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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Helena
2.Perekonnanimi Gapeyeva
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool (TÜ), spordibioloogia ja füsioteraapia instituut
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 18.09.1958 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 2002 - Ph.D. (liikumis- ja sporditeadused)
1998 - I kategooria taastusarst
1993 - II kategooria taastusarst
1982 - Diplom, TÜ arstiteaduskond, spordimeditsiini eriala (kiitusega)
7.Teenistuskäik alates 2003 - TÜ spordibioloogia ja füsioteraapia instituudi teadur
1998-2002 - TÜ spordibioloogia instituudi vanemlaborant
1990-1998 - TÜ spordifüsioloogia kateedri nooremteadur ja vanemlaborant
1983-1990 - TÜ võimlemise ja biomehaanika kateedri noorem teadur ja vanemlaborant
1982-1983 - TÜ spordifüsioloogia kateedri vanemlaborant
8.Teaduskraad Ph.D. (liikumis- ja sporditeadused)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 2002
10.Tunnustused 1982 – TÜ ÜTÜ medal (uurimuslik konkursitöö).
1982 - NSVL ratsionaliseerijate ja leiutajate teadusliku seltsi konkursi diplom ja preemia (uurimuslik konkursitöö)
ja –administratiivne
International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - liige alates 1992 a.
International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women - liige alates 1997 a.
Eesti Taastusravi Arstide Assotsiatsioon - liige alates 1992 a.
Eesti Akupunktuuri Assotsiatsioon - liige alates 1993 a.
Eesti Spordimeditsiini Föderatsioon - liige alates 1999 a.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Motoorsete funktsioonide postoperatiivne taastumine liigesevigastusega ja -haigustega patsientidel
Adaptiivsed muutused närvi-lihassüsteemis kiirusjõu ja
vastupidavustreeningu mõjul
Lihasväsimus staatilistel pingutustel
Laste motoorne võimekus
Vananemise mõju motoorsetele funktsioonidele
14.Jooksvad grandid 2003-2005 - ETF grant nr. 5504 "Lihasväsimus submaksimaalsetel staatilistel pingutustel: elektrofüsioloogilised aspektid" - põhitäitja
2005-2007 - ETF grant nr. 6214 "Motoorsete funktsioonide taastumine põlveliigese osteoartroosiga haigetel pärast kirurgilist ravi" - grandihoidja

Gapeyeva H., Buht N., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Haviko T. Isometric force production and relaxation capacity of the knee extensor muscles three months after unilateral total knee arthroplasty. In: L.R. Battistella, M. Imamura. 3rd World Congress of the ISPRM. Bologna: MEDIMOND, Monduzzi Editore, 2005, p. 345-350. ISBN88-7587-137-X

Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Lenzner A., Haviko T. Gait Parameters in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis Before High Tibial Osteotomy. In: L.R. Battistella, M. Imamura. 3rd World Congress of the ISPRM. Bologna: MEDIMOND, Monduzzi Editore, 2005, p. 1-4. ISBN88-7587-137-X

Gapeyeva H., Karpova J., Aidla M., Ereline J., Kums T., Pääsuke M., Vain A. Characteristics of muscle tone, elasticity and stiffness of lower extremities in young female ballet dancers in the context of ankle injury prevent. In: L.R. Battistella, M. Imamura. 3rd World Congress of the ISPRM. Bologna: MEDIMOND, Monduzzi Editore, 2005, p. 555-560. ISBN88-7587-137-X

Jürgel J., Rannama L., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Kolts I., Pääsuke M. (2005). Shoulder function in patients with frozen shoulder before and after 4-week rehabilitation. Medicina (Kaunas) 41(1): 30-38

Kums T., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. (2005). Vertical jumping performance in young rhytmic gymnasts. Biology of Sport 22(3): (in press)

Kuu S., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Kolts I., Pääsuke M. (2005). Age-related changes in contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in physically active women. Kinesiology (accepted)

Requena B., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. (2005). Posttetanic potentiation in knee extensors after brief high-frequency submaximal percutaneous electrical stimulation. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 14 (3): 258-267

Sööt T., Jürimäe T., Jürimäe J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. (2005). Relationship between leg bone mineral values and muscle strength in women with different physical activity. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 23(5): 401-406

Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. (2004). Contractile changes in knee extensor muscles after repetitive maximal isokinetic contractions in male power-lifters and untrained subjects. Medicina dello Sport 57 (1): 29-40

Mõttus K., Taba P., Pääsuke M., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J. (2004) Motor performance characteristics in women with Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 19 (Suppl 9): P507

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Joost K., Mõttus K., Taba P. (2004). Leg extension strength and chair rise performance in elderly women with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 12 (4): 511-5

Pääsuke M., Ereline M., Gapeyeva H., Joost K., Mõttus K., Taba P. (2004) Leg extension strength andchair rise performance in elderly women with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 12 (4): 511-524

Raudheiding A., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Haviko T., Lenzner A. (2004) Gait impairement in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The 13-th annual ESMAC (European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children) Meeting, 23-25 September 2004, Warsaw. Gait & Posture, 20: Suppl. 1, p. 36

Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2004). Improvement in Parkinson’s disease patients achieved by coordination dynamics therapy. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology 44 (2): 67-73

Tammik K., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. (2004). Leg extensor muscle strength during bilateral and unilateral contractions in children with cerebral palsy and without disabilities. Biology of Sport 21 (2): 159-169

Gapeyeva H., Pintsaar A., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Eller A. (2003)Contractile properties and tone of knee extensors after partial meniscectomy. In: H. Ring, N. Soroker (Eds) 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Free Papers. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 285-288, ISBN 88-323-3214-1.

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Djusko V., Buht N., Mäeots, T., Haviko, T., Maasalu, K., Kolts I. (2003) Effect of endoprosthesis on isokinetic strength of knee extensor muscles. In: H. Ring, N. Soroker (Eds) 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Free Papers. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 281-284, ISBN 88-323-3214-1

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Toots M., Toots L. (2003). Comparison of twitch contractile properties of plantar flexor muscles in 9-10-year-old girls and boys. Pediatric Exercise Science 15 (3): 324-332

Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2003). Coordination dynamics in Parkinson’s disease patients and healthy subjects quantified by the coordination dynamics recording method and sEMG. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology 43 (8): 473-485

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Pintsaar A., Eller A. (2002). Isokinetic strength and tone of knee extensors following partial meniscectomy: One year study. In: E. Martos (ed). XXVII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 245-251. ISBN: 88-323-2605-1

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Maamägi, H. (2002). Comparison of twitch contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in young and older men. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 10 (2): 160-168

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Sander P., Sirkel S. (2002). Twitch potentiation capacity of plantarflexor muscles in women with increasing age. Biology of Sport 19 (3): 213-223

Ööpik V., Pääsuke M., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2002). Effects of creatine supplementation during recovery from rapid body mass reduction on metabolism and muscle performance capacity in well-trained wrestlers. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 42: 330-339

Ööpik V., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Pääsuke M., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Roots E. (2002). Short-term creatine supplementation and high intermittent intensity working capacity. In: E. Martos (ed). XXVII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 223-226. ISBN: 88-323-2605-1

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Vaher V., Pintsaar A., Eller A. (2001). Recovery of contractile properties of the knee-extensor muscles after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 10: 298-307

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2001). Knee extension strength and vertical jumping performance in nordic combined athletes. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 41: 354-361

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2001). Knee extensor muscle strength and vertical jumping performance characteristics in pre- and postpubertal boys. Pediatric Exercise Science 13 (1): 60-69

15. Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2000). Changes in twitch contractile characteristics of plantarflexor muscles during repeated fatiguing submaximal static contractions. Biology of Sport 17: 169-177

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Eller A., Pintsaar A. (2000). Isometric strength and contractile properties of the knee extensor muscles in trained patients following partial meniscectomy. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 9: P109

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Pintsaar A., Eller A. (2000). Isokinetic torque deficit of the knee extensor muscles after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 8: 301-304

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2000). Twitch contraction properties of plantar flexor muscles in pre- and post-pubertal boys and men. European Journal of Applied Physiology 82 (5/6): 459-464

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Sirkel S., Sander P. (2000). Age-related differences in twitch contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in women. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 170 (1): 51-57

Eller, A., Pintsaar, A., Rohtlaan, E.-M., Gapejeva, J. (1999) Changes in functional characteristics and myosin heavy chain composition in m. vastus medialis before and after arthroscopy for knee injury. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 7: 107-110

Lenzner A., Kaur I., Haviko T., Sõgel V., Ereline J., Gapejeva J., Pääsuke M. (1999). Impaction bone-grafting increases the holding power of cancellous screws in the femoral head. A pull-out study in human cadaver hips. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 70: 25-28

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (1999). Neuromuscular fatigue during repeated exhaustive submaximal static contractions of knee extensor muscles in endurance-trained, power-trained and untrained men. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 166: 319-326

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (1999). Twitch contractile properties of plantar flexor muscles in power and endurance trained athletes. European Journal of Applied Physiology 80: 448-451

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (1998). Twitch potentiation capacity of plantarflexor muscles in endurance and power athletes. Biology of Sport 15 (3): 171-178.

Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Eller A., Pintsaar A. (1997). Strength characteristics of knee extensors after arthroscopy. In: S. Ueda, R. Nakamura, S. Ishigami (eds). The 8th World Congress of the International Rehabilitation Medicine Association (IRMA VIII). Tome II, Part 3. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 1253-1256. ISBN: 88-323-0831-2

Ööpik V., Pääsuke M., Sikkut T., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Ereline J., Smirnova T., Gapejeva E. (1996). Effect of rapid weight loss on metabolism and isokinetic performance capacity. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 36 (2): 127-131

viimati muudetud: 19.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Helena
2.Surname Gapeyeva
3.Institution University of Taru, Institute of Exercise and Sport Sciences
4.Position Research Fellow
5.Date of birth 18.09.1958 (day.month.year)
6.Education 2002 Ph.D. (Exercise and Sport Sciences)
1998 Specialization for Physician in Rehabilitation (I Category)
1993 Specialization of Physician for Rehabilitation (II Category)
1982 Diploma cum laude (MD),Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, Physician of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
7.Research and
professional experience
Since 2003 - Research Fellow, Institute of Exercise Biology and Physiotherapy, University of Tartu
1998-2002 - Senior Assistant, Institute of Exercise Biology, University of Tartu
1990-1998 - Research Fellow and Senior Assistant, Dept. of Exercise Physiology, University of Tartu
1983-1990 - Research Fellow and Senior Assistant, Dept. of Gymnastics and Biomechanics, University of Tartu
1982-1983 Senior Assistant, Dept. of Exercise Physiology, University of Tartu
8.Academic degree Ph.D. (Exercise and Sport Sciences)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 2002
10.Honours/awards 1982 - Medal of Student Research Organisation for Student Scientific Work, University of Tartu
1982 - Diploma and premium for scientific work competition, USSR Rationalizer and Inventors' organization, Moscow
Estonian Association of Physician for Rehabilitation - member from 1992
Estonian Association of Acupuncture - member from 1993
International Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - member from 1997
International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women - member from 1998
Estonian Federation of Sport Medicine - member from 1999
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Recovery of neuromuscular function in patients with injuries and diseases of knee joint after surgery
Neuromuscular adaptation during strength and endurance training
Muscle fatigue
Neuromuscular performance in children
Ageing and neuromuscular performance
14.Current grant funding 2003-2005 - Estonian Science Foundation grant nr. 5504 "Neuromuscular fatigue during submaximal static contractions: electrophysiological aspects“ - co-investigator
2005-2007 - Estonian Science Foundation grant nr.6214 "Recovery of motor functions in patients with knee osteoarthritis after surgery" - principal investigator
15.List of most important publications

Gapeyeva H., Buht N., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Haviko T. Isometric force production and relaxation capacity of the knee extensor muscles three months after unilateral total knee arthroplasty. In: L.R. Battistella, M. Imamura. 3rd World Congress of the ISPRM. Bologna: MEDIMOND, Monduzzi Editore, 2005, p. 345-350. ISBN88-7587-137-X

Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Lenzner A., Haviko T. Gait Parameters in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis Before High Tibial Osteotomy. In: L.R. Battistella, M. Imamura. 3rd World Congress of the ISPRM. Bologna: MEDIMOND, Monduzzi Editore, 2005, p. 1-4. ISBN88-7587-137-X

Gapeyeva H., Karpova J., Aidla M., Ereline J., Kums T., Pääsuke M., Vain A. Characteristics of muscle tone, elasticity and stiffness of lower extremities in young female ballet dancers in the context of ankle injury prevent. In: L.R. Battistella, M. Imamura. 3rd World Congress of the ISPRM. Bologna: MEDIMOND, Monduzzi Editore, 2005, p. 555-560. ISBN88-7587-137-X

Jürgel J., Rannama L., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Kolts I., Pääsuke M. (2005). Shoulder function in patients with frozen shoulder before and after 4-week rehabilitation. Medicina (Kaunas) 41(1): 30-38

Kums T., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. (2005). Vertical jumping performance in young rhytmic gymnasts. Biology of Sport 22(3): (in press)

Kuu S., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Kolts I., Pääsuke M. (2005). Age-related changes in contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in physically active women. Kinesiology (accepted)

Requena B., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. (2005). Posttetanic potentiation in knee extensors after brief high-frequency submaximal percutaneous electrical stimulation. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 14 (3): 258-267

Sööt T., Jürimäe T., Jürimäe J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. (2005). Relationship between leg bone mineral values and muscle strength in women with different physical activity. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 23(5): 401-406

Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. (2004). Contractile changes in knee extensor muscles after repetitive maximal isokinetic contractions in male power-lifters and untrained subjects. Medicina dello Sport 57 (1): 29-40

Mõttus K., Taba P., Pääsuke M., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J. (2004) Motor performance characteristics in women with Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 19 (Suppl 9): P507

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Joost K., Mõttus K., Taba P. (2004). Leg extension strength and chair rise performance in elderly women with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 12 (4): 511-5

Pääsuke M., Ereline M., Gapeyeva H., Joost K., Mõttus K., Taba P. (2004) Leg extension strength andchair rise performance in elderly women with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 12 (4): 511-524

Raudheiding A., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Haviko T., Lenzner A. (2004) Gait impairement in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The 13-th annual ESMAC (European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children) Meeting, 23-25 September 2004, Warsaw. Gait & Posture, 20: Suppl. 1, p. 36

Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2004). Improvement in Parkinson’s disease patients achieved by coordination dynamics therapy. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology 44 (2): 67-73

Tammik K., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M. (2004). Leg extensor muscle strength during bilateral and unilateral contractions in children with cerebral palsy and without disabilities. Biology of Sport 21 (2): 159-169

Gapeyeva H., Pintsaar A., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Eller A. (2003)Contractile properties and tone of knee extensors after partial meniscectomy. In: H. Ring, N. Soroker (Eds) 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Free Papers. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 285-288, ISBN 88-323-3214-1.

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Djusko V., Buht N., Mäeots, T., Haviko, T., Maasalu, K., Kolts I. (2003) Effect of endoprosthesis on isokinetic strength of knee extensor muscles. In: H. Ring, N. Soroker (Eds) 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - ISPRM. Free Papers. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 281-284, ISBN 88-323-3214-1

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Toots M., Toots L. (2003). Comparison of twitch contractile properties of plantar flexor muscles in 9-10-year-old girls and boys. Pediatric Exercise Science 15 (3): 324-332

Schalow G., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2003). Coordination dynamics in Parkinson’s disease patients and healthy subjects quantified by the coordination dynamics recording method and sEMG. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology 43 (8): 473-485

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Pintsaar A., Eller A. (2002). Isokinetic strength and tone of knee extensors following partial meniscectomy: One year study. In: E. Martos (ed). XXVII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 245-251. ISBN: 88-323-2605-1

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Maamägi, H. (2002). Comparison of twitch contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in young and older men. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 10 (2): 160-168

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Sander P., Sirkel S. (2002). Twitch potentiation capacity of plantarflexor muscles in women with increasing age. Biology of Sport 19 (3): 213-223

Ööpik V., Pääsuke M., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2002). Effects of creatine supplementation during recovery from rapid body mass reduction on metabolism and muscle performance capacity in well-trained wrestlers. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 42: 330-339

Ööpik V., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Pääsuke M., Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Roots E. (2002). Short-term creatine supplementation and high intermittent intensity working capacity. In: E. Martos (ed). XXVII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 223-226. ISBN: 88-323-2605-1

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Vaher V., Pintsaar A., Eller A. (2001). Recovery of contractile properties of the knee-extensor muscles after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 10: 298-307

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2001). Knee extension strength and vertical jumping performance in nordic combined athletes. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 41: 354-361

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2001). Knee extensor muscle strength and vertical jumping performance characteristics in pre- and postpubertal boys. Pediatric Exercise Science 13 (1): 60-69

15. Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2000). Changes in twitch contractile characteristics of plantarflexor muscles during repeated fatiguing submaximal static contractions. Biology of Sport 17: 169-177

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Eller A., Pintsaar A. (2000). Isometric strength and contractile properties of the knee extensor muscles in trained patients following partial meniscectomy. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 9: P109

Gapeyeva H., Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Pintsaar A., Eller A. (2000). Isokinetic torque deficit of the knee extensor muscles after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 8: 301-304

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (2000). Twitch contraction properties of plantar flexor muscles in pre- and post-pubertal boys and men. European Journal of Applied Physiology 82 (5/6): 459-464

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H., Sirkel S., Sander P. (2000). Age-related differences in twitch contractile properties of plantarflexor muscles in women. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 170 (1): 51-57

Eller, A., Pintsaar, A., Rohtlaan, E.-M., Gapejeva, J. (1999) Changes in functional characteristics and myosin heavy chain composition in m. vastus medialis before and after arthroscopy for knee injury. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 7: 107-110

Lenzner A., Kaur I., Haviko T., Sõgel V., Ereline J., Gapejeva J., Pääsuke M. (1999). Impaction bone-grafting increases the holding power of cancellous screws in the femoral head. A pull-out study in human cadaver hips. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 70: 25-28

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (1999). Neuromuscular fatigue during repeated exhaustive submaximal static contractions of knee extensor muscles in endurance-trained, power-trained and untrained men. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 166: 319-326

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (1999). Twitch contractile properties of plantar flexor muscles in power and endurance trained athletes. European Journal of Applied Physiology 80: 448-451

Pääsuke M., Ereline J., Gapeyeva H. (1998). Twitch potentiation capacity of plantarflexor muscles in endurance and power athletes. Biology of Sport 15 (3): 171-178.

Gapeyeva H., Ereline J., Pääsuke M., Eller A., Pintsaar A. (1997). Strength characteristics of knee extensors after arthroscopy. In: S. Ueda, R. Nakamura, S. Ishigami (eds). The 8th World Congress of the International Rehabilitation Medicine Association (IRMA VIII). Tome II, Part 3. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp. 1253-1256. ISBN: 88-323-0831-2

Ööpik V., Pääsuke M., Sikkut T., Timpmann S., Medijainen L., Ereline J., Smirnova T., Gapejeva E. (1996). Effect of rapid weight loss on metabolism and isokinetic performance capacity. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 36 (2): 127-131

last updated: 19.09.2005

[ sulge aken ]