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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Medhat
2.Perekonnanimi Hussainov
3.Töökoht TTÜ Mitmefaasiliste keskkondade füüsika teaduslaboratoorium
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 15.01.1956 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgem
7.Teenistuskäik 1974 - 1980 - Leningradi Polütehniline Instituut, aerodünaamika ja termodünaamika
1980 - 1981 - Moskva Soojusprotsesside Instituudi Uraali filiaal, insener
1981 - 1987 - Tuumafüüsika Instituut, Leningrad, teadur
1987 - 1988 - Tallinna Tootmiskoondis "Tööstusaparaat", insener
1988 - 1991 - Eesti Energeetika Instituut, insenerkonstruktor
1991 - 2002 - Eesti Energeetika Instituut, teadur
2002 – 2003 – TTÜ Eesti Energeetika Instituut, teadur
2004 - 2005 - TTÜ Mitmefaasiliste keskkondade füüsika teaduslaboratoorium, teadur
2005 - - TTÜ Mitmefaasiliste keskkondade füüsika teaduslaboratoorium, vanemteadur
8.Teaduskraad tehnikateaduste doktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 15.03.2005
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad SF0812526s03 "Disperssete (gaas-tahked osakesed) vooluste teooria arendamine ja rakendused energeetikas"
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant G5866 “Osakeste kontsentratsiooni spetsiifika turbulentsetes kahefaasilistes voolamistes”

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Rudi, U., Shcheglov, I., Tisler, S. (2005). Experimental study of the effect of velocity slip and mass loading on the modification of grid-generated turbulence in gas-solid particles flows. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng., 11(2), 169-180.

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Shcheglov, I., Stock, D.E., Tisler, S. (2005). An experimental study of the grid-generated turbulence in a two-phase flow – the control of the velocity slip. Proc. 11th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions, Merseburg, April 5-8.

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Shcheglov, I., Rudi, Ü., Tisler, S. (2004). An experimental investigation of effect of the velocity slip on modification of the grid-generated turbulence in a gas-solid particles flow. Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, Pisa, Italy, September 22–25, I-417.

Hussainov, M. T., Kartushinsky, A. I., Rudi, Y. A., Shcheglov, I. N., Tisler, S. V. (2004). An experimental study of effect of particles on a turbulence of gas in a gas-solid particles flows. Proc. NATO ASI, Flow and Transport Processes in Complex Obstructed Geometries: from cities and vegetative canopies to industrial problems, Kyiv, Ukraine, May 4 - 15, 108-109.

Dushenko, V., Hussainov, M., Shcheglov, I., Tiikma, T. (2003). Formation of aerosol particles by low-frequency sound stimulated combustion. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng., 9(2), 137-147.

Lepparanta, M., Reinart, A., Erm, A., Arst, H., Hussainov, M., & Sipelgas, L. (2003). Investigation of Ice and Water Properties and Under-Ice Light Fields in Fresh and Brackish Water Bodies. Nordic Hydrology, 34(3), 245-266.

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Tisler, S. (2002). Experimental study of adhesive behaviour of pair “solid particle–streamlined surface”. Proc. 10th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions, Merseburg, Germany, April 9–12, 401–405.

Erm, A., Arst, H., Trei, T., Reinart, A., Hussainov, M. (2001). Optical and biological properties of Lake Ülemiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn I: Water transparency and optically active substances in the water, Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 6, 63-74.

Graham, D.I., Kartushinsky, A., Hussainov, M., Shcheglov, I. (2001). The statistics of extreme concentrations in particle-laden grid turbulence. Proc. ICMF-2001, 4th International Conference on Multiphase flow, New Orleans LA, USA, May 27 to June 1, CD-ROM icmf438.

Kartushinsky, A., Hussainov, M., Shcheglov, I., Tisler, S., Graham, D.I. (2001). Modulation of grid turbulence by small particles. Proc. ICMF-2001, 4th International Conference on Multiphase flow, New Orleans LA, USA, May 27 to June 1, CD-ROM icmf472.

Reinart, A., Arst, H., Erm, A., Trei, T, Hussainov, M. (2001). Optical and biological properties of Lake Ülimiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn I: Light climate in Lake Ülemiste, Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 6, 75-84.

Arst, H., Reinart, A., Erm, A., Hussainov, M. (2000). Influence of the depth-dependence of the PAR region diffuse attenuation coefficient on the computation results of the downward irradiance in different type of water bodies. Geophysica, 36, 132–145.

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Rudi, Ü., Shcheglov, I., Kohnen, G., & Sommerfeld, M. (2000). Experimental Investigation of Turbulence Modulation by Solid Particles in a Grid-Generated Vertical Flow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 21(3), 365-373.

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Rudi, Ü., Shcheglov, I., Kohnen, G., Sommerfeld, M. (2000). Experimental results of turbulence modulation by rough solid particles in a grid-generated flow. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Engineering, 6(3), 217-229.

Kaplanski, F., Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Rudi, Ü. (2000). Flow near the hemispherical depressions. Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 11(6), 407-417.

Sommerfeld, A. I. Kartushinskii, G. Kohnen, Yu. A. Rudi, М. T. Khusainov, I. N. Shcheglov (2000). Experimental investigation of the effect of coarse particles on decaying grid-generated turbulence in a two-phase flow. Fluid Dynamics, 35(6), 872-882

Frishman, F., Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., & Rudi, Ü. (1999). Distribution Characteristics of the Mass Concentration of Coarse Solid Particles in a Two-Phase Turbulent Jet. Journal of Aerosol Science, 30(1), 51-69.

Frishman, F., Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., & Mulgi, A. (1997). Numerical Simulation of a Two-Phase Turbulent Pipe-Jet Flow Loaded With Polydispersed Solid Admixture. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 23(4), 765-796.

viimati muudetud: 11.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Medhat
2.Surname Hussainov
3.Institution TUT Laboratory of Multiphase Media Physics
4.Position senior researcher
5.Date of birth 15.01.1956 (day.month.year)
6.Education higher
7.Research and
professional experience
1974 - 1980 - Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, diploma engineer-physicist in aerodynamics and thermodynamics
1980 - 1981 - Institute of Thermal Processes of Moscow, engineer
1981 - 1987 - Nuclear Physics Institute of Leningrad, researcher
1987 - 1988 - NPO “Prompribor”, engineer
1988 - 1991 - Energy Research Institute, design engineer
1991 - 2002 - Estonian Energy Research Institute, researcher
2002 – 2003 - TUT Estonian Energy Research Institute, researcher
2004 - 2005 - TUT Laboratory of Multiphase Media Physics, researcher
2005 - - TUT Laboratory of Multiphase Media Physics, senior researcher
8.Academic degree Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Tallinn University of Technology, 15.03.2005
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program SF0812526s03 "Development of theory of the two-phase gas-solid particles flows and applications to power engineering"
14.Current grant funding ETF grant G5866 "The particles clustering in turbulent two-phase flows"
15.List of most important publications

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Rudi, U., Shcheglov, I., Tisler, S. (2005). Experimental study of the effect of velocity slip and mass loading on the modification of grid-generated turbulence in gas-solid particles flows. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng., 11(2), 169-180.

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Shcheglov, I., Stock, D.E., Tisler, S. (2005). An experimental study of the grid-generated turbulence in a two-phase flow – the control of the velocity slip. Proc. 11th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions, Merseburg, April 5-8.

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Shcheglov, I., Rudi, Ü., Tisler, S. (2004). An experimental investigation of effect of the velocity slip on modification of the grid-generated turbulence in a gas-solid particles flow. Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, Pisa, Italy, September 22–25, I-417.

Hussainov, M. T., Kartushinsky, A. I., Rudi, Y. A., Shcheglov, I. N., Tisler, S. V. (2004). An experimental study of effect of particles on a turbulence of gas in a gas-solid particles flows. Proc. NATO ASI, Flow and Transport Processes in Complex Obstructed Geometries: from cities and vegetative canopies to industrial problems, Kyiv, Ukraine, May 4 - 15, 108-109.

Dushenko, V., Hussainov, M., Shcheglov, I., Tiikma, T. (2003). Formation of aerosol particles by low-frequency sound stimulated combustion. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng., 9(2), 137-147.

Lepparanta, M., Reinart, A., Erm, A., Arst, H., Hussainov, M., & Sipelgas, L. (2003). Investigation of Ice and Water Properties and Under-Ice Light Fields in Fresh and Brackish Water Bodies. Nordic Hydrology, 34(3), 245-266.

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Tisler, S. (2002). Experimental study of adhesive behaviour of pair “solid particle–streamlined surface”. Proc. 10th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions, Merseburg, Germany, April 9–12, 401–405.

Erm, A., Arst, H., Trei, T., Reinart, A., Hussainov, M. (2001). Optical and biological properties of Lake Ülemiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn I: Water transparency and optically active substances in the water, Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 6, 63-74.

Graham, D.I., Kartushinsky, A., Hussainov, M., Shcheglov, I. (2001). The statistics of extreme concentrations in particle-laden grid turbulence. Proc. ICMF-2001, 4th International Conference on Multiphase flow, New Orleans LA, USA, May 27 to June 1, CD-ROM icmf438.

Kartushinsky, A., Hussainov, M., Shcheglov, I., Tisler, S., Graham, D.I. (2001). Modulation of grid turbulence by small particles. Proc. ICMF-2001, 4th International Conference on Multiphase flow, New Orleans LA, USA, May 27 to June 1, CD-ROM icmf472.

Reinart, A., Arst, H., Erm, A., Trei, T, Hussainov, M. (2001). Optical and biological properties of Lake Ülimiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn I: Light climate in Lake Ülemiste, Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 6, 75-84.

Arst, H., Reinart, A., Erm, A., Hussainov, M. (2000). Influence of the depth-dependence of the PAR region diffuse attenuation coefficient on the computation results of the downward irradiance in different type of water bodies. Geophysica, 36, 132–145.

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Rudi, Ü., Shcheglov, I., Kohnen, G., & Sommerfeld, M. (2000). Experimental Investigation of Turbulence Modulation by Solid Particles in a Grid-Generated Vertical Flow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 21(3), 365-373.

Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Rudi, Ü., Shcheglov, I., Kohnen, G., Sommerfeld, M. (2000). Experimental results of turbulence modulation by rough solid particles in a grid-generated flow. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Engineering, 6(3), 217-229.

Kaplanski, F., Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., Rudi, Ü. (2000). Flow near the hemispherical depressions. Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 11(6), 407-417.

Sommerfeld, A. I. Kartushinskii, G. Kohnen, Yu. A. Rudi, М. T. Khusainov, I. N. Shcheglov (2000). Experimental investigation of the effect of coarse particles on decaying grid-generated turbulence in a two-phase flow. Fluid Dynamics, 35(6), 872-882

Frishman, F., Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., & Rudi, Ü. (1999). Distribution Characteristics of the Mass Concentration of Coarse Solid Particles in a Two-Phase Turbulent Jet. Journal of Aerosol Science, 30(1), 51-69.

Frishman, F., Hussainov, M., Kartushinsky, A., & Mulgi, A. (1997). Numerical Simulation of a Two-Phase Turbulent Pipe-Jet Flow Loaded With Polydispersed Solid Admixture. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 23(4), 765-796.

last updated: 11.08.2005

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