[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Mati |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Pääsuke |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool (TÜ), spordibioloogia ja füsioteraapia instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | Professor |
5. | Sünniaeg | 02.04.1954 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | 1976 - TÜ kehakultuuriteaduskond, diplom kehalise kasvatuse ja spordi erialal 1987 - TÜ, bioloogiakandidaat füsioloogia erialal |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1979-1981 - TÜ spordifüsioloogia kateedri aspirant 1982-1984 - TÜ teadusosakonna insener 1984-1987 - TÜ võimlemise ja biomehaanika kateedri nooremteadur 1987-1988 - TÜ spordifüsioloogia kateedri nooremteadur 1988-1989 - TÜ treeninguprotsessi uurimise labori teadur 1989-1992 - TÜ spordifüsioloogia kateedri dotsent 1989-1998 - TÜ kehakultuuriteaduskonna dekaan 1992-2001 - TÜ spordibioloogia instituudi dotsent 1998-2004 - TÜ spordibioloogia ja füsioteraapia instituudi juhataja alates 2002 - TÜ kinesioloogia ja biomehaanika korraline professor alates 2004 - TÜ kehakultuuriteaduskonna prodekaan |
8. | Teaduskraad | Bioloogiakandidaat |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
NSV Liidu KAK, 1987 |
10. | Tunnustused | 1976 - TÜ aukiri ja I auhind üliõpilaste teadustööde konkursil 1987 - TÜ aukiri ja preemia teadustööde juurutuskonkursil |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
International Society of Biomechanics - liige International Society of Biomechanics of Sport - liige Eesti Füsioloogia Selts - liige Eesti Spordimeditsiini Föderatsioon - liige Eesti Olümpiaakadeemia - liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Kadri Joost, MSc, 2005, juh. Mati Pääsuke, Pille Taba. Motoorse võimekuse näitajad mõõdukalt väljendunud Parkinsoni tõvega haigetel. TÜ Kadri Parts, MSc, 2005, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Lihasjõud ja peenmotoorne võimekus sclerosis multiplex'i diagnoosiga patsientide. TÜ Laivi Toots, MSc, 2005, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Motoorse võimekuse näitajad 9-10-aastastel ja 16-aastastel tütarlastel. TÜ Madli Toots, MSc, 2005, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Skeletilihaste kontraktiilsed omadused 9-10-aastastel ja 16-aastastel tütarlastel. TÜ Iti Lauk, MSc, 2004, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Motoorne ja intellektuaalne võimekus kergete kõnehäiretega viieaastastel lastel. TÜ Jelena Jürgel, MSc, 2004, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Õlaliigese ja õlavöötme lihaste funktsionaalne seisund periartriidiga patsientidel enne ning pärast neljanädalast taastusravi. TÜ Meri Männi, MSc, 2004, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Postoperatiivsed muutused reie nelipealihase funktsionaalses seisundis põlveliigese eesmise ristatisideme vigastusega patsientidel. TÜ Doris Aljaste, MSc, 2003, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Lülisamba ja seljalihaste funktsionaalne seisund idiopaatiliste alaseljavaludega naispatsientidel enne ja pärast kompleksset taastusravi. TÜ Ege Johanson, MSc, 2003, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Seljalihaste väsimus kestval submaksimaalsel staatilisel pingutusel: ealised ja soolised iseärasused ning alaseljavaludega seotud aspektid. TÜ Merje Proosa, MSc, 2003, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Närvi-lihassüsteemi funktsionaalne võimekus erinevas vanuses kehaliselt aktiivsetel naistel. TÜ Helena Gapeyeva, PhD, 2002, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Knee extensor muscle function after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. TÜ Merle Rosenthal, MSc, 2002, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Motoorse võimekuse näitajad 7-12-aastastel kuulmispuudega ja tervetel lastel. TÜ Saima Kuu, MSc, 2002, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Ealised muutused skeletilihaste kontraktiilsetes omadustes naistel. TÜ Lauri Rannama, MSc, 2001, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Väsimuse füsioloogilised iseärasused erineva intensiivsusega submaksimaalsel staatilisel tööl. TÜ Jaan Ereline, MSc, 1997, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Motoorset võimekust ja skeletilihaste funktsionaalseid omadusi iseloomustavate näitajate seosed kiirusliku jõu ja vastupidavusalade sportlastel. TÜ Lennart Raudsepp, MSc, 1994, juh. Mati Pääsuke. Liikumisvilumuste kinemaatilise struktuuri iseärasused ja seosed kehaliste võimetega 8-aastastel lastel. TÜ |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Adaptiivsed muutused närvi-lihassüsteemis kiirusjõu ja vastupidavustreeningu mõjul Lihasväsimus staatilistel pingutustel Laste motoorne võimekus: elektrofüsioloogilised ja biomehaanilised aspektid Vananemise mõju motoorsetele funktsioonidele Motoorsete funktsioonide postoperatiivne taastumine liigesevigastustega ja osteoartroosiga patsientidel Liikumisaparaadi biomehaanika |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | 2003-2005 – ETF grant nr. 5504 „Lihasväsimus submaksimaalsetel staatilistel pingutustel: elektrofüsioloogilised aspektid“ - grandihoidja 2005-2007 - ETF grant nr. 6214 "Motoorsete funktsioonide taastumine põlveliigese osteoartroosiga haigetel pärast kirurgilist ravi" - põhitäitja |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Bürkland T., Pääsuke M., Eelmäe P. The effect of riding therapy for cerebral palsy children posture and balance. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 501-504 Eelmäe P., Oja K., Haviko T., Pääsuke M. Recovery of gait and knee extensors strength following total hip arthroplasty. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 369-372 Gapeyeva H., Buht N., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Haviko T. Isometric force production and relaxation capacity of the knee extensor muscles three months after unilateral total knee arthroplasty. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 345-350 Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Lenzner A., Haviko T. Gait parameters in patients with knee osteoarthritis before high tibial osteotomy. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 1-4 Gapeyeva H., Karpova J., Aidla M., Ereline J., Kums T., Pääsuke M., Vain A. Characteristics of muscle tone, elasticity and stiffness of lower extremities in young female ballet dancers in context of ankle injury prevention. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 555-560 Johanson E., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Back extensor muscle strength and fatigability in female patients with idiopathic chronic low back pain. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 419-422 Jürgel J., Rannama L., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Kolts I., Pääsuke M. Shoulder function in patients with frozen shoulder before and after 4-week rehabilitation. Medicina (Kaunas), 2005, 41(1): 30-38 Kums T., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Vertical jumping performance in young rhytmic gymnasts. Biology of Sport, 2005, 22(3): 237-246 Kuu S., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Kolts I., Pääsuke M. Age-related changes in contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in physically active women. Kinesiology, 2005, (in press) Requena B., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Posttetanic potentiation in knee extensors after brief high-frequency submaximal percutaneous electrical stimulation. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2005, 14 (3): 258-267 Requena B., Zabala M., Ribas J., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Gonzales-Badillo J.J. Effect of posttetanic potentiation of pectorialis and triceps brachii muscles on bench press performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2005, 19 (3): 622-627 Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Jaigma P. Integrative re-organization mechanism for reducing tremor in Parkinson's disease patients. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2005, 45 (6): (in press) Sööt T., Jürimäe T., Jürimäe J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Relationship between leg bone mineral values and muscle strength in women with different physical activity. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 2005, 23(5): 401-406 Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Contractile changes in knee extensor muscles after repetitive maximal isokinetic contractions in male power-lifters and untrained subjects. Medicina dello Sport, 2004, 57 (1): 29-40 Mõttus K., Taba P., Pääsuke M., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J. Motor performance characteristics in women with Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 2004, 19, Suppl. 9, P507 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Joost K., Mõttus K., Taba P. Leg extension strength and chair rise performance in elderly women with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2004, 12 (4): 511-524 Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Improvement in Parkinson’s disease patients achieved by coordination dynamics therapy. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2004, 44 (2): 67-73 Tammik K., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Leg extensor muscle strength during bilateral and unilateral contractions in children with cerebral palsy and without disabilities. Biology of Sport, 2004, 21 (2): 159-169 Vaher V., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Haviko T., Lenzner A. Strength deficit and voluntary activation of quadriceps femoris muscle in osteoarthritic knee. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2004, 27, Suppl. 1: 171-172 Gapeyeva H., Pintsaar A., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Eller A. Contractile properties and tone of knee extensors after partial meniscectomy. In: H. Ring and N. Soroker (eds.) 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2003, pp. 285-288 Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Djuško V., Buht N., Mäeots T., Haviko T., Maasalu K., Kolts I. Effect of endoprothesis on isokinetic strength of knee extensor muscles. In: H. Ring and N. Soroker (eds.) 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2003, pp. 281-284 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Age-related differences in knee extension rate of isometric force development and vertical jumping performance in women. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2003, 43 (4): 453-458 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Toots M., Toots L. Comparison of twitch contractile properties of plantar flexor muscles in 9-10-year-old girls and boys. Pediatric Exercise Science, 2003, 15 (3): 324-332 Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Coordination dynamics in Parkinson's disease patients and healthy subjects quantified by the coordination dynamics recording method and EMG. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003, 43 (8): 473-485 Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Kolts I. High-load coordination dynamics in athletes, physiotherapists, gymnasts, musicians and patients with CNS injury. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003, 43 (6): 353-365 Schalow G., Pääsuke M. Low-load coordination dynamics in athletes, physiotherapists, gymnasts, musicians, and patients with spinal cord injury, after stroke, traumatic brain lesion and cerebral palsy. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003, 43 (4): 195-201 Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Isokinetic strength and tone of knee extensors following partial meniscectomy: One year study. In: E. Martos (ed). XXVII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2002, pp. 245-251 Kolts I., Busch L.C., Tomusk H., Raudheiding A., Eller A., Merila M., Russlies M., Pääsuke M., Leibecke T., Kühnel W. Macroscopical anatomy of the so called “rotator interval”. A cadaver study on 19 shoulder joints. Annals of Anatomy – Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2002, 184 (1): 9-14 Matsin T., Kaju R., Kingisepp P.-H., Maiste E., Mägi A., Pääsuke M. Morphofunctional characteristics of middle-level decathletes. Modern Athlete and Coach, 2002, 40 (1): 14-18 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Maamägi, H. Comparison of twitch contractile properties of plantar flexor muscles in young and 52- to 63-year-old men. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2002, 10 (2): 160-168 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Sander P., Sirkel S. Twitch potentiation capacity of plantarflexor muscles in women with increasing age. Biology of Sport, 2002, 19 (3): 213-223 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Torop T. Twitch contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in female power-trained athletes. Medicina dello Sport, 2002, 55 Pääsuke M., Johanson E., Proosa M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Back extensor muscle fatigability in chronic low back pain patients and controls. Relationship between electromyogram power spectrum changes and body mass index. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2002, 16 (1): 17-24 Pääsuke M., Mõttus K., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Taba P. Lower extremity performance in older female patients with Parkinson’s disease. Aging: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2002, 14 (3): 185-191 Ööpik V., Pääsuke M., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Ereline J., Gapejeva J. Effects of creatine supplementation during recovery from rapid body mass reduction on metabolism and muscle performance capacity in well-trained wrestlers. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2002, 42 (3): 330-339 Ööpik V., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Pääsuke M., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Roots E. Short-term creatine supplementation and high intermittent intensity working capacity. In: E. Martos (ed). XXVII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2002, pp. 223-226 Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Vaher V., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Recovery of contractile properties of the knee-extensor muscles after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2001, 10 (4): 298-307 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Knee extension strength and vertical jumping performance in Nordic combined athletes. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2001, 41 (3): 354-361 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Knee extensor muscle strength and vertical jumping performance characteristics in pre- and postpubertal boys. Pediatric Exercise Science, 2001, 13 (1): 60-69 Pääsuke M., Viira P., Gapejeva J., Ereline J. Changes in contractile properties of calf muscles after fatiguing submaximal static contractions. Proceedings of 1st International Conference “Neuromuscular System in Exercise and Sport”. Kaunas, 1991, pp. 14-16 Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Isokinetic torque deficit of the knee extensor muscles after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 2000, 8 (5): 301-304 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Changes in twitch contractile characteristics of plantarflexor muscles during repeated fatiguing submaximal static contractions. Biology of Sport, 2000, 17 (3): 169-177 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Sirkel S., Sander P. Age-related differences in twitch contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in women. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 2000, 170 (1): 51-57 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Twitch contraction properties of plantar flexor muscles in pre- and post-pubertal boys and men. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2000, 82 (5/6): 459-464 Lenzner A., Kaur I., Haviko T., Sõgel V., Ereline J., Gapejeva J., Pääsuke M. Impaction bone-grafting increases the holding power of cancellous screws in the femoral head. A pull-out study in human cadaver hips. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, 1999, 70 (1): 25-28 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Neuromuscular fatigue during repeated exhaustive submaximal static contractions of knee extensor muscles in endurance-trained, power-trained and untrained men. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 1999, 166 (4): 319-326 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Twitch contractile properties of plantar flexor muscles in power and endurance trained athletes. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1999, 80 (5): 448-451 Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Muscle tone changes following knee arthroscopic surgery. Proceedings of 6th European Congress on Research in Rehabilitation. Berlin, 1998, pp. 270-272 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Twitch potentiation capacity of plantarflexor muscles in endurance and power athletes. Biology of Sport, 1998, 15 (3): 171-178 Ööpik V., Pääsuke M., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Ereline J., Smirnova T. Effect of creatine supplementation during rapid body mass reduction on metabolism and isokinetic muscle performance capacity. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1998, 78 (1): 83-92 Gapejeva J., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Myotonometry of quadriceps femoris muscle following knee arthroscopy. Proceedings of the International Conference “Sport Kinetics 97”. Magdeburg, 1997, pp. 45-47 Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Eller A., Pintsaar A. Strength characteristics of knee extensors after arthroscopy. In: S. Ueda, R. Nakamura, S. Ishigami (eds). The 8th World Congress of the International Rehabilitation Medicine Association (IRMA VIII). Tome II, Part 3. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore,1997, pp. 1253-1256 Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Quadriceps femoris muscle tone strain changes following knee arthroscopy. Acta Medica Baltica, 1997, 4 (1): 25-28 Lenzner A., Kaur I., Haviko T., Sõgel V., Gapejeva J., Ereline J., Pääsuke M. Luulise auto- ja allotransplantaadi efekt kompressioonkruvide stabiilsusele reieluupeas distraktsioonitingimustes. Eesti Rohuteadlane, 1997, 8 (23): 28-29 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Comparison of twitch potentiation and fatigue in plantarflexor muscles during sustained submaximal static contractions. Acta Medica Baltica, 1997, 4 (1): 88-92 Gapejeva J., Ereline J., Pääsuke M. Isometric and isokinetic strength characteristics of knee extensor muscles after knee arthroscopic surgery. Proceedings of the 10th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Bioengineering ”Bioelectromagnetic and Biomechanic Measurements”. Tallinn, 1996, pp. 45-47 Seene T., Umnova M., Kaasik P., Järva J., Alev K., Puhke R., Pehme A., Pääsuke M. The effect of contractile activity on the damaged skeletal muscle and the application on paraplegic locomotion. In: A. Pedotti, M. Ferrarin, J. Quintern, R. Riener (eds). Neuroprosthetics from Basic Research to Clinical Application. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag, 1996, pp. 67-79 Ööpik V., Pääsuke M., Sikkut T., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Ereline J., Smirnova T., Gapejeva J. (1996). Effect of rapid weight loss on metabolism and isokinetic performance capacity. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 1996, 36 (2): 127-131 Gapejeva J., Ereline J., Pääsuke M. The age aspects of strength and power output characteristics of judoists. In: L. Komadel (ed). Proceedings of International Conference “Physical Education and Sport of Children and Youth”. Bratislava, 1995, pp. 324-326 Raudsepp L., Pääsuke M. Gender differences in fundamental movement patterns, motor performances and strength measurements of prepubertal children. Pediatric Exercise Science, 1995, 7 (3): 294-304 Viru A., Pääsuke M. An approach to the fatigue problem. Biology of Sport, 1991, 8 (3): 107-120 Vain A., Gapejeva J., Pääsuke M., Humal L.-E., Ereline J. Biomechanical diagnostics of the functional state of surface muscles. In: H. Jansons (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference “Biomechanics in Medicine and Surgery”. Tome I. Riga, 1986, pp. 96-98 |
viimati muudetud: 04.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Mati |
2. | Surname | Pääsuke |
3. | Institution | University of Tartu,Institute of Exercise Biology and Physiotherapy |
4. | Position | Professor ordinarius |
5. | Date of birth | 02.04.1954 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | 1987 Ph.D. (Physiology), University of Tartu 1976 Diploma (Physical Education), University of Tartu |
7. | Research and professional experience |
2004 - present - Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Tartu 2002 - present - Professor of Kinesiology and Biomechanics, University of Tartu 1998 - present - Head of the Insitute of Exercise Biology and Physiotherapy, University of Tartu 1992 - 2001 - Associate Professor, Institute of Exercise Biology, University of Tartu 1989 - 1991 - Associate Professor, Department of Exercise Physiology, University of Tartu 1989 - 1998 - Dean of the Faculty of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Tartu 1987 - 1988 - Senior Scientist, Laboratory of Sports Training Research, University of Tartu 1981 - 1986 - Junior Scientist, Department of Gymnastics and Biomechanics, University of Tartu |
8. | Academic degree | Ph.D. |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu, 1987 |
10. | Honours/awards | 1987 - Competition of Inventors, University of Tartu, 2nd prize |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Estonian Physiological Society - member International Society of Biomechanics - member International Society of Biomechanics of Sport - member Estonian Federation of Sports Medicine - member European Society for Muscle Research - member |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Kadri Joost, MSc, 2005, superv. Mati Pääsuke, Pille Taba. Motoorse võimekuse näitajad mõõdukalt väljendunud Parkinsoni tõvega haigetel. TÜ Kadri Parts, MSc, 2005, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Lihasjõud ja peenmotoorne võimekus sclerosis multiplex'i diagnoosiga patsientide. TÜ Laivi Toots, MSc, 2005, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Motoorse võimekuse näitajad 9-10-aastastel ja 16-aastastel tütarlastel. TÜ Madli Toots, MSc, 2005, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Skeletilihaste kontraktiilsed omadused 9-10-aastastel ja 16-aastastel tütarlastel. TÜ Iti Lauk, MSc, 2004, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Motoorne ja intellektuaalne võimekus kergete kõnehäiretega viieaastastel lastel. TÜ Jelena Jürgel, MSc, 2004, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Õlaliigese ja õlavöötme lihaste funktsionaalne seisund periartriidiga patsientidel enne ning pärast neljanädalast taastusravi. TÜ Meri Männi, MSc, 2004, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Postoperatiivsed muutused reie nelipealihase funktsionaalses seisundis põlveliigese eesmise ristatisideme vigastusega patsientidel. TÜ Doris Aljaste, MSc, 2003, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Lülisamba ja seljalihaste funktsionaalne seisund idiopaatiliste alaseljavaludega naispatsientidel enne ja pärast kompleksset taastusravi. TÜ Ege Johanson, MSc, 2003, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Seljalihaste väsimus kestval submaksimaalsel staatilisel pingutusel: ealised ja soolised iseärasused ning alaseljavaludega seotud aspektid. TÜ Merje Proosa, MSc, 2003, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Närvi-lihassüsteemi funktsionaalne võimekus erinevas vanuses kehaliselt aktiivsetel naistel. TÜ Helena Gapeyeva, PhD, 2002, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Knee extensor muscle function after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. TÜ Merle Rosenthal, MSc, 2002, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Motoorse võimekuse näitajad 7-12-aastastel kuulmispuudega ja tervetel lastel. TÜ Saima Kuu, MSc, 2002, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Ealised muutused skeletilihaste kontraktiilsetes omadustes naistel. TÜ Lauri Rannama, MSc, 2001, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Väsimuse füsioloogilised iseärasused erineva intensiivsusega submaksimaalsel staatilisel tööl. TÜ Jaan Ereline, MSc, 1997, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Motoorset võimekust ja skeletilihaste funktsionaalseid omadusi iseloomustavate näitajate seosed kiirusliku jõu ja vastupidavusalade sportlastel. TÜ Lennart Raudsepp, MSc, 1994, superv. Mati Pääsuke. Liikumisvilumuste kinemaatilise struktuuri iseärasused ja seosed kehaliste võimetega 8-aastastel lastel. TÜ |
13. | Current research program | Neuromuscular fatigue during static contractions: physiological aspects Neuromuscular adaptation during power training Neuromuscular performance in children: functional and biomechanical aspects Age-related changes in neuromuscular performance: gender differences, influence of physical activity Post-surgical recovery of the neuromuscular performance in patients with knee injuries and osteoarthritis |
14. | Current grant funding | 2003-2005 Grant from Estonian Science Foundation No 5504 „Neuromuscular fatigue during submaximal static contractions: electrophysiological aspects"- principal investigator 2005-2007 Grant from Estonian Science Foundation No 6214 „Recovery of motor functions in patients with knee osteoarthritis after surgery" - co-investigator |
15. | List of most important publications |
Bürkland T., Pääsuke M., Eelmäe P. The effect of riding therapy for cerebral palsy children posture and balance. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 501-504 Eelmäe P., Oja K., Haviko T., Pääsuke M. Recovery of gait and knee extensors strength following total hip arthroplasty. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 369-372 Gapeyeva H., Buht N., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Haviko T. Isometric force production and relaxation capacity of the knee extensor muscles three months after unilateral total knee arthroplasty. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 345-350 Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Lenzner A., Haviko T. Gait parameters in patients with knee osteoarthritis before high tibial osteotomy. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 1-4 Gapeyeva H., Karpova J., Aidla M., Ereline J., Kums T., Pääsuke M., Vain A. Characteristics of muscle tone, elasticity and stiffness of lower extremities in young female ballet dancers in context of ankle injury prevention. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 555-560 Johanson E., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Back extensor muscle strength and fatigability in female patients with idiopathic chronic low back pain. In: L.R. Battistella and M. Imamura (eds.) 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2005, pp. 419-422 Jürgel J., Rannama L., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Kolts I., Pääsuke M. Shoulder function in patients with frozen shoulder before and after 4-week rehabilitation. Medicina (Kaunas), 2005, 41(1): 30-38 Kums T., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Vertical jumping performance in young rhytmic gymnasts. Biology of Sport, 2005, 22(3): 237-246 Kuu S., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Kolts I., Pääsuke M. Age-related changes in contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in physically active women. Kinesiology, 2005, (in press) Requena B., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Posttetanic potentiation in knee extensors after brief high-frequency submaximal percutaneous electrical stimulation. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2005, 14 (3): 258-267 Requena B., Zabala M., Ribas J., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Gonzales-Badillo J.J. Effect of posttetanic potentiation of pectorialis and triceps brachii muscles on bench press performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2005, 19 (3): 622-627 Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Jaigma P. Integrative re-organization mechanism for reducing tremor in Parkinson's disease patients. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2005, 45 (6): (in press) Sööt T., Jürimäe T., Jürimäe J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Relationship between leg bone mineral values and muscle strength in women with different physical activity. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 2005, 23(5): 401-406 Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Contractile changes in knee extensor muscles after repetitive maximal isokinetic contractions in male power-lifters and untrained subjects. Medicina dello Sport, 2004, 57 (1): 29-40 Mõttus K., Taba P., Pääsuke M., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J. Motor performance characteristics in women with Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 2004, 19, Suppl. 9, P507 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Joost K., Mõttus K., Taba P. Leg extension strength and chair rise performance in elderly women with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2004, 12 (4): 511-524 Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Improvement in Parkinson’s disease patients achieved by coordination dynamics therapy. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2004, 44 (2): 67-73 Tammik K., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. Leg extensor muscle strength during bilateral and unilateral contractions in children with cerebral palsy and without disabilities. Biology of Sport, 2004, 21 (2): 159-169 Vaher V., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Haviko T., Lenzner A. Strength deficit and voluntary activation of quadriceps femoris muscle in osteoarthritic knee. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2004, 27, Suppl. 1: 171-172 Gapeyeva H., Pintsaar A., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Eller A. Contractile properties and tone of knee extensors after partial meniscectomy. In: H. Ring and N. Soroker (eds.) 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2003, pp. 285-288 Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Djuško V., Buht N., Mäeots T., Haviko T., Maasalu K., Kolts I. Effect of endoprothesis on isokinetic strength of knee extensor muscles. In: H. Ring and N. Soroker (eds.) 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2003, pp. 281-284 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Age-related differences in knee extension rate of isometric force development and vertical jumping performance in women. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2003, 43 (4): 453-458 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Toots M., Toots L. Comparison of twitch contractile properties of plantar flexor muscles in 9-10-year-old girls and boys. Pediatric Exercise Science, 2003, 15 (3): 324-332 Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Coordination dynamics in Parkinson's disease patients and healthy subjects quantified by the coordination dynamics recording method and EMG. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003, 43 (8): 473-485 Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Kolts I. High-load coordination dynamics in athletes, physiotherapists, gymnasts, musicians and patients with CNS injury. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003, 43 (6): 353-365 Schalow G., Pääsuke M. Low-load coordination dynamics in athletes, physiotherapists, gymnasts, musicians, and patients with spinal cord injury, after stroke, traumatic brain lesion and cerebral palsy. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003, 43 (4): 195-201 Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Isokinetic strength and tone of knee extensors following partial meniscectomy: One year study. In: E. Martos (ed). XXVII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2002, pp. 245-251 Kolts I., Busch L.C., Tomusk H., Raudheiding A., Eller A., Merila M., Russlies M., Pääsuke M., Leibecke T., Kühnel W. Macroscopical anatomy of the so called “rotator interval”. A cadaver study on 19 shoulder joints. Annals of Anatomy – Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2002, 184 (1): 9-14 Matsin T., Kaju R., Kingisepp P.-H., Maiste E., Mägi A., Pääsuke M. Morphofunctional characteristics of middle-level decathletes. Modern Athlete and Coach, 2002, 40 (1): 14-18 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Maamägi, H. Comparison of twitch contractile properties of plantar flexor muscles in young and 52- to 63-year-old men. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2002, 10 (2): 160-168 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Sander P., Sirkel S. Twitch potentiation capacity of plantarflexor muscles in women with increasing age. Biology of Sport, 2002, 19 (3): 213-223 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Torop T. Twitch contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in female power-trained athletes. Medicina dello Sport, 2002, 55 Pääsuke M., Johanson E., Proosa M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Back extensor muscle fatigability in chronic low back pain patients and controls. Relationship between electromyogram power spectrum changes and body mass index. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2002, 16 (1): 17-24 Pääsuke M., Mõttus K., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Taba P. Lower extremity performance in older female patients with Parkinson’s disease. Aging: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2002, 14 (3): 185-191 Ööpik V., Pääsuke M., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Ereline J., Gapejeva J. Effects of creatine supplementation during recovery from rapid body mass reduction on metabolism and muscle performance capacity in well-trained wrestlers. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2002, 42 (3): 330-339 Ööpik V., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Pääsuke M., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Roots E. Short-term creatine supplementation and high intermittent intensity working capacity. In: E. Martos (ed). XXVII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 2002, pp. 223-226 Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Vaher V., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Recovery of contractile properties of the knee-extensor muscles after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2001, 10 (4): 298-307 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Knee extension strength and vertical jumping performance in Nordic combined athletes. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2001, 41 (3): 354-361 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Knee extensor muscle strength and vertical jumping performance characteristics in pre- and postpubertal boys. Pediatric Exercise Science, 2001, 13 (1): 60-69 Pääsuke M., Viira P., Gapejeva J., Ereline J. Changes in contractile properties of calf muscles after fatiguing submaximal static contractions. Proceedings of 1st International Conference “Neuromuscular System in Exercise and Sport”. Kaunas, 1991, pp. 14-16 Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Isokinetic torque deficit of the knee extensor muscles after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 2000, 8 (5): 301-304 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Changes in twitch contractile characteristics of plantarflexor muscles during repeated fatiguing submaximal static contractions. Biology of Sport, 2000, 17 (3): 169-177 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Sirkel S., Sander P. Age-related differences in twitch contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in women. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 2000, 170 (1): 51-57 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Twitch contraction properties of plantar flexor muscles in pre- and post-pubertal boys and men. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2000, 82 (5/6): 459-464 Lenzner A., Kaur I., Haviko T., Sõgel V., Ereline J., Gapejeva J., Pääsuke M. Impaction bone-grafting increases the holding power of cancellous screws in the femoral head. A pull-out study in human cadaver hips. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, 1999, 70 (1): 25-28 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Neuromuscular fatigue during repeated exhaustive submaximal static contractions of knee extensor muscles in endurance-trained, power-trained and untrained men. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 1999, 166 (4): 319-326 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Twitch contractile properties of plantar flexor muscles in power and endurance trained athletes. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1999, 80 (5): 448-451 Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Muscle tone changes following knee arthroscopic surgery. Proceedings of 6th European Congress on Research in Rehabilitation. Berlin, 1998, pp. 270-272 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Twitch potentiation capacity of plantarflexor muscles in endurance and power athletes. Biology of Sport, 1998, 15 (3): 171-178 Ööpik V., Pääsuke M., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Ereline J., Smirnova T. Effect of creatine supplementation during rapid body mass reduction on metabolism and isokinetic muscle performance capacity. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1998, 78 (1): 83-92 Gapejeva J., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Myotonometry of quadriceps femoris muscle following knee arthroscopy. Proceedings of the International Conference “Sport Kinetics 97”. Magdeburg, 1997, pp. 45-47 Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Eller A., Pintsaar A. Strength characteristics of knee extensors after arthroscopy. In: S. Ueda, R. Nakamura, S. Ishigami (eds). The 8th World Congress of the International Rehabilitation Medicine Association (IRMA VIII). Tome II, Part 3. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore,1997, pp. 1253-1256 Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Pintsaar A., Eller A. Quadriceps femoris muscle tone strain changes following knee arthroscopy. Acta Medica Baltica, 1997, 4 (1): 25-28 Lenzner A., Kaur I., Haviko T., Sõgel V., Gapejeva J., Ereline J., Pääsuke M. Luulise auto- ja allotransplantaadi efekt kompressioonkruvide stabiilsusele reieluupeas distraktsioonitingimustes. Eesti Rohuteadlane, 1997, 8 (23): 28-29 Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. Comparison of twitch potentiation and fatigue in plantarflexor muscles during sustained submaximal static contractions. Acta Medica Baltica, 1997, 4 (1): 88-92 Gapejeva J., Ereline J., Pääsuke M. Isometric and isokinetic strength characteristics of knee extensor muscles after knee arthroscopic surgery. Proceedings of the 10th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Bioengineering ”Bioelectromagnetic and Biomechanic Measurements”. Tallinn, 1996, pp. 45-47 Seene T., Umnova M., Kaasik P., Järva J., Alev K., Puhke R., Pehme A., Pääsuke M. The effect of contractile activity on the damaged skeletal muscle and the application on paraplegic locomotion. In: A. Pedotti, M. Ferrarin, J. Quintern, R. Riener (eds). Neuroprosthetics from Basic Research to Clinical Application. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag, 1996, pp. 67-79 Ööpik V., Pääsuke M., Sikkut T., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Ereline J., Smirnova T., Gapejeva J. (1996). Effect of rapid weight loss on metabolism and isokinetic performance capacity. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 1996, 36 (2): 127-131 Gapejeva J., Ereline J., Pääsuke M. The age aspects of strength and power output characteristics of judoists. In: L. Komadel (ed). Proceedings of International Conference “Physical Education and Sport of Children and Youth”. Bratislava, 1995, pp. 324-326 Raudsepp L., Pääsuke M. Gender differences in fundamental movement patterns, motor performances and strength measurements of prepubertal children. Pediatric Exercise Science, 1995, 7 (3): 294-304 Viru A., Pääsuke M. An approach to the fatigue problem. Biology of Sport, 1991, 8 (3): 107-120 Vain A., Gapejeva J., Pääsuke M., Humal L.-E., Ereline J. Biomechanical diagnostics of the functional state of surface muscles. In: H. Jansons (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference “Biomechanics in Medicine and Surgery”. Tome I. Riga, 1986, pp. 96-98 |
last updated: 04.08.2005
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