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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Heiti |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Paves |
3. | Töökoht | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Geenitehnoloogia Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 08.03.1959 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Riikliku Ülikool, 1983 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1984 - 1991; Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut, Molekulaargeneetika laboratoorium, nooremteadur, teadur 1991 - 1992; Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, Consorzio Mario Negri Sud, Santa Maria Imbaro (Chieti), Itaalia 1992 - 1993 Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut, Molekulaargeneetika laboratoorium, teadur 1993 -1994; Laboratory of Neurobiology, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland; EMBO fellow 1994 - 2004 Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut, Molekulaargeneetika laboratoorium, teadur, vanemteadur 2004 Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Geenitehnoloogia Instituudi vanemteadur |
8. | Teaduskraad | Bioloogiakandidaat |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, embrüoloogia ja histoloogia erialal 1989.a. |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Birger Ilau, MSc, 2005, juh. Eve-Ly Ojangu, Heiti Paves, Erkki Truve. Arabidopsis thaliana müosiinide ATM1 ja MYA1 promootorite poolt suunatud GUS reportergeeni ekspressioon transgeensetes taimedes.. TTÜ Kristel Järve, MSc, 2005, juh. Eve-Ly Ojangu, Heiti Paves, Erkki Truve. Arabidopsis thaliana müosiin XIK on vajalik juurekarcade normaalseks arenguks.. TTÜ Piret Tiigimägi, MSc, 2001, juh. Heiti Paves. Effects of neurotrophin receptor TrkB on actin cytoskeleton.. TTÜ |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Rakubioloogia, tsütoskelett: mikrofilamentide süsteem.Uurimisobjektid: embrüonaalsed neuronid, fibroblastid. Taimerakk: molekulaarsed mootorid. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Mae, M., H. Myrberg, Y. Jiang, H. Paves, A. Valkna, and U. Langel. 2005. Internalisation of cell-penetrating peptides into tobacco protoplasts. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1669:101-7. Meier, M., H. Paves, A. Olspert, T. Tamm, and E. Truve. 2005. P1 protein of Cocksfoot mottle virus is indispencable for the systemic spread of the virus. VIRUS GENES, in press. Nigul, L., A.Olspert, M. Meier, H. Paves, T. Talpsep, and E. Truve. 2004. New plant vectors for protein tagging with E2 epitope. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 22: 399–407. Ojangu, E., K. Järve, B. Ilau, and H. Paves. 2004. Role of myosins in plant morphogenesis, intracellular and cell-to-cell movement. FEBS Special Meeting on Cytoskeletal Dynamics 2004:67. Paves, H., and E. Truve. 2004. Incorporation of mammalian actin into microfilaments in plant cell nucleus. BMC Plant Biol. 4:7. Paves, H., and M. Saarma. 1996. Neurotrophic factors as neuronal growth cone guidance molecules. Int.J.Dev.Neurosci. 14:63. Paves, H., U. Arumäe, K. Normet, and M. Saarma. 1995. Effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-4 on embryonic rat sensory neurons. In Life and death in the nervous system. C. Ibanez, K. Fuxe, T. Hökfelt, H. Jörnvall, L. Olson, and D. Ottoson, editors. 193-204. Lopp, A., A. Pihlak, H. Paves, K. Samuel, R. Koljak, and N. Samel. 1994. The effect of 9,11-secosterol, a newly discovered compound from the soft coral Gersemia fruticosa, on the growth and cell cycle progression of various tumor cells in culture. Steroids. 59:274-281. Paves, H., and M. Saarma. 1997. Neurotrophins as in vitro growth cone guidance molecules for embryonic sensory neurons. Cell Tissue Res. 290:285-297. Paves, H., T. Neuman, M. Metsis, and M. Saarma. 1990. Nerve growth factor-induced rapid reorganization of microfilaments in PC12 cells: possible roles of different second messenger systems. Exp.Cell Res. 186:218-226. Laasberg, T., A. Pihlak, T. Neuman, H. Paves, and M. Saarma. 1988. Nerve growth factor increases the cyclic GMP level and activates the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase in PC12 cells. FEBS Lett. 239:367-370. Paves, H., T. Neuman, M. Metsis, and M. Saarma. 1988. Nerve growth factor induces rapid redistribution of F-actin in PC12 cells. FEBS Lett. 235:141-143. Paves KhKh, Neuman TE, Metsis ML, Saarma MIu. Nerve growth factor induces rapid redistribution of f-actin in pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR - Jan 1988 (Vol. 303, Issue 5, Pages 1265-7) |
viimati muudetud: 28.09.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Heiti |
2. | Surname | Paves |
3. | Institution | Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Gene Technology |
4. | Position | senior research scientist |
5. | Date of birth | 08.03.1959 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Tartu State University, 1983 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1 September 1984 - 30 October 1991: Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, research scientist 1 November 1991 - 30 October 1992: Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, Consorzio Mario Negri Sud, Santa Maria Imbaro (Chieti), Italy 1 November 1992 - 31 July 1993 Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Laboratory of Molecular genetics, research scientist 1 August 1993 - 31 January 1994; Laboratory of Neurobiology, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland; EMBO fellow 1 February 1994 - 31 March 2004 Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Laboratory of Molecular genetics, research scientist From 1 April 2004 Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Gene Technology |
8. | Academic degree | PhD |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
1989, Tartu University |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Birger Ilau, MSc, 2005, superv. Eve-Ly Ojangu, Heiti Paves, Erkki Truve. Arabidopsis thaliana müosiinide ATM1 ja MYA1 promootorite poolt suunatud GUS reportergeeni ekspressioon transgeensetes taimedes.. TTÜ Kristel Järve, MSc, 2005, superv. Eve-Ly Ojangu, Heiti Paves, Erkki Truve. Arabidopsis thaliana müosiin XIK on vajalik juurekarcade normaalseks arenguks.. TTÜ Piret Tiigimägi, MSc, 2001, superv. Heiti Paves. Effects of neurotrophin receptor TrkB on actin cytoskeleton.. TTÜ |
13. | Current research program | Cell biology, cytoskeleton: microfilament system.Embryonic (sensory) neurons, fibroblasts. Plant cells: molecular motors. |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Mae, M., H. Myrberg, Y. Jiang, H. Paves, A. Valkna, and U. Langel. 2005. Internalisation of cell-penetrating peptides into tobacco protoplasts. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1669:101-7. Meier, M., H. Paves, A. Olspert, T. Tamm, and E. Truve. 2005. P1 protein of Cocksfoot mottle virus is indispencable for the systemic spread of the virus. VIRUS GENES, in press. Nigul, L., A.Olspert, M. Meier, H. Paves, T. Talpsep, and E. Truve. 2004. New plant vectors for protein tagging with E2 epitope. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 22: 399–407. Ojangu, E., K. Järve, B. Ilau, and H. Paves. 2004. Role of myosins in plant morphogenesis, intracellular and cell-to-cell movement. FEBS Special Meeting on Cytoskeletal Dynamics 2004:67. Paves, H., and E. Truve. 2004. Incorporation of mammalian actin into microfilaments in plant cell nucleus. BMC Plant Biol. 4:7. Paves, H., and M. Saarma. 1996. Neurotrophic factors as neuronal growth cone guidance molecules. Int.J.Dev.Neurosci. 14:63. Paves, H., U. Arumäe, K. Normet, and M. Saarma. 1995. Effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-4 on embryonic rat sensory neurons. In Life and death in the nervous system. C. Ibanez, K. Fuxe, T. Hökfelt, H. Jörnvall, L. Olson, and D. Ottoson, editors. 193-204. Lopp, A., A. Pihlak, H. Paves, K. Samuel, R. Koljak, and N. Samel. 1994. The effect of 9,11-secosterol, a newly discovered compound from the soft coral Gersemia fruticosa, on the growth and cell cycle progression of various tumor cells in culture. Steroids. 59:274-281. Paves, H., and M. Saarma. 1997. Neurotrophins as in vitro growth cone guidance molecules for embryonic sensory neurons. Cell Tissue Res. 290:285-297. Paves, H., T. Neuman, M. Metsis, and M. Saarma. 1990. Nerve growth factor-induced rapid reorganization of microfilaments in PC12 cells: possible roles of different second messenger systems. Exp.Cell Res. 186:218-226. Laasberg, T., A. Pihlak, T. Neuman, H. Paves, and M. Saarma. 1988. Nerve growth factor increases the cyclic GMP level and activates the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase in PC12 cells. FEBS Lett. 239:367-370. Paves, H., T. Neuman, M. Metsis, and M. Saarma. 1988. Nerve growth factor induces rapid redistribution of F-actin in PC12 cells. FEBS Lett. 235:141-143. Paves KhKh, Neuman TE, Metsis ML, Saarma MIu. Nerve growth factor induces rapid redistribution of f-actin in pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR - Jan 1988 (Vol. 303, Issue 5, Pages 1265-7) |
last updated: 28.09.2005
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