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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Ceslava |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Kairane |
3. | Töökoht | TÜ Biokeemia Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | dotsent |
5. | Sünniaeg | 01.01.1950 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Riia meditsiini Instituut, 1973 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1973-1976 vanemlaborant, Riia meditsiini Instituut 1976-1981 aspirant, NSVL TA Füüsika Instituut (Moskva) 1981-1982 vanem-insener/uurija, Läti TA Orgaanilise Sünteesi Instituut 1982-1986 insner/uurija, Eesti TA Eksperimentaalbioloogia Instituut 1986-1990 teadur, TÜ TO Hormonaalregulatsiooni Laboratoorium 1990-1993 vanem-teadur, TÜ TO Ensümoloogia Laboratoorium 1993-1994 vanem-teadur, TÜ Arstiteaduskonna Biokeemia Instituut 1994-1995 0.5 k. vanemteadur/0.5 k vanemassistent TÜ Arstiteaduskonna Biokeemia Instituut 1996-2005 vanemassistent TÜ Arstiteaduskonna Biokeemia Instituut 2005-2010 dotsent TÜ Arstiteaduskonna Biokeemia Instituut |
8. | Teaduskraad | bioloogiakandidaat (Ph.D.) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Kõrgem Atestatsiooni Komisjon (Moskva), 1983 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Eesti Biokeemia Selts Konverentside Organisatsioonikomiteede liige Faramatseutlise kirjanduse referent |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | 1. Neuropeptiidide uurimine, nende toimemehhanism ja kasutamine kliinikus 2. Molekulaarmeditsiin ja oksüdatiivne stress, probiootikumid ja oksüdatiivne stress, koronaarhaigused ja oksüdatiivne stress |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Karu I, Loit R, Paapstel A, Kairane C, Zilmer M, Starkopf J. Early postoperative function of the heart after coronary artery bypass grafting is not predicted by myocardial necrosis and gluathione-associated oxidative stress. Cli Chim Acta. 2005 Sep; 359(1-2);195-202. PMID:15919071 Muda P,Kampus P,Zilmer M,Ristimäe T,Fischer K, Zilmer K, Kairane C, Teesalu R. Effect of antihypertensive treatment with candesartan or amilodipine on glutathione and its redox status, homocysteine and vitamin concentrations in patients with essential hypertension.J Hypertens. 2005 Jan;23 (1):105-12.PIMD:15643131 Pihl E, Zilmer K, Kullisaar T, Kairane C, Magi A, Zilmer M. Atherogenic infammatoty and oxidative stress markers in relation to overweight values in male former athletes. Int J Obes(Lond).20005 Sep 13; PMID:16158088 Eisen M,Kaur S,Rehema A, Kullisaar T, Vihalemm T,Zilmer K, Kairane C, Zilmer M.Allergic contact dermatitis is accompanied by severe abnormal changes in antioxidativity of blood.Biomed.Pharmacother.2004 May;58 (4):260-3.PMID:15183853 Muda P, Kampus P, Zilmer M, Kairane C, Ristimäe T, Ficher K, Teesalu R. Homocysteine and red blood cell glutathione as indices for middle-aged untreated essential hypertension patients. J. Hypertens. 2003, Dec; 21(12):2329-2333. PMID:14654754 Pihl E, Zilmer K,Kullisaar T, Kairane C, Pulges A, Zilmer M. High-sensitive C-reactive protein level and oxidtaive stress-related status in former athletes in realtion to traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Atherosclerosis. 2003 Dec; 171(2):321-6. PMID:14644403 Poder P,Pulges A, Kals J, Aavik A, Zilmer K, Kullisaar T, Kairane C, Zilmer M. Is elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair accompanied by high grade oxidative stress? Scand J Surg. 2003; 92(3):206-9. PMID: 14582543 Roots K, Koks S, Kairane C, Salum T, Karelson E, Vasar E, Zilmer M. Na-pump kinetic properties are differently altered in the brain regions of the cholecystokinkn2 receptor-deficient mice. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Aprl; 986: 644-5.PMID:12763910 Kairane C, Roots K, Uusma T, Bogdanovic N, Karelson E, Koks S, Zilmer M. Regulation of the frontocortical sodium pump by Na+ in Alzheimer's disease: difference from the age-matched control but similarity to the rat model. FEBS Lett. 2002 Nov 6;531(2):241-4 PMID:12417319 Kullisaar T,Zilmer M,Mikelsaar M,Vihalemm T, Annuk H, Kairane C, Kilk A. Two antioxidative lactobacilli strains as promising probiotics. Int J Food Microbiol. 2002 Feb 5; 72(3):215-24. PMID:11845820 Karelson E, Bogdanovic N, Garlind A, Winblad B, Zilmer K, Kullisaar T, Vihalemm T, Kairane C, Zilmer M. The cerebrocortical areas in normal brain aging and in Alzheimer's disease: noticeable differences in the lipid peroxidation level and in antioxidant defence. Neurochem. Res. 2001 Apr;26(4):353-61. PMID:11495345 Tahepõld P, Valen G, Starkopf J, Kairane C, Zilmer M, Vaage J. Pretreating rats with hyperoxia attenuates ischemia-reperfusion injury of the heart. Life Sci. 2001 Feb 23; 68(14):1629-40. PMID:11263675 Vider J, Lehtmaa J, Kullisaar T, Vihalemm T, Zilmer K, Kairane C, Landor A, Karu T, Zilmer M. Acute immune response in respect to exercise-induced oxidative stress. Pathophysiology. 2001 Mar;7 (4):263-270. PMID:11228396 Valen G, Kawakami T, Tahepold P, Starkopf J, Kairane C, Dumitrescu A, Lowbeer C, Zilmer M, Vaage j.Pretreatment with methylprednisolone protects the isolated rat heart against ischemic and oxidative damage. Free Radic Res. 2000 Jul; 33(1):31-43. PMID:10826919 |
viimati muudetud: 04.09.2006
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Ceslava |
2. | Surname | Kairane |
3. | Institution | Department of Biochemistry, University of Tartu |
4. | Position | associated professor |
5. | Date of birth | 01.01.1950 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Medical Institute of Riga, 1973 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1973-1976 sen.lab. assistant, Medical Institute of Riga 1976-1981 postgraduate student, Institute of Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences(Moscow) 1981-1982 sen. engineer/researcher, Institute of Organic Synthesis Latvian Academy of Sciences 1982-1986 engineer/researcher, Institute of Experimental Biology, Estonian Academy of Sciences 1986-1990 researcher, Laboratory of Hormonal Regulation, Tartu University 1990-1993 sen.researcher, Laboratory of Enzymology, Tartu University 1993-1994 sen.researcher, Department of Biochemistry, Tartu University 1994-1995 0.5 sen.researcher/0.5 sen. assistant, Department of Biochemistry, Tartu University 1996-2005 senior assistant Department of Biochemistry, Tartu University 2005-2010 associated professor Department of Biochemistry, Tartu University |
8. | Academic degree | Ph.D. (Candidate of Biological Sciences) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Higher Attestaion Commission (Moscow), 1983 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Estonian Biochemical Society Member of Organizing Committees of Conferences Referent of pharmaceutical literature |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | 1.Investigation of neuropeptides; their action mechanisms and clinical use 2. Molecular medicine and oxidative stress, probiotics and oxidative stress, coronary diseases and oxidative stress |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Karu I, Loit R, Paapstel A, Kairane C, Zilmer M, Starkopf J. Early postoperative function of the heart after coronary artery bypass grafting is not predicted by myocardial necrosis and gluathione-associated oxidative stress. Cli Chim Acta. 2005 Sep; 359(1-2);195-202. PMID:15919071 Muda P,Kampus P,Zilmer M,Ristimäe T,Fischer K, Zilmer K, Kairane C, Teesalu R. Effect of antihypertensive treatment with candesartan or amilodipine on glutathione and its redox status, homocysteine and vitamin concentrations in patients with essential hypertension.J Hypertens. 2005 Jan;23 (1):105-12.PIMD:15643131 Pihl E, Zilmer K, Kullisaar T, Kairane C, Magi A, Zilmer M. Atherogenic infammatoty and oxidative stress markers in relation to overweight values in male former athletes. Int J Obes(Lond).20005 Sep 13; PMID:16158088 Eisen M,Kaur S,Rehema A, Kullisaar T, Vihalemm T,Zilmer K, Kairane C, Zilmer M.Allergic contact dermatitis is accompanied by severe abnormal changes in antioxidativity of blood.Biomed.Pharmacother.2004 May;58 (4):260-3.PMID:15183853 Muda P, Kampus P, Zilmer M, Kairane C, Ristimäe T, Ficher K, Teesalu R. Homocysteine and red blood cell glutathione as indices for middle-aged untreated essential hypertension patients. J. Hypertens. 2003, Dec; 21(12):2329-2333. PMID:14654754 Pihl E, Zilmer K,Kullisaar T, Kairane C, Pulges A, Zilmer M. High-sensitive C-reactive protein level and oxidtaive stress-related status in former athletes in realtion to traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Atherosclerosis. 2003 Dec; 171(2):321-6. PMID:14644403 Poder P,Pulges A, Kals J, Aavik A, Zilmer K, Kullisaar T, Kairane C, Zilmer M. Is elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair accompanied by high grade oxidative stress? Scand J Surg. 2003; 92(3):206-9. PMID: 14582543 Roots K, Koks S, Kairane C, Salum T, Karelson E, Vasar E, Zilmer M. Na-pump kinetic properties are differently altered in the brain regions of the cholecystokinkn2 receptor-deficient mice. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Aprl; 986: 644-5.PMID:12763910 Kairane C, Roots K, Uusma T, Bogdanovic N, Karelson E, Koks S, Zilmer M. Regulation of the frontocortical sodium pump by Na+ in Alzheimer's disease: difference from the age-matched control but similarity to the rat model. FEBS Lett. 2002 Nov 6;531(2):241-4 PMID:12417319 Kullisaar T,Zilmer M,Mikelsaar M,Vihalemm T, Annuk H, Kairane C, Kilk A. Two antioxidative lactobacilli strains as promising probiotics. Int J Food Microbiol. 2002 Feb 5; 72(3):215-24. PMID:11845820 Karelson E, Bogdanovic N, Garlind A, Winblad B, Zilmer K, Kullisaar T, Vihalemm T, Kairane C, Zilmer M. The cerebrocortical areas in normal brain aging and in Alzheimer's disease: noticeable differences in the lipid peroxidation level and in antioxidant defence. Neurochem. Res. 2001 Apr;26(4):353-61. PMID:11495345 Tahepõld P, Valen G, Starkopf J, Kairane C, Zilmer M, Vaage J. Pretreating rats with hyperoxia attenuates ischemia-reperfusion injury of the heart. Life Sci. 2001 Feb 23; 68(14):1629-40. PMID:11263675 Vider J, Lehtmaa J, Kullisaar T, Vihalemm T, Zilmer K, Kairane C, Landor A, Karu T, Zilmer M. Acute immune response in respect to exercise-induced oxidative stress. Pathophysiology. 2001 Mar;7 (4):263-270. PMID:11228396 Valen G, Kawakami T, Tahepold P, Starkopf J, Kairane C, Dumitrescu A, Lowbeer C, Zilmer M, Vaage j.Pretreatment with methylprednisolone protects the isolated rat heart against ischemic and oxidative damage. Free Radic Res. 2000 Jul; 33(1):31-43. PMID:10826919 |
last updated: 04.09.2006
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