[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Romi |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Mankin |
3. | Töökoht | Tallinna Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | Teoreetilise füüsika õppetooli professor |
5. | Sünniaeg | 07.11.1947 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Riiklik Ülikool,diplom teoreetilise füüsika alal,1970 Tartu Riiklik Ülikool ,aspirantuur,1971- 1974 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1974-1986 Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut, füüsika kateeder: assistent, vanemõpetaja, dotsent ; 1978 Leningradi Polütehniline Instituut,täiendõpe (4 kuud); 1981 Leipzigi Ülikool , Matemaatika Instituut, täiendõpe (10 kuud); 1986-1992 Tallinna Pedagoogiline Instituut, füüsika kateedri juhataja; 1992-1993 Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool, teoreetilise füüsika kaasprofessor; 1993-... Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool (Tallinna Ülikool), teoreetilise füüsika professor. |
8. | Teaduskraad | Füüsika- matemaatika kandidaat |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Riiklik Ülikool,1974 |
10. | Tunnustused | Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli teenetemedal, 2000.a. Eesti Füüsika Seltsi medal, 2002.a. |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
1993-... Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool (Tallinna Ülikool),Loodusteaduste osakonna juhataja ; 1996-2001 Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli Nõukogu asespiiker; 1998-2004 Tallinna pedagoogikaülikooli Nõukogu Teaduskomisjoni esimees; 1997-2000 Eesti Füüsika Seltsi aseesimees; 2004-... Eesti Kõrghariduse Hindamise Nõukogu liige; 2004-... Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetiste (Füüsika Matemaatika) Kolleegiumi liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Ako Sauga, PhD, 2006, juh. Romi Mankin. The influence of environmental fluctuations on the dynamics of non-linear systems. Tallinna Ülikool Erkki Soika, MSc, 2006, juh. Romi Mankin. Trihhotoomse müra poolt indutseeritud stabiilsus metastabiilses süsteemis. Tallinna Ülikool Kristiina Paunel, MSc, 2004, juh. Romi Mankin. Värvilise müra poolt indutseeritud üleminekud sümbiootilistes ökosüsteemides. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool Tõnu Laas, PhD, 2002, juh. Romi Mankin , Risto Tammelo. Propagation of waves in curved spacetimes. Tartu Ülikool Ako Sauga, MSc, 2001, juh. Romi Mankin. Lainevõrrandi Green´i funktsioonid nõrgas gravitatsiooniväljas. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool Astrid Haljas, MSc, 2000, juh. Romi Mankin. Trihhotoomse müra indutseeritud faasiüleminekud Malthus-Verhulsti ja Hongleri mudelites. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool Tõnu Laas, MSc, 1998, juh. Romi Mankin. Skalaarse lainevõrrandi kõrgemat järku fundamentaallahendid kõveras aeg-ruumis. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Väljateooria ja üldrelatiivsusteooria; statistiline füüsika, stohhastilised protsessid; füüsika didaktika kõrgkoolis |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Värvilise müra poolt indutseeritud faasiüleminekud ja ülekandenähtused mittelineaarsetes süsteemides, ETF grant nr 5943,2004-2007, grandihoidja; Stohhastilised protsessid tiheda plasma ja konstruktsioonmaterjalide vastastiktoimel, Rahvusvahelise Aatomienergia Agentuuri projekt No 302-FI-EST 12062,2002-2006, põhitäitja; Nanosekundilised kiirgusimpulsid lõhkeainete ja radioaktiivsete detailide kiireks avastamiseks , NATO projekt SfP-981118,2005-2008 , põhitäitja; Mittelineaarsed stohhastilised protsessid nano- ja ökosüsteemides: teooria ning rakendused materjaliteadustes ja ökoloogias, ETHM sihtfinantseeritava teema nr 0132723s06 (2006-2011),teema juht. |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
R.Mankin,T.Laas,A.Sauga,A.Ainsaar,E.Reiter.Colored-noise-induced Hopf bifurcations in predator-prey communities.Physical Review E,74(2),2006,021101. T.Laas,A.Sauga,R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,Ü.Ugaste,A.Rekker. Colored-noise-induced anomalous transport in periodic structures.Nukleonika,2006,51(1),63-69. A.Rekker,R.Mankin,R.Tammelo. Noise-flatness-induced hypersensitive transport in tilted periodic sawtooth potentials. Physica E,2005,29,419-425. A.Sauga,R.Mankin. Addendum to "Colored-noise-induced discontinuous transitions in symbiotic ecosystems". Phys. Rev.E,2005,71,062103. A.Haljas,R.Mankin,A.Sauga,E.Reiter. Anomalous mobility of Brownian particles in a tilted symmetric sawtooth potential. Phys.Rev.E,2004,70,041107. R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,R.Tammelo. Trichotomous noise: applications to stochastic transport. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys.Math.,2004,53,1,64-72. R.Mankin,A.Sauga,A.Ainsaar,A.Haljas,K.Paunel. Colored-noise-induced discontinuous transitions in symbiotic ecosystems. Phys. Rev.E,2004,69,061106. R.Tammelo,T.Laas,R.Mankin. On electromagnetic wave tails in curved spacetimes. Comm. Phys.-Math.Soc. Sci. Fennica,2004,166,201-208. R.Mankin,A.Haljas,R.Tammelo,D.Martila. Mechanism of hypersensitive transport in tilted sharp ratchets. Phys.Rev.E,2003,68,011105. R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,A.Haljas,E.Reiter. Trichotomous-noise-induced catastrophic shifts in symbiotic ecosystems. Phys.Rev.E,2002,65,051108. R.Tammelo,R.Mankin,D.Martila. Three and four current reversals versus temperature in correlation ratchets with a simple sawtooth potential. Phys.Rev.E,2002,66,051101. Yu.Z.Ugaste,V.N.Pimenov,L.I.Ivanov,A.Myagi,R.Mankin,V.A.Gribkov,F.Mezzetti. Diffusion-stochastic model of the mass transfer of interstitial elements Calculation of the redistribution of deuterium,implanted in an iron-based alloy. Journal of Advanced Materials,2002,9(4),398-405. R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,A.Haljas,E.Reiter. Constructive role of temperature in ratchets driven by trichotomous noise. Phys.Rev.E,2001,63,041110. R.Mankin,R.Tammelo,D.Martila. Correlation ratchets: Four current reversals and disjunct "windows". Phys.Rev.E,2001,64,051114. R.Mankin,T.Laas,R.Tammelo. A new approach to electromagnetic wave tails on a curved spacetime. Phys. Rev.D,2001,63,063003. R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,A.Haljas. Trichotomous-noise induced phase transitions for the stochastic Hongler model. Proc.Estonian Acad.Sci.Phys.Math.,2000,49,1,28-39. R.Mankin, A.Ainsaar,E.Reiter. Current reversals in ratchets driven by trichotomous noise. Phys. Rev.E,2000,61,6359-6367. R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar. Green`s functions for scalar field in Robertson-Walker spacetimes. Hadronic Journal,2000,23,3,239-248. R.Mankin, T.Laas,R.Tammelo. Electromagnetic wave tails on curved spacetime and their observational implications. Phys. Rev.D,2000,62,041501 (R). R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,E.Reiter. Trichotomous noise-induced transitions.Phys.Rev.E,1999,60, 1374-1380. R.Mankin, R.Tammelo, T.Laas. A new method for solving covariant wave equation by means of higher-order fundamental solutions:proof of an algorithm. Class.Quantum Grav.,1999,16,2525-2536. R.Mankin,R.Tammelo,T.Laas.Complete algorithms for calculating the higher-order fundamental solutions of wave equations.Class. Quantum Grav.,1999,16,1215-1225. R.Mankin,R.Tammelo,T.Laas.Exact solutions of covariant wave equation with a multipole source term on curved spcetimes. Gen.Rel.Grav.,1999,31,537-554. T.Laas,R.Mankin. Diversors and higher-order fundamental solutions of covariant wave equations. Proc.Estonian Acad. Sci.Phys.Math.,1998,47,3,229-242. T.Laas,R.Mankin, R.Tammelo.Higher-order fundamental solution of second-order wave equations on a curved spacetime.Class. Quantum Grav. ,1998,15,1595-1605. |
viimati muudetud: 08.03.2006
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Romi |
2. | Surname | Mankin |
3. | Institution | Tallinn University |
4. | Position | Professor of the Chair of Theoretical Physics |
5. | Date of birth | 07.11.1947 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Tartu State University,diploma in theoretical physics,1970 Tartu State University,Cand. of Sci. student,1971-1974 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1974-1986 Tallinn Technical Institute,Chair of Physics : assistant, senior teacher, associated professor; 1978 Leningrad Technical Institute , refresher course (4 months); 1981 Leipzig University , Institute of Mathematics, refresher course (10 months ); 1986-1992 Tallinn Pedagogical Institute , Head of the Chair of Physics; 1992-1993 Tallinn Pedagogical University , acting professor of theoretical physics; 1993-present Tallinn Pedagogical University (Tallinn University), professor of theoretical physics. |
8. | Academic degree | Cand. Phys. Mat. Sci. (PhD ) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Tartu State University , 1974 |
10. | Honours/awards | Medal of merits of Tallinn Pedagogical University 2000 Medal of Estonian Physical Society 2002 |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
1993-present Tallinn Pedagogical University (Tallinn University), Head of the Department of Natural Sciences; 1996-2001 Deputy speaker of the Council of Tallinn Pedagogical University; 1998-2004 Chairman of the Scientific Commission at the Council of Tallinn Pedagogical University; 1997-2000 Deputy chairman of the Estonian Physical Society; 2004-present Member of Estonian Higher Education Accreditation Council; 2004-present Editorial Board of Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (Physics Mathematics),Member. |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Ako Sauga, PhD, 2006, superv. Romi Mankin. The influence of environmental fluctuations on the dynamics of non-linear systems. Tallinna Ülikool Erkki Soika, MSc, 2006, superv. Romi Mankin. Trihhotoomse müra poolt indutseeritud stabiilsus metastabiilses süsteemis. Tallinna Ülikool Kristiina Paunel, MSc, 2004, superv. Romi Mankin. Värvilise müra poolt indutseeritud üleminekud sümbiootilistes ökosüsteemides. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool Tõnu Laas, PhD, 2002, superv. Romi Mankin , Risto Tammelo. Propagation of waves in curved spacetimes. Tartu Ülikool Ako Sauga, MSc, 2001, superv. Romi Mankin. Lainevõrrandi Green´i funktsioonid nõrgas gravitatsiooniväljas. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool Astrid Haljas, MSc, 2000, superv. Romi Mankin. Trihhotoomse müra indutseeritud faasiüleminekud Malthus-Verhulsti ja Hongleri mudelites. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool Tõnu Laas, MSc, 1998, superv. Romi Mankin. Skalaarse lainevõrrandi kõrgemat järku fundamentaallahendid kõveras aeg-ruumis. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool |
13. | Current research program | Field theory and general relativity; Statistical physics, stochastic processes; Didactics of physics in high school |
14. | Current grant funding | Colored-noise-induced phase transitions and transport phenomena in nonlinear systems, ESF Grant No 5943,2004-2007,Principal Investigator; Stochastic processes at dense plasma beams interaction with construction materials,International Atomic Energy Agency Project No 302-FI-EST 12062, 2002-2006,Investigator; Nanosecond radiation pulses for rapid detection of explosives and nuclear agents , NATO Project SfP-981118,2005-2008,Investigator; Nonlinear stochastic processes in nano- and eco-systems: Theory and applications in materials sciences and ecology , Traget Financed Project No 0132723s06 (2006-2011) of Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia, Principal Investigator. |
15. | List of most important publications |
R.Mankin,T.Laas,A.Sauga,A.Ainsaar,E.Reiter.Colored-noise-induced Hopf bifurcations in predator-prey communities.Physical Review E,74(2),2006,021101. T.Laas,A.Sauga,R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,Ü.Ugaste,A.Rekker. Colored-noise-induced anomalous transport in periodic structures.Nukleonika,2006,51(1),63-69. A.Rekker,R.Mankin,R.Tammelo. Noise-flatness-induced hypersensitive transport in tilted periodic sawtooth potentials. Physica E,2005,29,419-425. A.Sauga,R.Mankin. Addendum to "Colored-noise-induced discontinuous transitions in symbiotic ecosystems". Phys. Rev.E,2005,71,062103. A.Haljas,R.Mankin,A.Sauga,E.Reiter. Anomalous mobility of Brownian particles in a tilted symmetric sawtooth potential. Phys.Rev.E,2004,70,041107. R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,R.Tammelo. Trichotomous noise: applications to stochastic transport. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys.Math.,2004,53,1,64-72. R.Mankin,A.Sauga,A.Ainsaar,A.Haljas,K.Paunel. Colored-noise-induced discontinuous transitions in symbiotic ecosystems. Phys. Rev.E,2004,69,061106. R.Tammelo,T.Laas,R.Mankin. On electromagnetic wave tails in curved spacetimes. Comm. Phys.-Math.Soc. Sci. Fennica,2004,166,201-208. R.Mankin,A.Haljas,R.Tammelo,D.Martila. Mechanism of hypersensitive transport in tilted sharp ratchets. Phys.Rev.E,2003,68,011105. R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,A.Haljas,E.Reiter. Trichotomous-noise-induced catastrophic shifts in symbiotic ecosystems. Phys.Rev.E,2002,65,051108. R.Tammelo,R.Mankin,D.Martila. Three and four current reversals versus temperature in correlation ratchets with a simple sawtooth potential. Phys.Rev.E,2002,66,051101. Yu.Z.Ugaste,V.N.Pimenov,L.I.Ivanov,A.Myagi,R.Mankin,V.A.Gribkov,F.Mezzetti. Diffusion-stochastic model of the mass transfer of interstitial elements Calculation of the redistribution of deuterium,implanted in an iron-based alloy. Journal of Advanced Materials,2002,9(4),398-405. R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,A.Haljas,E.Reiter. Constructive role of temperature in ratchets driven by trichotomous noise. Phys.Rev.E,2001,63,041110. R.Mankin,R.Tammelo,D.Martila. Correlation ratchets: Four current reversals and disjunct "windows". Phys.Rev.E,2001,64,051114. R.Mankin,T.Laas,R.Tammelo. A new approach to electromagnetic wave tails on a curved spacetime. Phys. Rev.D,2001,63,063003. R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,A.Haljas. Trichotomous-noise induced phase transitions for the stochastic Hongler model. Proc.Estonian Acad.Sci.Phys.Math.,2000,49,1,28-39. R.Mankin, A.Ainsaar,E.Reiter. Current reversals in ratchets driven by trichotomous noise. Phys. Rev.E,2000,61,6359-6367. R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar. Green`s functions for scalar field in Robertson-Walker spacetimes. Hadronic Journal,2000,23,3,239-248. R.Mankin, T.Laas,R.Tammelo. Electromagnetic wave tails on curved spacetime and their observational implications. Phys. Rev.D,2000,62,041501 (R). R.Mankin,A.Ainsaar,E.Reiter. Trichotomous noise-induced transitions.Phys.Rev.E,1999,60, 1374-1380. R.Mankin, R.Tammelo, T.Laas. A new method for solving covariant wave equation by means of higher-order fundamental solutions:proof of an algorithm. Class.Quantum Grav.,1999,16,2525-2536. R.Mankin,R.Tammelo,T.Laas.Complete algorithms for calculating the higher-order fundamental solutions of wave equations.Class. Quantum Grav.,1999,16,1215-1225. R.Mankin,R.Tammelo,T.Laas.Exact solutions of covariant wave equation with a multipole source term on curved spcetimes. Gen.Rel.Grav.,1999,31,537-554. T.Laas,R.Mankin. Diversors and higher-order fundamental solutions of covariant wave equations. Proc.Estonian Acad. Sci.Phys.Math.,1998,47,3,229-242. T.Laas,R.Mankin, R.Tammelo.Higher-order fundamental solution of second-order wave equations on a curved spacetime.Class. Quantum Grav. ,1998,15,1595-1605. |
last updated: 08.03.2006
[ sulge aken ]