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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Peeter
2.Perekonnanimi Toomik
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Üld- ja Molekulaarpatoloogia Instituut
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 13.05.1953 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kõrgem (TRÜ Füüsika- keemiateaduskonna keemiaosakond, 1977
7.Teenistuskäik 1977-1978 TRÜ Elektroluminestsentsi ja pooljuhtide laboratooriumi insener
1978 – 1989 TRÜ orgaaanilise keemia kateedri insener ja vanemteaduse
1989 – 1993 VE Estar asedirektor
1993 – 2002 TÜ Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia instituut, lektor
8.Teaduskraad Magistrikraad (biokeemia)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1998
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Proteoomika, taimse päritoluga ensüümi-inhibiitorid
14.Jooksvad grandid SF0182560s03 Geneetilised ja rakulised haiguste põhjused, rakkude diferentseerumine ja tüvirakkude teraapias

Truus, K., Tuvikene, R., Vaher, M., Kailas, T., Toomik, P., Pehk, T. Structural and compositional characteristics of gelling galactan from the red alga Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis (Ahnfeltiales, the Sea of Japan), Carbohydrate Polymers. Volume 63, Issue 1 , 18 January 2006, Pages 130-135

Jonas, L; Mikkat, U; Lehmann, R; Schareck, W; Walzel, H; Schroder, W; Lopp, H; Pussa, T; Toomik, P Inhibitory effects of human and porcine alpha-amylase on CCK-8-stimulated lipase secretion of isolated rat pancreatic acini PANCREATOLOGY, 3 (4): 342-348 2003

R.Villems, P.Toomik, Techniques in Affinity Chromatography, in "Handbook of Affinity Chromatography" ed. by T.Kline, Marcel Dekker, New York, Basel, Hong Kong, 1993, pp 3 - 60.

Toomik R, Toomik P. Preparation of ferric adsorbent paper and its interaction with phosphate-containing biomolecules. Prep Biochem. 1992 Sep-Dec;22(3-4):183-97.

Juronen E, Parik J, Toomik P. FPLC purification of mouse monoclonal antibodies from ascitic fluid using blue DEAE and thiophilic sorbents. J Immunol Methods. 1991 Jan 24;136(1):103-9.

viimati muudetud: 10.10.2006

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Peeter
2.Surname Toomik
3.Institution University of Tartu, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology
4.Position researcher
5.Date of birth 13.05.1953 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tartu University, chemistry 1977
7.Research and
professional experience
1977-1978 engineer in Laboratory of Semiconductors and Electroluminescence, Tartu University
1978 – 1989 engineer and senior scientist in Dept. of Organic Chemistry, Tartu University.
1989 – 1993 vice director in a small biotech. company 'Estar'
1993 – 2002 lecturer in Chair of Biochemistry, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Tartu University.
8.Academic degree MSc, Biochemistry
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1998
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Proteomics, plant-derived enzyme inhibitors
14.Current grant funding SF0182560s03
15.List of most important publications

Truus, K., Tuvikene, R., Vaher, M., Kailas, T., Toomik, P., Pehk, T. Structural and compositional characteristics of gelling galactan from the red alga Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis (Ahnfeltiales, the Sea of Japan), Carbohydrate Polymers. Volume 63, Issue 1 , 18 January 2006, Pages 130-135

Jonas, L; Mikkat, U; Lehmann, R; Schareck, W; Walzel, H; Schroder, W; Lopp, H; Pussa, T; Toomik, P Inhibitory effects of human and porcine alpha-amylase on CCK-8-stimulated lipase secretion of isolated rat pancreatic acini PANCREATOLOGY, 3 (4): 342-348 2003

R.Villems, P.Toomik, Techniques in Affinity Chromatography, in "Handbook of Affinity Chromatography" ed. by T.Kline, Marcel Dekker, New York, Basel, Hong Kong, 1993, pp 3 - 60.

Toomik R, Toomik P. Preparation of ferric adsorbent paper and its interaction with phosphate-containing biomolecules. Prep Biochem. 1992 Sep-Dec;22(3-4):183-97.

Juronen E, Parik J, Toomik P. FPLC purification of mouse monoclonal antibodies from ascitic fluid using blue DEAE and thiophilic sorbents. J Immunol Methods. 1991 Jan 24;136(1):103-9.

last updated: 10.10.2006

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