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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Hannes
2.Perekonnanimi Kollist
3.Töökoht Taimebioloogia, Bioteaduste osakond, Helsingi Ülikool; Botaanika ja ökoloogia instituut, Tartu Ülikool
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 30.11.1970 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgem (keemia, Tartu Ülikool)
7.Teenistuskäik 1993 – 1996, Tartu H. Masingu nimeline Kool, keemia ja geograafia õpetaja;
1994, Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar jarakubioloogia instituut, laborant;
1995-1996, Riiklik Keskkonnauuringute Instituut ja Risø Riiklik Laboratoorium, Roskilde, Taani, külalisteadur;
1999-2001 (kokku 7 kuud), Soome Metsauuringute Instituut, Suonenjoki, Soome, külalisteadur;
2002, CNR– Istituto di Biologia Agroambientale e Forestale, Rooma, Itaalia, külalisteadur;
2002 – .... Biotehnoloogia Instituut (2003-2003) ja Taimebioloogia, Bioteaduste osakond, Helsingi Ülikool, järeldoktor;
2002 – .... Botaanika ja ökoloogia instituut, Tartu Ülikooli, teadur (tööleping peatatud).
8.Teaduskraad Ph.D
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia instituut, 14.12.2001.
10.Tunnustused Diplomitöö - “Askorbaat kui peamine osooni detoksifikaator taime rakkudes” tunnistati Teaduste Akadeemia Ökoloogia Instituudi ja Tartu Ülikooli komisjoni poolt parimaks ökoloogia alaseks lõputööks 1994. aastal.
Magistritöö - “Novel aspects in extracting cell wall ascorbate and its protective capacity against ozone in the leaves of wheat and barley” pälvis 1997. aastal Teaduste Akadeemia Üliõpilaste teadustööde konkursil I preemia.
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Triin Kollist, MSc, 2005, juh. Hannes Kollist. Ozone induced cell death and stomatal responses in different Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and mutants. Botaanika ja ökoloogia insituut, Tartu Ulikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Taimede stressibioloogia
14.Jooksvad grandid Osooni poolt indutseeritud oksüdatiivse purske funktsionaalne genoomika Arabidopsis thaliana mutantides ja ökotüüpides (Reg nr. GBGBOI 6241)

Jaspers P, Kollist H, Langebartels C,Kangasjärvi J (2005) Plant responses to ozone. In: Antioxidants and Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants. Edited by Nicholas Smirnoff, Blackwell Publishing. 268-291.

Kangasjarvi J, Jaspers P, Kollist H (2005) Signalling and cell death in ozone-exposed plants Plant Cell and Environment 28: 1021-1036.

Padu E., Kollist H., Tulva I., Oksanen E., Moldau H. (2005) Components of apoplastic ascorbate use in Betula Pendula leaves exposed to CO2 and O3 enrichments. New Phytologist, 165:131-141

Ahlfors R., Lång S., Overmyer K., Jaspers P., Brosché M., Tauriainen A., Kollist H., Tuominen H., Belles-Boix E., Piippo M., Inzé D., Palva E.T., Kangasjärvi J. (2004) Arabidopsis thaliana RADICAL INDUCED CELL DEATH 1 belongs to the WWE protein-protein interaction-domain protein family and modulates abscisic acid, ethylene and methyl jasmonate responses. Plant Cell 16: 1925-1937.

Garcia-Plazaola J.I., Becerril J.M., Hernandez A., Niinemets U., Kollist H. (2004) Acclimation of antioxidant pools to the light environment in a natural forest canopy. New Phytologist 163: 87-97.

Loreto F., Pinelli P., Manes F., Kollist H. (2004) Impact of ozone on monoterpene emissions and evidence for an isoprene-like antioxidant action of monoterpenes emitted by Quercus ilex (L.) leaves. Tree Physoiology 24: 361-367.

Tuominen H., Overmyer K., Keinänen M., Kollist H., Kangasjärvi J. (2004) Mutual antagonism of ethylene and jasmonic acid regulates ozone-induced spreading cell death in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 39: 59-69.

Horak P., Saks L., Ots I., Kullisaar T., Kollist H., Zilmer M. (2003) Physiological effects of immune challenge in captive greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). Canadian Journal of Zoology 81: 371-379.

Niinemets U., Kollist H., García-Plazaola J.I., Becerill J.M. (2003) Do the capacity and kinetics for modification of xanthophyll cycle pool size depend on growth irradiance in temperate trees? Plant Cell & Environment 26: 1787-1801.

Horak P., Saks L., Ots I., Kollist H. (2002) Repeatabiliity of condition inndices in captive greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 636-643.

Kollist H, Moldau H, E. Oksanen, Vapaavuori E (2001). Ascorbate transport from the the apoplast to the symplast in intact leaves. Physiologia Plantarum 113: 377-383.

Kollist H., Moldau H., Mortensen L., Rasmussen S.K., Jørgensen L.B. (2000) Ozone flux to plasmalemma in barley and wheat is controlled rather by stomata than by direct reaction of ozone with apoplastic ascorbate. Journal of Plant Physiology 156: 645-651.

Padu E., Moldau H., Kollist H. (2000) The effect of ozone on antioxidative reactions in apoplast and symplast of barley leaves. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter No. 14, April 2000, pp. 133-138.

Kollist H., MoldauH., Rasmussen S.K. and Mortensen L. (1998) The Effect of Reduced Light and Ozone on Apoplastic Ascorbate and Photosynthesis in the Leaves of Barley. Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects (ed. G. Garab). Kluwer Academic Publishers. Vol. IV, 2733-2736.

Kollist H., Moldau H., Mortensen L., Rasmussen S.K. and Jørgensen L.B. (1996) Ascorbate levels and ozone decay in cell walls of barley and wheat seedlings. Plant Peroxidases: Biochemistry and Physiology (eds. Obinger C, Burner U, Ebermann R, Penel C, Greppin H.), pp. 363-368.

Moldau H., Bichele I., Kollist H., Padu E. (1996) Enzymatic determination of ascorbic acid in leaf cell walls using acidic buffer during infiltration. Biologia Plantarum 38, 229-236.

viimati muudetud: 30.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Hannes
2.Surname Kollist
3.Institution Plant Biology, Department of Biociences, University of Helsinki; Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu
4.Position scientist
5.Date of birth 30.11.1970 (day.month.year)
6.Education highest (chemistry, University of Tartu)
7.Research and
professional experience
1993 – 1996, Tartu H. Masing High School, teacher of chemistry and geography;
1994, University of Tartu, Institute of Molecular and Cell biology, laboratory assistant;
1995 – 1996, National Environmental Research Institute and Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, guest researcher;
1999 – 2001, altogether seven months in Finnish Forest Research Institute, Suonenjoki, Finland, guest researcher;
2002, CNR– Istituto di Biologia Agroambientale e Forestale, Roma , Italy, guest researcher;
2002 – 2003, Institute of Biotehcnology, University of Helsinki, postdoc;
2003 – .... Plant Biology, Department of Biociences, University of Helsinki, scientist;
2002 – .... Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu, scientist (contract suspended).
8.Academic degree Ph.D
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, 14.12.2001.
10.Honours/awards Diploma work - “Ascorbic acid as main ozone detoxificator in plant cells” was awarded by the committee of Institute of Ecology and University of Tartu as best diploma work in ecology year 1994.
Master thesis - “Novel aspects in extracting cell wall ascorbate and its protective capacity against ozone in the leaves of wheat and barley” was awarded by the Estonian Academy of Sciences with I price, 1997
12.Supervised dissertations

Triin Kollist, MSc, 2005, superv. Hannes Kollist. Ozone induced cell death and stomatal responses in different Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and mutants. Botaanika ja ökoloogia insituut, Tartu Ulikool

13.Current research program Plant stress biology
14.Current grant funding Functional genomics of ozone induced oxidative burst in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants and ecotypes (Reg nr. GBGBOI 6241)
15.List of most important publications

Jaspers P, Kollist H, Langebartels C,Kangasjärvi J (2005) Plant responses to ozone. In: Antioxidants and Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants. Edited by Nicholas Smirnoff, Blackwell Publishing. 268-291.

Kangasjarvi J, Jaspers P, Kollist H (2005) Signalling and cell death in ozone-exposed plants Plant Cell and Environment 28: 1021-1036.

Padu E., Kollist H., Tulva I., Oksanen E., Moldau H. (2005) Components of apoplastic ascorbate use in Betula Pendula leaves exposed to CO2 and O3 enrichments. New Phytologist, 165:131-141

Ahlfors R., Lång S., Overmyer K., Jaspers P., Brosché M., Tauriainen A., Kollist H., Tuominen H., Belles-Boix E., Piippo M., Inzé D., Palva E.T., Kangasjärvi J. (2004) Arabidopsis thaliana RADICAL INDUCED CELL DEATH 1 belongs to the WWE protein-protein interaction-domain protein family and modulates abscisic acid, ethylene and methyl jasmonate responses. Plant Cell 16: 1925-1937.

Garcia-Plazaola J.I., Becerril J.M., Hernandez A., Niinemets U., Kollist H. (2004) Acclimation of antioxidant pools to the light environment in a natural forest canopy. New Phytologist 163: 87-97.

Loreto F., Pinelli P., Manes F., Kollist H. (2004) Impact of ozone on monoterpene emissions and evidence for an isoprene-like antioxidant action of monoterpenes emitted by Quercus ilex (L.) leaves. Tree Physoiology 24: 361-367.

Tuominen H., Overmyer K., Keinänen M., Kollist H., Kangasjärvi J. (2004) Mutual antagonism of ethylene and jasmonic acid regulates ozone-induced spreading cell death in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 39: 59-69.

Horak P., Saks L., Ots I., Kullisaar T., Kollist H., Zilmer M. (2003) Physiological effects of immune challenge in captive greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). Canadian Journal of Zoology 81: 371-379.

Niinemets U., Kollist H., García-Plazaola J.I., Becerill J.M. (2003) Do the capacity and kinetics for modification of xanthophyll cycle pool size depend on growth irradiance in temperate trees? Plant Cell & Environment 26: 1787-1801.

Horak P., Saks L., Ots I., Kollist H. (2002) Repeatabiliity of condition inndices in captive greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 636-643.

Kollist H, Moldau H, E. Oksanen, Vapaavuori E (2001). Ascorbate transport from the the apoplast to the symplast in intact leaves. Physiologia Plantarum 113: 377-383.

Kollist H., Moldau H., Mortensen L., Rasmussen S.K., Jørgensen L.B. (2000) Ozone flux to plasmalemma in barley and wheat is controlled rather by stomata than by direct reaction of ozone with apoplastic ascorbate. Journal of Plant Physiology 156: 645-651.

Padu E., Moldau H., Kollist H. (2000) The effect of ozone on antioxidative reactions in apoplast and symplast of barley leaves. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter No. 14, April 2000, pp. 133-138.

Kollist H., MoldauH., Rasmussen S.K. and Mortensen L. (1998) The Effect of Reduced Light and Ozone on Apoplastic Ascorbate and Photosynthesis in the Leaves of Barley. Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects (ed. G. Garab). Kluwer Academic Publishers. Vol. IV, 2733-2736.

Kollist H., Moldau H., Mortensen L., Rasmussen S.K. and Jørgensen L.B. (1996) Ascorbate levels and ozone decay in cell walls of barley and wheat seedlings. Plant Peroxidases: Biochemistry and Physiology (eds. Obinger C, Burner U, Ebermann R, Penel C, Greppin H.), pp. 363-368.

Moldau H., Bichele I., Kollist H., Padu E. (1996) Enzymatic determination of ascorbic acid in leaf cell walls using acidic buffer during infiltration. Biologia Plantarum 38, 229-236.

last updated: 30.09.2005

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