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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Jaan |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Lellep |
3. | Töökoht | TÜ Rakendusmatemaatika Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | professor |
5. | Sünniaeg | 25.06.1945 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | TÜ Matemaatikateaduskond 1968 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Tartu Ülikoolis aspirant - 1968 - 1971 assistent - 1971-1972 vanemõpetaja - 1972 - 1978 dotsent - 1978 - 1990 professor - alates 1991 |
8. | Teaduskraad | füüsika-matemaatikadoktor |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Riia Polümeeride Mehaanika Instituut, 1990 |
10. | Tunnustused | TÜ Medal, 2005 |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Eesti Mehaanika Komitee liige ISSMO liige GAMM liige NACM - programmkomitee liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Julia Polikarpus, MSc, 2005, juh. Jaan Lellep. Ideaalselt kahekihilise ümarplaadi optimiseerimine. Tartu Ülikool Tiina Tõkke, MSc, 2005, juh. Jaan Lellep. Elastse silindrilise kooriku optimiseerimine. Tartu Ülikool Annika Paltsepp, MSc, 2003, juh. Jaan Lellep. Mittelineaarsete plastsete silindriliste koorikute optimiseerimine. Tartu Ülikool Boriss Vlassov, MSc, 2003, juh. Jaan Lellep. Telgsümmeetrilise plaadi paine. Tartu Ülikool Ernst Tungel, PhD, 2001, juh. Jaan Lellep. Optimization of plastic spherical shells. Tartu Ella Puman, PhD, 2000, juh. Jaan Lellep. Optimization of plastic conical shells. Tartu Sander Hannus, PhD, 1995, juh. Jaan Lellep. Parametrical optimization of the plastic cylindrical shells by taking into account geometrical and physical nonlinearities. Tartu Helle Hein, PhD, 1993, juh. Jaan Lellep. Optimization of plastic axisymmetric plates and shells with piece-wise constant thickness. Tartu Jüri Majak, PhD, 1993, juh. Jaan Lellep. Optimization of plastic axisymmetric plates and shells in the case of von Mises yield condition. Tartu Gennadi Olenev, cand, 1984, juh. Jaan Lellep. Jäikplastsete ümar- ja rõngasplaatide ning silindriliste koorikute dünaamiline paine ja lisatugede optimaalne asend. Tallinn |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | 1) Plastsete konstruktsioonide dünaamika 2) Mitteelastsete konstruktsioonide optimiseerimine 2) Konstruktsioonide purunemine |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Olen ETF grandi 5693 hoidja |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Lellep,J.,Puman,E.:Inelastic conical shells with cracks-Journal of Structural Mechanics ,2005,vol.38,3,33-36 Lellep,J.,Torn,K.:Shear and bending response of a rigid-plastic beam subjected to impulsive loading-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING,2005,Vol.31,1081-1105 Lellep,J.,Tungel,E.:Optimization of plastic spherical shells of von Mises material. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,2005,vol.30,5,381-387 Lellep,J.,Mürk,A.:Inelastic behaviour of stepped square plates.Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics,vol.16. Theories of Plates and Shells.(Eds R.Kienzler,H.Altenbach,I.Ott).Springer,Berlin,2004,133-140. Lellep,J.,Sakkov,E.:Optimization of stepped columns with cracks.Proc. 17th Nordic Seminar Comput. Mechan.(Eds A.Eriksson,J.Mansson,G.Tibert).Royal Inst.Technol.,Stockholm,2004,164-167. Lellep, J., Torn, K.: Plastic response of a circular cylindrical shell to dynamic loadings - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING, 2004, Vol. 30, No. 5, 555-576 Lellep,J.,Mürk,A.:Inelastic stepped plates under impulsive loading.Plasticity and Impact Mechanics.Proc. 8th Int.Symp. IMPLAST 2003(Ed. N.K.Gupta).Phoenix Publ., New Delhi,2003,577-588. Lellep,J.:Stability of J-controlled cracks.Fracture of Polymers.Composites and Adhesives II.(Eds B.R.K.Blackman,A.Pavan J.G.Williams).ESIS Public.32.Elsevier,Amsterdam,2003,549-562. Lellep,J.,Vlassov,B.:Elastic-plastic bending of plates.Proc. 16th Nordic Seminar Comput.Mech.(Ed.K.Mathisen,T.Kvamsdal,K.M.Okstad).NTNU, Trondheim,2003,83-86. Lellep, J., Hein, H.: Optimization of clamped plastic shallow shells subjected to initial impulsive loading - ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION, 2002, Vol. 34, No. 5, 545-556 Lellep,J.,Mürk,A,:Optimization of stepped plates under dynamic loading.Proc. 4th ASMO-UK/ISSMO Conference.(Ed.P.Gosling ).Univ. Newcastle-upon-Tyne,2002,119-125. Lellep,J.:Stability of circumferential cracks in pipes.Proc. 15th Nordic Seminar Comput. Mech.(Eds E.Lund,N.Olhoff,J.Stegmann).Aalborg,2002,51-54. Lellep,J.,Tungel,E.:Optimization of plastic spherical shells with a central hole. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,2002,vol.23,3,233-240. Lellep, J., Puman, E.: Optimization of conical shells of Mises material - STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION, 2001, Vol. 22, No. 2, 149-156 Lellep,J.,Puman,E.:Optimization of stepped conical shells of von Mises material.Proc. 14th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics.(Eds L.Beldie,O.Dahlbom,A.Olsson,N.S.Ottosen,G.Sandberg).Lund Univ., 2001,67-70. Hein, H., Lellep, J.: Optimal plastic design of shallow curved beams with step-wise varying cross sections - MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES, 2000, Vol. 28, No. 4, 355-365 Lellep,J.:Analysis and optimization of axisymmetric plastic plates and shells.Proc. International Conference on Applied Mechanics SACAM 2000.(Eds S,Adali,E.V.Morozov, V.E.Verijenko).Univ. Natal,Durban,2000,515-520. Lellep,J.,Majak,J.:Non-linear constitutive behaviour of orthotropic materials. Mechanics of Composite Materials.2000,vol.36,4,445-454. Lellep,J.:Optimization of non-elastic plates and shells.Topology Optimization of Structures and Composite Continua.NATO Science Series.Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry, vol. 7 (Eds G.I.N.Rozvany,N.Olhoff). Kluwer,Dordrecht,2000,371-373. Lellep, J.: Optimization of plastic stepped plates subjected to impulsive loading - OPTIMIZATION, 2000, Vol. 481, 234-249 Lellep,J.,Torn,K.:Dynamic plastic response of circular cylindrical shells to dynamic loads.Proc. 13th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics.(Eds J.Hellesland,H.Osnes G.Skeie).Univ. Oslo,2000,222-225. Lellep,J.,Tungel,E.:Optimization of stepped spherical shells of von Mises mterial.Proc.13th Nordic Seminar on Computional Mechanics (Eds J.Hellesland,H.Osnes, G.Skeie).Univ.Oslo,2000,175-178. |
viimati muudetud: 27.09.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Jaan |
2. | Surname | Lellep |
3. | Institution | University of Tartu Institute of Applied Mathematics |
4. | Position | professor |
5. | Date of birth | 25.06.1945 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | University of Tartu 1968 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
University of Tartu post-graduate student - 1968 - 1971 assistant - 1971-1972 senior teacher - 1972 - 1978 docent - 1978 - 1990 professor - since 1991 |
8. | Academic degree | Doctor of Science |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Riga, 1990 |
10. | Honours/awards | Medal of UT |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of Estonian Mechanics Committee Member of ISSMO Member of GAMM NACM - Member of Committee |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Julia Polikarpus, MSc, 2005, superv. Jaan Lellep. Ideaalselt kahekihilise ümarplaadi optimiseerimine. Tartu Ülikool Tiina Tõkke, MSc, 2005, superv. Jaan Lellep. Elastse silindrilise kooriku optimiseerimine. Tartu Ülikool Annika Paltsepp, MSc, 2003, superv. Jaan Lellep. Mittelineaarsete plastsete silindriliste koorikute optimiseerimine. Tartu Ülikool Boriss Vlassov, MSc, 2003, superv. Jaan Lellep. Telgsümmeetrilise plaadi paine. Tartu Ülikool Ernst Tungel, PhD, 2001, superv. Jaan Lellep. Optimization of plastic spherical shells. Tartu Ella Puman, PhD, 2000, superv. Jaan Lellep. Optimization of plastic conical shells. Tartu Sander Hannus, PhD, 1995, superv. Jaan Lellep. Parametrical optimization of the plastic cylindrical shells by taking into account geometrical and physical nonlinearities. Tartu Helle Hein, PhD, 1993, superv. Jaan Lellep. Optimization of plastic axisymmetric plates and shells with piece-wise constant thickness. Tartu Jüri Majak, PhD, 1993, superv. Jaan Lellep. Optimization of plastic axisymmetric plates and shells in the case of von Mises yield condition. Tartu Gennadi Olenev, cand, 1984, superv. Jaan Lellep. Jäikplastsete ümar- ja rõngasplaatide ning silindriliste koorikute dünaamiline paine ja lisatugede optimaalne asend. Tallinn |
13. | Current research program | 1) Dynamics of Plastic Structures 2) Optimization of Nonelastic Structures 2) Fracture of Structures |
14. | Current grant funding | ESF Grant 5693 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Lellep,J.,Puman,E.:Inelastic conical shells with cracks-Journal of Structural Mechanics ,2005,vol.38,3,33-36 Lellep,J.,Torn,K.:Shear and bending response of a rigid-plastic beam subjected to impulsive loading-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING,2005,Vol.31,1081-1105 Lellep,J.,Tungel,E.:Optimization of plastic spherical shells of von Mises material. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,2005,vol.30,5,381-387 Lellep,J.,Mürk,A.:Inelastic behaviour of stepped square plates.Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics,vol.16. Theories of Plates and Shells.(Eds R.Kienzler,H.Altenbach,I.Ott).Springer,Berlin,2004,133-140. Lellep,J.,Sakkov,E.:Optimization of stepped columns with cracks.Proc. 17th Nordic Seminar Comput. Mechan.(Eds A.Eriksson,J.Mansson,G.Tibert).Royal Inst.Technol.,Stockholm,2004,164-167. Lellep, J., Torn, K.: Plastic response of a circular cylindrical shell to dynamic loadings - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING, 2004, Vol. 30, No. 5, 555-576 Lellep,J.,Mürk,A.:Inelastic stepped plates under impulsive loading.Plasticity and Impact Mechanics.Proc. 8th Int.Symp. IMPLAST 2003(Ed. N.K.Gupta).Phoenix Publ., New Delhi,2003,577-588. Lellep,J.:Stability of J-controlled cracks.Fracture of Polymers.Composites and Adhesives II.(Eds B.R.K.Blackman,A.Pavan J.G.Williams).ESIS Public.32.Elsevier,Amsterdam,2003,549-562. Lellep,J.,Vlassov,B.:Elastic-plastic bending of plates.Proc. 16th Nordic Seminar Comput.Mech.(Ed.K.Mathisen,T.Kvamsdal,K.M.Okstad).NTNU, Trondheim,2003,83-86. Lellep, J., Hein, H.: Optimization of clamped plastic shallow shells subjected to initial impulsive loading - ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION, 2002, Vol. 34, No. 5, 545-556 Lellep,J.,Mürk,A,:Optimization of stepped plates under dynamic loading.Proc. 4th ASMO-UK/ISSMO Conference.(Ed.P.Gosling ).Univ. Newcastle-upon-Tyne,2002,119-125. Lellep,J.:Stability of circumferential cracks in pipes.Proc. 15th Nordic Seminar Comput. Mech.(Eds E.Lund,N.Olhoff,J.Stegmann).Aalborg,2002,51-54. Lellep,J.,Tungel,E.:Optimization of plastic spherical shells with a central hole. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,2002,vol.23,3,233-240. Lellep, J., Puman, E.: Optimization of conical shells of Mises material - STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION, 2001, Vol. 22, No. 2, 149-156 Lellep,J.,Puman,E.:Optimization of stepped conical shells of von Mises material.Proc. 14th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics.(Eds L.Beldie,O.Dahlbom,A.Olsson,N.S.Ottosen,G.Sandberg).Lund Univ., 2001,67-70. Hein, H., Lellep, J.: Optimal plastic design of shallow curved beams with step-wise varying cross sections - MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES, 2000, Vol. 28, No. 4, 355-365 Lellep,J.:Analysis and optimization of axisymmetric plastic plates and shells.Proc. International Conference on Applied Mechanics SACAM 2000.(Eds S,Adali,E.V.Morozov, V.E.Verijenko).Univ. Natal,Durban,2000,515-520. Lellep,J.,Majak,J.:Non-linear constitutive behaviour of orthotropic materials. Mechanics of Composite Materials.2000,vol.36,4,445-454. Lellep,J.:Optimization of non-elastic plates and shells.Topology Optimization of Structures and Composite Continua.NATO Science Series.Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry, vol. 7 (Eds G.I.N.Rozvany,N.Olhoff). Kluwer,Dordrecht,2000,371-373. Lellep, J.: Optimization of plastic stepped plates subjected to impulsive loading - OPTIMIZATION, 2000, Vol. 481, 234-249 Lellep,J.,Torn,K.:Dynamic plastic response of circular cylindrical shells to dynamic loads.Proc. 13th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics.(Eds J.Hellesland,H.Osnes G.Skeie).Univ. Oslo,2000,222-225. Lellep,J.,Tungel,E.:Optimization of stepped spherical shells of von Mises mterial.Proc.13th Nordic Seminar on Computional Mechanics (Eds J.Hellesland,H.Osnes, G.Skeie).Univ.Oslo,2000,175-178. |
last updated: 27.09.2005
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