[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Liidia
2.Perekonnanimi Bitjukova
3.Töökoht TTÜ Geoloogia Instituut, aluspõhjageoloogia osakond
4.Ametikoht Vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 14.06.1955 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Moskva Ülikooli geoloogia teaduskond, geokeemia kateeder, geokeemik (1977)
Moskva Ülikooli sihtaspirantuur geoloogia teaduskonnas, geokeemia kateedris (1984)
7.Teenistuskäik 1977-1979 Nooremteadur Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituudis 1983-2000 Teadur Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituudis (praegu Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli GI)
Alates 2001 vanemteadur TTÜ Geoloogia Instituudis
8.Teaduskraad PhD
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Moskva Riiklik Ülikool, 1984
10.Tunnustused TTÜ GI preemia paremate rakendus- uurimuste eest 2003 aastal
ja –administratiivne
Rahvusvahelise Workshop'i "Ecogeochemistry in the Baltic region: results and prospects”(Tallinn, 15-17 veebruaril, 2001) organiseerija
Alates 2003 EU INTAS projekti ekspert keskkonna geokeemia alal
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Keskkonna geokeemia. Geokeemiline kaardistamine ja geokeemiline seire. Mikroelementide migratsioonivormid ja -võime, keskkonna keemiliste parameetrite ja intensiivselt areneva tööstuse piirkonnas, sekundaarelementide kontsentratsiooni uurimine.
Mulla ja vee saastumise riskihinnang.
Settekivimite geokeemia. Looduslike ja antropogeensete faktorite mõjul toimuvate lagunemisprotsesside tingimuste määramine ja intensiivsuse hinnang.
Geokeemiliste andmete töötlemine ja tõlgendamine.
14.Jooksvad grandid ei ole

Bityukova, L., Limberg, M. Complex study of composition of building stones of the historical objects in Tallinn (Estonia) and assessment of stone deterioration on the base of geochemical data. General Assembly of the EGU. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 01170, 2005. 4pp

Saether, O.M., Banks, D., Kirso, U., Bityukova, L., Sorlie, J.-E. 2004. The chemistry and mineralogy of waste from retorting and combustion of oil shale. In: Giere, R. & Stille, P. (eds.) 2004. Energy, Waste, and the Environment: A Geochemical Perspective, Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 236, 263-284.

Bityukova, L. 2003. Trace elements distribution in the black crust from carbonate buildings stones in Old Tallinn. COGEOENVIRONMENT, 2003. International Workshop. Geosciences for urban development and environmental planning. September 13-18, 2003.Vilnius. Extended abstracts, 12-14.

Bityukova, L., Sorlie, J.-E., Saether, Ola M. , Petersell, V. 2003. Estimation of organic pollutants in groundwater near oil shale waste mounds in Kohtla-Järve (North-Eastern Estonia). COGEOENVIRONMENT, 2003. International Workshop.Geosciences for urban development and environmental planning. September 13-18, 2003. Vilnius. Extended abstracts. p. 15-17

Reimann, C., Siewers, U., Tarvainen, T., Bityukova, L., Eriksson, J., Gilucis, A., Gregorauskiene, V., Lukashev, V., Matinian, N. N., Pasieczna, A. 2003. Agricultural Soils in Northern Europe: A Geochemical Atlas. Geologisches Jahrbuch, Sonderhefte, Reihe D, Heft SD 5, Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart. 279p

Šliaupa S., Hoth P., Shogenova A., Huenges E., Rasteniene V., Freimanis A., Bityukova L., Joeleht A., Kirsimäe K., Lashkova L., Zabele A. 2003. Characterization of Cambrian reservoir rocks and their fluids in the Baltic States (CAMBALTICA). ed. W. Bujakowski. Cleaner Energy Systems Through Utilization of Renewable Geothermal Energy Resources. Kajc, Krakow. 61-73.

Vuorinen, A., Bityukova, L., Sorlie, J. E., and Saether, O. M. The behaviour of As, Ce, Co, Cu, La, Ni, Pb and Zn in areas of exploration of oil shale in Northeastern Estonia. Geologian 2. Tutkijapäivät (2nd Reseacher´s days of Geology). University of Helsinki, Department of Geology. Nation-wide Research school in Geology. Geological Society of Finland.12.-13.3. 2003. Helsinki. In: Seija Kultti (Ed.). Abstracts, 4p

Bitjukova, L., Scholger, R., Birke, M. 2002. Magnetic susceptibility measurements as a rapid method of estimation of soils pollution,Tallinn (Estonia). [EXTENDED ABSTRACTS VOLUME, 64th EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Florence 26-30 May 2002, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers]. Ladenius Communicate, Houten. 2, P272, 1–4.

Shogenova A., Jõeleht A., Šliaupa S., Kirsimäe K., Rasteniene V., Bityukova L., Zabele A. 2001. Petrophysical Properties Of Reservoir Rocks In The Baltic Cambrian Basin (Lithuania, Latvia And Estonia). In: 1st Nordic–Baltic Cambrian Geo-Energy Seminar. 15-16 September 2001 Technical University of Denmark, Jagersborg-Genofte, Denmark. 1–4.

Shogenova, A., Kirsimäe, K., Bitjukova, L., Jõeleht, A., Mens., K. 2001.Physical Properties and Composition of Cemented Siliciclastic Cambrian rocks, Estonia. – In: I. Fabricius (Ed.), Nordic Petroleum Technology Series, V., Research in Petroleum Technology, Nordisk Energi-Forskningsprogram Ås, Saghellinga A, Norway, 123-149.

Shogenova A., Šliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Jõeleht A, Kirsimäe K, Bitjukova L, Lashkova L., Zabele A, Freimanis., Hoth P., Huenges E. 2001. Elastic properties of siliciclastic rocks from Baltic Cambrian basin. In: Extended Abstracts, Volume 1, 63rd EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Amsterdam, 11-15 June 2001, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, N-24, 1-4.

Shogenova A., Šliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Jõeleht A, Kirsimäe K, Bitjukova L, Lashkova L., Zabele A, Freimanis., Hoth P., Huenges E. 2001. Lithological-petrophysical discrimination of the Baltic Cambrian siliciclastics. In: Extended Abstracts, EAGE/SEG Research Workshop on “Reservoir Rocks”, 30 Aprill - 3 May 2001, Pau, France, 1-4.

Bityukova, L., Shogenova, A, Birke M. 2000. Urban geochemistry: a study of elements distribution in the topsoils of Tallinn (Estonia). Environmental Geochemistry and Health. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Vol.22, No 2, 173-193.

Jõeleht, A., Shogenova, A., Sliaupa, S., Rasteniene, V., Zabele, A., Kukkonen, I.T., Bityukova, L, Kirsimäe, K., Freimanis, A., Eihmanis, E., Huenges, E., Hoth, P. 2000. Thermal Conductivity of Cambrian Siliciclastic Rocks from the Baltic Basin. Geophysics in the Baltic Region: Problems and Prospects for the New Millennium, International Conference, Abstract & Excursion Guide, Tallinn, Estonia, 26-30 September. Sulemees Ltd, Tallinn, Estonia, 25-27.

Reimann, C., Siewers, U., Tarvainen, T., Bityukova, L., Eriksson, J., Gilucis,A., Gregorauskiene, V., Lukashev, V., Matinian, N.N., Pasieczna, A. 2000. Baltic soil survey: total concentrations of major and selected trace elements in arable soils from 10 countries around the Baltic Sea. EXPLORE Newsletter for the Exploration Geochemists 107, 1-7. Elsevier Science, Denver, USA.

Reimann, C., Siewers, U., Tarvainen, T., Bityukova, L., Eriksson, J., Gilucis, A., Gregorauskiene, V., Lukashev, V., Matinian, N. N., Pasieczna, A. 2000. Baltic soil survey: total concentrations of major and selected trace elements in arable soils from 10 countries around the Baltic Sea. The Science of the Total Environment. ISSN: 0048-9697, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Elsevier Science, Vol. 257, Issue 2-3, 155-170.

Shliaupa S., Shogenova A., Rasteniene V., Zabele A., Lashkova L., Bitjukova L., Kirsimäe K., Jõeleht A., Eihmanis E. 2000. Collector properties of the Cambrian reservoir in the Baltic Basin – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Extended Abstracts Volume 2, 62nd EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Glasgow, Scotland, 29 May - 2 June 2000, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P- 08, 1-4.

Shliaupa S., Shogenova A., Rasteniene V., Zabele A., Lashkova L., Bitjukova L., Kirsimäe K., Jõeleht A., Eihmanis E. 2000. Collector properties of the Cambrian reservoir in the Baltic Basin – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Extended Abstracts Volume 2, 62nd EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Glasgow, Scotland, 29 May - 2 June 2000, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P- 08, 1-4.

Shogenova, A., Bitjukova, L, Sliaupa, S., Rasteniene, V., Kirsimäe, K., Jõeleht, A., Lashkova, L., Zabele, A, Freimanis, A., Eihmanis, E., Hoth, P., Huenges, E. 2000. Petrophysical properties of resevoir rocks of Baltic Cambrian sedimentary basin. - In: St.Petersburg, International Geophysical Conference, 218-221.

Shogenova A., Bitjukova L., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Lashkova L., Zabele, A. 2000. Magnetic properties of siliciclastic rocks in the Baltic Cambrian sedimentary basin. In: NEW TRENDS IN GEOMAGNETISM VII, Biennial Meeting, Bratislava, June 2000, Geologica Carpatica. 51(3), 190–191

Shogenova A., Bityukova L., Einasto R., Jõeleht A., Puura V. 2000. An approach towards the petrophysical model of Lower Paleozoic sedimentary sequence in Estonia. In: A. Shogenova & R. Vaher (comps.). Geophysics in the Baltic Region: Problems and Prospects for the New Millennium. International conference. Abstracts & Excursion Guide. Tallinn, Estonia, 26-30 September, 2000. Sulemees Ltd, Tallinn, Estonia 60-62

Bityukova L., Scholger R., Birke M. 1999. Magnetic Susceptibility as Indicator of Environmental Pollution of Soils in Tallinn. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol.24, N.9, 829-835. Elsevier Science Ltd., Pergamon Press.

Bityukova, L., Shogenova, A., and Götze, H.-J. 1998. Influence of Chemical Composition on Petrophysical Properties of Early Paleozoic Carbonate Rocks in Estonia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol 23, N 3, 309-316.

Shogenova, A., Bityukova, L., and Götze, H.-J. 1998. Technique and Results of Complex Analyses to Study Processes in Sedimentary Basin (in Estonia). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol 23, N 3, 327-337.

Bityukova L., Shogenova A. 1997. Comparative analysis of geochemical processes in the Early Paleozoic sedimentary basin in Estonia. Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Vol. 8, Basin analysis. VSP, Utrecht- Tokio, 152-162

Bityukova L., Shogenova A., Puura V., Suuroja K., Saadre T. 1996. Geochemistry of major elements in Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks: comporative analysis of alteration zones, North Estonia. Proc. Acad. Sci. Esto-nia. Geol., V. 45, N-2, 78-91.

Bityukova L. 1993. Heavy metals in the soils of Tallinn (Estonia) and its suburbs. Geomicrobiology Journal 11 (3-4): 285-298

viimati muudetud: 07.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Liidia
2.Surname Bitjukova
3.Institution Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology,
Department of Bedrock Geology
4.Position Senior researcher
5.Date of birth 14.06.1955 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1972-1977 Moscow State University, Faculty of Geology, Chair of Geochemistry, geochemist
1980-1984 Post-graduate course at Moscow State University, Faculty of Geology, Chair of Geochemistry
7.Research and
professional experience
1977-1979 Junior researcher at the Institute of Geology, Estonian Academy of Sciences
1983-2000 Researcher at the Institute of Geology, Estonian Academy of Sciences (now at Tallinn University of Technology)
Since 2001 Senior researcher in Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology.
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Moscow State University, 1984
10.Honours/awards Award of TUT GI for the best applied research in 2003
Organiser of International Workshop "Ecogeochemistry in the Baltic region: results and prospects", Tallinn, 15-17 February, 2001
Since 2003 Evaluator of EU INTAS projects in the field of environmental geochemistry
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Environmental geochemistry. Geochemical mapping and the geochemical monitoring. Study of migration forms and migration ability of the trace elements, chemical parameters of the environment and secondary elements concentration on the territories with intensively developing industry.
Risk assessment of the soil and water pollution.
Geochemistry of sedimentary rocks. Assessment of the intensity of degradation processes what are controlled by natural and anthropogenic factors.
Processing and interpretation of geochemical data.
14.Current grant funding absent
15.List of most important publications

Bityukova, L., Limberg, M. Complex study of composition of building stones of the historical objects in Tallinn (Estonia) and assessment of stone deterioration on the base of geochemical data. General Assembly of the EGU. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 01170, 2005. 4pp

Saether, O.M., Banks, D., Kirso, U., Bityukova, L., Sorlie, J.-E. 2004. The chemistry and mineralogy of waste from retorting and combustion of oil shale. In: Giere, R. & Stille, P. (eds.) 2004. Energy, Waste, and the Environment: A Geochemical Perspective, Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 236, 263-284.

Bityukova, L. 2003. Trace elements distribution in the black crust from carbonate buildings stones in Old Tallinn. COGEOENVIRONMENT, 2003. International Workshop. Geosciences for urban development and environmental planning. September 13-18, 2003.Vilnius. Extended abstracts, 12-14.

Bityukova, L., Sorlie, J.-E., Saether, Ola M. , Petersell, V. 2003. Estimation of organic pollutants in groundwater near oil shale waste mounds in Kohtla-Järve (North-Eastern Estonia). COGEOENVIRONMENT, 2003. International Workshop.Geosciences for urban development and environmental planning. September 13-18, 2003. Vilnius. Extended abstracts. p. 15-17

Reimann, C., Siewers, U., Tarvainen, T., Bityukova, L., Eriksson, J., Gilucis, A., Gregorauskiene, V., Lukashev, V., Matinian, N. N., Pasieczna, A. 2003. Agricultural Soils in Northern Europe: A Geochemical Atlas. Geologisches Jahrbuch, Sonderhefte, Reihe D, Heft SD 5, Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart. 279p

Šliaupa S., Hoth P., Shogenova A., Huenges E., Rasteniene V., Freimanis A., Bityukova L., Joeleht A., Kirsimäe K., Lashkova L., Zabele A. 2003. Characterization of Cambrian reservoir rocks and their fluids in the Baltic States (CAMBALTICA). ed. W. Bujakowski. Cleaner Energy Systems Through Utilization of Renewable Geothermal Energy Resources. Kajc, Krakow. 61-73.

Vuorinen, A., Bityukova, L., Sorlie, J. E., and Saether, O. M. The behaviour of As, Ce, Co, Cu, La, Ni, Pb and Zn in areas of exploration of oil shale in Northeastern Estonia. Geologian 2. Tutkijapäivät (2nd Reseacher´s days of Geology). University of Helsinki, Department of Geology. Nation-wide Research school in Geology. Geological Society of Finland.12.-13.3. 2003. Helsinki. In: Seija Kultti (Ed.). Abstracts, 4p

Bitjukova, L., Scholger, R., Birke, M. 2002. Magnetic susceptibility measurements as a rapid method of estimation of soils pollution,Tallinn (Estonia). [EXTENDED ABSTRACTS VOLUME, 64th EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Florence 26-30 May 2002, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers]. Ladenius Communicate, Houten. 2, P272, 1–4.

Shogenova A., Jõeleht A., Šliaupa S., Kirsimäe K., Rasteniene V., Bityukova L., Zabele A. 2001. Petrophysical Properties Of Reservoir Rocks In The Baltic Cambrian Basin (Lithuania, Latvia And Estonia). In: 1st Nordic–Baltic Cambrian Geo-Energy Seminar. 15-16 September 2001 Technical University of Denmark, Jagersborg-Genofte, Denmark. 1–4.

Shogenova, A., Kirsimäe, K., Bitjukova, L., Jõeleht, A., Mens., K. 2001.Physical Properties and Composition of Cemented Siliciclastic Cambrian rocks, Estonia. – In: I. Fabricius (Ed.), Nordic Petroleum Technology Series, V., Research in Petroleum Technology, Nordisk Energi-Forskningsprogram Ås, Saghellinga A, Norway, 123-149.

Shogenova A., Šliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Jõeleht A, Kirsimäe K, Bitjukova L, Lashkova L., Zabele A, Freimanis., Hoth P., Huenges E. 2001. Elastic properties of siliciclastic rocks from Baltic Cambrian basin. In: Extended Abstracts, Volume 1, 63rd EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Amsterdam, 11-15 June 2001, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, N-24, 1-4.

Shogenova A., Šliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Jõeleht A, Kirsimäe K, Bitjukova L, Lashkova L., Zabele A, Freimanis., Hoth P., Huenges E. 2001. Lithological-petrophysical discrimination of the Baltic Cambrian siliciclastics. In: Extended Abstracts, EAGE/SEG Research Workshop on “Reservoir Rocks”, 30 Aprill - 3 May 2001, Pau, France, 1-4.

Bityukova, L., Shogenova, A, Birke M. 2000. Urban geochemistry: a study of elements distribution in the topsoils of Tallinn (Estonia). Environmental Geochemistry and Health. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Vol.22, No 2, 173-193.

Jõeleht, A., Shogenova, A., Sliaupa, S., Rasteniene, V., Zabele, A., Kukkonen, I.T., Bityukova, L, Kirsimäe, K., Freimanis, A., Eihmanis, E., Huenges, E., Hoth, P. 2000. Thermal Conductivity of Cambrian Siliciclastic Rocks from the Baltic Basin. Geophysics in the Baltic Region: Problems and Prospects for the New Millennium, International Conference, Abstract & Excursion Guide, Tallinn, Estonia, 26-30 September. Sulemees Ltd, Tallinn, Estonia, 25-27.

Reimann, C., Siewers, U., Tarvainen, T., Bityukova, L., Eriksson, J., Gilucis,A., Gregorauskiene, V., Lukashev, V., Matinian, N.N., Pasieczna, A. 2000. Baltic soil survey: total concentrations of major and selected trace elements in arable soils from 10 countries around the Baltic Sea. EXPLORE Newsletter for the Exploration Geochemists 107, 1-7. Elsevier Science, Denver, USA.

Reimann, C., Siewers, U., Tarvainen, T., Bityukova, L., Eriksson, J., Gilucis, A., Gregorauskiene, V., Lukashev, V., Matinian, N. N., Pasieczna, A. 2000. Baltic soil survey: total concentrations of major and selected trace elements in arable soils from 10 countries around the Baltic Sea. The Science of the Total Environment. ISSN: 0048-9697, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Elsevier Science, Vol. 257, Issue 2-3, 155-170.

Shliaupa S., Shogenova A., Rasteniene V., Zabele A., Lashkova L., Bitjukova L., Kirsimäe K., Jõeleht A., Eihmanis E. 2000. Collector properties of the Cambrian reservoir in the Baltic Basin – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Extended Abstracts Volume 2, 62nd EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Glasgow, Scotland, 29 May - 2 June 2000, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P- 08, 1-4.

Shliaupa S., Shogenova A., Rasteniene V., Zabele A., Lashkova L., Bitjukova L., Kirsimäe K., Jõeleht A., Eihmanis E. 2000. Collector properties of the Cambrian reservoir in the Baltic Basin – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Extended Abstracts Volume 2, 62nd EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Glasgow, Scotland, 29 May - 2 June 2000, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, P- 08, 1-4.

Shogenova, A., Bitjukova, L, Sliaupa, S., Rasteniene, V., Kirsimäe, K., Jõeleht, A., Lashkova, L., Zabele, A, Freimanis, A., Eihmanis, E., Hoth, P., Huenges, E. 2000. Petrophysical properties of resevoir rocks of Baltic Cambrian sedimentary basin. - In: St.Petersburg, International Geophysical Conference, 218-221.

Shogenova A., Bitjukova L., Sliaupa S., Rasteniene V., Lashkova L., Zabele, A. 2000. Magnetic properties of siliciclastic rocks in the Baltic Cambrian sedimentary basin. In: NEW TRENDS IN GEOMAGNETISM VII, Biennial Meeting, Bratislava, June 2000, Geologica Carpatica. 51(3), 190–191

Shogenova A., Bityukova L., Einasto R., Jõeleht A., Puura V. 2000. An approach towards the petrophysical model of Lower Paleozoic sedimentary sequence in Estonia. In: A. Shogenova & R. Vaher (comps.). Geophysics in the Baltic Region: Problems and Prospects for the New Millennium. International conference. Abstracts & Excursion Guide. Tallinn, Estonia, 26-30 September, 2000. Sulemees Ltd, Tallinn, Estonia 60-62

Bityukova L., Scholger R., Birke M. 1999. Magnetic Susceptibility as Indicator of Environmental Pollution of Soils in Tallinn. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol.24, N.9, 829-835. Elsevier Science Ltd., Pergamon Press.

Bityukova, L., Shogenova, A., and Götze, H.-J. 1998. Influence of Chemical Composition on Petrophysical Properties of Early Paleozoic Carbonate Rocks in Estonia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol 23, N 3, 309-316.

Shogenova, A., Bityukova, L., and Götze, H.-J. 1998. Technique and Results of Complex Analyses to Study Processes in Sedimentary Basin (in Estonia). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol 23, N 3, 327-337.

Bityukova L., Shogenova A. 1997. Comparative analysis of geochemical processes in the Early Paleozoic sedimentary basin in Estonia. Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Vol. 8, Basin analysis. VSP, Utrecht- Tokio, 152-162

Bityukova L., Shogenova A., Puura V., Suuroja K., Saadre T. 1996. Geochemistry of major elements in Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks: comporative analysis of alteration zones, North Estonia. Proc. Acad. Sci. Esto-nia. Geol., V. 45, N-2, 78-91.

Bityukova L. 1993. Heavy metals in the soils of Tallinn (Estonia) and its suburbs. Geomicrobiology Journal 11 (3-4): 285-298

last updated: 07.08.2005

[ sulge aken ]