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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Ingmar |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Ott |
3. | Töökoht | EPMÜ Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | rakendushüdrobioloogia professor |
5. | Sünniaeg | 14.09.1955 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Kõrgharidus. Tartu Ülikool 1980. |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Eesti NSV TA aspirant 1980-83. TA ZBI vaneminsener 1984-87, 1987-91, hüdrobioloogiaosakonna juhataja 1991-92, Võrtsjärve Limnoloogiajaama juhataja 1992-2001, 2001-2004 vanemteadur ja rakendushüdrobioloogia õppetooli juhataja kt., 2004 rakendushüdrobioloogia professor. 1992-94 TÜ ZHI lektor, 1994-99 dotsent. |
8. | Teaduskraad | biol. kand. |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Riiklik Ülikool 1987 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Keskkonnaministeeriumi kalanduskomijoni liige 1996-1999. ZBI nõukogu liige 1991.-2004. a. Alates 2005. EPMÜ põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituudi (PKI) liige. EPMÜ nõukogu liige alates 2003 ja akadeemilise komisjoni liige alates 2004. a. EPMÜ ZBI magistrikaitsmiskomijoni liige 2000-2005. Alates 2005. EPMÜ PKI õppekomijoni liige ja rakendushüdrobioloogia metoodikakomisjoni esimees. EPMÜ loodusteaduste doktorikraadi kaitsmiskomisjoni liige 2003-2004. Riiklike teadus- ka sihtfinantseeritavate teemade juht alates 1991 (4 teemat). ETF'i ja Nesslingi fondi (Soome) grantihoidja. Viimase viie aasta jooksul olen juhtiud ca 20 rakendusuuringut looduskaitse, keskkonnamõjude hinnangu, seire, veekogude noorendamise jmt. teemadel. Alates 1998. a. olen TA Looduskaitsekomisjoni liige. Olin 2001 a. Keskkonnaministeeriumi keskkonnastrateeegia plaani komisjoni liige. Olin Eesti esindaja EL uurimisprojektis EK1-C-99-0039 ECOFRAME ja EPMÜ vastutav täitja EL projektis “Integrated strategies for the management of transboundary waters on the Eastern European fringe-The pilot study of Lake Peipsi and its drainage basin (Mantra-East)”. Olen Keskkonnaministeeriumi juures Eesti eksperdiks siseveekogude kvaliteedi klassifikatsiooni loomisel EL veepoliitika raamdirektiivi täitmiseks. 1998. a. korraldasin NorFa rahvusvahelise kraadiõppurite treening-kursuse “Harmful algae, ecology and identification”. |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Sirje Vilbaste, PhD, 2004, juh. I. Ott. BENTHIC DIATOM COMMUNITIES IN RELATION TO ECOLOGICAL FACTORS. EPMÜ Kaidi Kübar, MSc, 2000, juh. I. Ott, T. Möls. “Distinction of mixotrophic lakes and structure on the basis of crustacean fauna”. TÜ Toomas Kõiv, MSc, 1998, juh. I. Ott. “Mixotrophic processes in Estonian lakes”. TÜ |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Limnoloogia, algoloogia. Siseveekogude mitmekesisus, nende funktsioneerimine, eriti kihistunud, miksotroofsed ja rannajärved. Vee-öksosüsteemide pikaajalised muutused. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Hydrobiologia (2005) 547:1-203. Springer 2005 I. Ott & T. Kõiv (eds), Lake Verevi, Estonia – A Highly Stratified Hypertrophic Lake Kangro, K., Laugaste, R., Nõges, P., Ott, I. 2005. Long-term changes and special features of seasonal developmnent of phytoplankton in a strongly stratified hypertrophic lake. -Hydrobiologia. 547:91-103 Kübar, K., Agasild, H., Virro, T., Ott, I. 2005. Vertical distribution of zooplankton in a strongly stratified hypertrophic Lake. Hydrobiologia. 547:151-162 Ott, I. 2005. Phytoplankton as a tool to classify ecological status of lakes. Estonian experiences. A. Lääne & P. Heinonen (eds.). Sampling. Presentations on three training seminars about quality assurance, biological methods of Water Framework Directive and Waste water sampling techniques. Suomen Ympäristökeskus 328. 48-56. Ott, I., Kõiv, T., Nõges, P., Kisand, A., Järvalt, A, Kirt, E. 2005. General description of partly meromictic hypertrophic Lake Verevi, its ecological status, changes during the past eight decades and restoration problems. - Hydrobiologia. 547:1-20. Ott, I., Rakko, A., Sarik, D., Nõges, P., Ott, K. 2005. Sedimentation rate of seston during the formation of temperature stratification after ice break-up in the partly meromictic Lake Verevi -Hydrobiologia. 547:51-61. Moss B., Stephen D., Alvarez C., Becares E., Van de Bund W., Collings S.E., Van Donk E., De Eyto E., Feldmann T., Fernández-Aláez C., Fernández-Aláez M., Frankeng R.J.M., García-Criado F., Gross E., Gyllström M., Hansson L.-A., Irvine K., Järvalt A., Jenssen J.-P., Jeppesen E., Kairesalo T., Kornijów R., Krause T., Künnap H., Laas A., Lill E., Lorens B., Luup H., Miracle M.R., Nõges P., Nõges T., Nykänen M., Ott I., Peczula W., Peeters E.T.H.M., Phillips G., Romo S., Russell V., Salujõe J., Scheffer M., Siewertsen K., Smal H., Tesch C., Timm H., Tuvikene L., Tõnno I., Virro T., Wilson D. The determination of ecological quality in shallow lakes - a tested system (ECOFRAME) for implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. – Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst., 2003, 13, 507-549. Nõges, P., Ott, I., Jensen, J.-P. 2003. Occurrence, coexistence andcompetition of Limnothrix redekei and Planktothrix agardhii: analysis of Danish-Estonian lake database. Algological Studies109=Arch.Hydrobiol.Suppl. 148. 429-441. Ott, I., Nõges, P., Laugaste, R., Kõiv, T. 2003. Occurrence of Limnothrix redekei Van Goor in Estonian lakes. Algological Studies 109= Arch.Hydrobiol. Suppl. 148. 455-468. Laugaste, R., Nõges, T., Nõges, P., Yastremskij, V., Milius, A., Ott, I. 2000. Algae. - L. Peipsi III Hydrobiology. E. Pihu (ed.), 31-49. Zingel P. & Ott I. 2000. Vertical distribution of planktonic ciliates in strongly stratified temperate lakes. - Hydrobiologia 435: 19-26 Laugaste, R., T. Nõges, P. Nõges, I. Ott, V. Jastremski & A. Milius, 1999. Vetikad. Rmt. E. Pihu & A. Raukas (toim.), Peipsi. Tallinn: 108-118. Ott, I. Kõiv, T. 1999. Eesti väikejärvede eripära ja muutused. Estonian Small Lakes: Special Features and Changes. Tallinn, 128 pp Ott, I. , Laugaste, R., Kõiv, T. 1999. Investigations of biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems in Estonia. Hydrobiological Research in the Baltic Countries. Part I. Rivers and Lakes. Vilnius. 325-363. Ott, I. & Laugaste, R. 1998: Organic matter and the composition of Volvocales and Chlorococcales in Estonian small lakes. - Biologia, Bratislava, 53: 3. 529-535. Ott, I., Laugaste, R., Lokk, S., Mäemets, A. 1997. Plankton changes in Estonian small lakes in 1951-93. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 46, 1-2, 58 -79. |
viimati muudetud: 11.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Ingmar |
2. | Surname | Ott |
3. | Institution | EAU Institute of Zoology and Botany |
4. | Position | professor of applied hydrobiology |
5. | Date of birth | 14.09.1955 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Higher education. Tartu University 1980. |
7. | Research and professional experience |
Post-graduate courses at the Estonian Academy of Sciences 1980-83. Senior engineer at IZB 1984-87. Research associate 1987-91. Head of department of hydrobiology 1991-92. Head of Võrtsjärv Limnological Station 1992-2001. Lecturer at Tartu University, Institute of Zoology and Hydrobiology 1992-94. Associate professor at the same insitute 1994-99. Since 2001 senior researcher and head of chair of applied hydrobiology. Since 2004 professor. |
8. | Academic degree | PhD |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Tartu State University 1987 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of the scientific council at Fishery Board of Estonian Ministry of Environment in 1996-1999. Member of scientific council of IZB 1991-2004. Since 2003 member of council of Estonia Agricultural University (EAU)and its academic commission since 2004. 2000-2005 member of master degree defence commission at IZB. 2003-2005 member of PhD defence commission at Estonian Agricultural University. Since 2005 member of educational commission of the institute of agriculture and environmental sciences and head of methodological commission of curriculum of applied hydrobiology. I was the principal researcher of the core financed scientific projects in IZB during 1991-94, 1994-97, 1998-2002 and currently since 2003 (core grant 0362482s03). I have been grant holder of ESF (Estonia) and Nessling Foundation (Finland). I have been a supervisor in last 5 years of appr. 20 applied research projects as monitoring of inland waterbodies, nature protection, environment impact assessment, lake restoration etc. I am a member of the Nature Protection Commission of the Estonian Academy of Sciences since 1998. I was member in 2001of commission of Estonian environmental strategy plan. During 2000-02 I was representative of Estonian end users at the EU project EK1-C-99-0039 ECOFRAME and principal investigator 2000-2003 of the EU project “Integrated strategies for the management of transboundary waters on the Eastern European fringe-The pilot study of Lake Peipsi and its drainage basin (Mantra-East)”. I am a member of expert commission of “Quality classification of Estonian surface waters” at the Ministry of Environment. In 1998 I organized under the support of NorFa international training course “Harmful algae, ecology and identification” for the PhD students from the universities around the Baltic Sea. I am a member of council of Estonian Agricultural University since 2003 and academic comission since 2004. |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Sirje Vilbaste, PhD, 2004, superv. I. Ott. BENTHIC DIATOM COMMUNITIES IN RELATION TO ECOLOGICAL FACTORS. EPMÜ Kaidi Kübar, MSc, 2000, superv. I. Ott, T. Möls. “Distinction of mixotrophic lakes and structure on the basis of crustacean fauna”. TÜ Toomas Kõiv, MSc, 1998, superv. I. Ott. “Mixotrophic processes in Estonian lakes”. TÜ |
13. | Current research program | Limnology, algology. Diversity of inland waterbodies, their functioning, especially functioning of stratified,mixotrophic and coastal lakes. Long-term changes of lakes. |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Hydrobiologia (2005) 547:1-203. Springer 2005 I. Ott & T. Kõiv (eds), Lake Verevi, Estonia – A Highly Stratified Hypertrophic Lake Kangro, K., Laugaste, R., Nõges, P., Ott, I. 2005. Long-term changes and special features of seasonal developmnent of phytoplankton in a strongly stratified hypertrophic lake. -Hydrobiologia. 547:91-103 Kübar, K., Agasild, H., Virro, T., Ott, I. 2005. Vertical distribution of zooplankton in a strongly stratified hypertrophic Lake. Hydrobiologia. 547:151-162 Ott, I. 2005. Phytoplankton as a tool to classify ecological status of lakes. Estonian experiences. A. Lääne & P. Heinonen (eds.). Sampling. Presentations on three training seminars about quality assurance, biological methods of Water Framework Directive and Waste water sampling techniques. Suomen Ympäristökeskus 328. 48-56. Ott, I., Kõiv, T., Nõges, P., Kisand, A., Järvalt, A, Kirt, E. 2005. General description of partly meromictic hypertrophic Lake Verevi, its ecological status, changes during the past eight decades and restoration problems. - Hydrobiologia. 547:1-20. Ott, I., Rakko, A., Sarik, D., Nõges, P., Ott, K. 2005. Sedimentation rate of seston during the formation of temperature stratification after ice break-up in the partly meromictic Lake Verevi -Hydrobiologia. 547:51-61. Moss B., Stephen D., Alvarez C., Becares E., Van de Bund W., Collings S.E., Van Donk E., De Eyto E., Feldmann T., Fernández-Aláez C., Fernández-Aláez M., Frankeng R.J.M., García-Criado F., Gross E., Gyllström M., Hansson L.-A., Irvine K., Järvalt A., Jenssen J.-P., Jeppesen E., Kairesalo T., Kornijów R., Krause T., Künnap H., Laas A., Lill E., Lorens B., Luup H., Miracle M.R., Nõges P., Nõges T., Nykänen M., Ott I., Peczula W., Peeters E.T.H.M., Phillips G., Romo S., Russell V., Salujõe J., Scheffer M., Siewertsen K., Smal H., Tesch C., Timm H., Tuvikene L., Tõnno I., Virro T., Wilson D. The determination of ecological quality in shallow lakes - a tested system (ECOFRAME) for implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. – Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst., 2003, 13, 507-549. Nõges, P., Ott, I., Jensen, J.-P. 2003. Occurrence, coexistence andcompetition of Limnothrix redekei and Planktothrix agardhii: analysis of Danish-Estonian lake database. Algological Studies109=Arch.Hydrobiol.Suppl. 148. 429-441. Ott, I., Nõges, P., Laugaste, R., Kõiv, T. 2003. Occurrence of Limnothrix redekei Van Goor in Estonian lakes. Algological Studies 109= Arch.Hydrobiol. Suppl. 148. 455-468. Laugaste, R., Nõges, T., Nõges, P., Yastremskij, V., Milius, A., Ott, I. 2000. Algae. - L. Peipsi III Hydrobiology. E. Pihu (ed.), 31-49. Zingel P. & Ott I. 2000. Vertical distribution of planktonic ciliates in strongly stratified temperate lakes. - Hydrobiologia 435: 19-26 Laugaste, R., T. Nõges, P. Nõges, I. Ott, V. Jastremski & A. Milius, 1999. Vetikad. Rmt. E. Pihu & A. Raukas (toim.), Peipsi. Tallinn: 108-118. Ott, I. Kõiv, T. 1999. Eesti väikejärvede eripära ja muutused. Estonian Small Lakes: Special Features and Changes. Tallinn, 128 pp Ott, I. , Laugaste, R., Kõiv, T. 1999. Investigations of biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems in Estonia. Hydrobiological Research in the Baltic Countries. Part I. Rivers and Lakes. Vilnius. 325-363. Ott, I. & Laugaste, R. 1998: Organic matter and the composition of Volvocales and Chlorococcales in Estonian small lakes. - Biologia, Bratislava, 53: 3. 529-535. Ott, I., Laugaste, R., Lokk, S., Mäemets, A. 1997. Plankton changes in Estonian small lakes in 1951-93. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 46, 1-2, 58 -79. |
last updated: 11.10.2005
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