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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Gunnar
2.Perekonnanimi Grossschmidt
3.Töökoht Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Küberneetika Instituut
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Masinaehituse Instituut
4.Ametikoht Vanemteadur 1/4
Teadur 1/2
5.Sünniaeg 13.09.1930 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut (TPI), insener-mehaanik
masinaehitustehnoloogia erialal, 1953
Kiievi Polütehniline Instituut, aspirantuur
metallilõikepinkide erialal, 1953-1956
Intensiiv-lühikursus "Insener- ja teadussüsteemide matemaatiline modelleerimine ja digitaalarvutil simuleerimine"
ETH Zürich juures,17-21. mai, 1999
7.Teenistuskäik Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut (TPI), assistent 1957-1958
TPI, vanemõpetaja 1958-1960
TPI, dotsendi kt. 1960-1962
TPI, dotsent 1962-1963
TPI, vanemteadur 1963-1965
TPI, dotsent 1965-1992
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool (TTÜ), aseprofessor,
masinate projekteerimise õppetooli juhataja 1992-1997
TTÜ, dotsent 1997-2002
TTÜ, teadur 3/4 2002-2003
TTÜ, vanemteadur 1/4 2003-2005
TTÜ, vanemteadur 1/4, teadur 1/2 2005-
8.Teaduskraad Tehnikakandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tehnikakandidaadi diplom 23.04.1960
Kõrgem Atesteerimiskomisjon, Moskva
Dotsendi diplom 21.03.1963
Kõrgem Atesteerimiskomisjon, Moskva
10.Tunnustused Lülitus biograafilistesse väljaannetesse:
"Who'sWho in the World" 15s (1998), 16s(2000), 17s (2002)
ja 18s (2004) väljaanne;
"Who'sWho in Science and Engineering" 4s (1998-1999),
5s (2000-2001) ja 6s (2002-2003) väljaanne.
ja –administratiivne
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Masinate projekteerimise õppetooli juhataja, 1992-1997
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Jaak Pahapill, cand, 1985, juh. Gunnar Grossschmidt, Enn Tõugu. "Hüdrosüsteemide siirdetunnusjoonte arvutus kasutades teadmus-baasil programmeerimist". Tallinn

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Tehniliste ahelsüstemide staatika ja dünaamika matemaatiliste mudelite väljatöötamine hulk-poolus mudelite ja orienteeritud graafide kasutamisel ning süsteemide simuleerimine programmeerimis- ja arvutussüsteemi NUT vahenditega.
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF Grant nr.5867 (2004-2005):
"Elektrohüdrauliliste koormustundlike süsteemide modelleerimine ja simuleerimine programmeerimissüsteemi NUT keskkonnas"

Grossschmidt G., Harf M., Djurovic M. Modelling and simulation of steady-state conditions of a hydraulic load-sensing system. Proc. of the International Scientific-Technical Conference "Hydraulics and Pneumatics'2005, May 17-19,2005, Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 439-447.

Grossschmidt G., Harf M. Modelling and Simulation of Hydraulic Load-Sensing Systems using Object-oriented Programming Environment. Proc. of the 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS'2005, "Simulation in Wider Europe", June 1-4,2005,[SCS] Europe Publication, Riga, Latvia, pp. 605-609.

Grossschmidt G., Harf M. Multi-pole modelling and simulation of an electro-hydraulic servo-system with a non-linear regulator in NUT environment. Fünftes Deutsch-Polnisches Seminar “Innovation und Fortschritt in der Fluidtechnik”, 18. –19. September 2003,Warszawa, pp. 146-161.

Grossschmidt G., Harf M. Multi-pole modelling and simulation of a four-way valve controlled fluid power system in NUT environment. Proc. of the 16th European Simulation Multiconference ESM’2002, June 3-5, 2002, [SCS] Europe publication, Darmstadt Germany, pp. 677-681.

Grossschmidt G., Harf M. Modelling and simulation of hydraulic systems in NUT programming environment. Viertes Deutsch-Polnisches Seminar “Innovation und Fortschritt in der Fluidtechnik”, 20-21 September 2001 in Sopot, S. 329-348.

Grossschmidt G., Harf M. Simulation of an electro-hydraulic servo-valve in NUT programming environment. Proc. of the 13th European Simulation Symposium ”Simulation in Industry” ESS’2001, October 18-20, 2001, [SCS] Europe Publication, Marseille, France, pp. 229-233.

Grossschmidt G. Multi-pole modelling of an electro-hydraulic servo-valve. Proc. of the 13th European Simulation Symposium ”Simulation in Industry” ESS’2001, October 18-20, 2001, [SCS] Europe Publication, Marseille, France, pp. 234-239.

Grossschmidt G., Vanaveski J., Harf M. Simulation of hydraulic chains using multi-pole models in the NUT programming environment. Proc. of the 14th European Simulation Multiconference ESM’2000, Simulation and Modelling: Enablers for a better quality of life, May 23-26, 2000, [SCS] Europe Publication, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 709-713.

Grossschmidt G., Vanaveski J. Causality of Mathematical Models of Technical Systems. Proc. of the 12th European Simulation Multiconference ESM´98, as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the University of Manchester, Simulation – Past, Present and Future, June 16-19, [SCS] Europe Publication, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1998, pp. 191-195.

Grossschmidt G. Principles of Modelling and Simulation of Technical Chain Systems. Proc. of the 9th European Simulation Symposium & Exhibition, Simulation in Industry, October 19-23, 1997, [SCS] Europe Publication, Passau, Germany, pp. 705-712.

viimati muudetud: 12.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Gunnar
2.Surname Grossschmidt
3.Institution Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Cybernetics
Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Machinery
4.Position Senior researcher 1/4
Researcher 1/2
5.Date of birth 13.09.1930 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tallinn Polytechnical Institute (TPI), technology of machinery,
speciality - technology of machinery, 1953
Kiev Polytechnical Institute, PhD studies, speciality - machine tools, 1953-1956
Intensive short-course "Mathematical Modeling and Digital Computer Simulation of Engineering and Scientific Systems"
at ETH Zürich from May 17-21, 1999
7.Research and
professional experience
Tallinn Polytechnical Institute (TPI), assistant 1957-1958
TPI, senior lecturer 1958-1960
TPI, acting docent 1960-1962
TPI, docent 1962-1963
TPI, senior researcher 1963-1965
TPI, docent 1965-1992
Tallinn Technical University (TTU), associated professor,
head of the chair of Machine Design 1992-1997
TTU, docent 1997-2002
Tallinn University of Technology (TUT), researcher 3/4 2002-2003
TUT, senior researcher 1/4 2003-2005
TUT, senior researcher 1/4, researcher 1/2 2005-
8.Academic degree Candidate of sciences (PhD)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Diploma of candidate of sciences,
Highest Attestation Committee, Moscow
Attestation of docent, 21.03.1963,
Hidhest Attestation Committee, Moscow
10.Honours/awards Enclosed in the biographical references:
"Who'sWho in the World" 15th (1998), 16th (2000), 17th (2002)
and 18th (2004) edition;
"Who'sWho in Science and Engineering" 4th (1998-1999),
5th (2000-2001) and 6th (2002-2003) edition.
Tallinn Technical University, head of the chair of Machine Design, 1992-1997
12.Supervised dissertations

Jaak Pahapill, cand, 1985, superv. Gunnar Grossschmidt, Enn Tõugu. "Hüdrosüsteemide siirdetunnusjoonte arvutus kasutades teadmus-baasil programmeerimist". Tallinn

13.Current research program Elaborating the mathematical models for static and dynamics of technical chain systems using the multi-pole models and oriented graphs with implementation of the programming and computing system NUT for simulation.
14.Current grant funding Grant of Estonian Science Foundation No. 5867 (2004-2005):
"Modelling and Simulation of Electro-Hydraulic Load Sensing Systems in NUT Programming Environment"
15.List of most important publications

Grossschmidt G., Harf M., Djurovic M. Modelling and simulation of steady-state conditions of a hydraulic load-sensing system. Proc. of the International Scientific-Technical Conference "Hydraulics and Pneumatics'2005, May 17-19,2005, Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 439-447.

Grossschmidt G., Harf M. Modelling and Simulation of Hydraulic Load-Sensing Systems using Object-oriented Programming Environment. Proc. of the 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS'2005, "Simulation in Wider Europe", June 1-4,2005,[SCS] Europe Publication, Riga, Latvia, pp. 605-609.

Grossschmidt G., Harf M. Multi-pole modelling and simulation of an electro-hydraulic servo-system with a non-linear regulator in NUT environment. Fünftes Deutsch-Polnisches Seminar “Innovation und Fortschritt in der Fluidtechnik”, 18. –19. September 2003,Warszawa, pp. 146-161.

Grossschmidt G., Harf M. Multi-pole modelling and simulation of a four-way valve controlled fluid power system in NUT environment. Proc. of the 16th European Simulation Multiconference ESM’2002, June 3-5, 2002, [SCS] Europe publication, Darmstadt Germany, pp. 677-681.

Grossschmidt G., Harf M. Modelling and simulation of hydraulic systems in NUT programming environment. Viertes Deutsch-Polnisches Seminar “Innovation und Fortschritt in der Fluidtechnik”, 20-21 September 2001 in Sopot, S. 329-348.

Grossschmidt G., Harf M. Simulation of an electro-hydraulic servo-valve in NUT programming environment. Proc. of the 13th European Simulation Symposium ”Simulation in Industry” ESS’2001, October 18-20, 2001, [SCS] Europe Publication, Marseille, France, pp. 229-233.

Grossschmidt G. Multi-pole modelling of an electro-hydraulic servo-valve. Proc. of the 13th European Simulation Symposium ”Simulation in Industry” ESS’2001, October 18-20, 2001, [SCS] Europe Publication, Marseille, France, pp. 234-239.

Grossschmidt G., Vanaveski J., Harf M. Simulation of hydraulic chains using multi-pole models in the NUT programming environment. Proc. of the 14th European Simulation Multiconference ESM’2000, Simulation and Modelling: Enablers for a better quality of life, May 23-26, 2000, [SCS] Europe Publication, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 709-713.

Grossschmidt G., Vanaveski J. Causality of Mathematical Models of Technical Systems. Proc. of the 12th European Simulation Multiconference ESM´98, as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the University of Manchester, Simulation – Past, Present and Future, June 16-19, [SCS] Europe Publication, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1998, pp. 191-195.

Grossschmidt G. Principles of Modelling and Simulation of Technical Chain Systems. Proc. of the 9th European Simulation Symposium & Exhibition, Simulation in Industry, October 19-23, 1997, [SCS] Europe Publication, Passau, Germany, pp. 705-712.

last updated: 12.10.2005

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