[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ülo
2.Perekonnanimi Valk
3.Töökoht TÜ kirjanduse ja rahvaluule osakond
4.Ametikoht eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule professor
5.Sünniaeg 25.08.1962 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus TRÜ eesti filoloogia 1980-1986;
7.Teenistuskäik 1986 - 1990: Keele ja Kirjanduse Instituudi (KKI) rahvaluule sektori vanemlaborant;
1990 - 1993: KKI folkloristika osakonna teadur;
1993 - 1996: Eesti Keele Instituudi folkloristika osakonna vanemteadur;
1993: TÜ eesti filoloogia osakonna lektor;
1995: TÜ erakorraline prof., eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule õppetooli hoidja;
1998: TÜ eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule korraline professor;
2000 - 2001: folkloristika külalisprofessor California Ülikoolis (Berkeleys);
2001: TÜ eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule korraline professor;
2002 - 2003: TÜ kirjanduse ja rahvaluule osakonna juhataja
2003 - 2004: Pennsylvania Ülikooli etnograafia ja folkloristika keskuse külalisteadur;
2004: TÜ eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule korraline professor
8.Teaduskraad filoloogiadoktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
TÜ 1994
10.Tunnustused 1996. a. Euroopa Akadeemia preemia. 2002 Kieli Ülikooli külalisprofessor (Prof. Dr. Werner Petersen-Gastprofessur), 2003 - 2004 Fulbright stipendiaat Pennsylvania Ülikoolis.
Järgmiste organisatsioonide liige: American Folklore Society, Folklore Fellows (assotsieerunud liige), Hungarian Ethnographical Society (auliige), International Society for Folk Narrative Research, Kalevalaseura, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Deutsche Religionsgeschichtliche Studiengesellschaft, Kungl. Gustav Adolfs Akademien för svensk folkkultur
ja –administratiivne
International Society for Folk Narrative Research president,
TÜ kirjanduse ja rahvaluule osakonna juhataja ja nõukogu liige, TÜ filosoofiateaduskonna nõukogu liige. Olen olnud nelja ETF grantiprojekti vastutav täitja. Sihtfinantseeritava teadusteema “Argikultuuri diskursus ja kultuuride dialoog” (TFLKN0531) juht.
Järgmiste ajakirjade ja teadussarjade toimetuskolleegiumi liige: "Cultural Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Folklore and Popular Culture" (University of California, Berkeley), "Ethnologica Uralica" (Euroopa Folkloori Instituut, Budapest), "Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen" (Helsinki), "Keel ja Kirjandus" (Tallinn).
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Risto Järv, PhD, 2005, juh. Ülo Valk. „Eesti muinasjuttude tekstid ja tekstuur. Arhiivikeskne vaatlus“.. TÜ

Ave Tupits, MA, 2004, juh. Ülo Valk. „Soolatüügaste ravimisviisid eesti ja iiri rahvameditsiinis Jakob Hurda kogu ja Iiri Folkloori Arhiivi materjalide näitel“.. TÜ

Tiia Ristolainen, PhD, 2004, juh. Ülo Valk. „Aspekte surmakultuuri muutustest Eestis“.. TÜ

Madis Arukask, PhD, 2003, juh. Ülo Valk. "Jutustava regilaulu aspektid. 19. sjandi lõpu setu lüroeepiliste regilaulude žanr ja struktuur". TÜ

Tatjana Minnijahmetova, PhD, 2003, juh. Ülo Valk. "Kaama-taguste udmurtide traditsioonilised kombed: struktuur, semantika, folkloor" (“Traditional Customs of the Udmurtians on the River Kama. Structure, Semantics, Folklore”). TÜ

Anzori Barkalaja, PhD, 2002, juh. Ülo Valk. “Sketches Towards a Theory of Shamanism: Associating the Belief System of the Pim River Khanties with the Western World View”. TÜ

Kimberly Ball, MA, 2001, juh. Ülo Valk. “Pacts with the Devil. Diabolic Writing in Oral Narrative”. University of California, Berkeley

Art Leete, PhD, 2000, juh. Ülo Valk. "Põhjarahvad antiigist tänapäevani: obiugrilaste ja neenetsite kirjelduste muutumine". TÜ

Merili Metsvahi, MA, 2000, juh. Ülo Valk. "Thiesi võitlused: 1692. a. Liivimaa libahundiprotsessil kõlanud tunnistuste usundiline taust". TÜ

Ergo-Hart Västrik, MA, 1999, juh. Ülo Valk. "Vaateid vadja rahvausundile: uurimislugu, kohapärimus ja selle seosed kristliku traditsiooniga". TÜ

Madis Arukask, MA, 1998, juh. Ülo Valk, Paul Hagu. "Venna sõjalugu" vormeliteooria valguses ning setu lüroeepika ruumisüsteemis" (TÜ 1998). TÜ

Risto Järv, MA, 1997, juh. Ülo Valk. "Eesti usundi uurimise lähtel. Kr.J. Petersoni kommenteeritud tõlge Kr.Gananderi "Mythologia Fennicast". TÜ

Anzori Barkalaja, MA, 1996, juh. Ülo Valk. “Handi rahvausundist ja selle seostest õigeusuga". TÜ

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad 1) Folkloori žanriteooria
2) Muistend folkloori žanrisüsteemis: muistendi allžanrid maailmavaate kujundajana ja usukujutelmade kinnistajana, peamiselt eesti ja Põhja-Euroopa folkloori näitel
3) Usundiline sünkretism: rahvausundi ja kõrgreligiooni dialoogiline suhe, kristlikud elemendid eesti folklooris
4) Eesti mütoloogia: eesti rahvausundi varasemate kihtide analüüs ja ajalooline rekonstrueerimine soomeugri ja indoeuroopa traditsioonide kontekstis
5) India usundid ja hinduistlik rahvausund: veedade mütoloogia ja religioon, hinduismi ja budismi demonoloogia, hinduistlik rahvausund.
14.Jooksvad grandid "Etnilised folkloorižanrid ja kirjakultuur" (2005-2007)

Establishment of the Estonian Folklore Collections and the Concept of Authenticity. - Christoph Schmitt (Hg.): Volkskundliche Großprojekte. Ihre Geschichte und Zukunft. Hochschultagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde in Rostock. Münster/New York/London/Paris: Waxmann 2005 (= Rostocker Beiträge zur Volkskunde und Kulturgeschichte, 2), S. 35-40.

“Ancestral Lore of Europeanization. Factors of Identity Formation in Estonia. – Managing Identities. Region, Space and Culture in the Process of Europeanization. Ethnologia Europaea Conference. Vienna, May 13-15, 2004. Abstracts. 9-10.

Folkloristika Pennsylvania Ülikoolis. – Keel ja Kirjandus 10/ 2004. 794-795.

Lauri Honko (1932-2002) [Obituary] (together with Veikko Anttonen). – Temenos. Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion. Vol. 39-40. 2003-2004. Turku. 5-8.

Zusammenfassung des Epos und Erklärungen zu den Gesängen. - Kalevipoeg. Das estnische Nationalepos. Verlag Johannes M. Mayer. Stuttgart. 2004. 247 – 260.

Tendenzen und Anhaltspunkte in der Forschungsgeschichte des “Kalevipoeg”. -Kalevipoeg. Das estnische Nationalepos. Verlag Johannes M. Mayer. Stuttgart. 2004. 315-321.

Blackburn, Stuart. Moral Fictions. Tamil Folktales from Oral Tradition. FF Communications Vol. CXXVIII, No. 278. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2001. Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. LXII-1. 2003. 177-178. [book review]

Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, Gabriella. The Maze of Fantasy in Tamil Folktales. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2002. x + 190 pages. Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. LXII-2. 2003. 352-354. [book review]

“Kuidas vabastada “Kalevipoeg?” 14. veebr. 2003. SIRP. [How to rescue “Kalevipoeg”?]

On the Present and Future of the “International Folklore Bibliography”. SIEF-NEWS. International Society for Ethnology and Folklore Studies. Feb. 2003. Vol.2, no. 1. 27-28.

“Oral Tradition and Folkloristics”. – Oral Tradition 18/ 1 (2003). 139-141.

Studies in Folk Culture. Vol. 1. Valk, Ülo ja Leete, Art (eds). Tartu, 2003.

“Talking with the Dead: Poetic Possession in Estonian Folk Religion”. Kieler Blätter zur Volkskunde 35/2003. Herausgegeben von Silke Göttsch und Kai Detler Sievers. Kommissionsverlag Walter G. Mühlau, Kiel. 15-21.

“Tallima Paap as a Popular Prophet of the Eighteenth Century: Looking Beyond his Teachings”. – Confessional Sanctity (c. 1500 – c. 1800). Ed. By Jürgen Beyer, Albrecht Burkhardt, Fred van Lieburg & Marc Wingens. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Geschichte Mainz. Abteilung für abendländische Religionsgeschichte. Herausgeben von Gerhard May. Beiheft 51. Verlag Philipp von Zabern. Mainz am Rhein. 2003. 357-371.

““Tõi veneta Tuone tütar…” Lauri Honko 6. III 1932 - 15. VII 2002”. Keel ja Kirjandus 8, 2002. 602-604. [Obituary to Lauri Honko]

“Alan Dundesi tööst folkloristina” (kaasautor: Evelin Lepp, järelsõna raamatule) Alan Dundes, Kes on rahvas? Valik esseid folkloristikast. Tallinn: Varrak, 2002. 265-275. [About Alan Dundes as a Folklorist. Afterword to his collection of essays, co-author: Evelin Lepp]

Alan Dundes, Kes on rahvas? Valik esseid folkloristikast. Toim. Ülo Valk, Evelin Lepp. Tallinn: Varrak: 2002. 275 pp. [Anthology of essays by A.Dundes in Estonian. Ed. by Ü. Valk, E.Lepp]

“Authorship and Textuality. Kalevipoeg as Epic Landscape”. – Kalevala and the World’s Traditional Epics. Ed. By Lauri Honko. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 12. Finnish Literature Society: Helsinki, 2002. 405-417.

“Baltic Folklore” (in Assamese, co-author: Lina Bugiene). Encyclopaedia in Assamese, Vol. V. Biswa-Sahitya Aru Loka-Sahitya (World Literature and Folk Literatures). Ed. By Birendranath Datta. Asam Sahitya Sabha: Guwahati, 2002. 217-219.

“Basics in Finnish Folklore. Leea Virtanen & Thomas DuBois: Finnish Folklore. Helsinki & Seattle. Finnish Literature Society in Association with the University of Washington Press 2000. 297 pp. Ill. (Studia Fennica Folkloristica 9.)” – ARV. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore 2002. Vol. 58. Uppsala, Lund: The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy. 2002. 207-208

“Eesti rahvausund.” Eesti Entsüklopeedia 11. Eesti Üld. Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, 2002. 760-763. [Estonian Folk Religion]

“Ristiusueelne kurat eesti folklooris”. Õpetatud Eesti Seltsi Aastaraamat. Annales Litterarum Societatis Esthonicae 1994-1999. Tartu, 2002. 35-46. [Pre-Christian Devil in Estonian Folklore]

“Songs of the Dead: on the Forms of Poetic Possession in Estonian Folklore”. - American Folklore Society. 2002 Annual Meeting “Image, Objects, and Processes of Documentation” Program and Abstracts. Rochester, New York. October 16-20, 2002. 93.

“Talking with the Dead: Dialogic Imagination in Baltic-Finnic Folk Songs, Legends and Epics”.- The Kalevala and Lithuania. Abstracts. International Conference. 25-26 April, 2002, Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore. 24-25.

“The Devil’s Identity. On the Problem of His Pre-Christian Prototype in Estonian Mythology”. – Myth and Mentality. Studies in Folklore and Popular Thought. Ed. By Anna-Leena Siikala. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 8. Finnish Literature Society: Helsinki. 2002. 122-129.

“Az észt népi vall´as és a keresztény demonológia kapcsolatai”. - Demonológia és boszork´anys´ag Európ´aban. Szerkesztette Pócs Éva. Studia Ethnologica Hungarica 1. Budapest, 2001. 21-38. [On the Connections Between Estonian Folk Religion and Christian Demonology]

Multiformity of Variation in Folklore Theory. “Thick Corpus, Organic Variation and Textuality in Oral Tradition.” Edited by Lauri Honko. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 7. Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki, 2000.” - FF Network for the Folklore Fellows No. 22. November 2001. 21-25

“Müüt kui püha olevik: jumalate elust tänapäeva Indias”. Uurimusi müüdist ja maagiast. Koostanud Peet Lepik. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool. TPÜ Kirjastus. Tallinn 2001. 95-109. [Myth as sacred present: on the life of gods in contemporary India]

The Black Gentleman: Manifestations of the Devil in Estonian Folk Religion. Folklore Fellows' Communications No. 276. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Academia Scientiarum Fennica), 2001. 217 pp.

“The Kalevipoeg as Performance? On genres beyond the Estonian Epic”. Congressus Nonus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum 7.-13.8. 2000 Tartu. Pars VII, Dissertationes sectionum: Folkloristica & Ethnologia. Redegit: Tõnu Seilenthal. Tartu, 2001. 280-284.

“Ülikooli tähendusest Eesti kultuuriloos (kõne Seattle’i Eesti Seltsi vabariigi aastapäeva aktusel 18.02.2001)”‘Seattle Eestlaste Teated’ No. 380, aprill/ mai ’01. 2-4. [On the significance of university in the history of Estonian culture]

“Cilveku grekiem apkrauts azis. Fragmenti no Ü.Valka gramatas "Velns Eiropas ticibas vesture"”. Rigas Laiks. Junijs, 2000. 44-51.

“Ex Ovo Omnia: Where Does the Balto-Finnic Cosmogony Originate?” - Oral Tradition. Volume 15, Number 1. March, 2000. 145-158.

“Folkloric clues to Uralic mentalities: Comments on the plenary presentation “What myths tell about past Finno-Ugric modes of thinking” by Anna-Leena Siikala”. Congressus Nonus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum 7.-13.8. 2000 Tartu. Pars VII, Dissertationes sectionum: Folkloristica & Ethnologia. Redegit: Tõnu Seilenthal. Tartu, 2001. 523-524.

Kust tulid lood minule… Artikleid regilaulu uurimise alalt 1990. aastatel. TÜ eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule õppetool. Ed. Tiiu Jaago, Ülo Valk. Tartu, 2000. 352 pp. [Whence Came These Tales to Me… Runosong Research: Recent Studies from the 1990s]

“Multiformity of Variation in Folklore Theory. “Thick Corpus, Organic Variation and Textuality in Oral Tradition.” Edited by Lauri Honko. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 7. Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki, 2000.” - FF Network for the Folklore Fellows No. 22. November 2001. 21-25

“O svjazjah estonskoi narodnoi religii c hristianskoi demonologiei”. - ART. Lad. Sõktõvkar. 2000/ 2. 124-136.

“Regilaul kui kommunikatsioon teispoolsusega: dialoogist nägemusteni”. - Kust tulid lood minule… Artikleid regilaulu uurimise alalt 1990. aastatel. TÜ eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule õppetool. Ed. Tiiu Jaago, Ülo Valk. Tartu, 2000. Pp. 245-276. [Runo-Song as Communication with the World Beyond the Grave: From Dialogue to Vision]

“Angels in Estonian Folk Religion”. - Studies in folklore and popular religion. Vol. 2. Tartu, 1999. 219-238.

“A Study on the Estonian traditional calendar and folk religion. Mall Hiiemäe, Der estnische Volkskalender. FFC No. 268. Helsinki, 1998”. FF Network. For the Folklore Fellows. No. 17, June 1999. 25-27. [Book review]

“Folklore Studies in Estonia”. - IIC (Institute of Indian Culture) Newsletter, Mumbai. Vol. 49, No. 1. January 1999. 2-3.

“From Prose to Verse: the Case of Legends in the Kalevipoeg”. - The Kalevala and the World's Traditional Epics. The Kalevala Institute. Turku, 1999. 38-39.

“Müstifikatsiooni võlu. (Kommentaarid Karl Kello artiklile "Kurat ja Kalevipog".)” Sirp. Eesti Kultuurileht. 12. märts 1999. P. 13. [Attraction of mystification. Comments on the article by K.Kello]

“Reflections of Folk Religion at the Witch Trials of Estonia”. - Demons, Spirits, Witches. Christian Demonology and Popular Mythology. Conference in Budapest 7th-9th October, 1999. Abstracts. Budapest. 28.

Reprint: Religious Movements and Communities in the 19th-20th Centuries. Ed. by Gabor Barna. Bibliotheca Religionis Popularis Szegediensis. Department of Ethnology, József Attila University. Szeged, 1999. 163-174

“Sissejuhatus lõpmatuse mõistmisse. (Retsensioon L.Mälli raamatule "Nulli ja lõpmatuse kohal". Ilmamaa, Tartu, 1998. (Eesti mõttelugu))”. - Vikerkaar 5-6/ 1999. Lk. 185-188. [Introduction into the understanding of eternity. A book review]

“Steady Image, Changing Meanings: The Black Man in Estonian Folklore”. - Folklore in the Changing World. Ed. by Jawaharlal Handoo, Reimund Kvideland. Zooni Publications. Mysore, India, 1999. 307-313.

Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion. Papers Delivered at the Symposium Christian Folk Religion. Vol. 2-3. Tartu, 1999. Ed. by Ü.Valk. Tartu, 1999. (256 pp, 267 pp.)

“The Guises of Estonian Water-Spirits in Relation to the Plot and Function of Legend”. - Islanders and Water-Dwellers. Ed. by Patricia Lysaght, Séamas Ó Cathain, Daithi Ó hÓgain. Dublin, 1999. 337-348.

“Traditional Legends in Contemporary Estonian Folklore”.- Traditional Storytelling Today. An International Sourcebook. Ed. by Margaret Read MacDonald. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. Chicago, London. 1999. 207-211.

Allilma isand. Kuradi ilmumiskujud eesti rahvausus. Eesti Rahva Muuseumi sari 1.Tartu, 1998. 235 pp. [Lord of the Nether World. Manifestations of the Devil in Estonian folk belief]

“Bravery Tested in Graveyard: from Belief Legend to Joke”. - Horizons of Narrative Communication. 12. Kongress der International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR) Göttingen 26.-31. Juli 1998. 166-167.

“Estonian Devil Legends in the International Context: Problems of Classification”. - Die heutige Bedeutung oraler Traditionen, Ihre Archivierung, Publikation und Index Erschliessung. Herausgegeben von Walther Heissig, Rüdiger Schott. Abhandlungen der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Band 102. Westdeutscher Verlag. Opladen/ Wiesbaden, 1998. 301-307.

“Folklore in Modern India. ISFNR XIth Congress Papers: Volume 3. Ed. Jawaharlal Handoo. Mysore: Central Institute of Indian Languages, 1998. Pp. 232”. Journal of Folklore Research. Booknotes: http://www.indiana.edu/~jofr/book/handoo.html

“Inimene ja teispoolsus eesti rahvausundis”. - Eesti rahvakultuur. Toim. Ants Viires ja Elle Vunder. Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus. Tallinn, 1998. 485-511. [Man and the other world in Estonian folk religion. In: Estonian folk culture. Ed. By A. Viires and E.Vunder]

“Ristimise tähendusest eestlasele rahvausundi andmetel”. - Sator I. Artikleid usundi- ja kombeloost. Eesti Keele Instituudi rahvausundi töörühm. Tartu, 1998. 137-156.

“Saateks”. - Lidija Toidybek, Mari Usund. Virgela: Tallinn, 1998. 5-9. [Prefece to L.Toidybek’s book Mari Religion]

“Some Remarks on the Cult of the Dead in Contemporary India: Afterlife in "Scriptural" and Popular Hinduism”. - Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 43 (1-2), 163-174 (1998), Budapest.

“Atharvaveeda. Valik loitse”. (Tõlge veedade keelest ja kommentaarid). Akadeemia 9/ 1997. 1866-1884. [Atharvaveda: a selection of incantations. Commented translations from the Vedic language into Estonian]

Christian Folk Religion. Symposium. Tartu, October 1-4, 1997. Abstracts. University of Tartu. Ed. by Ülo Valk. 32 pp.

“Must mees eesti rahvapärimuses” (inglise keelest tõlkinud M.K.) - Vikerkaar 4-5/1997. 139-143. [The black man in Estonian folklore]

“Müüt, muistend, muinasjutt. Võrdlevaid märkusi”. – Saatesõna Jaan Puhvli raamatule “Võrdlev mütoloogia”. Tartu, 1997. 296-300.

“On the Stability of Some Demonic Guises in Estonian Folk Religion: the Black Man” - Engel und Dämonen. Theologische, Anthropologische und Religionsgeschichtliche Apekte des Guten und Bösen, Forschungen zur Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte (FARG) Band 29. Ugarit-Verlag. Münster, 1997. 171-179.

“O svjazjah estonskoi narodnoi religii s hristianskoi demonologiei”. – Raduga 2/ 1997. 156 – 169.

Perkele. Johdatus demonologiaan. Vastapaino. Tampere, 1997. 190 pp.

“Proizhozhdenije demonov: padshije angelõ, razhalovannõje bozhestva, demonizirovannõje ljudi”. – Raduga 3/ 1997. 142 – 155.

Saatesõna Jaan Puhvli raamatule “Võrdlev mütoloogia”. Tartu, 1997. 296-300. [Myth, legend, folktale. Comparative remarks. Introduction to the Estonian translation of "Comparative Mythology" by Jaan Puhvel]

“The Evil One as a Pedagogue”. - The Family as the Tradition Carrier. Conference Proceedings Volume 2. Ed. by Ingrid Rüütel, Kristin Kuutma. NIF Publications No. 31. Tallinn, 1997. 176-181.

“The Significance of Baptism in Estonian Folk Belief”. - Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore. Vol. 5. 1997. 9-38. Http:// haldjas.folklore.ee/folklore

“Ustoitšivõi obraz, menjuštšiisja smõsl: tšjornõi tšelovek v razlitšnõh slojah estonskogo folklora”. Raduga 1/ 1997. 160 -164.

“Gromoverzhets, presledujushii djavola, - estonskaja mifologija v indoevropeiskom kontekste”. - Raduga 4/ 1996. Tallinn. 149-152.

“Jubileinõje zametki rusalkoveda s aktsentom na Evropu”. - Raduga 4/ 1996. Tallinn. 143-149. [Nayadological remarks with an emphasis on European folk belief]

“Relations between the Witch and the Devil in Estonian Folk Religion”. - Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion. Vol. 1. Publications of the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore. University of Tartu. Tartu, 1996. 87-98.

Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion. Vol. 1. Papers delivered at the symposium Walter Anderson and Folklore Studies Today. Ed. by Ülo Valk. Publications of the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore. University of Tartu. Tartu, 1996. (212 pp.)

“Eesti mardilaulude usundilisest taustast (teekonna-motiiv)”. - Rahvausund tänapäeval. Toim. Mall Hiiemäe ja Mare Kõiva. Tartu, 1995. 471-478. [Religious Background of the Estonian Martinmas Songs]

“Estonian Serfdom Songs as a Manifestation of Popular Christianity”. - Congressus Octavus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum. Jyväskylä 10. - 15. 8. 1995. Pars VI. Ethnologia & Folkloristica. Redegerunt Heikki Leskinen, Risto Raittila, Tõnu Seilenthal. Moderatores, Jyväskylä 1996. 477-480.

“Religious Background of the Estonian Martinmas Songs”. - Folk Belief Today. Ed. by Mare Kõiva and Kai Vassiljeva. Tartu, 1995. 509-513

“Steady Image, Changing Meanings: The Black Man in Different Layers of Estonian Folklore”. - XIth Congress of the International Society for Folk-Narrative Research (ISFNR). January 6-12, 1995. Mysore, India. Papers: Vol. III.177-184.

“Traktaat Eesti ürgusust (retsensioon T.Kulmari doktoriväitekirjale "Eesti muinasusundi vanima kihistuse väe-, jumala- ja hingekujutluste teoloogia")” –"Vanavaravedaja" no. 2 Tartu, 1995. 132–136. [On Estonian "primeval" religion]

“About the Origin of the Estonian Devil”. – Specimina Sibirica. Redigit János Pusztay. Tomus VI. Savariae, 1994. 179–186.

Eesti rahvausu kuradi-kujutelm kristliku demonoloogia ja rahvusvahelise folkloori kontekstis: ilmumiskujud. – Dissertationes Philologiae Estonicae Universitatis Tartuensis 3. Tartu, 1994. 34 pp. [“The Image of the Devil of Estonian Folk Religion in the Context of Christian Demonology and International Folklore”. Summary.]

Kurat Euroopa usundiloos. Sissejuhatus demonoloogiasse. Tallinn, 1994. 288 pp. [The Devil in European religion: introduction into demonology]

“On the Connections between Estonian Folk Religion and Christian Demonology”. – Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte, Band 8. Ugarit–Verlag, Münster, 1994. 191–209.

“On the Descent of Demonic Beings: Fallen Angels, Degraded Deities and Demonized Men”. – Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte, Band 9. In Memoriam Alfred Rupp (1930–1993). Ugarit–Verlag, Münster, 1994. 311–332.

“The Devil in Popular Pedagogics”. – Nordic – Baltic – Finno-Ugric Conference "Family as the Tradition Carrier". Abstracts. Võsu, Estonia, May 25–29, 1994. Institute of Estonian Language, Folklore Department; Nordic Institute of Folklore. Tallinn, 1994. 87.

“Thunder Chasing the Devil - An Estonian Folk Belief in the Indo-European Context.” - Profesor August Robert Niemi and Comparartive Folklore Investigations of the Balts and Baltic Finns. Papers of the International Conference held on 1-2 December, 1994 Vilnius, Lithuania. Vilnius, 1996. 16-21.

“Hüljatud jumaluste staatusest mõnes usundis”. – Eksperimentaalne folkloristika. Tartu, 1993. 62–65. [On the status of rejected gods in some religions]

“Interview: Ülo Valk with Lena Höskuldsson”. – NIAS nytt. Nordic Newsletter of Asian Studies. No. 4. November 1993. Copenhagen. 12–14.

“Kristluse osatähtsusest eesti rahvausundis I–III”. – Eesti Kirik, 1993, no. 14–16 (138–140). 7.; 14.; 21. aprill. [Christianity and Estonian folk belief]

“Kust tuli ilmalind? – Läänemeresoome loomisloo päritolust I–II”. – Vikerkaar, 1993, no. 2. 21–29; no. 3. 60–66. [From where does the Baltic-Finnic cosmogony originate?]

“Mara kuju kui rahvapärase demonoloogia ja budistliku dharma ühendus”. – Akadeemia, 1993, no. 10. 2144–2163. [The image of Mara as a meeting point of folk demonology and Buddhist dharma]

“Rigveeda”. – Seitsme hümni tõlked veedade keelest, kommentaarid, saatesõna "Esoteeriline "Rigveeda"". – Vikerkaar, 1993, no. 9. 12–40. [Seven hymns of Rigveda: commented translation from the Vedic language into Estonian, introduction ""Esoteric" Rigveda"]

“Insight into the Present and Future of Folkloristics. Seminar on "Recent Issues in Folkloristic Research in the Nordic Countries", Turku, 12 – 16 August, 1992”. – NIF Newsletter, 1992, No. 4. Turku. 11–13.

“Läänemeresoome loomismüüt hinduistliku brahmanda–õpetuse valgusel”. – Rahvaluule. Noorteadlaste konverentsi teesid. Tartu, 1992. 20–22. [The Baltic-Finnic creation myth in the light of the Hinduist Brahmanda-doctrine]

“The Origin of the Estonian Devil./ Proishozhdenije estonskogo djavola”. – Mezhdunarodnõi simpozium "Uralskaja mifologija"/ International Symposium "Ural Mythology". Sõktõvkar, 5 – 10. VIII 1992. Tezisõ/ Abstracts. 11–16.

“The Relations between Man and the Devil in Estonian Legends”. – Folk Narrative and World View. 10th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research. Innsbruck 4th July to 11th July 1992. Abstracts. Innsbruck, 1992. 209-210.

“Vzgljad v demonologiju. Kratkii kurs besologii”. – Raduga, 1992, No. 6. 52–58; no. 7. 78–84; no. 8. 59–66. Tallinn.

“Pilguheit demonoloogiasse I–III”. – Vikerkaar 1991, no. 9. 60–66; no. 10. 57–63, no. 11. 80–87. [Introduction into demonology].

“Mahajaana-budismi tunnusjooni”. – Alma mater. Ludi literarii. Tartu Ülikooli kirjanduslik almanahh. Tartu, 1990. 106–111. [Main features of mahayana Buddhism]

“Mythological Motifs in Estonian Martinmas Songs”. – Congressus Septimus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum. Debrecen 27. VIII. – 2. IX. 1990. Abstracts. Debrecen, 1990.

“Religious Background of Estonian Martinmas Songs”. – Traditional Folk Belief Today. Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Oskar Loorits. Abstracts.Tartu, 1990. 169–170.

S. Radhakrishnan, “Religioosne kogemus ja selle tõendused I–II”. – Vikerkaar, 1990, no. 7. 59–64, no. 8. 51–57. [S. Radhakrishnan, Religious experience: commented translation from English into Estonian]

“Maagilisest mõtteviisist”. – Vikerkaar 1989, no. 9. 54–60. [On magical thinking]

“Viis luuletust K. Balmonti tsüklist "India rohud"”– "Ex oriente". "Loomingu" Raamatukogu, 1989, no. 16/17. 53–59. [K.Balmont, five poems on Indian mythology and philosophy: commented translation from Russian into Estonian]

“Eesti nimeuskumusi”. – Vikerkaar, 1988, no. 9. 39–42. [Estonian beliefs about name]

“Motiivimääramisest regilaulus”. – Kirjandusmuuseumi kevadsessioon. Tartu, 1988. 4–6. [Motif analysis of runo-songs]

“Isikunimi eesti rahvausundis”. – Noored filoloogias 2. Tallinn, 1986. 26–27. [Name in Estonian folk belief]

“Ohverdamine eesti rahvausundis”. – Vikerkaar, 1986, no. 6. 71–74. [Estonian sacrificial traditions]

“Legendid ja pärimused maailma kõrgeimalt kiltmaalt I–III”. – Horisont, 1984, no. 6. 35–37, no. 8. 35–37, no. 10. 35–37. [Legends and myths of Tibet]

viimati muudetud: 05.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ülo
2.Surname Valk
3.Institution University of Tartu, Department of Literature and Folklore
4.Position professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, chair
5.Date of birth 25.08.1962 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, studies of Estonian philology 1980-1986;
7.Research and
professional experience
1986 - 1990: research assistant at the Department of Folkloristics, Institute of the Estonian Language and Literature, Estonian Academy of Sciences;
1990 - 1993: researcher at the same institution;
1993 - 1996: senior researcher at the same institution;
1994 - 1995: lecturer of folklore at the University of Tartu;
1995 - 1997: professor extraordinary, chair of Estonian and comparative folklore program, University of Tartu;
1998 - 2000: professor of Estonian and comparative folklore program, chair, University of Tartu;
2000 - 2001: visiting professor in folklore, University of California, Berkeley;
Fall 2001: professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu;
2002 - 2003: chair of the Department of Literature and Folklore, University of Tartu;
2003 - 2004: visiting scholar at the Center for Folklore and Ethnography, University of Pennsylvania
2004: professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu
8.Academic degree PhD in philology
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1994
10.Honours/awards 1996: Prize of Academia Europaea, 2002: visiting professor in folklore, University of Kiel, Germany (Prof. Dr. Werner Petersen-Gastprofessur), 2003 - 2004: Fulbright scholar at the University of Pennsylvania.

Member of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, Royal Gustav Adolph Academy of Swedish Folk Culture (Kungl. Gustav Adolfs Akademien för svensk folkkultur), honorary member of the Hungarian Ethnographic Society. Associate member of the Folklore Fellows’ Organization; Correspondent member of the Finnish Literary Society (SKS), Kalevala-Society, German Society of the History of Religions (Deutsche Religionsgeschichtlice Studiengesellschaft).
Member of the Estonian Folklore Society, Estonian Language Society, Estonian Oriental Society.
President of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, member of the council of the Faculty of Philosophy, member of the council of the Department of Literature and Folklore. Supervision of four grant projects of the Estonian Science Foundation (1996-2005). Head of the target financed research topic "Discourse of Every-Day Culture and Communication between Cultures".
Member of the boards of the following publications: "Cultural Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Folklore and Popular Culture" (University of California, Berkeley), "Ethnologica Uralica" (Institute of European Folklore, Budapest), “Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen” (University of Helsinki, Finland), "Keel ja Kirjandus" [‘Language and Literature’] (Tallinn).
12.Supervised dissertations

Risto Järv, PhD, 2005, superv. Ülo Valk. „Eesti muinasjuttude tekstid ja tekstuur. Arhiivikeskne vaatlus“.. TÜ

Ave Tupits, MA, 2004, superv. Ülo Valk. „Soolatüügaste ravimisviisid eesti ja iiri rahvameditsiinis Jakob Hurda kogu ja Iiri Folkloori Arhiivi materjalide näitel“.. TÜ

Tiia Ristolainen, PhD, 2004, superv. Ülo Valk. „Aspekte surmakultuuri muutustest Eestis“.. TÜ

Madis Arukask, PhD, 2003, superv. Ülo Valk. "Jutustava regilaulu aspektid. 19. sjandi lõpu setu lüroeepiliste regilaulude žanr ja struktuur". TÜ

Tatjana Minnijahmetova, PhD, 2003, superv. Ülo Valk. "Kaama-taguste udmurtide traditsioonilised kombed: struktuur, semantika, folkloor" (“Traditional Customs of the Udmurtians on the River Kama. Structure, Semantics, Folklore”). TÜ

Anzori Barkalaja, PhD, 2002, superv. Ülo Valk. “Sketches Towards a Theory of Shamanism: Associating the Belief System of the Pim River Khanties with the Western World View”. TÜ

Kimberly Ball, MA, 2001, superv. Ülo Valk. “Pacts with the Devil. Diabolic Writing in Oral Narrative”. University of California, Berkeley

Art Leete, PhD, 2000, superv. Ülo Valk. "Põhjarahvad antiigist tänapäevani: obiugrilaste ja neenetsite kirjelduste muutumine". TÜ

Merili Metsvahi, MA, 2000, superv. Ülo Valk. "Thiesi võitlused: 1692. a. Liivimaa libahundiprotsessil kõlanud tunnistuste usundiline taust". TÜ

Ergo-Hart Västrik, MA, 1999, superv. Ülo Valk. "Vaateid vadja rahvausundile: uurimislugu, kohapärimus ja selle seosed kristliku traditsiooniga". TÜ

Madis Arukask, MA, 1998, superv. Ülo Valk, Paul Hagu. "Venna sõjalugu" vormeliteooria valguses ning setu lüroeepika ruumisüsteemis" (TÜ 1998). TÜ

Risto Järv, MA, 1997, superv. Ülo Valk. "Eesti usundi uurimise lähtel. Kr.J. Petersoni kommenteeritud tõlge Kr.Gananderi "Mythologia Fennicast". TÜ

Anzori Barkalaja, MA, 1996, superv. Ülo Valk. “Handi rahvausundist ja selle seostest õigeusuga". TÜ

13.Current research program 1) Genre theory of folklore
2) Legend in the genre system of folklore
3) Religious syncretism
4) Estonian mythology
5) Religions of India and Hinduist Folk Religion
14.Current grant funding “Ethnical genres of folklore and literary culture” (2005-2007)
15.List of most important publications

Establishment of the Estonian Folklore Collections and the Concept of Authenticity. - Christoph Schmitt (Hg.): Volkskundliche Großprojekte. Ihre Geschichte und Zukunft. Hochschultagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde in Rostock. Münster/New York/London/Paris: Waxmann 2005 (= Rostocker Beiträge zur Volkskunde und Kulturgeschichte, 2), S. 35-40.

“Ancestral Lore of Europeanization. Factors of Identity Formation in Estonia. – Managing Identities. Region, Space and Culture in the Process of Europeanization. Ethnologia Europaea Conference. Vienna, May 13-15, 2004. Abstracts. 9-10.

Folkloristika Pennsylvania Ülikoolis. – Keel ja Kirjandus 10/ 2004. 794-795.

Lauri Honko (1932-2002) [Obituary] (together with Veikko Anttonen). – Temenos. Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion. Vol. 39-40. 2003-2004. Turku. 5-8.

Zusammenfassung des Epos und Erklärungen zu den Gesängen. - Kalevipoeg. Das estnische Nationalepos. Verlag Johannes M. Mayer. Stuttgart. 2004. 247 – 260.

Tendenzen und Anhaltspunkte in der Forschungsgeschichte des “Kalevipoeg”. -Kalevipoeg. Das estnische Nationalepos. Verlag Johannes M. Mayer. Stuttgart. 2004. 315-321.

Blackburn, Stuart. Moral Fictions. Tamil Folktales from Oral Tradition. FF Communications Vol. CXXVIII, No. 278. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2001. Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. LXII-1. 2003. 177-178. [book review]

Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, Gabriella. The Maze of Fantasy in Tamil Folktales. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2002. x + 190 pages. Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. LXII-2. 2003. 352-354. [book review]

“Kuidas vabastada “Kalevipoeg?” 14. veebr. 2003. SIRP. [How to rescue “Kalevipoeg”?]

On the Present and Future of the “International Folklore Bibliography”. SIEF-NEWS. International Society for Ethnology and Folklore Studies. Feb. 2003. Vol.2, no. 1. 27-28.

“Oral Tradition and Folkloristics”. – Oral Tradition 18/ 1 (2003). 139-141.

Studies in Folk Culture. Vol. 1. Valk, Ülo ja Leete, Art (eds). Tartu, 2003.

“Talking with the Dead: Poetic Possession in Estonian Folk Religion”. Kieler Blätter zur Volkskunde 35/2003. Herausgegeben von Silke Göttsch und Kai Detler Sievers. Kommissionsverlag Walter G. Mühlau, Kiel. 15-21.

“Tallima Paap as a Popular Prophet of the Eighteenth Century: Looking Beyond his Teachings”. – Confessional Sanctity (c. 1500 – c. 1800). Ed. By Jürgen Beyer, Albrecht Burkhardt, Fred van Lieburg & Marc Wingens. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Geschichte Mainz. Abteilung für abendländische Religionsgeschichte. Herausgeben von Gerhard May. Beiheft 51. Verlag Philipp von Zabern. Mainz am Rhein. 2003. 357-371.

““Tõi veneta Tuone tütar…” Lauri Honko 6. III 1932 - 15. VII 2002”. Keel ja Kirjandus 8, 2002. 602-604. [Obituary to Lauri Honko]

“Alan Dundesi tööst folkloristina” (kaasautor: Evelin Lepp, järelsõna raamatule) Alan Dundes, Kes on rahvas? Valik esseid folkloristikast. Tallinn: Varrak, 2002. 265-275. [About Alan Dundes as a Folklorist. Afterword to his collection of essays, co-author: Evelin Lepp]

Alan Dundes, Kes on rahvas? Valik esseid folkloristikast. Toim. Ülo Valk, Evelin Lepp. Tallinn: Varrak: 2002. 275 pp. [Anthology of essays by A.Dundes in Estonian. Ed. by Ü. Valk, E.Lepp]

“Authorship and Textuality. Kalevipoeg as Epic Landscape”. – Kalevala and the World’s Traditional Epics. Ed. By Lauri Honko. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 12. Finnish Literature Society: Helsinki, 2002. 405-417.

“Baltic Folklore” (in Assamese, co-author: Lina Bugiene). Encyclopaedia in Assamese, Vol. V. Biswa-Sahitya Aru Loka-Sahitya (World Literature and Folk Literatures). Ed. By Birendranath Datta. Asam Sahitya Sabha: Guwahati, 2002. 217-219.

“Basics in Finnish Folklore. Leea Virtanen & Thomas DuBois: Finnish Folklore. Helsinki & Seattle. Finnish Literature Society in Association with the University of Washington Press 2000. 297 pp. Ill. (Studia Fennica Folkloristica 9.)” – ARV. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore 2002. Vol. 58. Uppsala, Lund: The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy. 2002. 207-208

“Eesti rahvausund.” Eesti Entsüklopeedia 11. Eesti Üld. Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, 2002. 760-763. [Estonian Folk Religion]

“Ristiusueelne kurat eesti folklooris”. Õpetatud Eesti Seltsi Aastaraamat. Annales Litterarum Societatis Esthonicae 1994-1999. Tartu, 2002. 35-46. [Pre-Christian Devil in Estonian Folklore]

“Songs of the Dead: on the Forms of Poetic Possession in Estonian Folklore”. - American Folklore Society. 2002 Annual Meeting “Image, Objects, and Processes of Documentation” Program and Abstracts. Rochester, New York. October 16-20, 2002. 93.

“Talking with the Dead: Dialogic Imagination in Baltic-Finnic Folk Songs, Legends and Epics”.- The Kalevala and Lithuania. Abstracts. International Conference. 25-26 April, 2002, Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore. 24-25.

“The Devil’s Identity. On the Problem of His Pre-Christian Prototype in Estonian Mythology”. – Myth and Mentality. Studies in Folklore and Popular Thought. Ed. By Anna-Leena Siikala. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 8. Finnish Literature Society: Helsinki. 2002. 122-129.

“Az észt népi vall´as és a keresztény demonológia kapcsolatai”. - Demonológia és boszork´anys´ag Európ´aban. Szerkesztette Pócs Éva. Studia Ethnologica Hungarica 1. Budapest, 2001. 21-38. [On the Connections Between Estonian Folk Religion and Christian Demonology]

Multiformity of Variation in Folklore Theory. “Thick Corpus, Organic Variation and Textuality in Oral Tradition.” Edited by Lauri Honko. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 7. Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki, 2000.” - FF Network for the Folklore Fellows No. 22. November 2001. 21-25

“Müüt kui püha olevik: jumalate elust tänapäeva Indias”. Uurimusi müüdist ja maagiast. Koostanud Peet Lepik. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool. TPÜ Kirjastus. Tallinn 2001. 95-109. [Myth as sacred present: on the life of gods in contemporary India]

The Black Gentleman: Manifestations of the Devil in Estonian Folk Religion. Folklore Fellows' Communications No. 276. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Academia Scientiarum Fennica), 2001. 217 pp.

“The Kalevipoeg as Performance? On genres beyond the Estonian Epic”. Congressus Nonus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum 7.-13.8. 2000 Tartu. Pars VII, Dissertationes sectionum: Folkloristica & Ethnologia. Redegit: Tõnu Seilenthal. Tartu, 2001. 280-284.

“Ülikooli tähendusest Eesti kultuuriloos (kõne Seattle’i Eesti Seltsi vabariigi aastapäeva aktusel 18.02.2001)”‘Seattle Eestlaste Teated’ No. 380, aprill/ mai ’01. 2-4. [On the significance of university in the history of Estonian culture]

“Cilveku grekiem apkrauts azis. Fragmenti no Ü.Valka gramatas "Velns Eiropas ticibas vesture"”. Rigas Laiks. Junijs, 2000. 44-51.

“Ex Ovo Omnia: Where Does the Balto-Finnic Cosmogony Originate?” - Oral Tradition. Volume 15, Number 1. March, 2000. 145-158.

“Folkloric clues to Uralic mentalities: Comments on the plenary presentation “What myths tell about past Finno-Ugric modes of thinking” by Anna-Leena Siikala”. Congressus Nonus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum 7.-13.8. 2000 Tartu. Pars VII, Dissertationes sectionum: Folkloristica & Ethnologia. Redegit: Tõnu Seilenthal. Tartu, 2001. 523-524.

Kust tulid lood minule… Artikleid regilaulu uurimise alalt 1990. aastatel. TÜ eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule õppetool. Ed. Tiiu Jaago, Ülo Valk. Tartu, 2000. 352 pp. [Whence Came These Tales to Me… Runosong Research: Recent Studies from the 1990s]

“Multiformity of Variation in Folklore Theory. “Thick Corpus, Organic Variation and Textuality in Oral Tradition.” Edited by Lauri Honko. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 7. Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki, 2000.” - FF Network for the Folklore Fellows No. 22. November 2001. 21-25

“O svjazjah estonskoi narodnoi religii c hristianskoi demonologiei”. - ART. Lad. Sõktõvkar. 2000/ 2. 124-136.

“Regilaul kui kommunikatsioon teispoolsusega: dialoogist nägemusteni”. - Kust tulid lood minule… Artikleid regilaulu uurimise alalt 1990. aastatel. TÜ eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule õppetool. Ed. Tiiu Jaago, Ülo Valk. Tartu, 2000. Pp. 245-276. [Runo-Song as Communication with the World Beyond the Grave: From Dialogue to Vision]

“Angels in Estonian Folk Religion”. - Studies in folklore and popular religion. Vol. 2. Tartu, 1999. 219-238.

“A Study on the Estonian traditional calendar and folk religion. Mall Hiiemäe, Der estnische Volkskalender. FFC No. 268. Helsinki, 1998”. FF Network. For the Folklore Fellows. No. 17, June 1999. 25-27. [Book review]

“Folklore Studies in Estonia”. - IIC (Institute of Indian Culture) Newsletter, Mumbai. Vol. 49, No. 1. January 1999. 2-3.

“From Prose to Verse: the Case of Legends in the Kalevipoeg”. - The Kalevala and the World's Traditional Epics. The Kalevala Institute. Turku, 1999. 38-39.

“Müstifikatsiooni võlu. (Kommentaarid Karl Kello artiklile "Kurat ja Kalevipog".)” Sirp. Eesti Kultuurileht. 12. märts 1999. P. 13. [Attraction of mystification. Comments on the article by K.Kello]

“Reflections of Folk Religion at the Witch Trials of Estonia”. - Demons, Spirits, Witches. Christian Demonology and Popular Mythology. Conference in Budapest 7th-9th October, 1999. Abstracts. Budapest. 28.

Reprint: Religious Movements and Communities in the 19th-20th Centuries. Ed. by Gabor Barna. Bibliotheca Religionis Popularis Szegediensis. Department of Ethnology, József Attila University. Szeged, 1999. 163-174

“Sissejuhatus lõpmatuse mõistmisse. (Retsensioon L.Mälli raamatule "Nulli ja lõpmatuse kohal". Ilmamaa, Tartu, 1998. (Eesti mõttelugu))”. - Vikerkaar 5-6/ 1999. Lk. 185-188. [Introduction into the understanding of eternity. A book review]

“Steady Image, Changing Meanings: The Black Man in Estonian Folklore”. - Folklore in the Changing World. Ed. by Jawaharlal Handoo, Reimund Kvideland. Zooni Publications. Mysore, India, 1999. 307-313.

Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion. Papers Delivered at the Symposium Christian Folk Religion. Vol. 2-3. Tartu, 1999. Ed. by Ü.Valk. Tartu, 1999. (256 pp, 267 pp.)

“The Guises of Estonian Water-Spirits in Relation to the Plot and Function of Legend”. - Islanders and Water-Dwellers. Ed. by Patricia Lysaght, Séamas Ó Cathain, Daithi Ó hÓgain. Dublin, 1999. 337-348.

“Traditional Legends in Contemporary Estonian Folklore”.- Traditional Storytelling Today. An International Sourcebook. Ed. by Margaret Read MacDonald. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. Chicago, London. 1999. 207-211.

Allilma isand. Kuradi ilmumiskujud eesti rahvausus. Eesti Rahva Muuseumi sari 1.Tartu, 1998. 235 pp. [Lord of the Nether World. Manifestations of the Devil in Estonian folk belief]

“Bravery Tested in Graveyard: from Belief Legend to Joke”. - Horizons of Narrative Communication. 12. Kongress der International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR) Göttingen 26.-31. Juli 1998. 166-167.

“Estonian Devil Legends in the International Context: Problems of Classification”. - Die heutige Bedeutung oraler Traditionen, Ihre Archivierung, Publikation und Index Erschliessung. Herausgegeben von Walther Heissig, Rüdiger Schott. Abhandlungen der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Band 102. Westdeutscher Verlag. Opladen/ Wiesbaden, 1998. 301-307.

“Folklore in Modern India. ISFNR XIth Congress Papers: Volume 3. Ed. Jawaharlal Handoo. Mysore: Central Institute of Indian Languages, 1998. Pp. 232”. Journal of Folklore Research. Booknotes: http://www.indiana.edu/~jofr/book/handoo.html

“Inimene ja teispoolsus eesti rahvausundis”. - Eesti rahvakultuur. Toim. Ants Viires ja Elle Vunder. Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus. Tallinn, 1998. 485-511. [Man and the other world in Estonian folk religion. In: Estonian folk culture. Ed. By A. Viires and E.Vunder]

“Ristimise tähendusest eestlasele rahvausundi andmetel”. - Sator I. Artikleid usundi- ja kombeloost. Eesti Keele Instituudi rahvausundi töörühm. Tartu, 1998. 137-156.

“Saateks”. - Lidija Toidybek, Mari Usund. Virgela: Tallinn, 1998. 5-9. [Prefece to L.Toidybek’s book Mari Religion]

“Some Remarks on the Cult of the Dead in Contemporary India: Afterlife in "Scriptural" and Popular Hinduism”. - Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 43 (1-2), 163-174 (1998), Budapest.

“Atharvaveeda. Valik loitse”. (Tõlge veedade keelest ja kommentaarid). Akadeemia 9/ 1997. 1866-1884. [Atharvaveda: a selection of incantations. Commented translations from the Vedic language into Estonian]

Christian Folk Religion. Symposium. Tartu, October 1-4, 1997. Abstracts. University of Tartu. Ed. by Ülo Valk. 32 pp.

“Must mees eesti rahvapärimuses” (inglise keelest tõlkinud M.K.) - Vikerkaar 4-5/1997. 139-143. [The black man in Estonian folklore]

“Müüt, muistend, muinasjutt. Võrdlevaid märkusi”. – Saatesõna Jaan Puhvli raamatule “Võrdlev mütoloogia”. Tartu, 1997. 296-300.

“On the Stability of Some Demonic Guises in Estonian Folk Religion: the Black Man” - Engel und Dämonen. Theologische, Anthropologische und Religionsgeschichtliche Apekte des Guten und Bösen, Forschungen zur Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte (FARG) Band 29. Ugarit-Verlag. Münster, 1997. 171-179.

“O svjazjah estonskoi narodnoi religii s hristianskoi demonologiei”. – Raduga 2/ 1997. 156 – 169.

Perkele. Johdatus demonologiaan. Vastapaino. Tampere, 1997. 190 pp.

“Proizhozhdenije demonov: padshije angelõ, razhalovannõje bozhestva, demonizirovannõje ljudi”. – Raduga 3/ 1997. 142 – 155.

Saatesõna Jaan Puhvli raamatule “Võrdlev mütoloogia”. Tartu, 1997. 296-300. [Myth, legend, folktale. Comparative remarks. Introduction to the Estonian translation of "Comparative Mythology" by Jaan Puhvel]

“The Evil One as a Pedagogue”. - The Family as the Tradition Carrier. Conference Proceedings Volume 2. Ed. by Ingrid Rüütel, Kristin Kuutma. NIF Publications No. 31. Tallinn, 1997. 176-181.

“The Significance of Baptism in Estonian Folk Belief”. - Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore. Vol. 5. 1997. 9-38. Http:// haldjas.folklore.ee/folklore

“Ustoitšivõi obraz, menjuštšiisja smõsl: tšjornõi tšelovek v razlitšnõh slojah estonskogo folklora”. Raduga 1/ 1997. 160 -164.

“Gromoverzhets, presledujushii djavola, - estonskaja mifologija v indoevropeiskom kontekste”. - Raduga 4/ 1996. Tallinn. 149-152.

“Jubileinõje zametki rusalkoveda s aktsentom na Evropu”. - Raduga 4/ 1996. Tallinn. 143-149. [Nayadological remarks with an emphasis on European folk belief]

“Relations between the Witch and the Devil in Estonian Folk Religion”. - Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion. Vol. 1. Publications of the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore. University of Tartu. Tartu, 1996. 87-98.

Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion. Vol. 1. Papers delivered at the symposium Walter Anderson and Folklore Studies Today. Ed. by Ülo Valk. Publications of the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore. University of Tartu. Tartu, 1996. (212 pp.)

“Eesti mardilaulude usundilisest taustast (teekonna-motiiv)”. - Rahvausund tänapäeval. Toim. Mall Hiiemäe ja Mare Kõiva. Tartu, 1995. 471-478. [Religious Background of the Estonian Martinmas Songs]

“Estonian Serfdom Songs as a Manifestation of Popular Christianity”. - Congressus Octavus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum. Jyväskylä 10. - 15. 8. 1995. Pars VI. Ethnologia & Folkloristica. Redegerunt Heikki Leskinen, Risto Raittila, Tõnu Seilenthal. Moderatores, Jyväskylä 1996. 477-480.

“Religious Background of the Estonian Martinmas Songs”. - Folk Belief Today. Ed. by Mare Kõiva and Kai Vassiljeva. Tartu, 1995. 509-513

“Steady Image, Changing Meanings: The Black Man in Different Layers of Estonian Folklore”. - XIth Congress of the International Society for Folk-Narrative Research (ISFNR). January 6-12, 1995. Mysore, India. Papers: Vol. III.177-184.

“Traktaat Eesti ürgusust (retsensioon T.Kulmari doktoriväitekirjale "Eesti muinasusundi vanima kihistuse väe-, jumala- ja hingekujutluste teoloogia")” –"Vanavaravedaja" no. 2 Tartu, 1995. 132–136. [On Estonian "primeval" religion]

“About the Origin of the Estonian Devil”. – Specimina Sibirica. Redigit János Pusztay. Tomus VI. Savariae, 1994. 179–186.

Eesti rahvausu kuradi-kujutelm kristliku demonoloogia ja rahvusvahelise folkloori kontekstis: ilmumiskujud. – Dissertationes Philologiae Estonicae Universitatis Tartuensis 3. Tartu, 1994. 34 pp. [“The Image of the Devil of Estonian Folk Religion in the Context of Christian Demonology and International Folklore”. Summary.]

Kurat Euroopa usundiloos. Sissejuhatus demonoloogiasse. Tallinn, 1994. 288 pp. [The Devil in European religion: introduction into demonology]

“On the Connections between Estonian Folk Religion and Christian Demonology”. – Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte, Band 8. Ugarit–Verlag, Münster, 1994. 191–209.

“On the Descent of Demonic Beings: Fallen Angels, Degraded Deities and Demonized Men”. – Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte, Band 9. In Memoriam Alfred Rupp (1930–1993). Ugarit–Verlag, Münster, 1994. 311–332.

“The Devil in Popular Pedagogics”. – Nordic – Baltic – Finno-Ugric Conference "Family as the Tradition Carrier". Abstracts. Võsu, Estonia, May 25–29, 1994. Institute of Estonian Language, Folklore Department; Nordic Institute of Folklore. Tallinn, 1994. 87.

“Thunder Chasing the Devil - An Estonian Folk Belief in the Indo-European Context.” - Profesor August Robert Niemi and Comparartive Folklore Investigations of the Balts and Baltic Finns. Papers of the International Conference held on 1-2 December, 1994 Vilnius, Lithuania. Vilnius, 1996. 16-21.

“Hüljatud jumaluste staatusest mõnes usundis”. – Eksperimentaalne folkloristika. Tartu, 1993. 62–65. [On the status of rejected gods in some religions]

“Interview: Ülo Valk with Lena Höskuldsson”. – NIAS nytt. Nordic Newsletter of Asian Studies. No. 4. November 1993. Copenhagen. 12–14.

“Kristluse osatähtsusest eesti rahvausundis I–III”. – Eesti Kirik, 1993, no. 14–16 (138–140). 7.; 14.; 21. aprill. [Christianity and Estonian folk belief]

“Kust tuli ilmalind? – Läänemeresoome loomisloo päritolust I–II”. – Vikerkaar, 1993, no. 2. 21–29; no. 3. 60–66. [From where does the Baltic-Finnic cosmogony originate?]

“Mara kuju kui rahvapärase demonoloogia ja budistliku dharma ühendus”. – Akadeemia, 1993, no. 10. 2144–2163. [The image of Mara as a meeting point of folk demonology and Buddhist dharma]

“Rigveeda”. – Seitsme hümni tõlked veedade keelest, kommentaarid, saatesõna "Esoteeriline "Rigveeda"". – Vikerkaar, 1993, no. 9. 12–40. [Seven hymns of Rigveda: commented translation from the Vedic language into Estonian, introduction ""Esoteric" Rigveda"]

“Insight into the Present and Future of Folkloristics. Seminar on "Recent Issues in Folkloristic Research in the Nordic Countries", Turku, 12 – 16 August, 1992”. – NIF Newsletter, 1992, No. 4. Turku. 11–13.

“Läänemeresoome loomismüüt hinduistliku brahmanda–õpetuse valgusel”. – Rahvaluule. Noorteadlaste konverentsi teesid. Tartu, 1992. 20–22. [The Baltic-Finnic creation myth in the light of the Hinduist Brahmanda-doctrine]

“The Origin of the Estonian Devil./ Proishozhdenije estonskogo djavola”. – Mezhdunarodnõi simpozium "Uralskaja mifologija"/ International Symposium "Ural Mythology". Sõktõvkar, 5 – 10. VIII 1992. Tezisõ/ Abstracts. 11–16.

“The Relations between Man and the Devil in Estonian Legends”. – Folk Narrative and World View. 10th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research. Innsbruck 4th July to 11th July 1992. Abstracts. Innsbruck, 1992. 209-210.

“Vzgljad v demonologiju. Kratkii kurs besologii”. – Raduga, 1992, No. 6. 52–58; no. 7. 78–84; no. 8. 59–66. Tallinn.

“Pilguheit demonoloogiasse I–III”. – Vikerkaar 1991, no. 9. 60–66; no. 10. 57–63, no. 11. 80–87. [Introduction into demonology].

“Mahajaana-budismi tunnusjooni”. – Alma mater. Ludi literarii. Tartu Ülikooli kirjanduslik almanahh. Tartu, 1990. 106–111. [Main features of mahayana Buddhism]

“Mythological Motifs in Estonian Martinmas Songs”. – Congressus Septimus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum. Debrecen 27. VIII. – 2. IX. 1990. Abstracts. Debrecen, 1990.

“Religious Background of Estonian Martinmas Songs”. – Traditional Folk Belief Today. Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Oskar Loorits. Abstracts.Tartu, 1990. 169–170.

S. Radhakrishnan, “Religioosne kogemus ja selle tõendused I–II”. – Vikerkaar, 1990, no. 7. 59–64, no. 8. 51–57. [S. Radhakrishnan, Religious experience: commented translation from English into Estonian]

“Maagilisest mõtteviisist”. – Vikerkaar 1989, no. 9. 54–60. [On magical thinking]

“Viis luuletust K. Balmonti tsüklist "India rohud"”– "Ex oriente". "Loomingu" Raamatukogu, 1989, no. 16/17. 53–59. [K.Balmont, five poems on Indian mythology and philosophy: commented translation from Russian into Estonian]

“Eesti nimeuskumusi”. – Vikerkaar, 1988, no. 9. 39–42. [Estonian beliefs about name]

“Motiivimääramisest regilaulus”. – Kirjandusmuuseumi kevadsessioon. Tartu, 1988. 4–6. [Motif analysis of runo-songs]

“Isikunimi eesti rahvausundis”. – Noored filoloogias 2. Tallinn, 1986. 26–27. [Name in Estonian folk belief]

“Ohverdamine eesti rahvausundis”. – Vikerkaar, 1986, no. 6. 71–74. [Estonian sacrificial traditions]

“Legendid ja pärimused maailma kõrgeimalt kiltmaalt I–III”. – Horisont, 1984, no. 6. 35–37, no. 8. 35–37, no. 10. 35–37. [Legends and myths of Tibet]

last updated: 05.10.2005

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