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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Inga
2.Perekonnanimi Sarand
3.Töökoht Eesti Biokeskus
4.Ametikoht Vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 03.07.1966 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1998-2000: doktorantuur, Helsinki Ülikool, Üldmikrobioloogia kateeder
1988-1993: aspirantuur, Tartu Ülikool, Geneetika ja Tsütoloogia kateeder;
1983-1988: Leningraadi Ülikool, Bioloogia ja Maauurimise Osakond, Geneetika kateeder;
1973-1983: Tallinna 26 Keskkool.
7.Teenistuskäik 01.01.2003- praeguseni: vanemteadur, Eesti Biokeskus;
01.12.2001- 31.12.2002: järeldokor, Helsinki Ülikool, Geneetika kateeder;
01.02.2001-30.11.2001: järeldoktor, Umeå Ülikooli, Rakku ja Molekulaar Bioloogia kateeder;
01.09.94-31.01.2001: stazöör ja PhD tudeng, Helsinki Ülikool, Üldmikrobioloogia kateeder;
1993-2001: teadur, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Keemia Instituut, Biokeemia õppetool.
8.Teaduskraad Doktori kraad (PhD) mikrobioloogias
Magistri kraad (MSc) geneetikas
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Helsinki Ülikool, 2000
Leningraadi Ülikool, 1988
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Alfaviiruste põhinevate vektorsüsteemide konstrueerimine terapeutilistel ja vaktsiinide tootmise eesmärkidel
14.Jooksvad grandid

Sarand, I., Skärfstad, E., Forsman, M., Romantschuk, M. and Shingler, V. (2001). Role of the DmpR-mediated regulatory circuit in bacterial biodegradation properties in methylphenol-amended soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67, 162-171.

Romantschuk, M., Sarand, I., Petänen, T., Peltola, R., Jonsson-Vihanne, M., Koivula, T., Yrjälä, K. and Haahtela, K. (2000). Means to improve the effect of in situ bioremediation of contaminated soil: an overview of novel approaches. Environmental Pollution 107, 179-185.

Sarand, I., Haario, H., JĘrgensen, K. S. and Romantschuk, M. (2000). Effect of inoculation of a TOL plasmid containing mycorrhizosphere bacterium on development of Scots pine seedlings, their mycorrhizosphere and the microbial flora in m-toluate-amended soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 31, 127-141.

Sarand, I., Timonen, S., Koivula, T., Peltola, R., Haahtela, K., Sen, R. and Romantschuk, M. (1999). Tolerance and biodegradation of m-toluate by Scots pine, a mycorrhizal fungus and fluorescent pseudomonads individually and under associative conditions. Journal of Applied Microbiology 86, 817-826.

Sarand, I., Timonen, S., Nurmiaho-Lassila, E.-L., Koivula, T., Haahtela, K., Romantschuk, M. and Sen, R. (1998). Microbial biofilms and catabolic plasmid harbouring degradative fluorescent pseudomonads in Scots pine mycorrhizospheres developed on petroleum contaminated soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 27, 115-126.

Sarand, I., Mäe, A., Vilu, R. and Heinaru, A. (1993). New derivatives of the plasmid pWW0. Journal of General Microbiology. 139, 2379-2385.

viimati muudetud: 08.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Inga
2.Surname Sarand
3.Institution Estonian Biocenter
4.Position Senior researcher
5.Date of birth 03.07.1966 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1998-2000: Post-graduate student in University of Helsinki, Department of Biosciences, Division of General Microbiology;
1988-1993: Post-graduate student in Tartu University, Department of Genetics and Cytology;
1983-1988, Leningrad State University, Russia, Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, Department of Genetics;
1973-1983: The 26th secondary school of Tallinn.
7.Research and
professional experience
Senior researcher from 01.01.2003, Estonian Biocenter, Department of Oncogenesis.

Post-doctoral researcher 01.12.2001-31.12.2002, University of Helsinki, Department of Biosciences, Division of Genetics.

Post-doctoral researcher 01.02.2001-30.11.2001, Umeå University, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology.

Researcher 01.09.94-31.01.2001, University of Helsinki, Department of Biosciences, Division of General Microbiology.

Researcher 1993-2001, Tallinn Technical University, the Chair of Biochemistry.
8.Academic degree PhD in microbiology
MSc in genetics
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Helsinki, 2000
Leningrad State University, 1988
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Alphaviruses based therapeutic systems
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Sarand, I., Skärfstad, E., Forsman, M., Romantschuk, M. and Shingler, V. (2001). Role of the DmpR-mediated regulatory circuit in bacterial biodegradation properties in methylphenol-amended soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67, 162-171.

Romantschuk, M., Sarand, I., Petänen, T., Peltola, R., Jonsson-Vihanne, M., Koivula, T., Yrjälä, K. and Haahtela, K. (2000). Means to improve the effect of in situ bioremediation of contaminated soil: an overview of novel approaches. Environmental Pollution 107, 179-185.

Sarand, I., Haario, H., JĘrgensen, K. S. and Romantschuk, M. (2000). Effect of inoculation of a TOL plasmid containing mycorrhizosphere bacterium on development of Scots pine seedlings, their mycorrhizosphere and the microbial flora in m-toluate-amended soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 31, 127-141.

Sarand, I., Timonen, S., Koivula, T., Peltola, R., Haahtela, K., Sen, R. and Romantschuk, M. (1999). Tolerance and biodegradation of m-toluate by Scots pine, a mycorrhizal fungus and fluorescent pseudomonads individually and under associative conditions. Journal of Applied Microbiology 86, 817-826.

Sarand, I., Timonen, S., Nurmiaho-Lassila, E.-L., Koivula, T., Haahtela, K., Romantschuk, M. and Sen, R. (1998). Microbial biofilms and catabolic plasmid harbouring degradative fluorescent pseudomonads in Scots pine mycorrhizospheres developed on petroleum contaminated soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 27, 115-126.

Sarand, I., Mäe, A., Vilu, R. and Heinaru, A. (1993). New derivatives of the plasmid pWW0. Journal of General Microbiology. 139, 2379-2385.

last updated: 08.08.2005

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