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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Annika
2.Perekonnanimi Volke
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli nahahaiguste kliinik
4.Ametikoht spetsialist
5.Sünniaeg 30.10.1970 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskond, arsti aste
7.Teenistuskäik alates 2003 - resident dermatoveneroloogia erialal, SA Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum
alates 2005 - spetsialist, TÜ nahahaiguste kliinik
2002-2005 - teadur, TÜ nahahaiguste kliinik
1998-2000 - intern, Tallinna Pelgulinna Haigla ja TÜ Kliinikum
1996-1998 - külalisteadur, Aarhusi Ülikool, Taani
1995-1998 ja 2000-2002 - doktorand, Tartu Ülikool
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
10.Tunnustused 1. TÜ arstiteaduskonna teadustöö esimene preemia, 2002
2. Eesti üliõpilaste teadustöö konkursi teine preemia, 2000
ja –administratiivne
a) Eesti Naha- ja Suguhaiguste Arstide Seltsi liige
b) European Society for Dermatological Research, liige
c) Eesti Immunoloogide ja Allergoloogide Seltsi liige
d) Eesti Arstide Liidu liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad 1. Lämmastikoksiidi osa põletikuliste nahahaiguste patogeneesis
2. Atoopilise dermatiidi patogenees ja epidemioloogia
14.Jooksvad grandid 1. Sihtfinantseerimise teema "Naha- ja suguhaiguste patogeneesi molekulaarsed mehhanismid ja epidemioloogilised aspektid Eestis" 0182128s02 (2002-2006) põhitäitja
2. ETF-i grantide 5299 "Lämmastikmonooksiidi osa atoopilise dermatiidi patogeneesis" ja 6081 "L-arginiini rajad ajus ja antidepressantide toime" põhitäitja
3. NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant 980462 2004-2005, põhitäitja

Volke A, Silm H. Atoopiline dermatiit on enam kui lihtsalt allergia. Eesti Arst 2003, 82: 416-422

Volke A, Volke V. Nitric oxide in atopic dermatitis: a HPLC method for simultaneous measurement of arginine metabolites. International Symposium on Atopic Dermatitis, Rome 2003. J Invest Dermatol 2003; 121: 1261

Volke A, Bang K, Thestrup-Pedersen K. Proliferation of T lymphocytes from atopic dermatitis skin is enhanced upon anti-CD3, reduced upon mitogen and superantigen, and negligible upon tuberculin stimulation. Acta Derm Venereol 2000; 80: 407-411

Wu K, Volke A, Lund M, Bang K, Thestrup-Pedersen K. Telomerase activity is spontaneously increased in lymphocytes from patients with atopic dermatitis and correlates with cellular proliferation. J Dermatol Sci 1999; 22: 24-30

Volke A, Bang K, Thestrup-Pedersen K. T lymphocytes from atopic dermatitis skin respond to superantigen and mitogen stimulation, but not to tuberculin. J Invest Dermatol 1998; 110:646

viimati muudetud: 04.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Annika
2.Surname Volke
3.Institution Dept. of Dermatology, University of Tartu
4.Position specialist
5.Date of birth 30.10.1970 (day.month.year)
6.Education Medical Faculty of University of Tartu, M.D.
7.Research and
professional experience
since 2003 - resident in dermatology and venereology, Tartu University Clinics
since 2005 - specialist, Dept. of Dermatology, University of Tartu
2002-2005 - research fellow, Dept. of Dermatology, University of Tartu
1998-2000 - intern, Pelgulinna Hospital, Tallinn, and Tartu University Clinics, Tartu
1996-1998 - visiting reseacher, Department of Dermatology, University of Aarhus, Denmark
1995-1998 and 2000-2002 - Ph.D. student, University of Tartu
8.Academic degree
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
10.Honours/awards 1. the First Prize in Research of the Medical Faculty, University of Tartu, 2002
2) the Second Award of the State Contest of Estonian Students' Research, 2000
a) member of Estonian Society of Dermatovenereologists
b) member of European Society for Dermatological Research
c) member of Estonian Society for Immunology and Allergology
d) member of Estonian Medical Association
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program 1. Role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of inflammatory skin diseases
2. Pathogenesis and epidemiology of atopic dermatitis
14.Current grant funding 1. Investigator for the target financed research project "Cutaneous and sexually transmitted diseases: pathogenetic mechanisms and epidemiology in Estonia"
2. Investigator for the ESF grants No 5299 "The role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis" and No 6081 "Pathways of L-arginine in brain and antidepressants"
3. Investigator for NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant 980462
15.List of most important publications

Volke A, Silm H. Atoopiline dermatiit on enam kui lihtsalt allergia. Eesti Arst 2003, 82: 416-422

Volke A, Volke V. Nitric oxide in atopic dermatitis: a HPLC method for simultaneous measurement of arginine metabolites. International Symposium on Atopic Dermatitis, Rome 2003. J Invest Dermatol 2003; 121: 1261

Volke A, Bang K, Thestrup-Pedersen K. Proliferation of T lymphocytes from atopic dermatitis skin is enhanced upon anti-CD3, reduced upon mitogen and superantigen, and negligible upon tuberculin stimulation. Acta Derm Venereol 2000; 80: 407-411

Wu K, Volke A, Lund M, Bang K, Thestrup-Pedersen K. Telomerase activity is spontaneously increased in lymphocytes from patients with atopic dermatitis and correlates with cellular proliferation. J Dermatol Sci 1999; 22: 24-30

Volke A, Bang K, Thestrup-Pedersen K. T lymphocytes from atopic dermatitis skin respond to superantigen and mitogen stimulation, but not to tuberculin. J Invest Dermatol 1998; 110:646

last updated: 04.10.2005

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