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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Edvitar
2.Perekonnanimi Leibur
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool SA TÜ Kliinikumi näo-lõualuukirurgia osakond
4.Ametikoht Tartu Ülikooli emeriitprofessor, arst-konsultant
5.Sünniaeg 04.09.1937 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kõrgem,lõpetatud Tartu Ülikooli stomatoloogia osakond 1960.aastal;arst-stomatoloogi kvalifikatsioon
7.Teenistuskäik Alates 10.02-2003. - Tartu Ülikooli emeriitprofessorSA TÜ Kliinikumi näo-lõualuukirurgia osakonna arst-konsultant01.09.1992 - 09.02.2003. Tartu Ülikooli stomatoloogia kliiniku juhataja,korraline professor.01.09.1988 - 31.08.1992. Tartu Ülikooli stomatoloogia kateedri professor 01.09.1978.- 31.08.1988. Tartu Ülikooli stomatoloogia kateedri dotsent,31.10.1975.- 31.08.1978. Tartu Ülikooli stomatoloogia kateedri assistent01.09.1968. - 31.08.1970. Banarasi Hindu Ülikooli Meditsiini Instituudi näo-lõualuukirurg (ühiskondlikel alustel) ja teadur ;01.08. 1961.- 31.08.1968. Elva Haigla kirurg-stomatoloog,01.08.1960. - 31.07.1961. Puhja Haigla arst-stomatoloog;01.09.1955. - 30.06.1960. TÜ stomatoloogia osakonna üliõpilane;
8.Teaduskraad meditsiiniteaduste kandidaat, meditsiiniteaduste doktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
1973.a. omistatud meditsiiniteaduste kandidaadi kraad (Riia Meditsiini Instituut); meditsiiniteaduste kandidaadi diplom MD No 037362, Moskva 06.07.1973.1987.a. omistatud meditsiiniteaduste doktori kraad (Sankt Peterburgi I Meditsiini Instituut), meditsiiniteaduste doktori diplom MD No 004733 , Moskva 20.11.1987.
10.Tunnustused Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna medal - 1992.a.Rahvusvahelise Stomatoloogide Teadusliku Assotsiatsiooni suuliste ettekannete auhinnad 1994.a. Lyoni kongressil ning 1995. a. Göteborgis. Kuopio Ülikooli audoktor (1996).Punase Risti ordeni kavaler (2003.a.)Tartu Ülikooli medal 2003.a.
ja –administratiivne
ajavahemikus 1992-1994 arstiteaduskonna õppeprodekaan.ajavahemikus 1987-1991 arstiteaduskonna teadusprodekaani abi ja teadusprodekaan. Rahvusvahelise erialase ajakirja “Oral Surgery and oral Diagnosis” toimetuskolleegiumi liige 1994. aastast. Rahvusvahelise ajakirja " Journal of Oral&Maxillofacial Surgery" rahvusvaheline konsultant 2001. aastast. Ajakirja "Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery" toimetuse kolleegiumi liige. Osalemine erialastes nõukogudes.1)Rahvusvahelise Suu- ja Näolõualuukirurgide Assotsiatsiooni Nõukogu liige (Councillor of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.2) Euroopa Kranio-Maksillofatsiaalkirurgide Assotsiatsiooni Nõukogu liige (Councillor of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery).3)Balti Näo- Lõualuude ja Plastika Kirurgide Assotsiatsiooni nõukogu liige. Osalemine erialastes seltsides : International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery liige 1996.aastast, European Association of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery täisliige 1995.aastast.International Association for Dental Research liige 1994.aastast Balti Näo-Lõualuu- ja Plastikakirurgide Assotsiatsiooni liige 1992.aastast, nimetatud Assotsiatsiooni president 1997-1999. Osalemine ekspertkomisjonide töös: Eesti arstiteaduse ekspertiisikomisjoni liige.Sotsiaalministeeriumi suu-ja näolõualuukirurgia eriala komisjoni liige.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Tiia Tamme, DSc, 2005, juh. Edvitar Leibur. Epidemiology of odontogenic tumours in Estonia. Pathogenesis and clinical behaviour of ameloblastoma.. Tartu Ülikool

Helena Soomer, DSc, 2003, juh. Edvitar Leibur. Validation of identification and age estimation methods in forensic odontology. Tartu Ülikool

Ülle Voog, DSc, 2003, juh. Edvitar Leibur, Sigvard Kopp, Per Alstergren. Temporomandibular joint involvement by systemic inflammatory disease with reference to pain modulation and joint tissue destruction. Karolinska instituut

Ülle Voog, MSc, 2000, juh. Edvitar Leibur, Sigvard Kopp. Temporomandibular joint involvement by rheumatoid arthritis with reference to modulation by tumor necrosis factor α and serotonin. Karolinska Instituut

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad 1.Parodondihaiguste ja hammasterea defektide kirurgiliste ravimeetodite täiustamine.2.Osseointegratsiooni uurimine eksperimendis ja kliinikus implantaatide ja miniplaatide kasutamise järgselt hambarea defektide ja näoskeleti vigastuste ravis.3.Alalõua liigesehaiguste patogenees ja ravi. 4.Isiku tuvastamise ja vanuse määramise meetodite usaldatavus kohtustomatoloogias.
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF-i grant nr.5692 Teema: Tsütokiinide ja põletikumediaatorite osa temporomandibulaarliigese artriidi patogeneesis.Teema juht: E.Leibur, kestus 2004-2007. Kogusummas 640 000.- krooni

Kõll-Klais P, Mändar R, Leibur E,Marcotte H, Hammarström L, Mikelsaar M. Oral lactobacilli in chronic periodontitis and periodontal health:species composition and antimicrobial activity. Oral Microbiology and Immunology, 2005;20:354-61

Kõll-Klais P, Mändar R, Leibur E. Mikelsaar M. Oral microbial ecology in chronic periodontitis and periodontal health. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, 2005;17:146-55

Kõll-Klais P, Mändar R, Leibur E, Kjaeldgaard M. High levels of salivary lactobacilli in Estonian schoolchildren. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2004 Jun;5(2):107-9.

Leibur E,Tamme T, Lepp E. The ameloblastomatous potentiality of odontogenous epithelium demonstrated in tissue culture. Stomatologija,2004;6:73-6

Tamme T, Soots M, Kulla A, Karu K, Hanstein SM, Sokk A, Jõeste E, Leibur E. Odontogenic tumours, a collaborative retrospective study of 75 cases covering more than 25 years from Estonia. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2004 Jun;32(3):161-5.

Voog Ü, Alstergren P, Eliasson S, Leibur, E, Kallikorm R, Kopp S. Progression of radiographic changes in the temporomandibular joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis in relation to inflammatory markers and mediators in the blood. Acta Odontol Scand. 2004 Feb;62(1):7-13.

Voog Ü, Alstergren P, Leibur, E, Kallikorm R, Kopp S.Influence of serotonin on the analgesic effect of granisetron on temporomandibular joint arthritis. Mediators Inflamm. 2004 Dec;13(5-6):373-6.

Kõll-Klais P, Mändar R, Mikelsaar M, Leibur E. Suuõõne mikroobiökoloogia kroonilise parodontiidi puhul. Eesti Arst, 2003; 82(11): 759-767.

Soomer H, Lincoln MJ, Ranta H, Penttila A, Leibur E. Dentists' qualifications affect the accuracy of radiographic identification. J Forensic Sci. 2003 Sep;48(5):1121-6.

Soomer H, Lincoln MJ, Ranta H, Penttila A, Leibur E. Reliability and validity of eight dental age estimation methods for adults. J Forensic Sci. 2003 Jan;48(1):149-52.

Tamme T, Leibur E, Kulla A. Mandibular ameloblastoma and maxillary adenoid cystic carcinoma: case report. Ear Nose Throat J. 2003 Dec;82(12):938-40.

Tamme T, Soots M, Herik M,Pintson Ü,Müürsepp P, Leibur E.Ameloblastoomid ja nende kirurgilise ravi analüüs. Eesti Arst, 2003; 82(11): 759-767.

Voog Ü, Alstergren P, Eliasson S, Leibur, E, Kallikorm R, Kopp S. Inflammatory mediators and radiographic changes in temporomandibular joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Acta Odontol Scand. 2003 Feb;61(1):57-64.

Voog Ü, Alstergren P, Leibur, E, Kallikorm R, Kopp S. Impact of temporomandibular joint pain on activities of daily living in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Acta Odontol Scand. 2003 Oct;61(5):278-82.

Rohlin M, Schaub RM, Holbrook P, Leibur E, Levy G, Roubalikova L, Nilner M, Roger-Leroi V, Danner G, Iseri H, Feldman C. 2.2 Continuous quality improvement. Eur J Dent Educ. 2002;6 Suppl 3:67-77.

Voog Ü, Alstergren P, Leibur, E, Kallikorm R, Kopp S. Immediate effects of the serotonin antagonist granisetron on temporomandibular joint pain in patients with systemic inflammatory disorders. Life Sci. 2000 Dec 22;68(5):591-602.

Leibur E, Tuhkanen A, Pintson Ü, Söder PO. Prostaglandin E2 levels in blood plasma and in crevicular fluid of advanced periodontitis patients before and after surgical therapy. Oral Dis. 1999 Jul;5(3):223-8.

Leibur E, Kahar A, Jian Jin L, Söder P.-Ö. Computerized image analysis of alveolar bone regeneration in advanced periodontal disease following osseous grafting. Oral Surgery Oral Diagnosis, 1997, 10: 7-11.

Leibur E, Jian Jin L, Söder P.-Ö. Alveolar Bone level on intraoral and panoramic radiographs analyzed by a computerized image system. Oral surgery Oral diagnosis, 1995,6, 13-17.

Leibur E, Pintson Ü,Müürsepp P. Näo-lõualuumurdude ravist titaanist miniplaatidega osteosünteesi teel. Eesti Arst 1995,4: 296-299.

Leibur E. Action of cyclic nucleotides on alveolar bone and tooth germs in tissue culture] Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1985 Sep-Oct;64(5):22-4. Russian

Leibur E, Fedorov NA, Ivanov VS. fect of cyclic nucleotides on the mitotic activity of dental anlage and alveolar bone cells in tissue culture] Biull Eksp Biol Med. 1985 May;99(5):607-8

Ivanov VS, Leibur E. Effect of thyrocalcitonin and sodium fluoride on alveolar bone cultivated in vitro. Quintessence Int. 1978 Feb;9(2):103-9.

Ivanov VS, Leibur E. Biological treatment of pulpitis with combined antibiotics, glucocorticoids and calcium hydroxide] Quintessenz. 1975 May;26(5):43-50.

Leibur E. Treatment of pulpitis with antibiotics in combination with glucorticoids and calcium hydroxide] Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1972 Nov-Dec;51(6):28-31.

Leibur E. Clinical and bacteriological experimentation in treatment of pulpitis by the conservative method. J Indian Dent Assoc. 1970 Oct;42(10):247-50.

Leibur E. Sensibility of microorganisms of the inflammatory pulp to antibiotics. J Indian Dent Assoc. 1970 Aug;42(8):196-8.

Leibur E. Treatment of pulpitis by the biological method. J Indian Dent Assoc. 1970 Jun;42(6):153-6.

Leibur E. Biological treatment of pulpitis. J Indian Dent Assoc. 1969 Aug;41(8):227-30.

viimati muudetud: 09.01.2006

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Edvitar
2.Surname Leibur
3.Institution University of Tartu, Tartu University Clinicum
4.Position Professor emeritus, Consultant at the Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery
5.Date of birth 04.09.1937 (day.month.year)
6.Education Higher education, graduated from the University of Tartu in 1960
7.Research and
professional experience
From 10.02.2003 Professor emeritus of the Tartu University, Consultant at the department of maxillo-Facial Surgery, Tartu University Clinicum. 01.09.1992-09.02.2003 Professor and Head of the Department of Stomatology, University of Tartu 01.09.1988-31.08.1992 Professor of the Department of Stomatology, University of Tartu 01.09.1978-31.08.1988 docent of the Department of Stomatology, University of Tartu 31.10.1975-31.08.1978 assitant of the Department of Stomatology, University of Tartu. 01.09.1968-31.08.1970 Honorary Maxillo-Facial Surgeon and researcher, Medical Institute of Banaras Hindu University (India) 01.08.1961-31.08.1968 Surgeon-Stomatologist at the Regional Hospital of Elva 01.08.1960-31.07.1961 Stomatologist at Puhja Hospital.
8.Academic degree PhD,
Dr.med Sc.
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
PhD-Medical Institute of Riga. Diploma MD No.037362; 06.07.1973 Dr.med Sc.-Sankt Peterburg`s I Medical Institute Diploma MD No.004733, 0.11.1987
10.Honours/awards * Medal of the Faculty of Medicine 1992 * Doctor Honoris causae University of Kuopio, 1996 Red Cross award from the President of Estonia in 2003 * Medal of the University of Tartu 2003 *Awards for the scientific papers at the conferences of International Association of Dental research in Lyon 1994; Göteborg 1995
* 1987-1994 Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu. * Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal "Oral Surgery, Oral Diagnosis" * International Consultant of the Journal of "International of Oral and Maxillo- Facial Surgery". *Member of the Council, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu1992-2003 *Councillor of the European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery from 1998 *Councillor of the International Association of Oral&Maxillofacial Surgery from 1996. *Expert in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Ministry of Social Affairs in Estonia from2001 * Peer reviewer in the DentEd/Evolves international programme of visits to review curricula and professional training in European dental schools.
12.Supervised dissertations

Tiia Tamme, DSc, 2005, superv. Edvitar Leibur. Epidemiology of odontogenic tumours in Estonia. Pathogenesis and clinical behaviour of ameloblastoma.. Tartu Ülikool

Helena Soomer, DSc, 2003, superv. Edvitar Leibur. Validation of identification and age estimation methods in forensic odontology. Tartu Ülikool

Ülle Voog, DSc, 2003, superv. Edvitar Leibur, Sigvard Kopp, Per Alstergren. Temporomandibular joint involvement by systemic inflammatory disease with reference to pain modulation and joint tissue destruction. Karolinska instituut

Ülle Voog, MSc, 2000, superv. Edvitar Leibur, Sigvard Kopp. Temporomandibular joint involvement by rheumatoid arthritis with reference to modulation by tumor necrosis factor α and serotonin. Karolinska Instituut

13.Current research program 1) The role of intracellular mediators PgE2 CAMP and cytokines in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. 2) Study of osseointegration based on the treatment of acquiered dental arch and jawdefects with implants. 3)Pathogenesis and treatment of temporomandibular joint diseases. 4) Validation of identification and age estimation methods in Forensic odontology.
14.Current grant funding Title: The role of cytokines and inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of arthritis of temporomandibular joint. Principal investigator: Edvitar Leibur Duration of the project:2004-2007 Total cost of the project: 640 000.-
15.List of most important publications

Kõll-Klais P, Mändar R, Leibur E,Marcotte H, Hammarström L, Mikelsaar M. Oral lactobacilli in chronic periodontitis and periodontal health:species composition and antimicrobial activity. Oral Microbiology and Immunology, 2005;20:354-61

Kõll-Klais P, Mändar R, Leibur E. Mikelsaar M. Oral microbial ecology in chronic periodontitis and periodontal health. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, 2005;17:146-55

Kõll-Klais P, Mändar R, Leibur E, Kjaeldgaard M. High levels of salivary lactobacilli in Estonian schoolchildren. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2004 Jun;5(2):107-9.

Leibur E,Tamme T, Lepp E. The ameloblastomatous potentiality of odontogenous epithelium demonstrated in tissue culture. Stomatologija,2004;6:73-6

Tamme T, Soots M, Kulla A, Karu K, Hanstein SM, Sokk A, Jõeste E, Leibur E. Odontogenic tumours, a collaborative retrospective study of 75 cases covering more than 25 years from Estonia. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2004 Jun;32(3):161-5.

Voog Ü, Alstergren P, Eliasson S, Leibur, E, Kallikorm R, Kopp S. Progression of radiographic changes in the temporomandibular joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis in relation to inflammatory markers and mediators in the blood. Acta Odontol Scand. 2004 Feb;62(1):7-13.

Voog Ü, Alstergren P, Leibur, E, Kallikorm R, Kopp S.Influence of serotonin on the analgesic effect of granisetron on temporomandibular joint arthritis. Mediators Inflamm. 2004 Dec;13(5-6):373-6.

Kõll-Klais P, Mändar R, Mikelsaar M, Leibur E. Suuõõne mikroobiökoloogia kroonilise parodontiidi puhul. Eesti Arst, 2003; 82(11): 759-767.

Soomer H, Lincoln MJ, Ranta H, Penttila A, Leibur E. Dentists' qualifications affect the accuracy of radiographic identification. J Forensic Sci. 2003 Sep;48(5):1121-6.

Soomer H, Lincoln MJ, Ranta H, Penttila A, Leibur E. Reliability and validity of eight dental age estimation methods for adults. J Forensic Sci. 2003 Jan;48(1):149-52.

Tamme T, Leibur E, Kulla A. Mandibular ameloblastoma and maxillary adenoid cystic carcinoma: case report. Ear Nose Throat J. 2003 Dec;82(12):938-40.

Tamme T, Soots M, Herik M,Pintson Ü,Müürsepp P, Leibur E.Ameloblastoomid ja nende kirurgilise ravi analüüs. Eesti Arst, 2003; 82(11): 759-767.

Voog Ü, Alstergren P, Eliasson S, Leibur, E, Kallikorm R, Kopp S. Inflammatory mediators and radiographic changes in temporomandibular joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Acta Odontol Scand. 2003 Feb;61(1):57-64.

Voog Ü, Alstergren P, Leibur, E, Kallikorm R, Kopp S. Impact of temporomandibular joint pain on activities of daily living in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Acta Odontol Scand. 2003 Oct;61(5):278-82.

Rohlin M, Schaub RM, Holbrook P, Leibur E, Levy G, Roubalikova L, Nilner M, Roger-Leroi V, Danner G, Iseri H, Feldman C. 2.2 Continuous quality improvement. Eur J Dent Educ. 2002;6 Suppl 3:67-77.

Voog Ü, Alstergren P, Leibur, E, Kallikorm R, Kopp S. Immediate effects of the serotonin antagonist granisetron on temporomandibular joint pain in patients with systemic inflammatory disorders. Life Sci. 2000 Dec 22;68(5):591-602.

Leibur E, Tuhkanen A, Pintson Ü, Söder PO. Prostaglandin E2 levels in blood plasma and in crevicular fluid of advanced periodontitis patients before and after surgical therapy. Oral Dis. 1999 Jul;5(3):223-8.

Leibur E, Kahar A, Jian Jin L, Söder P.-Ö. Computerized image analysis of alveolar bone regeneration in advanced periodontal disease following osseous grafting. Oral Surgery Oral Diagnosis, 1997, 10: 7-11.

Leibur E, Jian Jin L, Söder P.-Ö. Alveolar Bone level on intraoral and panoramic radiographs analyzed by a computerized image system. Oral surgery Oral diagnosis, 1995,6, 13-17.

Leibur E, Pintson Ü,Müürsepp P. Näo-lõualuumurdude ravist titaanist miniplaatidega osteosünteesi teel. Eesti Arst 1995,4: 296-299.

Leibur E. Action of cyclic nucleotides on alveolar bone and tooth germs in tissue culture] Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1985 Sep-Oct;64(5):22-4. Russian

Leibur E, Fedorov NA, Ivanov VS. fect of cyclic nucleotides on the mitotic activity of dental anlage and alveolar bone cells in tissue culture] Biull Eksp Biol Med. 1985 May;99(5):607-8

Ivanov VS, Leibur E. Effect of thyrocalcitonin and sodium fluoride on alveolar bone cultivated in vitro. Quintessence Int. 1978 Feb;9(2):103-9.

Ivanov VS, Leibur E. Biological treatment of pulpitis with combined antibiotics, glucocorticoids and calcium hydroxide] Quintessenz. 1975 May;26(5):43-50.

Leibur E. Treatment of pulpitis with antibiotics in combination with glucorticoids and calcium hydroxide] Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1972 Nov-Dec;51(6):28-31.

Leibur E. Clinical and bacteriological experimentation in treatment of pulpitis by the conservative method. J Indian Dent Assoc. 1970 Oct;42(10):247-50.

Leibur E. Sensibility of microorganisms of the inflammatory pulp to antibiotics. J Indian Dent Assoc. 1970 Aug;42(8):196-8.

Leibur E. Treatment of pulpitis by the biological method. J Indian Dent Assoc. 1970 Jun;42(6):153-6.

Leibur E. Biological treatment of pulpitis. J Indian Dent Assoc. 1969 Aug;41(8):227-30.

last updated: 09.01.2006

[ sulge aken ]