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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Maire |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Vasar |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikooli lastekliinik |
4. | Ametikoht | dotsent |
5. | Sünniaeg | 30.10.1956 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | 1963 - 1974 Tartu 7.Keskkool 1975 - 1982 Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskond, pediaatria osakond 1990 - 1992 Tartu Ülikooli Lastekliinik, kliiniline ordinatuur 1992 - 1996 Tartu Ülikooli ja Linköpingi Ülikooli pediaatria kateedrite doktorant |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1982 - 1983 Internatuur Tartu Lastekliinikus 1983 - 1990 Tartu Lastekliinik, pulmonoloog-allergoloog 1994 - 1999 Tartu Ülikooli Lastekliinik, pulmonoloog-allergoloog 1997 - 1999 Tartu Ülikooli pediaatria õppetool, assistent 1999 - 2002 Tartu Ülikooli pediaatria õppetool, vanmeassistent 2000 SA TÜK lastekliinik, Laste ja noorukite allergiahaiguste keskus, juhataja 2002 Tartu Ülikooli pediaatria õppetool, dotsent |
8. | Teaduskraad | Meditsiinidoktor |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool ja Linköpingi Ülikool, 1998 |
10. | Tunnustused | - |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
TÜK lastekliiniku ravinõukogu Eesti Immunoloogide ja Allergoloogide Selts, juhatuse liige Eesti Lastearstide Seltsi allergia sektsioon, juhataja Euroopa Allergoloogia ja Kliinilise Immunoloogia Akadeemia liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | allergia, atoopiline sensibiliseerumine, bronhiaalhüperreaktiivsus |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF grant 5684 "Hingamisteede takistuse muutused lastel", põhitäitja |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
J. Kivastik, P-H. Kingisepp, M.Vasar. Hingamistakistused. Hingamistakistuse mõõtmine väikelastel. Eesti Arst 2005;8:563-7. M. Vasar, M. Kivivare. Bronhiaalastma kui väikeste hingamisteede haigus. Eesti Arst 2002;12:804-11. Julge K, Vasar M, Björkstén B. Development of allergy and IgE antibodies during the first five years of life in Estonian children. Clin Exp Allergy 2001; 31: 1-9. Vasar M, Julge K, Björkstén B. Development of atopic sensitization and allergic diseases in early childhood. Acta Paediatr 2000; 89: 523-527. Julge K, Munir AKM, Vasar M, Björkstén B. Indoor allergen levels and other risk factors for sensitisation in Estonian homes. Allergy 1998; 53: 388-393 Julge K, Vasar M, Björkstén B. The development of atopic sensitisation in Estonian infants. Acta Paediatr 1997; 86: 1188-1194. Sepp E, Julge K, Vasar M, Naaber P, Björkstén B, Mikelsaar M. Intestinal microflora of Estonian and Swedish infants. Acta Paediatr 1997; 86: 956-961. Vasar M, Bråbäck L, Julge K, Knutsson A, Riikjärv M-A, Björkstén B. Prevalence of bronchial hyperreactivity as determined by several methods among Estonian schoolchildren. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1996; 7: 141-146. Bråbäck L, Breborovicz A, Julge K, Knutsson A, Riikjärv M-A, Vasar M, Björkstén B. Risk factors for respiratory symptoms and atopic sensitisation in the Baltic area. Arch Dis Child 1995; 72: 487-493. Riikjärv M-A, Julge K, Vasar M, Bråbäck L, Knutsson A, Björkstén B. The prevalence of atopic sensitisation and respiratory symptoms among Estonian school children. Clin Exp Allergy 1995; 25: 1198-1204. |
viimati muudetud: 08.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Maire |
2. | Surname | Vasar |
3. | Institution | Department of Pediatrics, University of Tartu |
4. | Position | Associated Professor |
5. | Date of birth | 30.10.1956 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | 1963 - 1974 Tartu Secondary School No 7 1975 - 1982 University of Tartu, Medical Faculty 1990 - 1992 University of Tartu, Department of Pediatrics, residentship 1992 - 1996 Universities of Tartu and Linköping, postgraduate student |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1982 - 1983 Tartu Children`s Hospital, internship 1983 - 1990 Tartu Children's Hospital, Department of Pulmonology, allergologist 1994 - 1999 Children's Hospital of University of Tartu, pulmonologist-allergologist 1997 - 1999 University of Tartu, Department of Pediatrics, assistant 1999 - 2002 University of Tartu, Department of Pediatrics, senior-assistant 2000 Children's Clinic of Tartu University Clinics, Centre of Allergic Diseases, head 2002 University of Tartu, Department of Pediatrics, Associated Professor |
8. | Academic degree | Doctor of Medical Scienses |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Universities of Tartu and Linköping, 1998 |
10. | Honours/awards | - |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Children´s Clinic of Tartu University Clinics , council of Children`s Clinic Member of the bord of the Estonian Society for Immunology and Allergology Allergy Section of Estonian Paediatric Association, chairperson Member of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | allergy, atopic sensitization, bronchial hyperreactivity |
14. | Current grant funding | ETF Grant 5684 "Measurement of respiratory resistance (in children) using impulse oscillometry and interrupter technique" |
15. | List of most important publications |
J. Kivastik, P-H. Kingisepp, M.Vasar. Hingamistakistused. Hingamistakistuse mõõtmine väikelastel. Eesti Arst 2005;8:563-7. M. Vasar, M. Kivivare. Bronhiaalastma kui väikeste hingamisteede haigus. Eesti Arst 2002;12:804-11. Julge K, Vasar M, Björkstén B. Development of allergy and IgE antibodies during the first five years of life in Estonian children. Clin Exp Allergy 2001; 31: 1-9. Vasar M, Julge K, Björkstén B. Development of atopic sensitization and allergic diseases in early childhood. Acta Paediatr 2000; 89: 523-527. Julge K, Munir AKM, Vasar M, Björkstén B. Indoor allergen levels and other risk factors for sensitisation in Estonian homes. Allergy 1998; 53: 388-393 Julge K, Vasar M, Björkstén B. The development of atopic sensitisation in Estonian infants. Acta Paediatr 1997; 86: 1188-1194. Sepp E, Julge K, Vasar M, Naaber P, Björkstén B, Mikelsaar M. Intestinal microflora of Estonian and Swedish infants. Acta Paediatr 1997; 86: 956-961. Vasar M, Bråbäck L, Julge K, Knutsson A, Riikjärv M-A, Björkstén B. Prevalence of bronchial hyperreactivity as determined by several methods among Estonian schoolchildren. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1996; 7: 141-146. Bråbäck L, Breborovicz A, Julge K, Knutsson A, Riikjärv M-A, Vasar M, Björkstén B. Risk factors for respiratory symptoms and atopic sensitisation in the Baltic area. Arch Dis Child 1995; 72: 487-493. Riikjärv M-A, Julge K, Vasar M, Bråbäck L, Knutsson A, Björkstén B. The prevalence of atopic sensitisation and respiratory symptoms among Estonian school children. Clin Exp Allergy 1995; 25: 1198-1204. |
last updated: 08.08.2005
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