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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Olga
2.Perekonnanimi Volobujeva
3.Töökoht Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 15.02.1973 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, pooljuhtmaterjalide tehnoloogia
7.Teenistuskäik 1995-1999 TTÜ magistrant
2000- TTÜ doktorant
2003- TTÜ teadur
8.Teaduskraad Loodusteaduste magister "Faasiüleminekute uurimine tahketes lahustes CdSexTe1-x"
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
TTÜ 1999
10.Tunnustused Eesti rahvuskultuuri fondi stipendium, 2002
Rootsi Kuninglik Inseneriakadeemia stipendium, 2004
ja –administratiivne
SPIE liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad tahke keha keemia,
elektronmikroskoopia ja elementanalüüs
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF 5156 (lõpeb 2005) ,
ETF 6179

L.Kommel, I.Hussainova, O.Volobueva, R.Lõhmus, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of nanostructured copper. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng., 2005, 11, 3, 187-197.

T.Dedova,A.Mere,M.Krunks,O.Kijatkina,I.Oja,O.Volobujeva Structural and optical characterization of sprayed ZnS thin films, Preeciding of SPIE, optical Materials and Applications, 5946, 34, 2005

T.Dedova,M.Krunks,O.Volobujeva, I.Oja ZnS thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique,Physica Status Solidi (c),2,3(2005)1161-1166

K.Lott, O.Volobujeva, A.Öpik, T.Nirk, L.Türn and M.Nõges, High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in Donor-Doped II-VI Compounds, phys. stat. sol.(c), 0,2,618-621(2003)

K.Lott, O.Volobujeva, M.Raukas, L.Türn, A.Grebennik and A.Vishnjakov, Investigation of excess Zn in ZnO, phys. stat. sol. (c), 0 (2003) 622.

K.Lott, O.Volobujeva, T.Nirk, L.Türn, A.Öpik and E.Gorohova, High temperature electrical conductivity of codoped ZnS and CdSe, Physica B 340-342 (2003) 263

K.Lott, L.Türn, J.Volobujeva, M.Leskelä High temperature electrical conductivity of Cu-doped ZnS phys. stat. sol.(b), 229 (2002) 361

K.Lott, T.Nirk and O.Volobujeva Chemical Self-Diffusion in Undoped ZnS and in undoped CdSe, Crystal Engineering (Elsevier) 5 (2002) 147

Лотт, О.Волобуева, М.Раукас, Л.Тюрн, А.В.Гребенник, А.В.Вишняков Нестехиометрический цинк в оксиде цинка, Сборник трудов V Международной конференции "Прикладная оптика 2002", том 2, стр.54-58, Санкт-Петербург 2002

K.Lott, L.Türn, J.Volobujeva, M.Leskelä High temperature electrical conductivity in undoped ZnS, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 308-310, 1, 932-934, 2001.

Lott K., M.Raukas, O.Volobujeva, A.Vishnjakov, A.Grebennik High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in Ga and In Solubility Limit Region in ZnS, Int.J.Inorg.Mat., 3 (2001) 1345

Lott K., T.Nirk , M.Raukas, O.Volobujeva, A.Öpik , A.Vishnjakov High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in the Ag Solubility Limit Region in ZnS and in CdSe, Int.J.Inorg.Mat., 3, 8, 1295-1297, 2001

viimati muudetud: 16.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Olga
2.Surname Volobujeva
3.Institution Tallinn University of Technology
4.Position research scientist
5.Date of birth 15.02.1973 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tallinn Technical University, technology of semiconductor materials
7.Research and
professional experience
1995-1999, TTU post-graduated student
2000- TTU Ph.D student
2003- TTU research scientist
8.Academic degree Master of science "Investigation of Phase Transitions CdSexTe1-x Solid Solutions"
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
TTU 1999
10.Honours/awards Estonian National Culture Foundation grant, 2002
Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences grant, 2004
member of SPIE
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program solid state chemistry,
electron microscopy and elemental analysis
14.Current grant funding ESF 5156 (will finish at 2005),
ESF 6179
15.List of most important publications

L.Kommel, I.Hussainova, O.Volobueva, R.Lõhmus, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of nanostructured copper. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng., 2005, 11, 3, 187-197.

T.Dedova,A.Mere,M.Krunks,O.Kijatkina,I.Oja,O.Volobujeva Structural and optical characterization of sprayed ZnS thin films, Preeciding of SPIE, optical Materials and Applications, 5946, 34, 2005

T.Dedova,M.Krunks,O.Volobujeva, I.Oja ZnS thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique,Physica Status Solidi (c),2,3(2005)1161-1166

K.Lott, O.Volobujeva, A.Öpik, T.Nirk, L.Türn and M.Nõges, High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in Donor-Doped II-VI Compounds, phys. stat. sol.(c), 0,2,618-621(2003)

K.Lott, O.Volobujeva, M.Raukas, L.Türn, A.Grebennik and A.Vishnjakov, Investigation of excess Zn in ZnO, phys. stat. sol. (c), 0 (2003) 622.

K.Lott, O.Volobujeva, T.Nirk, L.Türn, A.Öpik and E.Gorohova, High temperature electrical conductivity of codoped ZnS and CdSe, Physica B 340-342 (2003) 263

K.Lott, L.Türn, J.Volobujeva, M.Leskelä High temperature electrical conductivity of Cu-doped ZnS phys. stat. sol.(b), 229 (2002) 361

K.Lott, T.Nirk and O.Volobujeva Chemical Self-Diffusion in Undoped ZnS and in undoped CdSe, Crystal Engineering (Elsevier) 5 (2002) 147

Лотт, О.Волобуева, М.Раукас, Л.Тюрн, А.В.Гребенник, А.В.Вишняков Нестехиометрический цинк в оксиде цинка, Сборник трудов V Международной конференции "Прикладная оптика 2002", том 2, стр.54-58, Санкт-Петербург 2002

K.Lott, L.Türn, J.Volobujeva, M.Leskelä High temperature electrical conductivity in undoped ZnS, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 308-310, 1, 932-934, 2001.

Lott K., M.Raukas, O.Volobujeva, A.Vishnjakov, A.Grebennik High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in Ga and In Solubility Limit Region in ZnS, Int.J.Inorg.Mat., 3 (2001) 1345

Lott K., T.Nirk , M.Raukas, O.Volobujeva, A.Öpik , A.Vishnjakov High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in the Ag Solubility Limit Region in ZnS and in CdSe, Int.J.Inorg.Mat., 3, 8, 1295-1297, 2001

last updated: 16.09.2005

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