[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Jonne |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Kotta |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikooli Eesti Mereinstituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 07.06.1972 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | kõrgem |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 01.01.2001-k.a. Eesti Mereinstituut, vanemteadur 22.03.1996-31.12.2000 Eesti Mereinstituut, teadur 01.01.1994-21.03.1996 Eesti Mereinstituut, nooremteadur 10.05.1993-31.12.1993 Eesti Mereinstituut, insener 01.09.2002-31.12.2003 Euroülikool, lektor 01.02.2002-31.05.2002 Euroülikool, lektor 30.01.2001-31.06.2001 Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool, lektor 16.02.1999-31.08.1999 BKA Saaremaa Keskus, mereökosüsteemide spetsialist 1.5.2001-1.6.2001, 10.8.2001-10.9.2001 Helsingi Ülikool, Soome, teadur, liikidevahelised interaktsioonid 1.6.2000-30.6.2000 Helsingi Ülikool, Soome, teadur, invasiooniökoloogia 1.10.1999-30.11.1999 Pariisi Loodusmuuseum, Prantsusmaa, teadur, troopiliste merede vabaeluviisiliste ümarusside süstemaatika 1.03.1999-30.6.1999 Stokholmi Ülikool, Rootsi, teadur, invasiooniökoloogia 1997-1999 (neli kolmenädalast tsüklit) Turu Ülikool, Soome, teadur, eksperimentaaltööd bentose- ja planktonikoosluste vahelistest interaktsioonidest 18.03.1996-30.09.1996 Taani Keskkonnau-uringute Instituut, Taani, teadur, karpide toitumise hindamine 1.09.1995-30.12.1995 Pariisi Loodusmuuseum, Prantsusmaa, teadur, troopiliste merede vabaeluviisiliste ümarusside süstemaatika |
8. | Teaduskraad | PhD |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 2000 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
HELCOM'i põhjaloomastiku töörühma (BEWG) esindaja, ICES uute liikide töörühma liige, ICES SGPROD töörühma liige, Eesti Malakoloogia Seltsi liige, Eesti Mereinstituudi teadusnõukogu liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Põhjaelustiku ruumiline ja ajaline varieeruvus, protsessuuringud, invasiooniökoloogia |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF grandi nr. 6015 juht, grandi nr 5927 põhitäitja, EL projektide LIFE, BALANCE ja MARBEF põhitäitja, sihtfinantseerimisprojekti 0182578s03 koordinaator |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Kotta, J., Jaanus, A., Kotta, I. 2005. Haapsalu and Matsalu Bay. In: "Ecology of Baltic Coastal waters". Schiewer, U. (ed.), Springer, in press. Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Simm, M., Lankov, A., Lauringson1, V., Põllumäe, A., Ojaveer, H. 2005. Ecological consequences of biological invasions: three invertebrate case studies in the north-eastern Baltic Sea. Helgoland Mar. Res. In press Kotta, J., Lauringson, V., Kotta, I. 2005. Role of functional diversity and physical environment on the response of zoobenthos communities to changing eutrophication. Hydrobiologia. In press Kotta, J., Lauringson, V., Martin, G., Simm, M., Kotta, I., Herkül, K., Ojaveer, H. 2005. Gulf of Riga and Pärnu Bay. In: "Ecology of Baltic Coastal waters". Schiewer, U. (ed.), Springer, in press. Kotta, J., Orav-Kotta, H., Paalme, T., Kotta, I., Kukk, H. 2005. Seasonal changes in situ grazing of the mesoherbivores Idotea baltica and Gammarus oceanicus on the brown algae Fucus vesiculosus and Pylaiella littoralis in the central Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia. In press Kotta, J., Orav-Kotta, H., Vuorinen, I. 2005. Field measurements on the variability in biodeposition and grazing pressure of suspension feeding bivalves in the northern Baltic Sea. In: R. Dame & S. Olenin (eds) The Comparative Roles of Suspension Feeders in Ecosystems. Springer, The Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 11–29. Lauringson, V., Kotta, J. 2005. Influence of the thin drift algal mats on the distribution of macrozoobenthos in Kõiguste Bay, NE Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia. In press Põllumäe, A., Kotta, J. 2005. Potential interactions between the introduced predatory cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi and the native zooplankton community. Hydrobiologia. In press Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kotta, J. 2005. Monitoring and assessment of the Estonian coastal sea in 1945–2003. In: Velner, H.-A. (ed.) Water protection of the Gulf of Finland and Estonian waterbodies. TUT Press, Tallinn, pp. 129–144. Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Orav-Kotta, H. 2004. Muuga lahe põhjaloomastik – looduslik muutlikkus ja inimmõju. Estonia Maritima, 6, 53–72. Kotta, J., Lauringson, V., Kotta, I. 2004. Role of benthic diversity and physical environment on the stability of zoobenthos communities along the eutrophication gradient. Biol. Mar. Medit., 11, 30. Kotta, J., Martin, G. 2004. Foreword to the special issue on the Estonian coastal sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 233–235. Kotta, J., Orav-Kotta, H., Sandberg-Kilpi, E. 2004. Changes in the feeding behaviour of benthic invertebrates: effect of the introduced polychaete Marenzelleria viridis on the Baltic clam Macoma balthica. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 269–275. Kotta, J., Simm, M., Kotta, I., Kanošina, I., Kallaste, K., Raid, T. 2004. Factors controlling long-term changes of the eutrophicated ecosystem of Pärnu Bay, Gulf of Riga. Hydrobiologia, 514, 259-268. Kotta, J., Torn, K., Martin, G., Orav-Kotta, H., Paalme, T. 2004. Seasonal variation of invertebrate grazing on Chara connivens and C. tomentosa in Kõiguste Bay, NE Baltic Sea. Helgoland Mar. Res., 58, 71–76. Martin, G., Kukk, E., Kukk, H., Kotta, J. 2004. Historical review of the literature on phytobenthic investigations in the Gulf of Riga. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 236–250. Orav-Kotta, H., Kotta, J. 2004. Food and habitat choice of the isopod Idotea baltica in the northeastern Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia, 514, 79-85. Orav-Kotta, H., Kotta, J., Kotta, I. 2004. Comparison of macrozoobenthic communities between the 1960s and the 1990s–2000s in the Väinameri, NE Baltic Sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 283–291. Paalme, T., Martin, G., Kotta, J., Kukk, H., Kaljurand, K. 2004. Distribution and dynamics of drifting macroalgal mats in Estonian coastal waters during 1995–2003. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 260–268. Kotta, I., Orav-Kotta, H, Kotta, J. 2003. Macrozoobenthos assemblages in highly productive areas of the Estonian coastal sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 149–165. Kotta, J. 2003. Foreword to the special issue on Estonian coastal ecosystems: state, processes, and development. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 83-84. Kotta, J., Martin, G., Torn, K. 2003. Benthic communities of four selected habitat types in the sea area of Lahemaa National Park, southern Gulf of Finland. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 236–253. Kotta, J., Ólafsson, E., 2003. Competition for food between the introduced exotic polychaete Marenzelleria viridis and the resident native amphipod Monoporeia affinis in the Baltic Sea. J. Sea Res., 342, 27-35. Kotta, J., Orav-Kotta, H., Paalme, T., Kotta, I., Kukk, H. 2003. Benthos studies in the Estonian coastal sea during 1998–2001. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 85–90. Martin G., Torn, K., Kotta, J., Orav-Kotta, H. 2003. Estonian marine phytobenthos monitoring programme: preliminary results and future perspectives. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 112–124. Ojaveer, H., Simm, M., Kotta, J. 2003. Tulnukliikide tähtsus globaliseeruvas maailmas: veeökosüsteemid. Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti IX Ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, 185 – 192. Orav-Kotta, H., Kotta, J. 2003. Seasonal variations in the grazing of Gammarus oceanicus, Idotea baltica, and Palaemon adspersus on benthic macroalgae. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 141–148. Pitkänen, H., Lehtoranta, J., Peltonen, H., Laine, A., Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Moskalenko, P., Mäkinen, A., Kangas, P., Perttilä, M., Kiirikki, M. 2003. Benthic release of phosphorus and its relation to environmental conditions in the estuarial Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea, in the early 2000s. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 173–192. Ceitlina, M., Kotta, J., 2002. Macrozoobenthos. Baltic Sea Environ. Proc., 82B, 94–97. Kotta, I., Kotta, J. 2002. Põhjaloomastik. Rmt.: Alasti maailm Kolga lahe saared. Peil, T., Ratas, U., Nilson, E. (toim.). Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda, Tallinn, 47–48. Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Kangas, P., Laine, A., Andersin, A.-B. 2002. Macrozoobenthos. Baltic Sea Environ. Proc., 82B, 83–86. Kotta, J., Møhlenberg, F. 2002. Grazing impact of Mytilus edulis and Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea estimated from biodeposition rates of algal pigments. Ann. Zool. Fenn., 39, 151-160. Paalme, T., Kukk, H., Kotta, J., Orav, H. 2002. “In vitro” and “in situ” decomposition of nuisance macroalgae Cladophora glomerata and Pilayella littoralis. Hydrobiologia, 475/476, 469–476. Zettler, M.L., Daunys, D., Kotta, J., Bick, A. 2002. History and success of an invasion into the Baltic Sea: the polychaete Marenzelleria cf. viridis, development and strategies. In: Leppäkoski, E., Gollasch, S. & Olenin, S. (eds.), Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe – Distribution, Impacts and Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands , 66–75. Kotta, I., Kotta, J. 2001. Distribution of mysids on the bank slopes in the Gulf of Riga. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 50, 14-21. Kotta, I., Kotta, J. 2001. Vertical migrations of mysids in the Gulf of Riga. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 50, 248–255. Kotta, J., Boucher, G. 2001. Interregional variation of free-living nematode assemblages in tropical coral sands. Cah. Biol. Mar., 42, 315–326. Kotta, J., Orav, H. 2001. Role of benthic macroalgae in regulating macrozoobenthic assemblages in the Väinameri (north-eastern Baltic Sea). Ann. Zool. Fennici, 38, 163-171. Kotta, J., Orav, H., Sandberg-Kilpi, E. 2001. Ecological consequence of the introduction of the polychaete Marenzelleria viridis into a shallow water biotope of the northern Baltic Sea. J. Sea Res., 46, 273–280. Kotta, J. 2000. First record of the talitrid amphipod Orchestia cavimana in the northern Baltic Sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 49, 2, 221–224. Kotta, J., Kotta, I. Viitasalo, I. 2000. Effect of diffuse and point source nutrient supply on the low diverse macrozoobenthic communities of the northern Baltic Sea. Bor. Envir. Res., 5, 235–242. Kotta, J., Paalme, T., Martin, G., Mäkinen, A. 2000. Major changes in macroalgae community composition affect the food and habitat preference of Idotea baltica. Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol., 85, 693–701. Orav, H., Kotta, J., Martin, G. 2000. Factors affecting the distribution of benthic invertebrates in the phytal zone of the north-eastern Baltic Sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 49, 253–269. Simm, M., Kotta, J. 2000. Changes in copper and cadmium content of male herring in relation to spawning. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 49, 327–334. Kotta, I., Kotta, J. 1999. Distribution and migration of mysids in the Gulf of Riga (Northern Baltic). Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 48, 4, 284–295. Kotta, J., Kotta, I. 1999. Benthic animal communities around Osmussaar Island. Estonia Maritima, 4, 133–142. Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Kask, J. 1999. Benthic animal communities of exposed bays in the outermost part of the Gulf of Finland. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 48, 2, 107–116. Ojaveer, H., Lankov, A., Eero, M., Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Lumberg, A. 1999. Changes in the ecosystem of the Gulf of Riga from the 1970s to the 1990s. ICES J. Mar. Sci., 56, 33–40. Kotta, J., Kotta, I. 1998. Distribution and invasion ecology of Marenzelleria viridis (Verrill) in the Estonian coastal waters. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 47, 3, 210–217. Kotta, J., Kotta, I. Martin G, Kukk H, 1998. A survey of data published on the littoral zoobenthos of the Gulf of Riga. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 47, 2, 83–97. Kotta, J., Orav, H., Kotta, I. 1998. Distribution and filtration activity of Zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) in the Gulf of Riga and the Gulf of Finland. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 47, 1, 32–41. Kotta, J., Kotta, I. 1995. The state of macrozoobenthos of Pärnu Bay in 1991 as compared to 1959-1960. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Ecol., 5, 26–37. |
viimati muudetud: 11.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Jonne |
2. | Surname | Kotta |
3. | Institution | Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu |
4. | Position | senior scientist |
5. | Date of birth | 07.06.1972 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | higher |
7. | Research and professional experience |
01.01.2001 to date Estonian Marine Institute, senior scientist 22.03.1996-31.12.2000 Estonian Marine Institute, scientist 01.01.1994-21.03.1996 Estonian Marine Institute, junior scientist 10.05.1993-31.12.1993 Estonian Marine Institute, technician 01.09.2002-31.12.2003 Eurouniversity, lector 01.02.2002-31.05.2002 Eurouniversity, lector 30.01.2001-31.06.2001 Tallinn Pedagogical University, lector 16.02.1999-31.08.1999 West Estonian Biosphere Reserve Area, specialist in marine ecosystems 1.5.2001-1.6.2001, 10.8.2001-10.9.2001 Helsingi University, Finland, scientist, interspecific interactions 1.6.2000-30.6.2000 Helsingi University, Finland, scientist, invasion ecology 1.10.1999-30.11.1999 Natural History Museum in Paris, France, scientist, ecology of freeliving marine nematodes in tropical seas 1.03.1999-30.6.1999 Stockholm University, Sweden, invasion ecology 1997-1999 (4 * 3 weeks) University of Turku, Finland, scientist, relationships between benthic and pelagic systems 18.03.1996-30.09.1996 National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark, scientist, suspension feeding of bivalves |
8. | Academic degree | PhD |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
2000, University of Tartu |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
HELCOM Benthic Ecology Working Group representative, ICES Nonindigeneous Species Working Group representative, ICES SGPROD representative, member of Estonian Malacological Society, a selected member of the council of Estonian Marine Institut |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | Spatial and temporal variation of benthic communities, process studies, invasion ecology |
14. | Current grant funding | Grant holder of ESF grant no. 6015, participating of ESF grant no. 5927, PI of EU projects LIFE, BALANCE and MARBEF, coordinator of the Estonian Target Financing Programme no 0182578s03 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Kotta, J., Jaanus, A., Kotta, I. 2005. Haapsalu and Matsalu Bay. In: "Ecology of Baltic Coastal waters". Schiewer, U. (ed.), Springer, in press. Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Simm, M., Lankov, A., Lauringson1, V., Põllumäe, A., Ojaveer, H. 2005. Ecological consequences of biological invasions: three invertebrate case studies in the north-eastern Baltic Sea. Helgoland Mar. Res. In press Kotta, J., Lauringson, V., Kotta, I. 2005. Role of functional diversity and physical environment on the response of zoobenthos communities to changing eutrophication. Hydrobiologia. In press Kotta, J., Lauringson, V., Martin, G., Simm, M., Kotta, I., Herkül, K., Ojaveer, H. 2005. Gulf of Riga and Pärnu Bay. In: "Ecology of Baltic Coastal waters". Schiewer, U. (ed.), Springer, in press. Kotta, J., Orav-Kotta, H., Paalme, T., Kotta, I., Kukk, H. 2005. Seasonal changes in situ grazing of the mesoherbivores Idotea baltica and Gammarus oceanicus on the brown algae Fucus vesiculosus and Pylaiella littoralis in the central Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia. In press Kotta, J., Orav-Kotta, H., Vuorinen, I. 2005. Field measurements on the variability in biodeposition and grazing pressure of suspension feeding bivalves in the northern Baltic Sea. In: R. Dame & S. Olenin (eds) The Comparative Roles of Suspension Feeders in Ecosystems. Springer, The Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 11–29. Lauringson, V., Kotta, J. 2005. Influence of the thin drift algal mats on the distribution of macrozoobenthos in Kõiguste Bay, NE Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia. In press Põllumäe, A., Kotta, J. 2005. Potential interactions between the introduced predatory cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi and the native zooplankton community. Hydrobiologia. In press Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kotta, J. 2005. Monitoring and assessment of the Estonian coastal sea in 1945–2003. In: Velner, H.-A. (ed.) Water protection of the Gulf of Finland and Estonian waterbodies. TUT Press, Tallinn, pp. 129–144. Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Orav-Kotta, H. 2004. Muuga lahe põhjaloomastik – looduslik muutlikkus ja inimmõju. Estonia Maritima, 6, 53–72. Kotta, J., Lauringson, V., Kotta, I. 2004. Role of benthic diversity and physical environment on the stability of zoobenthos communities along the eutrophication gradient. Biol. Mar. Medit., 11, 30. Kotta, J., Martin, G. 2004. Foreword to the special issue on the Estonian coastal sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 233–235. Kotta, J., Orav-Kotta, H., Sandberg-Kilpi, E. 2004. Changes in the feeding behaviour of benthic invertebrates: effect of the introduced polychaete Marenzelleria viridis on the Baltic clam Macoma balthica. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 269–275. Kotta, J., Simm, M., Kotta, I., Kanošina, I., Kallaste, K., Raid, T. 2004. Factors controlling long-term changes of the eutrophicated ecosystem of Pärnu Bay, Gulf of Riga. Hydrobiologia, 514, 259-268. Kotta, J., Torn, K., Martin, G., Orav-Kotta, H., Paalme, T. 2004. Seasonal variation of invertebrate grazing on Chara connivens and C. tomentosa in Kõiguste Bay, NE Baltic Sea. Helgoland Mar. Res., 58, 71–76. Martin, G., Kukk, E., Kukk, H., Kotta, J. 2004. Historical review of the literature on phytobenthic investigations in the Gulf of Riga. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 236–250. Orav-Kotta, H., Kotta, J. 2004. Food and habitat choice of the isopod Idotea baltica in the northeastern Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia, 514, 79-85. Orav-Kotta, H., Kotta, J., Kotta, I. 2004. Comparison of macrozoobenthic communities between the 1960s and the 1990s–2000s in the Väinameri, NE Baltic Sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 283–291. Paalme, T., Martin, G., Kotta, J., Kukk, H., Kaljurand, K. 2004. Distribution and dynamics of drifting macroalgal mats in Estonian coastal waters during 1995–2003. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 53, 260–268. Kotta, I., Orav-Kotta, H, Kotta, J. 2003. Macrozoobenthos assemblages in highly productive areas of the Estonian coastal sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 149–165. Kotta, J. 2003. Foreword to the special issue on Estonian coastal ecosystems: state, processes, and development. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 83-84. Kotta, J., Martin, G., Torn, K. 2003. Benthic communities of four selected habitat types in the sea area of Lahemaa National Park, southern Gulf of Finland. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 236–253. Kotta, J., Ólafsson, E., 2003. Competition for food between the introduced exotic polychaete Marenzelleria viridis and the resident native amphipod Monoporeia affinis in the Baltic Sea. J. Sea Res., 342, 27-35. Kotta, J., Orav-Kotta, H., Paalme, T., Kotta, I., Kukk, H. 2003. Benthos studies in the Estonian coastal sea during 1998–2001. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 85–90. Martin G., Torn, K., Kotta, J., Orav-Kotta, H. 2003. Estonian marine phytobenthos monitoring programme: preliminary results and future perspectives. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 112–124. Ojaveer, H., Simm, M., Kotta, J. 2003. Tulnukliikide tähtsus globaliseeruvas maailmas: veeökosüsteemid. Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti IX Ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, 185 – 192. Orav-Kotta, H., Kotta, J. 2003. Seasonal variations in the grazing of Gammarus oceanicus, Idotea baltica, and Palaemon adspersus on benthic macroalgae. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 141–148. Pitkänen, H., Lehtoranta, J., Peltonen, H., Laine, A., Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Moskalenko, P., Mäkinen, A., Kangas, P., Perttilä, M., Kiirikki, M. 2003. Benthic release of phosphorus and its relation to environmental conditions in the estuarial Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea, in the early 2000s. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 52, 173–192. Ceitlina, M., Kotta, J., 2002. Macrozoobenthos. Baltic Sea Environ. Proc., 82B, 94–97. Kotta, I., Kotta, J. 2002. Põhjaloomastik. Rmt.: Alasti maailm Kolga lahe saared. Peil, T., Ratas, U., Nilson, E. (toim.). Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda, Tallinn, 47–48. Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Kangas, P., Laine, A., Andersin, A.-B. 2002. Macrozoobenthos. Baltic Sea Environ. Proc., 82B, 83–86. Kotta, J., Møhlenberg, F. 2002. Grazing impact of Mytilus edulis and Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea estimated from biodeposition rates of algal pigments. Ann. Zool. Fenn., 39, 151-160. Paalme, T., Kukk, H., Kotta, J., Orav, H. 2002. “In vitro” and “in situ” decomposition of nuisance macroalgae Cladophora glomerata and Pilayella littoralis. Hydrobiologia, 475/476, 469–476. Zettler, M.L., Daunys, D., Kotta, J., Bick, A. 2002. History and success of an invasion into the Baltic Sea: the polychaete Marenzelleria cf. viridis, development and strategies. In: Leppäkoski, E., Gollasch, S. & Olenin, S. (eds.), Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe – Distribution, Impacts and Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands , 66–75. Kotta, I., Kotta, J. 2001. Distribution of mysids on the bank slopes in the Gulf of Riga. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 50, 14-21. Kotta, I., Kotta, J. 2001. Vertical migrations of mysids in the Gulf of Riga. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 50, 248–255. Kotta, J., Boucher, G. 2001. Interregional variation of free-living nematode assemblages in tropical coral sands. Cah. Biol. Mar., 42, 315–326. Kotta, J., Orav, H. 2001. Role of benthic macroalgae in regulating macrozoobenthic assemblages in the Väinameri (north-eastern Baltic Sea). Ann. Zool. Fennici, 38, 163-171. Kotta, J., Orav, H., Sandberg-Kilpi, E. 2001. Ecological consequence of the introduction of the polychaete Marenzelleria viridis into a shallow water biotope of the northern Baltic Sea. J. Sea Res., 46, 273–280. Kotta, J. 2000. First record of the talitrid amphipod Orchestia cavimana in the northern Baltic Sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 49, 2, 221–224. Kotta, J., Kotta, I. Viitasalo, I. 2000. Effect of diffuse and point source nutrient supply on the low diverse macrozoobenthic communities of the northern Baltic Sea. Bor. Envir. Res., 5, 235–242. Kotta, J., Paalme, T., Martin, G., Mäkinen, A. 2000. Major changes in macroalgae community composition affect the food and habitat preference of Idotea baltica. Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol., 85, 693–701. Orav, H., Kotta, J., Martin, G. 2000. Factors affecting the distribution of benthic invertebrates in the phytal zone of the north-eastern Baltic Sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 49, 253–269. Simm, M., Kotta, J. 2000. Changes in copper and cadmium content of male herring in relation to spawning. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 49, 327–334. Kotta, I., Kotta, J. 1999. Distribution and migration of mysids in the Gulf of Riga (Northern Baltic). Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 48, 4, 284–295. Kotta, J., Kotta, I. 1999. Benthic animal communities around Osmussaar Island. Estonia Maritima, 4, 133–142. Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Kask, J. 1999. Benthic animal communities of exposed bays in the outermost part of the Gulf of Finland. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 48, 2, 107–116. Ojaveer, H., Lankov, A., Eero, M., Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Lumberg, A. 1999. Changes in the ecosystem of the Gulf of Riga from the 1970s to the 1990s. ICES J. Mar. Sci., 56, 33–40. Kotta, J., Kotta, I. 1998. Distribution and invasion ecology of Marenzelleria viridis (Verrill) in the Estonian coastal waters. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 47, 3, 210–217. Kotta, J., Kotta, I. Martin G, Kukk H, 1998. A survey of data published on the littoral zoobenthos of the Gulf of Riga. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 47, 2, 83–97. Kotta, J., Orav, H., Kotta, I. 1998. Distribution and filtration activity of Zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) in the Gulf of Riga and the Gulf of Finland. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 47, 1, 32–41. Kotta, J., Kotta, I. 1995. The state of macrozoobenthos of Pärnu Bay in 1991 as compared to 1959-1960. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Ecol., 5, 26–37. |
last updated: 11.10.2005
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