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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Kersti |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Zilmer |
3. | Töökoht | TÜ Biokeemia instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur(0,5), vanemassistent(0,5) |
5. | Sünniaeg | 05.06.1948 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | kõrgem, Tartu Ülikool 1971 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Alates 1995- Biokeemia instituudi vanemteadur(0,5) ja vanemassistent(0,5); 1993-1995- Biokeemia instituudi vanemteadur; 1988-1993- TO hormonaalregulatsiooni labori vanemteadur; 1988-1989- samas juhataja asetäitja; 1980-1988- ÜMPI hormonaalregulatsiooni labori vanemteadur 1979-1980 ÜMPI vaneminsener; 1973-1979 Meditsiini kesklaboratooriumi vaneminsener; 1971-1973- samas vanemlaborant |
8. | Teaduskraad | PhD(biokeemia) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool,1986 |
10. | Tunnustused | TÜ Kliinikumi teadustöö preemia, 2001 |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Rahvusvahelise Biokeemia Seltsi liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | High-grade oksüdatiivse stressi ja haiguste patogeneesi seosed (biokeemilised mehhanismid): Alzheimeri tõbi, krooniline neeruhaigus, diabeet, kardiovaskulaarhaigused, hüpertensioon, endoteeli düsfunktsionaalsus, atoopiline dermatiit |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Grant nr.5833 põhitäitja, |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Int J Obesity. Atherogenic inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in relation to owerweight values in male former athletes. Pihl, E, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar, T, Kairane, C, Mägi, A, Zilmer, M, (2006) (in press) Medicina. Helicobacter pylori substantially increases oxidative stress in indomethacin-exposed rat gastric mucosa. Arend, A, Loime, L, Roosaar, P, Soom, M, Lõivukene, K, Sepp, E, Aunapuu, M, Zilmer, K, Selstam, G, Zilmer, M, 2005, 41, 343-347. Muda P, Kampus P, Zilmer M, Ristimäe T, Fischer K, Zilmer K, Kairane C, Teesalu R. Effect of antihypertensive treatment with candesartan or amlodipine on glutathione and its redox status, homocysteine and vitamin concentrations in patients with essential hypertension. J Hypertension, 2005,23(1),105-112. Arch Dermatology Res. Nickel sulphate and epoxy resin: differences in iron status and glutathione redox ration at the time of patch testing. Kaur, S, Zilmer, M, Eisen, M, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Zilmer. K. 2004,295, 517-520. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. Allergic contact dermatitis is accompanied by severe abnormal chamges in antioxidativity of blood. Eisen, M, Kaur, S, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Zilmer, M. 2004,58,260-263. J Hypertension. Effect of antihypertensive treatment with candersartan or amlodipine on glutathione and its redox status, homocysteine and vitamin concentrations in patients with essential hypertension. Muda, P, Kampus, P, Zilmer, M, Ristimäe, T, Fischer, K, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Teesalu, R. 2004,22,(7),1-7. Medicina. Ferrous iron administration during pregnancy and adaptational oxidative stress (pilot study). Rehema, A, Zilmer, K, Klaar, U, Karro,H, Kullisaar, T, Zilmer, M. 2004,40,547-552. Micr Ecol Health Dis. The influence of antibacterial and antioxidative probiotic lactobacilli on gut mucosa in a mouse model of Salmonella infection. Truusalu, K, Naber, P, Kullisaar, T, Tamm, H, Mikelsaar, R.-H, Zilmer, K, Rehema, A, Zilmer, M, Mikelsaar, M. 2004, 16, 180-187. Nephron Exp Nephrol. Oxidative stress status in kidney tissue after losartan and atenolol treatment in experimental renal failure. Pechter U, Aunapuu M, Riispere Z, Vihalemm T, Kullissaar T, Zilmer K, Zilmer M, Ots M. 2004,97,33-37. Atherosclerosis. High-sensitive C-reactive protein level and oxidative stress-related status in former athletes in relation to traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Pihl, E, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar T, Kairane, C, Pulges, A, Zilmer, M. 2003, 171,321-326. British J of Nutrition. Anti-oxidant probiotic fermented milk decreases oxidative stress-mediated atherogenicity in human. Kullisaar, T, Songisepp, Mikelsaar M, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, M. 2003, 90,2,449-456. Int J Rehabil Res. Beneficial effects of water-based exercise in patients with chronic kidney disease. Pechter U, Ots M, Mesikepp S, Zilmer K, Kullissaar T, Vihalemm T, Zilmer M, Maaroos J. 2003, 2, 153-156. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. Protective effect of antioxidants on pulmonary endo¬thelial function after cardiopulmonary bypass. Angdin, M, Settergren, G, Star¬kopf, J, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Vaage, J., 2003, 17, 314-320. J Dermatol Sci. Emollient cream and topical glucocorticoid treatment of chronic hand dermatitis: influence on oxidative stress status of the skin. Kaur, S, Eisen, M, Zilmer, M, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, K. 2003,33,127-129. J Hypertension. Homocysteine and red blood cell glutathione as indices for middle-aged untreated essential hypertension patients. Muda, P, Kampus, P, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Ristimäe, T, Fischer, K, Teesalu, R. 2003,21,2329-2333. Scand J Surg. Is elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair accompanied by high grade oxidative stress? Põder, P, Pulges, A, Kals, J, Aavik, A, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar, T, Kairane, C, C, Zilmer, M. 2003,92,206-209. Cardiology. Changes of parameters of the functional state of the organism and oxidative stress in patients after surgical revascularization at early stage of resto¬rative treatment. Arak-Luk¬mann, A, Maaroos, J, Landõr, A, Vider, J, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm, T, Kullis¬saar, T, Sulling, T, Eha, J. 2002,42,14-19. Int J Rehabilitation Res. Oxidative stress before and after exercise conditioning in patients following revascularization of the myocardium. Arak-Lukmann, A, Zilmer, M, Maaroos,J, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm,T, Kullissaar,T, Vider, J,2002,25 (4), 305-312. Clin Nephrol. Oxidative stress markers in preuremic patients. Annuk M, Fellström B, Åkerblom O, Zilmer K, Vihalemm T, Zilmer M. 2001, 56, 308-314. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. The Swedish APP670/671 Alzheimer’s Disease mutation: The first evidence for strikingly increased oxidative injury in the temporal inferior cortex. Bogdanovic, N, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Rehema, A, Karelson, E. 2001,12,364-370. Neurochemical Research. The cerebrocortical areas in normal brain aging and in Alzheimer’s disease: noticeable differences in the lipid peroxidation level and in antioxidant defence. Karelson, E, Bogdanovic, N, Garlind, A, Winblad, B, Zilmer, K, Kul¬lisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Kairane, C, Zilmer, M. 2001,26,353-361. Patophysiology. Acute immune response in respect to exercise-induced oxidative stress. Vider, J, Lehtmaa, J, Kullisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Lan¬dõr, A, Karu, T, Zilmer, M., 2001,7,263-270. |
viimati muudetud: 13.09.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Kersti |
2. | Surname | Zilmer |
3. | Institution | Department of Biochemistry University of Tartu |
4. | Position | 0,5 senior researcher, 0,5 lecturer |
5. | Date of birth | 05.06.1948 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | 1971 University of Tartu |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1995- 0,5 senior researcher and 0,5 lecturer Dpt of Biochemistry, University of Tartu; 1993-1995 senior researcher Dpt of Biochemistry; 1980-1993 senior researcher Laboratory of Hormonal Regulation, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology; 1971-1980 laboratory assistent, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology |
8. | Academic degree | PhD (biochemistry) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Tartu University 1986 |
10. | Honours/awards | The Scientific Award of Clinicum of University of Tartu, 2001. |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of the International Society of Biochemistry |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | Relationships between high-grade oxidative stress and pathogenesis of diseases (biochemical mechanisms): Alzheimer`s disease, diabetes, chronic renal insufficiency, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, endothelium dysfunctionality, atopic dermatitis. |
14. | Current grant funding | Principal investigator of ESFgrant 5833 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Int J Obesity. Atherogenic inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in relation to owerweight values in male former athletes. Pihl, E, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar, T, Kairane, C, Mägi, A, Zilmer, M, (2006) (in press) Medicina. Helicobacter pylori substantially increases oxidative stress in indomethacin-exposed rat gastric mucosa. Arend, A, Loime, L, Roosaar, P, Soom, M, Lõivukene, K, Sepp, E, Aunapuu, M, Zilmer, K, Selstam, G, Zilmer, M, 2005, 41, 343-347. Muda P, Kampus P, Zilmer M, Ristimäe T, Fischer K, Zilmer K, Kairane C, Teesalu R. Effect of antihypertensive treatment with candesartan or amlodipine on glutathione and its redox status, homocysteine and vitamin concentrations in patients with essential hypertension. J Hypertension, 2005,23(1),105-112. Arch Dermatology Res. Nickel sulphate and epoxy resin: differences in iron status and glutathione redox ration at the time of patch testing. Kaur, S, Zilmer, M, Eisen, M, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Zilmer. K. 2004,295, 517-520. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. Allergic contact dermatitis is accompanied by severe abnormal chamges in antioxidativity of blood. Eisen, M, Kaur, S, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Zilmer, M. 2004,58,260-263. J Hypertension. Effect of antihypertensive treatment with candersartan or amlodipine on glutathione and its redox status, homocysteine and vitamin concentrations in patients with essential hypertension. Muda, P, Kampus, P, Zilmer, M, Ristimäe, T, Fischer, K, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Teesalu, R. 2004,22,(7),1-7. Medicina. Ferrous iron administration during pregnancy and adaptational oxidative stress (pilot study). Rehema, A, Zilmer, K, Klaar, U, Karro,H, Kullisaar, T, Zilmer, M. 2004,40,547-552. Micr Ecol Health Dis. The influence of antibacterial and antioxidative probiotic lactobacilli on gut mucosa in a mouse model of Salmonella infection. Truusalu, K, Naber, P, Kullisaar, T, Tamm, H, Mikelsaar, R.-H, Zilmer, K, Rehema, A, Zilmer, M, Mikelsaar, M. 2004, 16, 180-187. Nephron Exp Nephrol. Oxidative stress status in kidney tissue after losartan and atenolol treatment in experimental renal failure. Pechter U, Aunapuu M, Riispere Z, Vihalemm T, Kullissaar T, Zilmer K, Zilmer M, Ots M. 2004,97,33-37. Atherosclerosis. High-sensitive C-reactive protein level and oxidative stress-related status in former athletes in relation to traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Pihl, E, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar T, Kairane, C, Pulges, A, Zilmer, M. 2003, 171,321-326. British J of Nutrition. Anti-oxidant probiotic fermented milk decreases oxidative stress-mediated atherogenicity in human. Kullisaar, T, Songisepp, Mikelsaar M, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, M. 2003, 90,2,449-456. Int J Rehabil Res. Beneficial effects of water-based exercise in patients with chronic kidney disease. Pechter U, Ots M, Mesikepp S, Zilmer K, Kullissaar T, Vihalemm T, Zilmer M, Maaroos J. 2003, 2, 153-156. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. Protective effect of antioxidants on pulmonary endo¬thelial function after cardiopulmonary bypass. Angdin, M, Settergren, G, Star¬kopf, J, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Vaage, J., 2003, 17, 314-320. J Dermatol Sci. Emollient cream and topical glucocorticoid treatment of chronic hand dermatitis: influence on oxidative stress status of the skin. Kaur, S, Eisen, M, Zilmer, M, Rehema, A, Kullisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, K. 2003,33,127-129. J Hypertension. Homocysteine and red blood cell glutathione as indices for middle-aged untreated essential hypertension patients. Muda, P, Kampus, P, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Ristimäe, T, Fischer, K, Teesalu, R. 2003,21,2329-2333. Scand J Surg. Is elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair accompanied by high grade oxidative stress? Põder, P, Pulges, A, Kals, J, Aavik, A, Zilmer, K, Kullisaar, T, Kairane, C, C, Zilmer, M. 2003,92,206-209. Cardiology. Changes of parameters of the functional state of the organism and oxidative stress in patients after surgical revascularization at early stage of resto¬rative treatment. Arak-Luk¬mann, A, Maaroos, J, Landõr, A, Vider, J, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm, T, Kullis¬saar, T, Sulling, T, Eha, J. 2002,42,14-19. Int J Rehabilitation Res. Oxidative stress before and after exercise conditioning in patients following revascularization of the myocardium. Arak-Lukmann, A, Zilmer, M, Maaroos,J, Zilmer, K, Vihalemm,T, Kullissaar,T, Vider, J,2002,25 (4), 305-312. Clin Nephrol. Oxidative stress markers in preuremic patients. Annuk M, Fellström B, Åkerblom O, Zilmer K, Vihalemm T, Zilmer M. 2001, 56, 308-314. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. The Swedish APP670/671 Alzheimer’s Disease mutation: The first evidence for strikingly increased oxidative injury in the temporal inferior cortex. Bogdanovic, N, Zilmer, M, Zilmer, K, Rehema, A, Karelson, E. 2001,12,364-370. Neurochemical Research. The cerebrocortical areas in normal brain aging and in Alzheimer’s disease: noticeable differences in the lipid peroxidation level and in antioxidant defence. Karelson, E, Bogdanovic, N, Garlind, A, Winblad, B, Zilmer, K, Kul¬lisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Kairane, C, Zilmer, M. 2001,26,353-361. Patophysiology. Acute immune response in respect to exercise-induced oxidative stress. Vider, J, Lehtmaa, J, Kullisaar, T, Vihalemm, T, Zilmer, K, Kairane, C, Lan¬dõr, A, Karu, T, Zilmer, M., 2001,7,263-270. |
last updated: 13.09.2005
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