[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Ursel |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Soomets |
3. | Töökoht | Arstiteaduskond, Tartu Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | dotsent (1/2 kohta); vanemteadur (1/2 kohta) |
5. | Sünniaeg | 18.07.1962 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Kõrgem, Tartu Ülikool; 1980-1985; keemik (bio-orgaanilise- ja biokeemia eriprogramm) |
7. | Teenistuskäik | aug. 1985 - aug. 1987 TÜ orgaanilise keemia kateedri stazöör-uurija; aug. 1987 - nov. 1987 TÜ bioorgaanilse keemia labori insener; dets. 1987 - dets. 1990 TÜ statsionaarne aspirantuur orgaanilise keemia erialal; jaan. 1991 - sept. 1991 TÜ ensümoloogia labori vaneminsener; sept. 1991 - aprill 2000 TÜ Arstiteaduskonna biokeemia instituudi vanem-assistent (vanem-õpetaja); mai 2000 - käesoleva ajani TÜ Arstiteaduskonna biokeemia instituudi dotsent (1/2 kohta); vanemteadur (1/2 kohta) |
8. | Teaduskraad | Ph.D. (neurokeemia) MSc. (keemia) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Stockholmi Ülikool; 2000; Tartu Ülikool; 1994 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Ameerika Peptiidi Ühingu liige Eesti Biokeemia Seltsi liige ETF meditsiinikomisjoni liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Pontus Lundberg, MSc, 2002, juh. Ursel Soomets. Cell-penetrating Proüerties of Peptides Derived from Proteins Involved in Alzheimer's Disease. Stockholmi Ülikool, Rootsi |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | a) Uued peptiidsed ja mittepeptiidsed antioksüdandid, nende biomeditsiiniline aktiivsus b) Signaaliülekande muutused ajus Alzheimeri tõve korral: amüloid-beeta peptiidid ja oksüdatiivne stress. c) Amfifiilsed, amfipaatsed ja kimäärsed peptiidid, nende bioloogiline aktiivsus. d) Uued transportpeptiidid ja nende kasutamine antisense tehnikas. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF 6503;5327; Sihtfinantseerimine TARBK 0411 |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Soomets, U., Zilmer, M., Langel, Ü. Manual solid-phase synthesis of glutathione analogs: a laboratory-based short course. (2005) Methods Mol Biol. 298, 241-257. Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Rehema, A., Langel, Ü. The glutathione system as an attractive therapeutic target. (2005) Drug Design Reviews – Online 2, 121-127. Fisher, L., Samuelsson, M., Toro, V.C., Soomets, U., Yang, J., Langel. Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Downregulation of Abeta-induced cytokine expression in glial cells using NFkappaB decoy. (2004) Journal of neuroimmunology 154(1-2), 31-31 98 Sp. Iss. SI. Fisher, L., Soomets, U., Cortes Toro, V., Chilton, L., Jiang, Y., Langel, Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Cellular delivery of a double-stranded oligonucleotide NFkappaB decoy by hybridization to complementary PNA linked to a cell-penetrating peptide. (2004) Gene Ther. 11, 1264-1272. Kilk, K., Elmquist, A., Saar, K., Pooga, M., Land, T., Bartfai, T., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. Targeting of antisense PNA oligomers to human galanin receptor type 1 mRNA. (2004) Neuropeptides. 38, 316-324. Mahlapuu, R., Soomets, U., Zilmer, M., Langel, Ü. Alzheimeri tõve molekulaarsed alused: osalevad valgud ja peptiidid. Uued ravistrateegiad. (2004) Lege Artis, 8 (32), 10-14. Põder, P., Zilmer, M., Starkopf, J., Kals, J., Talonpoika, A., Pulges, A., Langel Ü., Kullisaar, T., Viirlaid, S., Mahlapuu, R., Zarkovski, A., Arend, A., Soomets, U. An antioxidant tetrapeptide UPF1 has a neuroprotective effect in transient global brain ischemia. (2004) Neurosci. Lett. 370, 45-50. Adlerz, L., Soomets U., Holmlund, L., Viirlaid, S., Langel, Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Down-regulation of amyloid precursor protein by peptide nucleic acid oligomer in cultured rat primary neurons and astrocytes. (2003) Neurosci Lett., 336, 55-9. Mahlapuu, R., Viht, K., Balaspiri, L., Bogdanovic, N., Saar, K., Soomets,U., Land, T., Zilmer, M., Karelson, E. and Langel, Ü. Amyloid precursor protein carboxy-terminal fragments modulate G-proteins and adenylate cyclase activity in Alzheimer’s disease brain. (2003) Mol. Brain Res. 117, 73-82. Farquhar, M., Soomets, U., Bates, R. L., Martin, A., Langel, Ü., Howl, J. Novel mastoparan analogs induce differential secretion from mast cells. (2002) Chemistry & Biology, 9, 63-70. Karelson, E., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Bogdanovic, N., Langel, Ü. Possible Signaling by Glutathione and Its Novel Analogue through Potent Stimulation of Frontocortical G Proteins in Normal Aging and in Alzheimer's Disease. (2002) Ann. N Y Acad. Sci., 973, 537-40. Patent “Cell-penetrating peptides”. Inventors: M. Hällbrink, K. Kilk, P. Lundberg, U. Soomets, A. Elmquist, M. Zorko, M. Budihna, C.-G. Östenson, A. Gräslund, G. Eriksson, M. Lindgren, S. EL-Andaloussi, A. Meikas, A. Valkna, P. Kogerman, M. Metsis, M. Pooga, Ü. Langel; applicant: CePeP AB, Sweden, 24. December, 2003; patent nr. WO03/106491. Patent “Cellular delivery of oligonucleotides and peptide-PNA conjugates”. Inventors: Ü. Langel, K. Iverfeldt, V. C. Toro, L. Holmlund, U. Soomets, A. Valkna, K. Kilk, S. El-Andaloussi, M. Metsis; applicant: Applied Biosystems; US Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/364,153, filed March 13, 2002. Pooga, M., Soomets, U., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. Synthesis of Cell Penetrating Peptide-PNA Constructs. (2002) In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Peptide Nucleic Acids: Methods and Protocols. Ed. P. Nielsen. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ. 208, pp. 225-36. Saar, K., Mazarati, A. M., Mahlapuu, R., Halnemo, G., Hellberg, S., Soomets, U., Pooga, M., Tolf, B.-R., Shi, T. S., Hökfelt, T., Wasterlain, C., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. Effects of novel non-peptide galanin receptor agonist in vitro and in vivo. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA, 99, 7136-41. Soomets, U., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, M. Molekulaartehnoloogia praktilise meditsiini teenistuses. Antisense-tehnika. (2002) Eesti Arst, 81, 245-50. Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Karelson, E., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, K., Langel, Ü. Glutathione-like peptide as an antioxidative protector molecule. (2002) Free radical biology and medicine 33, S216-S216 572 Suppl. 1 Valkna, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. Transport peptides as carriers of oligonucleotides. (2002) In: Cell penetrating peptides: processes an applications. Ed. Ü. Langel, CRC Press, Pharmacology & Toxicology Series, Boca Raton, Fla. pp. 347-363. Brown, J., Howl, J., Martin, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü., Brown, C. Single amino-acid substitutions in a mimetic tetradecapeptide agonist of the human P2Y2 receptor prevent second messenger activation. (2001) In: Peptides 2000. Eds. J. Martinez, J.-A. Fehrentz. EDK, Paris, France. pp. 913-914. Farquhar, M., Soomets, U., Brown, C., Martin, A., Bates, R., Langel, Ü., Howl, J. (2001) Venomous chimeric secretagogues. In: Peptides 2000. Eds. J. Martinez, J.-A. Fehrentz. EDK, Paris, France. pp. 633-634 Rezaei, K., Xu, I. S., Wu, W.-P., Shi, T.-J., Soomets, U., Land, T., Xu, X.-J., Wiesenfeld-Hallin, Z., Hökfelt, T., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. (2001) Intrathecal administration of PNA targeting galanin receptor reduces galanin-mediated inhibitory effect in rat spinal cord. Neuroreport, 12, 317-320. Soomets, U., Kilk, K., Land, T., Langel, Ü. Transportan, its analogues and their applications. (2001) In: Innovation and perspectives in solid phase synthesis and combinatorial libraries 2000. Eds. R. Epton. Mayflower Worldwide Ltd., Kingswinford, England. pp. 131-136. Lindgren, M., Gallet, X., Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M., Bråkenhielm, E., Pooga, M., Brasseur, R. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Translocation properties of novel cell penetrating transportan and penetratin analogues. Bioconjugate Chem., 11, 619-626. Patent “Glutathione analogues and their use as antioxidants”. Inventors : Ü. Langel, U.Soomets, E.Vasar, M.Zilmer, applicant: Vulpes Ltd., Estonia; 20. December, 2001; patent nr. AU7474501 (WO01/96369). Poyner, D.R., Howitt, S., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. (2000) Structure activity relationship for CGRP receptor ligands. In : The CGRP family : Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), amylin, and adrenomedullin. Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit 10, Eds. D.Poyner, I.Marshall, S.D.Brain. Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, Texas, USA; Eurekah.com, Austin, Texas, USA. pp. 25-32. Rezaei, K., Saar, K., Soomets, U., Valkna, A., Schroeder, T., Näsman, J., Zilmer, M., Åkermann, K., Zorko, M., Bartfai, T. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Third intracellular loop of galanin receptor type 1 in signal transduction. Neuropeptides. 34, 25-31. Soomets, U., Lindgren, M., Gallet, X., Hällbrink, M., Elmquist, A., Balaspiri, L., Pooga, M., Zorko, M., Brasseur, R. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Deletion analogues of transportan. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1467, 165-167. Hällbrink, M., Saar, K., Östenson, C.-G., Soomets, U., Efendic, S., Howl, J., Wheatley, M., Zorko, M. and Langel, Ü. (1999) Effects of vasopressin-mastoparan chimeric peptides on insulin release and GTPase activity. Reg. Peptides. 82, 45-51. Soomets, U. and Langel, Ü. (1999) Intracellular third loop of galanin receptor as G-protein interaction site. in: Peptides. Frontiers of Peptide Science. Eds. J. P. Tam, P. T. P. Kauyama, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 662-663. Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M. and Langel. Ü. (1999) Antisense properties of peptide nucleic acids. Front. Biosci. 4, D782-D786. Soomets, U., Mahlapuu, R., Tehranian, R., Jarvet, J., Karelson, E., Zilmer, M., Iverfeldt, K., Zorko, M., Gräslund, A., Langel, Ü. (1999) Regulation of activity of GTPase and adenylate cyclase by amyloid beta-peptide and its fragments in rat brain tissue. Brain Res. 850, 179-188. Xu, Z.-Q. D., Ma, X., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. and Hökfelt, T. (1999) Effects of galanin(1-15) on hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons: electrophysiological evidence for new galanin receptor subtype. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96, 14583-14587. Bavec, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü., and Zorko, M. (1998) Structural features of amphipathic peptides required for the activation of G-proteins. Acta Chim. Slov. 45(1) 27-34. Longland, C., Mezna, M., Langel, Ü., Hällbrink, M., Soomets, U., Wheatley, M., Michelangeli, F., and Howl, J. (1998) Biochemical mechanisms of calcium mobilisation induced by mastoparan and chimeric hormone-mastoparan constructs. Cell. Calcium 24(1), 27-34. Mazarati, A., Liu, H., Soomets, U., Sankar, R., Shin, D., Katsumori, H., Langel, Ü. and Wasterlain, C.G. (1998) Galanin modulation of seizures and seizure modulation of hippocampal galanin in an animal model of status epilepticus. J. Neurosci. 18(23), 10070-10077. Pooga, M., Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M., Valkna, A., Saar, K., Rezaei, K., Kahl, U., Hao, J.-X., Xu, X.-J., Wiesenfeld-Hallin, Z., Hökfelt, T., Bartfai, T. and Langel, Ü. (1998) Cell penetrating PNA constructs regulate galanin receptor levels and modify pain transmission in vivo. Nature Biotechnology. 16(9), 857-861. Poyner, D.R., Soomets, U., Howitt, S.G. and Langel, Ü. (1998) Structural determinants for binding to CGRP receptors expressed by human SK-N-MC and Col 29 cells : studies with chimeric and other peptides. Br. J. Pharmacol. 124, 1659-1666. Saar, K., Valkna, A., Soomets, U., Rezaei, K., Zorko, M., Zilmer, M. and Langel, Ü. (1997) Role of the third cytoplasmic loop in signal transduction by galanin receptors. Biochem. Soc. Transact. 25, 1036-1040. Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M., Zorko, M., Langel, Ü. (1997) From galanin and mastoparan to galparan and transportan. Current Topics in Peptide and Protein Res. 2, 83-113. Soomets, U., Kairane, C., Zilmer, M. and Langel, Ü. (1997) Attempt to solubilize Na+/K+-exchanging ATPase with amphiphilic peptide PD1. Acta Chem. Scand. 51, 403-406. Mäeorg, U., Soomets, U., Perkson, A., Linask, K., Raidaru, G. (1994) Synthesis of 4,4'-Dibromobenzilic Acid. Mendeleev Communications 99-100. Patent “Method of producing 4,4’-dibromobenzylic acid”. Inventors U. Mäeorg, U. Soomets, A. Perkson; applicant: Tartu University; SU No 4687787/04/061901, (03.05.1991, USSR) Soomets, U., Perkson, A. (1990) Synthesis of derivatives of benzilic acid - ligands of muscarinic receptor (in Russian), Experimental Biology 2, 156-157. Soomets, U., Palumaa, P., Järv, J. (1987) Mechanism of reaction of N,N-dimethyl-2-phenylaziridinium ion in acetylcholinesterase active center (in russian). Bioorg. Khim. 13, 198-203. Palumaa, P., Soomets, U., Järv, J. Effects of reaction medium and temperature on solvolysis of N,N-dimethyl-2-phenylaziridinium ion. (1985) Organic Reactivity 22, 238-257. |
viimati muudetud: 02.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Ursel |
2. | Surname | Soomets |
3. | Institution | Dept. of Biochemistry, Tartu University |
4. | Position | Associate Professor(1/2); senior scientist (1/2) |
5. | Date of birth | 18.07.1962 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Chemical Faculty, Tartu University, 1980-1985, Chemist (special program in the field of bio-organic- and biochemistry) |
7. | Research and professional experience |
985 - 1987 research fellow, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Tartu; 1987 – 1990 post-graduate studentship, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Tartu; 1987 engineer, Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry, University of Tartu1991 senior engineer, Laboratory of Enzymology, University of Tartu; 1991 - 2000 senior lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu; 1997 – 2000 PhD studies (neurochemistry); may 2000 - until now associate professor (1/2); senior scientist (1/2), Department of Biochemistry, University of Tartu |
8. | Academic degree | Ph.D. in neurochemistry and neurotoxicology; MSc. in chemistry |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Ph.D. - Stockholmi Ülikool; 2000; MSc. - Tartu University; 1994 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of American Peptide Society, member of Estonian Biochemical Society, member of the comission of medical sciences of Estonian Science Foundation |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Pontus Lundberg, MSc, 2002, superv. Ursel Soomets. Cell-penetrating Proüerties of Peptides Derived from Proteins Involved in Alzheimer's Disease. Stockholmi Ülikool, Rootsi |
13. | Current research program | a) Novel peptidic and non-peptidic antioxidants, their biomedical activity. b)Impared cellular signal transduction in brain of Alzheimer's disease patients: amyloid-beta peptides and oxydative stress c) Amphiphilic, amphipatic and chimeric peptides, their biological activity d) Novel transport peptides and their use in antisense techniques |
14. | Current grant funding | ESF Grant 6503, 5327; Targeted financing TARBK 0411 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Soomets, U., Zilmer, M., Langel, Ü. Manual solid-phase synthesis of glutathione analogs: a laboratory-based short course. (2005) Methods Mol Biol. 298, 241-257. Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Rehema, A., Langel, Ü. The glutathione system as an attractive therapeutic target. (2005) Drug Design Reviews – Online 2, 121-127. Fisher, L., Samuelsson, M., Toro, V.C., Soomets, U., Yang, J., Langel. Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Downregulation of Abeta-induced cytokine expression in glial cells using NFkappaB decoy. (2004) Journal of neuroimmunology 154(1-2), 31-31 98 Sp. Iss. SI. Fisher, L., Soomets, U., Cortes Toro, V., Chilton, L., Jiang, Y., Langel, Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Cellular delivery of a double-stranded oligonucleotide NFkappaB decoy by hybridization to complementary PNA linked to a cell-penetrating peptide. (2004) Gene Ther. 11, 1264-1272. Kilk, K., Elmquist, A., Saar, K., Pooga, M., Land, T., Bartfai, T., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. Targeting of antisense PNA oligomers to human galanin receptor type 1 mRNA. (2004) Neuropeptides. 38, 316-324. Mahlapuu, R., Soomets, U., Zilmer, M., Langel, Ü. Alzheimeri tõve molekulaarsed alused: osalevad valgud ja peptiidid. Uued ravistrateegiad. (2004) Lege Artis, 8 (32), 10-14. Põder, P., Zilmer, M., Starkopf, J., Kals, J., Talonpoika, A., Pulges, A., Langel Ü., Kullisaar, T., Viirlaid, S., Mahlapuu, R., Zarkovski, A., Arend, A., Soomets, U. An antioxidant tetrapeptide UPF1 has a neuroprotective effect in transient global brain ischemia. (2004) Neurosci. Lett. 370, 45-50. Adlerz, L., Soomets U., Holmlund, L., Viirlaid, S., Langel, Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Down-regulation of amyloid precursor protein by peptide nucleic acid oligomer in cultured rat primary neurons and astrocytes. (2003) Neurosci Lett., 336, 55-9. Mahlapuu, R., Viht, K., Balaspiri, L., Bogdanovic, N., Saar, K., Soomets,U., Land, T., Zilmer, M., Karelson, E. and Langel, Ü. Amyloid precursor protein carboxy-terminal fragments modulate G-proteins and adenylate cyclase activity in Alzheimer’s disease brain. (2003) Mol. Brain Res. 117, 73-82. Farquhar, M., Soomets, U., Bates, R. L., Martin, A., Langel, Ü., Howl, J. Novel mastoparan analogs induce differential secretion from mast cells. (2002) Chemistry & Biology, 9, 63-70. Karelson, E., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Bogdanovic, N., Langel, Ü. Possible Signaling by Glutathione and Its Novel Analogue through Potent Stimulation of Frontocortical G Proteins in Normal Aging and in Alzheimer's Disease. (2002) Ann. N Y Acad. Sci., 973, 537-40. Patent “Cell-penetrating peptides”. Inventors: M. Hällbrink, K. Kilk, P. Lundberg, U. Soomets, A. Elmquist, M. Zorko, M. Budihna, C.-G. Östenson, A. Gräslund, G. Eriksson, M. Lindgren, S. EL-Andaloussi, A. Meikas, A. Valkna, P. Kogerman, M. Metsis, M. Pooga, Ü. Langel; applicant: CePeP AB, Sweden, 24. December, 2003; patent nr. WO03/106491. Patent “Cellular delivery of oligonucleotides and peptide-PNA conjugates”. Inventors: Ü. Langel, K. Iverfeldt, V. C. Toro, L. Holmlund, U. Soomets, A. Valkna, K. Kilk, S. El-Andaloussi, M. Metsis; applicant: Applied Biosystems; US Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/364,153, filed March 13, 2002. Pooga, M., Soomets, U., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. Synthesis of Cell Penetrating Peptide-PNA Constructs. (2002) In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Peptide Nucleic Acids: Methods and Protocols. Ed. P. Nielsen. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ. 208, pp. 225-36. Saar, K., Mazarati, A. M., Mahlapuu, R., Halnemo, G., Hellberg, S., Soomets, U., Pooga, M., Tolf, B.-R., Shi, T. S., Hökfelt, T., Wasterlain, C., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. Effects of novel non-peptide galanin receptor agonist in vitro and in vivo. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA, 99, 7136-41. Soomets, U., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, M. Molekulaartehnoloogia praktilise meditsiini teenistuses. Antisense-tehnika. (2002) Eesti Arst, 81, 245-50. Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Karelson, E., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, K., Langel, Ü. Glutathione-like peptide as an antioxidative protector molecule. (2002) Free radical biology and medicine 33, S216-S216 572 Suppl. 1 Valkna, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. Transport peptides as carriers of oligonucleotides. (2002) In: Cell penetrating peptides: processes an applications. Ed. Ü. Langel, CRC Press, Pharmacology & Toxicology Series, Boca Raton, Fla. pp. 347-363. Brown, J., Howl, J., Martin, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü., Brown, C. Single amino-acid substitutions in a mimetic tetradecapeptide agonist of the human P2Y2 receptor prevent second messenger activation. (2001) In: Peptides 2000. Eds. J. Martinez, J.-A. Fehrentz. EDK, Paris, France. pp. 913-914. Farquhar, M., Soomets, U., Brown, C., Martin, A., Bates, R., Langel, Ü., Howl, J. (2001) Venomous chimeric secretagogues. In: Peptides 2000. Eds. J. Martinez, J.-A. Fehrentz. EDK, Paris, France. pp. 633-634 Rezaei, K., Xu, I. S., Wu, W.-P., Shi, T.-J., Soomets, U., Land, T., Xu, X.-J., Wiesenfeld-Hallin, Z., Hökfelt, T., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. (2001) Intrathecal administration of PNA targeting galanin receptor reduces galanin-mediated inhibitory effect in rat spinal cord. Neuroreport, 12, 317-320. Soomets, U., Kilk, K., Land, T., Langel, Ü. Transportan, its analogues and their applications. (2001) In: Innovation and perspectives in solid phase synthesis and combinatorial libraries 2000. Eds. R. Epton. Mayflower Worldwide Ltd., Kingswinford, England. pp. 131-136. Lindgren, M., Gallet, X., Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M., Bråkenhielm, E., Pooga, M., Brasseur, R. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Translocation properties of novel cell penetrating transportan and penetratin analogues. Bioconjugate Chem., 11, 619-626. Patent “Glutathione analogues and their use as antioxidants”. Inventors : Ü. Langel, U.Soomets, E.Vasar, M.Zilmer, applicant: Vulpes Ltd., Estonia; 20. December, 2001; patent nr. AU7474501 (WO01/96369). Poyner, D.R., Howitt, S., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. (2000) Structure activity relationship for CGRP receptor ligands. In : The CGRP family : Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), amylin, and adrenomedullin. Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit 10, Eds. D.Poyner, I.Marshall, S.D.Brain. Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, Texas, USA; Eurekah.com, Austin, Texas, USA. pp. 25-32. Rezaei, K., Saar, K., Soomets, U., Valkna, A., Schroeder, T., Näsman, J., Zilmer, M., Åkermann, K., Zorko, M., Bartfai, T. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Third intracellular loop of galanin receptor type 1 in signal transduction. Neuropeptides. 34, 25-31. Soomets, U., Lindgren, M., Gallet, X., Hällbrink, M., Elmquist, A., Balaspiri, L., Pooga, M., Zorko, M., Brasseur, R. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Deletion analogues of transportan. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1467, 165-167. Hällbrink, M., Saar, K., Östenson, C.-G., Soomets, U., Efendic, S., Howl, J., Wheatley, M., Zorko, M. and Langel, Ü. (1999) Effects of vasopressin-mastoparan chimeric peptides on insulin release and GTPase activity. Reg. Peptides. 82, 45-51. Soomets, U. and Langel, Ü. (1999) Intracellular third loop of galanin receptor as G-protein interaction site. in: Peptides. Frontiers of Peptide Science. Eds. J. P. Tam, P. T. P. Kauyama, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 662-663. Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M. and Langel. Ü. (1999) Antisense properties of peptide nucleic acids. Front. Biosci. 4, D782-D786. Soomets, U., Mahlapuu, R., Tehranian, R., Jarvet, J., Karelson, E., Zilmer, M., Iverfeldt, K., Zorko, M., Gräslund, A., Langel, Ü. (1999) Regulation of activity of GTPase and adenylate cyclase by amyloid beta-peptide and its fragments in rat brain tissue. Brain Res. 850, 179-188. Xu, Z.-Q. D., Ma, X., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. and Hökfelt, T. (1999) Effects of galanin(1-15) on hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons: electrophysiological evidence for new galanin receptor subtype. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96, 14583-14587. Bavec, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü., and Zorko, M. (1998) Structural features of amphipathic peptides required for the activation of G-proteins. Acta Chim. Slov. 45(1) 27-34. Longland, C., Mezna, M., Langel, Ü., Hällbrink, M., Soomets, U., Wheatley, M., Michelangeli, F., and Howl, J. (1998) Biochemical mechanisms of calcium mobilisation induced by mastoparan and chimeric hormone-mastoparan constructs. Cell. Calcium 24(1), 27-34. Mazarati, A., Liu, H., Soomets, U., Sankar, R., Shin, D., Katsumori, H., Langel, Ü. and Wasterlain, C.G. (1998) Galanin modulation of seizures and seizure modulation of hippocampal galanin in an animal model of status epilepticus. J. Neurosci. 18(23), 10070-10077. Pooga, M., Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M., Valkna, A., Saar, K., Rezaei, K., Kahl, U., Hao, J.-X., Xu, X.-J., Wiesenfeld-Hallin, Z., Hökfelt, T., Bartfai, T. and Langel, Ü. 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last updated: 02.08.2005
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