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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Mihkel
2.Perekonnanimi Zilmer
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Arstiteaduskond, Biokeemia Instituut
4.Ametikoht Biokeemia Instituudi juhataja, meditsiinilise biokeemia korraline professor
5.Sünniaeg 15.12.1948 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kõrgem, Tartu Ülikool, 1971, Bioloogiageograafia teaduskonna ja arstiteaduskonna vaheline eriprogramm, (diplom: biokeemia erialal)
7.Teenistuskäik 1971-1974 Aspirantuur Arstiteaduskonnas (lõpetatud kandidaaditöö esitamisega); 1975-1978 Arstiteaduskonna Biokeemia kateedri nooremteadur; 1978-1979 Arstiteaduskonna hormonaalse regulatsiooni labori vanemteadur; 1979-1992 Arstiteaduskonna Biokeemia kateedri dotsent (1982, VAK dotsendi kutse); 1992-1997 Arstiteaduskonna Biokeemia instituudi (BI) korraline professor, üldise biokeemia õppetooli juhataja; 1994-k.a. Arstiteaduskonna BI juhataja; 1997-k.a. Arstiteaduskonna BI meditsiinilise biokeemia korraline professor, meditsiinilise biokeemia õppetooli juhataja
8.Teaduskraad Ph.D. (biokeemia); Meditsiinidoktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool; 1976;
Tartu Ülikool; 1992
10.Tunnustused 1997 TÜ Arstiteaduskonna medal (väga silmapaistva õppe- ja teadustöö eest), 1998 Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia; 1999 Eesti Vabariigi innovatsiooni peapreemia; 2001 TÜK teaduspreemia; 2002 Eesti Vabariigi orden; 2003 Arstiteaduskonna Innovatsioonipreemia; 2004 Eesti Kardioloogide Seltsi teaduspreemia; 2005 Tehnoloogiapreemia: Parim Tartu Ülikoolide leiutis (piimhappebakter ME3)
ja –administratiivne
Eesti ja Euroopa Tippkeskuse (CMCM) nõukogu liige; ORPHANET Eesti teaduskomitee liige; Eesti Teaduskompetentsi nõukogu liige; Society Free Radical Research liige; European Scientific Foundation expert, Rahvusvahelise Biokeemia Seltsi liige; TÜ nõukogu liige; Arstiteaduskonna nõukogu liige; Eesti Südameliidu nõukogu liige; Biokeemia Instituudi juhataja; Diabetes/Metabolism (research and reviews) referee; ILSI Europe ekspert; SA Geenikeskus asutajaliige; Eesti Entsüklopeedia meditsiinilise biokeemia artiklite autor; oponeerinud doktoritöid; Ravimiameti mittekoosseisuline ekspert meditsiinilise biokeemia alal; TÜ kahe tehnoloogiaprojekti arendamine; Eesti Vabariigi üliõpilaste teadustööde riikliku konkursi komisjoni liige; Eesti Vabariigi õpilasolümpiaadide žürii liige; Eesti Rukkiseltsi asepresident; Eesti toit nõukogu liige, Biomeedikumi nõukogu liige; Doktoritööde ja magistritööde kaitsmise nõukogu liige; Eesti Autorite ühingu liige. TÜ Akadeemilise Spordiklubi nõukogu liige; terve rea lühiajaliste Eesti Vabariigi, Tartu Ülikooli ja arstiteaduskonna komisjonide liige.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Piibe Muda, DSc, 2005, juh. Mihkel Zilmer. Hypertension and homocysteine: Associations between essential hypertension and homocysteine in treated and untreated hypertensive patients with and without coronary artery disease. Tartu Ülikool

Aune Rehema, DSc, 2004, juh. Mihkel Zilmer. Assessment of nonheam ferrous iron and glutathione redox ratio as markers of pathogenesity of oxidative stress in different clinical groups. Tartu Ülikool

Riina Mahlapuu, DSc, 2004, juh. Mihkel Zilmer ja Ülo Langel. Signalling of galanin and amyloid precursor protein through adenylate cyclase. Tartu Ülikool

Ülle Pechter, DSc, 2004, juh. Mihkel Zilmer, Jaak Maaroos, Mai Ots. Progression prevention strategies in chronic renal failure and hypertension. An experimental and clinical study.. Tartu Ülikool

Kalle Kilk, MSc, 2002, juh. Mihkel Zilmer ja Ülo Langel. Targeting of antisense PNA oligomers to galanin receptor type 1 mRNA. Tartu Ülikool

Maigi Eisen, DSc, 2002, juh. Mihkel Zilmer, Helgi Silm. Pathogenesis of contact dermatitis: participation of oxidative stress. Tartu Ülikool

Margus Annuk, DSc, 2002, juh. Mihkel Zilmer ja Bengt Fellström. Endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and oxidative stress in chronic renal failure. Uppsala

Peeter Tähepõld, MSc, 2001, juh. Joel Starkopf, Mihkel Zilmer. Myocardial protection by hypertension. Stockholm

Ursel Soomets, DSc, 2000, juh. Mihkel Zilmer ja Ülo Langel. Development of novel transport peptides and their application in antisense techniques. Stockholm

Andres Valkna, DSc, 1999, juh. Mihkel Zilmer. Interactions of galanin receptor with ligands and G-proteins: studies with synthetic peptides. Tartu Ülikool

Külliki Saar, MSc, 1998, juh. Mihkel Zilmer ja Ülo Langel. Synthetic peptides for investigation of interaction of galanin receptor and G protein. 1998. Tartu Ülikool

Joel Starkopf, DSc, 1997, juh. Mihkel Zilmer. Oxidative stress and ischaemia-reperfusion of the heart. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad 1. Peamised uurimisvaldkonnad on:
a) Haiguste patogeneesi ja teraapia biokeemilised mehhanismid, sh ka inimtoitumisega seotud põhiaspektid (eeskätt oksüdatiivse stressi ja haiguste patogeneesi seosed: ureemia, isheemia/reperfusiooni kahjustused ja kehavälise vereringe tingimustes teostatavad operatsioonid, ateroskleroos, kestev kurnav füüsiline koormus, prooksüdandid kui patogeneetilised faktorid, enneaegne vananemine). Koostöö (artiklid, doktorandid) Uppsala Ülikooliga, Karolinska haigla Torakaalkirurgia osakonnaga, Kuopio Ülikooliga, Trømso Ülikooliga ja TÜ arstiteaduskonna kliinikutega; b) uudsete (sh ka kimäärsete) peptiidide disain, süntees ja biokeemilis-neurokeemiline skriinimine, transgeensed ja antisense tehnoloogiad (ajukoe Na-pumba regulatsioon bioaktiivsete faktorite poolt: peptiidid kui perspektiivsed protektormolekulid, kimäärsed peptiidid kui perspektiivsed ravimid, knock-out süsteem ja peptiidid). Koostöö (artiklid, magistrandid, doktorandid) Stockholmi Ülikooli Neurokeemia ja Neurotoksikoloogia Instituudiga, Hyddinge Ülikooliga, USA Scrips uurimisinstituudiga, USA ülikooliga SUNY at Stony Brook, Pennsylvania Riikliku Ülikooliga, Karolinska Instituudi Biofüüsika ja Meditsiinilise Biokeemia instituudiga).
Teised uurimisprojektid: probiotic Lactobacillus ME3 for novel functional food (EAS); The 5th European Frame project: Functional assessment of interactions between the human gut microbiota and the Host (acronym EU AND MICROFUNCTION)
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF 5327 (lõpeb 2005.a.); Sihtfinantseerimine TARBK 0411

Atherosclerosis. Effects of stimulation of nitric oxide synthesis on large artery stiffness in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Kals, J, Kampus, P, Kals, M, Pulges, A, Teesalu, R, Zilmer, M , 2005 (in press)

Clinica Chimica Acta. Early postoperative function of the heart after coronary artery bypass grafting is not predicted by myocardial necrosis and glutathione-associated oxidative stress. Karu, I, Loit, R, Paapstel, A, Kairane, C, Zilmer, M, Strakopf, J, 2005 (in press).

Drug Design Reviews- Online. The glutathione system as an attractice therapeutic target. Zilmer, M, Soomets, U, Rehema, A, Langel, Ü. 2005, 2(2), 121-127.

In ”Methods in Molecular Biology”: “Peptide synthesis and applications”. Eds. J. Howl. Manual solid-phase synthesis of glutathione analogs: a laboratory-based short course. Humana Press, Soomets, U, Zilmer, M, Langel, Ü, 2005, pp.241-257.

Int J Obesity. Atherogenic inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in relation to owerweight values in male former athletes. Pihl, E, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar, T, Kairane, C, Mägi, A, Zilmer, M, (2005) (in press)

Medicina. Helicobacter pylori substantially increases oxidative stress in indomethacin-exposed rat gastric mucosa. Arend, A, Loime, L, Roosaar, P, Soom, M, Lõivukene, K, Sepp, E, Aunapuu, M, Zilmer, K, Selstam, G, Zilmer, M, 2005, 41, 343-347.

Nutr J. Evaluation of the functional efficacy of an antioxidative probiotic in healthy volunteers. Songisepp, E, Kals, J, Kullisaar, T, Hütt, P, Mändar, R, Zilmer, M, Mikelsaar, M, 2005,4,22 (on-line).

Arch Dermatology Res. Nickel sulphate and epoxy resin: differences in iron status and glutathione redox ration at the time of patch testing. Kaur, S, Zilmer, M, Eisen, M, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Zilmer. K. 2004,295, 517-520.

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. Allergic contact dermatitis is accompanied by severe abnormal chamges in antioxidativity of blood. Eisen, M, Kaur, S, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Zilmer, M. 2004,58,260-263.

Clin Oral Impl Res. Correlation of peri-implant health and myeloperoxidase levels: a cross-sectional clinical study. Liskmann, S, Zilmer, M, Vihalemm, T, Salum, O, Fischer, K. 2004,15, 546-552.

J Diary Sci. A New Probiotic Cheese with Anti¬oxidative and Antimicrobial Activity. Songisepp, E, Kullisaar, T, Hütt, P, Elias, P, Brilene, T, Zilmer, M, Mikelsaar, M. 2004,87,2017-2023.

J Hypertension. Effect of antihypertensive treatment with candersartan or amlodipine on glutathione and its redox status, homocysteine and vitamin concentrations in patients with essential hypertension. Muda, P, Kampus, P, Zilmer, M, Ristimäe, T, Fischer, K, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Teesalu, R. 2004,22,(7),1-7.

J Hypertension. High-sensitive C-reactive protein affects central haemodynamics and augmentation index apparently healthy persons. Kampus, P, Kals, J, Ristimäe,T, Fischer,K, Zilmer, M, Teesalu, R. 2004,22,(6) 1133-1139.

Medicina. Ferrous iron administration during pregnancy and adaptational oxidative stress (pilot study). Rehema, A, Zilmer, K, Klaar, U, Karro,H, Kullisaar, T, Zilmer, M. 2004,40,547-552.

Micr Ecol Health Dis. The influence of antibacterial and antioxidative probiotic lactobacilli on gut mucosa in a mouse model of Salmonella infection. Truusalu, K, Naber, P, Kullisaar, T, Tamm, H, Mikelsaar, R.-H, Zilmer, K, Rehema, A, Zilmer, M, Mikelsaar, M. 2004,16, 180-187.

Mol Brain Research. Amyloid precursor protein carboxy-terminal fragments modu¬late G-proteins and adenylate cyclase activty in Alzheimer’s disease brain. Mahlapuu, R, Viht, K, Balaspiri, L, Bogdanovic, N, Saar, K, Soomets, U, Land, T, Zilmer, M, Karelson, E, Langel, Ü. 2003,117,73-82.

Nephron Exp Nephrol. Oxidative stress status in kidney tissue after losartan and atenolol treatment in experimental renal failure. Pechter U, Aunapuu M, Riispere Z, Vihalemm T, Kullissaar T, Zilmer K, Zilmer M, Ots M. 2004,97,33-37.

Neuroscience Letters. An antioxidant tetrapeptide UPF1 in rats has a neuroprotective effect in transient global brain ischemia. Põder, P, Zilmer, M, Strarkopf, J, Kals, J, Talonpoika, A, Pulges, A, Langel, Ü, Kullisaar, T, Viirlaid, S, Mahalapuu, R, Zarkovski, A, Arend, A, Soomets, U. 204,370, 45-50.

Ann NY Acad Sci. Na-pump kinetic properties are differently altered in the brain regions of the cholecystokinin receptor-deficient mice. Roots,K, Kõks, S, Kairane, C, Karelson, E, Vasar E, Zilmer, M. Ann. N Y Acad. Sci. 2003,986,644-645.

Atherosclerosis. High-sensitive C-reactive protein level and oxidative stress-related status in former athletes in relation to traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Pihl, E, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar T, Kairane, C, Pulges, A, Zilmer, M. 2003, 171,321-326.

British J of Nutrition. Anti-oxidant probiotic fermented milk decreases oxidative stress-mediated atherogenicity in human. Kullisaar, T, Songisepp, Mikelsaar M, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, M. 2003,90,2,449-456.

Canadian J Zoology. Physiological effects of immune challenge in captive greenfinches (Carduelies chloris). Hõrak, P, Saks, L, Ots, I, Kullisaar, T, Kollist, H, Zilmer, M, 2003, 81,371-379.

Int J Rehabil Res. Beneficial effects of water-based exercise in patients with chronic kidney disease. Pechter U, Ots M, Mesikepp S, Zilmer K, Kullissaar T, Vihalemm T, Zilmer M, Maaroos J. 2003, 2, 153-156.

J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth Cardiology. Protective effect of antioxidants on pulmonary endothelial function after cardiopulmonary bypass. Angdin, M, Settergren, G, Strarkopf, J, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Vaage, J., 2003, 17, 314-320.

J Dermatol Sci. Emollient cream and topical glucocorticoid treatment of chronic hand dermatitis: influence on oxidative stress status of the skin. Kaur, S, Eisen, M, Zilmer, M, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, K. 2003,33,127-129.

J Diabetes & Complications. CC-chemokine receptor CCR mutation as a modifying pathogenetic factor in diabetes Type I. Kalev, I, Oselin, K, Pärlist, P, Zilmer, M, Podar, T, Mikelsaar, A., 2003,17,387-391.

J Hypertension. Homocysteine and red blood cell glutathione as indices for middle-aged untreated essential hypertension patients. Muda, P, Kampus, P, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Ristimäe, T, Fischer, K, Teesalu, R. 2003,21,2329-2333.

J of Applied Microbiology. Characterization of intestinal lactobacilli as putative probiotics can¬didates. Annuk, H, Shchepetova, J, Kullisaar, T, Songisepp, E, Zilmer,M, Mikelsaar, M, 2003, 94,403-412.

Kidney International. Endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and oxidative stress in chronic renal failure: impact on cardiovascular disease (review). Annuk, M, Zilmer, M, Fellström, B, 2003, 84, 50-53.

Scand J Surg. Is elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair accompanied by high grade oxidative stress? Põder, P, Pulges, A, Kals, J, Aavik, A, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar, T, Kairane, C, C, Zilmer, M. 2003,92,206-209.

Ann N.Y. Acad. Sci., Possible signalling by glutathione and its novel analogue through potent stimulation of frontocortical G-proteins in normal aging and in Alzheimer’s disease. Karelson, E, Mahlapuu, R, Zilmer, M, Soomets, U, Bogdanovic, N, Langel. Ü., 2002, 973, 537-540.

Cardiology. Changes of parameters of the functional state of the organism and oxidative stress in patients after surgical revascularization at early stage of restorative treatment. Arak-Lukmann, A, Maaroos, J, Landõr, A, Vider, J, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm, T, Kullissaar, T, Sulling, T, Eha, J. 2002,42,14-19.

FEBS Letters. Regulation of the frontocortical sodium pump by Na+ in Alzheimer’s disease: difference from the age-matched control but similarity to the rat model. Kairane, C, Roots, K, Uusma, T, Bogdanovic, N, Karelson, E, Kõks, S, Zilmer, M., 2002, 531,2, 241-244.

International J of Food Microbiology. Two antioxidative Lactobacillus strains as pro¬mising probiotics. Kullisaar, T, Zilmer, M, Mikelsaar, M, Vihalemm, T, Annuk, H, Kairane, C, Kilk, A., 2002, 72, 215-224.

International patent application 21.06.02, nr PCT/EE02/00006. M. Mikelsaar, M. Zilmer, T. Kullissaar, H. Annuk, E.Songisepp, owned by Tartu University, entitled “Lacto¬bacillus fermentum ME-3 as a novel antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic.”

Int J Rehabilitation Res. Oxidative stress before and after exercise conditioning in patients following revascularization of the myocardium. Arak-Lukmann, A, Zilmer, M, Maaroos, J, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm, T, Kullissaar, T, Vider, J., 2002,25 (4), 305-312.

JEADV. Oxidative stress in a reactive patch test area. Eisen, M, Kaur, S, Kullisaar, T, Rehema, A, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, M., 2002, 405-409.

Antioxidants & Redox Signalling. Physical exercise induces activation of NF-kB in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Vider, J, Laaksonen, D.E, Kilk, A, Atalay, M, Lehtmaa, J, Zilmer, M, Sen, C.K, 2001,3,1131-1137.

Clin Nephrol. Oxidative stress markers in preuremic patients. Annuk M, Fellström B, Åkerblom O, Zilmer M, Vihalemm T, Zilmer M. 2001, 56, 308-314.

Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. The Swedish APP670/671 Alzheimer’s Disease mutation: The first evidence for strikingly increased oxidative injury in the temporal inferior cortex. Bogdanovic, N, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Rehema, A, Karelson, E, 2001,12,364-370.

J American Society of Nephrology. Oxidative stress and endothelial function in chronic renal function. Annuk, M, Zilmer, M, Lind,L, Linde,T, Fellström,B. 2001, 12, 2747-2751.

J of Investigative Dermatology. Patients with allergic and irritant contact dermatitis are characterized by striking change of iron and oxidized glutathione status in nonlesional area of the skin. Kaur,S, Zilmer, M, Eisen,M, Kullisaar,T, Rehema,A, Vihalemm,T.2001,116,886-890.

Life Sciences. Pretreating rats with hyperoxia attenuates ischaemia-reperfusion injury of the heart. Tähepõld P, Valen G, Starkopf, Kairane C, Zilmer M, Vaage J., 2001, 68, 1629-1640.

Neurochemical Research. The cerebrocortical areas in normal brain aging and in Alzheimer’s disease: noticeable differences in the lipid peroxidation level and in antioxidant defence. Karelson, E, Bogdanovic, N, Garlind, A,Winblad, B,Zilmer,K,Kullisaar,T, Vihalemm, T, Kairane, C, Zilmer, M, 2001,26,353-361.

Patent application, June 29, 2001, In Estonia, application No. 0356/01PV, by M. Mikelsaar, M. Zilmer, T. Kullissaar, H. Annuk, E.Songisepp, owned by Tartu University, entitled “Lacto¬bacillus fermentum ME-3 as a novel antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic.”

Patent “Glutathione analogues and their use as antioxidants”, approved. Inventors : Ü. Langel, U.Soomets, E.Vasar, M.Zilmer, assignee : Vulpes Ltd., Estonia; 20. December, 2001; patent nr. AU7474501 (WO01/96369).

Patophysiology. Acute immune response in respect to exercise-induced oxidative stress. Vider, J, Lehtmaa, J, Kullisaar,T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer,K, Kairane,C, Landõr,A, Karu,T, Zilmer, M, 2001,7, 263-270.

viimati muudetud: 13.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Mihkel
2.Surname Zilmer
3.Institution Dept of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Tartu University
4.Position Tartu University (TU), Faculty of Medicine, Head of Dept of Biochemistry, full professor of medical biochemistry
5.Date of birth 15.12.1948 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1971 TU (speciality: Biochemistry)
7.Research and
professional experience
1971-1974 Postgraduate course in Faculty of Medicine, TU; 1975-1978 Junior Reseacher in Faculty of Medicine, Dept of Biochemistry; 1978-1979 Senior Reseacher, TU, laboratory of hormonal regulation; 1979-1992 Ass. Prof. in Faculty of Medicine, Dept of Biochemistry; 1992-1997 Professor of General Biochemistry, Head of Chair of General Biochemistry, Dept of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine; 1994-now Head of Dept of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine; 1997-now Professor of Medical Biochemistry, Head of Chair of Medical Biochemistry, Dept of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, TU.
8.Academic degree PhD (Biochemistry) and
Doctor of Medical Sciences
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1976 PhD (Biochemistry), TU
1992 Doctor of Medical Sciences (TU)
10.Honours/awards 1997 The highest award (medal) of Faculty of Medicine, TU (in the field of science and teaching), 1998 The highest scientific award of Estonian Republic (in the field of medicine); 1999 The highest award (the best innovation project) of Estonian Republic; 2001 The highest scientific award of TU Clinicum, 2002 Order of Estonian Republic; 2003 The highest award in the field of innovation (TU, Faculty of Medicine); 2004 The highest scientific award of Estonian Cardiac Society; 2005 Technology/innovation award the best invention of Tartu Universities (ME3)
Scientific Meeting Organization: two international and 5 republic conferences/congresses; Membership: Member of Council both of European and Estonian Centre of Excellence for Molecular and Clinical Medicine; Research Competence Council (Estonian Ministry Education and Research); International Union of Biochemistry, International scientific organization “Society of Free Radicals Research”; Estonian Scientific Committee of ORPHANET, Member and co-head of International Research Project “KIRT” (between Karolinska Institute and TU). Referee/expert/opponent: Estonian Research Competence Council (Estonian Ministry Education and Research); "Diabetes/Metabolism (research and reviews)”, Estonian Science Foundation, Estonian Drug Administration (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants), ILSI, Four Doctoral Dissertations; Biosensors for narcotics (project: Stockholm University - Dept of Biochemistry, TU), Estonia Government Commission on novel food. Other activities: Author of articles for Estonian Encyclopedia (in the field of Medical Biochemistry); development of two innovative technological projects of TU.
12.Supervised dissertations

Piibe Muda, DSc, 2005, superv. Mihkel Zilmer. Hypertension and homocysteine: Associations between essential hypertension and homocysteine in treated and untreated hypertensive patients with and without coronary artery disease. Tartu Ülikool

Aune Rehema, DSc, 2004, superv. Mihkel Zilmer. Assessment of nonheam ferrous iron and glutathione redox ratio as markers of pathogenesity of oxidative stress in different clinical groups. Tartu Ülikool

Riina Mahlapuu, DSc, 2004, superv. Mihkel Zilmer ja Ülo Langel. Signalling of galanin and amyloid precursor protein through adenylate cyclase. Tartu Ülikool

Ülle Pechter, DSc, 2004, superv. Mihkel Zilmer, Jaak Maaroos, Mai Ots. Progression prevention strategies in chronic renal failure and hypertension. An experimental and clinical study.. Tartu Ülikool

Kalle Kilk, MSc, 2002, superv. Mihkel Zilmer ja Ülo Langel. Targeting of antisense PNA oligomers to galanin receptor type 1 mRNA. Tartu Ülikool

Maigi Eisen, DSc, 2002, superv. Mihkel Zilmer, Helgi Silm. Pathogenesis of contact dermatitis: participation of oxidative stress. Tartu Ülikool

Margus Annuk, DSc, 2002, superv. Mihkel Zilmer ja Bengt Fellström. Endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and oxidative stress in chronic renal failure. Uppsala

Peeter Tähepõld, MSc, 2001, superv. Joel Starkopf, Mihkel Zilmer. Myocardial protection by hypertension. Stockholm

Ursel Soomets, DSc, 2000, superv. Mihkel Zilmer ja Ülo Langel. Development of novel transport peptides and their application in antisense techniques. Stockholm

Andres Valkna, DSc, 1999, superv. Mihkel Zilmer. Interactions of galanin receptor with ligands and G-proteins: studies with synthetic peptides. Tartu Ülikool

Külliki Saar, MSc, 1998, superv. Mihkel Zilmer ja Ülo Langel. Synthetic peptides for investigation of interaction of galanin receptor and G protein. 1998. Tartu Ülikool

Joel Starkopf, DSc, 1997, superv. Mihkel Zilmer. Oxidative stress and ischaemia-reperfusion of the heart. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program a) Molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis of diseases (oxidative stress as pathogenetic and adaptive phenomenon; antioxidativity of drugs, oxidative stress and probiotics, oxidative stress and ageing). Cooperation (articles, doctorants) with Karolinska Institute (KEMP); Karolinska Hospital, Department of Cardiac Surgery; Huddinge Hospital, Institute of Geriatry; Uppsala University; Kuopio University and with TU clinics b) Molecular medicine in the field of neurochemistry (novel, including chimeric peptides as regulators and possible parents molecules or protectormolecules). Co-operation (articles, doctorants, regular workshops) with University of Stockholm, Institute of Neurochemistry and Neurotoxicology Research; USA, SUNY at Stony Brook; Scrips Research Institute; Huddinge Hospital, Institute of Geriatry.
14.Current grant funding ESF Grant 5327 (ends in 2005); TARBK 0411 Targeted financing Ministry of Education: Oxidative stress as pathogenetic and adaptive phenomenon
15.List of most important publications

Atherosclerosis. Effects of stimulation of nitric oxide synthesis on large artery stiffness in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Kals, J, Kampus, P, Kals, M, Pulges, A, Teesalu, R, Zilmer, M , 2005 (in press)

Clinica Chimica Acta. Early postoperative function of the heart after coronary artery bypass grafting is not predicted by myocardial necrosis and glutathione-associated oxidative stress. Karu, I, Loit, R, Paapstel, A, Kairane, C, Zilmer, M, Strakopf, J, 2005 (in press).

Drug Design Reviews- Online. The glutathione system as an attractice therapeutic target. Zilmer, M, Soomets, U, Rehema, A, Langel, Ü. 2005, 2(2), 121-127.

In ”Methods in Molecular Biology”: “Peptide synthesis and applications”. Eds. J. Howl. Manual solid-phase synthesis of glutathione analogs: a laboratory-based short course. Humana Press, Soomets, U, Zilmer, M, Langel, Ü, 2005, pp.241-257.

Int J Obesity. Atherogenic inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in relation to owerweight values in male former athletes. Pihl, E, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar, T, Kairane, C, Mägi, A, Zilmer, M, (2005) (in press)

Medicina. Helicobacter pylori substantially increases oxidative stress in indomethacin-exposed rat gastric mucosa. Arend, A, Loime, L, Roosaar, P, Soom, M, Lõivukene, K, Sepp, E, Aunapuu, M, Zilmer, K, Selstam, G, Zilmer, M, 2005, 41, 343-347.

Nutr J. Evaluation of the functional efficacy of an antioxidative probiotic in healthy volunteers. Songisepp, E, Kals, J, Kullisaar, T, Hütt, P, Mändar, R, Zilmer, M, Mikelsaar, M, 2005,4,22 (on-line).

Arch Dermatology Res. Nickel sulphate and epoxy resin: differences in iron status and glutathione redox ration at the time of patch testing. Kaur, S, Zilmer, M, Eisen, M, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Zilmer. K. 2004,295, 517-520.

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. Allergic contact dermatitis is accompanied by severe abnormal chamges in antioxidativity of blood. Eisen, M, Kaur, S, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Zilmer, M. 2004,58,260-263.

Clin Oral Impl Res. Correlation of peri-implant health and myeloperoxidase levels: a cross-sectional clinical study. Liskmann, S, Zilmer, M, Vihalemm, T, Salum, O, Fischer, K. 2004,15, 546-552.

J Diary Sci. A New Probiotic Cheese with Anti¬oxidative and Antimicrobial Activity. Songisepp, E, Kullisaar, T, Hütt, P, Elias, P, Brilene, T, Zilmer, M, Mikelsaar, M. 2004,87,2017-2023.

J Hypertension. Effect of antihypertensive treatment with candersartan or amlodipine on glutathione and its redox status, homocysteine and vitamin concentrations in patients with essential hypertension. Muda, P, Kampus, P, Zilmer, M, Ristimäe, T, Fischer, K, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Teesalu, R. 2004,22,(7),1-7.

J Hypertension. High-sensitive C-reactive protein affects central haemodynamics and augmentation index apparently healthy persons. Kampus, P, Kals, J, Ristimäe,T, Fischer,K, Zilmer, M, Teesalu, R. 2004,22,(6) 1133-1139.

Medicina. Ferrous iron administration during pregnancy and adaptational oxidative stress (pilot study). Rehema, A, Zilmer, K, Klaar, U, Karro,H, Kullisaar, T, Zilmer, M. 2004,40,547-552.

Micr Ecol Health Dis. The influence of antibacterial and antioxidative probiotic lactobacilli on gut mucosa in a mouse model of Salmonella infection. Truusalu, K, Naber, P, Kullisaar, T, Tamm, H, Mikelsaar, R.-H, Zilmer, K, Rehema, A, Zilmer, M, Mikelsaar, M. 2004,16, 180-187.

Mol Brain Research. Amyloid precursor protein carboxy-terminal fragments modu¬late G-proteins and adenylate cyclase activty in Alzheimer’s disease brain. Mahlapuu, R, Viht, K, Balaspiri, L, Bogdanovic, N, Saar, K, Soomets, U, Land, T, Zilmer, M, Karelson, E, Langel, Ü. 2003,117,73-82.

Nephron Exp Nephrol. Oxidative stress status in kidney tissue after losartan and atenolol treatment in experimental renal failure. Pechter U, Aunapuu M, Riispere Z, Vihalemm T, Kullissaar T, Zilmer K, Zilmer M, Ots M. 2004,97,33-37.

Neuroscience Letters. An antioxidant tetrapeptide UPF1 in rats has a neuroprotective effect in transient global brain ischemia. Põder, P, Zilmer, M, Strarkopf, J, Kals, J, Talonpoika, A, Pulges, A, Langel, Ü, Kullisaar, T, Viirlaid, S, Mahalapuu, R, Zarkovski, A, Arend, A, Soomets, U. 204,370, 45-50.

Ann NY Acad Sci. Na-pump kinetic properties are differently altered in the brain regions of the cholecystokinin receptor-deficient mice. Roots,K, Kõks, S, Kairane, C, Karelson, E, Vasar E, Zilmer, M. Ann. N Y Acad. Sci. 2003,986,644-645.

Atherosclerosis. High-sensitive C-reactive protein level and oxidative stress-related status in former athletes in relation to traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Pihl, E, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar T, Kairane, C, Pulges, A, Zilmer, M. 2003, 171,321-326.

British J of Nutrition. Anti-oxidant probiotic fermented milk decreases oxidative stress-mediated atherogenicity in human. Kullisaar, T, Songisepp, Mikelsaar M, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, M. 2003,90,2,449-456.

Canadian J Zoology. Physiological effects of immune challenge in captive greenfinches (Carduelies chloris). Hõrak, P, Saks, L, Ots, I, Kullisaar, T, Kollist, H, Zilmer, M, 2003, 81,371-379.

Int J Rehabil Res. Beneficial effects of water-based exercise in patients with chronic kidney disease. Pechter U, Ots M, Mesikepp S, Zilmer K, Kullissaar T, Vihalemm T, Zilmer M, Maaroos J. 2003, 2, 153-156.

J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth Cardiology. Protective effect of antioxidants on pulmonary endothelial function after cardiopulmonary bypass. Angdin, M, Settergren, G, Strarkopf, J, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Vaage, J., 2003, 17, 314-320.

J Dermatol Sci. Emollient cream and topical glucocorticoid treatment of chronic hand dermatitis: influence on oxidative stress status of the skin. Kaur, S, Eisen, M, Zilmer, M, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, K. 2003,33,127-129.

J Diabetes & Complications. CC-chemokine receptor CCR mutation as a modifying pathogenetic factor in diabetes Type I. Kalev, I, Oselin, K, Pärlist, P, Zilmer, M, Podar, T, Mikelsaar, A., 2003,17,387-391.

J Hypertension. Homocysteine and red blood cell glutathione as indices for middle-aged untreated essential hypertension patients. Muda, P, Kampus, P, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Ristimäe, T, Fischer, K, Teesalu, R. 2003,21,2329-2333.

J of Applied Microbiology. Characterization of intestinal lactobacilli as putative probiotics can¬didates. Annuk, H, Shchepetova, J, Kullisaar, T, Songisepp, E, Zilmer,M, Mikelsaar, M, 2003, 94,403-412.

Kidney International. Endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and oxidative stress in chronic renal failure: impact on cardiovascular disease (review). Annuk, M, Zilmer, M, Fellström, B, 2003, 84, 50-53.

Scand J Surg. Is elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair accompanied by high grade oxidative stress? Põder, P, Pulges, A, Kals, J, Aavik, A, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar, T, Kairane, C, C, Zilmer, M. 2003,92,206-209.

Ann N.Y. Acad. Sci., Possible signalling by glutathione and its novel analogue through potent stimulation of frontocortical G-proteins in normal aging and in Alzheimer’s disease. Karelson, E, Mahlapuu, R, Zilmer, M, Soomets, U, Bogdanovic, N, Langel. Ü., 2002, 973, 537-540.

Cardiology. Changes of parameters of the functional state of the organism and oxidative stress in patients after surgical revascularization at early stage of restorative treatment. Arak-Lukmann, A, Maaroos, J, Landõr, A, Vider, J, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm, T, Kullissaar, T, Sulling, T, Eha, J. 2002,42,14-19.

FEBS Letters. Regulation of the frontocortical sodium pump by Na+ in Alzheimer’s disease: difference from the age-matched control but similarity to the rat model. Kairane, C, Roots, K, Uusma, T, Bogdanovic, N, Karelson, E, Kõks, S, Zilmer, M., 2002, 531,2, 241-244.

International J of Food Microbiology. Two antioxidative Lactobacillus strains as pro¬mising probiotics. Kullisaar, T, Zilmer, M, Mikelsaar, M, Vihalemm, T, Annuk, H, Kairane, C, Kilk, A., 2002, 72, 215-224.

International patent application 21.06.02, nr PCT/EE02/00006. M. Mikelsaar, M. Zilmer, T. Kullissaar, H. Annuk, E.Songisepp, owned by Tartu University, entitled “Lacto¬bacillus fermentum ME-3 as a novel antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic.”

Int J Rehabilitation Res. Oxidative stress before and after exercise conditioning in patients following revascularization of the myocardium. Arak-Lukmann, A, Zilmer, M, Maaroos, J, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm, T, Kullissaar, T, Vider, J., 2002,25 (4), 305-312.

JEADV. Oxidative stress in a reactive patch test area. Eisen, M, Kaur, S, Kullisaar, T, Rehema, A, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, M., 2002, 405-409.

Antioxidants & Redox Signalling. Physical exercise induces activation of NF-kB in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Vider, J, Laaksonen, D.E, Kilk, A, Atalay, M, Lehtmaa, J, Zilmer, M, Sen, C.K, 2001,3,1131-1137.

Clin Nephrol. Oxidative stress markers in preuremic patients. Annuk M, Fellström B, Åkerblom O, Zilmer M, Vihalemm T, Zilmer M. 2001, 56, 308-314.

Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. The Swedish APP670/671 Alzheimer’s Disease mutation: The first evidence for strikingly increased oxidative injury in the temporal inferior cortex. Bogdanovic, N, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Rehema, A, Karelson, E, 2001,12,364-370.

J American Society of Nephrology. Oxidative stress and endothelial function in chronic renal function. Annuk, M, Zilmer, M, Lind,L, Linde,T, Fellström,B. 2001, 12, 2747-2751.

J of Investigative Dermatology. Patients with allergic and irritant contact dermatitis are characterized by striking change of iron and oxidized glutathione status in nonlesional area of the skin. Kaur,S, Zilmer, M, Eisen,M, Kullisaar,T, Rehema,A, Vihalemm,T.2001,116,886-890.

Life Sciences. Pretreating rats with hyperoxia attenuates ischaemia-reperfusion injury of the heart. Tähepõld P, Valen G, Starkopf, Kairane C, Zilmer M, Vaage J., 2001, 68, 1629-1640.

Neurochemical Research. The cerebrocortical areas in normal brain aging and in Alzheimer’s disease: noticeable differences in the lipid peroxidation level and in antioxidant defence. Karelson, E, Bogdanovic, N, Garlind, A,Winblad, B,Zilmer,K,Kullisaar,T, Vihalemm, T, Kairane, C, Zilmer, M, 2001,26,353-361.

Patent application, June 29, 2001, In Estonia, application No. 0356/01PV, by M. Mikelsaar, M. Zilmer, T. Kullissaar, H. Annuk, E.Songisepp, owned by Tartu University, entitled “Lacto¬bacillus fermentum ME-3 as a novel antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic.”

Patent “Glutathione analogues and their use as antioxidants”, approved. Inventors : Ü. Langel, U.Soomets, E.Vasar, M.Zilmer, assignee : Vulpes Ltd., Estonia; 20. December, 2001; patent nr. AU7474501 (WO01/96369).

Patophysiology. Acute immune response in respect to exercise-induced oxidative stress. Vider, J, Lehtmaa, J, Kullisaar,T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer,K, Kairane,C, Landõr,A, Karu,T, Zilmer, M, 2001,7, 263-270.

last updated: 13.09.2005

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