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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Henn
2.Perekonnanimi Ojaveer
3.Töökoht TÜ Eesti Mereinstituut
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 10.06.1965 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool, diplom 1991.a., bioloog;
TÜ, Ph.D 1997 a., ihtüoloogia ja kalandus
7.Teenistuskäik 1991–1992: Eesti TA Ökoloogia ja Mereuuringute Instituut, assistent
1992–1998: Eesti Mereinstituut, assistent, nooremteadur, teadur
1997–2002: Eesti Mereakadeemia, lektor, dotsent (osal. koormus)
alates 1998: TÜ Eesti Mereinstituut, vanemteadur
alates 2004: TÜ Eesti Mereinstituut, direktori asetäitja teadustöö alal
8.Teaduskraad Filosoofiadoktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1997
ja –administratiivne
i) Eesti esindaja Rahvusvahelise Mereuurimise Nõukogu (ICES) Läänemere teaduskomitee ja Elusvarude teaduskomitees, liige;
ii) Globaalse mereuurimise programmi ‘Census of Marine Life’ Euroopa teadusliku juhtkomitee ja Euroopa täitevkomitee liige;
iii) Mereloomade Populatsioonide Ajaloo projekti (Census of Marine Life alaprogramm) Põhjamere ja Läänemere alapiirkonna juhtkomitee liige;
iv) Läänemere Rahvusvaheline Keskkonnakomisjon (HELCOM), Läänemere regionaalprojekti (BSRP) rannikumere juhtlabori juht;
v) ICES’i Läänemere kalanduse uurimisrühma (SGBFFI) kaasjuht;
vi) Moskva Riikliku Ülikooli konverentsiseeria ‘Ökosüsteemid ja organismid’ nõuandva kogu liige;
vii) ICES mereorganismide teisaldamise töörühma (WGITMO), ballastvete ja vôôrliikide teiste levikuvektorite uurimisrühma (SGBOSV) ja Ökosüsteemi tervise uurimisrühma (SGEH) liige;
viii) Läänemere Bioloogide Assotsiatsiooni (BMB) töörühmade ‘Rannikukalastiku ökoloogia’ ja ‘Estuaari- ja mere võõrorganismid’ liige;
ix) TÜ Eesti Mereinstituudi teadusnõukogu ja kalandusnõukogu liige;
x) Pärnu Kolledzhi ‘Kalanduse ja veekogude majandamise’ eriala vastuvõtukomisjoni esimees;
xi) ÜRO Bioloogilise mitmekesisuse konventsiooni (CBD) teise rahvusliku aruande koostamise eksperttöörühma liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad 1. Läänemere kirdeosa toiduahela keskmistel ja kõrgematel astmetel olevate organismide ajalis-ruumiline muutlikkus ning selle seos looduslike ja inimtegevuslike faktoritega;
2. Veevõõrliikide levik ning ning nende mõju veeökosüsteemide struktuurile ja funktsioneerimisele;
3. Jääaja jäänukliik emakala Zoarces viviparus bioloogia ja ökoloogia;
4. Läänemere ja Eesti kalandus möödunud sajanditel.
14.Jooksvad grandid 1. Mereloomade Populatsioonide Ajalugu (History of Marine Animal Populations, globaalse programmi Census of Marine Life alaprogramm), Põhjamere ja Läänemere alapiirkond, Sloan’i fond (USA), 2001-2004.a. finants. ca $180000, projekti kestvus 2000-2010;
2. Võõrliigid Läänemere kirdeosas: seire ja keskkonnamõjude hinnang, Ameerika Välisministeerium, $28000, 2004-2005;
3. MARBENA, EC FP5, €33995, 2002-2005
4. Pärnu- ja Liivi lahe töönduskalade noorjärkude uuring, Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse (KIK) projekt, 2005.a. finantseering 240 000 EEK, projekti kestvus 2004-2006;
5. INCOFISH, EC FP6, €50400, 2005-2007
6. EUR-OCEANS, EC FP6, esimese 18 kuu finants ca €4000, 2005-2007
7. SAFMAMS, EC FP6, €54150, 2005-2008

Copp, G. H., Kovac V., Ojaveer, H. and Rosenthal, H. 2005. The introduction, establishment, dispersal and impact of introduced non-native fishes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21 (4), 241.

Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Simm, M. Lankov, A., Lauringson, V., Põllumäe, A and Ojaveer, H. 2005. Ecological consequences of biological invasions: three invertebrate case studies in the north-eastern Baltic Sea. Helgoland Marine Research (in press)

Ojaveer, H. 2005. Impact of suspension feeding nekton in freshwater ecosystems: patterns and mechanisms In R. Dame & S. Olenin (eds). The Comparative Roles of Suspension Feeders in Ecosystems. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 73-92.

Simm, M. and Ojaveer, H. 2005. Taxonomic status and reproduction dynamics of the non-indigenous Cercopagis in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea). Hydrobiologia (in press).

Kaiser, M. J., Austen, M. C. V. and Ojaveer, H. 2004. European Biodiversity Action Plan for fisheries: issues for non-target species. Fisheries Research 69: 1-6

Ojaveer, H. and Andrushaitis, A. 2004. History of ecosystem studies in the Gulf of Riga. Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology. Ecology 53/2: 116-143

Ojaveer, H., Eero, M. and Lankov, A. 2004. Microevolution of eelpout, Zoarces viviparus, in the Baltic Sea. Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology. Ecology 53: 292-305

Ojaveer, H., Simm, M. and Lankov, A. 2004. Population dynamics and ecological impacts of the non-indigenous Cercopagis pengoi in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea). Hydrobiologia 522: 261-269

Leppäkoski, E., Gollasch, S., Gruszka, P., Ojaveer, H., Olenin, S. and Panov, V. 2002. The Baltic - a sea of invaders. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 59: 1209-1228

Ojaveer, H., Leppäkoski, E., Olenin, S., and Ricciardi, A. 2002. Ecological impacts of Ponto-Caspian invaders in the Baltic Sea, European inland waters and the Great Lakes: an inter-ecosystem comparison. In (eds. E. Leppäkoski, S. Gollasch and S. Olenin) Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe: Distribution, Impacts and Management. Kluwer Scientific Publishers, Dorthrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 412-425.

Telesh, I. and Ojaveer, H. 2002. Cercopagis pengoi (Ostroumov, 1891) in the Baltic Sea: invasion history, distribution and implications to ecosystem dynamics. In (eds. E. Leppäkoski, S. Gollasch and S. Olenin) Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe: Distribution, Impacts and Management. Kluwer Scientific Publishers, Dorthrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 62-65.

Vanderploeg, H.A., Nalepa, T.F, Jude, D.J, Mills, E.L., Holeck, K.T., Liebig, J.R., Grigorovich, I.A. and Ojaveer, H. 2002. Dispersal and emerging ecological impacts of Ponto-Caspian species in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 59: 1209-1228

Ojaveer, H., Kuhns, L. A., Barbiero, R. P., Tuchman, M. L. 2001. Distribution and population characteristics of Cercopagis pengoi in Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 27: 10-18

Wasmund, N., Andrushaitis, A., Lysiak-Pastuzak, Müller-Karulis, B., E., Nausch, G., Neumann, T., Ojaveer, H., Olenina, I., Postel, L. and Witek, Z. 2001. Trophic status of the south-eastern Baltic Sea: a comparison of coastal and open areas. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 56: 849-864

Ojaveer, H., Lankov, A., Eero, M., Kotta, J., Kotta, I., and Lumberg, A. 1999. Changes in the ecosystem of the Gulf of Riga from the 1970s to the 1990s. ICES Journal of Marine Science 56 Suppl: 33-40

Ojaveer, E., Lumberg, A. and Ojaveer, H. 1998. Highlights of zooplankton dynamics in Estonian waters (Baltic Sea). ICES Journal of Marine Science 55: 748-755

Svedäng, H., Ojaveer, H. and Urtans, E. 1997. Interpretation of the otolith structures in viviparous blenny Zoarces viviparus. Journal on Applied Ichthyology 13: 137-142

Ojaveer, H., Morris, P.C., Davies, S.J. and Russell, P. 1996. The response of thick-lipped grey mullet, Chelon labrosus (Risso) to diets of varied energy-to-protein ratio. Aquaculture Research 27: 603-612

Ojaveer, H. and Lumberg, A. 1995. On the role of Cercopagis (Cercopagis) pengoi Ostroumov in Pärnu Bay and the northeastern part of the Gulf of Riga ecosystem. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Ecology, 5: 20-25

viimati muudetud: 10.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Henn
2.Surname Ojaveer
3.Institution Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu
4.Position senior research scientist
5.Date of birth 10.06.1965 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, diploma in biology, 1991
University of Tartu, Ph.D in ichthyology and fisheries, 1997
7.Research and
professional experience
1991–1992: Institute of Ecology and Marine Research of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, assistant
1992–1998: Estonian Marine Institute, assistant, research scientist
1997-2002: Estonian Maritime Academy, lecturer, assistant professor (part-time)
since 1998: Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu, senior research scientist
since 2004: Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu, research director
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1997
i) Estonian representative in the Baltic science committee and the Living Resources science committee of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES);
ii) Member of the Science Steering Committee and Executive Committee of the Science Steering Committee of the European Census of Marine Life;
iii) Member of the steering committee of the History of Marine Animal Population’s project (HMAP, sub-projevt of the global Census of Marine Life program) of the North and Baltic Seas;
iv) Helsinki Commission, head of the lead laboratory of coastal activities of the GEF-funded Baltic Sea Regional Project;
v) Co-chair of the ICES Study Group on Baltic Fish and Fisheries Issues (SGBFFI);
vi) Member of the Advisory Board of the conference series on ‘ecosystems and organisms’ of the Moscow State University;
vii) Member of the ICES working group on Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms (WGITMO), study group on Ships and Other Vectors (SGBOSV) and study group on the Baltic Ecosystem Health (SGEH);
viii) Member of working groups on ‘Coastal fish ecology’ and ‘Non-indigenous estuarine and marine organisms’ of the Baltic Marine Biologist’s Association (BMB);
ix) Member of the Science Council and Fisheries Council of Estonian Marine Institute;
x) Chairman of the Admission Commission of Pärnu college of the curriculum on ‘Fisheries and managament of waterbodies’;
xi) Member of the expert commission of the second national report for the UN convention on Biological Diversity.
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program 1. Spatio-temporal dynamics of intermediate and upper trophic levels of the NE Baltic Sea in relation to natural and human factors;
2. Distribution of aquatic alien species and their impact to the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems;
3. Biology and ecology of the ice-age relict eelpout, Zoarces viviparus;
4. Fisheries of the Baltic Sea and Estonia in previous centuries.
14.Current grant funding 1. History of Marine Animal Populations (sub-program of the Census of Marine Life), North and Baltic seas, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, budget for 2001-2004 ca $180000; duration of the project 2000-2010;
2. Alien invasive species in the NE Baltic: monitoring and assessment of ecosystem impacts, US State Department, $28000, duration of the project 2004-2005;
3. EC FP5, MARBENA, €33995, duration of the project 2002-2005
4. Study on commercial fish larvae in Pärnu Bay and the Gulf of Riga, Centre for Environmental Investments of Estonia, 2005 budget 240 000 EEK, duration of the project 2004-2006,
5. EC FP6, INCOFISH, €50400, duration of the project 2005-2007
6. EC FP6, EUR-OCEANS, budget for fisrt 18 months ca €4000, duration of the project 2005-2007
7. EC FP6, SAFMAMS, €54150, 2005-2008
15.List of most important publications

Copp, G. H., Kovac V., Ojaveer, H. and Rosenthal, H. 2005. The introduction, establishment, dispersal and impact of introduced non-native fishes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21 (4), 241.

Kotta, J., Kotta, I., Simm, M. Lankov, A., Lauringson, V., Põllumäe, A and Ojaveer, H. 2005. Ecological consequences of biological invasions: three invertebrate case studies in the north-eastern Baltic Sea. Helgoland Marine Research (in press)

Ojaveer, H. 2005. Impact of suspension feeding nekton in freshwater ecosystems: patterns and mechanisms In R. Dame & S. Olenin (eds). The Comparative Roles of Suspension Feeders in Ecosystems. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 73-92.

Simm, M. and Ojaveer, H. 2005. Taxonomic status and reproduction dynamics of the non-indigenous Cercopagis in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea). Hydrobiologia (in press).

Kaiser, M. J., Austen, M. C. V. and Ojaveer, H. 2004. European Biodiversity Action Plan for fisheries: issues for non-target species. Fisheries Research 69: 1-6

Ojaveer, H. and Andrushaitis, A. 2004. History of ecosystem studies in the Gulf of Riga. Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology. Ecology 53/2: 116-143

Ojaveer, H., Eero, M. and Lankov, A. 2004. Microevolution of eelpout, Zoarces viviparus, in the Baltic Sea. Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology. Ecology 53: 292-305

Ojaveer, H., Simm, M. and Lankov, A. 2004. Population dynamics and ecological impacts of the non-indigenous Cercopagis pengoi in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea). Hydrobiologia 522: 261-269

Leppäkoski, E., Gollasch, S., Gruszka, P., Ojaveer, H., Olenin, S. and Panov, V. 2002. The Baltic - a sea of invaders. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 59: 1209-1228

Ojaveer, H., Leppäkoski, E., Olenin, S., and Ricciardi, A. 2002. Ecological impacts of Ponto-Caspian invaders in the Baltic Sea, European inland waters and the Great Lakes: an inter-ecosystem comparison. In (eds. E. Leppäkoski, S. Gollasch and S. Olenin) Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe: Distribution, Impacts and Management. Kluwer Scientific Publishers, Dorthrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 412-425.

Telesh, I. and Ojaveer, H. 2002. Cercopagis pengoi (Ostroumov, 1891) in the Baltic Sea: invasion history, distribution and implications to ecosystem dynamics. In (eds. E. Leppäkoski, S. Gollasch and S. Olenin) Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe: Distribution, Impacts and Management. Kluwer Scientific Publishers, Dorthrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 62-65.

Vanderploeg, H.A., Nalepa, T.F, Jude, D.J, Mills, E.L., Holeck, K.T., Liebig, J.R., Grigorovich, I.A. and Ojaveer, H. 2002. Dispersal and emerging ecological impacts of Ponto-Caspian species in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 59: 1209-1228

Ojaveer, H., Kuhns, L. A., Barbiero, R. P., Tuchman, M. L. 2001. Distribution and population characteristics of Cercopagis pengoi in Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 27: 10-18

Wasmund, N., Andrushaitis, A., Lysiak-Pastuzak, Müller-Karulis, B., E., Nausch, G., Neumann, T., Ojaveer, H., Olenina, I., Postel, L. and Witek, Z. 2001. Trophic status of the south-eastern Baltic Sea: a comparison of coastal and open areas. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 56: 849-864

Ojaveer, H., Lankov, A., Eero, M., Kotta, J., Kotta, I., and Lumberg, A. 1999. Changes in the ecosystem of the Gulf of Riga from the 1970s to the 1990s. ICES Journal of Marine Science 56 Suppl: 33-40

Ojaveer, E., Lumberg, A. and Ojaveer, H. 1998. Highlights of zooplankton dynamics in Estonian waters (Baltic Sea). ICES Journal of Marine Science 55: 748-755

Svedäng, H., Ojaveer, H. and Urtans, E. 1997. Interpretation of the otolith structures in viviparous blenny Zoarces viviparus. Journal on Applied Ichthyology 13: 137-142

Ojaveer, H., Morris, P.C., Davies, S.J. and Russell, P. 1996. The response of thick-lipped grey mullet, Chelon labrosus (Risso) to diets of varied energy-to-protein ratio. Aquaculture Research 27: 603-612

Ojaveer, H. and Lumberg, A. 1995. On the role of Cercopagis (Cercopagis) pengoi Ostroumov in Pärnu Bay and the northeastern part of the Gulf of Riga ecosystem. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Ecology, 5: 20-25

last updated: 10.10.2005

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