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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Aivar
2.Perekonnanimi Tarre
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 16.04.1972 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Jõõpre 8-klassiline Põhikool 1979-1987, Lydia Koidula nimeline Pärnu II Keskool (füüsika-matemaatika süvaklass) 1987-1990, TÜ füüsikaosakond (bakalaureuse-, magistri- ja doktoriõpe) 1990-2004
7.Teenistuskäik TÜ Füüsika Instituut: laborant 1993-1996, insener 1997-1999, teadur 2000-käesolevani
8.Teaduskraad baccalaureus scientiarum (füüsika)
magister scientiarum (rakendusfüüsika)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1996
Tartu Ülikool, 1999
10.Tunnustused Haridusministeeriumi diplom ja II preemia üliõpilaste teadus- ja loometööde 1996. a. üleriigilisel konkursil, ETF Täppisteaduste komisjoni preemiad eduka teadustöö eest 1997. ja 1998. aastal
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Oksiidsete pooljuhtgaasisensormaterjalide aatomkihtsadestamine ja analüüs
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant nr. 5861 "Pinna- ja siirdekihtide mõju laia keelutsooniga oksiidkilede aatomkihtkasvule ja omadustele" (põhitäitja)

Tarre, A., Rosental, A., Uustare, T., & Kasikov, A. (2005). SnO2 on sapphire. Proc. SPIE, 5946, 128-134.

Lu, J., Sundqvist, J., Ottosson, M., Tarre, A., Rosental, A., Aarik, J., & Hårsta, A. (2004). Microstructure characterisation of ALD-grown epitaxial SnO2 thin films. Journal of Crystal Growth, 260, 191-200.

Niilisk, A., Rosental, A., Tarre, A., & Uustare, T. (2003). High-temperature atomic layer epitaxy of TiO2 from TiCl4 and H2O2–H2O. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 52(3), 257–265.

Rosental, A., Tarre, A., Gerst, A., Sundqvist, J., Hårsta, A., Aidla, A., Aarik, J., Sammelselg, V., & Uustare, T. (2003). Gas sensing properties of epitaxial SnO2 thin films prepared by atomic layer deposition. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 93, 552-555.

Sundqvist, J., Tarre, A., Rosental, A., & Hårsta, A. (2003). Atomic Layer Deposition of Epitaxial and Polycrystalline SnO2 Films From the SnI4/O2 Precursor Combination. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 9(1), 21-25.

Tarre, A., Rosental, A., Sundqvist, J., Hårsta, A., Uustare, T., & Sammelselg, V. (2003). Nanoepitaxy of SnO2 on Alpha-Al2O3(012). Surface Science, 532-535, 514-518.

Sammelselg, V., Rauhala, E., Arstila, K., Zakharov, A., Aarik, J., Kikas, A., Karlis, J., Tarre, A., Seppälä, A., Asari, J., & Martinson, I. (2002). Study of Thin Oxide Films by Electron, Ion and Synchrotron Radiation Beams. Mikrochimica Acta, 139, 165-169.

Tarre, A., Rosental, A., Aidla, A., Aarik, J., Sundqvist, J., & Hårsta, A. (2002). New routes to SnO2 heteroepitaxy. Vacuum, 67, 571-575.

Niilisk, A., Rosental, A., Uustare, T., Kasikov, A., & Tarre, A. (2001). Chloride atomic-layer chemical vapor deposition of TiO2 with a chloride pretreatment of substrates. Journal de Physique IV France, 11, 103-107.

Rosental, A., Tarre, A., Gerst, A., Uustare, T., & Sammelselg, V. (2001). Atomic-layer chemical vapor deposition of SnO2 for gas-sensing applications. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 77, 297-300.

Tarre, A., Rosental, A., Sammelselg, V., & Uustare, T. (2001). Comparative study of low-temperature chloride atomic-layer chemical vapor deposition of TiO2 and SnO2. Applied Surface Science, 175-176, 111-116.

Rosental, A., Tarre, A., Adamson, P., Gerst, A., Kasikov, A., & Niilisk, A. (1999). Surface of TiO2 during atomic layer deposition as determined by incremental dielectric reflection. Applied Surface Science, 142, 204-209.

Sammelselg, V., Rosental, A., Tarre, A., Niinistö, L., Heiskanen, K., Ilmonen, K., Johansson, L. S., & Uustare, T. (1998). TiO2 thin films by atomic layer deposition: a case of uneven growth at low temperature. Applied Surface Science, 134, 78-86.

Rosental, A., Adamson, P., Gerst, A., Koppel, H., & Tarre, A. (1997). Atomic layer deposition in traveling-wave reactor: In situ diagnostics by optical reflection. Applied Surface Science, 112, 82-86.

Rosental, A., Tarre, A., Gerst, A., & Adamson, P. (1997). Atomic-layer-deposited TiO2 dielectric coatings. Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2967, 245-50.

viimati muudetud: 07.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Aivar
2.Surname Tarre
3.Institution Institute of Physics, University of Tartu
4.Position researcher
5.Date of birth 16.04.1972 (day.month.year)
6.Education Jõõpre 8-class Primary School 1979-1987, Lydia Koidula Pärnu II Secondary School (special class of physics and mathematics) 1987-1990, Departement of Physics, Univ. of Tartu (Bachelor, Master and PhD studies) 1990-2004
7.Research and
professional experience
Institute of Physics, Univ. of Tartu: laboratory assistent 1993-1996, engineer 1997-1999, researcher 2000-up to now
8.Academic degree baccalaureus scientiarum (physics)
magister scientiarum (applied physics)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1996
University of Tartu, 1999
10.Honours/awards Diploma and II price from Estonian Ministry of Education in 1996 all-state competition of student scientific and creative works, Estonian Science Foundation awards for successful scientific activity at 1997 and 1998
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Atomic layer deposition and analysis of metal oxide gas sensing materials
14.Current grant funding Estonian Science Foundation grant no. 5861 "Influence of surface and interface layers to atomic layer deposition and properties of wide bandgap oxide films" (senior investigator)
15.List of most important publications

Tarre, A., Rosental, A., Uustare, T., & Kasikov, A. (2005). SnO2 on sapphire. Proc. SPIE, 5946, 128-134.

Lu, J., Sundqvist, J., Ottosson, M., Tarre, A., Rosental, A., Aarik, J., & Hårsta, A. (2004). Microstructure characterisation of ALD-grown epitaxial SnO2 thin films. Journal of Crystal Growth, 260, 191-200.

Niilisk, A., Rosental, A., Tarre, A., & Uustare, T. (2003). High-temperature atomic layer epitaxy of TiO2 from TiCl4 and H2O2–H2O. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 52(3), 257–265.

Rosental, A., Tarre, A., Gerst, A., Sundqvist, J., Hårsta, A., Aidla, A., Aarik, J., Sammelselg, V., & Uustare, T. (2003). Gas sensing properties of epitaxial SnO2 thin films prepared by atomic layer deposition. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 93, 552-555.

Sundqvist, J., Tarre, A., Rosental, A., & Hårsta, A. (2003). Atomic Layer Deposition of Epitaxial and Polycrystalline SnO2 Films From the SnI4/O2 Precursor Combination. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 9(1), 21-25.

Tarre, A., Rosental, A., Sundqvist, J., Hårsta, A., Uustare, T., & Sammelselg, V. (2003). Nanoepitaxy of SnO2 on Alpha-Al2O3(012). Surface Science, 532-535, 514-518.

Sammelselg, V., Rauhala, E., Arstila, K., Zakharov, A., Aarik, J., Kikas, A., Karlis, J., Tarre, A., Seppälä, A., Asari, J., & Martinson, I. (2002). Study of Thin Oxide Films by Electron, Ion and Synchrotron Radiation Beams. Mikrochimica Acta, 139, 165-169.

Tarre, A., Rosental, A., Aidla, A., Aarik, J., Sundqvist, J., & Hårsta, A. (2002). New routes to SnO2 heteroepitaxy. Vacuum, 67, 571-575.

Niilisk, A., Rosental, A., Uustare, T., Kasikov, A., & Tarre, A. (2001). Chloride atomic-layer chemical vapor deposition of TiO2 with a chloride pretreatment of substrates. Journal de Physique IV France, 11, 103-107.

Rosental, A., Tarre, A., Gerst, A., Uustare, T., & Sammelselg, V. (2001). Atomic-layer chemical vapor deposition of SnO2 for gas-sensing applications. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 77, 297-300.

Tarre, A., Rosental, A., Sammelselg, V., & Uustare, T. (2001). Comparative study of low-temperature chloride atomic-layer chemical vapor deposition of TiO2 and SnO2. Applied Surface Science, 175-176, 111-116.

Rosental, A., Tarre, A., Adamson, P., Gerst, A., Kasikov, A., & Niilisk, A. (1999). Surface of TiO2 during atomic layer deposition as determined by incremental dielectric reflection. Applied Surface Science, 142, 204-209.

Sammelselg, V., Rosental, A., Tarre, A., Niinistö, L., Heiskanen, K., Ilmonen, K., Johansson, L. S., & Uustare, T. (1998). TiO2 thin films by atomic layer deposition: a case of uneven growth at low temperature. Applied Surface Science, 134, 78-86.

Rosental, A., Adamson, P., Gerst, A., Koppel, H., & Tarre, A. (1997). Atomic layer deposition in traveling-wave reactor: In situ diagnostics by optical reflection. Applied Surface Science, 112, 82-86.

Rosental, A., Tarre, A., Gerst, A., & Adamson, P. (1997). Atomic-layer-deposited TiO2 dielectric coatings. Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2967, 245-50.

last updated: 07.10.2005

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