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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Riina |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Mahlapuu |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool, Arstiteaduskond, Biokeemia Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 09.07.1951 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | kõrgharidus |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1974-1976 Kadrina Keskkool, keemiaõpetaja; 1976-1979 TÜ orgaanilise keemia Instituudi vaneminsener;1979-1983 TÜ orgaanilise keemia Instituudi nooremteadur; 1983-1988 TÜ orgaanilise keemia Instituudi vanemteadur; 1988-1991 TÜ orgaanilise keemia Instituudi teadur; 1991-1996 TÜ orgaanilise keemia Instituudi nooremteadur; 1996-2000 TÜ Biokeemia Instituudi vanemlaborant; 2000-2004 teadur, 2004 - vanemteadur |
8. | Teaduskraad | PhD |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 2004 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Biokeemia Seltsi liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Signaalsüsteemide uurimine ajukoes Alzheimeri tõve korral. Antioksüdantsete peptiidide disainimine, süntees ja omaduste uurimine. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF grantide 6503 ja 5327 põhitäitja |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
P. Põder, M. Zilmer, J. Starkopf, J. Kals, A. Talonpoika, A. Pulges, Ü. Langel, T. Kullisaar, S. Viirlaid, R. Mahlapuu, A. Zarkovski, A.Arend, U. Soomets, An antioxidant tetrapeptide UPF1 in rats has a neuroprotective effect in transient global brain ischaemia, Neuroscience Letters 370 (2004) 45-50. Mahlapuu,R., Viht,K., Balaspiri,L., Bogdanovic,N., Saar,K., Soomets,U., Land,T., Zilmer, M., Karelson,E. and Langel,Ü (2003). Amyloid precursor protein carboxy-terminal fragments modulate G-proteins and adenylate cyclase activity in Alzheimer’s disease brain. Mol. Brain Res. 117, 73-82 Karelson E., Mahlapuu R., Zilmer M., Soomets U., Bogdanovic N. and Langel Ü. Possible signalling by glutathione and its novel analogue through potent stimulation of frontocortical G-proteins in normal aging and in Alzheimer’s disease. Ann. N.-Y. Ac. Sci. (2002). Saar,K., Mazarati,A., Mahlapuu,R., Halnemo,G., Soomets,U., Kilk,K., Hellberg,S., Pooga,M., Tolf,B.-R., Shi,T.S., Hökfelt,T., Wasterlain,C., Bartfai,T. and Langel,Ü (2002). Anticonvulsant activity of a nonpeptide galanin receptor agonist. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 99(10), 7136-7141. Saar,K., Mahlapuu,R., Laidmäe,E., Valkna,A., Kahl,U., Karelson,E. and Langel,Ü. Characterisation of a new chimeric ligand for galanin receptors: galanin(1-13)-[D-Trp32]-neuropeptideY(25-36)amide. Regulatory Peptides 102 (2001) 15-19.P. U.Soomets, R. Mahlapuu, R. Tehranian, J. Jarvet, E. Karelson, M. Zilmer, K. Iverfeldt, M. Zorko, A. Gräslund, Ü. Langel, Regulation of GTPase and adenylate cyclase activity by amyloid b-peptide and its fragments in rat brain tissue, Brain Res. (1999) 850, 179-188. U. Soomets, R. Mahlapuu, E. Karelson, M. Zilmer, M. Zorko, Ü. Langel, Regulation of activity of GTPase and adenylate cyclase in the rat ventral hippocampus by fragments of b-amyloid peptide, Clinical Neuroscience (Hungary) (1998) 51, 59-60. |
viimati muudetud: 03.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Riina |
2. | Surname | Mahlapuu |
3. | Institution | Tartu University, Medical Faculty, Department of Biochemistry |
4. | Position | senior researcher |
5. | Date of birth | 09.07.1951 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Tartu University, 1969-1974, chemist |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1974-1976 Kadrina Secondary School, teacher; 1976-1979 TÜ Dept. of Organic Chemistry, senior engineer; 1979-1983 TÜ Dept. of Organic Chemistry, junior scientist; 1983-1988 TÜ Dept. of Organic Chemistry, senior scientist; 1988-1991 TÜ Dept. of Organic Chemistry scientist; 1991-1996 TÜ Dept. of Organic Chemistry junior scientist; 1996-2000 TÜ Dept. of Biochemistry, senior assistant; 2000-2004 researcher, 2004- senior researcher |
8. | Academic degree | PhD biochemistry |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
PhD - 2004 Tartu University |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | Affected cellular signal transduction in brain tissues of Alzheimer's disease patientsPeptidic and non-peptidic galanin receptor ligands. Synthesis novel antioxidants and study antioxidative properties |
14. | Current grant funding | ESF grants 6503 and 5327 senior personnel |
15. | List of most important publications |
P. Põder, M. Zilmer, J. Starkopf, J. Kals, A. Talonpoika, A. Pulges, Ü. Langel, T. Kullisaar, S. Viirlaid, R. Mahlapuu, A. Zarkovski, A.Arend, U. Soomets, An antioxidant tetrapeptide UPF1 in rats has a neuroprotective effect in transient global brain ischaemia, Neuroscience Letters 370 (2004) 45-50. Mahlapuu,R., Viht,K., Balaspiri,L., Bogdanovic,N., Saar,K., Soomets,U., Land,T., Zilmer, M., Karelson,E. and Langel,Ü (2003). Amyloid precursor protein carboxy-terminal fragments modulate G-proteins and adenylate cyclase activity in Alzheimer’s disease brain. Mol. Brain Res. 117, 73-82 Karelson E., Mahlapuu R., Zilmer M., Soomets U., Bogdanovic N. and Langel Ü. Possible signalling by glutathione and its novel analogue through potent stimulation of frontocortical G-proteins in normal aging and in Alzheimer’s disease. Ann. N.-Y. Ac. Sci. (2002). Saar,K., Mazarati,A., Mahlapuu,R., Halnemo,G., Soomets,U., Kilk,K., Hellberg,S., Pooga,M., Tolf,B.-R., Shi,T.S., Hökfelt,T., Wasterlain,C., Bartfai,T. and Langel,Ü (2002). Anticonvulsant activity of a nonpeptide galanin receptor agonist. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 99(10), 7136-7141. Saar,K., Mahlapuu,R., Laidmäe,E., Valkna,A., Kahl,U., Karelson,E. and Langel,Ü. Characterisation of a new chimeric ligand for galanin receptors: galanin(1-13)-[D-Trp32]-neuropeptideY(25-36)amide. Regulatory Peptides 102 (2001) 15-19.P. U.Soomets, R. Mahlapuu, R. Tehranian, J. Jarvet, E. Karelson, M. Zilmer, K. Iverfeldt, M. Zorko, A. Gräslund, Ü. Langel, Regulation of GTPase and adenylate cyclase activity by amyloid b-peptide and its fragments in rat brain tissue, Brain Res. (1999) 850, 179-188. U. Soomets, R. Mahlapuu, E. Karelson, M. Zilmer, M. Zorko, Ü. Langel, Regulation of activity of GTPase and adenylate cyclase in the rat ventral hippocampus by fragments of b-amyloid peptide, Clinical Neuroscience (Hungary) (1998) 51, 59-60. |
last updated: 03.10.2005
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