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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Rein
2.Perekonnanimi Kink
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut
4.Ametikoht Vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 06.07.1938 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool, füüsika
7.Teenistuskäik Füüsika Instituut, insener (1961-62), nooremteadur (1962-64),
aspirant (1964-67), nooremteadur (1967-70), vanemteadur (1970-82), madalate temperatuuride labori juhataja (1982-2003),alates 2004a.vanemteadur. Aspirantuur Füüsika Instituudis, stażeerimised sünkrotronkiirguse keskustes HASYLAB (Hamburg), MAXLAB (Lund).
8.Teaduskraad Teaduste doktor (D.Sc.)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
ETA Füüsika Instituut, 1987
10.Tunnustused NSVL Ministrite Nõukogu aastapreemia autorite kollektiivis laser-
tehnika arendamise eest,1988a.
ja –administratiivne
TÜ FI laborijuhataja aastatel 1982-2003
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Rünno Lõhmus, PhD, 2002, juh. Rein Kink. SPM hübriidmeetod materjalide nanostruktuuruuringuteks. Tartu Ülikool

Rünno Lõhmus, MSc, 1997, juh. Rein Kink. Mullivabad krüovedelikud ja nende rakendamine skaneeriva teraviku mikroskoopias. Tartu Ülikool

Vambola Kisand, MSc, 1996, juh. Rein Kink. Elektronergastused erinevates kristallstruktuurides. Tartu Ülikool

Marko Kirm, PhD, 1995, juh. Rein Kink , Indrek Martinson. Laia keelutsooniga kristallide ja paljulaenguliste ioonide uurimine vaakumultraviolettpiirkonnas sünkrotronkiirguse ja kiirendatud ioonide abil.. Lundi Ülikool

Juri Maksimov, PhD, 1992, juh. Rein Kink. Kõrglahutusega spektroskoopia mittelineaarselt genereeritud VUV laserkiirguse abil.. Tartu Ülikool

Ants Lõhmus, DSc, 1981, juh. Rein Kink. Kristalse ksenooni luminestsentsi mehanism. Tartu Ülikool

Matti Selg, DSc, 1981, juh. Rein Kink. Autolokaliseeritud eksitonide relaksatsioon ja kuum luminestsents inertkristallides.. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Tahkisefüüsika, madala temperatuuri füüsika, sünkrotronspektroskoopia, aparaadiehitus (heeliumkrüostaadid, lasertehnika),lasermeditsiin
14.Jooksvad grandid

1. A.N.Trukhin, M.F.Kink, Y.A.Maksimov, R.A.Kink, T.A.Ermolenko,and I.I.Cheremisin. Luminescence of fluorine-doped and non-doped silica glass excited with an ArF laser, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 342, 25-31, 2004.

2. M.Cannas, S.Agnello, F.M.Gelardi, R.Boscaino, A.N.Trukhin, P.Liblik, C.Lushchik, M.F.Kink, Y.Maksimov, and R.A.Kink. Luminescsnce of X-radiation-induced defects in a-quartz, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 16, 7931-7939, 2004.

Kisand, V., Kink, R., Kink, I., Jaaniso, R., & Martinson, I. . Vuv Spectroscopy of Pure and Sm2+ Doped Srfcl Crystals, Physica Status Solidi, B-Basic Research, 239(1), 246-250,2003.

Selg, M., & Kink, R. Temperature Dependence of Hot Luminescence in Solid Xenon: Theory and Experiment, Low Temperature Physics, 29(9-10), 862-865,2003.

Trukhin, A., Kink, M., Maksimov, J., & Kink, R. Self-Trapped Exciton Luminescence in Crystalline Alpha-Quartz Under Two-Photon Laser Excitation. Solid State Communications, 127(9-10), 655-659, 2003.

Selg, M., Kink, M., Kink, R., Maksimov, J., & Martinson, I. Temperature Dependence of Laser-Induced Hot Luminescence of Self-Trapped Excitons in Solid Xenon. Surface Review and Letters, 9(1), 609-613, 2002.

Selg, M., Hizhnyakov, V., Kink, R., Kink, M., & Maksimov, J. Stationary and Time-Resolved Hot Luminescence of Self-Trapped Excitons in Rare Gas Crystals. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 122(3-4), 241-248, 2001.

Hizhnyakov, V., Kink, M., Kink, R., Lõhmus, A., Maksimov, J., & Selg, M. Hot Luminescence of Self-Trapped Excitons in Atomic Cryocrystals, Physica B, 284, 1129-1130, 2000.

Hizhnyakov, V., Selg, M., Kink, R., Kink, M., & Maksimov, J. Step-Wise Multiphonon Anharmonic Decay of Local Modes: Theory and Experiment, Physica B, 263, 683-686, 1999.

Kink, R., Hizhnyakov, V., Selg, M., Kink, M., Maksimov, J., & Martinson, I. Hot Luminescence of Self-Trapped Excitons in Xe Crystal Under X-Ray and Two-Photon Laser Excitation, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 103, 623-627, 1999.

Hizhnyakov, V., Selg, M., Kink, M., Kink, R., & Maksimov, J. (1998). Relaxation Jumps and Hot Luminescence of Excitons in Rare Gas Crystals, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 111(3-4), 709-715, 1998.

Kink, R., Avarmaa, T., Kisand, V., Lõhmus, A., Kink, I., & Martinson, I. (1998). Luminescence of Cation Excitons in Pbcl2 and Pbbr2 Crystals in a Wide Excitation Vuv Region, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 10(3), 693-700, 1998.

Kink, M., Kink, R., Kisand, V., Maksimov, J., & Selg, M. (1997). Recombination Luminescence of Rare Gas Crystals, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B- Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms, 122(4), 668-676, 1997.

viimati muudetud: 05.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Rein
2.Surname Kink
3.Institution Institute of Physics, University of Tartu
4.Position Senior Research fellow
5.Date of birth 06.07.1938 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, physics
7.Research and
professional experience
UT IP, engineer (1961-62), research associate (1962-64),
post graduate student (1964-67), research associate (1967-70), senior researcher (1970-82),head of laboratory (1982-2003).
Guest researcher in synchrotron physics centres HASYLAB
(Hamburg, Germany), MAXLAB (Lund, Sweden).
8.Academic degree D.Sc
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
UT IP, 1987
10.Honours/awards Award of Council of Ministers of USSR for developments in the field of laser technologies, 1988.
Head of laboratory from 1982 to 2003.
12.Supervised dissertations

Rünno Lõhmus, PhD, 2002, superv. Rein Kink. SPM hübriidmeetod materjalide nanostruktuuruuringuteks. Tartu Ülikool

Rünno Lõhmus, MSc, 1997, superv. Rein Kink. Mullivabad krüovedelikud ja nende rakendamine skaneeriva teraviku mikroskoopias. Tartu Ülikool

Vambola Kisand, MSc, 1996, superv. Rein Kink. Elektronergastused erinevates kristallstruktuurides. Tartu Ülikool

Marko Kirm, PhD, 1995, superv. Rein Kink , Indrek Martinson. Laia keelutsooniga kristallide ja paljulaenguliste ioonide uurimine vaakumultraviolettpiirkonnas sünkrotronkiirguse ja kiirendatud ioonide abil.. Lundi Ülikool

Juri Maksimov, PhD, 1992, superv. Rein Kink. Kõrglahutusega spektroskoopia mittelineaarselt genereeritud VUV laserkiirguse abil.. Tartu Ülikool

Ants Lõhmus, DSc, 1981, superv. Rein Kink. Kristalse ksenooni luminestsentsi mehanism. Tartu Ülikool

Matti Selg, DSc, 1981, superv. Rein Kink. Autolokaliseeritud eksitonide relaksatsioon ja kuum luminestsents inertkristallides.. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Physics of solid state, low temperature physics, synchrotron radiation spectroscopy, desibn of liquid helium cryostates and lasertechnologies, medical application of laser radiation
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

1. A.N.Trukhin, M.F.Kink, Y.A.Maksimov, R.A.Kink, T.A.Ermolenko,and I.I.Cheremisin. Luminescence of fluorine-doped and non-doped silica glass excited with an ArF laser, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 342, 25-31, 2004.

2. M.Cannas, S.Agnello, F.M.Gelardi, R.Boscaino, A.N.Trukhin, P.Liblik, C.Lushchik, M.F.Kink, Y.Maksimov, and R.A.Kink. Luminescsnce of X-radiation-induced defects in a-quartz, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 16, 7931-7939, 2004.

Kisand, V., Kink, R., Kink, I., Jaaniso, R., & Martinson, I. . Vuv Spectroscopy of Pure and Sm2+ Doped Srfcl Crystals, Physica Status Solidi, B-Basic Research, 239(1), 246-250,2003.

Selg, M., & Kink, R. Temperature Dependence of Hot Luminescence in Solid Xenon: Theory and Experiment, Low Temperature Physics, 29(9-10), 862-865,2003.

Trukhin, A., Kink, M., Maksimov, J., & Kink, R. Self-Trapped Exciton Luminescence in Crystalline Alpha-Quartz Under Two-Photon Laser Excitation. Solid State Communications, 127(9-10), 655-659, 2003.

Selg, M., Kink, M., Kink, R., Maksimov, J., & Martinson, I. Temperature Dependence of Laser-Induced Hot Luminescence of Self-Trapped Excitons in Solid Xenon. Surface Review and Letters, 9(1), 609-613, 2002.

Selg, M., Hizhnyakov, V., Kink, R., Kink, M., & Maksimov, J. Stationary and Time-Resolved Hot Luminescence of Self-Trapped Excitons in Rare Gas Crystals. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 122(3-4), 241-248, 2001.

Hizhnyakov, V., Kink, M., Kink, R., Lõhmus, A., Maksimov, J., & Selg, M. Hot Luminescence of Self-Trapped Excitons in Atomic Cryocrystals, Physica B, 284, 1129-1130, 2000.

Hizhnyakov, V., Selg, M., Kink, R., Kink, M., & Maksimov, J. Step-Wise Multiphonon Anharmonic Decay of Local Modes: Theory and Experiment, Physica B, 263, 683-686, 1999.

Kink, R., Hizhnyakov, V., Selg, M., Kink, M., Maksimov, J., & Martinson, I. Hot Luminescence of Self-Trapped Excitons in Xe Crystal Under X-Ray and Two-Photon Laser Excitation, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 103, 623-627, 1999.

Hizhnyakov, V., Selg, M., Kink, M., Kink, R., & Maksimov, J. (1998). Relaxation Jumps and Hot Luminescence of Excitons in Rare Gas Crystals, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 111(3-4), 709-715, 1998.

Kink, R., Avarmaa, T., Kisand, V., Lõhmus, A., Kink, I., & Martinson, I. (1998). Luminescence of Cation Excitons in Pbcl2 and Pbbr2 Crystals in a Wide Excitation Vuv Region, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 10(3), 693-700, 1998.

Kink, M., Kink, R., Kisand, V., Maksimov, J., & Selg, M. (1997). Recombination Luminescence of Rare Gas Crystals, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B- Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms, 122(4), 668-676, 1997.

last updated: 05.10.2005

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