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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Asko |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Uri |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool, orgaanilise ja bioorgaanilise keemia instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | juhtivteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 03.12.1953 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Ülikool, diplom, keemia (orgaaniline keemia), 1977 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | TÜ orgaanilise keemia kateedri stazöör-uurija, 1977-1979; TÜ orgaanilise keemia kateedri aspirant, 1979-1982; TÜ keemilise kineetika ja katalüüsi labori nooremteadur, 1982-1985; TÜ keemilise kineetika ja katalüüsi laboril vanemteadur, 1985-1993; TÜ keemilise füüsika instituudi vanemteadur, 1993-1994; TÜ keemilise füüsika instituudi keemik, 1994-1997; TÜ keemilise füüsika instituudi teadur 1997-2000 ja vanemteadur, 2000-2001; TÜ orgaanilise ja biorgaanilise keemia instituudi vanemteadur, 2001-2002; Eesti TA uurija-professor Tartu Ülikooli juures, orgaanilise ja bioorgaanilise keemia instituut, 2002-2005; TÜ orgaanilise ja biorgaanilise keemia insstituudi juhtivteadur (alates sept. 2005). |
8. | Teaduskraad | keemiakandidaat (füüsikaine keemia) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 1984 |
10. | Tunnustused | Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia uurija-professor, 2002 |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
TÜ füüsika-keemiateaduskonna nõukogu liige; Eesti biokeemia seltsi liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Erki Enkvist, MSc, 2003, juh. Asko Uri. Synthesis of adenine nucleotide analogues containing carboxylate groups.. Tartu Ülikool Kaido Viht, MSc, 2003, juh. Asko Uri. Liquid-phase synthesis of a pegylated inhibitor of protein kinase A. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | bioaktiivsete ainete disain ja arendus, nukleotiidretseptorite antagonistid, proteiinkinaaside inhibiitorid; polümeerseotud reaktsioonid, sünteesid tahkel faasil, nukleosiid-peptiidkonjugaatide disaini- ja sünteesimeetodid; nukleosiidide ja nende lämmastikaluste modifitseerimine |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Eesti TA uurimistoetus uurija-professorile 2002-2005 |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Viht, K., Vaasa, A., Raidaru, G., Enkvist, E. & Uri, A. (2005). Fluorometric TLC assay for evaluation of protein kinase inhibitors. Anal Biochem. 340(1), 165-170. Kuznetsov, A., Uri, A., Raidaru, G., & Järv, J.(2004). Kinetic analysis of inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit by the peptide-nucleoside conjugate AdcAhxArg6.Bioorg Chem. 32(6), 527-535. Vasiljev, K. S., Uri, A., & Laitinen, J. T. (2003). 2-Alkylthio-Substituted Platelet P2y(12) Receptor Antagonist Reveal Pharmacological Identity Between the Rat Brain G(I)- Linked Adp Receptors and P2y(12). Neuropharmacology, 45(1), 145-154. Viht, K., Padari, K., Raidaru, G.-J., Subbi, J., Tammiste, I., Pooga, M., & Uri, A. (2003). Liquid-Phase Synthesis of a Pegylated Adenosine-Oligoarginine Conjugate, Cell-Permeable Inhibitor of Camp-Dependent Protein Kinase. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 13(18), 3035-3039. Uri, A., Raidaru, G.-J., Subbi, J., Padari, K., & Pooga, M. (2002). Identification of the Ability of Highly Charged Nanomolar Inhibitors of Protein Kinases to Cross Plasma Membranes and Carry a Protein Into Cells. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 12(16), 2117-2120. Laitinen, J. T., Uri, A., Raidaru, G.-J., & Miettinen, R. (2001). [S-35]Ctp Gamma S Autoradiography Reveals a Wide Distribution of G(I/O)-Linked Adp Receptors in the Nervous System: Close Similarities With the Platelet P2y(Adp) Receptor. Journal of Neurochemistry, 77(2), 505-518. Loog, M., Uri, A., Järv, J., & Ek, P. (2000). Bi-Substrate Analogue Ligands for Affinity Chromatography of Protein Kinases. Febs Letters, 480(2-3), 244-248. Sak, K., Uri, A., Enkvist, E., Raidaru, G.-J., Subbi, J., Kelve, M., & Järv, J. (2000). Adenosine-Derived Non-Phosphate Antagonists for P2y(1) Purinoceptors. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 272(2), 327-331 Loog, M., Uri, A., Raidaru, G.-J., Järv, J., & Ek, P. (1999). Adenosine-5 '-Carboxylic Acid Peptidyl Derivatives as Inhibitors of Protein Kinases. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 9(10), 1447-1452. Pooga, M., Jureus, A., Rezaei, K., Hasanvan, H., Saar, K., Kask, K., Kjellen, P., Land, T., Halonen, J., Mäeorg, U., Uri, A., Solyom, S., Bartfai, T., & Langel, Ü. (1998). Novel Galanin Receptor Ligands. Journal of Peptide Research, 51(1), 65-74. Sak, K., Kelve, M., Uri, A., & Järv, J. (1998). Pyrimidinoceptor Potentiation by Atp in Ng108-15 Cells. Febs Letters, 439(1-2), 107-109. Pehk, T., & Uri, A. (1997). Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Conjugates of Adenosine and Tetra-Aspartate, Novel Analogs of ATP. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 7(17), 2159-2164 |
viimati muudetud: 05.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Asko |
2. | Surname | Uri |
3. | Institution | University of Tartu, Institute of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry |
4. | Position | leading scientist |
5. | Date of birth | 03.12.1953 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Tartu University, diploma in chemistry (organic chemistry), 1977 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
University of Tartu (UT), Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis, research fellow 1982-1985; UT, Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis, senior research fellow 1985-1993; UT, Institute of Chemical Physics, senior research fellow, 1993-1994; UT, Institute of Chemical Physics, chemist, 1994-1997; UT, Institute of Chemical Physics, research fellow, 1997-2000, and senior research fellow, 2001-2002; UT, Institute of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, senior research fellow, 2001-2002; UT, Institute of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, research professor of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2002-2005 UT, Institute of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, leading scientist, starting from september 2005 |
8. | Academic degree | PhD in Chemistry (Candidate of Chemistry) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu, 1984 |
10. | Honours/awards | Research professor of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2002 |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of the government of the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, University of Tartu; member of the Estonian Biochemistry Society |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Erki Enkvist, MSc, 2003, superv. Asko Uri. Synthesis of adenine nucleotide analogues containing carboxylate groups.. Tartu Ülikool Kaido Viht, MSc, 2003, superv. Asko Uri. Liquid-phase synthesis of a pegylated inhibitor of protein kinase A. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | Design and development of bioactive compounds, antagonists of nucleotide receptors, inhibitors of protein kinases; reactions on polymeric carriers, design and development methods for nucleoside-peptide conjugates; modification of nucleosides and their nitrogen bases |
14. | Current grant funding | Research grant from the Estonian Academy of Sciences to the research professor, 2002-2005 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Viht, K., Vaasa, A., Raidaru, G., Enkvist, E. & Uri, A. (2005). Fluorometric TLC assay for evaluation of protein kinase inhibitors. Anal Biochem. 340(1), 165-170. Kuznetsov, A., Uri, A., Raidaru, G., & Järv, J.(2004). Kinetic analysis of inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit by the peptide-nucleoside conjugate AdcAhxArg6.Bioorg Chem. 32(6), 527-535. Vasiljev, K. S., Uri, A., & Laitinen, J. T. (2003). 2-Alkylthio-Substituted Platelet P2y(12) Receptor Antagonist Reveal Pharmacological Identity Between the Rat Brain G(I)- Linked Adp Receptors and P2y(12). Neuropharmacology, 45(1), 145-154. Viht, K., Padari, K., Raidaru, G.-J., Subbi, J., Tammiste, I., Pooga, M., & Uri, A. (2003). Liquid-Phase Synthesis of a Pegylated Adenosine-Oligoarginine Conjugate, Cell-Permeable Inhibitor of Camp-Dependent Protein Kinase. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 13(18), 3035-3039. Uri, A., Raidaru, G.-J., Subbi, J., Padari, K., & Pooga, M. (2002). Identification of the Ability of Highly Charged Nanomolar Inhibitors of Protein Kinases to Cross Plasma Membranes and Carry a Protein Into Cells. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 12(16), 2117-2120. Laitinen, J. T., Uri, A., Raidaru, G.-J., & Miettinen, R. (2001). [S-35]Ctp Gamma S Autoradiography Reveals a Wide Distribution of G(I/O)-Linked Adp Receptors in the Nervous System: Close Similarities With the Platelet P2y(Adp) Receptor. Journal of Neurochemistry, 77(2), 505-518. Loog, M., Uri, A., Järv, J., & Ek, P. (2000). Bi-Substrate Analogue Ligands for Affinity Chromatography of Protein Kinases. Febs Letters, 480(2-3), 244-248. Sak, K., Uri, A., Enkvist, E., Raidaru, G.-J., Subbi, J., Kelve, M., & Järv, J. (2000). Adenosine-Derived Non-Phosphate Antagonists for P2y(1) Purinoceptors. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 272(2), 327-331 Loog, M., Uri, A., Raidaru, G.-J., Järv, J., & Ek, P. (1999). Adenosine-5 '-Carboxylic Acid Peptidyl Derivatives as Inhibitors of Protein Kinases. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 9(10), 1447-1452. Pooga, M., Jureus, A., Rezaei, K., Hasanvan, H., Saar, K., Kask, K., Kjellen, P., Land, T., Halonen, J., Mäeorg, U., Uri, A., Solyom, S., Bartfai, T., & Langel, Ü. (1998). Novel Galanin Receptor Ligands. Journal of Peptide Research, 51(1), 65-74. Sak, K., Kelve, M., Uri, A., & Järv, J. (1998). Pyrimidinoceptor Potentiation by Atp in Ng108-15 Cells. Febs Letters, 439(1-2), 107-109. Pehk, T., & Uri, A. (1997). Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Conjugates of Adenosine and Tetra-Aspartate, Novel Analogs of ATP. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 7(17), 2159-2164 |
last updated: 05.10.2005
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