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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Rain |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Jõgi |
3. | Töökoht | Kliinikumi kopsukliinik |
4. | Ametikoht | Kliiniku juhataja |
5. | Sünniaeg | 14.11.1964 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Kõrgem |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 2003- SA TÜK Kopsukliinik, juhataja 2000-2002 SA TÜK Kopsukliinik, ambulatoorse osakonna juhataja 1991-2000 TÜ Kopsukliinik, Funktsionaalse diagnostika labori juhataja 1989-1991 TÜ Kopsukliinik, palatiarst |
8. | Teaduskraad | Ph.D |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Uppsala Ülikool 2003 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
European Community Respiratory Health Survey I projekti juht Eestis. European Community Respiratory Health Survey II projekti juht Eestis ja Põhjamaade koordinatsioonikomitee liige. Respiratory Health in Northern Europe projekti juht Eestis. |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Astma, kroonilise obstruktiivse kopsuhaiguse ja allergiliste hingamisteede haiguste epidemioloogia. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Birgisdottir A, Asbjornsdottir H, Cook E, Gislason D, Jansson C, Olafsson I, Gislason T, Jõgi R, Thjodleifsson B. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in Sweden, Estonia and Iceland. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 2006; 38:625-631. de Marco R, Marcon A, Jarvis D, Accordini S, Almar E, Bugiani M, Carolei A, Cazzoletti L, Corsico A, Gislason D, Gulsvik A, Jõgi R, Marinoni A, Martinez-Moratalla J, Pin I, Janson C. Prognostic factors of asthma severity: a 9-year international prospective cohort study. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2006; 117:1249-1256. Gunnbjornsdottir MI, Franklin KA, Norback D, Bjornsson E, Gislason D, Lindberg E, Svanes C, Omenaas E, Norrman E, Jõgi R, Jensen EJ, Dahlman-Hoglund A, and Janson C. Prevalence and incidence of respiratory symptoms in relationship to indoor dampness: the RHINE study. Thorax 2006; 61:221-225. Janson C, Künzli N, de Marco R, Chinn S, Jarvis D, Svanes C, Heinrich J, Jõgi R, Gislason T, Sunyer J, Ackermann-Liebrich U, Antó JM, Cerveri I, Leynaert B, Luczynska C, Neukirch F, Schouten J, Vermeire P, Wjst M, Burney P. Changes in the pattern of active and passive smoking in Europe are enhancing social inequalities in health. Eur Respir J 2006; 27:517-524. Real FG, Svanes C, Bjornsson EH, Franklin KA, Gislason D, Gislason T, Gulsvik A, Janson C, Jõgi R, Kiserud T, Norback D, Nystrom L, Toren K, Wentzel-Larsen T, Omenaas ER: Hormone replacement therapy, body mass index, and asthma in peri-menopausal women: a cross-sectional survey. Thorax 2006; 61:34-40. Janson C, de Marco R, Accordini S, Almar E, Bugiani M, Carolei A, Cazzoletti L, Cerveri I, Corsico A, Duran-Tauleria E, Gislason D, Gulsvik A, Jõgi R, Marinoni A, Martínez-Moratalla J, Pin I, Vermeire P, Jarvis D. Changes in the use anti-asthmatic medication in an international cohort. Eur Respir J 2005; 26:1047-1055. Janson C, Norbäck D, Omenaas E, Gislason T, Nyström L, Jõgi R, Lindberg E, Gunnbjörnsdóttir M, Norrman E, Wentzel-Larsen T, Svanes C, Jensen EJ, Torén K. Insomnia is more common among subjects living in damp buildings. Occ Environ Med, 2005; 62: 113-118. Laerum BN, Svanes C, Wentzel-Larsen T, Gulsvik A, Iversen M, Gislason T, Jõgi R, Norrman E, Janson C, Omenaas E. The association between birth size and atopy in young North-European adults. Clin Exp Allergy 2005 35:1022-1027. Ólafsdóttir IS, Gíslason T, Thjóðleifsson B, Ólafsson Í, Gíslason D, Jõgi R, Janson C. C-reactive protein is elevated in non-allergic but not allergic asthma – a multicentre epidemiological study. Thorax. 2005;60:451-454. Rönmark E, Jõgi R, Lindqvist A, Haugen T, Meren M, Loit HM, Sairanen U, Sandahl A, Lundback B. Correct use of three powder inhalers: comparison between Diskus, Turbuhaler, and Easyhaler. J. Asthma. 2005; 42: 173-178. Svanes C, Real FG, Gislason T, Jansson C, Jõgi R, Norrman E et al. Association of asthma and hay fever with irregular menstruation. Thorax 2005; 60:445-450. Franklin KA, Gislason T, Omenaas E, Jõgi R, Jensen EJ, Lindberg E, Gunnbjornsdottir M, Nystrom L, Laerum BN, Bjornsson E, Toren K, Janson C. The Influence of Active and Passive Smoking on Habitual Snoring. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004; 170: 799-803 Gunnbjörnsdóttir MI, Omenaas E, Gíslason T, Norrman E, Olin A-C, Jõgi R, Juel Jensen E, Lindberg E, Björnsson E, Franklin K, Janson C. Obesity and nocturnal GER are related to the onset of asthma and respiratory symptoms. Eur Respir J 2004; 24: 116-121. Jõgi R, Björkstén B, Boman G, Janson C. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness in two populations with different prevalences of atopy. Int J Tub Lung Dis 2004; 8:1180-1185 Lærum BN, Svanes C, Gulsvik A, Iversen M, Thorarinsdottir HR, Gislason T, Jõgi R, Norrman E, Gunnbjörnsdottir M, Wentzel-Larsen T, Janson C, Omenaas E. Is birth weight related to lung function and asthma symptoms in Nordic-Baltic adults? Resp Med 2004; 98: 611-618. Toren K, Gislason T, Omenaas E, Jõgi R, Forsberg B, Nystrom L, Olin AC, Svanes C, Janson C. A prospective study of asthma incidence and its predictors: the RHINE study. Eur Respir J 2004; 24: 942-946. Jõgi R, Björkstén B, Boman G, Janson C. Serum eosinophil cationic protein (S-ECP) in a population with low prevalence of atopy. Respiratory Medicine 2002; 7:525-529. Jõgi, R. 2001. Asthma: Respiratory Symptoms, Atopy and Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness in Young Adults in Estonia and Sweden. Acta Universitas Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine 1076. 64 pp. Uppsala. http://w3.ub.uu.se/fulltext/91-554-5119-5.pdf Jõgi R, Christer J, Hedenström H. Comparison of two methacholine challenge methods using Spira-2 or Mefar dosimeter Clinical Phyisology 1999; 4:300-303. Jõgi R, Janson C, Björnsson E, Boman G, Björkstén B. Atopy and allergic disorders among adults in Tartu, Estonia compared to Uppsala, Sweden. Clin Exp Allergy 1998; 28:1072-1081. Uibo R, Talja I, Jõgi R, Janson C, Björnsson E, Boman G, Mandel M, Björkstén B. Autoantibodies in Estonia and Sweden, populations with different responses to allergens. Int Arch. Allery and Immunol 1998; 117: 126-130. Jõgi R, Janson C, Björnsson E, Boman G, Björkstén B. The prevalence of asthmatic respiratory symptoms among adults in an Estonian and Swedish university town. Allergy 1996; 51:331-336. |
viimati muudetud: 02.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Rain |
2. | Surname | Jõgi |
3. | Institution | Lung Clinic of Tartu Unviversity Hospital |
4. | Position | Head of the clinic |
5. | Date of birth | 14.11.1964 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Higher |
7. | Research and professional experience |
2003 - Lung Clinic of Tartu University Hospital, Head 2000- 2002 Lung Clinic of Tartu University Hospital, Outpatient Department, Head 1991-2000 Tartu University Lung Clinic, Lab of Diagnostics, Head 1989-1991 Tartu University Lung Clinic, physician |
8. | Academic degree | Ph.D |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Uppsala University 2003 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
European Respiratoy Health Survery I, principal investigator in Estonia. European Respiratoy Health Survery II, principal investigator in Estonia, member or the Nordic coordination committee. Respiratory Health in Nothern Europe, principal investigator in Estonia. |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | Epidemiology of asthma, COPD and allergic respiratory disorders |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Birgisdottir A, Asbjornsdottir H, Cook E, Gislason D, Jansson C, Olafsson I, Gislason T, Jõgi R, Thjodleifsson B. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in Sweden, Estonia and Iceland. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 2006; 38:625-631. de Marco R, Marcon A, Jarvis D, Accordini S, Almar E, Bugiani M, Carolei A, Cazzoletti L, Corsico A, Gislason D, Gulsvik A, Jõgi R, Marinoni A, Martinez-Moratalla J, Pin I, Janson C. Prognostic factors of asthma severity: a 9-year international prospective cohort study. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2006; 117:1249-1256. Gunnbjornsdottir MI, Franklin KA, Norback D, Bjornsson E, Gislason D, Lindberg E, Svanes C, Omenaas E, Norrman E, Jõgi R, Jensen EJ, Dahlman-Hoglund A, and Janson C. Prevalence and incidence of respiratory symptoms in relationship to indoor dampness: the RHINE study. Thorax 2006; 61:221-225. Janson C, Künzli N, de Marco R, Chinn S, Jarvis D, Svanes C, Heinrich J, Jõgi R, Gislason T, Sunyer J, Ackermann-Liebrich U, Antó JM, Cerveri I, Leynaert B, Luczynska C, Neukirch F, Schouten J, Vermeire P, Wjst M, Burney P. Changes in the pattern of active and passive smoking in Europe are enhancing social inequalities in health. Eur Respir J 2006; 27:517-524. Real FG, Svanes C, Bjornsson EH, Franklin KA, Gislason D, Gislason T, Gulsvik A, Janson C, Jõgi R, Kiserud T, Norback D, Nystrom L, Toren K, Wentzel-Larsen T, Omenaas ER: Hormone replacement therapy, body mass index, and asthma in peri-menopausal women: a cross-sectional survey. Thorax 2006; 61:34-40. Janson C, de Marco R, Accordini S, Almar E, Bugiani M, Carolei A, Cazzoletti L, Cerveri I, Corsico A, Duran-Tauleria E, Gislason D, Gulsvik A, Jõgi R, Marinoni A, Martínez-Moratalla J, Pin I, Vermeire P, Jarvis D. Changes in the use anti-asthmatic medication in an international cohort. Eur Respir J 2005; 26:1047-1055. Janson C, Norbäck D, Omenaas E, Gislason T, Nyström L, Jõgi R, Lindberg E, Gunnbjörnsdóttir M, Norrman E, Wentzel-Larsen T, Svanes C, Jensen EJ, Torén K. Insomnia is more common among subjects living in damp buildings. Occ Environ Med, 2005; 62: 113-118. Laerum BN, Svanes C, Wentzel-Larsen T, Gulsvik A, Iversen M, Gislason T, Jõgi R, Norrman E, Janson C, Omenaas E. The association between birth size and atopy in young North-European adults. Clin Exp Allergy 2005 35:1022-1027. Ólafsdóttir IS, Gíslason T, Thjóðleifsson B, Ólafsson Í, Gíslason D, Jõgi R, Janson C. C-reactive protein is elevated in non-allergic but not allergic asthma – a multicentre epidemiological study. Thorax. 2005;60:451-454. Rönmark E, Jõgi R, Lindqvist A, Haugen T, Meren M, Loit HM, Sairanen U, Sandahl A, Lundback B. Correct use of three powder inhalers: comparison between Diskus, Turbuhaler, and Easyhaler. J. Asthma. 2005; 42: 173-178. Svanes C, Real FG, Gislason T, Jansson C, Jõgi R, Norrman E et al. Association of asthma and hay fever with irregular menstruation. Thorax 2005; 60:445-450. Franklin KA, Gislason T, Omenaas E, Jõgi R, Jensen EJ, Lindberg E, Gunnbjornsdottir M, Nystrom L, Laerum BN, Bjornsson E, Toren K, Janson C. The Influence of Active and Passive Smoking on Habitual Snoring. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004; 170: 799-803 Gunnbjörnsdóttir MI, Omenaas E, Gíslason T, Norrman E, Olin A-C, Jõgi R, Juel Jensen E, Lindberg E, Björnsson E, Franklin K, Janson C. Obesity and nocturnal GER are related to the onset of asthma and respiratory symptoms. Eur Respir J 2004; 24: 116-121. Jõgi R, Björkstén B, Boman G, Janson C. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness in two populations with different prevalences of atopy. Int J Tub Lung Dis 2004; 8:1180-1185 Lærum BN, Svanes C, Gulsvik A, Iversen M, Thorarinsdottir HR, Gislason T, Jõgi R, Norrman E, Gunnbjörnsdottir M, Wentzel-Larsen T, Janson C, Omenaas E. Is birth weight related to lung function and asthma symptoms in Nordic-Baltic adults? Resp Med 2004; 98: 611-618. Toren K, Gislason T, Omenaas E, Jõgi R, Forsberg B, Nystrom L, Olin AC, Svanes C, Janson C. A prospective study of asthma incidence and its predictors: the RHINE study. Eur Respir J 2004; 24: 942-946. Jõgi R, Björkstén B, Boman G, Janson C. Serum eosinophil cationic protein (S-ECP) in a population with low prevalence of atopy. Respiratory Medicine 2002; 7:525-529. Jõgi, R. 2001. Asthma: Respiratory Symptoms, Atopy and Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness in Young Adults in Estonia and Sweden. Acta Universitas Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine 1076. 64 pp. Uppsala. http://w3.ub.uu.se/fulltext/91-554-5119-5.pdf Jõgi R, Christer J, Hedenström H. Comparison of two methacholine challenge methods using Spira-2 or Mefar dosimeter Clinical Phyisology 1999; 4:300-303. Jõgi R, Janson C, Björnsson E, Boman G, Björkstén B. Atopy and allergic disorders among adults in Tartu, Estonia compared to Uppsala, Sweden. Clin Exp Allergy 1998; 28:1072-1081. Uibo R, Talja I, Jõgi R, Janson C, Björnsson E, Boman G, Mandel M, Björkstén B. Autoantibodies in Estonia and Sweden, populations with different responses to allergens. Int Arch. Allery and Immunol 1998; 117: 126-130. Jõgi R, Janson C, Björnsson E, Boman G, Björkstén B. The prevalence of asthmatic respiratory symptoms among adults in an Estonian and Swedish university town. Allergy 1996; 51:331-336. |
last updated: 02.08.2005
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