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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Irina
2.Perekonnanimi Bichele
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar- ja Rakubioloogia Instituut
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 08.04.1956 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikooli füüsika-keemia teadusk. füüsika osak., 1978
7.Teenistuskäik Aug. 1978 – sept. 1981, insener, TA Astrofüüsika ja Atmosfäärifüüsika Instituut (AAI);
sept. 1981 – aug. 1987, nooremteadur, AAI;
aug. 1987 – juuni 1992, lastehoolduspuhkusel;
juuli 1992 – aug. 1994, assistent, teadur, TÜ MRI taimefüsioloogia õ/t;
sept. 1994 – juuni 1998, doktorand, TÜ MRI;
sept. 1994 – aug. 1998 1/2 v. lab. TÜ MRI taimefüsioloogia õ/t;
sept. 1998 – okt. 1998, v. lab., TÜ MRI taimefüsioloogia õ/t.
nov. 1998 – sept. 1999, erakorraline teadur, TÜ MRI taimefüsioloogia õ/t.
sept. 1999 – käesoleva ajani, teadur, TÜ MRI taimefüsioloogia õ/t.
8.Teaduskraad M.Sc. taimefüsioloogia erialal
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar- ja Rakubioloogia Instituut, 1998
10.Tunnustused ei ole
ja –administratiivne
ei ole
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Taime kaitsevõime ja füsioloogiliste protsessite regulatsioon kõrge temperatuuri ja osooni stressi tingimustes.
14.Jooksvad grandid ei ole

Eichelmann H., Oja V., Rasulov B., Padu E., Bichele I., Pettai H. , Mänd P., Kull O. and Laisk A. (2005) Adjustment of leaf photosynthesis to shade in natural canopy: reallocation of nitrogen. Plant Cell and Environment 28: 389-401. (CC)

Hüve K., Bichele I., Tobias M. and Niinemets Ü. (2005 accepted) Heat sensitivity of photosynthetic electro ntansport varies during the day due to changes in sugars and osmotic potential. Plant Cell and Environment. (CC)

Laisk A., Eichelmann H., Oja V., Rasulov B., Padu E., Bichele I., Pettai H. and Kull O. (2005) Adjustment of leaf photosynthesis to shade in natural canopy: rate parameters. Plant Cell and Environment 28: 375-388. (CC)

Eichelmann H., Oja V., Rasulov B., Padu E., Bichele I., Pettai H. , Möls T., Kasparova I., Vapaavuori E. and Laisk A. (2004a) Photosynthetic parameters of birch (Betula pendula Roth) leaves growing in normal and in CO2 - and O3 - enriched atmospheres. Plant Cell and Environment 27: 479-495. (CC)

Eichelmann H., Oja V., Rasulov B., Padu E., Bichele I., Pettai H., Niinemets Ü. and Laisk A. (2004b) Development of leaf photosynthetic parameters in Betula pendula Roth leaves: correlations with photosystem I density. Plant Biology 6: 307-318. (CC)

Oja V., Bichele I., Hüve K., Rasulov B., Laisk A. (2004) Reductive titration of photosystem I and differential exitation coefficient of P700+ at 810-950 nm in leaves. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 1658: 225-234. (CC)

Moldau H., Bichele I. (2002) Plasmalemma protection by the apoplast as assessed from above-zero ozone concentrations in leaf intercellular air spaces. Planta 214: 484-487. (CC)

Bichele I., Moldau H., Padu E. 2000. Estimation of plasmalemma conductivity to ascorbic acid in intact leaves exposed to ozone. Physiologia Plantarum 108: 405-412. (CC)

Moldau H., Bichele I., Hüve K. 1998. Dark-induced ascorbate deficiency in leaf cell walls increases plasmalemma injury under ozone. Planta 207: 60-66. (CC)

Moldau H., Padu E., Bichele I. 1997. Quantification of ozone decay and requirement for ascorbate in Phaseolus vulg. L. cell walls. Phyton 37: 175-180. (CC)

Moldau H., Bichele I., Kollist H., Padu E. 1996. Enzymatic determination of ascorbic acid in leaf cell walls using acidic buffer during infiltration. Biologia Plantarum 38: 229-236. (CC)

Padu E., Moldau H., Bichele I. 1996. Activation of antioxidative system peroxidase-ascorbate in cell walls of Phaseolus vulgaris L. leaves under acute ozone exposure.In: Obinger C., Burner U., Ebermann C., Penel C. & Greppin H. (eds.) Plant Peroxidases: Biochemistry and Physiology, Univ. of Agriculture, Vienna, and Univ. of Geneva, p. 363-368. (Biol. Abstracts)

viimati muudetud: 27.07.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Irina
2.Surname Bichele
3.Institution Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu.
4.Position scientist
5.Date of birth 08.04.1956 (day.month.year)
6.Education Department of physics,University of Tartu, 1978
7.Research and
professional experience
Aug. 1978 – Sept. 1981, Institute of Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics, Estonian Acad. Sci (IAAP), engineer;
Sept. 1981 – Aug. 1987, IAAP, research associate;
Aug. 1987 – june 1992, on child care leave;
July 1992 – Aug. 1994, assistant, chair of plant physiology, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Tartu University (IMCB);
Sept. 1994 – june 1998, IMCB, PhD student;
Ssept. 1994 – aug. 1998 IMCB, 1/2 senior technician;
Sept. 1998 – Oct. 1998, IMCB, senior technician;
Nov. 1998 – Sept. 1999, IMCB, research scientist;
Sept. 1999 – until present, IMCB, elected research scientist.
8.Academic degree M.Sc. (plant physiology)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, 1998
10.Honours/awards none
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Plant resistance and regulation of physiological processes under high temperature and ozone stress.
14.Current grant funding none
15.List of most important publications

Eichelmann H., Oja V., Rasulov B., Padu E., Bichele I., Pettai H. , Mänd P., Kull O. and Laisk A. (2005) Adjustment of leaf photosynthesis to shade in natural canopy: reallocation of nitrogen. Plant Cell and Environment 28: 389-401. (CC)

Hüve K., Bichele I., Tobias M. and Niinemets Ü. (2005 accepted) Heat sensitivity of photosynthetic electro ntansport varies during the day due to changes in sugars and osmotic potential. Plant Cell and Environment. (CC)

Laisk A., Eichelmann H., Oja V., Rasulov B., Padu E., Bichele I., Pettai H. and Kull O. (2005) Adjustment of leaf photosynthesis to shade in natural canopy: rate parameters. Plant Cell and Environment 28: 375-388. (CC)

Eichelmann H., Oja V., Rasulov B., Padu E., Bichele I., Pettai H. , Möls T., Kasparova I., Vapaavuori E. and Laisk A. (2004a) Photosynthetic parameters of birch (Betula pendula Roth) leaves growing in normal and in CO2 - and O3 - enriched atmospheres. Plant Cell and Environment 27: 479-495. (CC)

Eichelmann H., Oja V., Rasulov B., Padu E., Bichele I., Pettai H., Niinemets Ü. and Laisk A. (2004b) Development of leaf photosynthetic parameters in Betula pendula Roth leaves: correlations with photosystem I density. Plant Biology 6: 307-318. (CC)

Oja V., Bichele I., Hüve K., Rasulov B., Laisk A. (2004) Reductive titration of photosystem I and differential exitation coefficient of P700+ at 810-950 nm in leaves. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 1658: 225-234. (CC)

Moldau H., Bichele I. (2002) Plasmalemma protection by the apoplast as assessed from above-zero ozone concentrations in leaf intercellular air spaces. Planta 214: 484-487. (CC)

Bichele I., Moldau H., Padu E. 2000. Estimation of plasmalemma conductivity to ascorbic acid in intact leaves exposed to ozone. Physiologia Plantarum 108: 405-412. (CC)

Moldau H., Bichele I., Hüve K. 1998. Dark-induced ascorbate deficiency in leaf cell walls increases plasmalemma injury under ozone. Planta 207: 60-66. (CC)

Moldau H., Padu E., Bichele I. 1997. Quantification of ozone decay and requirement for ascorbate in Phaseolus vulg. L. cell walls. Phyton 37: 175-180. (CC)

Moldau H., Bichele I., Kollist H., Padu E. 1996. Enzymatic determination of ascorbic acid in leaf cell walls using acidic buffer during infiltration. Biologia Plantarum 38: 229-236. (CC)

Padu E., Moldau H., Bichele I. 1996. Activation of antioxidative system peroxidase-ascorbate in cell walls of Phaseolus vulgaris L. leaves under acute ozone exposure.In: Obinger C., Burner U., Ebermann C., Penel C. & Greppin H. (eds.) Plant Peroxidases: Biochemistry and Physiology, Univ. of Agriculture, Vienna, and Univ. of Geneva, p. 363-368. (Biol. Abstracts)

last updated: 27.07.2005

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