[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Pärt |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Peterson |
3. | Töökoht | Arstiteaduskond, Tartu Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | Erakorraline professor, Molekulaarpatoloogia |
5. | Sünniaeg | 18.04.1966 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Bioloogiateaduskond, Tartu Ülikool 1991 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1992-1994, Biotehnoloogia instituut, Tampere Ülikool 1995-2000, Meditsiinitehnoloogia instituut Tampere Ülikool 2000-2003 Soome Akadeemia teadur 2003- Erakorraline professor, Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskond |
8. | Teaduskraad | MSc PhD (immunoloogia) Dotsent (molekulaarimmunoloogia) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 1992 Tampere Ülikool, 1996 Tampere Ülikool, 1998 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Institute of Medical Technology, (University of Tampere) nôukogu liige Tampere Graduate School in Biomedicine and Biotechnology (TGSBB) Evaluation Board’i liige (2000-2002). Konsultant, Department of Quality Control, FIT Biotech, Tampere |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Ulla Aapola, PhD, 2004, juh. Pärt Peterson. Characterisation and Functional Studies of the DNA Cytosine-5-Methyltransferase 3-like Gene (DNMT3L-geenin karakterisointi ja toiminta). Tampere Ülikool Maarit Heino, PhD, 2001, juh. Pärt Peterson, Kai Krohn. Identification of the Autoimmune Regulator Gene, its mutation pattern in APECED patients and Localisation of the Gene Expression (Autoimmune Regulator-geenin identifiointi, mutaatiot APECED potilailla ja geenin ilmentymisprofiili ). Tampere Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Autoimmuunsuses osalevad geenid, tüümuse diferenetsserumine, DNA metüültransferaasid, imprinting |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Wellcome Trust, 2003-2008 Framework 6 Thymaide Integrated Project, 2003-2008 ETF GARMP5705, 2004-2005 |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Pitkänen J, Rebane A, Rowell J, Murumägi A, Ströbel P, Möll K, Saare M, Heikkila J, Doucas V, Marx A, Peterson P. (2005) Cooperative activation of transcription by autoimmune regulator AIRE and CBP. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 333:944-953 Tuomela M, Malm M, Wallen M, Stanescu I, Krohn K and Peterson P. (2005) Biodistribution and general safety of a naked DNA plasmid, GTU®-MULTIHIV, in a rat, using a quantitative PCR method. Vaccine 23: 890-896. Webster KE, O'Bryan MK, Fletcher S, Crewther PE, Aapola U, Craig J, Harrison DK, Aung H, Phutikanit N, Lyle R, Meachem SJ, Antonarakis SE, de Kretser DM, Hedger MP, Peterson P, Carroll BJ, Scott HS (2005) Meiotic and epigenetic defects in Dnmt3L-knockout mouse spermatogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 4068-4073 Aapola U, Mäenpää K, Kaipia A, Peterson P. (2004) Epigenetic modifications affect Dnmt3L expression. Biochem J. 380: 705-713 Akiyoshi H, Hatakeyama S, Pitkänen J, Mouri Y, Doucas V, Kudoh J, Tsurugaya K, Uchida D, Matsushima A, Oshikawa K, Nakayama KI, Shimizu N, Peterson P, Matsumoto M. (2004) Subcellular expression of autoimmune regulator is organized in a spatiotemporal manner. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279: 33984-33991 Krohn K and Peterson P. (2004) The central role of AIRE in thymic induction of tolerance to self antigens. Current Opinion in Endocrinology and Diabetes. 11: 26-30. Peterson P, Pitkänen J, Sillanpää N, Krohn K. (2004) APECED: a model disease to study molecular aspects of endocrine autoimmunity. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 135: 348-357. Sillanpää N, Magureanu CM, Murumägi A, Reinikainen A, Manninen A, Heino M, Ranki A, Saksela K, Krohn, Lahesmaa R and Peterson P. (2004) Autoimmune regulator induced changes in the gene expression profile of monocyte-dendritic cell –lineage. Molecular Immunology, 41: 1185-1198 Stjernberg-Salmela S, Pettersson T, Karenko L, Blazevic V, Nevala H, Pitkänen S, Peterson P, Ranki A. (2004) A novel tumour necrosis factor receptor mutation in a Finnish family with periodic fever syndrome. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 33: 140-144 Ströbel P, Baiersdorf N, Kerkau T, Murumägi A, Sillanpää N, Peterson P, Hummel V, Rieckmann P, Gold R, Schalke B, Nix W, Kiefer R, Powrie F, Müller-Hermelink HK and Marx A. (2004) Selective loss of CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells in thymomas. Annals of Neurology 56: 901-904 Chin RK, Lo JC, Kim O, Blink SE, Christiansen PA, Peterson P, Wang Y, Ware C, Fu YX. (2003) Lymphotoxin pathway directs thymic Aire expression. Nature Immunology 4: 1121-1127 Murumägi A, Vähämurto P, Peterson P. (2003) Characterization of regulatory elements and methylation pattern of AIRE (autoimmune regulator) promoter. J Biol Chem. 278: 19784-19790. Pitkänen J and Peterson P. (2003) Autoimmune regulator: from loss of function to autoimmunity. Genes and Immunity 4: 12-21 Aapola U, Liiv I and Peterson P. (2002) Imprinting regulator DNMT3L is a transcriptional repressor associated with histone deacetylase activity. Nucleic Acids Research 30: 1-7 Liiv I, Teesalu K, Peterson P, Clemente MG, Perheentupa J, Uibo R. (2002) Epitope mapping of cytochrome P450 cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc) by sera from patients with autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1. European J. Endocrinol.146: 113-119. Nevala H, Karenko L, Stjernberg S, Raatikainen M, Suomalainen H, Rauta J, McDermott MF, Peterson P, Pettersson T and Ranki A. (2002) A novel TNF receptor 1 (TNFRSF1A) mutation (F112I) in a Finnish family with an autosomal dominant recurrent fever. Arthritis and Rheumatism 46: 1061-1066 Aapola U, Lyle R, Krohn K, Antonarakis SE, Peterson P. (2001) Isolation and Tissue Distribution of Mouse Dnmt3l gene. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, 92: 122-126 Cihakova D, Trebusak K, Heino M, Fadeyev V, Tiulpakov A, Battelino T, Tar A, Halász Z, Blümel P, Tawfik S, Krohn K, Lebl J and Peterson P. (2001) Novel AIRE mutations and P450 cytochrome autoantibodies in Central and Eastern European patients with APECED. Human Mutation, 18: 225-232 Heino H, Peterson P, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Antonarakis SE, Scott HS, and Krohn K (2001) APECED mutations in the Autoimmune Regulator (AIRE) gene. Human Mutation, 18: 205-211 Lebl J, Cihakova D, Trebusak K, Heino M, Battelino T, Halasz Z, Tar A, Blumel P, Fadejev V, Tyulpakov A, Krohn K, Peterson P. (2001) Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome-1 (APS-1; APECED) in Central and Eastern Europe: Novel Mutations of AIRE Gene and P450 Cytochrome Autoantibodies. Pediatric Research, 49; 122 Pitkänen J, Vähämurto P, Krohn K, Peterson P. (2001) Subcellular localization of the autoimmune regulator protein: characterization of nuclear targeting and transcriptional activation domain. J Biol Chem 276: 19597-19602 Tähtinen M, Strengell M, Collings A, Pitkänen J, Hakkarainen K, Ustav M, Wahren B, Peterson P, Kohleisen B, Ranki A, Krohn K. (2001) DNA vaccination in mice using HIV-1 nef, rev and tat genes in self-replicating bovine papilloma virus based pBN-vector. Vaccine. 19: 2039-2047 Aapola U, Shibuya K, Scott HS, Ollila O, Vihinen M, Heino M, Shintani A, Kawasaki K, Minoshima S, Krohn K, Antonarakis SE, Shimizu N, Kudoh J, Peterson P. (2000) Isolation and initial characterization of a novel zinc finger gene, DNMT3L on 21q22.3, related to cytosine-5-methyltransferase 3 gene family. Genomics 65: 293-298 Heino M, Peterson P, Sillanpää N, Guérin S, Wu L, Naquet P, Anderson G, Scott HS, Antonarakis SE, Jenkinson EJ, Krohn KJE. (2000) RNA and protein expression of the murine Autoimmune Regulator gene (Aire) in normal, RelB deficient and in NOD mouse. European J Immunol 30: 1884-1893. Peterson P, Uibo R, Krohn K. (2000) Adrenal Autoimmunity: Results and Developments. Trends in Endocrinol Metabolism 11: 285-290. Pitkänen J, Doucas V, Sternsdorf T, Nakajima T, Aratani S, Jensen K, Will H, Vähämurto P, Ollila J, Vihinen M, Scott HS, Antonarakis SE, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Krohn K, Peterson P. (2000) The autoimmune regulator protein has transcriptional transactivating properties and interacts with common co-activator CBP. J Biol Chem 275: 16802-16809 Reimand K, Peterson P, Hyöty H, Uibo R, Cooke I, Weetman AP, Krohn K. (2000) 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase autoantibodies are rare in premature ovarian failure. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 85: 2324-2326 Collings A, Pitkänen J, Strengell M, Tähtinen M, Pitkänen J, Lagerstedt A, Hakkarainen K, Ovod V, Sutter G, Ustav M, Ustav E, Männik A, Ranki A, Peterson P, Krohn K. (1999) Humoral and cellular response to HIV-1 Nef in mice DNA-immunized with non-replicating and self-replicating expression vectors. Vaccine 18: 460-467 D. Beltran-Valero de Bernabe, Peterson P, Luopajärvi K, Krohn K, Rodriguez de Cordoba S, Ranki A. (1999) Mutational analysis of the HGO gene in Finnish alkaptonuria patients. J. Medical Genetics 36: 922-923 Heino M, Peterson P, Lagerstedt A, Ovod V, Ranki A, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Scott HS, Antonarakis SE, Krohn K. (1999) Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) is expressed in the cells regulating immune tolerance in thymus medulla. Biochem. Biophys. Res Comm 257: 821-825 Heino M, Scott HS, Chen Q, Peterson P, Mäenpää U, Papasavvas MP, Mittaz L, Barras C, Rossier C, Stratakis A, Chrousos G, Nagamine K, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Maclaren N, Antonarakis SE, Krohn K. (1999) Mutation analyses of Northern American APS-1 patients. Human Mutation, 13: 69-74 Mittaz L, Rossier C, Heino M, Peterson P, Krohn KJE, Gos A, Morris MA Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Antonarakis SE, Scott HS. (1999) Isolation and characterization of the mouse Aire gene. Biochem. Biophys. Res Comm. 255: 483-490 Seissler J, Schott M, Steinbrenner H, Peterson P, Scherbaum WA. (1999) Autoantibodies to adrenal cytochrome P450 antigens in isolated Addison’s disease and autoimune polyendocrine syndrome type II. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology of Diabetes, 107: 208-213 Kemp EH, Ajjan RA, Husebye ES, Peterson P, Uibo R, Imrie H, Pearce S, Watson PF, Weetman AP. (1998) Analysis of a microsatellite polymorphism of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) gene in patients with autoimmune Addison’s disease. Clinical Endocrinology, 49: 609-613 Peterson P, Nagamine K, Scott HS, Heino M, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Antonarakis SE, Krohn K. (1998) APECED: a monogenic autoimmune disease providing new clues to self tolerance. Immunology Today (Trends in Immunology), 19: 384-386 Rosatelli M, Meloni A, Meloni A, Devoto M, Cao A, Scott HS, Peterson P, Heino M, Krohn K, Nagamine K, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Antonarakis SE. (1998) A common mutation in Sardinian autoimmune-polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy patients. Human Genetics 103: 428-434 Scott HS, Heino M, Peterson P, Lalioti MD, Mittaz L, Betterle C, Cohen A, Romeo G, Seri M, Lerone M, Collin P, Salo M, Metcalfe R, Weetman AP, Papasavvas MP, Rossier C, Nagamine K, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Krohn KJE, Antonarakis SE. (1998) Common mutations in autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) patients of different origins. Molecular Endocrinology, 12: 1112-1119 Scott HS, Kyriakou D, Peterson P, Heino H, Tähtinen M, Krohn K, Chen H, Rossier C, Lalioti MD, Antonarakis SE.(1998) Cloning of C21ORF2 in the APECED critical region of human chromosome 21q22.3, and its exclusion as a candidate gene. Genomics 47: 64-70 Krohn K, Ovod V, Vilja P, Heino M, Scott H, Kyriakou DS, Antonarakis SE, Jacobs HT, Isola I, Peterson P. (1997) Immunochemical characterization of a novel mitochondrially located protein encoded by a nuclear gene within the DFNB8/10 critical region on 21q22.3. Biopchem. Biophys. Res Comm. 238: 806-810 Nagamine K, Peterson P, Scott HS, Kudoh J, Minoshima S, Heino M, Krohn KJE, Lalioti MD, Mullis PE, Antonarakis SE, Kawasaki K, Asakawa S, Ito F, and Shimizu N. (1997) Positional cloning of the APECED gene. Nature Genetics 17: 393-397 Peterson P, Salmi H, Hyöty H, Miettinen A, Ilonen J, Reijonen H, Åkerblom H, Krohn K and the Childhood Diabetes in Finland Study Group. (1997) Steroid 21-hydroxylase autoantibodies in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 82: 37-42 Peterson, P, Uibo R, Peränen J, Krohn K. (1997) Immunoprecipitation of steroidogenic enzyme autoantigens with APS I sera. Further evidence for no crossreactivity between P450c17 and P450c21. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 107: 335-340 Uibo R, Uibo O, Reimand K, Peterson P, Krohn K. (1997) Characterization by molecular cloning an antigen reactive with antireticulin antibodies. Ann N Y Acad Sci 815:509-511 Peterson P, Perheentupa J, Krohn K. (1996) Candidal antigens in autoimmune polyglandular syndrome I. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 3: 290-294 Peterson P, Partanen J, Aavik E, Salmi H, Krohn K. (1995) Steroid 21-hydroxylase gene polymorphism in Addison's disease patients. Tissue Antigens, 46: 63-67 Partanen J, Peterson P, Westman P, Aranko S, Krohn K. (1994) MHC class II and III in Addison's disease. MHC alleles do not predict autoantibody specificity and no independent role for 21-hydroxylase gene polymorphism in disease susceptibility. Human Immunology, 41: 135-140 Peterson, P and Krohn K (1994) Mapping of autoantigenic B-cell epitopes on steroid 17a-hydroxylase, in autoimmune Addison's disease, using recombinant proteins. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 98: 104-109 Ranki A, Aavik E, Peterson P, Schauman K, Nurmilaakso P. (1994) Successful amplification of DNA specific for Finnish Borrelia Burgdorferi-isolates in erythema chronicum migrans but not in circumscribed scleroderma lesions. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 102: 339-345 Uibo R, Aavik E, Peterson P, Perheentupa J, Aranko S, Pelkonen R, Krohn KJEK. (1994) Autoantibodies to cytochrome P450scc, P45017a and P450c21 in autoimmune polyglandular disease types I and II and in isolated Addison's disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 78: 323-328 Krohn K, Uibo R, Aavik E, Peterson P, Savilahti K. (1992) Identification by molecular cloning of an autoantigen associated with Addison's disease as steroid 17a-hydroxylase. Lancet, 339: 770-773 |
viimati muudetud: 08.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Pärt |
2. | Surname | Peterson |
3. | Institution | Medical Faculty, University of Tartu |
4. | Position | Extraordinary professor, Molecular pathology |
5. | Date of birth | 18.04.1966 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Faculty of Biology, University of Tartu, 1991 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1992-1994, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Tampere 1995-2000, Institute of Medical Technology, University of Tampere 2000-2003 Scientist of Finnish Academy 2003- Extraordinary professor, Medical Faculty, University of Tartu |
8. | Academic degree | MSc PhD (immunology) Dotsent (molecular immunology) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu, 1992 University of Tampere, 1996 University of Tampere, 1998 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of the Board (Institute of Medical Technology, University of Tampere) Member of the evaluation board for evaluation Tampere Graduate School in Biosciences (2000-2003) Consultant, Department of Quality Control, FIT Biotech, Tampere |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Ulla Aapola, PhD, 2004, superv. Pärt Peterson. Characterisation and Functional Studies of the DNA Cytosine-5-Methyltransferase 3-like Gene (DNMT3L-geenin karakterisointi ja toiminta). Tampere Ülikool Maarit Heino, PhD, 2001, superv. Pärt Peterson, Kai Krohn. Identification of the Autoimmune Regulator Gene, its mutation pattern in APECED patients and Localisation of the Gene Expression (Autoimmune Regulator-geenin identifiointi, mutaatiot APECED potilailla ja geenin ilmentymisprofiili ). Tampere Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | Genes in autoimmunity, thymus differentiation, DNA methyltransferases, imprinting |
14. | Current grant funding | Wellcome Trust, 2003-2008 Framework 6 Thymaide Integrated Project, 2003-2008 ESF GARMP5705, 2004-2005 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Pitkänen J, Rebane A, Rowell J, Murumägi A, Ströbel P, Möll K, Saare M, Heikkila J, Doucas V, Marx A, Peterson P. (2005) Cooperative activation of transcription by autoimmune regulator AIRE and CBP. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 333:944-953 Tuomela M, Malm M, Wallen M, Stanescu I, Krohn K and Peterson P. (2005) Biodistribution and general safety of a naked DNA plasmid, GTU®-MULTIHIV, in a rat, using a quantitative PCR method. Vaccine 23: 890-896. Webster KE, O'Bryan MK, Fletcher S, Crewther PE, Aapola U, Craig J, Harrison DK, Aung H, Phutikanit N, Lyle R, Meachem SJ, Antonarakis SE, de Kretser DM, Hedger MP, Peterson P, Carroll BJ, Scott HS (2005) Meiotic and epigenetic defects in Dnmt3L-knockout mouse spermatogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 4068-4073 Aapola U, Mäenpää K, Kaipia A, Peterson P. (2004) Epigenetic modifications affect Dnmt3L expression. Biochem J. 380: 705-713 Akiyoshi H, Hatakeyama S, Pitkänen J, Mouri Y, Doucas V, Kudoh J, Tsurugaya K, Uchida D, Matsushima A, Oshikawa K, Nakayama KI, Shimizu N, Peterson P, Matsumoto M. (2004) Subcellular expression of autoimmune regulator is organized in a spatiotemporal manner. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279: 33984-33991 Krohn K and Peterson P. (2004) The central role of AIRE in thymic induction of tolerance to self antigens. Current Opinion in Endocrinology and Diabetes. 11: 26-30. Peterson P, Pitkänen J, Sillanpää N, Krohn K. (2004) APECED: a model disease to study molecular aspects of endocrine autoimmunity. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 135: 348-357. Sillanpää N, Magureanu CM, Murumägi A, Reinikainen A, Manninen A, Heino M, Ranki A, Saksela K, Krohn, Lahesmaa R and Peterson P. (2004) Autoimmune regulator induced changes in the gene expression profile of monocyte-dendritic cell –lineage. Molecular Immunology, 41: 1185-1198 Stjernberg-Salmela S, Pettersson T, Karenko L, Blazevic V, Nevala H, Pitkänen S, Peterson P, Ranki A. (2004) A novel tumour necrosis factor receptor mutation in a Finnish family with periodic fever syndrome. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 33: 140-144 Ströbel P, Baiersdorf N, Kerkau T, Murumägi A, Sillanpää N, Peterson P, Hummel V, Rieckmann P, Gold R, Schalke B, Nix W, Kiefer R, Powrie F, Müller-Hermelink HK and Marx A. (2004) Selective loss of CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells in thymomas. Annals of Neurology 56: 901-904 Chin RK, Lo JC, Kim O, Blink SE, Christiansen PA, Peterson P, Wang Y, Ware C, Fu YX. (2003) Lymphotoxin pathway directs thymic Aire expression. Nature Immunology 4: 1121-1127 Murumägi A, Vähämurto P, Peterson P. (2003) Characterization of regulatory elements and methylation pattern of AIRE (autoimmune regulator) promoter. J Biol Chem. 278: 19784-19790. Pitkänen J and Peterson P. (2003) Autoimmune regulator: from loss of function to autoimmunity. Genes and Immunity 4: 12-21 Aapola U, Liiv I and Peterson P. (2002) Imprinting regulator DNMT3L is a transcriptional repressor associated with histone deacetylase activity. Nucleic Acids Research 30: 1-7 Liiv I, Teesalu K, Peterson P, Clemente MG, Perheentupa J, Uibo R. (2002) Epitope mapping of cytochrome P450 cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc) by sera from patients with autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1. European J. Endocrinol.146: 113-119. Nevala H, Karenko L, Stjernberg S, Raatikainen M, Suomalainen H, Rauta J, McDermott MF, Peterson P, Pettersson T and Ranki A. (2002) A novel TNF receptor 1 (TNFRSF1A) mutation (F112I) in a Finnish family with an autosomal dominant recurrent fever. Arthritis and Rheumatism 46: 1061-1066 Aapola U, Lyle R, Krohn K, Antonarakis SE, Peterson P. (2001) Isolation and Tissue Distribution of Mouse Dnmt3l gene. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, 92: 122-126 Cihakova D, Trebusak K, Heino M, Fadeyev V, Tiulpakov A, Battelino T, Tar A, Halász Z, Blümel P, Tawfik S, Krohn K, Lebl J and Peterson P. (2001) Novel AIRE mutations and P450 cytochrome autoantibodies in Central and Eastern European patients with APECED. Human Mutation, 18: 225-232 Heino H, Peterson P, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Antonarakis SE, Scott HS, and Krohn K (2001) APECED mutations in the Autoimmune Regulator (AIRE) gene. Human Mutation, 18: 205-211 Lebl J, Cihakova D, Trebusak K, Heino M, Battelino T, Halasz Z, Tar A, Blumel P, Fadejev V, Tyulpakov A, Krohn K, Peterson P. (2001) Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome-1 (APS-1; APECED) in Central and Eastern Europe: Novel Mutations of AIRE Gene and P450 Cytochrome Autoantibodies. Pediatric Research, 49; 122 Pitkänen J, Vähämurto P, Krohn K, Peterson P. (2001) Subcellular localization of the autoimmune regulator protein: characterization of nuclear targeting and transcriptional activation domain. J Biol Chem 276: 19597-19602 Tähtinen M, Strengell M, Collings A, Pitkänen J, Hakkarainen K, Ustav M, Wahren B, Peterson P, Kohleisen B, Ranki A, Krohn K. (2001) DNA vaccination in mice using HIV-1 nef, rev and tat genes in self-replicating bovine papilloma virus based pBN-vector. Vaccine. 19: 2039-2047 Aapola U, Shibuya K, Scott HS, Ollila O, Vihinen M, Heino M, Shintani A, Kawasaki K, Minoshima S, Krohn K, Antonarakis SE, Shimizu N, Kudoh J, Peterson P. (2000) Isolation and initial characterization of a novel zinc finger gene, DNMT3L on 21q22.3, related to cytosine-5-methyltransferase 3 gene family. Genomics 65: 293-298 Heino M, Peterson P, Sillanpää N, Guérin S, Wu L, Naquet P, Anderson G, Scott HS, Antonarakis SE, Jenkinson EJ, Krohn KJE. (2000) RNA and protein expression of the murine Autoimmune Regulator gene (Aire) in normal, RelB deficient and in NOD mouse. European J Immunol 30: 1884-1893. Peterson P, Uibo R, Krohn K. (2000) Adrenal Autoimmunity: Results and Developments. Trends in Endocrinol Metabolism 11: 285-290. Pitkänen J, Doucas V, Sternsdorf T, Nakajima T, Aratani S, Jensen K, Will H, Vähämurto P, Ollila J, Vihinen M, Scott HS, Antonarakis SE, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Krohn K, Peterson P. (2000) The autoimmune regulator protein has transcriptional transactivating properties and interacts with common co-activator CBP. J Biol Chem 275: 16802-16809 Reimand K, Peterson P, Hyöty H, Uibo R, Cooke I, Weetman AP, Krohn K. (2000) 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase autoantibodies are rare in premature ovarian failure. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 85: 2324-2326 Collings A, Pitkänen J, Strengell M, Tähtinen M, Pitkänen J, Lagerstedt A, Hakkarainen K, Ovod V, Sutter G, Ustav M, Ustav E, Männik A, Ranki A, Peterson P, Krohn K. (1999) Humoral and cellular response to HIV-1 Nef in mice DNA-immunized with non-replicating and self-replicating expression vectors. Vaccine 18: 460-467 D. Beltran-Valero de Bernabe, Peterson P, Luopajärvi K, Krohn K, Rodriguez de Cordoba S, Ranki A. (1999) Mutational analysis of the HGO gene in Finnish alkaptonuria patients. J. Medical Genetics 36: 922-923 Heino M, Peterson P, Lagerstedt A, Ovod V, Ranki A, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Scott HS, Antonarakis SE, Krohn K. (1999) Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) is expressed in the cells regulating immune tolerance in thymus medulla. Biochem. Biophys. Res Comm 257: 821-825 Heino M, Scott HS, Chen Q, Peterson P, Mäenpää U, Papasavvas MP, Mittaz L, Barras C, Rossier C, Stratakis A, Chrousos G, Nagamine K, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Maclaren N, Antonarakis SE, Krohn K. (1999) Mutation analyses of Northern American APS-1 patients. Human Mutation, 13: 69-74 Mittaz L, Rossier C, Heino M, Peterson P, Krohn KJE, Gos A, Morris MA Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Antonarakis SE, Scott HS. (1999) Isolation and characterization of the mouse Aire gene. Biochem. Biophys. Res Comm. 255: 483-490 Seissler J, Schott M, Steinbrenner H, Peterson P, Scherbaum WA. (1999) Autoantibodies to adrenal cytochrome P450 antigens in isolated Addison’s disease and autoimune polyendocrine syndrome type II. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology of Diabetes, 107: 208-213 Kemp EH, Ajjan RA, Husebye ES, Peterson P, Uibo R, Imrie H, Pearce S, Watson PF, Weetman AP. (1998) Analysis of a microsatellite polymorphism of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) gene in patients with autoimmune Addison’s disease. Clinical Endocrinology, 49: 609-613 Peterson P, Nagamine K, Scott HS, Heino M, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Antonarakis SE, Krohn K. (1998) APECED: a monogenic autoimmune disease providing new clues to self tolerance. Immunology Today (Trends in Immunology), 19: 384-386 Rosatelli M, Meloni A, Meloni A, Devoto M, Cao A, Scott HS, Peterson P, Heino M, Krohn K, Nagamine K, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Antonarakis SE. (1998) A common mutation in Sardinian autoimmune-polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy patients. Human Genetics 103: 428-434 Scott HS, Heino M, Peterson P, Lalioti MD, Mittaz L, Betterle C, Cohen A, Romeo G, Seri M, Lerone M, Collin P, Salo M, Metcalfe R, Weetman AP, Papasavvas MP, Rossier C, Nagamine K, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Krohn KJE, Antonarakis SE. (1998) Common mutations in autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) patients of different origins. Molecular Endocrinology, 12: 1112-1119 Scott HS, Kyriakou D, Peterson P, Heino H, Tähtinen M, Krohn K, Chen H, Rossier C, Lalioti MD, Antonarakis SE.(1998) Cloning of C21ORF2 in the APECED critical region of human chromosome 21q22.3, and its exclusion as a candidate gene. Genomics 47: 64-70 Krohn K, Ovod V, Vilja P, Heino M, Scott H, Kyriakou DS, Antonarakis SE, Jacobs HT, Isola I, Peterson P. (1997) Immunochemical characterization of a novel mitochondrially located protein encoded by a nuclear gene within the DFNB8/10 critical region on 21q22.3. Biopchem. Biophys. Res Comm. 238: 806-810 Nagamine K, Peterson P, Scott HS, Kudoh J, Minoshima S, Heino M, Krohn KJE, Lalioti MD, Mullis PE, Antonarakis SE, Kawasaki K, Asakawa S, Ito F, and Shimizu N. (1997) Positional cloning of the APECED gene. 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last updated: 08.08.2005
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