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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Margus
2.Perekonnanimi Lember
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli Sisekliinik
4.Ametikoht Juhataja, korraline professor
5.Sünniaeg 12.12.1960 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskond 1985 (cum laude)
7.Teenistuskäik 2000- Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskonna sisehaiguste propedeutika korraline professor, sisekliiniku juhataja
2000- SA TÜ Kliinikumi sisekliiniku juhataja
2000-2000 SA TÜ Kliinikumi sisekliiniku siseosakonna juhataja
1993-2000 Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskonna polikliiniku ja peremeditsiini dotsent
1989-1993 Tartu Ülikooli ÜMPI vanemteadur, teadur;
1990-1992 Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskonna teaduskonnasisehaiguste kateedri assistent;
1992 Maarjamõisa Haigla siseosakonna arst;
1986-1989 Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskonna aspirant ÜMPIs;
1986 Tallinna Pelgulinna Haigla Polikliiniku jaoskonnaarst;
1985-1986 Tartu Linna Polikliiniku intern;
8.Teaduskraad Meditsiinikandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1990
Tampere Ülikool, 1998
10.Tunnustused Eesti Vabariigi riiklik teaduspreemia 1995.a.
ja –administratiivne
Erinevate üleriiklike ja rahvusvaheliste konverentside korraldamine (korralduskomitee ja programmikomitee esimehena ja liikmena Eesti, Balti ja Euroopa peremeditsiini ja sisemeditsiini konverentsid, Eesti-Soome ühiskonverentsid)al. 1993.a.
Forum Balticum- rahvusvahelise noorte uurijate teadusmetodoloogilise kursuse korralduskomitee liige 2004

Ajakirja Eesti Arst toimetuskolleegiumi liige alates 2000.a.

Järgnevate ajakirjade retsensent: British Journal of General Practice,
Education for Health, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, International Journal for Health Planning and Management

Eesti Teadusfondi arstiteaduse ekspertkomisjoni liige 2001-2003 ja alates 2005.

Eesti Sisearstide Seltsi juhatuse liige alates 2003.a.
Sotsiaalministeeriumi erialanõunik sisehaiguste alal alates 2000.a.
Sotsiaalministeeiumi erialanõunik perearstiteaduse alal 1995-2000.a.

Arstiteaduskonna Nõukogu liige alates 2000.a.
TÜ Nõukogu akadeemilise komisjoni liige alates 2003.a.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Ruth Kalda, DSc, 2001, juh. Heidi-Ingrid Maaroos, Margus Lember. Structure and outcome of family practice quality in the changing health care system of Estonia. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Arstiabi korraldus ja kvaliteet
Erinevate diagnostiliste meetodite hindamine
Hüpolaktaasia epidemioloogia ja kliiniline tähendus
Krooniliste haiguste ravitulemi hindamine ja seda mõjutavad tegurid
Meditsiinihariduse probleemid
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant 6452 "Gastrointestinaalsete sümptomite mõju tervisega seotud elukvaliteedile ja kroonilise terviseprobleemiga toimetulekule: 2.tüüpi diabeediga patsientide uuring"

2004.a. Euroopa Liidu grant rahvatervise programmi raames "Comparative analysis of existing data on nutrition and lifestyle of the ageing population in Europe"

Kalda R, Oona M, Maaroos HI, Lember M. Patient evaluation on family doctors`family orientation. Patient Education Counselling 2004;56:296-301(Current Contents/Medline))

Kalda R, Põlluste K, Maaroos HI, Lember M. Patients` opinions on family doctor accessibility in Estonia. Croat Med J 2004; 45: 578-581.

Meiesaar K, Lember M. Efficiency and sustainability of using resources in Estonian primary health care. Croat Med J 2004; 45: 573-577.

. Oona M, Kalda R, Lember M, Maaroos HI. Family doctors`involvement with families in Estonia. BMC Family Practice 2004; 5:24.

Põlluste K, Kalda R, Lember M. Evaluation of primary health care reform in Estonia from patients`perspective: acceptability and satisfaction. Croat Med J 2004; 45: 582-587.

Rätsep A, Kalda R, Oja I, Lember M. The impact of clinical practice guidelines should not be overestimated. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2004; 17:469-70.

Kalda R, Põlluste K, Lember M. Patient satisfaction with care is associated with personal choice of physician. Health Policy 2003; 64: 55-62. (

Koppel A, Meiesaar K, Valtonen H, Metsa A, Lember M. Evaluation of primary health care reform in Estonia. Soc Sci Med 2003; 56: 2461-2466.

Kalda R, Sarapuu H, Lember M, Sontak G, Hapunova M. Family physicians and pediatricians vaccinate children with same quality. Fam Med. 2002;34:714-5.

Lember M. A policy of introducing a new contract and funding system of general practice in Estonia. Int J Health Plann Mgmt 2002; 17: 41-53.

Lember M. Assessment of lactose tests. Am Fam Physician 2002; 66: 2207

Ovhed I, Hakansson A, Meakin R, Fowler G, Jurgutis A, Lember M. Report from the Universities of Lund/Malmö, London, Oxford, Klaipeda and Tartu. The Baltic Forum 1994-2000: a primary health care research workshop. Scand J Prim Health Care 2001; 19: 211-213.

Kalda R, Lember M. Setting national standards for practice equipment. Presence of equipment in Estonian practices before and after introduction of guidelines with feedback. Int J Quality Health Care 2000; 12: 59-63.

Kalda R, Maaroos HI, Lember M. Motivation and satisfaction among Estonian family doctors working in different settings. Europ J Gen Practice 2000; 6: 15-19.

Põlluste K, Kalda R, Lember M. Primary health care system in transition: the patient`s experience. Int J Quality Health Care 2000; 12: 503-509.

Meiesaar K, Koppel A, Metsa A, Lember M. Evaluation of primary health care reform. Terveystaloustiede 1999; 5: 54-59

Svab I, Lember M. Regional profile: Central and Eastern Europe. In: Brown S. (ed) Physician funding and health care systems- an international perspective. Royal College of General Practitioners, 1999, p. 55-62.

Kalda R, Sarapuu H, Pikk A, Lember M. Sex education and contraceptive methods: knowledge and sources of information among the Estonian population. Advances in Contraception 1998; 14: 121-130.

Lember M, Kosunen E, Boerma W. Task profiles of district doctors in Estonia and general practitioners in Finland. Scand J Prim Health Care 1998; 16: 56-62. (

Lember M, Pikk A, Mattila K, Virjo I, Kermes R, Isokoski M. How Estonian and Finnish primary care doctors rate their need for common drugs. Europ J Clin Pharmacol 1997; 52: 437-440.

Vesa T, Lember M, Korpela R. Milk fat does not affect the symptoms of lactose intolerance. Eur J Clin Nutr 1997; 51: 633-636.

Virjo IO, Mattila KJ, Lember M, Kermes R, Pikk A, Isokoski MK. Autopercepcion del rol profesional de los medicos de atencion primaria de Estonia y Finlandia. Atencion Primaria 1997; 19: 407-411.

Lember M. Family Practice Training in Estonia. Fam Med 1996; 28: 282-286.

Lember M. Medical Education Reform in Estonia. Acad Med 1996; 71:815.

Lember M. Revaluation of general practice/family medicine in the Estonian health care system. Europ J Gen Pract 1996; 2: 72-74.

Lember M, Tamm A, Piirsoo A, Suurmaa A, Kermes K, Kermes R. Rasprostranennost selektivnoi malabsorbtsii laktozõ sredi khantov. Klin Meditsina 1996, 1, 25-27.

Lember M, Tamm A, Piirsoo A, Suurmaa K, Kermes K, Sahi T, Isokoski M. Lactose malabsorbtion in Khants in Western Siberia. Scand J Gastroenterol 1995; 30: 225-227.

Lember M., Tamm A., Suurmaa K., Maaroos H.-I. Diagnosis of primary hypolactasia by duodenal lactase activity. Europ J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1993; 5: 511-513.

Lember M, Tamm A, Villako K. Selective lactose malabsorption in Estonians and Russians. Europ J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1991; 3: 479-481.

Lember M, Tamm A. Lactose absorption and milk-drinking habits in Estonians with myocardial infarction. Brit Med J 1988; i: 95-96.

viimati muudetud: 10.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Margus
2.Surname Lember
3.Institution Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tartu
4.Position Head, professor
5.Date of birth 12.12.1960 (day.month.year)
6.Education Medical Faculty of the University of Tartu 1985 (cum laude)
7.Research and
professional experience
2000- Professor of propedeutics of internal medicine at the University of Tartu, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine
2000- Head of the Clinic of Internal Medicine, Tartu University Hospital
1993-2000 Docent (associate professor) of the Department of Polyclinic and Family Medicine, University of Tartu
1989-1993 Researcher and senior researcher at the Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu;
1990-1992 assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tartu;
1992 internist at the general internal medicine ward at the Maarjamõisa Hospital;
1986-1989 PhD student at the Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu;
1986 district doctor at the Polyclinic of the Tallinn Pelgulinna Hospital;
1985-1986 intern at the Tartu City Polyclinic;
8.Academic degree Candidate of Medicine (PhD)
Doctor of Medical Science
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1990
University of Tampere, 1998
10.Honours/awards Estonian State award for research 1995
Member and chairman of different scientific committees and organising committees of different national and international conferences since 1993.
Forum Balticum- international research course for young investigators in primary health care, member of the organising committee 2004

Referee for the following journals: British Journal of General Practice, Education for Health, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, International Journal for Health Planning and Management

Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Eesti Arst (Estonian Physician) since 2000

Member of the expert board of the Estonian Science Foundation in 2001-2003 and since2005.

Board member of the Estonian Society of Internal Medicine since 2003
Adviser of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Internal Medicine since 2000
Adviser of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Family Medicine 1995-2000
Member of the Council of the Medical Faculty since 2000.
Member of the academic committee of the Council of the Tartu University since 2003
12.Supervised dissertations

Ruth Kalda, DSc, 2001, superv. Heidi-Ingrid Maaroos, Margus Lember. Structure and outcome of family practice quality in the changing health care system of Estonia. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Organisation and quality of health care
Assessment of different diagnostic methods
Epidemiology and clinical importance of hypolactasia
Assessment of health outcome of chronic diseases and factors having influence on it.
Medical education
14.Current grant funding Grant 6452 of the Estonian Science Foundation "Impact of gastrointestinal symptoms on health-related quality of life and copying with their chronic health condition: study of the patients with type 2 diabetes."

2004 grant of the EU public health program "Comparative analysis of existing data on nutrition and lifestyle of the ageing population in Europe"
15.List of most important publications

Kalda R, Oona M, Maaroos HI, Lember M. Patient evaluation on family doctors`family orientation. Patient Education Counselling 2004;56:296-301(Current Contents/Medline))

Kalda R, Põlluste K, Maaroos HI, Lember M. Patients` opinions on family doctor accessibility in Estonia. Croat Med J 2004; 45: 578-581.

Meiesaar K, Lember M. Efficiency and sustainability of using resources in Estonian primary health care. Croat Med J 2004; 45: 573-577.

. Oona M, Kalda R, Lember M, Maaroos HI. Family doctors`involvement with families in Estonia. BMC Family Practice 2004; 5:24.

Põlluste K, Kalda R, Lember M. Evaluation of primary health care reform in Estonia from patients`perspective: acceptability and satisfaction. Croat Med J 2004; 45: 582-587.

Rätsep A, Kalda R, Oja I, Lember M. The impact of clinical practice guidelines should not be overestimated. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2004; 17:469-70.

Kalda R, Põlluste K, Lember M. Patient satisfaction with care is associated with personal choice of physician. Health Policy 2003; 64: 55-62. (

Koppel A, Meiesaar K, Valtonen H, Metsa A, Lember M. Evaluation of primary health care reform in Estonia. Soc Sci Med 2003; 56: 2461-2466.

Kalda R, Sarapuu H, Lember M, Sontak G, Hapunova M. Family physicians and pediatricians vaccinate children with same quality. Fam Med. 2002;34:714-5.

Lember M. A policy of introducing a new contract and funding system of general practice in Estonia. Int J Health Plann Mgmt 2002; 17: 41-53.

Lember M. Assessment of lactose tests. Am Fam Physician 2002; 66: 2207

Ovhed I, Hakansson A, Meakin R, Fowler G, Jurgutis A, Lember M. Report from the Universities of Lund/Malmö, London, Oxford, Klaipeda and Tartu. The Baltic Forum 1994-2000: a primary health care research workshop. Scand J Prim Health Care 2001; 19: 211-213.

Kalda R, Lember M. Setting national standards for practice equipment. Presence of equipment in Estonian practices before and after introduction of guidelines with feedback. Int J Quality Health Care 2000; 12: 59-63.

Kalda R, Maaroos HI, Lember M. Motivation and satisfaction among Estonian family doctors working in different settings. Europ J Gen Practice 2000; 6: 15-19.

Põlluste K, Kalda R, Lember M. Primary health care system in transition: the patient`s experience. Int J Quality Health Care 2000; 12: 503-509.

Meiesaar K, Koppel A, Metsa A, Lember M. Evaluation of primary health care reform. Terveystaloustiede 1999; 5: 54-59

Svab I, Lember M. Regional profile: Central and Eastern Europe. In: Brown S. (ed) Physician funding and health care systems- an international perspective. Royal College of General Practitioners, 1999, p. 55-62.

Kalda R, Sarapuu H, Pikk A, Lember M. Sex education and contraceptive methods: knowledge and sources of information among the Estonian population. Advances in Contraception 1998; 14: 121-130.

Lember M, Kosunen E, Boerma W. Task profiles of district doctors in Estonia and general practitioners in Finland. Scand J Prim Health Care 1998; 16: 56-62. (

Lember M, Pikk A, Mattila K, Virjo I, Kermes R, Isokoski M. How Estonian and Finnish primary care doctors rate their need for common drugs. Europ J Clin Pharmacol 1997; 52: 437-440.

Vesa T, Lember M, Korpela R. Milk fat does not affect the symptoms of lactose intolerance. Eur J Clin Nutr 1997; 51: 633-636.

Virjo IO, Mattila KJ, Lember M, Kermes R, Pikk A, Isokoski MK. Autopercepcion del rol profesional de los medicos de atencion primaria de Estonia y Finlandia. Atencion Primaria 1997; 19: 407-411.

Lember M. Family Practice Training in Estonia. Fam Med 1996; 28: 282-286.

Lember M. Medical Education Reform in Estonia. Acad Med 1996; 71:815.

Lember M. Revaluation of general practice/family medicine in the Estonian health care system. Europ J Gen Pract 1996; 2: 72-74.

Lember M, Tamm A, Piirsoo A, Suurmaa A, Kermes K, Kermes R. Rasprostranennost selektivnoi malabsorbtsii laktozõ sredi khantov. Klin Meditsina 1996, 1, 25-27.

Lember M, Tamm A, Piirsoo A, Suurmaa K, Kermes K, Sahi T, Isokoski M. Lactose malabsorbtion in Khants in Western Siberia. Scand J Gastroenterol 1995; 30: 225-227.

Lember M., Tamm A., Suurmaa K., Maaroos H.-I. Diagnosis of primary hypolactasia by duodenal lactase activity. Europ J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1993; 5: 511-513.

Lember M, Tamm A, Villako K. Selective lactose malabsorption in Estonians and Russians. Europ J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1991; 3: 479-481.

Lember M, Tamm A. Lactose absorption and milk-drinking habits in Estonians with myocardial infarction. Brit Med J 1988; i: 95-96.

last updated: 10.10.2005

[ sulge aken ]