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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Riina
2.Perekonnanimi Mahlapuu
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Arstiteaduskond, Biokeemia Instituut
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 09.07.1951 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgharidus
7.Teenistuskäik 1974-1976 Kadrina Keskkool, keemiaõpetaja; 1976-1979 TÜ orgaanilise keemia Instituudi vaneminsener;1979-1983 TÜ orgaanilise keemia Instituudi nooremteadur; 1983-1988 TÜ orgaanilise keemia Instituudi vanemteadur; 1988-1991 TÜ orgaanilise keemia Instituudi teadur; 1991-1996 TÜ orgaanilise keemia Instituudi nooremteadur; 1996-2000 TÜ Biokeemia Instituudi vanemlaborant; 2000-2004 teadur, 2004 - vanemteadur
8.Teaduskraad PhD
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 2004
ja –administratiivne
Biokeemia Seltsi liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Signaalsüsteemide uurimine ajukoes Alzheimeri tõve korral. Antioksüdantsete peptiidide disainimine, süntees ja omaduste uurimine.
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grantide 6503 ja 5327 põhitäitja

P. Põder, M. Zilmer, J. Starkopf, J. Kals, A. Talonpoika, A. Pulges, Ü. Langel, T. Kullisaar, S. Viirlaid, R. Mahlapuu, A. Zarkovski, A.Arend, U. Soomets, An antioxidant tetrapeptide UPF1 in rats has a neuroprotective effect in transient global brain ischaemia, Neuroscience Letters 370 (2004) 45-50.

Mahlapuu,R., Viht,K., Balaspiri,L., Bogdanovic,N., Saar,K., Soomets,U., Land,T., Zilmer, M., Karelson,E. and Langel,Ü (2003). Amyloid precursor protein carboxy-terminal fragments modulate G-proteins and adenylate cyclase activity in Alzheimer’s disease brain. Mol. Brain Res. 117, 73-82

Karelson E., Mahlapuu R., Zilmer M., Soomets U., Bogdanovic N. and Langel Ü. Possible signalling by glutathione and its novel analogue through potent stimulation of frontocortical G-proteins in normal aging and in Alzheimer’s disease. Ann. N.-Y. Ac. Sci. (2002).

Saar,K., Mazarati,A., Mahlapuu,R., Halnemo,G., Soomets,U., Kilk,K., Hellberg,S., Pooga,M., Tolf,B.-R., Shi,T.S., Hökfelt,T., Wasterlain,C., Bartfai,T. and Langel,Ü (2002). Anticonvulsant activity of a nonpeptide galanin receptor agonist. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 99(10), 7136-7141.

Saar,K., Mahlapuu,R., Laidmäe,E., Valkna,A., Kahl,U., Karelson,E. and Langel,Ü. Characterisation of a new chimeric ligand for galanin receptors: galanin(1-13)-[D-Trp32]-neuropeptideY(25-36)amide. Regulatory Peptides 102 (2001) 15-19.P.

U.Soomets, R. Mahlapuu, R. Tehranian, J. Jarvet, E. Karelson, M. Zilmer, K. Iverfeldt, M. Zorko, A. Gräslund, Ü. Langel, Regulation of GTPase and adenylate cyclase activity by amyloid b-peptide and its fragments in rat brain tissue, Brain Res. (1999) 850, 179-188.

U. Soomets, R. Mahlapuu, E. Karelson, M. Zilmer, M. Zorko, Ü. Langel, Regulation of activity of GTPase and adenylate cyclase in the rat ventral hippocampus by fragments of b-amyloid peptide, Clinical Neuroscience (Hungary) (1998) 51, 59-60.

viimati muudetud: 03.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Riina
2.Surname Mahlapuu
3.Institution Tartu University, Medical Faculty, Department of Biochemistry
4.Position senior researcher
5.Date of birth 09.07.1951 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tartu University, 1969-1974, chemist
7.Research and
professional experience
1974-1976 Kadrina Secondary School, teacher; 1976-1979 TÜ Dept. of Organic Chemistry, senior engineer; 1979-1983 TÜ Dept. of Organic Chemistry, junior scientist; 1983-1988 TÜ Dept. of Organic Chemistry, senior scientist; 1988-1991 TÜ Dept. of Organic Chemistry scientist; 1991-1996 TÜ Dept. of Organic Chemistry junior scientist; 1996-2000 TÜ Dept. of Biochemistry, senior assistant; 2000-2004 researcher, 2004- senior researcher
8.Academic degree PhD biochemistry
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
PhD - 2004 Tartu University
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Affected cellular signal transduction in brain tissues of Alzheimer's disease patientsPeptidic and non-peptidic galanin receptor ligands. Synthesis novel antioxidants and study antioxidative properties
14.Current grant funding ESF grants 6503 and 5327 senior personnel
15.List of most important publications

P. Põder, M. Zilmer, J. Starkopf, J. Kals, A. Talonpoika, A. Pulges, Ü. Langel, T. Kullisaar, S. Viirlaid, R. Mahlapuu, A. Zarkovski, A.Arend, U. Soomets, An antioxidant tetrapeptide UPF1 in rats has a neuroprotective effect in transient global brain ischaemia, Neuroscience Letters 370 (2004) 45-50.

Mahlapuu,R., Viht,K., Balaspiri,L., Bogdanovic,N., Saar,K., Soomets,U., Land,T., Zilmer, M., Karelson,E. and Langel,Ü (2003). Amyloid precursor protein carboxy-terminal fragments modulate G-proteins and adenylate cyclase activity in Alzheimer’s disease brain. Mol. Brain Res. 117, 73-82

Karelson E., Mahlapuu R., Zilmer M., Soomets U., Bogdanovic N. and Langel Ü. Possible signalling by glutathione and its novel analogue through potent stimulation of frontocortical G-proteins in normal aging and in Alzheimer’s disease. Ann. N.-Y. Ac. Sci. (2002).

Saar,K., Mazarati,A., Mahlapuu,R., Halnemo,G., Soomets,U., Kilk,K., Hellberg,S., Pooga,M., Tolf,B.-R., Shi,T.S., Hökfelt,T., Wasterlain,C., Bartfai,T. and Langel,Ü (2002). Anticonvulsant activity of a nonpeptide galanin receptor agonist. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 99(10), 7136-7141.

Saar,K., Mahlapuu,R., Laidmäe,E., Valkna,A., Kahl,U., Karelson,E. and Langel,Ü. Characterisation of a new chimeric ligand for galanin receptors: galanin(1-13)-[D-Trp32]-neuropeptideY(25-36)amide. Regulatory Peptides 102 (2001) 15-19.P.

U.Soomets, R. Mahlapuu, R. Tehranian, J. Jarvet, E. Karelson, M. Zilmer, K. Iverfeldt, M. Zorko, A. Gräslund, Ü. Langel, Regulation of GTPase and adenylate cyclase activity by amyloid b-peptide and its fragments in rat brain tissue, Brain Res. (1999) 850, 179-188.

U. Soomets, R. Mahlapuu, E. Karelson, M. Zilmer, M. Zorko, Ü. Langel, Regulation of activity of GTPase and adenylate cyclase in the rat ventral hippocampus by fragments of b-amyloid peptide, Clinical Neuroscience (Hungary) (1998) 51, 59-60.

last updated: 03.10.2005

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