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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Martti |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Laan |
3. | Töökoht | Molekulaarpatoloogia uurimisgrupp, Üld- ja molekulaarpatoloogia instituut, Tartu Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | erakorraline vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 02.03.1971 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | PhD, Göteborg´i Ülikool, Göteborg, Rootsi, 2000 Meditsiini Doktor, Tartu Ülikool, Tartu, Eesti, 1995 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Erakorraline vanemteadur Molekulaarpatoloogia uurimisgrupis, Üld- ja molekulaarpatoloogia instituudis, Tartu Ülikoolis, alates 2005 august Postdoc Kopsuimmunoloogia grupis, Farmakoloogia osakonnas, Melbourne Ülikoolis, Austraalias, juuni 2002-juuli 2005. PhD tudeng/ postdoc Kopsufarmakoloogia grupis, Göteborgi Ülikoolis, Rootsis. Juuni 1996– Märts 2001 ja august 2001-november 2001. Arst-intern Tartu Ülikooli Kopsukliinikus August.1995 – juuni 1996 Meditsiininõde Tartu Ülikooli Onkoloogiakliinikus Juuli 1993 - juuli 1995 Hooldusõde Tartu Ülikooli Psühhiaatriakliinikus. Oktoober.1989 - jaanuar 1991 |
8. | Teaduskraad | PhD |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Göteborgi Ülikool, Rootsi, 2000 |
10. | Tunnustused | ERS COPD Teadusauhind 2004. |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Interleukiin-17 roll põletikuliste kopsuhaiguste tekkel. Interleukiin-16 ja immuunsuppressioon. Immuunsuppressiooni molekulaarsed alused suitsetajatel. AIRE roll kemokiinide ekspressioonil. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Andersson A, Qvarfordt I, Laan M, Sjöstrand M, Malmhäll C, Riise GC, Cardell L-O, Lindén A. Impact of tobacco smoke on interleukin-16 protein in human airways, lymphoid tissue and T lymphocytes. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 2004; 138(1):75-82. Laan M, Bozinovski S, Anderson GP. Cigarette smoke inhibits the lipopolysaccharide-induced production of inflammatory cytokines by suppressing the activation of activator protein-1 in bronchial epithelial cells. Journal of Immunology. 2004; 173(6):4164-70. Lindén A, Laan M, Anderson GP. Neutrophils, interleukin-17A and lung disease. European Respiratory Journal. 2004; 25(1):159-72. Laan M, Lindén A, Riise GC. IL-16 in the airways of lung allograft recipients with acute rejection or obliterative bronchiolitis. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 2003; 133(2):290-6. Laan M, Prause O, Miyamoto M, Sjöstrand M, Hytonen AM, Kaneko T, Lötvall J, Lindén A. A role of GM-CSF in the accumulation of neutrophils in the airways caused by IL-17 and TNF-alpha. European Respiratory Journal.2003; 21(3):387-93. Miyamoto M, Prause O, Sjöstrand M, Laan M, Lötvall J, Lindén A. Endogenous IL-17 as a mediator of neutrophil recruitment caused by endotoxin exposure in mouse airways. Journal of Immunology. 2003; 170(9):4665-72. Prause O, Laan M, Lötvall J, Lindén A. Pharmacological modulation of interleukin-17-induced GCP-2-, GRO-alpha- and interleukin-8 release in human bronchial epithelial cells. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2003; 462(1-3):193-8. Laan M & Lindén A. IL-17 as a potential target for modulating airway neutrophilia. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2002; 8(20):1855-61. Laan M, Palmberg L, Larsson K, Lindén A. Free, soluble interleukin-17 protein during severe inflammation in human airways. European Respiratory Journal. 2002; 19(3):534-537. Kinhult J, Uddman R, Laan M, Linden A, Cardell LO. Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis. Peptides. 2001; 22(12):2151-2154. Laan M, Lötvall J, Chung KF, Lindén A. IL-17-induced cytokine release in human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro: role of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2001; 133(1):200-6. Hoshino H, Laan M, Sjöstrand M, Lötvall J, Skoogh BE, Lindén A. Increased elastase and myeloperoxidase activity associated with neutrophil recruitment by IL-17 in airways in vivo. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2000; 105:143-149. Lindén A, Hoshino H, Laan M. Effects on airway neutrophils by interleukin-17. European Respiratory Journal. 2000;15(5):973-7. Laan M, Cui ZH, Hoshino H, Lötvall J, Sjöstrand M, Gruenert DC, Skoogh B-E, Lindén A. Neutrophil recruitment by IL-17 via C-X-C chemokines in the airways. Journal of Immunology. 1999; 162 (4):2347-2352. Laan M, Quarfordt I, Riise G, Andersson B, Larsson S, Lindén A. Increased interleukin-16 level in the airways of smokers: relationship to peripheral blood T-lymphocytes. Thorax. 1999; 54:911-916. |
viimati muudetud: 08.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Martti |
2. | Surname | Laan |
3. | Institution | Molecular Pathology Research Group, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, Tartu University |
4. | Position | senior research fellow |
5. | Date of birth | 02.03.1971 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | PhD, Gothenburg University, Sweden, 2000 MD, Tartu University, Estonia, 1995 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
Senior research fellow in the Molecular Pathology Research Group, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, Tartu University, August 2005 - present Research fellow in the Lung Research Group, Dept of Pharmacology, The University of Melbourne, Australia, June 2002-June 2005 Honorary Fellow at the Department of Respiratory Medicine, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, July 2003 - June 2005 PhD student/ research fellow in Lung Pharmacology Group, Dept. of Respiratory Medicine & Allergology, Göteborg University, Sweden, June 1996– March 2001 and Aug. 2001-Nov. 2001. Intern-physician in Tartu University's Lung Hospital, Estonia, Aug.1995 - June 1996 and April. 2001-June 2001. Nurse in Tartu University Oncology-Radiology Clinic, Estonia. |
8. | Academic degree | PhD |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Gothenburg University, Sweden, 2000 |
10. | Honours/awards | ERS COPD Research Award 2004. |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | The role of Interleukin-17 in the development of chronic inflammatory airway diseases. The role of Interleukin-16 in immunosuppression. Molecular mechanisms behind immunosuppression in smokers. The role of AIRE in chemokine expression. |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Andersson A, Qvarfordt I, Laan M, Sjöstrand M, Malmhäll C, Riise GC, Cardell L-O, Lindén A. Impact of tobacco smoke on interleukin-16 protein in human airways, lymphoid tissue and T lymphocytes. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 2004; 138(1):75-82. Laan M, Bozinovski S, Anderson GP. Cigarette smoke inhibits the lipopolysaccharide-induced production of inflammatory cytokines by suppressing the activation of activator protein-1 in bronchial epithelial cells. Journal of Immunology. 2004; 173(6):4164-70. Lindén A, Laan M, Anderson GP. Neutrophils, interleukin-17A and lung disease. European Respiratory Journal. 2004; 25(1):159-72. Laan M, Lindén A, Riise GC. IL-16 in the airways of lung allograft recipients with acute rejection or obliterative bronchiolitis. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 2003; 133(2):290-6. Laan M, Prause O, Miyamoto M, Sjöstrand M, Hytonen AM, Kaneko T, Lötvall J, Lindén A. A role of GM-CSF in the accumulation of neutrophils in the airways caused by IL-17 and TNF-alpha. European Respiratory Journal.2003; 21(3):387-93. Miyamoto M, Prause O, Sjöstrand M, Laan M, Lötvall J, Lindén A. Endogenous IL-17 as a mediator of neutrophil recruitment caused by endotoxin exposure in mouse airways. Journal of Immunology. 2003; 170(9):4665-72. Prause O, Laan M, Lötvall J, Lindén A. Pharmacological modulation of interleukin-17-induced GCP-2-, GRO-alpha- and interleukin-8 release in human bronchial epithelial cells. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2003; 462(1-3):193-8. Laan M & Lindén A. IL-17 as a potential target for modulating airway neutrophilia. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2002; 8(20):1855-61. Laan M, Palmberg L, Larsson K, Lindén A. Free, soluble interleukin-17 protein during severe inflammation in human airways. European Respiratory Journal. 2002; 19(3):534-537. Kinhult J, Uddman R, Laan M, Linden A, Cardell LO. Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis. Peptides. 2001; 22(12):2151-2154. Laan M, Lötvall J, Chung KF, Lindén A. IL-17-induced cytokine release in human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro: role of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2001; 133(1):200-6. Hoshino H, Laan M, Sjöstrand M, Lötvall J, Skoogh BE, Lindén A. Increased elastase and myeloperoxidase activity associated with neutrophil recruitment by IL-17 in airways in vivo. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2000; 105:143-149. Lindén A, Hoshino H, Laan M. Effects on airway neutrophils by interleukin-17. European Respiratory Journal. 2000;15(5):973-7. Laan M, Cui ZH, Hoshino H, Lötvall J, Sjöstrand M, Gruenert DC, Skoogh B-E, Lindén A. Neutrophil recruitment by IL-17 via C-X-C chemokines in the airways. Journal of Immunology. 1999; 162 (4):2347-2352. Laan M, Quarfordt I, Riise G, Andersson B, Larsson S, Lindén A. Increased interleukin-16 level in the airways of smokers: relationship to peripheral blood T-lymphocytes. Thorax. 1999; 54:911-916. |
last updated: 08.08.2005
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