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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Epp |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Sepp |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool, Mikrobioloogia instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 31.05.1963 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | TÜ Arstiteaduskond, arst-pediaater |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1999- ..TÜ Mikrobioloogia Instituudi vanemteadur 1994-1999 TÜ Mikrobioloogia Instituudi teadur 1993-1994 Maarjamõisa Haigla mikrobioloogia labori juhataja 1990-1993-TÜ ÜMPI teadur 1988-1990-TÜ Patoloogilise füsioloogia Instituudi assistent |
8. | Teaduskraad | Meditsiinidoktor Biomeditsiini magister |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
1998-Meditsiinidoktor-TÜ 1994-Biomeditsiini magister-TÜ |
10. | Tunnustused | 1999 ja 2000 a. TÜ Arstiteduskonna teaduspreemia 1999 a. TÜ Kliinikumi teaduspreemia 1994 a. Eesti Riigi Teaduspreemia meditsiini alal M. Mikelsaare juhitavale kollektiivile |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Sugulisel Teel Levivate Infektsioonide Eesti Ühing Eesti Laborimeditsiini Ühing |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Peamiseks uurimisvaldkonnaks on laste seedetrakti mikrofloora kujunemine, seedetrakti mikrofloora mõjutamise erinevad võimalused ja selle mõju tervisele. Vastsündinute infektsioonitekitajate päritolu kindlakstegemine ning nenede omaduste uurimine. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF 5826 Antibiootikumresistentsete enterobakterite levik Eestis ja resistentsust põhjustavate integronide olemasolu enterobakteritel |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Lõivukene K, Kermes K, Sepp E, Adamson V, Mitt P, Kallandi Ü, Otter K, Naaber P Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance of invasive pathogens: the Estonian experience. Euro Surveill 2006;11(2). Lõivukene K, Kermes K, Sepp E, Adamson V, Mitt P, Kallandi Ü, Otter K, Naaber P. Surveillance of microbial resistance of invasive pathogens: the Estonian experience. Eurosurveillance monthly relase 2006; 11, 2. Vendt N, Grünberg H, Tuure T, Malminiemi O, Wuolijoki E, Tillmann V, Sepp E, Korpela R. Growth during the first 6 months of life in infants using formula enriched with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG: double-blind, randomized trial. Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics 2006; 19, 51-58. Lõivukene K, Kermes K, Sepp E, Adamson V, Mitt P, Naaber P jt. Invasiivsete patogeenide struktuur ja antibiootikumitundlikkus: olukord Eestis 2004. Eesti Arst 2005; 84:520-526 Sepp E., Julge K., Mikelsaar M., Björksten B. Intestinal microbiota and immunoglobulin E responses in 5-year-old Estonian children. Clin Exp Allergy 2005;1141-1146. Lõivukene K, Sepp E, Adamson V, Kallandi Ü, Otter K, Mägi H, Parts A, Rõõm A, Naaber P. Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ja Klebsiella pneumoniae tähtsus ning antibiootikumtundlikkus Eeesti haiglate intensiivravi osakondades. Eesti Arst 2004, 8, 526-534. Mikelsaar, M., Mändar, R., Sepp, E., Annuk, H. Human lactic acid microflora and its role in the welfare of the host. In: Lactic Acid Bacteria. Eds. S. Salminen, A. von Wright, A. Ouwehand. Marcel Dekker Inc., 2004, 453-506. Sepp E, Kõljalg S, Naaber P, Truusalu K, Štšepetova L, Metsvaht T, Sau L, Jürna M, Mägi H, Allik M, Mikelsaar M. Staphylococcus epidermidis ja Klebsiella pneumoniae Tallinna ja Tartu lasteintensiivravi osakondades. Eesti Arst. 2003, 4, 239-248. Mikelsaar M., Annuk H., Stsepetova J., Mändar R., Sepp E., Björksten B. Intestinal Lactobacilli of Estonian and Swedish Children. Microbial Ecology in Health and Diseases. 75-80, 2002. Štšepetova L, Sepp E, Hütt P, Mikelsaar M. Estimation of lactobacilli, enterococci and bifidobacteria in faecal samples by quantitative bacteriology and FISH. Microecology and Therapy. 2002, 51-59. Björksten B, Sepp E, Julge K, Voor T, Mikelsaar M. Allergy development and the intestinal microflora during the first year of life. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2001, 108, 516-520. Sepp E., Naaber P., Voor T., Mikelsaar M., Björksten B. Development of intestinal microflora during the first month of life in Estonian and Swedish infants. Micr. Ecol. Health Dis., 2000, 12, 22-26. Björksten, B. Naaber, P., Sepp, E., Mikelsaar, M. The intestinal microflora in allergic Estonian and Swedish 2-year-old children. - Clin. Exp. Allergy, 1999, 29, 342-346. Kaila, M., Isolauri, E., Sepp, E., Mikelsaar, M., Salminen, S. Fecal recovery of a human Lactobacillus strain (ATCC 53103) during dietary therapy of rotavirus diarrhea in infants. - Bioscience Microflora, 1998, 17, 2, 149-151 Mikelsaar M., Mändar R., Sepp E. Lactic acid microflora in the human microbial ecosystem and its development, pp.1-50. In: Lactic Acid Bacteria. Food Science and TechnologyCC, 1997, Vol. 63. Ed-s S. Salminen, A. von Wright. Marcel Dekker Ltd, New York. Naaber P., Klaus K., Sepp E., Björksten B., Mikelsaar M. Colonization of infants and hospitalized patients with Clostridium difficile and lactobacilli. Clin. Infect. Dis.CC, 1997, 25, Suppl. 2, 189-190. Ormisson A., Sepp E., Siigur U., Varendi H., Mikelsaar M. Impact of early life nutrition on growth and intestinal microflora composition in low-birth-weight infants. Scand. J. Nutr.EMBASE, 1997, 41, 71-74. Sepp E., Julge K., Vasar M., Naaber P., Björksten B., Mikelsaar M. Intestinal microflora of Estonian and Swedish infants. Acta Paediatrica, 1997, 86, 956-961. Sepp E., Lõivukene K., Naaber P., Kermes K., Kõljalg S., Julge K., Vasar M., Björksten B., Mikelsaar M. Tervete ja allergiliste laste mikrofloora erinevused. Eesti Rohuteadlane, 1997, lisa, 62-63. Sepp E. Vastsündinute baktereemiate etioloogiline struktuur ja laboratoorne diagnoosimine Tartu Lastekliiniku intensiivraviosakonna andmeil. Eesti Arst, 1997, 6:513-519. Mikelsaar M., Sepp E., Mändar R., Ormisson A. Criteria for evaluation of the faecal microflora. - Microecology and TherapyCC, 1995, 23, 149-150 Sepp E., Tamm E., Torm S., Lutsar I., Mikelsaar M., Salminen S. Impact of a lactobacillus probiotic on the faecal microflora in children with shigellosis. - Microecology and TherapyCC, 1995, 23, 74-80. Sepp E., Mikelsaar M., Salminen S. Impact of Lactobacillus casei strain GG administration on the faecal microflora of newborns. Microbial Ecology in Health and DiseaseCC, 1993, 6, 309-314. Mikelsaar, M., Sepp, E., Kasesalu, R., Kolts, K. Some Considerations on the Formation of normal Human Microflora during the First Year of Life. Wiss. Z. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Univ. Greifswald, Med. Reihe, 1989, 38, 1-2, 27-30. |
viimati muudetud: 07.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Epp |
2. | Surname | Sepp |
3. | Institution | University of Tartu, Department of Microbiology |
4. | Position | senior researcher |
5. | Date of birth | 31.05.1963 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | University of Tartu, Medical Faculty, pediatricans |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1999- senior researcher in Department of Microbiology, University of Tartu 1994-1999 researcher in Department of Microbiology, University of Tartu 1993-1994 bacteriologist in Maarjamõisa Hospital, Tartu 1990-1993 researcher in Laboratory of Microbial Ecology of the Institute of General and Molecular Pathology 1988-1990 assistant in Department of Pathophysiology, University of Tartu |
8. | Academic degree | D.Sc.Med. Master of biomedicin |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
1998 D.Sc.Med.- University of Tartu 1994 Master of biomedicin-University of Tartu. |
10. | Honours/awards | 2000 and 1999 Award of Medical Faculty of University of Tartu 1999 Award of Tartu University Clinics National Scientific Award in Medicine for 1994 |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Members of Estonian Laboratory Medicine Estonian Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | The development of childrens´ gut microbiota, the influence of microbiota, its effect to health. Antimicrobial resistance and epidemiology of newborn infections. |
14. | Current grant funding | ETF 5826 distribution of antibiotic resistance enterobacteria in Estonia and the resistance caused by integrons in enterobacteria. |
15. | List of most important publications |
Lõivukene K, Kermes K, Sepp E, Adamson V, Mitt P, Kallandi Ü, Otter K, Naaber P Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance of invasive pathogens: the Estonian experience. Euro Surveill 2006;11(2). Lõivukene K, Kermes K, Sepp E, Adamson V, Mitt P, Kallandi Ü, Otter K, Naaber P. Surveillance of microbial resistance of invasive pathogens: the Estonian experience. Eurosurveillance monthly relase 2006; 11, 2. Vendt N, Grünberg H, Tuure T, Malminiemi O, Wuolijoki E, Tillmann V, Sepp E, Korpela R. Growth during the first 6 months of life in infants using formula enriched with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG: double-blind, randomized trial. Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics 2006; 19, 51-58. Lõivukene K, Kermes K, Sepp E, Adamson V, Mitt P, Naaber P jt. Invasiivsete patogeenide struktuur ja antibiootikumitundlikkus: olukord Eestis 2004. Eesti Arst 2005; 84:520-526 Sepp E., Julge K., Mikelsaar M., Björksten B. Intestinal microbiota and immunoglobulin E responses in 5-year-old Estonian children. Clin Exp Allergy 2005;1141-1146. Lõivukene K, Sepp E, Adamson V, Kallandi Ü, Otter K, Mägi H, Parts A, Rõõm A, Naaber P. Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ja Klebsiella pneumoniae tähtsus ning antibiootikumtundlikkus Eeesti haiglate intensiivravi osakondades. Eesti Arst 2004, 8, 526-534. Mikelsaar, M., Mändar, R., Sepp, E., Annuk, H. Human lactic acid microflora and its role in the welfare of the host. In: Lactic Acid Bacteria. Eds. S. Salminen, A. von Wright, A. Ouwehand. Marcel Dekker Inc., 2004, 453-506. Sepp E, Kõljalg S, Naaber P, Truusalu K, Štšepetova L, Metsvaht T, Sau L, Jürna M, Mägi H, Allik M, Mikelsaar M. Staphylococcus epidermidis ja Klebsiella pneumoniae Tallinna ja Tartu lasteintensiivravi osakondades. Eesti Arst. 2003, 4, 239-248. Mikelsaar M., Annuk H., Stsepetova J., Mändar R., Sepp E., Björksten B. Intestinal Lactobacilli of Estonian and Swedish Children. Microbial Ecology in Health and Diseases. 75-80, 2002. Štšepetova L, Sepp E, Hütt P, Mikelsaar M. Estimation of lactobacilli, enterococci and bifidobacteria in faecal samples by quantitative bacteriology and FISH. Microecology and Therapy. 2002, 51-59. Björksten B, Sepp E, Julge K, Voor T, Mikelsaar M. Allergy development and the intestinal microflora during the first year of life. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2001, 108, 516-520. Sepp E., Naaber P., Voor T., Mikelsaar M., Björksten B. Development of intestinal microflora during the first month of life in Estonian and Swedish infants. Micr. Ecol. Health Dis., 2000, 12, 22-26. Björksten, B. Naaber, P., Sepp, E., Mikelsaar, M. The intestinal microflora in allergic Estonian and Swedish 2-year-old children. - Clin. Exp. Allergy, 1999, 29, 342-346. Kaila, M., Isolauri, E., Sepp, E., Mikelsaar, M., Salminen, S. Fecal recovery of a human Lactobacillus strain (ATCC 53103) during dietary therapy of rotavirus diarrhea in infants. - Bioscience Microflora, 1998, 17, 2, 149-151 Mikelsaar M., Mändar R., Sepp E. Lactic acid microflora in the human microbial ecosystem and its development, pp.1-50. In: Lactic Acid Bacteria. Food Science and TechnologyCC, 1997, Vol. 63. Ed-s S. Salminen, A. von Wright. Marcel Dekker Ltd, New York. Naaber P., Klaus K., Sepp E., Björksten B., Mikelsaar M. Colonization of infants and hospitalized patients with Clostridium difficile and lactobacilli. Clin. Infect. Dis.CC, 1997, 25, Suppl. 2, 189-190. Ormisson A., Sepp E., Siigur U., Varendi H., Mikelsaar M. Impact of early life nutrition on growth and intestinal microflora composition in low-birth-weight infants. Scand. J. Nutr.EMBASE, 1997, 41, 71-74. Sepp E., Julge K., Vasar M., Naaber P., Björksten B., Mikelsaar M. Intestinal microflora of Estonian and Swedish infants. Acta Paediatrica, 1997, 86, 956-961. Sepp E., Lõivukene K., Naaber P., Kermes K., Kõljalg S., Julge K., Vasar M., Björksten B., Mikelsaar M. Tervete ja allergiliste laste mikrofloora erinevused. Eesti Rohuteadlane, 1997, lisa, 62-63. Sepp E. Vastsündinute baktereemiate etioloogiline struktuur ja laboratoorne diagnoosimine Tartu Lastekliiniku intensiivraviosakonna andmeil. Eesti Arst, 1997, 6:513-519. Mikelsaar M., Sepp E., Mändar R., Ormisson A. Criteria for evaluation of the faecal microflora. - Microecology and TherapyCC, 1995, 23, 149-150 Sepp E., Tamm E., Torm S., Lutsar I., Mikelsaar M., Salminen S. Impact of a lactobacillus probiotic on the faecal microflora in children with shigellosis. - Microecology and TherapyCC, 1995, 23, 74-80. Sepp E., Mikelsaar M., Salminen S. Impact of Lactobacillus casei strain GG administration on the faecal microflora of newborns. Microbial Ecology in Health and DiseaseCC, 1993, 6, 309-314. Mikelsaar, M., Sepp, E., Kasesalu, R., Kolts, K. Some Considerations on the Formation of normal Human Microflora during the First Year of Life. Wiss. Z. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Univ. Greifswald, Med. Reihe, 1989, 38, 1-2, 27-30. |
last updated: 07.08.2005
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