[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Vitali |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Nagirnõi |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 19.03.1959 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Lõpetasin Tartu Ülikooli optika erialal 1981.a. |
7. | Teenistuskäik | alates 12.1981. a. Füüsika Institudis (12.1981 - 01.1985 - aspirant; 01.1985- 05.1986 - nooremteadur; 05.1986 - 12.1996 - teadur; alates 12.1996 - vanemteadur). |
8. | Teaduskraad | füüs.-mat. kand. |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Füüsika Instituut, 24.05.1985. |
10. | Tunnustused | Sorose Fondi grant 1993.a. |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
TÜFI nõukogu liige, Elsevier ajakirja "Vacuum" Toimetuse Kolleegiumi liige, MAX-lab, Rootsi koostöö projekti 52-179 juht; Eesti poolne juht projektil "Estonian-Hungarian joint research project under the agreement on scientific cooperation between the Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2004-2006" |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Aleksei Kotlov, PhD, 2004, juh. Vitali Nagirnyi, Aleksandr Luštšik. Dielektrilised oksianioonkristallid: tsoonstruktuur ning elektronergastused. Tartu Ülikool Victor Tsepelin, MSc, 1996, juh. Svetlana Zazubovitš, Vitali Nagirnyi. Lisanditsentri ergastatud seisundi struktuur talliumiga ja pliiga aktveeritud tseesiumi halogeniidides. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | laia keelutsooniga kristallide optiline spektroskoopia. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | - |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
A. Kotlov, S. Dolgov, E. Feldbach, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Lushchik, V. Nagirnyi, G. Svensson, B.I. Zadneprovski, Exciton and recombination luminescence of Al2(WO4)3 crystals, phys. stat. sol (c) 2, No. 1, 61–64 (2005). A. Lushchik, Ch. Lushchik, E. Feldbach, I. Kudryavtseva, P. Liblik, A. Maaroos, V. Nagirnyi, F. Savikhin, E. Vasil’chenko, Photon multiplication in wide-gap BAM and SAM aluminates, Proc. SPIE 5946, pp. 61-72 (2005). A. Lushchik, M. Kirm, Ch. Lushchik, I. Martinson, V. Nagirnyi, F. Savikhin, E. Vasil’chenko, Multiplication of electronic excitations and prospects for increasing scintillation efficiency in wide-gap crystals, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 537/1-2, pp. 45-49 (2005). E. Vasil’chenko, I. Kudryavtseva, A. Lushchik, Ch. Lushchik, V. Nagirnyi, Selective creation of colour centres and peaks of thermally stimulated luminescence by VUV photons in LiF single crystals, phys. stat. sol (c) 2, No. 1, 405-408 (2005). V. Nagirnyi, A. Kotlov, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Lushchik, Emission decay kinetics in CaWO4:Bi crystal, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 537/1-2, pp. 61-65 (2005). A. Kotlov, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Lushchik, V. Nagirnyi, E. Rivkin, A.Watterich, B.I. Zadneprovski, Luminescence study of self-trapped holes in pure and Fe or Mo doped ZnWO4 crystals, Radiation Measurements, 38, pp. 715-718 (2004). A.Lushchik, Ch.Lushchik, A. Kotlov, I.Kudryavtseva, A. Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, E.Vasil’chenko, Spectral transformers of VUV radiation on the basis of wide-gap oxides, Radiation Measurements, 38, pp. 747-752 (2004). V. Nagirnyi, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Kotlov, A. Lushchik, I. Martinson, A.Watterich, B.I. Zadneprovski, Luminescence study of pure and Fe or Mo doped ZnWO4 crystals, Radiation Measurements, 38, pp. 519-522 (2004). A.Lushchik, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, P.Liblik, Ch.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, G.Zimmerer, “Intrinsic and impurity luminescence and multiplication of excitations in complex oxides,” J. Lumin. 102-103, pp. 38-43 (2003). L.Grigorjeva, V.Pankratov, D.Millers, V.Nagirnyi, A.Kotlov, A.Watterich, “Time-resolved spectroscopy in ZnWO4 and ZnWO4:Fe,” Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, 158, No. 1-6, pp. 135-139 (2003). V.Nagirnyi, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, A.Lushchik, L.Jönsson “Separation of excitonic and electron-hole processes in tungstates of heavy metals,” J. Lumin., 102-103C, pp. 597-603, 2003; A.Lushchik, M.Kirm, Ch.Lushchik, I.Martinson, V.Nagirnyi, E.Vasil’chenko, “Nano-scale radiation effects in wide-gap crystals under irradiation by VUV photons,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 191, pp.135-143 (2002). A.Lushchik, M.Kirm, I.Kudryavtseva, Ch.Lushchik, I.Martinson, V.Nagirnyi, E.Vasil’chenko, “Creation of electronic excitations and defects by VUV radiation (6-40 eV) in wide-gap solids,” Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, 157, pp. 537-543 (2002). V. Denks, A. Kotlov, V. Nagirnyi, T. Savikhina, G.D. Jones, “Impurity-related excitonic processes in CaF2:Sr”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 191, No. 2, 628-632 (2002). V. Nagirnyi, E. Feldbach, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Kotlov, A. Lushchik, V.A. Nefedov, B.I. Zadneprovski, “Energy transfer in ZnWO4 and CdWO4 scintillators” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 486, 395-398 (2002). V.Nagirnyi, S.Chernov, L.Grigorjeva, L.Jönsson, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, A.Lushchik, D.Millers, V.A.Nefedov, V.Pankratov, B.I.Zadneprovski, “Ion-related luminescence centres in ZnWO4:Fe,” Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, 157, pp.1123-1126 (2002). Ch Lushchik, V Demidenko, M Kirm, I Kudryavtseva, A Lushchik, I Martinson, V Nagirnyi, E Vasil’chenko, “Creation of F centres and multiplication of electronic excitations in Na6Al6Si6O24(NaBr)2x optical ceramics under VUV irradiation”, J.Phys.: Cond. Matter 13, 6133-6149 (2001). Hofstaetter A., Meyer B.K., Laguta V.V., Nagirnyi V. The role of defect states in the creation of intrinsic (WO4)3- centres in PbWO4 by sub-bandgap excitation. Radiation Measurements 33, pp. 533-536 (2001). I.Kudryavtseva, P.Liblik, A.Lushchik, Ch.Lushchik, V.Nagirnyi, and E.Vasil'chenko, Color Center Formation by Synchrotron Radiation in the Na6Al6Si6O24(NaI)1.6 Optical Ceramics, Physics of Solid State, 43, No 5, pp. 830-835 (2001). M.V.Yakushev, A.N.Varaksin, I.N.Ogorodnikov, A.V.Kruzhalov, A.A.Zhivoderov, V.P.Nagirnyi,. Modification of the optical and luminescent properties of beryllium oxide crystals by implantation of Zn and Li ions, Radiation Measurements 33, pp. 509-513 (2001). V.Nagirnyi, E.Feldbach, L.Jönsson, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, A.Lushchik, L.L.Nagornaya, F.Savikhin, G.Svensson, Study of oriented CdWO4 scintillating crystals using synchrotron radiation, Radiation Measurements 33, 601-604 (2001). Якушев, М. В., Вараксин, А. Н., Огородников, И. Н., Кружалов, А. В., Живодеров, А. А., Нагирный, В. П., Модификация кристаллов BeO путем имплантации ионов цинка и лития, Поверхность 2001, N5. С. 66-73. A.Dudelzak, P.-P.Proulx, V.Denks, V.Mürk, V.Nagirnyi “Anisotropic fundamental absorption edge of KTiOPO4 crystals” J. Appl. Phys. 87, (5), 2110-2113, 2000. E.Feldbach, L.Jönsson, M.Kirm. A.Kotlov, A.Lushchik, V.Nagirnyi, G.Svensson, M.Åsberg-Dahlberg. “Polarized emission of PbWO4 and CdWO4 crystals.” J. Luminescence 87-89, 1213-1216, 2000. M.V.Yakushev, A.N.Varaksin, I.N.Ogorodnikov, A.V.Kruzhalov, A.A.Zhivoderov, V.P.Nagirnyi, Physical processes in beryllium oxide crystals implanted with Zn and Li ions. Proc. of 1st Intern. Congress on Radiation Physics, High current Electronics, and Modification of Materials (Tomsk, Russia, 24-29 Sept. 2000) /In 3 volumes. Volume 1: 11th Conference on Radiation Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter. Ed. David Vaisburd. Tomsk, 2000, pp. 267-272. V.Denks, T.Savikhina, V.Nagirnyi “Dependence of luminescence processes and transmission in vacuum-ultraviolet region on surface conditions in CaF2 single crystals” Appl. Surf. Science 158, 301-309, 2000. V.Nagirnyi, E.Feldbach, L.Jönsson, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, G.Svensson, M.Åsberg-Dahlborg. “Relaxation of electronic excitations in PbWO4 and CaWO4:Bi.” In: Proc.5th Intern. Conf. on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, Editor V.Mikhailin, (Moscow State University, Moscow (2000) pp 315-320. М.В. Якушев, И.Н. Огородников, А.Н. Вараксин, А.В. Кружалов, В.П. Нагирный, В.П. Денкс, А.А. Живодеров, Исследование кристаллов оксида бериллия, имплантированных цинком. Поверхность. Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования 5, 83-86, 2000. V. Nagirnyi, E. Feldbach, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Lushchik, Ch. Lushchik, L.L. Nagornaja, V.D. Ryzhikov, F. Savikhin, G. Svensson and I.A. Tupitsina, “Excitonic and recombination processes in CdWO4 and CaWO4 scintillators under synchrotron irradiation.” Radiation Measurements, 29, 247-250, (1998). E.Mihokova, V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, A.Stolovich, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, "Relaxed excited state structure and luminescence of thallium-doped cesium chloride and bromide", J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, 8, 4301-4314 (1996). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, and L.Salvini, "Peculiarities of triplet relaxed excited state structure and luminescence of CsI:Tl crystal", J.Phys.: Condensed Matter, 7, 3637-3653, (1995). V.Nagirnyi, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, M.Nikl, and G.P.Pazzi, "A new model for the visible emission of CsI:Tl crystal", Chem. Phys. Letters, 227, 533-538 (1994). V.Hizhnyakov, G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, and S.Zazubovich, "Effect of magnetic field on the decay kinetics and polarization of the AT emission of KCl:Ga at 0.38 K", phys. stat. sol. (b), 120, 1, 105-115 (1983). |
viimati muudetud: 11.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Vitali |
2. | Surname | Nagirnõi |
3. | Institution | Institute of Physics, University of Tartu |
4. | Position | senior researcher |
5. | Date of birth | 19.03.1959 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | University of Tartu, 1981, Optics |
7. | Research and professional experience |
in the Institute of Physics from 12.1981 (12-1981 - 01.1985 - postgraduate student; 01.1985 - 05.1986 - junior scientist; 05.1986 - 12.1996 - scientist, 12.1996 - ... senior researcher) |
8. | Academic degree | Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D in Physics) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Institute of Physics, Estonian Acad. of Sci. in 1985 |
10. | Honours/awards | Soros Foundation grant in 1993 |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of the Council of the Institute of Physics, University of Tartu; Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Elsevier journal Vacuum; MAX-lab, Lund, Sweden project 52-179 leader; a leader of Estonian-Hungarian joint research project under the agreement on scientific cooperation between the Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2004-2006 |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Aleksei Kotlov, PhD, 2004, superv. Vitali Nagirnyi, Aleksandr Luštšik. Dielektrilised oksianioonkristallid: tsoonstruktuur ning elektronergastused. Tartu Ülikool Victor Tsepelin, MSc, 1996, superv. Svetlana Zazubovitš, Vitali Nagirnyi. Lisanditsentri ergastatud seisundi struktuur talliumiga ja pliiga aktveeritud tseesiumi halogeniidides. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | Optics spectroscopy of wide-gap crystals |
14. | Current grant funding | - |
15. | List of most important publications |
A. Kotlov, S. Dolgov, E. Feldbach, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Lushchik, V. Nagirnyi, G. Svensson, B.I. Zadneprovski, Exciton and recombination luminescence of Al2(WO4)3 crystals, phys. stat. sol (c) 2, No. 1, 61–64 (2005). A. Lushchik, Ch. Lushchik, E. Feldbach, I. Kudryavtseva, P. Liblik, A. Maaroos, V. Nagirnyi, F. Savikhin, E. Vasil’chenko, Photon multiplication in wide-gap BAM and SAM aluminates, Proc. SPIE 5946, pp. 61-72 (2005). A. Lushchik, M. Kirm, Ch. Lushchik, I. Martinson, V. Nagirnyi, F. Savikhin, E. Vasil’chenko, Multiplication of electronic excitations and prospects for increasing scintillation efficiency in wide-gap crystals, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 537/1-2, pp. 45-49 (2005). E. Vasil’chenko, I. Kudryavtseva, A. Lushchik, Ch. Lushchik, V. Nagirnyi, Selective creation of colour centres and peaks of thermally stimulated luminescence by VUV photons in LiF single crystals, phys. stat. sol (c) 2, No. 1, 405-408 (2005). V. Nagirnyi, A. Kotlov, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Lushchik, Emission decay kinetics in CaWO4:Bi crystal, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 537/1-2, pp. 61-65 (2005). A. Kotlov, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Lushchik, V. Nagirnyi, E. Rivkin, A.Watterich, B.I. Zadneprovski, Luminescence study of self-trapped holes in pure and Fe or Mo doped ZnWO4 crystals, Radiation Measurements, 38, pp. 715-718 (2004). A.Lushchik, Ch.Lushchik, A. Kotlov, I.Kudryavtseva, A. Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, E.Vasil’chenko, Spectral transformers of VUV radiation on the basis of wide-gap oxides, Radiation Measurements, 38, pp. 747-752 (2004). V. Nagirnyi, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Kotlov, A. Lushchik, I. Martinson, A.Watterich, B.I. Zadneprovski, Luminescence study of pure and Fe or Mo doped ZnWO4 crystals, Radiation Measurements, 38, pp. 519-522 (2004). A.Lushchik, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, P.Liblik, Ch.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, G.Zimmerer, “Intrinsic and impurity luminescence and multiplication of excitations in complex oxides,” J. Lumin. 102-103, pp. 38-43 (2003). L.Grigorjeva, V.Pankratov, D.Millers, V.Nagirnyi, A.Kotlov, A.Watterich, “Time-resolved spectroscopy in ZnWO4 and ZnWO4:Fe,” Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, 158, No. 1-6, pp. 135-139 (2003). V.Nagirnyi, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, A.Lushchik, L.Jönsson “Separation of excitonic and electron-hole processes in tungstates of heavy metals,” J. Lumin., 102-103C, pp. 597-603, 2003; A.Lushchik, M.Kirm, Ch.Lushchik, I.Martinson, V.Nagirnyi, E.Vasil’chenko, “Nano-scale radiation effects in wide-gap crystals under irradiation by VUV photons,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 191, pp.135-143 (2002). A.Lushchik, M.Kirm, I.Kudryavtseva, Ch.Lushchik, I.Martinson, V.Nagirnyi, E.Vasil’chenko, “Creation of electronic excitations and defects by VUV radiation (6-40 eV) in wide-gap solids,” Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, 157, pp. 537-543 (2002). V. Denks, A. Kotlov, V. Nagirnyi, T. Savikhina, G.D. Jones, “Impurity-related excitonic processes in CaF2:Sr”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 191, No. 2, 628-632 (2002). V. Nagirnyi, E. Feldbach, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Kotlov, A. Lushchik, V.A. Nefedov, B.I. Zadneprovski, “Energy transfer in ZnWO4 and CdWO4 scintillators” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 486, 395-398 (2002). V.Nagirnyi, S.Chernov, L.Grigorjeva, L.Jönsson, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, A.Lushchik, D.Millers, V.A.Nefedov, V.Pankratov, B.I.Zadneprovski, “Ion-related luminescence centres in ZnWO4:Fe,” Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, 157, pp.1123-1126 (2002). Ch Lushchik, V Demidenko, M Kirm, I Kudryavtseva, A Lushchik, I Martinson, V Nagirnyi, E Vasil’chenko, “Creation of F centres and multiplication of electronic excitations in Na6Al6Si6O24(NaBr)2x optical ceramics under VUV irradiation”, J.Phys.: Cond. Matter 13, 6133-6149 (2001). Hofstaetter A., Meyer B.K., Laguta V.V., Nagirnyi V. The role of defect states in the creation of intrinsic (WO4)3- centres in PbWO4 by sub-bandgap excitation. Radiation Measurements 33, pp. 533-536 (2001). I.Kudryavtseva, P.Liblik, A.Lushchik, Ch.Lushchik, V.Nagirnyi, and E.Vasil'chenko, Color Center Formation by Synchrotron Radiation in the Na6Al6Si6O24(NaI)1.6 Optical Ceramics, Physics of Solid State, 43, No 5, pp. 830-835 (2001). M.V.Yakushev, A.N.Varaksin, I.N.Ogorodnikov, A.V.Kruzhalov, A.A.Zhivoderov, V.P.Nagirnyi,. Modification of the optical and luminescent properties of beryllium oxide crystals by implantation of Zn and Li ions, Radiation Measurements 33, pp. 509-513 (2001). V.Nagirnyi, E.Feldbach, L.Jönsson, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, A.Lushchik, L.L.Nagornaya, F.Savikhin, G.Svensson, Study of oriented CdWO4 scintillating crystals using synchrotron radiation, Radiation Measurements 33, 601-604 (2001). Якушев, М. В., Вараксин, А. Н., Огородников, И. Н., Кружалов, А. В., Живодеров, А. А., Нагирный, В. П., Модификация кристаллов BeO путем имплантации ионов цинка и лития, Поверхность 2001, N5. С. 66-73. A.Dudelzak, P.-P.Proulx, V.Denks, V.Mürk, V.Nagirnyi “Anisotropic fundamental absorption edge of KTiOPO4 crystals” J. Appl. Phys. 87, (5), 2110-2113, 2000. E.Feldbach, L.Jönsson, M.Kirm. A.Kotlov, A.Lushchik, V.Nagirnyi, G.Svensson, M.Åsberg-Dahlberg. “Polarized emission of PbWO4 and CdWO4 crystals.” J. Luminescence 87-89, 1213-1216, 2000. M.V.Yakushev, A.N.Varaksin, I.N.Ogorodnikov, A.V.Kruzhalov, A.A.Zhivoderov, V.P.Nagirnyi, Physical processes in beryllium oxide crystals implanted with Zn and Li ions. Proc. of 1st Intern. Congress on Radiation Physics, High current Electronics, and Modification of Materials (Tomsk, Russia, 24-29 Sept. 2000) /In 3 volumes. Volume 1: 11th Conference on Radiation Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter. Ed. David Vaisburd. Tomsk, 2000, pp. 267-272. V.Denks, T.Savikhina, V.Nagirnyi “Dependence of luminescence processes and transmission in vacuum-ultraviolet region on surface conditions in CaF2 single crystals” Appl. Surf. Science 158, 301-309, 2000. V.Nagirnyi, E.Feldbach, L.Jönsson, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, G.Svensson, M.Åsberg-Dahlborg. “Relaxation of electronic excitations in PbWO4 and CaWO4:Bi.” In: Proc.5th Intern. Conf. on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, Editor V.Mikhailin, (Moscow State University, Moscow (2000) pp 315-320. М.В. Якушев, И.Н. Огородников, А.Н. Вараксин, А.В. Кружалов, В.П. Нагирный, В.П. Денкс, А.А. Живодеров, Исследование кристаллов оксида бериллия, имплантированных цинком. Поверхность. Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования 5, 83-86, 2000. V. Nagirnyi, E. Feldbach, L. Jönsson, M. Kirm, A. Lushchik, Ch. Lushchik, L.L. Nagornaja, V.D. Ryzhikov, F. Savikhin, G. Svensson and I.A. Tupitsina, “Excitonic and recombination processes in CdWO4 and CaWO4 scintillators under synchrotron irradiation.” Radiation Measurements, 29, 247-250, (1998). E.Mihokova, V.Nagirnyi, M.Nikl, A.Stolovich, G.P.Pazzi, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, "Relaxed excited state structure and luminescence of thallium-doped cesium chloride and bromide", J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, 8, 4301-4314 (1996). V.Nagirnyi, A.Stolovich, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, E.Mihokova, M.Nikl, G.P.Pazzi, and L.Salvini, "Peculiarities of triplet relaxed excited state structure and luminescence of CsI:Tl crystal", J.Phys.: Condensed Matter, 7, 3637-3653, (1995). V.Nagirnyi, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, M.Nikl, and G.P.Pazzi, "A new model for the visible emission of CsI:Tl crystal", Chem. Phys. Letters, 227, 533-538 (1994). V.Hizhnyakov, G.Liidja, V.Nagirnyi, T.Soovik, and S.Zazubovich, "Effect of magnetic field on the decay kinetics and polarization of the AT emission of KCl:Ga at 0.38 K", phys. stat. sol. (b), 120, 1, 105-115 (1983). |
last updated: 11.08.2005
[ sulge aken ]