[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ursel
2.Perekonnanimi Soomets
3.Töökoht Arstiteaduskond, Tartu Ülikool
4.Ametikoht dotsent (1/2 kohta); vanemteadur (1/2 kohta)
5.Sünniaeg 18.07.1962 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kõrgem, Tartu Ülikool; 1980-1985; keemik (bio-orgaanilise- ja biokeemia eriprogramm)
7.Teenistuskäik aug. 1985 - aug. 1987 TÜ orgaanilise keemia kateedri stazöör-uurija; aug. 1987 - nov. 1987 TÜ bioorgaanilse keemia labori insener; dets. 1987 - dets. 1990 TÜ statsionaarne aspirantuur orgaanilise keemia erialal; jaan. 1991 - sept. 1991 TÜ ensümoloogia labori vaneminsener; sept. 1991 - aprill 2000 TÜ Arstiteaduskonna biokeemia instituudi vanem-assistent (vanem-õpetaja); mai 2000 - käesoleva ajani TÜ Arstiteaduskonna biokeemia instituudi dotsent (1/2 kohta); vanemteadur (1/2 kohta)
8.Teaduskraad Ph.D. (neurokeemia)
MSc. (keemia)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Stockholmi Ülikool; 2000;
Tartu Ülikool; 1994
ja –administratiivne
Ameerika Peptiidi Ühingu liige
Eesti Biokeemia Seltsi liige
ETF meditsiinikomisjoni liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Pontus Lundberg, MSc, 2002, juh. Ursel Soomets. Cell-penetrating Proüerties of Peptides Derived from Proteins Involved in Alzheimer's Disease. Stockholmi Ülikool, Rootsi

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad a) Uued peptiidsed ja mittepeptiidsed antioksüdandid, nende biomeditsiiniline aktiivsus
b) Signaaliülekande muutused ajus Alzheimeri tõve korral: amüloid-beeta peptiidid ja oksüdatiivne stress.
c) Amfifiilsed, amfipaatsed ja kimäärsed peptiidid, nende bioloogiline aktiivsus.
d) Uued transportpeptiidid ja nende kasutamine antisense tehnikas.
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF 6503;5327; Sihtfinantseerimine TARBK 0411

Soomets, U., Zilmer, M., Langel, Ü. Manual solid-phase synthesis of glutathione analogs: a laboratory-based short course. (2005) Methods Mol Biol. 298, 241-257.

Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Rehema, A., Langel, Ü. The glutathione system as an attractive therapeutic target. (2005) Drug Design Reviews – Online 2, 121-127.

Fisher, L., Samuelsson, M., Toro, V.C., Soomets, U., Yang, J., Langel. Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Downregulation of Abeta-induced cytokine expression in glial cells using NFkappaB decoy. (2004) Journal of neuroimmunology 154(1-2), 31-31 98 Sp. Iss. SI.

Fisher, L., Soomets, U., Cortes Toro, V., Chilton, L., Jiang, Y., Langel, Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Cellular delivery of a double-stranded oligonucleotide NFkappaB decoy by hybridization to complementary PNA linked to a cell-penetrating peptide. (2004) Gene Ther. 11, 1264-1272.

Kilk, K., Elmquist, A., Saar, K., Pooga, M., Land, T., Bartfai, T., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. Targeting of antisense PNA oligomers to human galanin receptor type 1 mRNA. (2004) Neuropeptides. 38, 316-324.

Mahlapuu, R., Soomets, U., Zilmer, M., Langel, Ü. Alzheimeri tõve molekulaarsed alused: osalevad valgud ja peptiidid. Uued ravistrateegiad. (2004) Lege Artis, 8 (32), 10-14.

Põder, P., Zilmer, M., Starkopf, J., Kals, J., Talonpoika, A., Pulges, A., Langel Ü., Kullisaar, T., Viirlaid, S., Mahlapuu, R., Zarkovski, A., Arend, A., Soomets, U. An antioxidant tetrapeptide UPF1 has a neuroprotective effect in transient global brain ischemia. (2004) Neurosci. Lett. 370, 45-50.

Adlerz, L., Soomets U., Holmlund, L., Viirlaid, S., Langel, Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Down-regulation of amyloid precursor protein by peptide nucleic acid oligomer in cultured rat primary neurons and astrocytes. (2003) Neurosci Lett., 336, 55-9.

Mahlapuu, R., Viht, K., Balaspiri, L., Bogdanovic, N., Saar, K., Soomets,U., Land, T., Zilmer, M., Karelson, E. and Langel, Ü. Amyloid precursor protein carboxy-terminal fragments modulate G-proteins and adenylate cyclase activity in Alzheimer’s disease brain. (2003) Mol. Brain Res. 117, 73-82.

Farquhar, M., Soomets, U., Bates, R. L., Martin, A., Langel, Ü., Howl, J. Novel mastoparan analogs induce differential secretion from mast cells. (2002) Chemistry & Biology, 9, 63-70.

Karelson, E., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Bogdanovic, N., Langel, Ü. Possible Signaling by Glutathione and Its Novel Analogue through Potent Stimulation of Frontocortical G Proteins in Normal Aging and in Alzheimer's Disease. (2002) Ann. N Y Acad. Sci., 973, 537-40.

Patent “Cell-penetrating peptides”. Inventors: M. Hällbrink, K. Kilk, P. Lundberg, U. Soomets, A. Elmquist, M. Zorko, M. Budihna, C.-G. Östenson, A. Gräslund, G. Eriksson, M. Lindgren, S. EL-Andaloussi, A. Meikas, A. Valkna, P. Kogerman, M. Metsis, M. Pooga, Ü. Langel; applicant: CePeP AB, Sweden, 24. December, 2003; patent nr. WO03/106491.

Patent “Cellular delivery of oligonucleotides and peptide-PNA conjugates”. Inventors: Ü. Langel, K. Iverfeldt, V. C. Toro, L. Holmlund, U. Soomets, A. Valkna, K. Kilk, S. El-Andaloussi, M. Metsis; applicant: Applied Biosystems; US Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/364,153, filed March 13, 2002.

Pooga, M., Soomets, U., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. Synthesis of Cell Penetrating Peptide-PNA Constructs. (2002) In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Peptide Nucleic Acids: Methods and Protocols. Ed. P. Nielsen. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ. 208, pp. 225-36.

Saar, K., Mazarati, A. M., Mahlapuu, R., Halnemo, G., Hellberg, S., Soomets, U., Pooga, M., Tolf, B.-R., Shi, T. S., Hökfelt, T., Wasterlain, C., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. Effects of novel non-peptide galanin receptor agonist in vitro and in vivo. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA, 99, 7136-41.

Soomets, U., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, M. Molekulaartehnoloogia praktilise meditsiini teenistuses. Antisense-tehnika. (2002) Eesti Arst, 81, 245-50.

Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Karelson, E., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, K., Langel, Ü. Glutathione-like peptide as an antioxidative protector molecule. (2002) Free radical biology and medicine 33, S216-S216 572 Suppl. 1

Valkna, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. Transport peptides as carriers of oligonucleotides. (2002) In: Cell penetrating peptides: processes an applications. Ed. Ü. Langel, CRC Press, Pharmacology & Toxicology Series, Boca Raton, Fla. pp. 347-363.

Brown, J., Howl, J., Martin, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü., Brown, C. Single amino-acid substitutions in a mimetic tetradecapeptide agonist of the human P2Y2 receptor prevent second messenger activation. (2001) In: Peptides 2000. Eds. J. Martinez, J.-A. Fehrentz. EDK, Paris, France. pp. 913-914.

Farquhar, M., Soomets, U., Brown, C., Martin, A., Bates, R., Langel, Ü., Howl, J. (2001) Venomous chimeric secretagogues. In: Peptides 2000. Eds. J. Martinez, J.-A. Fehrentz. EDK, Paris, France. pp. 633-634

Rezaei, K., Xu, I. S., Wu, W.-P., Shi, T.-J., Soomets, U., Land, T., Xu, X.-J., Wiesenfeld-Hallin, Z., Hökfelt, T., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. (2001) Intrathecal administration of PNA targeting galanin receptor reduces galanin-mediated inhibitory effect in rat spinal cord. Neuroreport, 12, 317-320.

Soomets, U., Kilk, K., Land, T., Langel, Ü. Transportan, its analogues and their applications. (2001) In: Innovation and perspectives in solid phase synthesis and combinatorial libraries 2000. Eds. R. Epton. Mayflower Worldwide Ltd., Kingswinford, England. pp. 131-136.

Lindgren, M., Gallet, X., Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M., Bråkenhielm, E., Pooga, M., Brasseur, R. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Translocation properties of novel cell penetrating transportan and penetratin analogues. Bioconjugate Chem., 11, 619-626.

Patent “Glutathione analogues and their use as antioxidants”. Inventors : Ü. Langel, U.Soomets, E.Vasar, M.Zilmer, applicant: Vulpes Ltd., Estonia; 20. December, 2001; patent nr. AU7474501 (WO01/96369).

Poyner, D.R., Howitt, S., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. (2000) Structure activity relationship for CGRP receptor ligands. In : The CGRP family : Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), amylin, and adrenomedullin. Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit 10, Eds. D.Poyner, I.Marshall, S.D.Brain. Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, Texas, USA; Eurekah.com, Austin, Texas, USA. pp. 25-32.

Rezaei, K., Saar, K., Soomets, U., Valkna, A., Schroeder, T., Näsman, J., Zilmer, M., Åkermann, K., Zorko, M., Bartfai, T. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Third intracellular loop of galanin receptor type 1 in signal transduction. Neuropeptides. 34, 25-31.

Soomets, U., Lindgren, M., Gallet, X., Hällbrink, M., Elmquist, A., Balaspiri, L., Pooga, M., Zorko, M., Brasseur, R. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Deletion analogues of transportan. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1467, 165-167.

Hällbrink, M., Saar, K., Östenson, C.-G., Soomets, U., Efendic, S., Howl, J., Wheatley, M., Zorko, M. and Langel, Ü. (1999) Effects of vasopressin-mastoparan chimeric peptides on insulin release and GTPase activity. Reg. Peptides. 82, 45-51.

Soomets, U. and Langel, Ü. (1999) Intracellular third loop of galanin receptor as G-protein interaction site. in: Peptides. Frontiers of Peptide Science. Eds. J. P. Tam, P. T. P. Kauyama, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 662-663.

Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M. and Langel. Ü. (1999) Antisense properties of peptide nucleic acids. Front. Biosci. 4, D782-D786.

Soomets, U., Mahlapuu, R., Tehranian, R., Jarvet, J., Karelson, E., Zilmer, M., Iverfeldt, K., Zorko, M., Gräslund, A., Langel, Ü. (1999) Regulation of activity of GTPase and adenylate cyclase by amyloid beta-peptide and its fragments in rat brain tissue. Brain Res. 850, 179-188.

Xu, Z.-Q. D., Ma, X., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. and Hökfelt, T. (1999) Effects of galanin(1-15) on hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons: electrophysiological evidence for new galanin receptor subtype. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96, 14583-14587.

Bavec, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü., and Zorko, M. (1998) Structural features of amphipathic peptides required for the activation of G-proteins. Acta Chim. Slov. 45(1) 27-34.

Longland, C., Mezna, M., Langel, Ü., Hällbrink, M., Soomets, U., Wheatley, M., Michelangeli, F., and Howl, J. (1998) Biochemical mechanisms of calcium mobilisation induced by mastoparan and chimeric hormone-mastoparan constructs. Cell. Calcium 24(1), 27-34.

Mazarati, A., Liu, H., Soomets, U., Sankar, R., Shin, D., Katsumori, H., Langel, Ü. and Wasterlain, C.G. (1998) Galanin modulation of seizures and seizure modulation of hippocampal galanin in an animal model of status epilepticus. J. Neurosci. 18(23), 10070-10077.

Pooga, M., Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M., Valkna, A., Saar, K., Rezaei, K., Kahl, U., Hao, J.-X., Xu, X.-J., Wiesenfeld-Hallin, Z., Hökfelt, T., Bartfai, T. and Langel, Ü. (1998) Cell penetrating PNA constructs regulate galanin receptor levels and modify pain transmission in vivo. Nature Biotechnology. 16(9), 857-861.

Poyner, D.R., Soomets, U., Howitt, S.G. and Langel, Ü. (1998) Structural determinants for binding to CGRP receptors expressed by human SK-N-MC and Col 29 cells : studies with chimeric and other peptides. Br. J. Pharmacol. 124, 1659-1666.

Saar, K., Valkna, A., Soomets, U., Rezaei, K., Zorko, M., Zilmer, M. and Langel, Ü. (1997) Role of the third cytoplasmic loop in signal transduction by galanin receptors. Biochem. Soc. Transact. 25, 1036-1040.

Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M., Zorko, M., Langel, Ü. (1997) From galanin and mastoparan to galparan and transportan. Current Topics in Peptide and Protein Res. 2, 83-113.

Soomets, U., Kairane, C., Zilmer, M. and Langel, Ü. (1997) Attempt to solubilize Na+/K+-exchanging ATPase with amphiphilic peptide PD1. Acta Chem. Scand. 51, 403-406.

Mäeorg, U., Soomets, U., Perkson, A., Linask, K., Raidaru, G. (1994) Synthesis of 4,4'-Dibromobenzilic Acid. Mendeleev Communications 99-100.

Patent “Method of producing 4,4’-dibromobenzylic acid”. Inventors U. Mäeorg, U. Soomets, A. Perkson; applicant: Tartu University; SU No 4687787/04/061901, (03.05.1991, USSR)

Soomets, U., Perkson, A. (1990) Synthesis of derivatives of benzilic acid - ligands of muscarinic receptor (in Russian), Experimental Biology 2, 156-157.

Soomets, U., Palumaa, P., Järv, J. (1987) Mechanism of reaction of N,N-dimethyl-2-phenylaziridinium ion in acetylcholinesterase active center (in russian). Bioorg. Khim. 13, 198-203.

Palumaa, P., Soomets, U., Järv, J. Effects of reaction medium and temperature on solvolysis of N,N-dimethyl-2-phenylaziridinium ion. (1985) Organic Reactivity 22, 238-257.

viimati muudetud: 02.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ursel
2.Surname Soomets
3.Institution Dept. of Biochemistry, Tartu University
4.Position Associate Professor(1/2); senior scientist (1/2)
5.Date of birth 18.07.1962 (day.month.year)
6.Education Chemical Faculty, Tartu University, 1980-1985, Chemist (special program in the field of bio-organic- and biochemistry)
7.Research and
professional experience
985 - 1987 research fellow, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Tartu; 1987 – 1990 post-graduate studentship, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Tartu; 1987 engineer, Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry, University of Tartu1991 senior engineer, Laboratory of Enzymology, University of Tartu; 1991 - 2000 senior lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu; 1997 – 2000 PhD studies (neurochemistry); may 2000 - until now associate professor (1/2); senior scientist (1/2), Department of Biochemistry, University of Tartu
8.Academic degree Ph.D. in neurochemistry and neurotoxicology;
MSc. in chemistry
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Ph.D. - Stockholmi Ülikool; 2000;
MSc. - Tartu University; 1994
Member of American Peptide Society, member of Estonian Biochemical Society, member of the comission of medical sciences of Estonian Science Foundation
12.Supervised dissertations

Pontus Lundberg, MSc, 2002, superv. Ursel Soomets. Cell-penetrating Proüerties of Peptides Derived from Proteins Involved in Alzheimer's Disease. Stockholmi Ülikool, Rootsi

13.Current research program a) Novel peptidic and non-peptidic antioxidants, their biomedical activity.
b)Impared cellular signal transduction in brain of Alzheimer's disease patients: amyloid-beta peptides and oxydative stress
c) Amphiphilic, amphipatic and chimeric peptides, their biological activity
d) Novel transport peptides and their use in antisense techniques
14.Current grant funding ESF Grant 6503, 5327; Targeted financing TARBK 0411
15.List of most important publications

Soomets, U., Zilmer, M., Langel, Ü. Manual solid-phase synthesis of glutathione analogs: a laboratory-based short course. (2005) Methods Mol Biol. 298, 241-257.

Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Rehema, A., Langel, Ü. The glutathione system as an attractive therapeutic target. (2005) Drug Design Reviews – Online 2, 121-127.

Fisher, L., Samuelsson, M., Toro, V.C., Soomets, U., Yang, J., Langel. Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Downregulation of Abeta-induced cytokine expression in glial cells using NFkappaB decoy. (2004) Journal of neuroimmunology 154(1-2), 31-31 98 Sp. Iss. SI.

Fisher, L., Soomets, U., Cortes Toro, V., Chilton, L., Jiang, Y., Langel, Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Cellular delivery of a double-stranded oligonucleotide NFkappaB decoy by hybridization to complementary PNA linked to a cell-penetrating peptide. (2004) Gene Ther. 11, 1264-1272.

Kilk, K., Elmquist, A., Saar, K., Pooga, M., Land, T., Bartfai, T., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. Targeting of antisense PNA oligomers to human galanin receptor type 1 mRNA. (2004) Neuropeptides. 38, 316-324.

Mahlapuu, R., Soomets, U., Zilmer, M., Langel, Ü. Alzheimeri tõve molekulaarsed alused: osalevad valgud ja peptiidid. Uued ravistrateegiad. (2004) Lege Artis, 8 (32), 10-14.

Põder, P., Zilmer, M., Starkopf, J., Kals, J., Talonpoika, A., Pulges, A., Langel Ü., Kullisaar, T., Viirlaid, S., Mahlapuu, R., Zarkovski, A., Arend, A., Soomets, U. An antioxidant tetrapeptide UPF1 has a neuroprotective effect in transient global brain ischemia. (2004) Neurosci. Lett. 370, 45-50.

Adlerz, L., Soomets U., Holmlund, L., Viirlaid, S., Langel, Ü., Iverfeldt, K. Down-regulation of amyloid precursor protein by peptide nucleic acid oligomer in cultured rat primary neurons and astrocytes. (2003) Neurosci Lett., 336, 55-9.

Mahlapuu, R., Viht, K., Balaspiri, L., Bogdanovic, N., Saar, K., Soomets,U., Land, T., Zilmer, M., Karelson, E. and Langel, Ü. Amyloid precursor protein carboxy-terminal fragments modulate G-proteins and adenylate cyclase activity in Alzheimer’s disease brain. (2003) Mol. Brain Res. 117, 73-82.

Farquhar, M., Soomets, U., Bates, R. L., Martin, A., Langel, Ü., Howl, J. Novel mastoparan analogs induce differential secretion from mast cells. (2002) Chemistry & Biology, 9, 63-70.

Karelson, E., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Bogdanovic, N., Langel, Ü. Possible Signaling by Glutathione and Its Novel Analogue through Potent Stimulation of Frontocortical G Proteins in Normal Aging and in Alzheimer's Disease. (2002) Ann. N Y Acad. Sci., 973, 537-40.

Patent “Cell-penetrating peptides”. Inventors: M. Hällbrink, K. Kilk, P. Lundberg, U. Soomets, A. Elmquist, M. Zorko, M. Budihna, C.-G. Östenson, A. Gräslund, G. Eriksson, M. Lindgren, S. EL-Andaloussi, A. Meikas, A. Valkna, P. Kogerman, M. Metsis, M. Pooga, Ü. Langel; applicant: CePeP AB, Sweden, 24. December, 2003; patent nr. WO03/106491.

Patent “Cellular delivery of oligonucleotides and peptide-PNA conjugates”. Inventors: Ü. Langel, K. Iverfeldt, V. C. Toro, L. Holmlund, U. Soomets, A. Valkna, K. Kilk, S. El-Andaloussi, M. Metsis; applicant: Applied Biosystems; US Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/364,153, filed March 13, 2002.

Pooga, M., Soomets, U., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. Synthesis of Cell Penetrating Peptide-PNA Constructs. (2002) In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Peptide Nucleic Acids: Methods and Protocols. Ed. P. Nielsen. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ. 208, pp. 225-36.

Saar, K., Mazarati, A. M., Mahlapuu, R., Halnemo, G., Hellberg, S., Soomets, U., Pooga, M., Tolf, B.-R., Shi, T. S., Hökfelt, T., Wasterlain, C., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. Effects of novel non-peptide galanin receptor agonist in vitro and in vivo. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA, 99, 7136-41.

Soomets, U., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, M. Molekulaartehnoloogia praktilise meditsiini teenistuses. Antisense-tehnika. (2002) Eesti Arst, 81, 245-50.

Zilmer, M., Soomets, U., Karelson, E., Mahlapuu, R., Zilmer, K., Langel, Ü. Glutathione-like peptide as an antioxidative protector molecule. (2002) Free radical biology and medicine 33, S216-S216 572 Suppl. 1

Valkna, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. Transport peptides as carriers of oligonucleotides. (2002) In: Cell penetrating peptides: processes an applications. Ed. Ü. Langel, CRC Press, Pharmacology & Toxicology Series, Boca Raton, Fla. pp. 347-363.

Brown, J., Howl, J., Martin, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü., Brown, C. Single amino-acid substitutions in a mimetic tetradecapeptide agonist of the human P2Y2 receptor prevent second messenger activation. (2001) In: Peptides 2000. Eds. J. Martinez, J.-A. Fehrentz. EDK, Paris, France. pp. 913-914.

Farquhar, M., Soomets, U., Brown, C., Martin, A., Bates, R., Langel, Ü., Howl, J. (2001) Venomous chimeric secretagogues. In: Peptides 2000. Eds. J. Martinez, J.-A. Fehrentz. EDK, Paris, France. pp. 633-634

Rezaei, K., Xu, I. S., Wu, W.-P., Shi, T.-J., Soomets, U., Land, T., Xu, X.-J., Wiesenfeld-Hallin, Z., Hökfelt, T., Bartfai, T., Langel, Ü. (2001) Intrathecal administration of PNA targeting galanin receptor reduces galanin-mediated inhibitory effect in rat spinal cord. Neuroreport, 12, 317-320.

Soomets, U., Kilk, K., Land, T., Langel, Ü. Transportan, its analogues and their applications. (2001) In: Innovation and perspectives in solid phase synthesis and combinatorial libraries 2000. Eds. R. Epton. Mayflower Worldwide Ltd., Kingswinford, England. pp. 131-136.

Lindgren, M., Gallet, X., Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M., Bråkenhielm, E., Pooga, M., Brasseur, R. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Translocation properties of novel cell penetrating transportan and penetratin analogues. Bioconjugate Chem., 11, 619-626.

Patent “Glutathione analogues and their use as antioxidants”. Inventors : Ü. Langel, U.Soomets, E.Vasar, M.Zilmer, applicant: Vulpes Ltd., Estonia; 20. December, 2001; patent nr. AU7474501 (WO01/96369).

Poyner, D.R., Howitt, S., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. (2000) Structure activity relationship for CGRP receptor ligands. In : The CGRP family : Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), amylin, and adrenomedullin. Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit 10, Eds. D.Poyner, I.Marshall, S.D.Brain. Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, Texas, USA; Eurekah.com, Austin, Texas, USA. pp. 25-32.

Rezaei, K., Saar, K., Soomets, U., Valkna, A., Schroeder, T., Näsman, J., Zilmer, M., Åkermann, K., Zorko, M., Bartfai, T. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Third intracellular loop of galanin receptor type 1 in signal transduction. Neuropeptides. 34, 25-31.

Soomets, U., Lindgren, M., Gallet, X., Hällbrink, M., Elmquist, A., Balaspiri, L., Pooga, M., Zorko, M., Brasseur, R. and Langel, Ü. (2000) Deletion analogues of transportan. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1467, 165-167.

Hällbrink, M., Saar, K., Östenson, C.-G., Soomets, U., Efendic, S., Howl, J., Wheatley, M., Zorko, M. and Langel, Ü. (1999) Effects of vasopressin-mastoparan chimeric peptides on insulin release and GTPase activity. Reg. Peptides. 82, 45-51.

Soomets, U. and Langel, Ü. (1999) Intracellular third loop of galanin receptor as G-protein interaction site. in: Peptides. Frontiers of Peptide Science. Eds. J. P. Tam, P. T. P. Kauyama, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 662-663.

Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M. and Langel. Ü. (1999) Antisense properties of peptide nucleic acids. Front. Biosci. 4, D782-D786.

Soomets, U., Mahlapuu, R., Tehranian, R., Jarvet, J., Karelson, E., Zilmer, M., Iverfeldt, K., Zorko, M., Gräslund, A., Langel, Ü. (1999) Regulation of activity of GTPase and adenylate cyclase by amyloid beta-peptide and its fragments in rat brain tissue. Brain Res. 850, 179-188.

Xu, Z.-Q. D., Ma, X., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü. and Hökfelt, T. (1999) Effects of galanin(1-15) on hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons: electrophysiological evidence for new galanin receptor subtype. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96, 14583-14587.

Bavec, A., Soomets, U., Langel, Ü., and Zorko, M. (1998) Structural features of amphipathic peptides required for the activation of G-proteins. Acta Chim. Slov. 45(1) 27-34.

Longland, C., Mezna, M., Langel, Ü., Hällbrink, M., Soomets, U., Wheatley, M., Michelangeli, F., and Howl, J. (1998) Biochemical mechanisms of calcium mobilisation induced by mastoparan and chimeric hormone-mastoparan constructs. Cell. Calcium 24(1), 27-34.

Mazarati, A., Liu, H., Soomets, U., Sankar, R., Shin, D., Katsumori, H., Langel, Ü. and Wasterlain, C.G. (1998) Galanin modulation of seizures and seizure modulation of hippocampal galanin in an animal model of status epilepticus. J. Neurosci. 18(23), 10070-10077.

Pooga, M., Soomets, U., Hällbrink, M., Valkna, A., Saar, K., Rezaei, K., Kahl, U., Hao, J.-X., Xu, X.-J., Wiesenfeld-Hallin, Z., Hökfelt, T., Bartfai, T. and Langel, Ü. (1998) Cell penetrating PNA constructs regulate galanin receptor levels and modify pain transmission in vivo. Nature Biotechnology. 16(9), 857-861.

Poyner, D.R., Soomets, U., Howitt, S.G. and Langel, Ü. (1998) Structural determinants for binding to CGRP receptors expressed by human SK-N-MC and Col 29 cells : studies with chimeric and other peptides. Br. J. Pharmacol. 124, 1659-1666.

Saar, K., Valkna, A., Soomets, U., Rezaei, K., Zorko, M., Zilmer, M. and Langel, Ü. (1997) Role of the third cytoplasmic loop in signal transduction by galanin receptors. Biochem. Soc. Transact. 25, 1036-1040.

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last updated: 02.08.2005

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