc) in Biology, Genetics
grade: cum laude
2. PhLic in Genetics
grade: magna cum laude approbatur
3. PhD in Genetics
grade: eximia cum laude approbatur
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1. University of Tartu, Estonia 1992
Thesis: "Human Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase cDNA: the Sequence and the Expression in Eukaryotic Tissue Culture" (Supervisor. prof. Ann Kilk)
2. University of Helsinki, Finland 1995
Thesis: "Molecular Cytogenetics in Physical Mapping and Positional Cloning" (Supervisor prof. Aarno Palotie)
3. University of Helsinki, Finland 1997
Thesis: "Visual Physical Mapping: from Chromosomal Localization to High-Resolution Analysis" (Supervisor prof. Aarno Palotie)
10.Honours/awards Personal stipends:
1. Fellowship to accomplish PhD at the University of Helsinki:
a) Savolais-Tarttolais Säätiö Jan-May 1993; b) Suomen Akatemia: June-Dec 1993; c) Center for International Mobility (CIMO) Jan-June 1994; Jan-May 1995; d)Viro Säätiö July - Dec 1994; e) University of Helsinki Oct 1995 - Dec 1995; HYKS-Säätiö Dec 1996-Jan 1997
2. PostoDoctoral Fellowships: a) Deutscher Akademishcer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Jan 1996-Oct 1996; b) Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation May 1997-April 1998; Estonian Ministry of Education June-Dec 1998
3. Estonian Biocenter: fellowship for Women Scientists 2002
4. Fellowship by the French Embassy in Estonia, 2002
5. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation partnership fellowship 2005 VIII - 2008 VII
Estonian Society of Human Genetics, member
European Society of Human Genetics, member
Friends Club of the Botanical Gardens University of Tartu, member
Referee for international journals (Human Genetics, European Journal of Human Genetics)
Referee for grant applications (Estonian Science Foundation; Wellcome Trust)
12.Supervised dissertations

Liina Nagirnaja, MSc, 2005, superv. Maris Laan. Inimese luteiniseeriva hormooni ja kooriongonadotropiini beeta-subühiku geeniperekond: struktuur ja potensiaalne seotus korduvate spontaanabortidega. Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut

Mari Nelis, MSc, 2004, superv. Maris Laan, Andres Metspalu. Hingamis- ja seedeelundkonna ülemise osa kasvajatega seotud kandidaatgeenide polümorfismide assotsiatsiooniuuring. Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut

Pille Hallast, MSc, 2004, superv. Maris Laan. Geenikonversiooni roll lokaalsete alleelse aheldatuse (LD) mustrite kujundamises inimese genoomis kooriongonadotropiini beta subühiku (CGB) geeniperekonna näitel. Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut

Tarmo Puurand, MSc, 2004, superv. Maris Laan. Rekombinatsioonipunktide jaotus inimese 19. ja 22. kromosoomis. Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut

Katrin Kepp, MSc, 2003, superv. Maris Laan, Andres Metspalu. Eestlaste ja Eesti venekeelse elanikkonna geneetiline võrdlus. Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut

13.Current research program Synthesis between population-, evolutionary and medical genetics:
(1) Segmental duplications of reproduction-related genes in primate genomes
(2) Cardiovascular function regulating genes – normal and pathological variation, regulation, evolution and interraction
14.Current grant funding 1. Wellcome Trust International Senior Research Fellowship in Biomedical Science in Central Europe 2004-2009 X (grant no. 070191/Z/03/Z): "Haplotype structure of human genome and its implications for mapping and understanding the evolution of common disease: using extensive Estonian population sample as a model".
2. Estonian Science Foundation grant no. 5796 "HUMAN LUTEINIZING HORMONE/CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN ß-SUBUNIT GENOME CLUSTER: (I) The role of non-homologous crossing-over and gene conversion in shaping the genetic variation and LD structure. (II) Distribution of allelic/haplotypic variation and expression profile of CGB genes in normal versus recurrently miscarriaged pregnancy"
3. Howard Hughes Medical Institute International grant no. 55005617 for years 2006-2010 “Tandem duplications in human genome associated with reproductive success”.
15.List of most important publications

Hallast P, Nagirnaja L, Margus T, Laan M (2005) Segmental Duplications and Gene Conversion: Human Luteinizing Hormone/ Chorionic Gonadotropin Beta Gene Cluster. Genome Res 15:1535-1546.

Laan M, Wiebe V, Khusnutdinova E, Remm M, Pääbo S (2005) X-chromosome as a marker for population history: linkage disequilibrium and haplotype study in Eurasian populations. Eur J Hum Genet 13(4):452-62.

Rull K, Laan M (2005) Expression of β-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin genes during the normal and failed pregnancy. Hum Reprod 20(12), 3360-3368.

Kaessmann H, Zöllner S, Gustafsson A, Wiebe V, Laan M, Lundeberg J, Uhlen M, Pääbo S (2002) Extensive linkage disequilibrium in small human populations in Eurasia. Am J Hum Genet 70: 673-685.

Laan M, Richmond H, Chaomei He, Campbell R (2002) Zebrafish as a model for vertebrate reproduction: Characterization of the first functional zebrafish (Danio rerio) gonadotropin receptor. Gen Comp Endocrinol 125: 349-364.

Varilo T, Laan M, Hovatta I, Wiebe, V, Terwilliger JD, Peltonen L (2000) Linkage disequilibrium in isolated populations: Finland and a young subpopulation of Kuusamo. Eur J Hum Genet 8(8):604-612.

Laan M, Pääbo S (1998) Mapping genes by drift-generated linkage disequilibrium. Am J Hum Genet 63(2): 654-6.

Rebane A, Tamme R, Laan M, Pata I, Metspalu A (1998) A novel snoRNA (U73) is encoded within the introns of the human and mouse ribosomal protein S3a genes. Gene 210(2):255-63.

Terwilliger JD, Zöllner S, Laan M, Pääbo S (1998) Mapping genes through the use of linkage disequilibrium generated by genetic drift: 'drift mapping' in small populations with no demographic expansion. Hum Hered 48(3):138-54.

Klockars T, Isosomppi J, Laan M, Kakko N, Palotie A, Peltonen L (1997) The visual assignment of genes by fiber-fish: BTF3 protein homologue gene (BTF3) and a novel pseudogene of human RNA helicase A (DDX9P) on 13q22. Genomics 44(3): 355-7.

Laan M, Pääbo S (1997) Demographic history and linkage disequilibrium in human populations. Nat Genet 17(4):435-8.

Klockars T, Savukoski M, Isosomppi J, Laan M, Järvelä I, Petrokhin K, Palotie A, Peltonen L (1996) Efficient construction of a physical map by fiber-FISH of the CLN5 region: refined assignment and long-range contig covering the critical region on 13q22. Genomics 35(1): 71-8.

Laan M, Isosomppi J, Klockars T, Peltonen L, Palotie A (1996) Utilization of FISH in positional cloning: an example on 13q22. Genome Res 6(10):1002-12.

Palotie A,Heiskanen M, Laan M, Horelli-Kuitunen N (1996) High-resolution fluorescence in situ hybridization: a new approach in genome mapping. Ann Med 28(2): 101-6.

Annilo T, Laan M, Stahl J, Metspalu A (1995) The human ribosomal protein S7-encoding gene: isolation, structure and localization in 2p25. Gene 165(2):297-302.

Kilk A, Laan M, Torp A (1995) Human CuZn superoxide dismutase enzymatic activity in cells is regulated by the length of the mRNA. FEBS Lett 362(3):323-7.

Laan M, Grön-Virta K, Salo A, Aula P, Peltonen L, Palotie A, Syvänen AC (1995) Solid-phase minisequencing confirmed by FISH analysis in determination of gene copy number. Hum Genet 96(3):275-80.

Laan M, Kallioniemi OP, Hellsten E, Alitalo K, Peltonen L, Palotie A (1995) Mechanically stretched chromosomes as targets for high-resolution FISH mapping. Genome Res 5(1):13-20.

Rytkonen EM, Halila R, Laan M, Saksela M, Kallioniemi OP, Palotie A, Raivio KO (1995) The human gene for xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) is localized on chromosome band 2q22. Cytogenet Cell Genet 68(1-2):61-3.

Tenhunen K, Laan M, Manninen T, Palotie A, Peltonen L, Jalanko A (1995) Molecular cloning, chromosomal assignment, and expression of the mouse aspartylglucosaminidase gene. Genomics 30(2):244-50.

last updated: 05.01.2006

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