[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Andres |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Merits |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikooli Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia instituut (TÜMRI) |
4. | Ametikoht | Erakorraline professor |
5. | Sünniaeg | 09.03.1967 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | 1985-1990; üliõpilane, Moskva Riiklik Ülikool, Bioloogia teaduskond, Viroloogia õppetool 1990-1993; aspirant, Moskva Riiklik Ülikool, Bioloogia teaduskond, Viroloogia õppetool |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 01.01.1994 – 31.05.1995; teadur, Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut, Tallinn 01.06.1995 – 30.06.1996; teadur (osalise koormusega), Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut, Tallinn 01.07.1996 – 31.03.2001; vanemteadur (osalise koormusega), Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut, Tallinn 01.09.1998 - 31.12.1998; vanemteadur (osalise koormusega), Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 01.06.1995 - 31.12.1998; järeldoktor (taimeviroloogia), Helsingi Ülikooli Biotehnoloogia Instituut, Soome Vabariik 01.01.1999 – 31.01.2002; teadur (loomaviroloogia), Helsingi Ülikooli Biotehnoloogia Instituut, Soome Vabariik 01.09.1999 –31.12.2002; dotsent (osalise koormusega), Tallinn Tehnikaülikool 01.05.2001 - käesoleva ajani; vanemteadur, Eesti Biokeskus, Tartu 01.01.2003 - käesoleva ajani; erakorraline professor, Tartu Ülikooli MRI |
8. | Teaduskraad | PhD (viroloogia) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Moskva Riiklik Ülikool, Venemaa, 1994 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
TÜ MRI nõukogu liige, Tartu Ülikooli strateegiakomisioni "Medicina" liige, Tartu Ülikooli Integreeritud Tehnoloogiaplatvormi juhtkomitee liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Kairit Tints, MSc, 2005, juh. Andres Merits. Semliki Forest viiruse mittestruktuurse valgu nsP1 palmitüleerimis-defektsete mutantide funktsionaal-struktuurne iseloomustamine. Tartu Ülikool Pirjo Spuul, MSc, 2005, juh. Andres Merits. Significance of the membrane binding peptide of Semliki forest virus replicase protein nsP1. Tartu Ülikool Ingrid Hääl, MSc, 2004, juh. Andres Merits. Semliki Forest viiruse mittestruktuurseid valke ekspresseerivate rakuliinide konstrueerimine ja iseloomustamine. Tartu Ülikool Aleksei Lulla, MSc, 2003, juh. Andres Merits. Functional characterization and substrate specificity of Semliki Forest Virus non-structural protease. Tartu Ülikool Valeria Sizemskaja, MSc, 2003, juh. Andres Merits. Sequencing and finctional identification of the panel of conditional lethal mutants of Semliki Forest Virus. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Molekulaarne- ja üldine viroloogia: alphaviiruste ning alpha-sarnaste viiruste replikatsiooniaparaadi ja replikatsiooni mehhanismide uurimine, viiruse ja peremeesraku interaktsioonide uurimine, viirus indutseeritud tsütopatoloogia mehhanismide uurimine. Bio- ja geenitehnoloogia: viirustel põhinevate ekspressioonivektorite konstrueerimine ja arendamine, viirustest pärinevate järjestuste ja viirus-kodeeritud valkude kasutamise uurimine. Biomeditsiin: viiruse ja peremeesorganismi interaktsioonide uurimine, viirustel põhinevate geenivaktsiinide ja onkolüütiliste süsteemide konstrueerimine, arendamine ja prekliinilised katsed. Muud valdkonnad: taimeviroloogia, viiruslike vektorite kasutamine struktuurbioloogilistes, neurobioloogilistes ja arengubioloogilistes uuringutes |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | 1. ETF grant 5055 (2002-2005), grantihoidja 2. EL grant (5RP) "Semliki Forest virus based therapeuthic systems" (2002-2005), partner ja Eesti Biokeskuse (EBK) poolne grantihoidja 3. Wellcome Trust (UK) International Senior Research Felloship in Easten and Central Europe (2003-2007), grantihoidja 4. EAS grant "Ribosoomis kasva peptiidi poolt reguleeritavad geeniekspressioonisüsteemid" (2005-2007), partner ja EBK poolne grantihoidja 5. Sihtfinantseerimise Nr 0182566 ”RNA ja DNA genoomiga viiruste replikatsioonimehhanismide uurimine ja geeniteraapia ning geenvaktsineerimise uute meetodite väljatöötamine” alateema Cs03, alateema kaasjuhataja |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Kiiver, K., Merits, A., Ustav, M and Zusinaite, E. Complex formation between hepatitis C virus NS2 and NS3 proteins. Virus Research, Nov 29; [Epub ahead of print] Lulla, V., Merits, A., Sarin, P., Kääriäinen, L., Keränen, S. and Ahola, T. Identification of mutations causing temperature-sensitive defects in Semliki Forest Virus RNA synthesis. Journal of Virology, in press Leppanen, V.M., Bespalov, M.M., Runeberg-Roos, P., Puurand, Ü., Merits, A., Saarma, M. and Goldman, A. (2004). The structure of GFRalpha1 domain 3 reveals new insights into GDNF binding and RET activation. EMBO Journal, 23, 1452-1462 Salonen, A., Vasiljeva, L., Merits, A., Magden, Y., Jokitalo, E., and Kaariainen, L (2003) Properly folded nonstructural polyprotein directs the Semliki Forest virus replication complex to endosomal compartment. Journal of Virology, 77, 1691-1702 Vasiljeva, L., Merits, A., Golubtsov, A., Sizemskaja, V., Kääriäinen, L. and Ahola, T. (2003). Regulation of the sequential processing of Semliki Forest virus replicase polyprotein. Journal of Biological Chemistry., 278, 41636-41645 Dorokhov, Y.L., Skulachev, M.V., Ivanov, P.A., Zvereva, S.D., Tjulkina, L.G., Merits, A., Gleba, Y.Y., Hohn, T. and Atabekov, J.G. (2002). Polypurine (A)-rich sequences promote cross-kingdom conservation of internal ribosome entry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U S A, 99, 5301-5306 Merits, A., Rajamäki, M.L., Lindholm, P., Runeberg-Roos, P., Kekarainen, T., Puustinen, P., Mäkeläinen, K., Valkonen, J.P.T and Saarma, M. (2002). Proteolytic processing of potyviral proteins and polyprotein processing intermediates in insect and plant cells. Journal of General Virology, 83, 1211-1221 Ivanov, K.I., Puustinen, P., Merits, A., Saarma, M. and Mäkinen, K.M. (2001). Phosphorylation down-regulates the RNA-binding function of the coat protein of potato virus A. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276, 13530-13540 Magden, J., Takeda, N., Li, T., Auvinen, P., Ahola, T., Miyamura, T., Merits, A. and Kääriäinen, L. (2001) Virus-specific mRNA capping enzyme encoded by hepatitis E virus. Journal of Virology, 75, 6249-6255 Merits, A., Vasiljeva, L., Ahola, T., Kääriäinen L. and Auvinen, P. (2001) Protyeolytic processing of the Semliki Forest virus-specific non-structural polyprotein by NSP2. Journal of General Virology, 82, 765 –773 Oruetxebarria, I., Guo, D., Merits, A., Mäkinen, K., Saarma, M. and Valkonen, J.P.T. (2001). Identification of the genome-linked protein in virions of potato virus A, with comparison to other members in genus potyvirus. Virus Research 73, 103-112 Vasiljeva, L., Valmu, L., Kääriäinen, L. and Merits, A. (2001). Site-specific protease activity of the carboxy-terminal domain of semliki forest virus replicase protein nsP2. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276, 30786-30793 Vihinen, H., Ahola, T., Tuittila, M., Merits, A. and Kääriäinen, L. (2001). Elimination of Phosphorylation Sites of Semliki Forest Virus Replicase Protein nsP3. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276, 5745-5752 Fedorkin, O.N., Merits, A., Lucchesi, J., Solovyev, A.G., Saarma, M., Morozov, S.Y. and Mäkinen, K. (2000). Complementation of the movement-deficient mutations in potato virus X: potyvirus coat protein mediates cell-to-cell trafficking of C-terminal truncation but not deletion mutant of potexvirus coat protein. Virology 270, 31-42. Lindholm, P., Kuittinen, T., Sorri, O., Guo, D., Merits, A., Tormakangas, K., and Runeberg-Roos, P. (2000). Glycosylation of phytepsin and expression of dad1, dad2 and ost1 during onset of cell death in germinating barley scutella. Mechanisms of Development 93, 169-173 Lucchesi, J., Mäkeläinen, K., Merits, A., Tamm, T. and Mäkinen, K. (2000). Regulation of –1 ribosomal frameshifting directed by cocksfoot mottle sobemovirus genome. European Journal of Biochemistry 267, 3523-3529 Merits, A., Fedorkin, O.N., Guo, D., Kalinina, N.O. and Morozov, S.Yu. (2000). Activities associated with the putative replication initiation protein of coconut foliar decay virus, a tentative member of genus Nanovirus. Journal of General Virology 81, 3099-3106 Mäkinen, K., Mäkeläinen, K., Arshava, N., Tamm, T., Merits, A., Truve, E., Zavriev, S. and Saarma, M. (2000). Characterization of VPg and the polyprotein processing of Cocksfoot mottle virus (genus Sobemovirus). Journal of General Virology 81, 2783-2789 Vasiljeva, L., Merits, A., Auvinen, P., and Kääriäinen, L. (2000). Identification of a novel function of the alphavirus capping apparatus-RNA 5' triphosphatase activity of Nsp2. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275, 17281-17287 Andrejeva, J., Puurand, Ü., Merits, A., Rabenstein, F., Järvekülg, L. and Valkonen, J.P.T. (1999) Potyvirus HC-Pro and coat protein (CP) have coordinated functions in virus-host interactions and the same CP motif affects virus transmission and accumulation. Journal of General Virology, 80, 1133-1139 Dorokhov, Yu.L., Mäkinen, K., Frolova, O.Yu., Merits, A., Saarinen, J., Kalkkinen, N., Atabekov, I.G. and Saarma, M. (1999). A novel function for ubiquitous plant enzyme pectin methylesterase: the host-cell receptor for the tobacco mosaic virus movement protein. FEBS Letters 461, 223-228. Guo, D., Merits, A. and Saarma, M. (1999). Self-association and mapping of interaction domains of helper component proteinase of potato A potyvirus. Journal of General Virology, 80, 1127-1131 Kekarainen, T., Merits, A., Oruetxebarria, I., Rajamäki, M.-L. and Valkonen, J.P.T. (1999) Comparison of the complete sequences of five different isolates of potato virus A (PVA), genus Potyvirus. Archives of Virology, 144, 2355-2366 Merits, A., Guo, D., Järvekülg, L. and Saarma, M. (1999) Biochemical and genetic evidence for interactions between potato A potyvirus-encoded proteins P1 and P3 and proteins of the putative replication complex. Virology, 263, 15-22 Merits, A., Kettunen, R., Mäkinen, K., Lampio, A., Auvinen, P., Kääriäinen, L. and Ahola, T. (1999) Virus-specific capping of tobacco mosaic virus RNA: methylation of GTP prior to formation of covalent complex p126-m7GMP. FEBS Letters 455, 45-48 Schubert, J., Fauquet, C., Merits, A. and Rabenstein, F. (1999) The complete nucleotide sequence of the ryegrass mosaic potyvirus indicates that it is a recombinant between members of two different genera in the family Potyviridae. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz (Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection) 106, 392-402 Merits, A., Guo, D. and Saarma, M. (1998). VPg, coat protein and five non-structural proteins of potato A potyvirus bind RNA in sequence-unspecific manner. Journal of General Virology, 79, 3123-3127. Rajamäki, M., Merits, A., Rabenstein, F., Andrejeva, J., Paulin, L., Kekarainen, T., Kreuze, J.F., Forster, R.L.S. and Valkonen, J.P.T. (1998). Biological, serological, and molecular differences among isolates of potato A potyvirus. Phytopathology, 88, 311-321 Andrejeva, J., Merits, A., Rabenstein, F., Puurand, Ü. and Järvekülg, L. (1996). Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the 3'-terminal regions of one aphid and two non-aphid transmissible isolates of potato A potyvirus. Archives of Virology, 141, 1207-1219. Merits, A., Zelenina, D.A., Mizenina, O.A., Chernov, B.K. and Morozov, S.Yu. (1995) Poly(A) addition site mapping and polyadenylation signal analysis in plant circovirus replication related gene. Virology, 211, 345-349. Morozov, S.Yu., Chernov, B.K., Merits, A. and Blinov, V.M. (1994). Computer-assisted predictions of the secondary structure in plant virus single stranded DNA genome. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 11, 837-847 Morozov S.Yu., Merits, A. and Chernov B.K. (1994). Computer search of transcription control sequence in small plant virus DNA reveals a sequence highly homologous to the enhancer element of histone promoters. DNA Sequence, 4, 395-397 Solovyev, A.G., Novikov, V.K., Merits, A., Savenkov, E.I., Zelenina D.A., Tyulkina, L.G. and Morozov, S.Yu. (1994). Genome characterization and taxonomy of Plantago asiatica mosaic potexvirus. Journal of General Virology, 75, 259-267 Chernov, B.K., Merits, A., Mizenina, O.A. and Morozov, S.Yu.(1992).Chemico-enzymatic synthesis and cloning a full length genome of DNA containing plant virus. Bioorganic Chemistry, 18, 1487-1495. |
viimati muudetud: 02.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Andres |
2. | Surname | Merits |
3. | Institution | University of Tartu, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) |
4. | Position | Professor |
5. | Date of birth | 09.03.1967 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | 1985-1990; undergraduate student at the Department of Virology, Moscow State University, Russia 1990-1993; PhD-student at the Department of Virology, Moscow State University, Russia |
7. | Research and professional experience |
01.01.1994 – 31.05.1995; scientist, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia 01.06.1995 – 30.06.1996; scientist (part time), National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia 01.07.1996 – 31.03.2001; senior scientist (part time), National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia 01.09.1998 - 31.12.1998; senior scientist (part time), Tallinn Technical University, Estonia 01.06.1995 - 31.12.1998; post-doctoral fellow (plant virology), Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland 01.01.1999 – 31.01.2002; scientist (animal virology), Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland 01.09.1999 –31.12.2002; docent (part time), Tallinn Technical University, Estonia 01.05.2001 - present time; senior scientist, Estonian Biocentre, Tartu, Estonia 01.01.2003 - present time; professor, IMCB, University of Tartu, Estonia |
8. | Academic degree | PhD (virology) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Moscow State University, Russia, 1994 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of scientific council of IMCB University of Tartu Member of two comissions of University of Tartu |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Kairit Tints, MSc, 2005, superv. Andres Merits. Semliki Forest viiruse mittestruktuurse valgu nsP1 palmitüleerimis-defektsete mutantide funktsionaal-struktuurne iseloomustamine. Tartu Ülikool Pirjo Spuul, MSc, 2005, superv. Andres Merits. Significance of the membrane binding peptide of Semliki forest virus replicase protein nsP1. Tartu Ülikool Ingrid Hääl, MSc, 2004, superv. Andres Merits. Semliki Forest viiruse mittestruktuurseid valke ekspresseerivate rakuliinide konstrueerimine ja iseloomustamine. Tartu Ülikool Aleksei Lulla, MSc, 2003, superv. Andres Merits. Functional characterization and substrate specificity of Semliki Forest Virus non-structural protease. Tartu Ülikool Valeria Sizemskaja, MSc, 2003, superv. Andres Merits. Sequencing and finctional identification of the panel of conditional lethal mutants of Semliki Forest Virus. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | Molecular- and basic virology: studies of replication complexes and mechanisms of alphaviruses and alpha-like viruses, studies of virus-host cell interactions and studies of mechanisms of virus-induced cytotoxic effects. Bio- and gene technology: design, construction and development of virus based expression vectors, use of viral sequences and virus encoded proteins in biotechnology. Biomedicine: studies of interactions between virus and host organism, construction of virus-based gene vaccines and oncolytic vectors and their pre-clinical tests. Other: plant viruses; use of viral vectors for studies on the field of structural biology, neurobiology and developmental biology |
14. | Current grant funding | 1. ETF grant 5055 (2002-2005), principal investigator (PI) 2. EU grant (5-th FW) "Semliki Forest virus based therapeuthic systems" (2002-2005), Partner and PI 3. Wellcome Trust (UK) International Senior Research Felloship in Easten and Central Europe (2003-2007), PI 4. EAS grant "Regulation of gene epression by growing peptide" (2005-2007), partner and PI 5. Estonian Ministry of Education and Science, project Nr 0182566 ”Studies of replication mechanisms of the RNA ja DNA genomic viruses and development of new methods for gene therapy and vaccination”- co-PI for sub-project Cs03 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Kiiver, K., Merits, A., Ustav, M and Zusinaite, E. Complex formation between hepatitis C virus NS2 and NS3 proteins. Virus Research, Nov 29; [Epub ahead of print] Lulla, V., Merits, A., Sarin, P., Kääriäinen, L., Keränen, S. and Ahola, T. Identification of mutations causing temperature-sensitive defects in Semliki Forest Virus RNA synthesis. Journal of Virology, in press Leppanen, V.M., Bespalov, M.M., Runeberg-Roos, P., Puurand, Ü., Merits, A., Saarma, M. and Goldman, A. (2004). The structure of GFRalpha1 domain 3 reveals new insights into GDNF binding and RET activation. EMBO Journal, 23, 1452-1462 Salonen, A., Vasiljeva, L., Merits, A., Magden, Y., Jokitalo, E., and Kaariainen, L (2003) Properly folded nonstructural polyprotein directs the Semliki Forest virus replication complex to endosomal compartment. Journal of Virology, 77, 1691-1702 Vasiljeva, L., Merits, A., Golubtsov, A., Sizemskaja, V., Kääriäinen, L. and Ahola, T. (2003). Regulation of the sequential processing of Semliki Forest virus replicase polyprotein. Journal of Biological Chemistry., 278, 41636-41645 Dorokhov, Y.L., Skulachev, M.V., Ivanov, P.A., Zvereva, S.D., Tjulkina, L.G., Merits, A., Gleba, Y.Y., Hohn, T. and Atabekov, J.G. (2002). Polypurine (A)-rich sequences promote cross-kingdom conservation of internal ribosome entry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U S A, 99, 5301-5306 Merits, A., Rajamäki, M.L., Lindholm, P., Runeberg-Roos, P., Kekarainen, T., Puustinen, P., Mäkeläinen, K., Valkonen, J.P.T and Saarma, M. (2002). Proteolytic processing of potyviral proteins and polyprotein processing intermediates in insect and plant cells. Journal of General Virology, 83, 1211-1221 Ivanov, K.I., Puustinen, P., Merits, A., Saarma, M. and Mäkinen, K.M. (2001). Phosphorylation down-regulates the RNA-binding function of the coat protein of potato virus A. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276, 13530-13540 Magden, J., Takeda, N., Li, T., Auvinen, P., Ahola, T., Miyamura, T., Merits, A. and Kääriäinen, L. (2001) Virus-specific mRNA capping enzyme encoded by hepatitis E virus. Journal of Virology, 75, 6249-6255 Merits, A., Vasiljeva, L., Ahola, T., Kääriäinen L. and Auvinen, P. (2001) Protyeolytic processing of the Semliki Forest virus-specific non-structural polyprotein by NSP2. Journal of General Virology, 82, 765 –773 Oruetxebarria, I., Guo, D., Merits, A., Mäkinen, K., Saarma, M. and Valkonen, J.P.T. (2001). Identification of the genome-linked protein in virions of potato virus A, with comparison to other members in genus potyvirus. Virus Research 73, 103-112 Vasiljeva, L., Valmu, L., Kääriäinen, L. and Merits, A. (2001). Site-specific protease activity of the carboxy-terminal domain of semliki forest virus replicase protein nsP2. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276, 30786-30793 Vihinen, H., Ahola, T., Tuittila, M., Merits, A. and Kääriäinen, L. (2001). Elimination of Phosphorylation Sites of Semliki Forest Virus Replicase Protein nsP3. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276, 5745-5752 Fedorkin, O.N., Merits, A., Lucchesi, J., Solovyev, A.G., Saarma, M., Morozov, S.Y. and Mäkinen, K. (2000). Complementation of the movement-deficient mutations in potato virus X: potyvirus coat protein mediates cell-to-cell trafficking of C-terminal truncation but not deletion mutant of potexvirus coat protein. Virology 270, 31-42. Lindholm, P., Kuittinen, T., Sorri, O., Guo, D., Merits, A., Tormakangas, K., and Runeberg-Roos, P. (2000). Glycosylation of phytepsin and expression of dad1, dad2 and ost1 during onset of cell death in germinating barley scutella. Mechanisms of Development 93, 169-173 Lucchesi, J., Mäkeläinen, K., Merits, A., Tamm, T. and Mäkinen, K. (2000). Regulation of –1 ribosomal frameshifting directed by cocksfoot mottle sobemovirus genome. European Journal of Biochemistry 267, 3523-3529 Merits, A., Fedorkin, O.N., Guo, D., Kalinina, N.O. and Morozov, S.Yu. (2000). Activities associated with the putative replication initiation protein of coconut foliar decay virus, a tentative member of genus Nanovirus. Journal of General Virology 81, 3099-3106 Mäkinen, K., Mäkeläinen, K., Arshava, N., Tamm, T., Merits, A., Truve, E., Zavriev, S. and Saarma, M. (2000). Characterization of VPg and the polyprotein processing of Cocksfoot mottle virus (genus Sobemovirus). Journal of General Virology 81, 2783-2789 Vasiljeva, L., Merits, A., Auvinen, P., and Kääriäinen, L. (2000). Identification of a novel function of the alphavirus capping apparatus-RNA 5' triphosphatase activity of Nsp2. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275, 17281-17287 Andrejeva, J., Puurand, Ü., Merits, A., Rabenstein, F., Järvekülg, L. and Valkonen, J.P.T. (1999) Potyvirus HC-Pro and coat protein (CP) have coordinated functions in virus-host interactions and the same CP motif affects virus transmission and accumulation. Journal of General Virology, 80, 1133-1139 Dorokhov, Yu.L., Mäkinen, K., Frolova, O.Yu., Merits, A., Saarinen, J., Kalkkinen, N., Atabekov, I.G. and Saarma, M. (1999). A novel function for ubiquitous plant enzyme pectin methylesterase: the host-cell receptor for the tobacco mosaic virus movement protein. FEBS Letters 461, 223-228. Guo, D., Merits, A. and Saarma, M. (1999). Self-association and mapping of interaction domains of helper component proteinase of potato A potyvirus. Journal of General Virology, 80, 1127-1131 Kekarainen, T., Merits, A., Oruetxebarria, I., Rajamäki, M.-L. and Valkonen, J.P.T. (1999) Comparison of the complete sequences of five different isolates of potato virus A (PVA), genus Potyvirus. Archives of Virology, 144, 2355-2366 Merits, A., Guo, D., Järvekülg, L. and Saarma, M. (1999) Biochemical and genetic evidence for interactions between potato A potyvirus-encoded proteins P1 and P3 and proteins of the putative replication complex. Virology, 263, 15-22 Merits, A., Kettunen, R., Mäkinen, K., Lampio, A., Auvinen, P., Kääriäinen, L. and Ahola, T. (1999) Virus-specific capping of tobacco mosaic virus RNA: methylation of GTP prior to formation of covalent complex p126-m7GMP. FEBS Letters 455, 45-48 Schubert, J., Fauquet, C., Merits, A. and Rabenstein, F. (1999) The complete nucleotide sequence of the ryegrass mosaic potyvirus indicates that it is a recombinant between members of two different genera in the family Potyviridae. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz (Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection) 106, 392-402 Merits, A., Guo, D. and Saarma, M. (1998). VPg, coat protein and five non-structural proteins of potato A potyvirus bind RNA in sequence-unspecific manner. Journal of General Virology, 79, 3123-3127. Rajamäki, M., Merits, A., Rabenstein, F., Andrejeva, J., Paulin, L., Kekarainen, T., Kreuze, J.F., Forster, R.L.S. and Valkonen, J.P.T. (1998). Biological, serological, and molecular differences among isolates of potato A potyvirus. Phytopathology, 88, 311-321 Andrejeva, J., Merits, A., Rabenstein, F., Puurand, Ü. and Järvekülg, L. (1996). Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the 3'-terminal regions of one aphid and two non-aphid transmissible isolates of potato A potyvirus. Archives of Virology, 141, 1207-1219. Merits, A., Zelenina, D.A., Mizenina, O.A., Chernov, B.K. and Morozov, S.Yu. (1995) Poly(A) addition site mapping and polyadenylation signal analysis in plant circovirus replication related gene. Virology, 211, 345-349. Morozov, S.Yu., Chernov, B.K., Merits, A. and Blinov, V.M. (1994). Computer-assisted predictions of the secondary structure in plant virus single stranded DNA genome. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 11, 837-847 Morozov S.Yu., Merits, A. and Chernov B.K. (1994). Computer search of transcription control sequence in small plant virus DNA reveals a sequence highly homologous to the enhancer element of histone promoters. DNA Sequence, 4, 395-397 Solovyev, A.G., Novikov, V.K., Merits, A., Savenkov, E.I., Zelenina D.A., Tyulkina, L.G. and Morozov, S.Yu. (1994). Genome characterization and taxonomy of Plantago asiatica mosaic potexvirus. Journal of General Virology, 75, 259-267 Chernov, B.K., Merits, A., Mizenina, O.A. and Morozov, S.Yu.(1992).Chemico-enzymatic synthesis and cloning a full length genome of DNA containing plant virus. Bioorganic Chemistry, 18, 1487-1495. |
last updated: 02.08.2005
[ sulge aken ]