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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Diva
2.Perekonnanimi Eensoo
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Tervishoiu instituut
4.Ametikoht Tartu Ülikooli Tervishoiu instituudi teadur
5.Sünniaeg 14.12.1963 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1) Valga 1. Keskkool, 1982
2) Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskond, farmaatsiaosakond, 1982-1987
3) Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskonna biomeditsiini rahvatervise magistratuur, 1996-1998
7.Teenistuskäik 1987 – 2000 Tartu Ülikooli Tervishoiu instituudi vanemlaborant;
alates 2000 Tartu Ülikooli Tervishoiu instituudi teadur
8.Teaduskraad Teadusmagister(rahvatervis)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 2000
10.Tunnustused -
ja –administratiivne
Eesti Psühhiaatrite Selts, liige
Eesti Käitumis- ja Terviseteaduste Keskus, liige.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

-, DSc, 2005, juh. Diva Eensoo. -. -

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad 1) Tervist mõjutav käitumine, seosed bioloogiliste markerite ja isiksuseomadustega;
2) seos pere sotsiaalmajandusliku olukorra ja tervisega seotud käitumise vahel lastel;
3) keskkonnast tulenevad riskid tervisele
14.Jooksvad grandid -

Eensoo D, Harro J, Harro M, Rimm H, Viru A-M. Depressiveness, anxiety, perceived stress, and self-efficacy in middle-aged men with different engangement in physical activity. Medicina dello Sport, 2000;53(1):69-74.

Eensoo D, Paaver M, Harro M, Harro J. Predicting drunk driving: contribution of alcohol use and related problems, traffic behaviour, personality and platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 2005; 40:140-146.

Eensoo D, Paaver M, Pulver A, Harro M, Harro J. Low platelet MAO activity associated with high dysfunctional impulsivity and antisocial bethvior: evidence from drunk drivers. Psychopharmacology, 2004;172:356-358.

Merenäkk L, Harro M, Kiive E, Laidra K, Eensoo D, Allik J, Oreland L, Harro J. Association between substance use, personality traits and platelet MAO activity in preadolescents and adolescents. Addictive Behaviors 2003;28:1507-1514.

Kiive E, Eensoo D, Harro M, Harro J. Platelet monoamine oxidase activity in association with childhood aggressive and hyperactive behaviour: the effect of smoking?. Personality and Individual Differences, 2002; 33: 355–362.

Harro M, Eensoo D, Kiive E, Merenäkk L, Alep J, Oreland L, Harro J. Platelet monoamineoxidase in healthy 9- and 15-years old children: the effect of gender, smoking and puberty. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2001;25:1497-1511.

Eensoo D, Allik J, Harro J, Harro M, Laidra K, Oreland L. Personality according to the Five Factor Model and platelet monoamine oxidase activity in adolescents. Abstracts of the XXVII International Congress of Psychology, 2000 July 23-28, Stockholm, Sweden. International Journal of Psychology, 2000;35:345.

Eensoo D, Saava A, Pärna K. Comparison of smokers and nonsmokers among Estonian schoolchildren concerning attitude towards environment. In: Lu R, Mackay J, Niu S, Peto R, eds. Tobacco: The Growing Epidemic. Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, 1997 August 24-28, Beijing, China. London: Springer-Verlag, 2000:190-191

Harro M, Alep J, Allik J, Eensoo D, Harro J, Kiive E. Physical activity, personality characteristics and platelet monoamine oxidase in adolescents. Abstracts of the XXVII International Congress of Psychology, 2000 July 23-28, Stockholm, Sweden. International Journal of Psychology, 2000;35:360

Kiive, E., Eensoo, D., Harro, J., Harro, M. Monoamine oxidase-B activity in association with childhood hyperactive behavior. Abstracts of the XXVII International Congress of Psychology, 2000 July 23-28, Stockholm, Sweden. International Journal of Psychology, 2000;35:420.

Liiv K, Allik J, Eensoo D, Harro J, Harro M. Smoking among adolescents: personality predictors and patelet MAO activity. Abstracts of the XXVII International Congress of Psychology, 2000 July 23-28, Stockholm, Sweden. International Journal of Psychology, 2000;35:357

Merenäkk L, Eensoo D, Harro J, Harro M, Kiive E, Oreland L. Alcohol and drug abuse in relation to platelet monoamine oxidase and personality in adolescents. Abstracts of the XXVII International Congress of Psychology, 2000 July 23-28, Stockholm, Sweden. International Journal of Psychology, 2000;35:121-122.

Pärna K, Eensoo D, Saava A. Factors contributing to adolescent smoking in Estonia. In: Lu R, Mackay J, Niu S, Peto R, eds. Tobacco: The Growing Epidemic. Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, 1997 August 24-28, Beijing, China. London: Springer-Verlag, 2000:285-287.

viimati muudetud: 10.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Diva
2.Surname Eensoo
3.Institution University of Tartu, Department of Public Health
4.Position researcher in Department of Public Health, University of Tartu
5.Date of birth 14.12.1963 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1) The 1st Secondary School of Valga, graduated 1982
2) University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine, pharmacy 1982-1987
3) Master studies in biomedicine (Public Health) 1996-1998
7.Research and
professional experience
1987-2000 senior laboratory assistant in Department of Public Health, University of Tartu;
since 2000 researcher in Department of Public Health, University of Tartu
8.Academic degree Master of Science in Public Health
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 2000
10.Honours/awards -
Estonian Society of Biological Psychiatry, member
Centre of Behavioural and Health Sciences, member
12.Supervised dissertations

-, DSc, 2005, superv. Diva Eensoo. -. -

13.Current research program 1) Health-related behaviour, associations with biological indicators, and personality traits;
2) family socio-economic status and health-related behaviour in children;
3) environmental risks and their influence on health.
14.Current grant funding -
15.List of most important publications

Eensoo D, Harro J, Harro M, Rimm H, Viru A-M. Depressiveness, anxiety, perceived stress, and self-efficacy in middle-aged men with different engangement in physical activity. Medicina dello Sport, 2000;53(1):69-74.

Eensoo D, Paaver M, Harro M, Harro J. Predicting drunk driving: contribution of alcohol use and related problems, traffic behaviour, personality and platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 2005; 40:140-146.

Eensoo D, Paaver M, Pulver A, Harro M, Harro J. Low platelet MAO activity associated with high dysfunctional impulsivity and antisocial bethvior: evidence from drunk drivers. Psychopharmacology, 2004;172:356-358.

Merenäkk L, Harro M, Kiive E, Laidra K, Eensoo D, Allik J, Oreland L, Harro J. Association between substance use, personality traits and platelet MAO activity in preadolescents and adolescents. Addictive Behaviors 2003;28:1507-1514.

Kiive E, Eensoo D, Harro M, Harro J. Platelet monoamine oxidase activity in association with childhood aggressive and hyperactive behaviour: the effect of smoking?. Personality and Individual Differences, 2002; 33: 355–362.

Harro M, Eensoo D, Kiive E, Merenäkk L, Alep J, Oreland L, Harro J. Platelet monoamineoxidase in healthy 9- and 15-years old children: the effect of gender, smoking and puberty. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2001;25:1497-1511.

Eensoo D, Allik J, Harro J, Harro M, Laidra K, Oreland L. Personality according to the Five Factor Model and platelet monoamine oxidase activity in adolescents. Abstracts of the XXVII International Congress of Psychology, 2000 July 23-28, Stockholm, Sweden. International Journal of Psychology, 2000;35:345.

Eensoo D, Saava A, Pärna K. Comparison of smokers and nonsmokers among Estonian schoolchildren concerning attitude towards environment. In: Lu R, Mackay J, Niu S, Peto R, eds. Tobacco: The Growing Epidemic. Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, 1997 August 24-28, Beijing, China. London: Springer-Verlag, 2000:190-191

Harro M, Alep J, Allik J, Eensoo D, Harro J, Kiive E. Physical activity, personality characteristics and platelet monoamine oxidase in adolescents. Abstracts of the XXVII International Congress of Psychology, 2000 July 23-28, Stockholm, Sweden. International Journal of Psychology, 2000;35:360

Kiive, E., Eensoo, D., Harro, J., Harro, M. Monoamine oxidase-B activity in association with childhood hyperactive behavior. Abstracts of the XXVII International Congress of Psychology, 2000 July 23-28, Stockholm, Sweden. International Journal of Psychology, 2000;35:420.

Liiv K, Allik J, Eensoo D, Harro J, Harro M. Smoking among adolescents: personality predictors and patelet MAO activity. Abstracts of the XXVII International Congress of Psychology, 2000 July 23-28, Stockholm, Sweden. International Journal of Psychology, 2000;35:357

Merenäkk L, Eensoo D, Harro J, Harro M, Kiive E, Oreland L. Alcohol and drug abuse in relation to platelet monoamine oxidase and personality in adolescents. Abstracts of the XXVII International Congress of Psychology, 2000 July 23-28, Stockholm, Sweden. International Journal of Psychology, 2000;35:121-122.

Pärna K, Eensoo D, Saava A. Factors contributing to adolescent smoking in Estonia. In: Lu R, Mackay J, Niu S, Peto R, eds. Tobacco: The Growing Epidemic. Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, 1997 August 24-28, Beijing, China. London: Springer-Verlag, 2000:285-287.

last updated: 10.10.2005

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