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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Elga |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Kurik |
3. | Töökoht | Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Geoloogia Instituut, Estonia pst 7, 10143 Tallinn |
4. | Ametikoht | erakorraline teadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 26.12.1928 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | 1947-1952, Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, lõpetanud regionaalgeoloogia erialal; 1952-1955, ENSV Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituuti aspirantuur, 1956.a.-st geoloogia-mineraloogia teaduste kandidaat = PhD; 1959.a. omistatud ENSV Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituuti poolt vanemteaduri kutse paleontoloogia alal. |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1956-1957, nooremteadur; 1958-1988, 1991-1992, vanemteadur; 1989-1990, juhtivteadur; alates 1992 Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituudi teadur; 1998a.-st Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Geoloogia Instituudi teadur. |
8. | Teaduskraad | Geoloogia-mineraloogia teaduste kandidaat |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
ENSV TA Tehn. ja Füüs.-matem. teaduste nõukogu, 1956 |
10. | Tunnustused | 1992, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia K.E. von Baer'i mälestusmedal 2002, Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Geoloogia Instituudi Akad. A. Luha auhind |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Rahvusvah. Geoloogiateaduste Liidu Stratigraafia Komisjoni Devoni alamkomisjoni kirjavahetajaliige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Aleksandr O. Ivanov, cand, 1997, juh. Elga Kurik. Frasnian arthrodires (Placodermi, Brachythoraci) of the East-European Platform. St. Peterburg State University, St. Peterburg Tiiu Märss, cand, 1983, juh. Elga Kurik. Silurian Vertebrates of Estonia and western Latvia. Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Kesk-Paleosoikumi kalade taksonoomia,morfoloogia, paleoökoloogia, sugulussuhted, tafonoomia, biomineralisatsioon. Devoni biostratigraafia. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF 5275 |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Mark-Kurik, E. & Valiukevicius, J. Distributions of Devonian fossils. In: Põldvere, A. (ed.). Estonian Geological Sections. Bulletin 6. Mehikoorma (421) drill core. Geological Survey of Estonia, Tallinn: 13-16. Elliott, D. K., Mark-Kurik, E. & Daeschler, E. B., 2004 A revision of Obruchevia (Psammosteida: Heterostraci) and a description of a new obrucheviid from the Late Devonian of the Canadian Arctic. Acta Universitatis Latviensis. Earth and Environmental Sciences, 679: 22-45. Mark-Kurik, E. , 2004. Buchanosteids (Placodermi, Arthrodira) from Central Asia. In: Arratia, G., Wilson, M. V. H. & Cloutier, R. (eds.). Recent Advances in the Origin and Early Radiation of Vertebrates.. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München: 431-438. Mark-Kurik, E. & Carls, P. Tityosteus, a marine fish (Arthrodira, Homostiidae) from the Emsian of Aragón, Spain, and its distribution. Revista Española de Paleontología, 19(2): 139-144. Mark-Kurik, E. & Karatajute-Talimaa, V. Chondrichthyan remains from the Middle and Late Devonian of the Baltic area. Archiv für Geschiebekunde, 3 (8/12) [Schallreuters-Festschrift]: 767-772. Elliott, D. K., Mark-Kurik E. & Daeschler, E. A revision of the obrucheviids (Psammosteidae, Heterostraci) from the Late Devonian of Arctic Canada and Russia. The Gross Symposium 2. Advances in Palaeoichthyology. Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication 7: 21-22. Mark-Kurik, E. & Young, G.C., 2003. A new buchanosteid arthrodire (placoderm fish) from the Early Devonian of the Ural Mountains. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 23(1): 13-27. Blieck, A.R.M., Karatajute-Talimaa, V. & Mark-Kurik, E., 2002. Upper Silurian and Devonian heterostracan pteraspidomorphs (Vertebrata) from Severnaya Zemlya (Russia): a preliminary report with biogeographical and biostratigraphical implications. Geodiversitas, 24(4): 805-820. Mark-Kurik, E. & Carls, P. A long-snouted late Eifelian arthrodire from Aragón, Spain. Revista Española de Paleontología, 17 (1): 117-135. Ahlberg, P.E., Lukševics, E. & Mark-Kurik, E., 2000. Near-tetrapod from the Baltic Middle Devonian. Palaeontology, 43, Part 3: 533-548. Blieck, A., Turner, S., Young, G.C. with contributions of Lukševics, E., Mark-Kurik, E., Talimaa, V.N. & Valiukevicius, J.J. Devonian vertebrate biochronology and global marine/non-marine correlation. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 220: 161-193. Mark-Kurik, E. Devonian vertebrate biostratigraphy in the Baltic area. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 225: 185-188. Mark-Kurik, E. The Middle Devonian fishes of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia) and Belarus. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 223: 309-324. Mark-Kurik, E., Blieck, A., Loboziak, S. & Candilier, A.-M. Miospore assemblage from the Lode Member (Gauja Formation) in Estonia and the Middle-Upper Devonian boundary problem. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology, 48(2): 86-98. Mark-Kurik, E. Plakodermy (Arthrodira) [Placoderms (Arthrodira)]. In: Matukhin, R.G. & Menner, V.V. (eds). Stratigrafija silura i devona Severnoj Zemli [Stratigraphy of the Silurian and Devonian of Severnaya Zemlya]. Novosibirsk: 139-142 (in Russian). Mark-Kurik, E. Psammosteid microremains from the Middle Devonian of Estonia. Modern Geology, 24: 1-21. Nessov, L. A. & Mark-Kurik, E. Tropinema, a Middle Devonian arthrodire with high median dorsal crest from East Baltic. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta RAS [Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences], 277: 58-66. Carr, R.K. & Mark-Kurik, E. Reanalysis of Heterostius and Homostius (brachythoracid arthrodires: Placodermi): implications on systematics and paleogeography. Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication, 4: 7-9. Mark-Kurik, E. Placoderms in the Lower and Middle Devonian of Severnaya Zemlya. Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication, 4: 33-34. Barwick, R.E., Campbell, K.S.W. & Mark-Kurik, E. Tarachomylax : a new Early Devonian dipnoan from Severnaya Zemlya, and its place in the evolution of the Dipnoi. Geobios, 30, 1: 45-73. Kleesment, A. & Mark-Kurik, E.Devonian, Introduction. Lower Devonian. Middle Devonian. In: Raukas, A., Teedumäe, A. (eds.). 1997. Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia. Tallinn, Estonian Academy Publishers, 107-112. Kõrts, A. & Mark-Kurik, E. Algae and vascular plants. In: Raukas, A. & Teedumäe, A. (eds.). 1997. Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia. Tallinn, Estonian Academy Publishers, 213-218. Mark-Kurik, E. Devonian fishes. In: Raukas, A. & Teedumäe, A. (eds.). 1997. Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia. Tallinn, Estonian Academy Publishers, 247-248, 250-251. Mark-Kurik, E. & Janvier, P. A new tremataspid (Vertebrata, Osteostraci, Thyestiida) from the Devonian of northern Urals, with remarks on tannuaspidids. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 206(3): 405-421. Mark-Kurik, E. & Janvier, P. Early Devonian osteostracans from Severnaya Zemlya, Russia. J. Vertebrate Paleont., 15, 3: 449-462. Mark-Kurik, E. Notes on the squamation in psammosteids. In: Sarjeant, W.A.S. (ed.). Vertebrate Fossils and Evolution of Scientific Concepts. Gordon & Breach Publishers: 123-130. Mark-Kurik, E. Trophic relations of Devonian fishes. Geobios, M.s., 19: 121-123. Kurik, E. Chapter III.2. Placoderms and their stratigraphical significance. In: Cherkesova, S.V., Karatajute-Talimaa, V. & Matukhin, R.G. (eds.). Stratigraphy and Fauna of the Lower Devonian Deposits of the Tareya Key Section (Taimyr). St. Petersburg, Nedra: 123-132 (in Russian). Mark-Kurik, E. Notes on the squamation in psammosteids. Modern Geology, 18: 107-114. Mark-Kurik, E. Remarks on the trunk-shield structure in Homostius (Placodermi). Proc. Estonian Acad Sci, Geol., 42, 4: 176-180. Mark-Kurik, E. (editor) Fossil Fishes as Living Animals. Academia, 1. Tallinn: 299 pp. Mark-Kurik, E. Functional aspects of armour in the early vertebrates. In: Mark-Kurik, E. (ed.). Fossil fishes as living animals. Academia 1: 107-115. Mark-Kurik, E. The inferognathal in the Middle Devonian arthrodire Homostius. Lethaia, 25, 2: 173-178. Mark-Kurik, E. Contribution to the correlation of the Emsian (Lower Devonian) on the basis of placoderm fishes. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 25, 1: 11-23. Mark-Kurik, E., Ivanov, A. & Obrucheva, O. The endoskeleton of shoulder girdle in ptyctodonts (Placodermi). Proc. Estonian Acad Sci, Geol., 40, 4: 160-164. Mark-Kurik, E. & Märss, T. Important facies changes in the Silurian-Devonian and their influence on the ichthyofauna. In: Kaljo, D., Modzalevskaya, T. & Bogdanova, T. (eds.). Major biological events in Earth history. Trans. 32nd Session of All-Union Paleont. Soc., Tallinn: 112-120 (in Russian). Mark-Kurik, E. On the environment of the Devonian fishes. Proc. Estonian Acad Sci, Geol., 40, 3:122-125. Mark-Kurik, E. The study of the Devonian fishes in the first half of the 19th century in Tartu. Daba un muzejs, 3: 28-31 (in Russian, English summary). |
viimati muudetud: 08.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Elga |
2. | Surname | Kurik |
3. | Institution | Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia pst. 7, 10143 Tallinn, ESTONIA. |
4. | Position | researcher |
5. | Date of birth | 26.12.1928 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | 1947-1952, Tartu State University, graduated as geologists; 1952-1955, Institute of Geology, Acad Sci of Estonian SSR, graduated as Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences = PhD (awarded in 1956); 1959, Institute of Geology, Acad Sci of Estonian SSR, graduated as Senior Research Worker of Paleontology |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1956-1957, Junior Researcher; 1958-1988, 1991-1992, Senior Researcher; 1989-1990, Leading Researcher; since 1992 Researcher on grants at the Institute of Geology, Estonian Academy of Sciences; since 1998 Institute of Geology at Tallinn Technical University |
8. | Academic degree | Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Commission of Technical and Phys.-Math. Sciences at the Acad. Sci of the Estonian SSR, 1956 |
10. | Honours/awards | 1992, K.E. von Baer's Memorial Medal by Estonian Academy of Sciences. 2002, The Academician Artur Luha Prize by Institute of Geology, Tallinn Technical University. |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Corresponding member of Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Intern. Union of Geol. Sci., Commission on Stratigraphy. |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Aleksandr O. Ivanov, cand, 1997, superv. Elga Kurik. Frasnian arthrodires (Placodermi, Brachythoraci) of the East-European Platform. St. Peterburg State University, St. Peterburg Tiiu Märss, cand, 1983, superv. Elga Kurik. Silurian Vertebrates of Estonia and western Latvia. Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR |
13. | Current research program | Taxonomy, morphology, paleoecology, relationships, taphonomy of the Middle Paleozoic fishes, biomineralization, Devonian biostratigraphy. |
14. | Current grant funding | ESF 5275 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Mark-Kurik, E. & Valiukevicius, J. Distributions of Devonian fossils. In: Põldvere, A. (ed.). Estonian Geological Sections. Bulletin 6. Mehikoorma (421) drill core. Geological Survey of Estonia, Tallinn: 13-16. Elliott, D. K., Mark-Kurik, E. & Daeschler, E. B., 2004 A revision of Obruchevia (Psammosteida: Heterostraci) and a description of a new obrucheviid from the Late Devonian of the Canadian Arctic. Acta Universitatis Latviensis. Earth and Environmental Sciences, 679: 22-45. Mark-Kurik, E. , 2004. Buchanosteids (Placodermi, Arthrodira) from Central Asia. In: Arratia, G., Wilson, M. V. H. & Cloutier, R. (eds.). Recent Advances in the Origin and Early Radiation of Vertebrates.. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München: 431-438. Mark-Kurik, E. & Carls, P. Tityosteus, a marine fish (Arthrodira, Homostiidae) from the Emsian of Aragón, Spain, and its distribution. Revista Española de Paleontología, 19(2): 139-144. Mark-Kurik, E. & Karatajute-Talimaa, V. Chondrichthyan remains from the Middle and Late Devonian of the Baltic area. Archiv für Geschiebekunde, 3 (8/12) [Schallreuters-Festschrift]: 767-772. Elliott, D. K., Mark-Kurik E. & Daeschler, E. A revision of the obrucheviids (Psammosteidae, Heterostraci) from the Late Devonian of Arctic Canada and Russia. The Gross Symposium 2. Advances in Palaeoichthyology. Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication 7: 21-22. Mark-Kurik, E. & Young, G.C., 2003. A new buchanosteid arthrodire (placoderm fish) from the Early Devonian of the Ural Mountains. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 23(1): 13-27. Blieck, A.R.M., Karatajute-Talimaa, V. & Mark-Kurik, E., 2002. Upper Silurian and Devonian heterostracan pteraspidomorphs (Vertebrata) from Severnaya Zemlya (Russia): a preliminary report with biogeographical and biostratigraphical implications. Geodiversitas, 24(4): 805-820. Mark-Kurik, E. & Carls, P. A long-snouted late Eifelian arthrodire from Aragón, Spain. Revista Española de Paleontología, 17 (1): 117-135. Ahlberg, P.E., Lukševics, E. & Mark-Kurik, E., 2000. Near-tetrapod from the Baltic Middle Devonian. Palaeontology, 43, Part 3: 533-548. Blieck, A., Turner, S., Young, G.C. with contributions of Lukševics, E., Mark-Kurik, E., Talimaa, V.N. & Valiukevicius, J.J. Devonian vertebrate biochronology and global marine/non-marine correlation. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 220: 161-193. Mark-Kurik, E. Devonian vertebrate biostratigraphy in the Baltic area. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 225: 185-188. Mark-Kurik, E. The Middle Devonian fishes of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia) and Belarus. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 223: 309-324. Mark-Kurik, E., Blieck, A., Loboziak, S. & Candilier, A.-M. Miospore assemblage from the Lode Member (Gauja Formation) in Estonia and the Middle-Upper Devonian boundary problem. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology, 48(2): 86-98. Mark-Kurik, E. Plakodermy (Arthrodira) [Placoderms (Arthrodira)]. In: Matukhin, R.G. & Menner, V.V. (eds). Stratigrafija silura i devona Severnoj Zemli [Stratigraphy of the Silurian and Devonian of Severnaya Zemlya]. Novosibirsk: 139-142 (in Russian). Mark-Kurik, E. Psammosteid microremains from the Middle Devonian of Estonia. Modern Geology, 24: 1-21. Nessov, L. A. & Mark-Kurik, E. Tropinema, a Middle Devonian arthrodire with high median dorsal crest from East Baltic. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta RAS [Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences], 277: 58-66. Carr, R.K. & Mark-Kurik, E. Reanalysis of Heterostius and Homostius (brachythoracid arthrodires: Placodermi): implications on systematics and paleogeography. Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication, 4: 7-9. Mark-Kurik, E. Placoderms in the Lower and Middle Devonian of Severnaya Zemlya. Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication, 4: 33-34. Barwick, R.E., Campbell, K.S.W. & Mark-Kurik, E. Tarachomylax : a new Early Devonian dipnoan from Severnaya Zemlya, and its place in the evolution of the Dipnoi. Geobios, 30, 1: 45-73. Kleesment, A. & Mark-Kurik, E.Devonian, Introduction. Lower Devonian. Middle Devonian. In: Raukas, A., Teedumäe, A. (eds.). 1997. Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia. Tallinn, Estonian Academy Publishers, 107-112. Kõrts, A. & Mark-Kurik, E. Algae and vascular plants. In: Raukas, A. & Teedumäe, A. (eds.). 1997. Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia. Tallinn, Estonian Academy Publishers, 213-218. Mark-Kurik, E. Devonian fishes. In: Raukas, A. & Teedumäe, A. (eds.). 1997. Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia. Tallinn, Estonian Academy Publishers, 247-248, 250-251. Mark-Kurik, E. & Janvier, P. A new tremataspid (Vertebrata, Osteostraci, Thyestiida) from the Devonian of northern Urals, with remarks on tannuaspidids. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 206(3): 405-421. Mark-Kurik, E. & Janvier, P. Early Devonian osteostracans from Severnaya Zemlya, Russia. J. Vertebrate Paleont., 15, 3: 449-462. Mark-Kurik, E. Notes on the squamation in psammosteids. In: Sarjeant, W.A.S. (ed.). Vertebrate Fossils and Evolution of Scientific Concepts. Gordon & Breach Publishers: 123-130. Mark-Kurik, E. Trophic relations of Devonian fishes. Geobios, M.s., 19: 121-123. Kurik, E. Chapter III.2. Placoderms and their stratigraphical significance. In: Cherkesova, S.V., Karatajute-Talimaa, V. & Matukhin, R.G. (eds.). Stratigraphy and Fauna of the Lower Devonian Deposits of the Tareya Key Section (Taimyr). St. Petersburg, Nedra: 123-132 (in Russian). Mark-Kurik, E. Notes on the squamation in psammosteids. Modern Geology, 18: 107-114. Mark-Kurik, E. Remarks on the trunk-shield structure in Homostius (Placodermi). Proc. Estonian Acad Sci, Geol., 42, 4: 176-180. Mark-Kurik, E. (editor) Fossil Fishes as Living Animals. Academia, 1. Tallinn: 299 pp. Mark-Kurik, E. Functional aspects of armour in the early vertebrates. In: Mark-Kurik, E. (ed.). Fossil fishes as living animals. Academia 1: 107-115. Mark-Kurik, E. The inferognathal in the Middle Devonian arthrodire Homostius. Lethaia, 25, 2: 173-178. Mark-Kurik, E. Contribution to the correlation of the Emsian (Lower Devonian) on the basis of placoderm fishes. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 25, 1: 11-23. Mark-Kurik, E., Ivanov, A. & Obrucheva, O. The endoskeleton of shoulder girdle in ptyctodonts (Placodermi). Proc. Estonian Acad Sci, Geol., 40, 4: 160-164. Mark-Kurik, E. & Märss, T. Important facies changes in the Silurian-Devonian and their influence on the ichthyofauna. In: Kaljo, D., Modzalevskaya, T. & Bogdanova, T. (eds.). Major biological events in Earth history. Trans. 32nd Session of All-Union Paleont. Soc., Tallinn: 112-120 (in Russian). Mark-Kurik, E. On the environment of the Devonian fishes. Proc. Estonian Acad Sci, Geol., 40, 3:122-125. Mark-Kurik, E. The study of the Devonian fishes in the first half of the 19th century in Tartu. Daba un muzejs, 3: 28-31 (in Russian, English summary). |
last updated: 08.08.2005
[ sulge aken ]